Letting Out Some Steam

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#32 of Commissions by Gruffy

This is the second part of the commission to :iconJonSanders: - hope to hear you comments!


So, after another three hours with an old squirrel who had a fetish about stab wounds, I went home, feeling a bit sick and bit tired and a lot of bored and horny, but there was not even a chance to flip out some porn and whip it out, because my roomie was of course present, and I wasn't kinky enough to whack it in the bathroom while the lion was busy doing whatever he did...not sure, really, he studied different stuff than me... he could drink, though, which meant we got along pretty well. Bleeeeeh...

Next day was much the same, lectures, and homework and practice, having finally been allowed to return to the field to do some rib-crushing. Jeff and Micky were there too, looking a bit embarrassed after we all received a big shouting put-down from Coach Kruger in front of the rest of the team, now that we could join in again.

"ORDER IS OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE!" the coach pranced in front of us, whistle waving around his neck, paws and a sharply flicking tail behind his back like a prison camp commandant. "ORDER AND OBEDIENCE, YOU LOUSY ASSES!"

We started doing practice then, the coach running our asses around the field for warm-up first so that we were already burning in the butt and thigh department before the coach blew his whistle and ordered us to do a few push-ups. That got my arms messed up too, so that by the time we were starting to do running patterns on the field, I was already aching everywhere. Guess I was out of shape...I did try....most of the time...

"Oh maaaaaan, the gay squad's here," I heard Jeff grunt then.

"Look at those pansies!" Micky concerted.

I looked about and saw a whole bunch of furs coming in, and they were definitely not footballers, or not even the track team, or something. No, even if they weren't wearing those crazy ass hats or the weird uniforms, you still knew that the marching band was in da building. I could even see some of those cheerleaders with them, the ones who twirled those striped canes and sometimes wooden rifles, because that was meant to be patriotic.




Just how was the pride of the USA reflected in a couple of gay bois and girls with pom-poms, I wasn't sure of, but who was I to blame? I was a secret rump ranger and being in a football team had its problems, such as the locker room aka boy butt buffet, but I knew how to handle it. They weren't really my type, really...not nearly husky enough for most part...though Langley was a cute husky with very tight buns...hummmm...now he I didn't mind peeking... but better keep that to myself, considering how my teammates were such phobes. Can't change everything, I guess...oh well...at least I got to crash onto them...heavily...on the field.


As if on cue, some of the drummers in the band started banging those stupid little drums and messing around with them, which meant that the coach was not going to be able to get any of his usual shouting done over that racket. It was kinda good, though, you could just run around and do some more straight bashing. After all that I hauled my sweaty ass to the shower and only looked a bit at the other asses...I knew I had to hurry to my dorm since my roommate wasn't going to be there yet, knowing he'd be possibly doing something disgusting with his girlfriend, which meant that the dorm was free for me.


I grabbed the computer, the lube and the tissues and had a gay old time with myself, slapping some of the grease onto my dick as soon as I was out of my pants and doing some one-pawed browsing at my favorite sites to get out some nice material of big buff muscled guys doing some hot stuff to each other. I clicked through some of the useless three-minute advert clips for some proper pirated stuff to get something I could relax with properly, sitting on my comfy chair at my desk, just relaxing before doing my mountain of homework. A guy had to have a time for himself and his penis, right?

At least that was the occasion now. I could happily stroke one off, and once I got a hot video of a really buff police wolf poking a Rottweiler's ass with his nightstick, I could even spare my other paw to roll my big, sweaty balls in my palm. Always had a thing for balls...didn't get to taste enough of them lately, so I had to do with my own...feeling them up in their furry sac and then bringing my paw up for a long sniff of my musk...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...was it bad to be such a turn- on to myself? Not really, I guess, I wasn't harming anyone, except maybe those tissues I had at ready on my desk while my eyes stared happily at the sight of the angrily scowling wolf spank the Rottweiler and play with his humongous doggie dick, his police hat a bit lopsided over his head...

"...time for a cavity search!"

Yay for headphones, just had to be careful so that my roomie couldn't sneak in while I was engrossed in the stuff...that happened to me once, but I managed to slap the laptop shut at the final moment, so he didn't see what I was jacking off to...phew...not busted at that point, yet...though I was going to bust something soon, I thought, my fingers sliding quickly over my meat and making this hot, nice squishy sound while I played around with my balls, too, squeezing and rolling and fondling them. If only there was some nice musclegut hunk here to do it for me...maybe with their muzzle...goddamn I liked a good rimjob...though it was rare to get that far with a more casual sort of an affair...needed someone kinky enough to go there with a wet tongue...hmmm...I was almost tempted to lick my fingers and do some rubbing...but I was getting pretty close now...I just wanted to get along with it, I was too horned up, I just wanted to get off.

I kicked in the high gear, watching the two furs on the video go at it hard. It was ball-smacking pounding that sounded so hot, those big bodies colliding...my paw moving more quickly now, my grip just perfect, the friction, the warmth, everything set just right for cum-off...yes...there we go...good...yeah...yeah...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrrrr....big bear was happy with the hot, runny stuff splashing over the conveniently spread tissues on my big belly, making big dark marks over the folded paper. I was panting a bit, too, and got some of the stuff on my fingers. I licked it up and grinned at the nasty taste, and the relaxing warmth that filled my body after a bit of fun.

Almost made the homework bearable...almost.


By the time my roomie appeared with a grin that told the kitty cat had gotten some pussy...bah, bah, I say! These weeks were going to be mad, with so much homework, football practice and that stupid course I still had to take...or else. I was already super bored by the time I went to the community center on Thursday evening again to face the weird squirrel.

This time the chairs had been moved to the side again, and the squirrel had spread out those weird furless dolls all over the floor, and she was standing in the middle of it all, wearing that strange outfit and rubbing her paws together.

"Tonight we're going to start on a very important part of this course, that being cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR!" the squirrel chattered. "Now, I'm sure you all have seen it on TV, but now I'm going to teach how it is done properly so that there is no harm to the patient, you learn to protect yourself, and you get the best chance of helping to save someone's life."

"So where are the paddles?" someone called out and laughed. "Are we gonna zap these dummies?"

I turned around to see who was talking and realized that it was the goofy-looking little otter dude with the wolf girlfriend, slinking next to that chick and wearing some shorts and a black T-shirt with strange white writing on it, Chinese or something. The squirrel's tail swished behind her while she looked at the otter with the funny teeth.

"If you are referring to the AED training, we're going to be doing that once we've attained basic skills in CPR."

"Aww, I was looking forward to getting to do this...uhh..." the otter pulled his paws into fists, rubbed them together in a quick circulation motion and then pressed them against the wolf girl's boobs. "CLEAR!"

The girl yelped and giggled happily, and I felt kinda sick...

"I'm afraid we'll be using glue electrodes with the trainer device, it doesn't come with manual paddles like you have surely seen on TV," the spoilsport squirrel replied in calm but "OWNED!" voice, "I'm sure all of you will realize that a lot of the stuff you see on TV is just TV magic and nothing more."

Wow...and here I was hoping we'd be getting to do something cool...not!

"Now, let's make groups of four, we've got just that many Anne dolls available today, so let's see..."

I felt panicked for a second, but there was really not much time to react, because the squirrel moved around the room, nudging and prodding furs together. There was no escape..no matter how I tried to appear uninteresting, she grabbed my arm and told that "this gentleman here can work with you ladies..." and soon I was kneeling next to the weird rubber thing with no arms and a weirdly shaped hairless muzzle, with an overweight cougar, a German Shepherd and a vixen as my companions, each of them about double or triple my age, and...and...women...what if they'd hit on me or something?

"We'll start with paws-only CPR, because it's been proven to improve survival greatly especially when used in combination with early defibrillation with an AED...so put one paw on the sternum of the doll...put another paw over it and lock your fingers together...like this...look at me...like this...let's all take tries on the dolls...try putting your paws on the doll and try the correct positioning, and look at each other's posture...bend your arms a bit..."

So, yeah...hunched over that weird doll that was called Anne even though it didn't have boobs...weird...

"And when you do compression, you should aim for something between 100 to 120 compression per minute...and there is a very simple mnemonic for keeping up the rhythm...yes...alright..."

The squirrel went over to a big ancient ghetto blaster boom box sitting on a chair by the electric socket and hit PLAY, and immediately music started to blare out...and it was...what the fuck...

"...as it happens,Stayin' alive has the exactly right number of beats per minute for CPR, so now that we're practicing, try pacing yourself to the music. You can even sing along if you like, heheh!"

Oh maaaan...not only was I in a boring first aid course, it also doubled as a granny disco, and I was forced to participate. It was kinda comical-looking, all around the room, big fat granny-boobs bouncing while furs took turns pumping the chests of these dummies. I felt a bit self-conscious, doing it, especially since the squirrel came around to tell me to straighten my arms some more...damn...so I was going to be under special supervision. The only thing that made it even worse was that the 4H girls were giggling and genuinely ENJOYING themselves and seemed to be having the time of their lives.

Eww...excited schoolgirls!


So was the group nearby, too...that silly otter and his girlfriend and another wolf and a coyote, and they kept chattering and exchanging remarks...hopefully not about how my fat ass looked like when I was on my knees and doing my share of practice. It was actually harder than I thought, and I broke a sweat during my few minutes at it. Damn...that fat cougar was going to get a heart attack and give us a live subject to practice on...but live for how long...

We finally took a break for coffee and biscuits (I mean, LOL!) and mingled in the room and the hall, where I could again see organ playing and a choir practicing with some "La la lalalalallaa" tunes. I stood around in the corner so that I'd be out of the way and anyone's attention, clutching my cardboard cup with hot coffee and some kind of a weird church biscuit. What I'd give for a proper cookie, with so much chocolate that it'd melt all over my fingerpads...could lick them clean...yumm...yummm...

My peaceful lonely-angsting was interrupted suddenly by a pat on my arm, and I realized that someone was standing there, and it was that otter of all furs, the grinning one with the weird teeth curling over his lips.

"Heya!" the otter said. "How's it hanging?"

Whut...I stood up from my slump against the wall, to show the punk that I was a big guy and not to be messed around with, especially by otters with overactive tails and an empty coffee cup on his paw.

"Ummmm...hi?" I said.

"Hey!" he flashed a weird-looking smile, courtesies of those funny teeth, "say, you wouldn't happen to be a member of the City Smashers are you? Because Page..."

He pointed a quick paw towards the wolf who was currently chatting with the 4H girls on the other side of the hall (eek!) before letting it drop...

"...because she says that she's sure that you're part of the football team and I just had to find out!"

Wow, girl, so you send your boyfriend over to ask if the big bear's the footballer...hmm...wonder if she was into a bit more beef than this dude...he could fit inside my gear bag, lol! Sending the dude to check out the big bear...hmmm...well, bet she'd be disappointed if she made a move on me...hahah...

"Uhm...yeah," I frowned, "yeah, yeah, I run defense..."

"Cool, I thought so!" the otter licked one of his big canines, which looked a bit creepy. "I was sure I - "


"Catch you later," the otter winked.

And there he was, going back to drag the wolf girl by the arm...ugh...cocky straight guys...


Thank you for reading! See you soon with more :)

Drums and Balls – Crime and Punishment

Hehhey, folks! This is the first chapter of a commission to [![avatar?user=200527&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=200527&character=0&clevel=2) Jon Sanders](https://jon-sanders.sofurry.com/ "Jon Sanders") - who...

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Heroes and Villains

My, my, what a naughty idea did I get from [![avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2) Sanmer](https://sanmer.sofurry.com/ "Sanmer") for a commission...and here is the hefty,...

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It’s Just Temporary

This festive piece is a commission for [![avatar?user=77341&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=77341&character=0&clevel=2) lucentorb](https://lucentorb.sofurry.com/ "lucentorb") ! Do leave me a comment to tell me if you...

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