The Mawket

Story by Kaijou on SoFurry

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Tsumi has the bright idea of taking Forest down to the local markets for a varied show of exotic goods and foods, forgetting his friend's greatest weakness; his considerably strong hunger.

A gift for forest-wolf for being such a wonderful (ly delicious) friend. :9~

The Mawket.

© Tsumi Moogle '13 Characters © Themselves

He could scarcely recall how the moogle had managed to convince him down to these markets. The walk down, ok that hadn't been too bad. The temperature hadn't ruffled his fur too badly. And yes, they looked rather enticing from afar.. But having gotten closer, nay, been dragged by the paw into the crowded pathways, his earlier preconceptions were melting. Just like he was. The heat with the hundreds of bodies compacted along among the numerous stalls was getting stiffling.

The stalls themselves, whilst from afar had appeared quite comical and enjoyable, turned out to be far more noisy, vibrant, and illuminated, like an on-going alleyway of carnival stalls.

All of it together, was just.. too much.

But the pink form, holding his hand, tugging him on, would not be denied. Tsumi's eyes waving from stall to stall, from face to face, from coarsely beaded leather necklace, to glass-blown jewelry, to the- Was that key-chain made from a kangaroo's-

'C'mon, FoWo! There's still heaps to see, kupo!' chimed Tsumi amidst the chatter and banter of the crowd. The calls of the stall-folk themselves, the noises of merchandise aimed at the younger folk, and the sizzling pops, and hisses of-

'Food..!' whined the wolf, his head turning off to one side as the moogle eagerly dragged him on past. The smell of hand-made pizza wafting; stroking along his muzzle and senses, drawing him like a siren to the fresh, melty-cheese laden dishes..

'No, kupo! Not until later! We both know that if you start eating, you won't stop! And the stalls might close down by then!' huffed Tsumi, puffing out his chest and giving another determined tug on his taller friend's paw. His reverie momentarily broken, Forest stumbled after the smaller boy, sniffing hopefully for another glancing pass of that wonderful smell.

And down every alley, Tsumi busied himself. Eyes wide, smile beaming as he admired the wares, strange and exotic, wild and wonderous. The henna-tattoo store leaving the mog thoughtful. A name-on-a-grain-of-rice store getting several orders made. Several names tossed into the air as those that needed to have a gift bought for them.

And down each and every alley, a new, wonderous smell to torture the poor wolf.

From pizza, to hot-dogs, to chili, to candy-cotton, to barbecued corn on the cob, to chinese noodles and stews and on and on..

Finally, as Tsumi approached a roped off area, with a tall wolf in stockman's garb offering him a turn at cracking a whip, Forest grasped his friend's hand in turn, and tugged the moogle back.

The mog was very much confused to find his friend's stare looking rather different as he looked back.

Forest was panting. Not quite for the heat, which had done its best to darken his fur, and several portions of his poor, white shirt, (Which was now tinged by a good deal of red dust that lay about the markets.) The lupine swallowed, and stared down to the mog, seeming to struggle with effort to form the words;

'Food. Now. We've been doing everything you wanted. Now it's my turn. And you're going to help me eat it.'

Laying his cattish ears, Tsumi didn't even consider the notion of disagreeing with his taller friend. Nodding meekly, he cast his gaze to the stockman, giving an appologetic, helpless shrug. The larger wolf gave an understanding nod, taking his whips back to hand, and to the delight of the crowd about the roped off area, continued his well-rehearsed whip-cracking routine.

Forest wasted no time, now he was free to follow his nose as he wished. Keeping a tight grasp on Tsumi's hand, he took one long, slow sniff, and fixated upon the first source of food he could find.

The warm, garlicy tang and rich, succulent meaty scent of Giros.

Stepping forward eagerly, the wolf found himself before the stand he had hunted out in bare moments. A gap open between the people awaiting their orders, filled by his hungry form promptly, and when the large rabbit working the stall cast his eyes on the wolf, Forest smiled wide. He spoke no words, holding up only one finger, and then stretching his arms out wide.

The burly lapine gave a nod and a chuckle, rolling out one of the large, warm circles of dough, and pointing a younger, lady rabbit to the wolf, she nodded and began carving thick strips of beef from a steadily turning vertical rotisserie, laying them out with an assortment of lettuce and thick tzatziki sauce.

Preparing to roll it up, she found the wolf waving a hand. Lifting her gaze, she blinked.

'More. Much. More.' forest growled over the babble of the crowd.

With a slightly concerned frown, the young rabbit turned her eyes to the moogle who the wolf still held fast by the hand, as if for approval.

Tsumi gave a helpless shrug and nodded.

It was several minutes later, and a number of repeats of the order of 'More' before Forest had finally relented, and gotten away with the colossal sized Giros, made with several of those wonderous rounded pastries, and well over two-thirds of the succulent beef bound up inside. It took both Tsumi and Forest to heft it as they left the bewildered rabbits watching them off..

Perhaps it was something instinctual inside him, but Forest didn't want to begin eating around so many people. Beyond the stalls, there was a good deal of slightly worn, grassy area where fewer people had settled out to rest their weary legs.. But that wasn't good enough.

His ears pricked, and with a grin, he began through the grass anyway. Up over a small hillock that lead towards the beach that the markets backed up onto. A wide-spanning, rather flat expanse of sand. The sunset that graced it every day was quite renowned, but that had long since passed. And if not for the lights of the markets, it would have been pitch black, save for the moonlight.

Turning, several yards down the beach, where he could hear the small waves lapping along the shore, the wolf sniffed over his gargantuan meal and smiled. His jaws dripping rather copiously with saliva as he eagerly awaited his long-deserved meal. Putting it off for one moment longer, he stared down to Tsumi, lifting his glasses.

'Push.' Was all he growled, before his great jaws gaped.

Tsumi stared at his tall friend as he wedged the beginning of the giga-giros into his muzzle. And with a low, eager growl spooking him, the mog began to push. Sinking the warm, treat into that anxious gullet. He could see the wolf's tonge trailing the meal, brushing, soaking, salivating, tasting.. Whilst Forest's jaws stirred, squeezing occasionally and drizzling a line or two of that thick white sauce from the edges of the pastry, onto the mog's hands.

A low, wet squelch coincided the wolf's first swallow, and the large dish vanished several inches. With a long, delightfully satisfied groan, Forest's jaws slowly sank and closed shut, taking an enormous bite from the giros. His head tipped back and in the faint light, Tsumi could see the great bulge sluicing down beneath his friend's fur and collar.. only to have the sight replaced once more with the great gaping jaws.

Forest took his time in working the immense meal down, inching towards the moogle helping sink it into his jaws. Each swallow larger than the last, until the final few inches of the giros in Tsumi's trembling hands slipped wholly over the wolf's tongue. The mog gave a squeaking yelp as the wolf's jaws closed for a fifth time. But this time, there was no bite. The wolf held the smaller male's paws in his muzzle with the end of the giros. The thick sauce dripping some from Forest's chin, likewise marring Tsumi's hands.. And after swallowing that lump of greek cuisine down, the soft-middled lupine grasped his friend's shoulders whilst his tongue began to undulate, and thick rivulets of saliva washed that sauce free from the fine pink fur.

Nervously shifting his sneakered paws atop the moistened, compacted sand, Tsumi gave a ginger tug of his arms. Met once again by a low growl as Forest was not yet finished.. The thick tongue squished against his palms, beginning to squelch and slither between each of his digits, only to bring ever more saliva to those widely smiling jaws.

Staring into Forest's eyes, Tsumi swallowed as he saw a glint within those silvery eyes that was not a part of the market's lighting.. It was something instinctive from deep within the wolf. And it took only a moment to realise what it said.


Forest's grin widened. His friend was not wrong in his words earlier. If he began eating, it was unlikely that he would stop until he was good and sated. ...And 'sated' at this point, involved a moogle to round out his meal, and his stomach.

Hands gripping firmer at the mog's shoulders, Forest yawned his jaws again, and pulled his smaller friend to him. Those slim arms sliding over his tongue tantalizing his taste-buds with the subtle, succulent sweetness of the moogle's fur.

Tsumi gave an anxious cry that was muted instantly when the wolf's inescapable jaws sealed over his head. Billowing over his form with a thick, humid breath holding the scent of the poor giros that had preceded him.

The tongue beneath him roiled like the ocean in a storm. Undulating, slathering, squishing against every inch of him whilst the wolf adjusted his grasp and hefted the smaller male up by the hips.

He swallowed greatly, compacting Tsumi's arms, and head with little issue into the tighter, slimier embrace of his gullet. The flavour growing richer for the heat of the evening having practically basted Tsumi with his own gorgeous flavours.

Groaning heavily, thickly about his meal, Forest snapped his jaws up, lunging them up over the mog-boy's torso and abdomen.

His eyes rolling back and closing indulgently, the lupine's hands gripped at the waistband of Tsumi's shorts, and with a long tug, drew them free and knocked the boy's struggling shoes free, leaving his meal unblemished by sand, and bare for his enjoyment.

And enjoy the meal he did. Ever struggling, squirming inch perfectly complimenting the giros. Tangy and meaty, to sweet and subtle. Warm, firm, solid and still, to Tsumi's vivid, softer, writhing form.

Swallow by swallow, push by push, the wolf steadily sealed the pink mog inwards, until he pushed against the pivoting, writhing soles of his friend-turned-chaser, and sank him wholly over the back of his tongue.

It took him several moments after the final swallow that dragged Tsumi to the full depths of his already churning, sloshing belly, to tug his own paw free of his lips, to instead suckle and groom his fingers.

He panted keenly, grinning as he took several slow staggers up the beach to softer, cooler sand.

And flumping down onto it, he groaned as the weight of his considerable meals spilled out into his lap. Silent, aside from the audible burbling, churning and gurgling of his stomach walls, and muffled pleas lost to a rattling belch.

As the wolf relaxed to enjoy the struggles of his belly, he became aware of others on the beach. His eyes accustoming to the gloom. None were looking at him. They were walking, or frollicing. Unawares at all of the mog that had just been made a dessert of..

Once or twice, as time passed, people walked near the wolf, earning a growl in the gloom from him that made them yelp and scarper. Smirking, the wolf watched some young jaguar pick up the sneakers he had discarded from his meal and wander off with them..

With his belly growing softer and softer by the moment, Forest kneaded his middle. The amusing image of getting a Henna tattoo over his rounded, softened middle growing on him.. ..At least until the ocean breeze visited him another passing scent. ...Another waft of those glorious giros.

His mind focused on the young bunny that had served him.. And he found his jaws salivating once more.


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