Hit the Showers: A Matter of Inches Special
Reign the drake/pangolin hybrid discovers the softer side of Long John, a Fluffer on the Matter of Inches game show. Commissioned by Taiko during the auction stream a few weeks back. Long John is very popular... two different people requested him in stories! Might have to give him a back story...
Hit the Showers: A Matter of Inches Special
By Danath [email protected] danath.sofurry.com
Long John © Danath
Commissioned by and other characters © Taiko
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Reign sighed as the hot water rained down over his aching body. He'd just spent a full half-hour underneath Long John in the huge stallion's dressing room after his turn on the game show, "A Matter of Inches." The big guy was insatiable.
Reign was a pudgy drake/pangolin hybrid, though because he looked more like a drake, he usually referred to himself as one for simplicity's sake. Thick, dark blue scales ran down his backside, overlapping each other. The scales started at the top of his head and looked like a racing stripe down the back of his neck. They spread over his thick backside and along the top of his tail, which was currently curled slightly up underneath the large showerhead. Reign had been slightly pudgy before he went on the show, but now, only an hour or so later, he'd added quite a bit more padding. He was still about six feet tall and the rest of him hadn't changed - he still had the long, dark blue braids that ran down the back of his head, hiding his small, sensitive ears, and the fleshier, sky-blue scales on his front and belly. His cock hung over his thighs, enlarged somewhat during the injections of chemicals.
He shivered, shaft throbbing a bit. Despite the long encounter, his body wanted more. The chemicals would dissipate eventually, but the changes were permanent. His tail swung up of its own accord and slipped over his round belly, snuggling in against his smooth flesh.
Reign looked at it closely. The scaled, hard tip covered the end of it, but, as he watched, he felt his arousal grow. The scales pulled back, revealing a thick and stiff tail-cock underneath. The hot water beat down on him, relaxing him, and he reached for his tail, stroking the tip slowly with his fingers.
He shuddered. It felt good. Very good. His tail was much more prehensile than before and seemed to act with a mind of its own. He could control it, but when his attention wandered, it went about its own business, as it had on stage with Long John.
A nut-brown hand closed over Reign's shoulders and the drake looked back to see a massive barrel chest.
"Wondered what was taking so long," a deep male voice said.
Reign shifted his gaze from the stallion's muscular pecs up to his long, broad face. He smiled as the horse's arms slipped around his sides, fingers digging into the fleshy skin on his front.
"Mmm... I'm not usually one for cuddling," the stallion said, "but you've got just the right figure for it."
Reign blushed and turned his head towards the shower handle as the stallion's fingers stroked his large stomach, making him jiggle some. He could feel Long John's half-hard shaft against his lower back, pointing down towards the floor. His tail cock jerked in his hands and Long John's lips pressed into the side of his neck.
"Oohhh!" Reign gasped, shuddering with pleasure as the larger male's tongue slid across his smooth scales, pressing into the small ridges. The scales on his neck were smaller than the larger, plate-like ones running down his backside. The smaller scales were more sensitive as well, and the stallion's teasing touches made Reign's heart thump with excitement.
Long John rumbled back as his arms explored the drake's body. Reign could hardly believe what was happening. The stallion was massive. Over eight feet tall and made of pure muscle. White, feathery fur draped over his wrists and ankles, now soaked and wet from the hot water spraying down on them.
"My real name is Jackie, by the way," the stallion murmured.
"Nice... to meet you... Jackie," the drake gasped. As Jackie's fingers caressed him, he groaned aloud again. "Oh!"
Reign squirmed as the horse's fingers pinched his chest and belly, teasing him. Wide lips caressed his neck again, then moved to his shoulder. The drake's erection returned in full force as the stallion's hands reached for his rump, taking two handfuls of Reign's broad rear. The drake hybrid groaned as the stallion pulled him in close. He could feel the hardness of Long John - well, Jackie's muscular body and shuddered with pleasure as the big male's hands roamed over him. What such a powerful stud saw in a flabby dragon like him...
Jackie's hands grasped Reign's shoulders and turned him around. The stallion pushed him against the wall of the shower and leaned forward, matching his snout to the dragon's. Reign's eyes went wide as he felt the stallion's tongue push past his lips.
They hadn't kissed before - not on stage, not when Jackie had carried him, still embedded inside, into the dressing room. From how Jackie had acted on stage, he'd assumed the powerful male to be a supremely dominant lover. But this... this was... nice. Sensual. After a few moments, the surprise faded and Reign closed his eyes, moaning into the stallion's large muzzle. Strong, powerful hands grasped and groped at the drake, squeezing and teasing his belly, which hung over his hips. It was so different from on stage. Slowly, Reign reached up with his own hands and pressed them flat to Jackie's chest. The powerful muscles dimpled under his touch, and he couldn't help but moan as his cock flexed, fully engorged, hard as ever. He could feel the stallion's maleness throbbing and slid his hands down, over Jackie's incredible abs, until he could wrap both hands around the base.
The big horse snorted, huffing into Reign's muzzle. A huge hoof stomped down as Reign pulled the male's erection upright, holding it against his belly, pulling it into the pudgy middle. The length was warm and hot, slightly rubbery to the touch, flared at the tip lightly and thicker at the base. Reign's fingers slid down the pole as the kiss continued - the stallion pressed in closer, pinning Reign's back to the wall as the water cascaded around their locked lips. Steam filled the shower as the stallion's hips slowly thrust, pushing his heavy maleness closer to Reign. Reign rubbed both hands down the stallion's length, still incredulous at its size. The texture was incredible. He moaned as the stallion ground forward; hot, heaving breaths of warm air and steam filled his muzzle as his fingers teased the base before working upwards, over the bulge of skin in the middle, up the tapered length and finally over the slightly flared head. By the time he got there, he could feel trickles of warm pre-cum pulsing over his fingers. Jackie's moans filled his mouth as the stallion's heavy body leaned into him eagerly.
The horse's fingers were covered in rough, hard-working skin, but his touch was light and teasing. Reign groaned again, unable to help himself, as the stallion reached lower to cup his rump in both paws, digging his fingers into the fleshy bottom, now heavier, fuller, and thicker than before. The extra weight was taking Reign some getting used to. He must have added at least a hundred pounds, though he suspected the chemicals had gifted him with more muscle mass as well, considering he found carrying it to be very easy. He tipped his head back as Jackie pressed in tighter yet, chest to chest, stomach to stomach. There wasn't even room for Reign to get his hand in to stroke the huge male's erection as Jackie's fingers dug in deep, pulling Reign's body close, and he settled for wrapping his arms around the stallion's huge shoulders. The muscle-bound male's grip tightened fractionally, hips pumping steadily, grinding cock to cock, belly to belly, for what seemed like an eternity of pleasure; all the while, hot water rained down over them, slicking their bodies.
Reign felt like his head was going to burst with pleasure by the time Jackie relented. The stallion's hot breath mixed with the steam in the air and his tongue came out, teasing down the drake's neck. Reign shuddered and leaned back, paws going to the stallion's shoulders as the big male's muzzle dropped lower.
"Mmmmfff... oh, Jackie..."
This was not what he'd expected at all. The stallion, he realized, was simply putting on a show on stage. This was the real Long John, and Reign couldn't believe what was happening. It was so different from what he'd expected. For such a large, powerful male to be such a teasing, sensitive lover...
The horse's lips teased across Reign's chest before slipping down his belly. The stallion dropped to his knees, hands gripping the fleshy stomach, caressing and stroking the pangolin-hybrid's body. Before he realized it, Reign's cock slipped inside the stallion's muzzle.
Reign moaned louder than ever. His tail cock swung around of its own accord, insistently pressing itself into Jackie's hand. The stallion's lips tensed around Reign's shaft, suckling firmly, as his fingers gripped the thick appendage, which was almost twice as big overall as the drake's actual shaft.
Reign's knees trembled. He panted hard, chest and belly jiggling. His stomach actually rested mostly on top of Jackie's long face as the stallion bobbed slowly up and down, working his tongue over the shaft inside his muzzle. The tail cock twitched and throbbed against the stallion's hand, pumping of its own accord in the big male's grip. Jackie hummed with pleasure as he worked his head up and down and Reign clutched at his ears, rubbing them with his hands.
The drake's urges increased as the chemical-induced lust mixed with his own desires. His cock throbbed and he tried not to buck his hips.
"Jackie... nnnnhhh..."
The stallion pulled away at the very last moment. A second longer and the drake would have came. Instead, Jackie's switched off to the dragon-hybrid's tail cock. The horse had no difficulty fitting the thicker and longer length in his muzzle. In a few seconds, Reign's tail pumped busily into the stallion's hollowed cheeks of its own accord. Reign's knees trembled and he reached up, over his head, to grab the showerhead for balance.
It was over far too quickly. Jackie's throat swallowed around the tip of his tail cock, milking the sensitive head. The stallion's hand surrounded his other erection, pumping it firmly, working it from the tip to the balls.
"Ah! Ohhh... oh, Jackie!"
Reign couldn't help the moans and pleas erupting from his muzzle. He began to babble the stallion's name and reached down, both hands gripping the horse's ears, holding on tight as he pumped his hips forward. His tail cock thickened, stiffening fully, as the drake reached the heights of pleasure. He closed his eyes and went on his tiptoes as the stallion's throat swallowed his tail cock fully, applying such intense pressure and warmth that he came not more than a second later.
Long John's ears tipped forward as he tasted Reign's orgasm. The dragon's cock throbbed in the stallion's hand, spurting thick white jets, much more than he could have produced before his turn on the show. Water quickly washed away the fluids as the stallion's grip shifted. Reign closed his eyes and tipped his head back, gasping for breath in the hot steam. The stallion's throat swallowed quickly, just managing to handle the load his tail cock produced, which was even bigger than his normal shaft.
Jackie's wet tail flicked as he pulled slowly off the drake's erection, then gave it one last lick. The giant stud stood slowly and smiled down at Reign as the dragon looked up at him, paws clenching at his sides, trying to recover from the intense pleasure. His tail cock curled up, sensitive to the hot water, still twitching and spurting, sending blasts of pleasure up his spine. Hot water swept across him as Jackie leaned forward to nuzzle under his chin with his large nose.
"Jackie... take me... please..."
Reign couldn't believe the words coming out of his muzzle, but he couldn't stop them. He needed the stallion. Badly. The white scales around his pucker tensed as the horse's snout blew several hot breaths, snorting with pleasure.
A pair of massive arms reached under his legs and pulled him up into the air easily, despite his weight. Reign found himself pinned against the wall once more, chest to chest with the stallion, his rump hovering above the male's stiff, throbbing horse cock. The flared tip ground in under the base of his tail as Jackie's muzzle pressed in for another deep kiss. Jackie wasted no time, just as eager for what was to come next as the drake.
Reign's body tensed, jerked, shivered in the powerful male's grasp. The large male had no trouble holding the chubby dragon aloft, maneuvering him into the perfect position. The stallion's legs spread, huge hooves steady on the floor, as the hot water beat down on his backside. Reign's tailcock, sensing an opportunity similar to the one on the stage, slipped over the big stud's powerful hips and squeezed against his dimpled rump cheeks, shifting itself like a sausage in a bun. The stallion grunted into Reign's muzzle and almost whickered as the tip teased his tail hole. Reign couldn't believe he was still hard, but both erections had barely faded. Whether it was the last remnants of the chemicals that gifted him the tail cock in the first place continuing to enhance his libido, or whether his libido was going to be permanently altered, he couldn't tell. At the moment, pinned against the wall by the iron-bodied male, feeling the stallion's powerful arms, hard chest, rock-like abs... well, he didn't really care.
Reign wrapped both arms around the stallion's broad neck, clutching him tightly. His tongue pushed against Jackie's, muzzle half-turned to fit the larger male's broad mouth. Their moans rumbled just above the sound of the water. Reign couldn't believe how hard Jackie felt. The stallion's flexing body was like a slab of smooth, warm marble, sculpted to perfection. The drake shuddered again, intense pleasure flowing through his nerves, as Long John's long tongue pushed past his lips, filling his muzzle. The big male's hands groped at Reign's rump, pulling the cheeks apart, giving his slightly flared shaft easy access.
They penetrated each other at the same time. The stallion's legs went taut, flexing, as the tailcock shoved itself forward, stretching the huge male's rump open. Reign's breath caught for a moment as the flared tip did the same to his own tight ring, then a series of moans and inarticulate pleadings filled the small shower, mostly muffled by the stallion's muzzle. Jackie shoved in firmly, not stopping, smoothly pumping into the dragon, filling the chubby male with over half of his thickness. The tailcock did much the same and Jackie tipped his head back, finally breaking the kiss.
Reign pressed his cheek to the stud's chest, panting, trying to breath as the massive length filled him, stretched him. It was so fat, so warm, so pleasurable... he clenched as tightly as he could as the stallion's hips pumped, going deeper and deeper.
Reign could feel his tail cock pumping into the horse's rear, as well. It felt incredible. Jackie's cheeks squeezed around the length like a vice. His whole tail jerked, coiled, twisted, pumping regularly, matching the pace the stallion set. He cried out, gasping against the muscular male's wet chest, lips pressing to the nut-brown flesh.
Jackie's grip tightened. Reign could feel his biceps flex. The stallion's breath came quicker, harder, and the rate of his eager thrusting increased. Smooth, long, hard strokes, every few seconds, driving most of the length in and out each time. The pangolin hybrid's tail cock twisted around, shifting inside Jackie's body, pounding against the bigger male's prostate.
Another whinny echoed through the shower as Long John came. The massive stallion crushed himself against Reign, driving the breath from the dragon's body. Hard muscle impacted soft, flabby flesh, their bodies so different, but able to give each other so much pleasure. The horse's head tipped back down, wet mane splashing water across the back wall. His lips went to Reign's muzzle again as his orgasm consumed him. The pangolin's tail cock drove in deep and stayed there as he shared in the stallion's pleasure, experiencing his own, secondary orgasm as warm seed filled his aching bottom.
Jackie's arms kept Reign aloft for several more minutes. The stallion's hips barely twitched, though large, flat teeth tugged playfully on Reign's lower lip. Eventually, the stallion's arousal went down. Reign cried out as the flared tip popped free of his clenching tail hole. His tail cock squirmed around a few moments longer before disengaging and slipping back under the protective scales.
Reign felt himself lowered to the floor and put his feet down. His knees wobbled and he kept his arms around Jackie's neck, having to stand on his toes to do so. The horse's hands stroked over his sides, pressing into his chubby belly, kneading the loose flesh.
"We should get out of the shower," the horse whispered.
Reign nodded, eyes half-lidded over. He could barely walk, let alone talk. He followed the stallion out of the stall and toweled himself dry. Jackie's hands regularly reached over to stroke or touch his chest, face, or shoulders, and the dragon blushed at the affectionate motions.
Reign followed Jackie into the dressing room and stopped, suddenly self-conscious.
"I... uh... I don't have any clothes. That fit," he said, suddenly feeling shy and self-conscious.
The stallion grinned at him and motioned towards a dressing cabinet in the corner.
"Go ahead and look in there. Should be something you can wear. The pants will be big, but the shirts will fit."
Reign nodded, staring at the stallion's gorgeous body. Fresh, clean, smooth and muscular, the stallion was like a god as he stood under the lights. His brown skin shone, his thick sheath bulged, his massive hooves lifted and fell back into the hard floor with a surprisingly soft touch.
Reign realized he was staring as the stallion moved close to him, arms reaching out for pull him in. The dragon's nostrils flared as the stallion's musk filled his senses.
"Why don't you come home with me tonight?" Jackie said, lips teasing their way over the top of Reign's head.
"Are... are you sure?" Reign said. His fingers pressed into Jackie's chest, feeling his rock hard pecs, finding them just as astonishing as ever.
"I'm sure..."
Reign's blush returned as the stallion tipped his chin up with his hand and kissed him. He closed his eyes, enjoying the moment, but hoping it would be the first of many such moments.
Jackie's powerful thighs pressed into his and the stallion's rumble of pleasure grew in volume. Reign could feel the stallion's plump sheath flex. The drake presses his hands flat to the big horse's chest, still in awe of the huge male's perfectly formed, massively muscular body.
"I think we have a little more time," the big male said.
Reign shuddered. Already his tail cock was swinging up, the tip poking free. His other cock, the one hanging between his legs, gave a gentle throb of arousal.
"I've got the time if you do," Reign said, his voice a near purr as Jackie's fingers teased his jaw.
* * *
"Alright, looks like Long John's not going to be available for the next round after all. Send in the Morningstar instead."
The producer of "A Matter of Inches" leaned back in his chair, eyes reading the array of monitors in front of him. One screen showed a muscular eight-foot-tall dragon emerge from his dressing room. Obsidian horns curled out of the top of his head like ram's horns, forming tight spirals to either side of his head. A broad grin displayed sharp white teeth as he stomped down the hallway towards the stage; a white banana-hammock-style bikini bottom couldn't prevent the near two-foot length from swinging back and forth across the muscular dragon's thighs as he walked. The producer watched him chat with some production crew before turning his attention to another monitor, the one he'd just been watching. A very enjoyable viewing experience. Long John and the contestant were currently quite busy defiling every piece of furniture in the dressing room.
"Remind me to see about getting this footage on the DVD extras," he said. A nearby assistant nodded as she scribbled some notes down. On the monitor, Reign's lower back dripped with horse-seed as his hips pumped into Jackie's muscular rump. Jackie's cheeks bulged with tail cock, eyes closed with blissful pleasure. The producer grinned. "Oh, and that Reign... I wonder if he wouldn't make a good Fluffer. Jackie certainly sees something in him. Invite him to next month's tryouts. And please, get me some coffee that doesn't taste like hot garbage!"
The end.