Club Prey

Story by Simplified on SoFurry

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I know this is probably gonna get messed up too, but I don't care anymore.

This is a little something I whipped up. It's a bit more violent than other porn stories I've done, but I think that's the sort of thing to expect with a predator/prey type story.

A horny hyena male goes on the hunt for tail at a local club which encourages predator/prey interactions, he meets a particularly tasty treat but gets more than he wanted in this random encounter.

Club Prey

The club's name glowed bright neon, much like one would expect of such a wild place. The line out front was bustling with partygoers; the bouncers, a pair of buff herbivores, checked in each that wanted in.


Inside the club was a loud, thumping place with flashing lights, fog machines, and crowds of various raving furs of every shape and size imaginable.

One particular fur was a handsome spotted hyena male. He had no shirt on, so he showed off his body. He had a fair build for a 25 yr-old male. He wasn't buff, but not scrawny either, just somewhere in that middle ground. He hummed to himself as he scoured the club. He was on the hunt for prey. The hyena grinned as he spotted a pretty young gazelle that seemed to be all by her lonesome.

The gazelle, Jane, looked around with an obvious air of nervousness to her. She was nervous about the clothes she wore; she wore a stereotypical Catholic schoolgirl costume. The costume was tight, showing the distinct lack of bra beneath her white button shirt and the last couple buttons were open to show her belly. Below was a plaid skirt typical of such a naughty number. Jane shivered from shyness but also because this tiny costume was very breezy.

She gulped as she checked out the crowd; such big burly predatory males and females cavorting with the smaller prey like her. She saw a tigress grinding her butt against a young mongoose who seemed pleased as punch to have such a lush fem paying him such attention. The tigress seemed to enjoy the public dry-humping she got.

Jane blushed and looked away. She wasn't a prude, she liked sex, but she wasn't so into the exhibitionism that went on in this club every night. She was especially nervous because her boyfriend was late as usual. "Where could he be?" She muttered as she shuffled in the scant clothing he'd told her to wear. Hands grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth and restraining her arms.

The hyena whispered in Jane's triangular ear, "Don't make a sound." He absconded with her to the restrooms. He dragged her into the men's room. He groaned that the stalls were already 'in use' so he pushed her up against the cold stone wall of the restroom. "Okay, I'm gonna take my hand off, you don't scream, you can talk, but no screaming, got it?"

Jane nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Alright then." He removed his brown paw from her muzzle.

Jane, though she was scared, kept to her word and didn't scream. She did have to say something, though. "Who are you?"

The hyena laughed, "That's a good start. I'm Walt." He pressed up against her, letting her smell his breath. "You don't need to know more than that, though." He lowered his head and he kissed her neck.

The fur on Jane's neck bristled as the carnivore nuzzled her vulnerable neck. Her long horns ground against the stone wall behind her. "Please... you don't have to do this."

Walt growled, "Bullshit I don't, look at you. You're all wrapped up like a birthday present." He put his fingers under her the buttons of her clean, white, schoolgirl's uniform. His claws tore the buttons off and the shirt fell from her body.

Jane blushed that this unknown male was now able to see her big C-cup tits. More importantly, he could see how hard her nipples were.

Walt laughed and he licked one. "Somebody here likes the attention she's getting."

Her blush darkened, she did in fact like being dominated by predators, in fact her boyfriend... She yipped when she felt teeth on her right nipple.

Walt covered her mouth. "Shut up! You said you wouldn't scream." He held his paw over her mouth and continued to tease her exposed flesh with sharp teeth meant for eviscerating a delicate thing like her. He let that nipple go after he'd chewed on it a bit, then he moved to the other. Soon, he became so engrossed in his prey that he took his paw from her mouth then kissed his way slowly down her belly.

Jane blushed more. One of the stalls opened up and a pair walked out. It was a tom cat with his hand on his mousey prey's soft butt. The cat saw them and cheered on the hyena. The girly mouse male he had on him had his mouth muzzled so he couldn't say anything.

Walt grinned from that random encouragement then ducked his head under the plaid schoolgirl's skirt she had on.

Jane's eyes rolled back. She felt his tongue on her pussy. Her boyfriend told her not to wear panties tonight.

Walt couldn't believe how perfectly prepared for him this female was, he had no idea she'd done it for someone else. His wide tongue delved deep into her quivering, clinching canal. He periodically would stop to bite her clit.

Jane bit her lip when he bit her. She didn't care anymore, this male was clearly out for his own enjoyment, but she wanted him. She didn't even care that this wasn't her boyfriend; this male was far more forceful yet gentler than that boorish thing she was with. She didn't even blush when the second stall opened. She play-growled as she climaxed. The wolf that walked out blinked, then simply laughed, "You go girl!" The pretty yellow finch on his waist tugged at him and they both left leaving Jane and Walt alone.

Walt coughed and fell back. She came so much, her juice went up his nostrils. "Damn girl, how much have you had up there?"

Jane grinned, now in a predator's mindset herself. "My lover keeps me on edge all the time, he doesn't even let me cum anymore when he fucks me. Thank you."

Walt laughed, "You got a man and you're in here with me?"

The gazelle scoffed, "You didn't give me a choice, remember?"

"Oh, right."

She kicked him. "Well come on, you got me in here, you can at least finish the job, or don't you have a dick?"

The hyena laughed, "Oh, I got a dick and if you want it so bad, I'm happy to give it." He got up, but she stopped him.

"Nu-uh, you stay down there. You got to be the big bad man, now I want to be on top."

He laughed again. "Oh shit, I just released the beast in you didn't I?"

Jane crouched over the hyena as she pushed him flat on his back. "Rawr..." She whispered playfully. Oh, why couldn't this guy have been her boyfriend and not that other guy, she thought. She unbuckled this sexy hyena's black pants then yanked them off none too gently. His fat black cock smacked her in the face. She giggled. "Oh, you've got a dick alright." She licked it, tracing the big vein that ran up his length to the exposed head.

Walt was as turned on as ever, he loved how he just basically switched roles with this increasingly more desirable gazelle suckling on his cock.

Jane let his cock drop from her mouth, but still held it as she lowered her mouth to the plump brown balls underneath. She gnawed gently one then the other then sucked them while she still milked his cock.

Walt groaned and dug grooves into the tile floor beneath him. He was expecting a fun time, but nothing like he was getting with this girl. She seemed too good to be true. If this was a dream, he never wanted to wake up.

Jane moved up and trapped his ten inches betwixt her round breasts.

The hyena groaned more as the warm cleavage squeezed him.

She continued to suck on his head through this.

Walt bit his lip, not wanting to cry out, not wanting to admit so quickly she was the better predator. Deep within, he could feel a part of him about to betray that macho stance.

She sensed it too. She licked the slit on his tip. "Go ahead, Walt... cum for mama."

He whimpered, that was all the approval he needed. He let out a howl as his cock pulsed.

Jane's cheeks ballooned with his cum, then deflated as she gulped each batch down. She took her mouth off and let him spurt his last few strings on her face. She swallowed his seed, then she crawled on top of him.

Walt looked up through the haze of afterglow.

She kissed him, effectively snowballing him.

He didn't mind, in fact, whatever this horny fem wanted from him next, he was hers to command now. His tongue wrestled hers for dominance, even there she bested him.

The kiss ended for them and he broke the silence. "Damn, you're beautiful."

She giggled and fluttered her big brown eyes. "You mean even draped in your little soldiers, Wally?"

He nodded. "Don't call me Wally."

She leaned over him. "Make me, Wally." She rubbed her moist pussy over his still hard cock.

"Shit, you are a beast."

She held him up then impaled herself on his cock.

He felt how tight she was inside, he almost came again at that moment. "Damn, if this is what I do to you, I'd hate to see what that boyfriend does..."

She shook her head and kissed him again. "Let's not mention him."

He suddenly had a guilty pang in his belly. "Who is your boyfriend anyway?"

And almost as soon as he'd asked, the restroom door slammed open! A large male lion of 8 feet and 1 extra inch stomped in. "What the fuck?"

Jane meeped and reverted to her old shy self, "Leo!"

Leonardo growled like a hellbeast. "My little prey... I told you to wait, didn't I?"

She shed a tear as she cowered. "Yes, Master!"

The lion smacked her hard, then yanked the lowly hyena clean off his feet. He roared in the weaker predator's face. "You fucking yena bastards have always gotta take our prey. The second a hard working predator like me takes my eye off, a filthy, shiftless, penniless, scavenger like you's just gotta jump in, right?"

Walt whimpered. "I-I didn't know she belonged to anybody, she just looked so, so appetizing and..." The air left his gut as he was punched.

Leo kicked one of the stalls open then forcefully slammed the hyena down onto the seat. "Well now, you gotta pay the toll for soiling my prey with your dirty yena body, boy." The lion yanked his pants down and let his cock fall out. "You're gonna take what I'm gonna give you, then you'll smile and say please sir can I have some more, and you're going to keep taking it until I say stop." He grabbed the hyena's throat and pressed hard enough to stop the blood flow momentarily. "And if you even think about biting me, I'll rip your throat out then fuck the hole."

Walt had tears in his own eyes now, his neck was bruised, his back too from being slammed onto the toilet. He gulped, then pitifully licked the lion's flaccid cock.

Leo slapped him. "Now you can do better than that, faggot."

Walt's ears rung from being hit. Dizzily he licked the cock again, more forcefully, dragging the foreskin, exposing the barbed glans of Leo's penis. His tongue tingled as it went over the lion's spines.

Leo petted the hyena roughly, yanking on his hair. "Keep going, yena."

Walt frowned but continued to assault the presented cock with his wide dog-like tongue.

Leo purred now. "That's better, like the good little slave you were born to be, yena."

Walt stung every time Leo used that word, but continued to appease the fierce male.

Jane watched through a bruised eye as the lion did to poor Walt what he'd always done to her in the past. She felt sorry now that this hyena was in her spot.

Walt saw her gaze barely and he shed more tears while he continued to worship the growing cock in his face.

The lion enjoyed the worship, but he didn't want to make it seem he was enjoying it too much. "Alright, enough with the faggot shit, open up!"

Walt gulped and opened his mouth, praying it would be over quick.

Leo pried the mouth wider almost to the point that he would tear it right off and he plunged his cock down the hyena's throat.

Walt gagged and vomited, but with so much cock blocking him, his vomit had nowhere to go but back down.

Leo growled and pulled out.

Walt threw up on the floor, some blood came out in his vomit.

Leo slapped him hard upside the head. "You fucking puked all over my dick, you dirty thing, you filthy fuck." He pushed him off the toilet, forced him nose down into his own vomit. "Clean that up!"

Walt couldn't take it anymore... he broke down into tears at that moment.

Leo rolled his eyes. "Oh, shut the fuck up, it's not like I beat you up, little cry baby, you want me to give you real reason to cry?"

Jane felt a different feeling as she saw this. She felt angry. This hyena was a perv, for sure, but he didn't deserve this, no one did. She felt more than sorry for him now, she felt she had to protect him. She stood up.

Leo didn't even pay attention as he continued to kick the hyena. Then, he felt something pierce him. He growled in pain as he saw a black horn protrude from his groin. He grabbed at the thing going through his body and broke it off.

Jane screamed when her horn broke.

Leo turned in fury and looked at her. "You bitch!" He yanked the horn out and dropped it. He took a step forward then stopped as he felt weak. He held his wound as he bled out. "You cunt, I'll teach you to fuck with me."

Walt saw the horn by his head.

Jane stepped back.

Leo grabbed her throat ready to throttle her and he was pierced a second time, then a third time.

She'd angled her head and her remaining horn went up through his chin, piercing his brain stem and killing him instantly, while Walt stabbed Leo in the back and through the heart with the broken horn.

The lion fell dead between the gazelle and hyena.

They both looked at each other bruised and naked.

"I'm sorry." They both said at once.


In the aftermath of that night, they were arrested for murder but were able to get off for self-defense especially after testimony from the lion's own wife who had been a victim of his cruelty as well.

The lioness inherited her husband's club, Club Prey afterward, but she wanted nothing more to do with it. She gave the property over to Jane instead as a strange sort of apology for what Leo did to her.

So now the gazelle was the owner of a predator/prey friendly adult nightclub... make that co-owner.

Her new boyfriend, Walter Wynn hugged her as they both watched the dance floor for prospective prey they could share for the night.

"How about that one over there?" She pointed out a cute meerkat girl.

Walt laughed. "Alright, Jane, my dear."

They kissed before they went in together.

The Stranger from Madagascar

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His Brother's Heat

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Captain Earring: Chapter Five

Chapter Five "Oh god!" Faro exclaimed as his seed shot out. Seeing Liz in the fur had made the ferret aroused, "Damn you, Faro. You can't keep doing this." He rubbed his eyes to get the image of her naked body out of his mind. He flinched when he felt...

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