Ara's first

Story by skynero19 on SoFurry

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Well, here's the first in-depth look at once of my three OCs! Everyone, meet Sky 'Ara' Aragon, a young king cheetah, and some of his high school friends.

Hopefully this here is a good first look at his personality and particularly his views on intimacy.Marked as "extreme" because, technically, this is "cub" stuff since they're not 18 yet. I mean, really, they're high schoolers.8,227 words

Victory music played from the television, accompanied by both celebratory and profane yells from around the bedroom, followed by laughter as the game's result summary came up on-screen.

"Are you ever gonna beat me one-on-one, Marc?"

"Aw can it, Pieter!"

"You always seem to mop the floor with him when you play Celinda," Sky added from is position on the bed, referring to the princess character celebrating her victory on the cheetah's TV screen.

"Heck, Pieter can make her go total crazy bitch on any of us," Gio added from next to Sky. "Dunno why he's so good with her and average with just about anyone else."

"Guess I just connect to Princess Celinda on a deeper level," the lion teased, leaning forward over his legs to stretch to his toes.

A tabby sitting at Sky's desk jumped in, back-teasing "Really now? You got something you aren't telling us Pieter?"

That got everyone laughing, until Marcus stopped with a confused look on his face before turning to the two girls sitting at the desk. "Wait, are you saying he's her man-bitch Kalos or that he is a lot like her?"

"Hey, I'm no-one's bitch!" the lion said in mock offense. "And have you noticed I NEVER use that blonde beach-boy bimbo in the game here? Kalos only good as kill count fodder."

"What I don't get is how normally he's the hero in the games but has to deal with Celinda's attitude ALL the time in the anime," an otter on Gio's other side added. "At least in the anime it's more obvious they're a couple, but I would hate to be in his position. Knight-servant-boyfriend-ish that she's got the hots for but doesn't want to admit it, so she's always giving him hell."

"Yeah, not fun dealing with an angry girl. Especially if she holds out on you or, worse, leaves you with blue balls. Must be worse when you've only got one option, right Marc?"

The buck smirked as he made eye contact with Cristina. "Maybe if you settled on the right girl, Gio, that wouldn't be a problem. I mean, maybe I'm lucky, but..."

After a moment's pause while people enjoyed Gio's confused look, Cristina continued "I tend to be most 'in the mood' when I'm angry. Probably not the healthiest correlation, but Marc doesn't complain. Much," she said, adding a slightly devious smirk of her own on the last word.

"Yeah, angry sex is great - I just wish you wouldn't use your claws so much..."

"Oh, you like it," Cristina replied in an overly sweet tone.

Marcus sighed and shrugged, acquiescing. "I just feel a bit awkward coming home with scratches on me and the occasional blood on my clothes."

"Owww...." Pieter commented, Sky adding "Sooo... pred/prey-play or something?"

"Wait a minute," Gio interjected, first motioning as if to say something to Cristina before turning to Marcus, "isn't she angriest on - well, once a month?"

"A-yup," the buck answered matter-of-fact-ly.

"Really??" the hyena reeled, now at the puma.

Jackie the tabby added "I haven't tried it myself, but period sex can reduce cramps and make your period shorter."

"I never put Marc through it on day one when it's worst, of course; but it feels damn good, too. Extra lube."

Gio just shuddered where he sat. "All the girls I've had, never could do it if she was on her time. Couldn't do it the one time the girl had asked for the back door either. Can't stick little Gio in with extra gunk of any kind. Dunno how guys like you do it all the time, Sky."

The insides of the cheetah's ears flushed red and he started stammering, so Marcus came in and saved him. "I admit it's a little gross to think about, but when you're in the mood or in the act, you're not thinking much. And as Chris said, it feels damn good, too. At least for period sex; I can't speak to anal."

"Yeah, well, I don't think Sky can speak to it much either - right, Spots?"

"How exactly did the conversation get here, again?" Sky blurted, still flustered a bit.

"Because my Princess Celinda is apparently an angry bitch," Pieter answered, chuckling.

"Which got us quickly into Marc and Cris' sex life," Gio added. "Seriously, you two do it during Cris' period?? I mean, besides the ick factor, doesn't that make a bigger mess than normal??"

"Use towels. And missionary," the buck answered. "Being in the shower is another option."

"You've done it in the shower?? When??"

"Actualy, we haven't yet, it's just another option" Cristina mused, "though I would really LIKE to at some point. Doing it in the shower sounds really sexy to me."

"I think that's just a porn stereotype," Jackie commented. "I mean, at best, only one of you will actually be under the water at once unless you have a wide-sparying shower head." (Gio snerked at "wide-spraying head".) "And I would think chances are one of you slips in there, what with all the motion and not actually being focused on standing up."

"Oh, go and ruin my fun," the puma pouted.

"I'm sure you'll get your fun at some point," Marcus commented as he checked his watch. "Oh, dang, it's almost seven!"

"It is?" Gio asked, sitting up.

"Yeah. Well girls, I guess we'd better get going. Gotta pick up Nathan before the movie."

"Wait, who's Nathan? What movie? Is this a double date?"

"Geez, Gio, can you ask any more questions?"

"Oh, of course."

"Alright; yes, it's a double date; 'Full Circle'; and Nathan Patricio, the-"

"-the quarterback?!?" Sky splurted out over Marcus, but before he could be embarrassed by stares from everyone else, Jackie giggled and nodded with a giddy grin spread across her muzzle.

"'Full Circle', huh? Damn, you cats really owe your boys, that's supposed to be the ultimate 'chick flick' of the season!" Gio said with a suggestive smirk on the word "owe".

"Oh, we know," Marcus answered, "Cris and I have already seen it..."

" we know EXACTLY when to sneak out," Cristina added with an naughty smile that Marcus was now sharing, though Jackie was rolling her eyes at that.

"Niiiiice!" Gio said excitedly, holding up a hand to Marcus. When the buck didn't give the high-five back, instead raising an eyebrow at the hyena, Gio shrugged and stood up. "Well, if it's almost seven, I've got to get going myself, as I've got a date lined up too!"

"Who this time?" Pieter asked exasperatedly.

"I'm really starting to doubt our 'yena's actually gotten around as much as he brags about," Marcus said, also standing up along with most everyone else.

"Hey! You can ask Steph from Calculus, the forward on the soccer team Laura, almost any of the sophomore cheerleaders, Tricia or Ellen from marching band, both Kellys from bio, one from my church, this random girl I met -"

"Okay, we get it!"

Gio smiled, fast-forwarding to the end of his list. "- and tonight my date is another random girl, this one met at the baseball game yesterday."

"'Date', or hook-up?" Jackie asked disdainingly as the group walked out of Sky's room and to the front door to pick up their stuff.

"Eh, same thing." That earned Gio scowls from almost the entire group, but he ignored them. "I'm taking you back to your place first, right rudderbutt?"

"Yeah," the otter answered, following the hyena outside to his car while Cristina and Jackie walked out to Marcus'.

"Well, see you guys Monday!" the buck called out to the other four guys.

"Yeah, see ya Marc!" Pieter answered back.

"Have fun in the movie theater restroom!" Gio yelled, but Marcus already closed the driver-side door, his puma in the front next to him and their tabby friend in the back seat.

"You gonna head out, too?" Sky asked the lion, half-turned to head back inside.

Pieter shrugged, answering "Eh, I've got no-where special to be tonight, I'll help you clean up first."

"Thanks, man," the cheetah answered, letting the lion in before closing the door. They went back to Sky's room to turn off the electroncis and pick up plates and snack bowls before heading back to the kitchen. Their conversation as they cleaned up bounced lightly on a few things - how much of a mess they had made, Monday's bio lab, some Super Game Fighters strategy, and some friendly jokes at Gio's and (now that they more material on him) Marc's expenses - until the teen king cheetah got quiet for a moment.

"You okay there, Spots?" the lion asked after putting some grapes back into the fridge.

Sky 'hnn'd quietly before responding "Yeah, I guess - but sometimes all of Gio's openness makes me feel... uncomfortable, I guess. And now with how... 'active' Marc apparently is with Cris, and Jackie starting with Nathan..."

"Sex talk just really makes you uncomfortable, huh?"

"I wouldn't say sex talk in general, but... the raunchier stuff, yeah," Sky replied. "And it doesn't help that, I... can't relate, you could say. I mean... I'm fine with still being... well, you know - but it gets to me sometimes when people joke about it like Gio did earlier. I know he wasn't intending to be mean, but -"

"His mouth goes five steps ahead of brain, we all know that," scoffed Pieter. "And I wouldn't worry about being a virgin. I still am, too."

Sky gave a soft 'heh', starting "Yeah, he's - wait, you're wait?? What about that girl in middle school, the one who did all the theater stuff? I thought you two were really -"

"SHE was really in to me, yeah, a bit too much so. I enjoyed how much she fawned over me, but we broke up early freshman year precisely because she wanted to rush into things and I didn't."

"Oh." Sky was nonplussed for a moment as he processed that information before saying "Well, that makes me feel better I guess... Though it still bothers me that there's just a lot of sex going on in our class in general."

"Yeah, I think our class has a higher proportion of sluts, girls and guys, than normal - but really, it's whatever, Sky. Your first time is your business, and most people recognize and respect that. Heck, I know a good handful who wish they would've waited for a better opportunity for their first time."

"Yeah... I mean, I don't want my first time to be just because it's my first time, if that makes any sense. I don't want it to be with someone random. I know not to expect my first time to be "the one" and all that, but it should be a friend who's worth sharing it with, you know?"

"Right, that's why I haven't yet either. Gotta be a friend who's on the same wavelength - or someone who's so hot it's worth it!" he added with a chuckle.

"...Yeah..." the cheetah responded with a skeptical tone, not convinced but at least amused. They fell silent as Sky got himself a glass of milk. After drinking a little, he commented "So... Jackie and Nathan. Do you think he's a good match for her?"

"Yeah, I think so," the lion answered. "He's definitely one of the more reserved people on the team, a bit more proper, more old-school in the sense of being polite, composing himself well, and chivalrous. Now, he can certainly keep up with the other guys in drinking, crass jokes, and teacher-bashing, too, but he keeps things reigned in usually and certainly knows how to step up his game."

"Gotcha. Heh, I think it'll be interesting to see a German shepherd/tabby couple."

"Oh yeah, there's that too!" Pieter laughed. "Hadn't thought of that."

Chuckling too, Sky added "I haven't interacted with him directly like you have on the team, so I guess I went with the stereotype and thought he was more the extroverted, rough'n'tumble kinda popular guy. He's certainly great out on the field."

"Thought about him much, eh, Spots?" Pieter said, making sure Sky saw his friendly smile.

The cheetah chirped in surprise, realizing he had been caught, and smiled meekly, diverting his gaze downward. He finally managed to mumble "...Um... yeah. I... may have - or have had - a crush on a fair number of you football players..."

"Really?" the lion asked, interest piqued. He let Sky's silence sit for a minute before asking the obvious question. "Including me?"

Sky fidgeted where he was standing a little bit before finally quietly answering with "Yeah, including you. You were actually the first football players I was interested in, helped by the fact we were in several classes together freshman year. Then we became friends, which kinda fueled the crush to continue for a long time even as others came and went."

"But you don't have a crush on me anymore?"

Sky shook his head. "Nah. We've been friends long enough now that I - well, I don't want to say "gave up" because that's not how it felt - I changed a while ago. If we weren't friends, I probably would have just accepted I didn't have a chance sooner, but with you... I dunno. I guess I got used to how our friendship was and adapted your easygoing, accepting, fun-seeking attitude, which helped. We're good friends and I really love that now," he said with a smile of pure honesty. "I mean, I wouldn't be comfortable having this conversation with Marcus, and definitely not Gio. I don't even know really when it happened, but yeah, the crush just kinda faded over time I guess. With most of the others it's usually a conscious decision to just stop entertaining the idea, or a realization that it'd be a really bad pairing. I only started noticing Nathan after the realization that my crush on you had faded."

Pieter glanced around uncomfortably for a moment. "...but I'd still be a good catch for anyone, right?"

"Oh, heck yeah!" the cheetah responded, allaying his friend's worry that he might have done something wrong or just not been good enough. "I mean, I'm still surprised you haven't been "caught" yet, man. You are one eligible guy, Pieter, best tight end on the football team and not to shabby hitting the books either. You really haven't chased or have been chased by a new girl yet?"

"Well, actually, I have been on a few dates since Clarissa and I broke up. It's just I realized that I wasn't all interested in either girl, at least in the girlfriend sense. I still hang out with Hanna quite a bit, but Vicky was kinda like Clarissa... and it was a real turn-off for her when I got drunk at one of the football parties and made out with half of the people there."

"Haha, the entire girl half, or...?"

"A fair amount of the girls, and a handful of the other players as well."

"Surprising what alcohol can make you do, huh?"

"Not so surprising. I'm actually not one-hundred percent straight."

Pause. "...Wait, really?"

"Yup," Pieter answered, casual as Sky had been not too long ago. "I'd guess I'm eighty-five to ninety percent straight, ten to fifteen percent gay. You know how Gio and some of the other guys like to say that when they're feeling horny, a good third of the girls at school all look good enough to fuck to them? Well, same for me, except I also look at I'd guess five percent of guys that way, too. That's just on the bad days when I'm really riled up, though. There's really only about eight or so people I've ever really had my eyes on, whether the attraction is purely physical or not."

Sky, still a bit shocked by the realization that he might have actually had a chance with the lion and unable to process the thought, simply stuck with the conversation's current train of thought, monotonically asking "Oh? What eight?"

Pieter chuckled to himself, getting a bit uncomfortable now talking about his own love/lust interests, but the laugh switched to being more relaxed a moment later. "Well, three of them are some of my teammates' girlfriends, so that's really not a good start."


"But really, football players do tend to get the prettiest girls. Anyway, another two are bitches, so as tempting as they are I have no intent of actually getting involved with either of them."

"What's wrong with canines?"

"Oh, I meant "bitches" figuratively. Lily Arnoult and Jennifer Kristentad."

"...I HATE Jenny..."

"Rightfully so, she's never been nice to you and is obnoxiously conservative. I was interested in Teresa from our history class for a while before I found out that she was a lesbian - though she did say she's a bit of an exhibitionist and would be happy to get me pictures of her making out with another girl, heh - and... and then there's Pattie Marigold."

"The jaguar girl? What's wrong with her?"

"Oh, come on Sky - she's WAY out of my league."

The statement was confusing enough for the cheetah to bring him out of his dumfounded personal state, instead tilting his head to the side in confusion as he queried "What are you talking about?? As I said, you're a starter on the football team and one of their biggest guys, in almost all honors classes, and a really nice guy all around, too. How is anyone "out of your league"? Besides, she's pretty but I wouldn't say she's absolutely gorgeous."

Pieter almost looked offended for a moment as he grunted out " I think she's gorgeous." Then he sighed and reflected "Well, she's in more honors classes than I am, concertmistress of the orchestra, student council vice president... and pretty well-off, too, as her mom's a university professor and her dad's an oncologist. And, through all that, she stays pretty grounded; she never acts like she's better or more well-off than anyone else. She's just.... really nice..."

The lion trailed off, and Sky had the urge to tell him to just ask Pattie out, he had a better chance than he was giving himself, but the cheetah decided now wasn't the best time with how Pieter had just listed off all the reasons (he thought) it wouldn't work. He stayed silent for a moment before realizing "Hey, wait a minute, that's only seven. Who's the eighth?" Pieter just stayed silent, the corners of his mouth squiggled up a bit and he considered how to answer. Sky did the math in his head, with the percentages Pieter mentioned earlier, and asked "Is it a guy?"


Sky nodded, now viewing it as a game to figure out what kind of guy the lion might be attracted to. "Someone on the football team?"


"Huh... Is he an athlete at all?"


"Hmm... A twink?"

"I wouldn't call - okay, look, do you just want to know?"

"Well yeah! It's fun to have someone I can relate to a bit better, even if you are only ten percent gay. I mean, I'm not that different from other guys, just that I'd look at one-third of the same gender instead of one-third of the opposite when I'm having an... 'energetic' day. I mean..." he backpedaled, making a sudden realizing that he might be pushing too much, "I guess you still like girls much more, if you don't like talking about guys I can drop it..."

"No, that's not - it's just I'm not sure if it's a good idea to say... It's you."

The cheetah's mouth dropped open a bit, taken aback. "M-me? But I'm - I'm dull. And you've never -"

"Said anything?" Pieter suggested. "Well, you always seemed to be fine with not having a boyfriend, and approaching you about... more intimate stuff seemed out of the question. Besides, we've hung out so much, I guess I assumed that you would've said something if you were interested. Guess it's true, you should never assume... And you are NOT "dull", by the way. You may be quiet, but that's because you only speak up when you have something interesting to say. And if you meant "dull" in looks, that's a lie, too. You look good."

Sky was rather speechless at that point. Even though he was "over" Pieter, the lion was still rather attractive... Sky's mind had been going a bit with Pieter mentioning he liked guys to an extent, and now the lion had complimented his looks... And Pieter was a friend he could trust, whatever other considerations... Maybe the lion was just being a friend, but Sky could feel a stirring below the belt a little - and was quickly getting embarrassed because of it. He angled his body away from Pieter to make sure any bulge that might appear wouldn't be seen from the profile view the lion had of him.

"A-are you just pulling my l-leg or something to make me feel better after admitting all that stuff earlier?"

"What?? No!" Pieter denied, a look of almost horror on his face at the accusatory question. "Why would I do that??"

"I don't know! Maybe you -" His mouth wavered a bit as he tried to find a word. "...I don't know."

Pieter sighed and sat down at the table. "Sorry, I guess that was something a bit too big to drop... Maybe I shoulda gone with my gut and kept quiet about it."

"No.... No, thanks for telling me," Sky said, rubbing his forehead. He was silent for a moment, trying to think of a follow-up, before his mind side-tracked to "Um... You mentioned earlier that your... "list of eight" was a mix of physical and emotional attractions... Where - how do I - ?" He wasn't sure how to finish the question, but Pieter understood.

"Four of the girls I've been interested in are "attractive" to me only in the physical sense. For the other four, I'd really like to be - or, in your case, already really like being - good friends at the very least. I could see beings boyfrined and girlfriend - or boyfriends - but with the exception of Pattie they're more of "I'm open to seeing where this could go"."

"And Pattie's different because...?"

The lion sighed. "Well... Instead of thinking "This might work" with you and the other two, with Pattie my mind seems to go straight to thinking "How this will work"... And she'll pop into my mind randomly, untriggered, which hasn't really happened with anyone else..."

"Sounds like you're in deep," the cheetah commented with a smile.

"Heh, yeah kinda," Pieter answered, though waving it off. "But as I said, I don't have have a chance there, so I honestly don't even consider her in a physical-attraction sense like you and the others."

Despite the scheme to somehow get Pieter and Pattie together now formulating in Sky's head, the cheetah was reminded the the lion found him attractive, a reminder which went straight to his crotch. He checked his angle again, but Pieter caught his adjustment this time. The lion smirked and leaned to the side, tilting his head to see if Sky was trying to hide what he thought the cheetah was trying to hide - which just embarrassed Sky more, though he was starting to just accept it.

"Well, I appreciate knowing I'm still a good catch," Pieter joked, "even if there's no crush involved. Anyway, now you know I'm open to guys, so if you're ever interested in fooling around... well yeah, I guess I'm open."

"Oh, uh, thanks I guess, I'll keep that in mind," Sky mewled, letting himself relax and lean against the kitchen counter without the angle. Pieter already knew he was attracted to him, right? No real point in hiding a little bulge... Besides, Pieter was a good - no, great friend, and he trusted the lion to keep everything in confidence. Besides, part of the reason he had liked Pieter's reveal (about having some attraction to guys) was to just have someone he could be open about with his own attractions... "I guess I should wait a bit, though, right?"

"Huh? Wait for what?"

"Well - I mean, so said earlier that you haven't had sex with anyone else yet either; you don't want your first time to be with another guy, right? You're way more likely to end up with a girl, wouldn't that be awkward explaining?"

"I don't think I'd be one to kiss and tell in the first place... And if the issue of my history or my preferences in general came up, I'm not embarrassed about it."

"But wouldn't you worry about a girl potentially being turned off if she found out you'd been with a guy first?"

Pieter shrugged. "If she's that insistent about learning my past or preferences AND she's not okay with it, then I would say she's probably not worth it."

"Even Pattie?"

The lion didn't have an immediate answer for that. After a moment, he sighed and replied "I'm not sure, but I don't think that'd be a problem with her. I'm pretty sure one of her aunts is married to another woman."

It was Sky's turn to not have an immediate answer. "...and how do you know about her extended family?"

Pieter's eyes went wide before starting to quickly shift side to side for a moment. "Um... There might have been some Facebook stalking a while back..." Sky chuckled at that, which made the lion relax. "Anyway... yeah, I'm not really holding out on anything, I just haven't made a move on anyone yet really. You don't have to wait if you don't want to." The cheetah looked uncertain at that point, so Pieter quickly corrected "Not that I'm suggesting we do anything now, of course. All on your time, if you ever want to."

At that, Sky just nodded, the pressure in his pants reminding him of the offer. It had been a weird back and forth conversation for him, swinging from Pieter's focus on him to Pieter's focus on Pattie... He wanted to get the lion and jaguar together, but he also now was really revisiting past thoughts of getting together with Pieter himself...

The lion could see the gears turning in the cheetah's head as the smaller feline glanced up and down, alternating between matching Pieter's gaze and contemplating his feet. Eventually, the spotted cat gave a meek smile and turned, starting to walk away slowly, glancing back at the larger feline as he moved. Pieter got up from his chair and started following, causing Sky to walk with a little more purpose out of the kitchen and back towards his bedroom.

Sky's mind was in an odd state of flux, on one hand experiencing a rush of thoughts, mixing 'Holy crap, this is happening!' and 'What the heck am I getting in to?' and 'I didn't say anything, does this still count as consent?' and 'Oh man, I hope I don't screw this up...', and on the other existing with a sort of blank fog that was calming him down and letting his arms and legs move on their own. His hand lingered on the doorknob as Pieter came in, and once he closed the door, he just stayed right there facing it, back to the rest of his room for a moment or two as he became very aware of his own racing heartbeat.

After a moment he heard the lion's gruffy voice say "...You okay, Sky? You know, I meant it when I said I wasn't suggesting we do anything now. If you're -"

"I'm good," the cheetah cut him off, turning around and smiling up at the lion. "I'm just kinda of two minds right now, one that's really excited and one that's still trying to figure out what's going on. The second half needed to slam on the brakes of the first half so it could catch up a bit," he mumbled.

"Well, okay then," Pieter answered, a slight hint of trepidation still present although he decided to go along with it, trusting his friend and smiling. "Soooo... How do you want to do this?"

The question his the young king cheetah like a ton of bricks, but he didn't let it show (probably the adrenaline pumping into his system and the static energy he felt was dancing up and down his spine and limbs) as he took some steps toward his bed. The everyday piece of furniture looked almost like a foreign country to him right now. And there was adventure to be had. "Umm.... well, first things first I guess."

His mind was fogging over again, but he felt his hands go to the button on his jeans and slowly, timidly unbutton, unzip, and remove the pants; he was surprised that his briefs had gone down with them. It caught him off-guard and for a moment he just stood their with his pants around his ankles, embarrassment at his (partial) nudity temporarily paralyzing him. The hem of his T-shirt brushed against something, though, causing him to shiver and sigh a bit before coming back to his senses and crawling uncertainly onto his bed. He didn't quite feel like taking off his T-shirt and completely baring himself yet...

After a moment's indecision as to how to lay down, he simply lowered himself down to his front side, arms crossed on his pillow as he rested his forehead against them. It was then he noticed that he hadn't noticed Pieter doing anything at all since his last question; he lifted his head up to try to look at the lion. Pieter was just smiling down at the cheetah with his head tilted to the side a bit - whether he was checking Sky out or was just simply amused by the cheetah, the spotted feline couldn't tell. One of Pieter's paws was on the waistline of his own pants; one was rubbing a bit lower.

"You good?" the lion asked brightly.

Sky just smiled and nodded as best he could from his position lying down, his tail twitching back and forth in anticipation. It was mostly still lying between his legs, though; after a brief internal conflict, he let if flag to the side, completely exposing his spotted rump to the lion.

His heart fluttered a bit at the quiet rumble the lion gave off next as he unbuttoned and removed his flannel top. Next was the pop of a button, the buzz of a zipper, and another soft thump of fabric as the footballer's khakis joined the jeans already on the floor. Sky got a nice view of the lion's body in motion, clad in just boxers and A-shirt as he stepped (in fact, almost tripped) out of his khakis. The large feline then grabbed his underwear on the sides of the short legs and shucked them down. The cheetah got a brief view of the lion's member before the lion's voice got his attention again.

"Well... Alright, I'm coming up to join you now..."

"Okay," Sky replied, more like a whisper than he had wanted.

The lion dropped his knees onto the foot of Sky's bed, followed soon by his hands to either side of the cheetah's feet. Maybe it was just his heightened senses, but the bed sounded louder to Sky than normal, for which he willed it silent, and each shift of weight from the larger feline's movements felt more like the tilt of a boat than the normal shifting of a mattress. His heart rate was definitely up again, and his "two minds" started diverging again, especially when one of the lion's knees nudged between his feet as the larger feline moved over him. The fear of rushing in competed with the growing desire to stop worrying about things and just let go...

He felt a little bit of concentrated pressure on his rump as the lion lowered himself to gently lay down on top of the cheetah. Sky felt as if something inside him melted as he not only heard but felt a low rumble from the lion's chest against his back.

"Hmmmmhmmmhmm...... This feels really good already, you know?"

Sky had to swallow back a chirp as he nodded, instead purring "Yeeaaahhhh..."

"You're softer than I was expecting," the lion commented as he shifted his weight around, rubbing his front against the cheetah's back. "And really warm..." He then stopped moving for a moment. "You okay and all? Not too nervous about this?" He pressed his arms in against Sky in the best imitation of a hug he could do in this position.

Sky sighed in time with the hug before answering "Well... Yeah, I'm nervous, but I don't think 'too much'. Definitely... excited, I think. I guess the prospect is thrilling to the point I don't know exactly what to make of it, heh...."

"Kinda like being about to bungee jump or skydive?"

The cheetah chuckled. "Yeah, I guess."

The lion pushed himself back up to his hands and knees. "Time to take the plunge, then," he said, giving a quick lick to the back of Sky's head before picking up picking up his ouside knee and trying to reposition it on the bed between the cheetah's legs with his other knee, nudging Sky's legs apart.

The breath of a whimper passed up the cheetah's throat but not the sound, for which he was thankful. He hesitated for a split second before allowing the lion's knees to push his own farther apart, feeling really and truly exposed now. Having the lion on top of and wrapped all around him had felt so good, he didn't mind the larger feline being in control then, but now that everything felt so distant, so open, being not-in-control felt scarier... He marveled at how much of a roller coaster this was turning out to be, still cautiously looking forward to the "main course" as it were...

He felt one of the lion's paws lift off the bed and start working farther south, apparently lining things up. Sky closed his eyes and willed himself to relax, consciously slowing down his breathing until -

"Oh! Um, Sky? I know you've never done this before, like me, so I'm guessing 'no', but... You wouldn't happen to have any, uh, condoms would you?"

"Oh!" Sky's eyes opened as he turned slightly, propping himself on one arm as he looked up to Pieter's face. "Um, no I don't..."

"Yeah... I mean, it's not like we can get you pregnant, neither of us can have an STI to share, but-"

"Best to be safe," Sky finished, thinking back to those awkward middle school 'sex ed' special classes. Who would've thought they would've been useful? ...Well, they were about to have sex, after all, maybe it wasn't so surprising... "I guess some lube would've been nice, too..."

"Ah yeah... Well, I'll just start as slow as I can, and tell me if it's too much, okay?"

Sky just nodded in response, and a moment later felt something wet prod and rub between his rump cheeks. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, again willing himself to relax as the lion's pre slicked up the area around his hole. Finally, the lion's tip stopped, resting right at the cheetah's entrance, and Sky braced himself for whatever was going to come next - pain, pleasure, regret, fullness...

The tip started pressing forward, meeting resistance as Sky's tailhole tensed against his will, until finally the ring of flesh yielded.

Sky gasped. It hurt. He knew it was supposed to hurt at first, but that didn't help. It didn't just hurt, either, it felt like it burned, a very different heat than the warmth that had previously been building up somewhere in his gut. The feeling in his gut hadn't faded, though - if anything, it had started growing again with the penetration - and that more than logic told him to hang in there because the pain was, supposed, going to fade into real pleasure eventually.

He didn't even notice that the lion's hand had been resting gently against his hip ever since the tip found its way in. It was only a minute or two later, when the burn had lessened enough, that he realized the larger feline hadn't moved forward at all for a while. He didn't know exactly why the lion was waiting, but on a whim decided to nod. His entire body tensed up again as another part of the invading member slid in, rekindling the burn, though its progress stopped in response to his little spasm. Pieter was keeping his word, going in slowly and only as Sky could take it.

Sky finally nodded again and was able to let the length inside him double before needing to stop. It felt like the lion's member was driving right into his spine, which was simultaneously paralyzing him from the waist down and sending these pulses of energy coursing through his skeleton. The burn this time was less than before and faded quicker, so he nodded again. This time, the lion slid the rest of the way in unimpeded, moaning at the motion as his crotch came flush with the cheetah's rump, his hand getting out of the way and returning to the bed next to the cheetah's shoulder. Both cats were panting now, fully connected at the hips, though Sky somewhat wished the larger feline would wrap those arms around him again.

After a few moments of just enjoying the sensation, after the panting had died down a bit, Pieter leaned his head down and asked "Okay... I think I'm ready to get going... You?"

"Mm-hmm," Sky simply sounded, nodding again.

Both cats drew a slow, hissing intake of breath as the lion slowly pulled out until just his tip was left inside Sky. After a moment's pause, it started sliding in again, still very slowly, causing the cheetah to give a low, grunting moan as he was filled again. The burn was almost gone by now, allowing the warmth from the pit of his stomach to radiate through his body as the lionmeat prodded something deep inside him.

After completely sheathing himself inside the cheetah a second time, the lion started pulling out again following another moment of just enjoyment of the hilting. He got out to his tip again, then surprised Sky as he took one of his hands back down to the cheetah's hip, which he grabbed lightly and started pulling up a bit.

Sky wasn't sure what the lion was doing, but he complied, letting the lion do whatever with his body for now - which in this case meant angling the spotted cat's hips upward a bit. In the process, though, the lion's member slipped out of Sky's entrance. "Oops." The larger feline's hand left the smaller's hip momentarily as it repositioned and reinserted the lionmeat into Sky's tunnel, then went back the cheetah's hip. When it was done, Sky's hips weren't exactly off the bed, but his ass was perked upward, putting a little bit of strain on his lower back and outer thighs, but nothing major, and he certainly wasn't complaining as the lion slide back into him, this time just slightly faster than before.

That started the beginning of a rhythm, slow at first but speeding up, as the larger feline rocked in and out of the smaller spotted one beneath him. Both of them were moaning (and Sky chirping occasionally) as the lion essentially dropped his hips into Sky's more than thrusting, his body somewhat suspended above the cheetah's as he kept his arms straight all the while. Without the lion's weight directly on top of him, Sky had to consciously keep himself from wiggling and writhing all over the place, keeping his position on the bed with his hips angled up and back as his insides clenched over the lion's member each time in slid in.

Not long after he had worked up to an appreciable speed, the larger feline started grunting and thrusting irregularly into the cheetah. With very little warning, he let his arms collapse and bury his muzzle on Sky's shoulder, his back still arched up as he started cumming, muffling a roar in his closed mouth against Sky's back.

The warmth spreading in his gut, real warmth this time and not just a sensation, made Sky even hornier than he was just a moment before, which he though wasn't possible - but the cessation of movement abruptly halted the feeling of oncoming climax. He thought to slip a an arm - both of which were looped roughly around where the lion's hands met the bed - underneath him and try to paw off the rest of the way, but at that point the lion finished and promptly collapsed on top of him, squashing some of the breath out of his lungs, flattening his hips again, and making if much more awkward to slip a paw down to his own crotch.

Still, once he quickly got used to the larger feline's weight spread over him, he had to admit he really like the lion's warmth, both from his body in general and from the hot breath that was being panted across the back of his head.

"....wwooow, Spots...." Pieter finally wheezed a few moments later when his breath was more under control. "That was... incredible..."

"Yeah, I guess," Sky commented, an unfulfilled tingle settling into his groin.

That got Pieter's attention, his eyes opening and his muscles coming out of their post-sex relaxation a bit early. "Wait, did I mess something up?"

"Aside from my butt?" Sky tried joking good-naturedly, but he didn't feel the tension in Pieter's body release. "No, really, you were great, too, just... just while you were at it."

"'Just while'... wait, did you not peak?"

Sky found he couldn't actually bring himself to say 'no', so what came out was a non-commital "hnnn..." before he added completely genuinely "S'alright, I can paw off later, I like feeling you resting on - and in - me right now."

Pieter almost whined before saying "...No, if anything, I should do that for you, I don't want to leave you hanging," regret and embarrassment plain in his voice. "Or, you know, I've masturbated several times in quick succession before, so if you've okay with waiting, I think I might be able to go again in a minute or two... Your ass really does feel great, you know."

Sky was glad to hear the hint of a smirk creep back into Pieter's voice by the end of that statement. He opened his mouth to answer, then paused. "hehe... How about both?"

A smirk obviously crossed Pieter's muzzle at that, and a few minutes later the two of them were up in the doggystyle position, the lion's fist pumping Sky's own member. It wasn't perfect, though; the larger feline was not well-coordinated, sometimes thrusting too hard with his hips, sometimes barely pushing in, sometimes slamming his hand into Sky's groin more than rubbing his cheetahhood. Finally, a little worried he might be getting awkward bruises, Sky reached a hand up to the lionpaw encircling his penis and panted "Alright, stud, I'll take over here, I think you should focus on just one thing at a time," giving a friendly chuckle to hopefully not bruise Pieter's ego any more.

The lion gave a grunt of slight disapproval, but was engaged enough in his second rut of the night that his newly freed hand planted itself on the bed as he started plowing the cheetah again. Sky, for his part, lowered his head and shoulders to the mattress, hindquarters still receptively up in the air, leaving one hand to grad the sheets while masturbating with the other. This configuration worked much better for the both of them, as Sky felt his own climax bubbling up much more quickly now. He was mewling and moaning almost constantly as the lion above him grunted with each swing of his hips - it sounded almost pained, but he had a feral grin plastered on his face nonetheless. Finally, Sky's noises turned into a pleasure-loaded yowl as he was pushed over the edge, the warmth in his gut seeming to explode, sending stars dancing even on the inside of his closed eyelids. He creamed his hand and the sheets beneath him in the strongest orgasm he'd ever felt, while his glute and internal muscles clenched hard, clamping down around the lionmeat inside him. This made the lion above him blow his second load of the night a moment later, again dropping his arms and muffling a roar into the scruff of the cheetah's neck.

Pieter pulled out almost instantly once both of them finished releasing their seed and flopped down heavily on the bed next to Sky. "Ooohh maaannn... I am sooo tired and sore right now," he mumbled. "That was NOTHING like pawing off twice in a roooww... Uggh I don't think I can move..."

Sky, for his part, hadn't moved, face mashed sidelong against the sheets and butt still high in the air, still completely awash in his afterglow. "Well, thanks Pieter," he slurred. "Like you said earlier, that was... incredible..."

"No problem, bro," Pieter panted. "Sorry I was kinda quick the first time around. Second time around, too, for that matter, but at least you were already worked up when that one started. No way I was gonna let your first time leave ya high and dry. Oohhh but I'm gonna be sore tomorrow... Feels like I've just played an entire game without pads or somethin'..."

"Well, if it's any comfort, I probably won't be able to sit tomorrow, too..."

That got both of them to chuckle tiredly before they fell silent, taking time to ease back into reality. After a moment, though, Sky opened his eyes and asked "So, does this - are we boyfriends now?"

"Huh?" Pieter opened his own eyes as his head flopped to the side to look at the cheetah, who similarly flopped to the side so he was lying flat now. "Just having sex doesn't make people a couple, you know."

"Well - yeah, good point, yeah."

"Why? Do you want to be?"

"Hnn.... not really, no..."

"Why not? You had a crush on me, right?"

"Well, yeah, had - it's been a while, like I said earlier. I kinda got over you," he really wished there was a less dick-ish phrase for "getting over" someone, "a-and I'm not sure about reviving that crush... Not that I don't necessarily want to, but it's an odd concept to me to re-crush, and not something you can just jump right back in to even if you wanted to, since you thought you closed the door on it... Besides," he added, "even if you think it's not a big deal, I don't want any gay rumors to hurt your chances of getting a girl, like Pattie." He had to admit, the lion and the jaguar would make a really cute couple... And even if he couldn't hook Pieter up with Pattie, he was finding that he really liked the idea of playing matchmaker for his friend.

Pieter chuckled at that but looked away as well, letting the cheetah she it was a bigger deal to the lion than he made it out to be. "Heh, you worry to much, Sky. People who know me or want to know me won't care about that. And if they do then I don't want to know them." That part, Sky believed completely. "Anyway... No, we haven't committed to anything just by doing this. A favor between friends, a fine first time, a fabulous fling -"


"Heh heh, sorry. But... I hope the door isn't closed completely on us. At least..." The lion seemed embarrassed for a moment, but then smirked. "Boyfriend or not, I think I'd kinda like to do this again sometime."

The cheetah gave a very soft churr as he looked away coyly, thinking to himself that he would like to Pieter on top of him again, too. What he said was "Well, we're not really 'just friends' anymore now, especially if we do this again..."

"Well, okay then; we're fuck buddies now."

"Whaaaat??" Sky drawled, half-sitting up with a somewhat incredulous, somewhat silly look on his face. "No! That makes it sounds like it's all about the sex and that we're not friends beyond that."

"Friends with benefits, then?"

"That's not much better!" the cheetah laughed, giving a light thump to the lion's arm and getting a deep chuckle in response that made sky Sky really glad it was Pieter he had shared this experience with, whether it would lead to something more or not.

"Well... unless you wanna sleep in your own mess, you should probably change your sheets before your parents come home."

"Yeah, good point... we should probably clean ourselves up, too."

"Yeah," Pieter agreed, getting up and walking over to Sky's door, opening it just as an older cheetah passed from the master suite back towards the den area.

"Oh! Hi boys!"


Haha, I think I'll end it there. ;-) Hope you enjoyed! I have a sequel of sorts planned for this, though it's more a collection of follow-up scenes than a true sequel. Those focus a bit more of Pieter than on Ara, though, so I'm not feeling a huge push for that, since the whole point of this was to introduce Ara. I don't plan on keeping Pieter as a full-time character of mine; I honestly may put him (and others) up for adoption if/when the scene-collage-sequel is done.

Meeting Cain Carson

It was way, way too easy. Not that I'm complaining, of course - I love easy. Low effort, high reward is the best way to go! I'm always on the prowl when I visit a party whether I planned on making a catch or not, and our eyes caught fairly early on....

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OtF Ch3 - Third & Fourth Journals

Day eight. Saw two very different things today and wanted to write them down. First - or rather second, I guess - well, later in the afternoon, I came across some of the men (none of whom, to my memory, were officers) playing some sort of ball game....

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Resignation (pt.3, opt.)

"Are... are you sure?" Cross asked, skeptical of how long it had taken the Lab to answer; he truthfully didn't want to force Nate into this if he wasn't ready. He wasn't even sure if he himself was ready, now that he thought about it, forward as he had...

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