
Story by DragonMasterX on SoFurry

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I've never really tried to write foot fetishism, but according to my newest client, I appear to have done a good job mixing it with macro and growth. If you like to see playful giantesses doing a stomp romp, this is the story for ya!

This is a commission for The-Broseph (DeviantArt)

Warning: This contains growth and macro.

Broseph and Kitiana are copyrighted to The-Broseph.

Dreamlike, by DragonMasterX.

Broseph's earliest memory of his foot fetish remounted back to his younger years when he one day stepped in on his sister's pedicure session. Broseph had come in to offer Kitiana a piece of a freshly baked cake. He had no idea she was busy, but after receiving no response from her with him knocking repeatedly at the door, Broseph had decided to go in.

There Broseph found his sister wearing only her long night shirt and her panties, her legs bent to allow her access to her feet. Broseph was left speechless at the sight and instantly turned around with his head hung low in shame. "Ah, sorry, Kit! I didn't mean to barge in!" he exclaimed, eliciting a giggle from his sister.

Kitiana hadn't heard the knocking on the door because she was wearing her headphones, listening to music. She had been enjoying herself, painting her nails and filling the spaces between her toes while humming to her tunes. When Broseph came in she couldn't help but laugh at his bashfulness. "What is it, brother? Is that cake you're carrying?"

"Y-yeah," the boy answered, wanting to keep his gaze fixed on the ceiling instead of his sister. For some reason however, he was having a hard time not wanting to stare again. In all of his life, he had never seen a girl like his sister. She was a very pretty female to begin with, but what really made her attractive in his eyes were her beautiful feet. Those gorgeously cute toes and well cared-for feet.

Kitiana was a short gal, her body missing a few inches from the five foot mark. Height wasn't on her side, but beauty on the other hand she had plenty of. Kitiana or Kit, like her brother called her, was blessed with a feminine figure that usually put taller girls to shame. She loved her own hair, a gorgeous mane of blonde she liked to keep in a long ponytail. Looking at her deep blue eyes, anybody that saw her was smitten by the picture of adorableness, if they didn't become too distracted with her curvy form.

But Kit was not as enamored with her shapely body as she was with her feet. To Kit, her cute little feet were the symbol of her feminine worth, and as a result she spent hours taking good care of them. There wasn't a day when Kit wouldn't put her dedication into grooming her beautiful feet, trimming her toenails, polishing them, painting them with different colors just to observe them for hours on end.

Kitiana was very proud of her feet, and she was used to people staring or even worshipping them, especially when she went out to the public pools or beaches. Being in the privacy of her own home, dedicating herself to her feet however was something she deeply enjoyed; now that her brother was there, realizing how much he seemed to love her feet, Kitiana got an idea.

"Well, aren't you going to bring it to me? My nails are wet." Kitiana giggled. Broseph seemed worried.

"Ah, is it okay if I...?"

Kitiana chuckled "Please, Broseph. I'm not naked!" With that, Broseph turned around and with a meek smile approached his sister to deliver the plate. Kitiana promptly took it but instead of tasting it gave her sibling a deviant stare, "Why, I'm not even half finished with my pedicure session, brother. But I AM hungry... I want you to take good care of my feet now while I sample this delicious looking cake!"

"I can?!" Broseph hurried to ask, but realizing his excitement had got the better of him, he cleared his throat and gave Kitiana a soft smile, "Ah, I mean, sure, I will!"

That afternoon, Broseph spent it tending to Kitiana's feet. Every minute was a learning moment when Kitiana would teach her brother how to properly do pedicure, the care-taking for her gorgeous feet. In the meantime, Kitiana delighted herself with his culinary skills, but this was more than just a favor. Kitiana was used to doing her pedicure herself, but she was convinced that she deserved to have someone do it for her, someone she could trust, and someone she liked preferably. Needless to say, this afternoon repeated on the following day, and the next, and the one after that...

In time, Broseph had become such an expert that Kitiana didn't have to give him directions anymore. Every day she would have him come to her room to give her both pedicure and massages.

It was on one such occasion that Kit, while watching her brother eagerly rub her soles, found out that she wanted to try something new. Broseph seemed to love her cute feet as much as she did, so she came upon the conclusion that he might also want to feel them all over him. "Brother!" she called out with a devious smile, "You can stop now."

Broseph briefly let go of his sister's feet only to cock his head to the side in wonder, "What's up? You didn't like the massage?" Kit hurried to giggle and dismissed his worries with her shaking hand.

"Nonsense! Your foot massages are first class, but I'm in the mood for something new today! You want to make your sister happy, don't you?" Broseph happily nodded. "Do me a favor and lie on your back."

Broseph blinked a bit as his shorter sister got off her posh beanbag chair only to step atop his stomach. "I know you love pleasing my feet, brother. Now I believe it's their turn to please you." With that, Kit began to walk forwards, Broseph's breathing tightening a bit as she stopped short of his neck and stood on his chest. The pretty blonde then briefly lifted one of her feet off before dropping it down on Broseph's left cheek. She grinned as she began to rub the refreshing sole of her foot all over Broseph's face. When she saw Broseph relax, Kit realized he was enjoying it. He wasn't the only one.

Kit added her other foot to the session and relished the feeling of having her brother literally under her feet. Having always been small, Kit felt like some sort of fantasy giantess stepping on someone with her perfect feet, and the sensation of having Broseph breathing on her soles and toes was making her tingle with excitement. Before she could tell, Kit found herself stepping on Broseph's face, giggling as she heard him groan or just speak muffled words. Kit loved everything about stepping on her brother. For some reason, it aroused her more than his massages did. She then realized that it wasn't that she loved stepping on her brother as much as it turned her on to imagine herself stepping on anything just to squeeze the object under her feet. Her toes curled as she bit her lips in anticipation, fantasizing about stepping on multiple people at once, crushing whole cars and trees under the weight of her feet! She wanted this fantasy to become true.

When Broseph heard of such an idea, he never once considered laughing. He had to fight his instincts of lust instead. Everything he'd ever done for his sister had never prepared Broseph to even begin to imagine what she was proposing, but Broseph wanted Kit to enjoy herself, and he wanted to see her enjoying herself. To that end, Broseph began to put his craftsmanship to work.

Kit was fantasizing about stomping through town, crushing things under her feet. She wanted to play the role of a giantess. He could help her with that! Broseph started to work on building miniatures, putting realistic details on them before placing the toys on backdrops of his own inventions, creating scaled models of different popular locations.

On the day Broseph unveiled them to Kitiana, she was overjoyed. He filmed Kit as she took her shoes and socks off and proceeded to step in the first model: It was a scaled down New York City. "Broseph, this is amazing! Oh I can feel my overjoyed feet tingling with anticipation!" she purred, and then the stomping began.

Broseph felt proud of himself. He had made sure to make every building out of firm yet weak material, in such a way that she wouldn't scratch or hurt her pretty feet while destroying the fruit of his hard labor. Broseph cared very little about the effort he had put in building the model city; he would do it a thousand times over if it would let him watch Kit stomp them.

It was all in good fun, the siblings enjoyed partaking in Kit's fantasies, but Kit eventually began to feel the limitations of the role-play. She wanted more than that. Kit loved forcing Broseph to do everything she wanted, and the boy had skills, but even he couldn't make all of this real. Kit wanted it to be real. She wanted to be a giant.

Kitiana would make her fantasy into a reality.

Kit was a pretty girl, but pretty wasn't enough to describe her. She was also very good with machines. Whenever she wasn't worshipping her feet or making Broseph worship them for her, she spent long whiles in her workshop, tinkering with highly advanced technology of her own design. She was a scientist by trade, and her inventions were enough to earn her and her brother's keep in society. Kit was pretty much an introvert, always looking for ways to improve her own lifestyle, which developed into more ways to make money off inventions that weren't good enough for her, but had commercial value anyway.

It took her a few days and, sadly, a couple of missed foot rubs, but Kit managed to finish her newest project by one sunny Friday. Kit had been working on the prototype for her Neo Molecular Socks for quite a while, perfecting their patented energetic system of her own design and making sure they would also be fashionable to wear. The premise behind the articles of clothing was more than just a fancy name and comfort. Kit had designed the socks' fibers to absorb, store, convert and transmit several manners of energy for the sole purpose of its user's self improvement. This effect was conceived by having the socks infuse their user with the converted energy to both trigger and fuel the necessary biological processes to enable rapid growth.

After having led tests with electric, hydraulic and kinetic energy successfully, Kit was very ready to try the NM Socks out. Kit hurried to sit up on her bench and kicked her shoes off. She followed by removing her normal socks and giggled as her toes happily wiggled about, marking her enthusiasm. "We're going to step on many, many big things!"

Kit slowly began to slide her invention up her right leg first. It naturally was a perfect fit, but that fact didn't make her any less proud. Kit felt the tight yet comfortable fabric hug her feminine legs and feet. Snug for better energy absorption yet fresh for the delight of her toes. A smile of pleasure spread on Kit's face as she wriggled her toes experimentally. She playfully licked the side of her cheek as she stuck her tongue out; kicking her leg around to make sure everything was alright. Satisfied by her brief test, Kit began to slide the other sock in on her other leg, this time savoring the moment when she dressed her shapely limb. This sock hugged her leg just as comfortably. This time she moved both of her feet and her toes to ensure the integrity of every strand was both holding and working fine. "Mmm... I can't wait anymore. Let's do this!"

With that, Kit smacked her feet together twice and then crossed them before releasing them again. This was the activation code for her NM Socks to start up.

The socks briefly glowed as a giddy Kit bit her lower lip in anticipation. She decided to cut the wait short and bounced off her seat. As she landed on her feet, the relatively small impact against the socks charged them with a bit of kinetic energy. "Simply create energy the socks can absorb..." Kit began reciting as if she was reading a cooking recipe, "Allow the energy to transform..." she hummed as the socks briefly glowed again. Electricity seemed to be running along Kit's legs for a moment. "Mmm! As expected, it tickles!" she giggled, and then let out a moan of pleasure as the converted energy was suddenly injected into her body. "Ahh! Th-the power is processed and spreads along the users' body. It gathers and gathers and... mmm, gathers...!"

A loud moan escaped Kit's lips as she suddenly tensed and squealed with the delight of a job well done. The energy the socks were granting her with was heading towards the center of her body, where it fused together, and grew larger and larger like an inflating balloon. "...and when it's done...!" with barely bated breath, Kit almost screamed as she doubled over and felt the ball of energy suddenly explode inside of her. The resulting power spread along Kit's body, infusing every last atom.

Kit shut her eyes as she put her arms around her waist and squeezed tightly. She could feel the energy trapped within her body as it was all absorbed, her grin widening as her body started to expand. The immediacy of the effect caught Kit off guard as she forgot to take her clothes off; therefore her miniskirt and blouse were the first indications of her growth. Kit's clothes began to stretch over her enlarging curves. As she began to add inch upon inch on her usually small body, she could hear the buttons of her blouse begin to pop one by one. With her hips becoming wider than her miniskirt would allow, the fabric began to struggle to cover her butt and thighs as it rode higher on her skin. The blouse was busting at the seams as Kit became a full foot taller. She grit her teeth as the tightness became a discomfort, but at the very same Kit felt absolutely thrilled. She was too big for her clothes!

The voluminous, now tall woman proceeded to remove her broken blouse and slid her now obscenely short miniskirt off to keep them from being a nuisance. Kit grinned as she realized this growth effect was also affecting her legs which were now much longer than before! She was easily over 6ft. tall and was still growing larger. Her panties were sinking between her large buttocks, while her bra was overfilling with great amounts of mammary flesh. Kit was so taken in by the physical sensations running amok in her body that she couldn't notice the strange phenomenon happening a bit lower than her knees.

Kit's Neo Molecular Socks were suddenly malfunctioning, cackling with electricity as they continued to work. Too busy with her swelling form, Kit couldn't intervene in time, and when she finally noticed, at about 6'8'' tall, it was too late. "Oh dear...! The Neo Molecular Socks are disappearing!" she gasped. Kit quickly sat down, groaning a little as her panties hugged her a bit too tightly now. She reached down to grab her inventions but was surprised when her fingers went through and just touched skin. Kit's eyes widened. "It's just as I feared...! They're fusing to my skin! The energy conversion program must've malfunctioned and it... Ah! Am I still growing...?" she gasped in surprise. Indeed her feet were sliding along the floor and her head was getting to be further and further away from it. "Oh! Could it be?!" Kit ran a quick series of complex calculations in her mind, blinking as she realized the truth of the matter. "My inventions have become grafted to my legs and feet, and have inherited their programming!" Kit wasn't as surprised from the result as she was from the fact the process hadn't hurt her one bit.

Kit carefully rose to her empowered feet and stretched to her Amazonian new height of over 7ft. tall. Her underwear looked several sizes too small right now. Kit was more than tall; she was a towering woman now. Her feet were tingly, a good sign that the NM Socks' effect was still going strong. If her calculations were right, then the effect's strength would be doubled, if not tripled by now. Looking over her workshop bench she grinned at the sight of the little something she had prepared for today.

Kit had asked Broseph to use his resourceful skills to build a scale model of their neighborhood, complete with trees and vehicles. Kit loved using these models to play the role of a furious giantess smashing everything under her feet. There was no reason to hold back this time either. "Oh no!" she mimicked the voice of a fear-stricken citizen, "The evil giantess is back, and she looks bigger than ever!" Kit couldn't help herself from giggling. The change in perspective was turning her on. Every step invariably sent jolts up her spine as she approached the town model.

The playful amazon lifted her right foot up above the model. "Rawr!" she mocked a creature's beastly growl before she dropped her mighty foot down, demolishing the frail model of their neighbors' home. Kit gasped as suddenly she heard a snap. The straps of her bra and the elastic of her panties had had enough. They broke to pieces and fell among her growing feet as Kit's impressive height gain began to quickly put her past state to shame. She went past eight feet really fast, and after nine she ducked to avoid crashing her head against the ceiling. "Mmmph... the effect's magnitude is impressive already! Yes!" she cried out in bliss. With a big grin, she dragged her foot and began to kick and stomp what she could of the model. Each time she did, the model became not only more ruined, but also smaller to her eyes. Kit was growing really fast!

Kit continued to curl into increasingly less comfortable positions as her enlarging form ran out of room to grow into. She had been preparing for that. Keeping her legs as flexible as she could, she repositioned herself to be pointing up with her feet. When she was ready, she kicked. Kit's massive feet tore through the boarding of the first floor, smashing holes with the great weight of her enormous legs. Kit cried out in ecstasy as energy jolted up from her feet to her center before it shot in every direction within her body. Kit's teeth clenched tightly as she felt her ass slide against the wall and her head press against the opposite side of the basement thanks to her awkward position. "I figure I'm strong enough to push myself through now!" she threw her arms up, managing to pierce the basement's ceiling.

The delivery man crossing the street towards Kitiana's house tripped over the ground shook. He was ready to swear at his own clumsiness when his eyes suddenly saw a pair of arms shoot out of his target house, the hands as big as cars. Kit's growth spurt was so powerful now that it was making her swell several sizes larger very fast! Feet after feet were adding to her already huge body. The delivery man got up to his knees and was ready to flee in terror when he saw two feet crash past the entrance of the house with the arms. The crumbling building gave away almost instantly after that as the body of a beautiful, yet gigantic blonde surged right out with a scream of bliss! "YES!" Kit's voice reverberated for hundreds of yards around.

Bystanders screamed as the giantess began to stand up. With only minimal effort, the entire house collapsed into rubble beneath the soles of Kit's feet as well as the palms of her hands. When Kit finally managed to stand up she was good over 50ft. tall, but the growth burst had lost its intensity just as fast as it had hit. Kit looked on about pleased either way. The neighborhood was small; it looked like she hadn't stepped out of the model city. "Oh god, this is AWESOME!" she boomed with laughter, finishing scaring everyone in vicinity.

This was her opportunity. With people running away from Kit as fast as their tiny legs would carry them, she was overjoyed to see abandoned cars on the parking spaces by the neighboring houses. Kit clenched her fists and reserved her anticipation with a big grin as she lifted one foot above the neighbor's vehicle before she let out a thunderous giggle. The car managed to protest only once as the metal bent and glass exploded under Kit's foot. Her fingers curled down against the parking space as she gritted her teeth from the excitement. Kit lifted her foot off only to witness the compressed, flattened vehicle tear off her sole and fall back to the ground with a thud. She purred in delight and proceeded to smash her foot down again, this time cracking the floor by the house. Kit cried out, loving the groaning she heard from the feeble ground.

Then she felt a familiar jolt. Kit happily watched herself ascend again, the power flowing from her legs to the rest of her body almost instantly. She shot up 10ft. in one growth spurt, then instantly became convinced thather feet-centered romp had only just begun. Kit laughed as she proceeded to stomp down every car in the neighborhood. She didn't spare a single vehicle, and each new destroyed car made it easier to flatten the next. Kit's feet were feeding her with more and more raw power, and the objects she flattened were the conduit to her expansion.

The houses were next. A now 100ft. tall Kit looked back at her crumbled apart home. She looked down at her clean, pretty feet, undamaged and unaltered by the car stomping rampage. "Mmm, it must be a side-effect of the absorption into my skin..." the girl began to grin widely again, she had an idea. Ready to stomp houses, this time the giantess squatted briefly before launching herself upwards. A mad giggle filled the air before the sound of a giant explosion covered the neighborhood. Kit landed with both of her feet on her neighbor's house, her feet crashing past the ceiling and flattening the annexing rooms without so much as a tiny bit of effort.

The kinetic energy generated from the impact nearly doubled Kit's height. The growing girl hugged herself as she could feel the power gather at her center before once more it spread to the rest of her, empowering the process making her an even greater stomper. She wasted no time. House after house began to fall under the might of Kit's feet, the vehicles or flimsy structures she had missed eventually were caught under the weight of her giant feet. The tingling in her feet was constant, as if Broseph was massaging them all the time. Kit couldn't stop even if she wanted to.

And thus the growing rampaging giantess continued to convert her neighborhood into the scene of a monster movie. Buildings continued to fall, turned into nothing but crushed debris, vehicles flattened to pancakes, public property either bent out of shape or outright destroyed. Nothing could escape Kit's destructive binge. She was getting tired of the suburbs though, and was setting her sights on much larger structures to both flatten and fuel her growth.

A convinced Kitiana smirked towards New York City, her gaze easily covering miles of distance from her standing point. "Oh I have plans for all those soon-to-be-puny buildings..." she began to stomp towards the city. Heavy footfalls covered entire blocks of distance at once, rattling the ground powerfully as Kit advanced.

People in the city instantly began to scatter as the giant woman approached. Kit's blonde hair was freely flowing now, but even the long bangs of straight hair over her chest did very little to aid in covering her gargantuan breasts. Some stragglers fell behind due to their incessant drooling over the sight of such a beauty, even if she was well over 500ft. tall already. Kit really had no business paying attention to the little ones however; they could run or be crushed under her magnificence for all she cared.But she didn't become attracted to the idea of popping people under her toes as much as she did when she crushed buildings!

She got an idea as soon as she found one of the now little cars by a multi-level parking lot. Kit gently lifted her foot up and neared her big toe to it. She had to grab a nearby flat to keep herself steady since she didn't just want to mindlessly crush this one miniature. The blonde playfully stuck her tongue out as she balanced her foot above the tiny car and finally her big toe fell to its side, with the following toe landing on the car's opposite side. "Hehe... pincer attack!" a laughing Kit then suddenly pushed her toes together, giggling as the digits came together like scissor blades, completely scrapping the abandoned car between her toes. "Mmm. Now that felt nice... I think I'll help myself to some more!"

News of the invading giantess traveled fast. There were multiple news vans and choppers staying at what they thought were adequate distances from the monstrously big Kitiana, filming and reporting. "This is Channel 7 with the latest news flash! A giant woman is terrorizing New York City. The monster appears to measure an approximate of 600ft. Authorities are doing what they can do evacuate the city to avoid casualties. The giant appears to have stopped... She is now sitting on a parking lot!"

The newscaster had their chopper pull closer as Kit descended. She seemed pleased with herself as her shapely butt pushed down against the multi-level parking lot that had become her makeshift seat. The top level easily fractured and crumbled apart as the giant's ass tore through it like it was made of paper. The rest of the building groaned and collapsed unto itself, cars spilling left and right as if Kit had just sat on a big anthill. "The monster seems to be comfortable! She's reaching down to pick up cars. They're like miniaturized toys to her! Oh dear...!"

Kit threw one of her legs over the other, sighing in relief as she idly bounced the group of cars in her hand as if they were a bunch of quarters. It was then that everyone watching the news saw the naked beauty bring her cute, destructive right foot up.

As if she was in the privacy of her own house, the giantess pinched one of the cars between her fingers and gingerly parted her toes before tucking the car in-between. "Is this... pedicure with cars?!" the newscaster asked her audience in bewilderment. Kit added car after car to every available space, then repeated the same ritual for her unattended foot. When she was done, Kit laid back with a sigh of pleasure, her hands further compressing the building under her sexy ass whilst her feet wiggled about in front of her. "This is unprecedented! It appears the giant girl is here to service her feet with our vehicles, has the terror ended before it could even begin? Wait, what is she doing now...?"

Kitiana moaned as she stretched her long, womanly legs while pushing her toes together. Every car popped and instantly became scrap. Kit flexed her other foot and one by one, those vehicles were crushed. A sigh of bliss passed Kit's lips, and then she grinned at the sight of a skyscraper taller than herself. "You're blocking my view!" she boomed with laughter before she thrust her feet forwards, burying both up to her ankles inside the structure. The building shook violently after the strike, and Kit could only giggle as the impact fed her with even greater size. She swelled several dozen feet larger at once, adding to her already impressive bulk. Her butt finished overtaking the multi-level parking lot, making it disappear under growing flesh.

Kit's legs continued to be absorbed into the crumbling skyscraper, her feet tearing through every surface until eventually she could feel her toes being brushed by air again. With her feet impaled through the skyscraper, Kit looked up at the collapsing building and brought her legs up. Both of her powerful limbs retracted and she lied on her back in a similar position from when she was trapped in her basement workshop. Concrete and shattered glass rained out, bouncing off her skin harmlessly. Without its support, the upper half of the skyscraper collapsed. Kit waited until it was in range of her feet, then with a yell of: "TIMBERRRRRRR!" she double-kicked the skyscraper half. The building was sent flying like a tennis ball served with full strength, making it promptly disappear from sight.

Kit growled as the new exertion of strength caused her to glow brightly with power. Everything she was suddenly doubled in size with her voice crying out in pleasure. She sat back up just in time before her head hit against the building behind her, her back smashing into it instead as she grew. Kit stretched her arms as she happily expanded bigger and bigger, her sides became tightly sandwiched between neighboring buildings, her boobs jiggling with every throb of her enlarging form.

"Oh god, pull back!" the newscaster screamed at her pilot as the blonde head approached them fast. The chopper narrowly avoided being knocked away by the amazing giantess' growth. Kit merely stayed still, curling her fingers and toes in anticipation as she felt her increasing weight push buildings aside or just outright destroy them as she overtook the streets with her body. When Kit was done, she was easily well over a thousand feet in height. "This is madness; the giantess has become even larger after destroying a skyscraper! Wait, she's standing up!!"

Kitiana rose up to her full height, smirking as she ran her hands on her voluptuously gorgeous frame, dusting building debris off her body. She confidently laughed as her eyes finally caught sight of the news choppers hovering around her. Flashing them a wide grin, Kit announced: "This city is mine. Get out of my playground or be smashed!" she commanded, making it a point to impress the media.

Kit spun around, her golden mane of hair fluttering along. The giantess had something big planned for them, but for a better effect, she had to get even bigger.

That's when the blonde decided to really start her rampage. With the older, smaller buildings surrounding her feet looking no taller than her ankles, Kit proceeded to have fun systematically stomping them one by one, leaving them in shambles. She boomed with laughter as she paraded her knock-out body throughout the deserted city, demolishing everything in her path, using every opportunity for growth she could get.

When the military arrived, there was no stopping her. Her body had become so strong thanks to the Neo Molecular Socks that even their most powerful shells exploded against an unbreakable wall of flesh. The tanks firing at her only served to further Kit's growth when she stomped them. "Yes, send more of your pathetic little toys; I want to step ALL OVER THEM!"

Kit's ascension was not stopping. Her size was well over two thousand feet, and she was easily able to decimate whole blocks in mere minutes now. Towering apartment buildings became mere stepping stones for the power-hungry giantess, her foot fetish only turning the mighty structures into more fuel for her expansion. The city was falling, and there was no stopping the giantess.

Kit's body was outgrowing nearly everything in the city. Her feet were covering tons of ground at once, so her destructive and feedback efficiency was only improving with every passing minute. Kit had no intentions of stopping her marvelous ascension, but she had to give a good show to the people below. She had to convince them everything in this city belonged to her now, and she had the perfect target in mind to help them realize that.

Nearly three times its size, the giantess now towered over the Empire State Building. She was ready to destroy it, but Kit wanted to be sure those pesky choppers had a good view. Some of them were invariably gathered behind her, no doubt observing her deliciously shaped rump, but barring the perverts, she did have a good audience. It was time for her to carry her will out.

"Look at this! One of the mightiest, shall we say, one of the TALLEST man-made buildings in history?" Kit shouted, making sure her voice could be heard from miles, "Nothing you could build can compare to me, as I'll now demonstrate!" the giantess brought her foot back and clenched her fists. She hit a few of the pervert choppers filming her more private areas and promptly giggled to herself as she felt several little tingles on her legs. At this point, those impacts only managed to generate enough energy to give her mere extra inches. Now that she was well over half a mile tall, Kit couldn't help but giggle at such a trite event. What truly mattered to her feet now was to completely destroy that monument in front of her.

And just like that, the nation bore witness to the voluminously curved giant kicking the Empire State Building with enough force to make it bend inwards. It looked like Kit had just kicked a man in the groin and he was doubling over from pain. The glass shattered with a loudness that resounded throughout New York City. Concrete and metal should have cut or bruised her unprotected feet, but the mesh of skin and specialized fiber were all but absorbing the damage that should have happened to Kit. Instead, she was already growing larger again thanks to the impact.

The blonde heartily laughed as she brought her foot back and kicked again, removing a third of the building as she struck it right off. With a malicious grin, her pretty foot descended onto the broken building, and she began to literally compress it as if she was stepping on a shrinking soda can. TV screens showed the ascending human girl casually resting her hands on her wide, feminine hips as she just pushed harder and harder.

Kit's body continued to put on size and weight, yet she remained as svelte and curvy as ever. She was well over a mile in height when her powerful foot finally reached the ground level. Towering over absolutely everything in the city, Kit lazily dragged herself away before bending over. After a teasing shake of her perfectly round buttocks for the cameras, she rose back up to her full height of a mile and a half tall. Kit had scooped what had remained of the Empire State Building in her palm, and then turned around to show it to the choppers she knew were there. "See this? This is what the world owes me. Eternal pleasure for my beautiful feet. And I will get it, whether you agree with it or not. You all better be ready for me."

She dropped the flattened building to the ground, the crashing sound of debris marking the beginning for its absolute end for New York City. And Kitiana could still absorb as much power as she wanted to make herself as powerful as she needed to be. The city was her playground, but soon the whole state would have to accommodate her.

Kit literally had the world at her feet.

"...and there's been a major accident at the Seventh and Boulevard! Oh these people need a damn instruction booklet that says to stop texting and driving! We'll..."

The loudness of Broseph's morning podcast forced his eyes open. He looked around for any sign of disturbance, but his room was okay. Jumping out of the bed he rushed over to the door and sighed in disappointment as he realized everything was just as always. "Man, what a dream!" he snapped his fingers, feeling both invigorated and thwarted by his own sub-conscious. "Oh boy, I bet HE will write it if I pay good cash! Gotta make sure he's got an open spot right now!"

Zipping back into his room, Broseph rushed to connect to his DeviantArt account to contact a writer known as DragonMasterX.

The End.

Divine Intervention

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Overcoming the Average

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