Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:12)

Story by Bowserkill123 on SoFurry

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#12 of Stories

You fainted! Will you live, or die?

(preveously-Everyone gasps in horror...) *Now* You feel Bowser role you onto your back. You hear people screamming, cring, gasping. You feel blood run down your arms and legs. Everyone thinks your dead. You start breathing. People start to do CPR on you. When it doesnt work, Bowser picks you up. You feel his breath, and his tears. You hear the koopalings cry. You start moving your legs. You can move your arms too! Bowser looks down at you, as you slowly open your eyes. He puts you down, and you stand up. Youre still covered in blood, but it doesnt bother you. You have reunited with your family. Thats all that matters to you. You go take a shower, and wash the blood off. You get back in your torn cloths. You tell Bowser youre tired. "We havent eaten dinner yet!" he says. "I know...But I lost somuch blood...I need to rest." you reply. "I completely understand." he tells you. Without warning, you dash off to bed. The only thing you can think of is the fact you almost died! Soon, everyone else goes to bed. You decide to sleep on the floor. You porpously roll off the bed, and onto the floor. You fall asleep there. The next morning, you wake up, eat breakfast, and head out. Bowser stops you with a mighty claw. You go under his hand, and run into the woods. You grab your supplies, get ready, and redeem your outside life...(stat tunned for pt:13)

Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:13)

(preveously-You grab your gear, and resume your outside life.) \*Now\* You storm around the castle, knowing Bowser will send minions after you. Sure enough, you see minions spread in the woods. You start shooting them, and would never get caught. You...

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:11)

(preveously- You walk in. Prepared) \*Now\* You hear Bowser walking. You look at your torn cloths. "Good thing I`m wearing black." you say. Bowser comes closer. You grasp your knife. Bowser lightes a torch. The room lights up. He sees you. You look at...

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:10)

(preveously-You grab your wepons and hesd out...) \*Now\* You emedeately head to your "secret spot" in the woods. You climb a tree, and sit. About 3 minutes later, you hear minions. "Again?" you wisper to yourself. You climb higher. Everyone passes...

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