Akki Kingdom: The Orc's New Pet

Story by BAYOKKO on SoFurry

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#1 of Other Stories

Here's a new story I wrote over Christmas vacation staring a human and four Orcs from the dragon quest series. Just a one shot for now but I might continue later if the desire ever hits me again. Hopefully I'll be able to get the next chapter of PjXPete up next. So until then as always, enjoy the story and feedback is more then welcomed.


It was official; Akki forest had to be one of the worst places in the world to be in. Or at least that's what Cadby Wickliffe concluded to himself while he wandered down yet another of the dark pathways that crisscrossed through the spooky wood. The poor heavyset boy had long ago lost count of how many wrong twists and turns he had taken in his effort to free himself from the miasma of trees and brambles that surrounded him. The pinprick of tears beginning to hurt his eyes as the setting sun retreated and darkness began settling in. When he had begun his little journey the day had been rather pleasant too, birds singing in the trees, small squirrels scampering across the branches, and the noonday sun filtering down from the green leaves. In fact Cadby had gloated to the village bullies while he took his first few steps into the forest. Replying heatedly to their mocks and jeers of his presumed cowardice by informing every one of them that he would brave Akki, spend an hour in the deep brush, and return safe and sound. But, of course Cadby soon found himself proven wrong, losing sight of the unkempt path leading into Akki within a matter of minutes. And that once so pleasant forest he had wandered into had somehow transformed into a horrendous bramble of twisted tree branches and frightening sounds.

The boy should have known that these particular woods would turn on him. That's what all those stories the elders of the village said would happen to anyone foolhardy enough to wander into it. Tales about how Akki forest was the darkest and evilest of all forests in the whole kingdom of Alamar. An accursed collection of trees that was the home to savage monsters, frightening ghosts, cunning and evil daemons, and other such creatures that wouldn't hesitate to attack travelers from the shadows and drag them kicking and screaming to their dens where they could devour those poor souls' bones and all. It was because of these stories that all travel within Akki had been forbidden by the country's former king fifty years or so ago. Fear of people disappearing too great to risk any longer. Now only guardsmen from the capital were allowed to enter and only when the need for provisions the forest provided was desperate

Now here was Cadby lost within the same Akki forest, never to be heard from again. And the worst part was that no one would come to rescue him because of the ban. Not that they would do so even if they were allowed to enter. All he was just the woodcutter's no good apprentice. The pudgy boy with a haphazardly cut mop of brown hair who always wore old patched up clothing. Whose left leg was lame from an accident in his youth and body to overweight to be of any good, save for the deliveries he was forced to make for his unreasonably nasty master. Most likely everyone would be glad he had disappeared like the people in those stories, one less mouth in the village to have to feed and clothe.

Sighing at the realization of his fate Cadby limped over to the nearest tree and slumped against it. "What on earth am I going to do?" He moaned into his hands. There were a few muffled sniffling sounds then another sigh. "Come on Caddy chin up! You could still find your own way out of this mess." The brunette reassured himself. "It's not over yet! You could still find your way out. And on the brighter side you've been very lucky so far, no monsters or such. So this getting back to the village should be easy."

His sprits lifted a little the boy pushed himself off of the tree and turned back towards the path. But before Cadby could start traveling again a mouthwateringly pleasant sent suddenly passed by his slightly round nose. Instantly his plump belly gave a rumble recognizing the smell. It was cooked venison, his favorite! Searching around frantically for the source of the smell Cadby sniffed the air this way and that. Giving off a relieved laugh as he scented. If there was someone cooking food nearby then maybe they could help him find a way out of the forest. That and maybe they would share their meal with him. He had been getting hungry as he wandered aimlessly.

A few tense seconds of inquisitive sniffing was all it took to finally figure out where the delicious fumes were coming from. Just beyond a cluster of thickly branched trees off to the side of the path. Not wasting another moment Cadby took off as fast as he could into the underbrush ignoring all the scrapes he accumulated on his pasty body he got from pushing his way through. It only took a few minutes of running for the hungry boy to make his way through the trees and into a small clearing. And there right in the center of the small meadow he found himself in was a roaring campfire with several packs laden with weapons and what looked like sleeping bags. There must have been travelers in the forest despite the ban on entering it! The shoemaker's apprentice was about to open his mouth eagerly to call out to whoever had made this cozy campsite when the tantalizing smell which had led him there tickled his nose once more. Peering more closely towards the fire Cadby immediately noticed the several cut pieces of venison that sat cooking on several spears around the orange flames. Juices dripping from the succulent slabs as they sizzled in the heat, cooking to a fine crisp.

Laughing happily Cadby stumbled towards the inviting light of the campfire and the mouthwatering meat crying out, "THANK THE GODS!", as he dropped to his knees and quickly took the first piece of food he could get his hands one. He tore into the flesh with an almost animal like vigor and devoured it with gusto, licking his chops and fingers once it was consumed. When the first piece of meat was gone a second one was acquired and then eaten, then a third, then a fourth, then a fifth. It was just so good and Cadby was just so hungry. He hadn't eaten since he had started this stupid trek into the Akki forest.

It was only at the sound of a twig snapping that Cadby remembered why he had dashed towards the camp in the first place. The meal he had eaten obviously belong to someone, someone who probably wouldn't be very happy that he had stuffed his face with so much of it. If he wanted them to forgive him and maybe help him back to his home, he had to choose his words very carefully he realized. Sheepishly the guilty man turned around about to apologize.

However when he did instead of some human travelers Cadby found the most horrifying sight. Clearing the tree line around the campsite and stepping into the soft light of the fire was a quartette of large almost nightmarish creatures. Each of the beasts were well over seven feet tall with shaggy brown fur and stout boar-like faces which had pearl white nubs of tusks protruding from each side of their mouths. The foursome wore thick furred boots and dressed in simple animal skin clothing in various styles, the tight cloth barely covering thickset forms which rippled with obvious strength and masculinity as they walked. At first these monsters talked amongst themselves seemingly teasing and joking with each other about something, but as soon as they caught sight of Cadby sitting by the fire mouth hanging open and eyes bulging out they stopped dead in their tracks to gawk back at them.

"Lookit wot we got here brothers!" The tallest of the creatures spoke in a gruff voice tinged with a cockney accent. "Seems some chubby little human has gone and wandered inta our camp."

Two of the other beasts snickered seemingly amused by Cadby appearance as well. But the last member of the group, the fattest of the four who wore only a loincloth under his big belly, frowned at the scared man. "He's done more than that!" The fat one exclaimed angrily. "He's gone and ate all our food!" This revelation seemed to sober the moods of the others. All of them sneering at him for a moment before they began to advance on his position with deadly intent in their eyes.

Seeing that he was about to be captured Cadby instantly jumped to his feet in an effort to make his escape. Unfortunately for the uncoordinated human his clumsy movements only led to slipping on some grease left over from the food. Cadby giving a most unmanly yelp as he flew head over heels and landed on his back with a dull thwack. There was a few seconds of feeble moaning and a groaning from pain before Cadby's problems grew worst, a heavy hand landing on his chest and holding him down firmly on the forest floor.

"An' just where do you think yer goin' little human?" The monster holding him down asked. The squatting creature leaned forward, his snout snuffling at the boy face, dull tusks poking lightly against his captive's cheek. "You think you can just go and eat up all the food we spent all afternoon trying to catch?"

Stuttering Cadby shook his vehemently. "N-No sir monster I wasn't trying to do that. I... I just got carried away seeing all the food you had around your fire." The four monsters shared a dubious look. Obviously they didn't think that was a good enough reason to have taken their grub. Speaking again Cadby began to beg now. "Please, please forgive sir monsters! I wouldn't have even come here if I knew it was your camp if I knew it belonged to creatures such as yourself! I shant ever bother you again if you would please release me please! I won't- humph."

The tallest of the monsters, which Cadby could now see only had one eye with a nasty scar over the closed organ, placed his large palm over the human's mouth to silence him. When the noisy human finally got the hint and became silent the beast raise gave a cheeky grin, teeth showing. "So then boy, since you thought were a human camp. I 's'pose you just go about thieving from your fellow humans often then?" He asked as he lifted his hand an inch. "Though I'd think yer much too fat to be a very good thief."

"I don't steal!" Cadby huffed in outrage. "And don't you dare call me fat again!" He might not have much of anything at his small room back at the village but he would never steal from anyone in the village to make his life better. It just wasn't right. Eating the food had only been a moment of weakness cause from the fear and hunger of being lost.

Chuckling at the heat in their captives voice the scarred monster nodded to the other boar holding Cadby in place. Without a word the monster's hand moved to Cadby's wrists in a flash and without letting go he rose up to his full height. Dragging the human up with him until they ended up with him standing with the surprised young man dangling several feet off of the ground. Cadby shutting his eyes out of fear so that he didn't have to look his captor in the eyes.

"Well what should we do with this little fat human here?" The scarred one asked his cohorts, emphasizing the word "fat" with a snort. "Says he's no thief but here we go an catch'im stuffing his gob with the deer we spent all afternoon trying to catch."

Cadby twisted in his captor's grasp enough to see the fat orc stepped forward and lean down to pick up one of the spears the venison had been cooking on. Frowning at the now empty spike he gave the human boy a morose look. "Maybe we could cook the mortal since he went and ate my dinner." He rumbled. "I was truly hungry."

"Missing one meal would hurt you, ya fatty." The final member of the group joked. To prove his point the jokester moved his heavily muscular frame towards his heavy friend and gave him a playful poke in his stomach.

Said "Fatty" huffed smacking the hand away. "BUGGER OFF YOU BIG LUG!"

The "Lug" only laughed harder at the anger in his overweight companion's voice and poked him again. "Come on, you know you like it when someone touches that chubby gut of yours!"

"I said STOP!!" Fatty repeated.

"BOTH OF STOP IT!" Scarred growled. The bickering duo instantly stopped their fighting and mumbled apologies. "Better. Now since you two imbeciles won't give a clear answer I'll just have to ask the youngling here wot we should do wit'im." The larger boar looked past Cadby to the boar holding him up. "Well little one what do you think?"

The one holding Cadby up from the ground gave their leader then Cadby a thoughtful look. "I dunno..." He leaned forward and gave the human's body another good sniff. "...He sort of smells real good to me. Wonder if he tastes just as good. If ya know what I mean?"

Cadby paled. Two of the monsters had opted for him to be their replacement meal. "Please, my sir monsters just let me go!" He begged again. "I don't want to end up the dinner of great beasts like you!"

"We're not gonna eat ya, you daft idget!" Scarred snapped from behind. "Don't know what things you've heard boy, but we don't like the taste of human meat... least not the way yer thinking of it, heh-heh." he growled then squinting at Cadby. "And stop with the name-calling. We ain't monsters, beasts, or creatures. We're orcs so you'd best be getting it right."

Shivering at the thought snarl in the large "orcs" voice Cadby peered over his shoulder saying a meek, "I'm sorry sirs, I won't call you any of those other things again."

The submissive words seemed to please the growling orc. Making him grin menacingly again at the boy. "Good... now back to what wer going to do with you." Scarred reached around and took their captive's chin between his index and thumb making the boy look him in the eyes awkwardly. "Look at me human!"

Cadby let out a soft whimper at being touched but obeyed the harsh command giving to him for fear of his life. When he did he was imminently mesmerized. Despite the intimidating air about the scarred orc there was a surprising gentleness in the dark brown eyes that stared back at him with some unreadable emotion that made the young human shiver. In terror or something else he did not know. But this new found revelation was soon replaced with shock when the woodcutter's apprentice found himself in need of a new shirt. Scarred easily tearing the worn burlap of his shirt away with his hands when he roughly yanked the whole thing off of him with a steady motion. "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Cadby gasped.

There was a chorus of laughter from the gathered orcs before there was an answer. "Getting a better look at you boy." Scarred chuckled. "I agree with our little brother, we should see how go about tasting. But before we can do that gotta get these dam clothes off of ya." The great beast lowered his hand and proceeded to relieve Cadby's of his pants as well. Ripping the shoddy fabric like his shirt and exposing the young human's breechcloth clad bottom. "Now let's get this started brothers."

Panic and embarrassment growing at the knowledge that he was now nearly naked in front of these large savage creatures Cadby yelped out. "Get what started!?" His face heating up.

Scarred decided to not answer their prisoners incessant questions any longer and reached forward to take a hold of him from under his arms, pulling him out of his brothers grasp as if Cadby were some sort of child. Spinning around he then maneuvered them both down to the ground, his heavy bulk holding Cadby's upper body in place as the orc got onto all fours on next to him. Then without asking Scarred stuck out his tongue and began laving the slick organ across the human's unprotected chest and armpits. "Humm, yer right youngling this here human does taste good!" He mumbled against the soft skin, teasing the youngest member of their group. Increasing his efforts as he went on Scarred continued to lick Cadby. Moving to petite nipples which sat atop doughy pectoral muscles.

As he laid there, stones digging into his back and the night air blew across his moistened skin, Cadby began whimpering. But these pitiful sounds didn't come from any displeasure, no. The almost needy sounds that escaped from his throat originated from the intense feeling he was getting from being assaulted by the thick and surprisingly attentive tongue naughtily exploring his front and his own cock waking in the tight confines of his breechcloth. True all of what was happening was disgusting on some level. But somehow it was pleasurable too. The feeling of little electric jolts shooting from his tits and through his chubby body, causing the shoemaker in training to throw back his head and moan. Much to his growing shame at being so easily seduced by what the scarred monster was doing.

When the wanton sound left the young human's lips and drifted into the now dark forest, another round of laughter echoing through the campsite. Tilting his head back and peering up Cadby could see through half lidded eyes that the other three orcs were watching what Scarred was doing. Seeing him so adamantly lose his control. Upon realizing what he must have looked like laying in the dirt moaning like some loose soul, the human tried to push the beast off but his struggle was ignored and he was forcefully held down with a warning growl. It seemed that there was no getting free from these creatures. They would do with him what they wanted.

It was the fat orc who sealed this thought when he got down onto his knees between Cadby's legs. "Let me see what the little human has down here brothers." Fatty said huskily. The orc pulled out a small knife from the waistband of his loincloth and used it to cut off Cadby's breechcloth, pulling the ruined remains of the covering off of the boy and exposing the entirety of his soft and pudgy body to the nighttime air and the heat of the fire. "Humm... such light skin here." Fatty chuckled finger trailing along the tan line until he reached the humans ball which he groped unabashedly "Bet it's never seen the light of day. Silly humans covering up all the interesting bit's they possess."

"They do love their modesty." The muscled orc agreed. "Shame we're not the same aye?"

Cadby absently turned his head towards where the strongest orc had been standing and turned beet red seeing that the muscled bound orc had removed his animal skin tunic and was now naked. Furred muscles on display in the orange and yellow like illuminating the clearing.

"Heh-heh he blushes prettily." Scarred remarked. The leader of the orcs hefted up onto his knees and looked over the treat him and his brothers had found. Not as stomach filling as their cooked deer would be, but still just as tasty. "Get him nice and ready fella's, he's got ta be good and buttered up fer what we're going ta use'im fer."

"B-buttered up?" Cadby asked. Maybe this was all some sort of before meal preparations. "What are you going to do to me?"

"We ain't gonna eat you lad so don't fret." Scarred informed as he got to his feet and began unbuckling his tunic brown pants falling to the ground. "We're gonna fuck that chubby and soft human ass of yers till its bright red and our sperm goes dripping outta that tight little hole."

"WHAT!? NO!!!" Cadby tried again to get up but was held down once more, this time by the surly fat orc who looked annoyed at the monetary obstruction to his view of Cadby's lower half. "Wait, wait stop! I-I-I I've never done such a thing! You'll break me."

Saying this only seemed to excite the orcs more. Each of them making obscene sounding growls and grunts as the fat, muscled, and young ones all got down on their hands and knees and surrounded him from all sides. Fondling and stroking him with their meaty paws. "This is gonna be fun innit boys?" Muscled cheered, pawing himself with a free hand.

"That it is! A nice little virgin human ta fuck." Scarred agreed. Finally the oldest of the four had completely undressed and stepped up to his brothers. "Get him up on his knees I wanna see how he takes the tail between my legs." The three other orcs eagerly complied with their leaders wish and got Cadby to his knees, holding him in place like he was their plaything, which the boy realized he was.

Blinking at the shift in perspective Cadby realized he was face to face with what had to be the biggest cock he had ever seen. Even the kings guardsmen who he had seen bathe in the local river one day, men in their prime, would shrivel and back away with the awesome girth of the serpent before him. It was hairless, the orcs fur coming to a stop just at the wide root, but it was the same color as the orcs fur and thick. The heavy shaft pulsing with every beat from the scarred orcs heart, a clear fluid which leaked from the tip, a rich earthy aroma wafting from it. It was so unlike a human's smell but strangely appetizing in a way. Snapping out of his ogling by a huff above him Cadby gazed up at the scarred orc before him who looked back down questioningly. "W-what do you want of me?" he asked quietly.

"You may be a virgin alright lad, but I'm sure you've gone and heard nuff around yer village ta expect what I want from ya." Scarred informed simply. "Specially with the way yer gawking at my three card trick there, heh-heh."

Cadby unconsciously licked his lips and returned his gaze to the manhood... ur, orchood in front of his nose. He was right, something in the young boy's mind wanted to... wanted to actually taste it. It was a wrong and disgusting desire, yes. Any man who even thought this in the village would be stoned, burned, beheaded for his sinful thoughts. He couldn't do this, there had to be a way to make the monsters around him let him go he just had to think of it. Unfortunately for Cadby's plans the orc in front of the human poked his lips with the blunt head of his member making the decision for him. With some reluctance Cadby opened wide and let the musky cock slide into his mouth inch by inch, lips straining to wrap around the large tube of flesh.

"Fuck..." Scarred hissed as he was swallowed. Warm wetness wrapping around his aching need and squirming tongue massaging its underside. "That's it lad!" There was a squeal, an actual pig like squeal. "Suck on my meat like it were yer mothers teat." He took hold of the human's hair and began to thrust shallowly into the mouth on him.

"He doing any good brother?" The youngest orc asked looking to his oldest brother in interest.

"Not especially, but he'll learn." He assured. The one eyed leader held Cadby's head in place and began walking backwards, making the still suckling boy move forwards on his knees as they traveled the short distance to a fallen log, which the large orc sat down on. "Been so long since I've had a human suck on me pud."

"Nearly fifty years, innit?" The muscled orc asked stroking himself. "Not since they stopped coming through the forest."

Scarred nodded "Yup, it's been that long." Clutching Cadby's hair again he pulled him off of his cock. "Tell me boy why don't you mortals come through our forest anymore."

It took Cadby a few seconds to answer, panting from the lack of proper oxygen he had been forced to endure since he had begun fellating his captor. "It's... it's been forbidden sir mon- um, orc." He explained. "By order of the king."

"So that's the reason." Scarred sneered. "I should have known that you human's would show yer cowardice and flee the woods like a lot of scared animals."

"Lucky for us that this human isn't like the others." Fatty laughed from behind Cadby. "If he hadn't of been so stupid as to walk into the Akki woods then we'd never have found such a treat."

"Very true brother." Scarred said joining into the laughter. "Speaking of the treat, I believe ya said you were a mite hungry if I'm not wrong. How 'bout ya eat something heh-heh."

Cadby wondered fearfully if they were truly going to eat him. Maybe they were just having their fun before the main course. He was about to ask again what they were to do with him but before he could utter the words he was forced to suck on the cock of the orc sitting before him again, grimacing as the thick rod worked its way back down his gullet. However he got his answer as to what the fat orc was going to eat anyway when he felt someone get down on the ground behind him and large hands took hold of each of his asscheeks, prying the fleshy globes apart and exposing his hidden pucker. The next sensation Cadby felt was his ass being sloppily eaten out by a very... very enthusiastic orc. The fattest of the foursome moaning into his arse as he enjoyed dragging his tongue up and down his crack and drilling into the unprotected hole hidden between the secret valley.

Moaning at the new sensation the now surprised human gagged on the cock in his mouth. His coughs making the scarred orc chuckle. "Easy there human! I know I'm large there ain't no need ta choke on my second tail."

"Especially since you got ta eat three other orcs to please." The young orc reminded. "Can't fuck ya iffin you go and croak on us."

"Never knew you could be such a horny little fucker." Scarred mocked his youngest brother. "You really want to use his hole that badly don't you youngling?"

"Fuck right I do! It's about time I get to fell something around my dick besides my own hand fer once." The other orc pouted at the teasing. "All I ever get to do fucking-wise is have you three bastards on top of me."

"You know you love it little one." The scared orc leaned over and pressed his lips against Youngling's lips, kissing the other orc deeply and passionately for several long seconds before he pulled away, string of spittle bridging their mouths and continued his playful teasing. "Still remember the first time we all rutted that hairy ass of yers when you came of age. Like a bitch in heat you was."

Cadby eyed the youngest orc surprised to see him actually look embarrassed. "That may be true but a man needs ta mount a good ass himself once and awhile. ...Not that I'm truly complaining about being your bitch."

"Would you two stop yer sweet talk? We're suppose to be fuckin here!" The muscled orc interrupted. "Stop licking arse and move yer fat ass brother, I'm going first since our leader here is so busy snogging."

"No yer not. I've decided to let the youngling here have first fuck." Scarred growled. The tallest of the quartette stood up wet cock slipping from their captive's mouth with a pop and stomped over to his unruly brother. Cadby for his part, grateful that his jaw got a moments rest leaned forward, head resting on the log as the fat orc continued to rim his ass.

Continuing his reprimand the scarred orc cuffed his muscle-bound brother on the back of the head. "Iffin yer so eager to fuck something then how about you... heh-heh." He nodded over to their fat companion who was still going at it. His large bottom bouncing up and down as he rimmed, the hem of his loincloth starting to ride up just enough to reveal the nakedness underneath.

Muscled instantly go the hint his older brother had given him and quickly grabbed the obvious orc by the shoulder, pulled him away from Cadby's body and flipped his brother's husky frame onto his back. "What the FUCK!" Fatty gasped.

"That's just it!" Without asking the muscled orc got down on his knees between his brothers legs and effortlessly pushed his throbbing dick into his exposed hole. Mounting the other orc with a grunt and fucking him hard as soon as he was completely sheathed, while the fat orc began to squeal in joy at being fucked.

Watching this rough exchange Cadby was amazed by everything that had happened. Not only the sex before his eyes but the kiss earlier. It seemed that these "orcs" didn't pay head to familial ties when doing this sort of thing. Rather disgusting by human standards, but seemingly the norm here in the Akki forest. But even more stunning was how the fact they were brothers made him grow a little excited, mostly from the forbidden aspect of it all.

The scarred orc saying the found sounding phrase. "Randy fuckers." Broke the boy out of his musings and back to the other two creatures. "Yer turn ta get fucked human." Scared chuckled. The large orc stepped back over to Cadby, his approach making the naked man back away and bump into the still sitting youngest orcs leg. "Now, now don't run away yer going to like it, trust me."

"I...I don't think I will!" Cadby insisted. "The hole is much too small for those things you have swinging betwixt your legs."

Cadby found himself looking into the oldest orcs eyes as he leaned down to face the sitting boy. "And just how do you know it's too small." He asked. Using his strength he flipped the boy over onto his stomach and then began to push his large fingers between the shoemaker's apprentice lardy asscheeks. "You been fingering yerself while you tug on that nice little cock of yours lad?"

"NO I-I haven't!" Cadby protested just a little too loudly. He couldn't admit out loud that he would sometimes work his fingers into his hole as he pleasured himself in his small room back in his master's home. He had been caught once by the shoemaker's wife and had been beaten for the sin of masturbation once before.

Knowing that he was being lied to the boar prodding the boy's ass began to screw his digit into the tight hole they were talking about. "DON'T. LIE. TO. ME. MORTAL!" He snarled. "Admit that you do it! Show us how much of a human whore you are. All the same you are! Go 'bout actin' like yer kings of the world, calling us monsters an treating us like shit. But all ya really want in the end is a nice thick piece of meat working its way up those smug asses of yers. Making you cum like howling dogs in heat."

"I... I... I..." Cadby stuttered. The boy bit his bottom lip knowing that if he did speak that he'd confirm what the orc was saying was true. That he was a wonton slut desperate for physical contact. Suddenly something gave way and the finger poking him pushed inside of his body tapping against his prostrate and he lost his battle. Screaming out the words, "GODS YES I DO IT EVERY TIME I CAN!", at the top of his lungs.

"Heh-heh, good pet." Scarred said sighing happily. Single eyed orc withdrew his fingers and pulled Cadby up onto all fours patting him on the bottom like a good boy. The human loving the way they all just moved him into whatever position they wanted. "Fuck'um pup." The orc told his youngest brother. "Fuck'um till he has cum dripping down them stubby legs 'o' his."

The youngest boar didn't need to be told twice. Quickly scurrying off of the log and getting behind Cadby, placing one hand on the human's hip to steady himself while he used the other one to place the tip of his member against the puckering ring of muscled that he was about to evade. "I'm going to fuck this little human like he's never been fucked before."

"He's never been fucked before idiot!" Muscled laughed as he pounded into his fattest brother's ass.

Youngling gave a sheepish grin for a moment before he began to push him orchood into Cadby's body steadily. Being breeched by the large organ youngling possessed cause Cadby to hiss out in pain. His hole being stretched to the limit because of the girth that the eager orc was driving into him. The pleasure he had been experiencing fleeing from his memory as pain surged up his spin and to his brain. He wanted to back away, tell the creature how much it hurt, that he wanted him to stop. But what could he do? He was at their mercy, their plaything to use which they most certainly were going to do the rest of the night. All he could do was remain there on all fours, eyes closed tightly as tears ran down his face.

A hand cupping his cheek made the pained boy open his eyes. The face of the scarred orc staring down at him intently. "Calm lad, the pleasure will return once he gets in ya and starts moving." The orc said in a tone that almost sounded like cooing to Cadby's ears. "Push back against that cock. Let'im inside..." The confused boy relaxed and did as he had been instructed, the young orcs orchood sliding deeper inside of him when he did. "That's it ya chubby little slut. Let my little brother rut that nice plump bottom ya got there."

It took several more moments but finally the young orc finished pushing into Cadby's upturn ass. The inexperienced pair both giving a shudder as they got used to their new positions. "Nice and tight!" Youngling huffed trying to control the desire to start fucking. "Like a warm fist it is."

"Start moving little one!" The scarred orc slapped his brother on the ass making the other orc oink and begin moving. Large and stiff cock leaving the tight confines of the hole it had been sheathed in, the head just barely leaving the warmth before it was driven back hard and true; it then repeated this action again, and again. Speed increasing with each volley into Cadby's gut. Soon the crisp cooling air was filled with the sounds of furred flesh hitting bare skin with a dull smack, the youngling oinking with each thrust. "That's my boy." Scarred said proudly. "Yer a natural!"

Being ridden the way he was Cadby didn't know if the youngest orc was a natural or not. All that was on his mind was the shaft that was positioning in and out of his chunky ass without mercy. Fingers digging into the dirt under him Cadby began to wonder how this all looked and if he approved of it or not. On one hand he had been truly made these creatures bitch, their slut. He should be ashamed that his manhood had been taken away from him. Replaced with the sniveling and whimpering mess that was on all fours getting breed like common whore. But, then there was the other hand. The fact that his body was responding quite readily to what was happening. His own cock hardening and his as his whole person vibrating from the animalistic rutting he was getting from the thick dick between the young orcs thighs. In the end he chose the latter, the orc hitting the same spot his brother had touch earlier and making him throw back his head and moan madly.

"Lookit the little one had gone and hit the human's pleasure spot!" Muscled cheered. Cadby momentarily regained enough of his senses to look over to the other orc. He saw that the muscle-bound boar had finished with Fatty and was getting back to his feet, now limp cock dripping cum as he stood. The fat orc was still on the ground breathing heavily with cum staring the brown fur on his bulging belly as he watched Cadby and his younger brother have sex. "Make sure to make him squirt for me will ya." Muscled continued. "They're always more fun to fuck when their blissed out from cumming."

"I-I'll try." The youngling moaned. Now slamming into Cadby's ass the orc had gripped the human's hips as he fucked their prisoner harder. "It's just so fucking good! I don't think I'll last long enough to make him cum." The three older boars laughed at their brother's lack of control and watched as he continued to enjoy the little human they had found until the inevitable happened. With a mighty growl the youngest member of their family slammed into the human one last time and began emptying his thick orc seed into Cadby's red and well used ass.

Cadby came not a few moments later spurting his humble load onto the forest floor with a small series of whimpers and huffs. He almost lost balance when the young orc backed away his dick growing to limp to be of much use inside of the young man's body at the moment. But he was quickly captured by the one eyed orc. "T-Thank you sir orc." He said gasping for air. "It was right kind of you to-- AHHHH!"

The thank you soon lost all meaning as Cadby was flipped onto his back and his legs were lifted into the air, the scarred orc squatting down between them with his large cock coming to rest right against the mortal's rear entrance. "Let yer big brother show you how to hold out little one longer." He boasted to his younger brother. The large orc easily slipped his penis into the cummy hole under him with an obscene squish and instantly he began to gyrate his hips. Cadby moaning as he was entered by yet another monster cock, this one ever larger than the last. "What?" The scarred orc asked teasingly as he took in the shocked expression in his new "lover's" face. "Didn't I tell you that we was going to fuck that plump human ass of yers all night?"

All the orcs laughed at the look Cadby made at the thought of being fucked again and again by the four of them. It was a mixture of terror and of hopefulness which brought about such amusement. All four of them giving each other a knowing nod to each other. Each knowing that they were going to have fun with their new little friend that evening.

Hours later Cadby felt his head spinning as he came to. Body sticky with seed and backend sore from the trauma it had gone through the earlier. Sitting up hesitantly he was surprised to find the four orcs were clothed again and eating what remained of the cook venison around the fire. Noticing that they hadn't noticed his return to the land of the waking Cadby considered quietly sneaking away but his treacherous stomach gave him up. Grumbling when the wind changed and the scent of the cooked food wafting to his nose.

All four pairs of eyes turning towards him, making the human cringe as he waited for them to do whatever they had planned for him. But instead of being eaten, killed, maimed, or... gulp fucked again. What happened was the scarred orc patted the spot next to him saying gently. "Finally up are you human?" Cadby nodded at the question utterly perplexed by the kind words. "Well get that well fucked bottom over here then and join us."

The confused human stood up and padded toward the creatures hesitantly, cupping his crotch to hide his genitals. Looking over the four he hesitantly sat down where he had been told to, naked bottom coming in contact with the abrasive bark of the log under him. "I-I don't understand." he said to the foursome as he looked from one to the other. The young one was grinning back at him contently, the muscled orc was giving him a smug smirk as if he was amused by his shyness and confusion, and the fat one was digging into his food a deer meat laden spear in each hand, seemingly obvious to his presence.

"What's there to understand?" Scarred picked up one of the left over pieces of meat still cooking and wagged it at Cadby. The boy imminently took the offered meal and ate it slowly. "We've had our fun now it's time to feed that appetite we cause in yer chubby human belly." the tallest orc continued. "After all can't have you starving and keeling over."

Cadby wiped his mouth. "You can't?"

"No we can't. Yer too much fun to rut to let die from hunger." The young one joked. Then face becoming serious he then added. "Tell us why did you come here human. If you king banned your kind from entering then you shouldn't be here, correct?"

"I... I'm here because I was stupid and took a challenge someone gave me." Cadby admitted. "The bullies that always say I'm useless because of my inability to walk proper dared me to go for a walk through the Akki woods and I accepted. I just couldn't let them think what they were saying was true."

"Yer right that was mighty stupid of you to do so." Scarred agreed. "You should have gutted them for badmouthing you."

"I couldn't do that!" Cadby said scandalized. As if he would kill someone over name calling. "We humans don't do that sort of thing."

Muscled shook his head as if not killing each other over that sort of thing was a great tragedy. "Shame some good fighting would liven things up in your stupid villages."

"That it would." Fatty mumbled around the food in his mouth. "Better than wandering into a "forbidden" forest like some git."

The scarred orc placed his arm around Cadby's shoulders. "Yer just lucky that we found ya first boy. Iffin one of the other tribes had found yer ass, they would have acted first then asked questions, heh-heh."

Cadby took another bite of his food. "What exactly would they have done?" He asked.

"Well..." The youngest orc began counting off from his fingers. "The wolves would have ripped you limb from limb and the sprits would have torn your soul from your body and the demons would slit your belly open and pull out you and the mino-"

"-hold yer tongue you idget!" Scarred snapped. "You'll make the human's heart stop from yer morbid talk. Besides he won't have ta worry about it now that he's been drenched in our cum. He's orc clan property now.

"I'M YOUR PROPERTY NOW!" Cadby gasped, the meat he had been chewing on going down the wrong windpipe. After the orc sitting next to him patted him on the back roughly and he had finished coughing the young man looked up at each of the orcs in worry.

"Fuck right you are human." Scarred growled playfully. "You reek of our scents just like a good little pet should." At seeing the fear in their new friends eyes his mood suddenly changed to a thoughtful expression. "But... if ya truly wish ta return to those other humans then we won't stop you. None will bother you as you make your way home fer fear of breaking our laws. But... I will warn you that you will never be satisfied with another human as you would be with us. You'll spend the rest of your mortal life as you have been." The scarred orc made sure to look deeply into Cadby's eyes before he continued. "But if you choose to be our bitch, then every night we will lay you down or get you on all fours and fuck that fat little ass of yours till our seed drips from your hole and you pass out in a pull of orc spunk, crazed with pleasure. And every day you'll wake up and be treated like you should be a treasured little pet. Someone to be pampered, stroked, kept warm, fed the best foods, and loved by us till the day you grow old and leave this world a smile on your wrinkled face and a cock up yer gray haired ass."

Cadby could only gulp audibly to the intense nature of the promise he had been given and looked down to his lap. To be nothing more than a plaything for these large creatures. Watered, bedded, and under their control like some slave. Fucked and used yes, but also happy, content, and well taken care of. No more cruel taunting from bullies, no more villagers scorning his existence, no more having to put up with a surly shoemaker who never wanted him as his apprentice. It was obvious what Cadby truly wanted to do if he thought about it for too long, especially after what he had gone through because of these wondrous orcs around him. It was no more human village for him; he was going to be the orcs compliant little bitch from then on.

Clearing his throat the young human looked up to the quartette, all of them having watched on silently as he thought over his decision and nodded. "Alright I'll become your... p-pet. Please just keep those promises."

"We will" They all said together.

"Good." Cadby said with a sigh of relief. Feeling a cold breeze pass by the human shivered. "Um... masters?" That would take some getting used to. "You don't happen to have some clothing that would fit me in your packs?"

"No clothes!" Scarred quickly huffed. "The five of us will have an easier time fucking ya iffin we don't have to worry about pulling those stupid things offa that body of yours."

Cadby frowned hearing that. But he supposed he'd just have to get used to running around without clothes. At least for now. No one but the forest monsters was going to see him from then on. Suddenly he realized what the scarred orc had said during his last sentence. "Wait, you said the five of you? I... I only count four of you!"

There were four smirks. "Yup... ... ... you still haven't met Papa." Youngling snickered. "He's twice as tall as us and his dick is even bigger then my one eye brothers here!!"

To be continued....

Pj and Pete chapter 18

**Late February...** "Moose come on, I said I was sorry!" Pj cried out as he desperately backed away from his attacker. "Please... stop hitting me!" "No... way... Fatty." Moose responded coldly. The angry ape threw a hard right hook at his cowering...

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Pj and Pete chapter 17

**Thursday February 7th, D'caht household 4:05 PM...** Gary could feel his back start to ache as he laid there, suspended several off of the ground naked and covered in sweat and cum. The metal and leather body swing he had been made to climb into...

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Pj and Pete chapter 16

**Thursday February 7th, D'caht household 4:30 PM...** A towel clad Pj gave himself a worried frown as he looked himself over in the steamy bathroom mirror. No matter what he did the stupid cowlick that had formed in his hair after his shower just...

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