Iron Dragon Chapters 109-110

Story by dieselmutt on SoFurry

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#54 of Iron Dragon

"So this is the lucky lady. I'm Roslyn White." Roslyn said as she set her tray down.

"Pleased to meet you. I guess Sherman has told you about me." Samantha said as the otter sat across from them. She thought Sherman did not do a very good job describing her, Roslyn was beautiful.

"Only good things of course. I had hoped to catch him early." Roslyn said.

"Do we have a meeting to go to?" Sherman groaned. Only because he didn't want to go to a meeting. After the shower and sawin' some logs he felt fantastic.

"Yup, just us and Marko." Roslyn said.

"He wasn't talkative last night, so what are they like?" Samantha asked.

Roslyn gave it some thought while she sipped her coffee. She gave Samantha a quick description of what they looked like and what she picked up. Sherman added a little to it as well, since he now felt better.

"I still want to know why you smelled like bad Chinese take out." Samantha asked and Roslyn almost turned green.

"It is not something we should talk about while eating." Sherman could not believe he actually ate one of the grays... and liked it.

"Okay... So Nodrog should be showing up anytime now I would imagine." Samantha said.

Roslyn wiped some syrup from her mouth. "They talked last night, so I imagine it will be just Sherman and I."

At least her table manners were a little better than some of her other manners Sherman thought. "He probably wants to hear our opinions, without Nodrog's influence on them."

Roslyn chuckled. "I have always told people exactly what I think. Superior Officer, Company CEO, why would I change just for a metal dragon?"

"Does he influence your opinions?" Samantha asked.

Sherman thought about it. "Maybe a little, since I am now partly monster myself. Like a mentor or instructor might influence a person. If anything he has certainly opened my eyes so I see the world clearly."

"I suppose I should report for duty. It was nice to finally meet you Roslyn." Samantha said and gave Sherman a kiss on the cheek before heading off to get on a security patrol.

"Well I suppose we should head up and get this over with. Since I have other work to get ready for as well." Roslyn said.

Tabbatha and Kitty were both present. Mainly so they could also ask questions Marko might not think of. Kitty was disappointed she did not get too, and Tabbatha was very grateful she did not have to meet the aliens.

"Please have a seat." Marko said and gestured to the two chairs not occupied at the moment.

Roslyn and Sherman both sat and waited for him to gather his thoughts. "Last night Nodrog and I talked about more military things... I know the two of you also interacted on that level a little, but I am more interested in your other interactions."

"So our overall impression of the Velopians." Roslyn said.

"Precisely, their overall demeanor, how they seemed to react to the two of you." Marko said.

"Well, they are a lot like us. It was a military ship, so they followed commands and acted much like you would expect. I don't know if it was because I am female, or not a predatory anthro like Sherman, but they did seem less timid or hesitant to speak with me." Roslyn said.

"Actually I noticed that as well. Alyvia and her troops gave me the impression they view both sexes as equal." Sherman said.

Marko leaned back in his chair. "Now that you mention it, they did seem less threatened by Jenny and Dr. Phillips then myself or Jade. However, except Nodrog, I seem to intimidate folks."

"You don't intimidate me there bud." Roslyn snickered. Tabbatha and Kitty both cracking at least a little smile.

"They treated me as quickly for being gassed as their own troops. They were very appreciative of my knowledge of how to treat exposure to the gas." Sherman said.

"What about the other dragons?" Kitty had seen them from affair, and Marko had told them both a little about the meeting.

"I had a very lengthy chat with Mianth, one of their dragon navigators. A very charming young lady, she smelled like flowers... Except for the dragons that use magic to teleport the ships over vast distances. The other dragons are there for support and to offer guidance, both military and spiritually as well it seems." Roslyn said.

"Yes all decisions went through Eryk. Perenth and Inilth just offering their suggestions on a course of action. In fact Eryk ordered Nodrog and Inilth to search the facility further. He is like you in many ways. He does not like sending his troops into battle on a whim and is concerned for their safety." Sherman said.

"Back to Kitty's point. We only met three of the dragons they had with them, the other ships have at least two. I know Mianth only navigated, I am sure one or two of them, get considerably more involved in protecting the Velopians then Perenth and Inilth." Roslyn said.

"I would wager, they like Nodrog, would not hesitate to use any means to protect them depending on the situation. When Nodrog elected to take charge and evacuate us from the building it was because Perenth was also affected by it." Sherman said.

"So dragons are not immune to everything and have weaknesses." Tabbatha added.

"It is hard to say. Inilth is made of stone and like Nodrog was completely unaffected by the gas. For all we know they might not breath at all, except to talk vocally. I have seen a creature that is just a shadow, how can something like that have a weakness?" Sherman said.

"That is what troubles me, if the other company and those grays... Have something that will nullify any advantage the dragons can offer. We will need all the help we can get." Marko said.

"Actually from my observation, Nodrog and Sherman had a very large advantage over both because of their weapon choice. The Velopians and grays had armor that could protect them from lasers and other high tech weapons. But that high tech stuff was useless under a hail storm of .30 caliber and .223 steel jacketed lead." Roslyn said.

"And it did nothing for hand to hand protection either. A good solid punch would double a gray over." Sherman said.

"The Velopians and myself could have done without you and Nodrog eating them. Then to comment on it like you were at a backyard BBQ." Roslyn scolded.

"You ate the aliens! What is wrong with you?" Tabbatha asked loudly.

"To be fair, I cooked mine first. Honest a little Asian style BBQ sauce and they taste just like wild boar." Sherman said.

Marko just chuckled. "I believe you, however that is not really professional behavior."

"And really gross... But it was rather effective in making the little gray fuckers hesitant to attack any more. They knew how to handle the Velopian warriors and tactics, the two of you just spraying lead and eating them probably caused their brains to stop." Roslyn said.

"I am sure on that front it was a horrible psychological blow. Still I cannot really allow my soldiers to be grilling our enemies, no matter how tasty they are." Marko said and chuckled a little more.

"How do you know those translator things really work?" Tabbatha asked.

Roslyn and Sherman both thought about it. "Because they just do." They both said and shrugged.

"Nodrog and Perenth both responded to either side seamlessly. I would imagine since their comments flowed into the conversation, the translators were not leading us to believe one thing, when they were saying something else." Marko added. Plus Jenny's magic translator seemed to agree with the one he had.

"Okay, that was what I wanted to know." Tabbatha said.

"Kitty did you have any other questions?" Marko asked.

Kitty thought about it. "No, I am just glad he didn't say they tasted like chicken."

"I wonder how hard it would be to learn Elf?" Sherman asked.

"Can't be too hard if Jenny can pick it up." Roslyn said.

"She does have a masters degree or two..." Sherman grumbled.

"It is easy to forget that. I for one, am looking forward to the Velopians coming back. Or even traveling to their home world." Roslyn said rather wide eyed. She was really excited about it.

"I would not get your hopes up of that happening for a while. While we have accepted monsters and magic, the rest of our race might not be so welcoming of it." Marko said.

"I have heard concerns with some of the things that have happened lately. People are scared after that fight Nodrog had with the other monsters." Kitty said.

"They were frightened when he and I rescued the medical staff. Even the Velopians are afraid of us." Sherman said quietly. He has seen it in some of their eyes, while he is out. It came with being a monster he supposed, except other monsters had more respect for him then when he was just human.

"That is why I am being so cautious with the Velopians. The key is Black Blood, unfortunately. It would be to coincidental that aliens just showed up after we made a revolutionary discovery for an illness that affects both races. I cannot even let it be known they met my forces during an attack on a rival company. If video of that ever got out." Marko said.

"Nodrog and I made sure that would not happen." Sherman said.

Tabbatha pushed her glasses back up her nose. "And how did you do that?"

"Nodrog ate the hard drives out of the security hub computer." Sherman said and laughed.

"That is at least one less worry. Our ace up our sleeve might be the grays. The Velopians did follow them to this world, the details to how they got involved with us would need a little dramatic editing." Marko said.

"Depends on what we find in all of that information we took. Your answer might be in it." Roslyn said.

"I know people are going to ask the two of you questions, as well as myself. Leave out the messy details, but I want you to answer them honestly. My secrecy with Nodrog might still be dealt with, but the Velopians deserve a fair chance." Marko said as Roslyn and Sherman got up.

"Of course." Roslyn and Sherman replied.

Nodrog spent the morning with Jenny and Alice down in their lab telling them everything that had happened and what they had found. They had a fair amount of things to get done, and they could listen to him while they worked easily.

Jenny had told Alice all about her short encounter with the aliens. They were both considerably worried about the implications of a machine that could render magic useless. Not because of what it could do to dragons, but to all of the other magical monsters they now knew were really out there.

They told Nodrog everything was ready for their Christmas eve party. Jenny had invited Roslyn before the otter had gone home last night. Randy was making good time, but it was still up to the weather at this point. Today was Thursday and the party was Saturday night.

Nodrog and Sherman spent much of Thursday and Friday going over technical data the techs had pulled out of the stolen information. Dr. Herman and Dr. Phillips were with them, all astonished by the things they were finding. Nodrog was only concerned about two points, black blood and how they nullified the dragon's magic.

It was late in the day Friday when Marko stopped by. Marko, Kitty and Tabbatha found them in a somewhat heated argument. "I want all of you to calm down, and tell me what this is about."

"He wants us to delete everything pertaining to this device they created a hundred years ago!" One of Sherman's officers yelled.

Except for Sherman the rest agreed that it was too important to throw out.

"Is this about the thing we talked about?" Marko asked Nodrog.

"It is." Nodrog said and watched as Marko picked up and glanced at the printed out copy.

"With what happened with those other monsters, surely you can understand how it would be important to keep." Another Officer said.

Kitty crossed her arms. "I'm sorry Nodrog, but I agree with them. We need something to even the field."

"The Velopians use magic, what would keep you from turning it on them?" Sherman asked.

Marko put a lighter to the paper copy. "Delete the computer file as well. I do not want to hear about this again."

Marko and Nodrog were the only ones that remained quiet, even Sherman got dragged into the argument. "It was to be expected." Marko said as the others carried on.

"I know. It is all there, how they mutated and fouled the dragon's blood to make black blood. Hell they even tested it on their own staff, and they are worried about fist fights between monsters?" Nodrog scoffed. And still they argued.

"A little ironic... Are you going to tell the others?" Marko asked.

"I have no choice, I have to let them know." Nodrog said and they seemed to have ran out of things to say or stopped to catch their breath.

"Are you finished?" Marko asked firmly. They all sat back down.

"This is a weapon created by the enemies of an alien race we are trying to befriend. I am more concerned about enemies that will sacrifice their own staff then bogey men and dragons." Marko said.

"There are far more useful blueprints and plans in these files. Our main focus should be figuring out if we can use their research to find a cure." Sherman said.

"That is the only thing that needs to be pursued at this point. Everything else is secondary, got it?" Marko said. They all agreed and let the other thing be deleted.

Nodrog did not show it on the outside, but inside he was very happy and relieved that it was no longer something to worry about. While they discussed other matters, he was thinking about his next move. He kept the page listing the names of everyone involved from the beginning of the black blood project.

Nodrog also needed to figure out how to explain what the humans and the grays had done to that dragon. While everything was detailed out, it did not actually make much sense. The scientific side was completely foreign to him, and the magic side was nearly as bad. Perenth had told him they were going to meet with the council and would like him to come with them. The problem lay in that both the grays and the humans were not thought of very highly by monsters. He sort of knew how they did it, but he did not know the why.

It was also hard to concentrate on enemy plans, when said enemy is so delectable and palate pleasing. Though Alice's back side was also enticing as he followed her to the elevators after work. Today she had dressed in a manner that accented her very lovely figure. She let out a squeak as he grabbed her just after the elevator doors closed.

Jenny was all ready up in their apartment getting ready to cook dinner for her and Alice. She had the TV turned to news and was bummed they were calling for snow tonight and all of Saturday. Alice might have to work, and Randy might not make it.

They had a rather quiet evening up until Jenny decided she wanted to be a naughty little kitty. Which backfired shortly and she found herself again on her hands and knees. With Alice stroking the base of her tail as Nodrog ate her out. Jenny moaned and purred, begged them to stop and begged them for more. She trembled and shivered from the pleasure they were giving her.

Jenny moaned loudly as she came in the hall between the two bed rooms where they had pinned her down. Her clothes were partly removed before she had got to this point, now she lay on her back naked and panting as Alice went down on her while Nodrog took her. Blissfully helpless to their tender love making.

Jenny stretched as she opened her eyes. They must have put her to bed after they had their way with her. Jenny sat up and glanced around, Alice was already up and dressed. She stood up and stretched again her own reflection in the mirror smiling back at her firm and nubile naked body.

She pulled her bathrobe on and tied it closed as she padded bare foot out to the kitchen. Nodrog was playing a game and Alice was... Out plowing snow as Jenny pouted at the sight of the giant snowflakes falling from the sky. "Stupid snow."

"Morning sleepy head." Nodrog said with a smile.

"Its your fault..." Jenny teased as she poured herself some coffee, hopefully it had not been in the pot for too long.

"Alice left about an hour ago. " Nodrog said as Jenny sat on the couch.

"Can't be helped, it is winter. At least she will just be a little late, I don't know if Randy will make it into town or not." Jenny said.

"What time was Stacy coming over to help?" Nodrog asked. Alice had already beaten his fastest time.

Jenny scratched her ankle. "One or two this afternoon. She wanted to help bake some things and do a little more decorating."

"That will be fun." Nodrog said.

"It should be. You sure you do not want anything special for a treat?" Jenny asked.

Nodrog tickled her foot lightly. "No, I will be fine."

The two of them were fairly lazy until Stacy showed up, bight eyed and bushy tailed like always. The heavy snow fall doing little to dampen the little lion's good mood. Actually her good mood quickly rubbed off on Jenny as they baked treats and hung a few more decorations.

Alice was beat as she pulled up to the shop to park the snow plow. It was late and everyone except her and Randy would have already arrived. The party started at six and it was almost eight.

The loud brrraappp of engine brakes, the distinctive squeak and hiss of air brakes caught her attention. Alice smiled as the blue rig rounded the corner and skidded to a short stop on the ice. She waved to Randy and headed inside to open the two garage doors.

Alice pulled in her plow and parked then helped Randy get the truck and trailer into the long bay at the one end. She hit the close button as Randy popped the park valve releasing the air in a quick chuff. She walked up to the front of the shop as Randy climbed out.

"I hadn't heard anything from you. Glad you made it." Alice said and gave her cousin a hug.

"That's why you didn't hear anything, been fighting the snow all day. Been a long one, lets head up." Randy said and grabbed his duffel bag.

Jenny and Stacy's faces lit up even more as Randy and Alice came into the apartment. Both quickly running over to them to give them a kiss. Now with everyone here they got a little louder and had an even better time.

Jenny had a hat that had mistletoe on it so she got to kiss everyone and everyone laughed at her surprise as Roslyn shrugged and gave her a rather lengthy kiss. They played a few games and stuffed themselves on all the snacks and treats they had.

Very late in the evening only Roslyn and Nodrog were awake. The others having curled up in their partner's arms sleeping.

"I had a lot of fun." Roslyn said quietly as Nodrog covered Randy and Stacy with a blanket.

"So did I." Nodrog said as he sat next to Roslyn.

Roslyn sipped at the cup of coco she had. A smile on her lips as she looked at the six sleeping soundly. "So this is what we missed out on... Not having a family of our own."

Nodrog put his arm around Roslyn when she leaned against him. "I don't think we missed anything."

"No, I suppose not. It is a little late to be worrying about it now. I am rather excited for things to come." Roslyn said and stood up.

"Time to go home?" Nodrog asked.

"Yeah, I'm too old to be sleeping on a couch." Roslyn said.

"You can use mine if you want." Nodrog said.

Roslyn smiled. "Are you trying to seduce me?"

"I can if you want me too." Nodrog smiled and reached out to pull her onto his lap.

"We might wake the kids." Roslyn whispered as he kissed her neck.

Nodrog smiled and carried her back to his bed room closing the door with his tail. After laying her on his bed he kissed her lips and she started unbuttoning her shirt. She smiled and moaned as he kissed down her abdomen as he pulled off her pants and panties.

Nodrog let her clothes fall to the floor and crawled part way onto the bed and between her legs. Roslyn moaned as he brushed her clit with his snout while licking her. Her breathing getting heavier the deeper his tongue went.

Roslyn held her breath as she caught his glowing eyes, a warmth filling her body intensifying every sensation. "You spoil me." Roslyn said softly as she came. The glow in his eyes, in this setting was erotic. She moaned again as he ran his tongue up her body and pushing most of his length into her.

Nodrog kissed her lips and nuzzled her neck softly. "I think you spoil me." He smiled as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. The two making love well into the morning hours.


Roslyn headed for home shortly after waking up, as did Sherman and Samantha. Randy and Stacy stuck around for breakfast before heading to Stay's apartment.

"You sure are in a good mood." Randy said as he closed the door behind them. He was looking forward to a shower after the long day he had getting here.

"I have another surprise for you to unwrap." Stacy said with a smile.

Randy laughed and kissed her. "Can I take a shower first?"

Stacy kissed him. "That's the best part about this surprise, you can even use it in the shower."

"I guess I don't follow..." Randy said.

"Well set your bag down and follow me." Stacy said and turned to head back to her room.

Randy carried his bag back to Stacy's room and Stacy started unbuttoning his shirt. "Are you goin' to scrub my back?"

"And other places." Stacy said and giggled as Randy picked her up and put her down on her bed. She didn't like him tickling her as she pulled off her shirt. Randy kissed her as he unbuckled her belt and pants.

Stacy blushed as he pulled them down, pausing after getting her pants and panties down mid thigh. "That is a surprise." Randy said as he looked down where he was clearly no longer a he. She was slightly aroused already.

"Now do you understand?" Stacy asked as he finished pulling off her clothes.

"I do. I hope you didn't do it just for me." Randy said.

Stacy blushed even more. "It is something I have wanted."

Randy smiled as Stacy moaned as he gently teased her with a finger. He was a little reserved about being in a relationship with a boy... who was not fully a boy. It took a little but like Alice had said after he looked past Stacy's gender, or lack of gender it was easy to fall for her. Cute and sweeter than pie.

Randy finished getting undressed as Stacy got the shower turned on. He put his arms around the wet lion and kissed the back of her neck. Stacy was soaping up a bath scrubber as Randy got under the shower head.

Stacy and Randy both got rather soapy as the two played in the shower. Stacy moaned as Randy curled a second finger into her. His thumb teasing her clit while his other hand held her hands above her head. Stacy cried out as she came and was thankful he helped her sit down on the built in shower seat. The warm water still running down over them.

Next to her shampoo was a bottle of lube she kept in the shower to help use toys when she was a boy. Sitting in front of him, she poured some in her hand and started stroking his not fully hard member. After getting him fully hard she stood up and kissed him before turning around to present herself too him.

Randy poured more lube on himself as he placed the tip at her tight little hole. "I will be a genital as I can."

Stacy's response was to push back against him moaning as he spread her. Alice had said her first time would hurt, and it did. Stacy bit her lip and pushed back harder feeling something give making it hurt even more. After a few breaths the pain was being replaced by pleasure as Randy slowly took her in the shower.

She looked between her legs and watched as the blood ran down her legs and down the drain with the water. Each thrust Randy made making her feel better. With both hands on the shower wall Stacy moaned louder crying out from her second orgasm. Randy filling her with cum which ran down her legs.

Randy pulled out and Stacy turned and hugged him tightly. The two both shivering a little, from the sex and the water having turned colder. Randy reached over and turned up the hot water so he could finish showering as Stacy climbed out and dried off. Once they were both dressed they sat cuddled on her couch to watch a movie.

New Years came and went with little notice as Nodrog, Sherman and several military techs went over blue prints and plans for weapons and vehicles. The medical staff even busier trying to make sense of all the data on black blood and how to start using it to make a cure. Jenny typed up hundreds of pages for everyone. The hardest making the initial black blood finding understandable in Velopian for their return trip.

By mid January, Nodrog met with Perenth and the others to let them know what the humans had found out about the illness. "There is one other thing we need to talk about." Perenth said.

"What would that be?" Bothrog asked.

"We need to know about omega weapon, how he changes into it what he can and cannot do. With the reports we are seeing from the others, the grays are considerably upset." Perenth said.

"So you expect them to attack the meeting when we are gone?" Inilth asked.

"I do." Perenth said. The council meeting and the Velopian return to earth were on the same day. They could not get either moved, and Perenth did not like that.

"Agreed, so Nodrog how do you transform into omega weapon?" Dallarth asked.

"I don't." Nodrog chuckled.

"What do you mean you don't change?" One of the air elementals asked.

"It has to do with the omega protocol. I cannot change into omega weapon any time I want. Someone has to summon that form, and that person has to meet certain requirements." Nodrog said.

"I assume that protocol is a safety check, keeping you from using your full power any time you want." Inilth said.

"If the stories are true, that was the only correct thing those humans did." Bothrog said.

"Very well, who can perform the summoning?" Perenth asked.

"First the person has to have a competent level of magic ability. Meaning any of you can do it. But..." Nodrog said.

"It has a catch." Dallarth said.

Nodrog nodded yes. "It does, because the second of the two requirements is that, the person does not want to posses the ability to summon omega weapon. That insures omega weapon's power will not be called upon for everything, abusing its power."

They all looked at Mianth. "Wait why are you all looking at me?"

"So the most powerful weapon, has to be wielded by the most timid of magic users? It is no wonder you went mad." Dallarth said and crossed her arms.

"I suppose that will just be how it is. Mianth will be with the Velopians the whole time... But what if you are unable to come, Nodrog?" Another dragon asked.

"Once the person starts the summoning, there is no stopping it, even if the person is killed." Nodrog said grimly.

"Are there other things we should know about it?" Dallarth asked.

"No, it is a weapon of last resort and needs to be treated as such." Nodrog said.

"What do you have to do to give Mianth this ability?" Inilth asked.

"I have to swear an oath to her, forfeiting my freedom to be completely hers." Nodrog said.

"But why me? Someone else has to not want it as much as me." Mianth said.

"You do realize, the more protest you give, the more it has to be you?" Inilth asked and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Perenth has been wrong in the past, I am sure you have nothing to be afraid of."

"I still do not like this." Mianth said as Nodrog knelt before her. Causing her to blush from embarrassment. The others were silent as the Iron Dragon forfeited his freedom to her, swearing his power to be solely hers to wield. Their eyes glowed turquoise as the one sided ritual finished.

"That's one lock opened." Nodrog chuckled and stood up.

"But how do I summon it?" Mianth asked.

"I don't know. I do know you summon it with your heart and not your head. It is situation based, if you need to summon it, you will just know." Nodrog said.

"In any event we can only wait. How are the humans fairing with a cure?" Dallarth asked.

"I do not think very well. I do know they are confidant they have gotten their treatment to slow it down adjusted to work for the Velopians." Nodrog said.

"It is a start, perhaps Michaela could figure out how to stop it, if she knew how it was made." Perenth said.

"I do not think she thinks highly of human science... Still it might be worth asking." Inilth said.

Mianth waved to a group of approaching Velopians. Nodrog had traveled to their world to speak with them. They were actually in, Inilth's large backyard. The shaman dragon grew a number of herbs and plants for rituals and the plants healing benefits. The Velopians were large believers in shamanistic ways. The Velopians had a very nature based religion, similar to some pagan religions on earth.

To the Velopians, Nodrog was simply an earth elemental dragon of unequaled power. He was not treated any different than the other dragons they dealt with on almost daily bases. They knew he could heal, and was trying to move on from his past. Mianth had heard he played music and insisted he play something for them.

The day long trip to this world was refreshing. The Velopians were very advanced, but their technology was much less intrusive and obvious. Magic was still a fairly large part of their lives, technology just went along with it.

"Nodrog, a word with you alone." Dallarth said.

"Of course." Nodrog said and followed Dallarth to a different part of the garden.

"I can see why you all like it here." Nodrog said as they now over looked the unobtrusive city bellow. The Velopians had taken great care to disturb the world as little as possible as their cities grew.

"I am still concerned about Mianth." Dallarth said.

"Understandable. It is a rather odd protocol, but because of its quirks, it is so powerful." Nodrog said.

"How so?" Dallarth asked.

"Depending on what Mianth feels and thinks, will determine the power I have when she summons me." Nodrog said.

"Then why not have someone with more power summon you?" Dallarth asked.

"Because of what I am and how I feed. Her emotions are what will or will not summon me." Nodrog said.

"So she can only summon you if she is frightened." Dallarth said.

"Yes, that is why it is a last resort weapon." Nodrog said.

"That makes me feel a little better. We meet the council in a week, we will have to go before the Velopians land on earth." Dallarth said.

"Sherman is making sure there is extra security on base. He and the other humans want this meeting to go well. Since the grays kept their presence so secret, for most of the world this will be the humans first meeting with another race." Nodrog said.

"The Velopians are equally as excited and cautious. Alyvia's entire augmented force will be in full equipment. They will escort the Velopian dignitaries and stand guard around the ships." Dallarth said.

"How many ships will be coming?" Nodrog asked.

"Just two. They are the heaviest armed and armored the Velopians have. Mianth navigates Admiral Eryk's flag ship." Dallarth said.

"Sherman wanted to know, so he could plan accordingly." Nodrog said.

"What is his deal anyways?" Dallarth asked.

"He is half immortal. His father was a hunter and his mother was a normal human. The little I have taught him, he picked up rather fast." Nodrog said.

"I would agree, I have not seen a human wield magic that well in a very long time. That explains why he understood the situation so well." Dallarth said.

"I should be going." Nodrog said.

"I hope the council understands the gravity of this situation." Dallarth said.

"That makes two of us." Nodrog bowed and crossed the voids of space instantly, arriving in Sherman's office as they had planned.

Sherman looked up from his work. "I trust everything went well?"

"It did. The Velopians will only be landing two ships. The bad news is, the council meeting is the same day." Nodrog said.

"It can't be helped. Will Jenny be alright by herself?" Sherman asked.

"That was also brought up. Lilith will help Jenny translate for everyone. The dragons will stay out of the matter." Nodrog said and looked out the window.

"Since they get along so well, I am sure that will work out." Sherman said.

"Lilith and Jenny are the least threatening I know that can translate so well." Nodrog said.

"You will still be reachable, if something happens?" Sherman asked.

"If anything happens to Jenny I will know instantly. Mianth has been given something so she can reach me no matter what." Nodrog said.

The week leading up to both events was very busy for everyone, including Nodrog. He had to help Jenny translate hundreds of pages, arrange for Lilith to be available. She would be staying with them for the week the Velopians were here.

Sherman had gone over everything dozens of times to make sure everything was in order. Marko, was less frazzled by the upcoming meeting than the others. But he did have more practice at such things.

Nodrog gave Jenny and Alice a kiss before stepping through Azule. Perenth, Inilth and Dallarth were all present. "I'm not late am I?"

"No, we only just arrived ourselves." Inilth said.

"The council is ready." Nightrunner said as he entered the room. After talking to Nodrog and Marko, he was equally concerned about what they found.

Nodrog noticed a few of the members were absent, but enough were here they could make a decision. It was clear they were not thrilled to see him again, but since Perenth had insisted Dallarth and he be present, they had little choice. Dallarth was also a very powerful typhoon. The two of them in the same room made a number of members very nervous.

Perenth explained why the Velopians had gone to earth and how they met Nodrog and the Halfling. Inilth explained what Nodrog and he had found when searching the building further. Nodrog added a little to both accounts, being more respectful this time than he was the last time he was here.

Eventually Nodrog did have to speak in more detail as he recounted what the humans had learned from the information they took before destroying the facility. He also explained in more detail how the grays and humans managed to nullify the dragon's magic to keep it subdued and unable to flee.

"Nightrunner, we understand you have talked with a human on this matter?" The sole dragon on the council asked.

"I did have a lengthy discussion with Marko October on the matter." Nightrunner also gave great detail to his discussion with Marko. What the man thought and that he did agree with Nodrog to destroy the plans for the machine that nullified magic.

The council deliberated on the matter while they stood present, to answer any questions that arose. As they deliberated on and on, they began to feel weak.

Dallarth looked at Nodrog, he looked darker. "We need to go, I heard one of the elementals call us."

"Jenny and Mianth have both called out to me." Nodrog said.

They all now felt something sucking away at their magic. At first it had been shrugged off by them, now the weakest of them unable to stand. They could hear fighting out in the hall.

"The grays must be attacking. We need to help them." Dallarth said.

"Oh you will be doing no such thing." A gray said as he and several others entered the room. Several small devices with them, draining the magic from them.

Dallarth and Nodrog were the only ones not affected by the machines. "I hope you are not upset because I ate your friends?" Nodrog asked.

"You will pay for that dragon. After we purge your council. They have interfered too many times." One of the grays said firmly.

"Nodrog, what are you doing?" Perenth asked.

Everyone focused on him as his form began to change. "Something is wrong, Mianth has started summoning..." Nodrog looked at his arms, his metal skin darkening and slowly liquefying. The hard edges of his scales and plates smoothing as if he were made of tar.

"What is happening at the meeting?" Inilth asked.

The grays produced a screen that showed them the currently one sided battle. "We have launched a two prong attack, one here and one to kill the emissaries of the humans and the Velopians.

"I see, so that is the reason for the change." Nodrog said and held up his hand. A blob of it falling to the floor with a splat.

"What change?" Nightrunner asked.

"Poor Mianth, so sweet and fragile like the mian lily you are named after. Your fear and terror so delectable, causing you to use the wrong summoning incantation." Nodrog said and laughed insanely. He was barely keeping his form standing at this point.

"Wrong incantation?" Perenth asked.

"I sort of lied about my omega form. When it was created demons helped the humans, and so omega weapon's form is a little more fluid. Mianth is so frightened and feels the situation is so helpless she is not summoning omega weapon anymore." Nodrog said his voice now changing in pitch. Raising slightly with a constant hissing too it.

"I knew he could not be trusted!" One of the council managed to yell despite their weakened state.

"Stop this instant dragon!" One gray yelled and they fired their weapons. Which only passed through his now fully liquid form.

"Then what is she summoning?" Perenth asked.

"Dallarth, can you handle things here?" Nodrog asked unable to hide his excitement as he once more tasted all of the power he truly had.

Dallarth drew her sword. "These grays will pay tenfold.

"Gods damn it what is going on!" One of the council yelled.

"Answer me Nodrog, what is Mianth summoning?" Perenth yelled as she felt weaker. The grays increasing the power of the machines.

"Omega Nightmare..." Nodrog laughed as his form fell apart to a dark puddle on the floor then slowly disappearing.

Iron Dragon Chapters 107-108

Roslyn struck up an easy conversation with Mianth. The water elemental dragon Roslyn learned loved navigating the ships throughout space. The Velopians pilot the ships when they are going short distances. Mianth and other dragon navigators handle all...

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Iron Dragon Chapters 105-106

"It has excellent ecm capabilities on its own. If I remember correctly it will handle nearly any air to air or air to ground ordinance. If you plan on me not landing, we will have to hang tanks on it." Roslyn said. Roslyn and Sherman both glanced up...

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Iron Dragon Chapters 103-104

They found a few more things to pick up before heading back to the ring store. Sherman tucked the little box in his inner coat pocket. Both were very thankful the stores had someone on hand who could gift wrap the presents. Like cooking, Sherman was a...

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