Iron Dragon Chapters 62-63

Story by dieselmutt on SoFurry

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#31 of Iron Dragon

"There is no way. I would swear it was Alice the whole time." Wes said and rubbed his eyes.

"You did good kiddo, I am proud of you." Jim said and gave Jenny a hug.

"Good, she did fanfreakingtastic. Neither of us knew it wasn't Alice." Mike said as he helped Carly sit on a tool box.

"Her own dad couldn't tell the difference. That look of astonishment was well worth their effort." Nodrog said.

"So you knew about it the whole time?" Lucy asked.

"Of course." Nodrog chuckled.

TJ made it back around to the pits with her truck and trailer. Jenny managed to sneak into Joe's trailer before to many people made it down to this pit. She didn't want to be asked too many questions or have too many pictures taken. Plus they had a better shower in the larger trailer she could use.

"Well she is mostly dressed for a change." Katie said as Jenny came out of the bathroom just short her shit. She did have a bra on.

"Didn't hear any of you come in." Jenny said and pulled a bottle of tea out of the refrigerator. Katie, Rose and Carly had come in when she was showing.

"The heat really bothers me with some of the meds they have me on." Carly said.

"Want something to drink since I am over here?" Jenny asked as she reached up to try and get the last of the water out of her ear.

"Whatever you have or water is fine. Thank you. Alice never said you could drive like her." Carly said as Jenny walked over and handed her a tea.

"If this had been serious, you would have know it wasn't her. She gave me some training so I can do some of the things she does. But I am in no way close to really matching her." Jenny said and sat down next to Rose.

"I thought you did very good. I wanted to thank you again for watching the boys. They had a grand time as always." Rose said.

"Well now I know who to call if I need a baby sitter. I would have thought Alice was the one that got along with kids." Katie said.

"Alice gets a long with kids, but they seem to like me more. Probably because I don't make them go to bed early and will play silly games." Jenny said then took a drink from the bottle she had and looked at it. "But really, it might be because I never grew up... I don't know how to 'be' an adult."

"I think you have grown quite a bit after you finally told Alice how you felt." Rose said.

"Alice told me you and her are engaged. Congratulations." Carly said.

"Thank you, she had mentioned Mike finally asked you. And Katie and Joe are going to have their first little one. Almost a stellar year." Jenny said.

"Yeah, almost..." Carly said and looked down at what should be a real leg.

"Are you going to call it quits on racing?" Rose asked.

"I don't know." Carly said.

Jenny got up and flung open the door. "TJ, DJ get in here!" Jenny yelled and had forgot she was still shirtless.

A couple of quick cat calls and whistles she ducked back inside nearly as red as the two cars. "Fuck I need to quit doing that..." Jenny said and the other women laughed.

"You bellowed?" DJ asked as her and TJ came into the trailer and pulled the door closed.

"Where did she go?" TJ asked.

"To put a shirt on." Katie said and pointed to the front of the trailer.

"I didn't mean to bellow, sorry. Hey what can you two suggest for driving aids so she can keep driving." Jenny said and plopped down on the couch.

TJ and DJ sat down on the floor. "Actually we install that kind of stuff all the time. We could run the clutch to a hand lever on the gear shifter. So it would operate like a motorcycle clutch." DJ said.

"Or swap in an automatic with a manual valve body so there is no clutch. The transmission will not shift itself, and the torque converter will do the clutch's job." TJ said.

"Have to see what the doctors say, at least I have some options." Carly said and adjusted the strap holding the fake leg on. "Wait since when do you know all about that kind of stuff?"

"My grandparents' butler and driver, Thomas, had his left leg crushed in a construction accident. His personal car was adapted so he could drive it." Jenny said.

"I wonder if Joe or Ron would know any rules pertaining to that sort of thing. We will have to ask them." Katie said.

"What do you want to ask Ron?" Lucy said as she and Amber came inside to get out of the hot late day sun.

"If he knows any rules pertaining to car modifications to accommodate a missing limb." Rose said.

"Unless they give an unfair advantage, they are allowed. One of the gentlemen you met up in the VIP room is paralyzed from the waist down. They rigged up his car with motorcycle controls and an automatic. He ran six seasons that way, his worst final standing of those six was fifth." Lucy said and got herself and Amber something to drink.

"Well hell, I can ride a bike. That would be a synch." Carly said.

"Speaking of that, do you think Alice would give me a ride in her car?" Amber asked.

"The track will be closed, but I am sure she would give you a ride back to town." Lucy said.

"Alice, will drive anyone around if asked. But the Viper will be coming with us back to the shop. Little Joe found some weird boost pressure readings on the last couple laps. We think one of the turbos is damaged, not sure if it is the compressor side or the turbine side." TJ said.

"Granted this was it's first real shake down run. Little Joe can pull some more numbers from it in the shop and see if maybe we made an error or if it is mechanical." DJ said.

"I thought Little Joe did a little testing on it?" Lucy asked.

"Little Joe and I brought it out here the day after we got it together. Neither of us can drive like Alice, it was just a systems check. Make sure everything worked and synced like it should." TJ said.

Thanks mainly to the air-conditioning in the trailer they never made it back outside until it was time to pack up and leave. Only Jenny and the twins had to go back out and help with that chore.

The Viper was the last car loaded, and they put it back inside of TJ's trailer for the trip back to the shop. Alice, naturally wanted to drive the Lotus back and was a bit surprised when Jenny walked over to the Jim's truck. "Aren't you riding with me?"

"Actually someone else was hoping for that chance." Jenny said and grabbed Amber's hand. "Wait a second, you never asked."

"It seems a little silly now." Amber said a bit shyly.

"Sherman and Samantha were going to invite you to have dinner with us anyways. You can ride with me on the way back and see where the rest of us work." Alice said with a smile.

"After all, it was your idea, mom." Sherman said and gave her a hug.

"It's really no trouble?" Amber asked.

"None at all." Alice said.

Alice found her sudden shyness amusing, but Amber did get in the car. She had to help Amber figure out the five point belts, but that was always the case if someone had never used them before. They looked complicated, but were very easy to use. As Alice started the car she was glad Jenny had remembered to turn down the radio before pulling into the pits.

"Your parents are not coming?" Amber asked as they zipped down a few service roads.

"No, they had plans to go someplace with a few of dad's old friends." Alice said and pulled out onto the main road.

"How did you meet your monster?" Amber asked after a little while. She could see the speedometer, but it didn't feel like they were going nearly as fast as it was reading.

"I literally stumbled into him after being shot in the arm on a dig. He was in hibernation... And the first thing I do is trip and smear my blood on his snout, which brings him out of it. He is no one's monster." Alice said.

"Oddly enough it was an accident that caused me to meet Sherman's father. I was driving home from a night class in a really bad snow storm. I got stuck and thought I could see lights from a building not too far off. So I got out and walked, which was not very smart. I slipped and fell, when I came too, I was in a house next to a fire. He had found me." Amber said and glanced over at Alice. "You love him don't you?"

Alice blushed. "I do, he has saved my life twice now. That does not change how I feel about Jenny in the slightest."

"How does she feel about him?" Amber asked.

"The exact same way." Alice said as she did a quick lane change to pass a slow poke in the far left lane. She managed to not flip the other driver off, considering it was one of her pet peeves. "Why do you ask?"

"Just a little curious. After all, it is not every day you meet someone who also knows a monster. That and I was wondering if they just had something about them..." Amber said.

"That makes them more attractive? I don't know, while he is good looking... I am not exactly thrilled with his diet or line of work. But then I would say the same about your son. I can tolerate Jenny's meat eating, but theirs is a little too much." Alice said.

"I would have thought you would eat both since your father is a cat." Amber said.

"All mice can, I just don't like meat." Alice said. She drifted back to the far left lane and they climbed back up to one hundred.

"I know we are going fast, but it doesn't feel like it. You really make it look effortless." Amber said after glancing at the speedometer.

"It comes from lots and lots of practice." Alice said.

"Is everything alright with Sherman? I know he is a grown man, but it is hard for a mother not to worry." Amber said.

"He might be a little bored with his new position. From the time I have spent with him, he seems fine. Sherman, is a very nice young man. If I have kids, I hope they would turn out like him." Alice said.

"Well thank you, that is so nice to hear. Does that mean you and Jenny would like to have kids?" Amber asked as Alice slowed down to change lanes and get off the highway.

"We would like one or two. Just not sure on when." Alice said down shifting further to take the exit at a moderate pace.

"You all live here?" Amber asked as they pulled up to the gate.

Alice held her badge out to the gate's card reader and waved to the two guys manning the little security hut. "Yup, the living quarters are the littler block on top of the big building. Since they are likely an hour behind us, I will give you the ten dollar tour. I think you will be surprised by the accommodations we have."

Alice pulled into 'her' bay in the shop. They had left the doors open so they could unload easier when they got back. Alice explained this was Jim and Kenny's shop and what they did here. She took Amber up to her and Jenny's lab, the gym facilities.

"We have a cafeteria as well, but we will go to the lounge for dinner. This is our apartment." Alice said and unlocked the door to let them in.

"It is rather spacious and I love the windows." Amber said.

"Do you need something to drink or use the bathroom?" Alice asked and picked up a few things the older woman did not need to see.

"I am fine, thank you. What are the metal bars for?" Amber asked as she sat on the couch.

"Those would be monster snacks." Alice said and tossed a few things into their room.

"I thought he ate meat?" Amber asked and noticed one had a clear bite mark.

"Among other less desirable things." Alice said and checked the text message she just got. "Jenny said her and Samantha will be up shortly. Nodrog and Sherman were going to help Jim."

"Is Rose not going to join us?" Amber asked.

"No, those boys are most likely sound asleep after the day they had. I know Jenny and them did not go to bed at a reasonable time last night. That is probably why Nodrog and Sherman are helping Jim, so Kenny can take them up and help put them to bed." Alice said and sat down on the couch.

"Its been so long since my two boys were that little. I forget they get tired quickly, and I suppose they did have a rather busy day." Amber said.

"Depending on how late they did stay up. I would wager, Jenny will be out pretty early too." Alice said as the door clicked open. It was Jenny and Samantha.

"Been waiting for us long?" Jenny asked as she dropped the bag with her race stuff in it next to the door.

Alice glanced at her watch. "Long enough to give her a tour. But we have only been in here for a few minutes. Were the boys sleeping?" Alice asked.

"Dennis was, Mike was sort of sleep walking up to their place." Samantha said and sat in the chair.

The women sat around talking for ten more minutes before the rest of them showed up. Carrel had stayed to help, and to make sure neither girl left something behind in the trailer they didn't want found by someone else.

Jim called up to Alice and Jenny's apartment to let them know they could head down to the lounge. Jim turned off the last of the lights and locked the shop door behind them.


"I feel like I am in a small town that is stuffed in a cube." Amber said as they walked past the few stores on the way.

"I guess that is a good description. We have the necessities, we have to leave for most things. It is handy for the little stuff one might forget." Samantha said.

"Or if you don't feel like cooking, or forgot to buy food entirely." Jenny said.

"I guess you two do that frequently?" Amber asked.

"Usually the first day or two after we get back from the field. You don't ever say 'the hell with it' and go out for dinner once and a while?" Alice asked.

"Not very often, money used to be tight. With my boys grown and gone I live reasonably well now, but it was a real struggle for several years." Amber said.

"How close are they in age?" Jenny asked as the boys and Carrel waved at them from a big table in the back.

"A year and a month. High school was rather difficult with Sherman wanting to play every sport he could and Winston taking music lessons." Amber said as they made their way back.

"I'm sure some of us girls did not help any." Samantha said with a giggle.

"Actually you were not that bad." Amber said as they sat down.

"So what are you talking about?" Sherman asked.

"You of course." Samantha said and sat rather close to him.

"All good of course." Jenny opened a menu to the good part. The desserts. "Funnel cake fries, cheese cake or a giant banana split?"

Alice hit Jenny in the head with her menu. "You can't have dessert for dinner."

"Oh they do have some delectable looking desserts though..." Amber said as she turned to that section.

Carrel and Jenny both recommended their favorites.

"I never thought I would see the day." Sherman said.

"See what day?" Nodrog asked and pointed to a Bloody Mary in the drink section.

"It's not what you think it is." Sherman said as he glanced over to the drink he was pointing at. "I never thought I would see the day when my mother would say dessert is an acceptable dinner entree."

"All mom's say that. I'm having the grilled salmon with dirty rice." Jenny said.

"Do I get alfredo or ceaser salad?" Alice asked absent mindedly.

Nodrog settled for a nearly rare steak and onion rings. It was one of the things he was having a harder time adjusting too. He was never fond of doing things just for appearance sake. In this time an age, it was more of a necessary evil than it had been in the past. Granted if he left this world he would not have to worry about such trivial matters.

As they talked waiting for dinner to arrive Nodrog found he was still a little mixed over being in this world. In some ways the world had changed allowing him to fit in better. Still he was entirely different from those that were sitting here. Easing part of his worries was the fact Pang Zsu was not hiding what he was. Even going as far as using things from the modern world to deftly create artificial life. Amy was made of synthetic materials, but was still only alive in the sense of a puppet or golom.

Of course the two lovely girls sitting to his right were the main reason he stayed. If not for them, he probably would have left shortly after being found. If he had been found at all... Not that there was much for him to do anywhere else. Plus the others sitting with them he was glad to call friends. He also had the guys down at the club.

Alice looked up at him and while sucking on the straw to her drink mentally asked 'Are you all right? You seem lost in thought.'

'I am fine. And I was just thinking how nice things have become.' Nodrog replied to her silent question as he dipped a couple of onion rings in sauce.

'So I don't need to worry?' Alice asked silently as she swatted Jenny's fork away from her dinner.

'No need to worry, but thank you for asking.' Nodrog silently replied.

Alice smiled and turned back to Jenny who was still trying to steal part of her dinner. "Stop it."

Unlike those who had warned him a little of their ill behavior, he found it cute and enjoyable. It must be nice to not have anything to worry about. Nodrog was working on it, but after so many centuries, one tended to have more on one's mind.

He glanced over to Sherman, who was teasing Samantha in an attempt at snagging a bite of her dinner. Nodrog was glad that he has taken the news of his altered being so well. The other worlds have changed enough that he will not have to endure some of the things Nodrog had. And he was sure Sherman would meet many more like him before his first century is past.

Actually he was looking forward to the trip later in the month. Nodrog was confident in Jenny and Sherman's abilities in the field. Given the nature of the items up for sale, there would be fewer gun totting idiots than a normal black market tended to have.

Sherman was a little surprised how late they managed to keep his mother up. All that mattered was she enjoyed every minute of the long day. While not perfect angels today, the little lesbians were mostly well behaved.

"That was so much fun." Amber said as Sherman drove her back to Winston's apartment.

"I'm glad you had a good time." Sherman said.

"Plus after talking to so many people, I am even more proud of the young man you have become. You have good friends, a good job and if you keep her a fine young lady." Amber both praised and teased.

"It took a lot of work and a few mistakes, but I could not have done it without your support." Sherman said.

"Well do you suppose either of them are still up?" Amber asked as they got out of the car.

"I don't know." Sherman said as they walked over to the elevator.

"I should have brought a camera." Nodrog said as he sat down on the couch.

"Why is that?" Jenny asked.

"To capture the look on everyone's face." Nodrog said.

"Oh well, it was fun." Alice said and sat down in her corner.

"How did the boys know it was you?" Nodrog asked as Jenny sat between them.

"Because they think I can do anything and everything. You don't think I tell them I freak out at every little bug or snake when we are out in the field? Hell no, I am Jenny super explorer and archaeologist. I fear no bug, snake or hideous corpse." Jenny said.

"So you fill their little heads full of lies?" Alice giggled.

"I don't lie, just creatively edit the truth and embellish a few facts is all. Plus if they knew I was afraid of bugs they would torture me with them." Jenny said sheepishly.

"You have a point there. I about lost it when they had to show me a snake they found in Joe's yard." Alice said.

"You both have it so rough." Nodrog teased.

"Some days it is just unbearable..." Jenny said dramatically and flopped over into Alice's lap with an arm across her forehead.

"Whatever." Alice said and leaned down to kiss her.

"Okay its not anymore." Jenny said as Alice's hair fell down around her.

"I will accept that. Now shut up so I can kiss you." Alice said with a smile. Jenny zipped her lips and Alice kissed her.

The three of them went with Sherman to take his mother to the airport Tuesday. "It was so nice to meet all of you. I had a great time." Amber said.

"Don't be a stranger and come back out any time." Jenny said.

"I know it wouldn't hurt my feelings if you came out more. Have a safe trip back home." Jennifer said and gave Amber a hug.

Amber said goodbye and hugged everyone in turn. She stood in front of Nodrog last. "Perhaps we will have a better chance to talk next trip out."

"Perhaps. Of course we could always come out and see you." Nodrog said with a smile.

"All of you are welcome any time" Amber said and glanced over to the gate. They were starting to load. "Take care."

They all watched her board the plane. "Hey we have a practice tomorrow night and next Tuesday." Winston said as they headed out to the cars.

"Can we change the Tuesday one to Monday? We are leaving town for a short business trip." Nodrog said.

"I'm not sure. How long are you going to be gone?" Winston asked.

"We fly out Tuesday and return the following Monday." Sherman said.

"Okay, at least you will be back in town for the next show. That was my main concern." Winston said.

"I better mark that down or I will forget." Jenny said and pulled out her phone to put it in her calendar.

"Your mom is a lot of fun. Thanks for inviting us along for some things." Alice said.

"She usually hounds me if I don't introduce her to friends. At least this time I have friends." Sherman smiled as Samantha gave him a light squeeze with the arm she had around his waist.

"I hope we will see you all more often. Hopefully our schedules won't be too weird." Jennifer said.

"That's an easy fix, give me your phone." Jenny said and held out her hand.

"Okay..." Jennifer reached in her bag, pulled out her phone and handed it to Jenny.

"What are you doing?" Alice asked as Jenny typed away with just her thumbs.

"Giving her our phone numbers. And going to send myself a text from her phone so I can save her number... There all done." Jenny smiled and handed Jennifer her phone back.

"How many numbers did you give me?" Jennifer asked as Jenny's phone beeped.

"Mine and Alice's cell, house and lab number. I also gave you Sherman's, Samantha's and Nodrog's number too." Jenny said.

"And you remember all of those numbers off the top of your head? I have a hell of a time remembering four." Winston said.

"I am trying to figure out how she types so fast with just her thumbs." Samantha said.

"Practice and I just am good at remembering numbers. I can even tell you Alice's dimensions..." Jenny said and used her fingers to draw an hour glass figure in the air.

"I don't think they need to know that." Alice said.

Jenny pulled out her phone and played away on it with just one hand. "Truth be told they are 'my' favorite numbers." With the exception of Jennifer and Winston's phone everyone else's phone played a little tune for the text message she had just sent them.

"Now everyone has your number." Jenny said and put her phone back in her pocket.

"Maybe while they are gone the three of us girls will have to meet someplace for lunch." Alice said.

"That would be fun." Jennifer said with a smile.

"Guess it will depend on the two of yours schedule. Mine is wide open until we head out for a dig." Samantha said.

"That's not true. There is always training when off duty." Sherman chuckled.

"You get paid for not working? Man I went into the wrong gig." Winston said.

"Actually I have things to do, the time I do them is pretty flexible. That and I won't go on security duty rotation for two more weeks. Since that last expedition was cut short they all ready have everyone down for time." Samantha said.

"Speaking of shifts, I need to get to mine sugar." Jennifer said and gave Winston a quick kiss. "Love you. See you late tonight."

"Love you too baby." Winston said.

Jennifer hoped in her little car and headed off to work. "I wondered why you brought two sets of wheels. Anyways, what's the plan for the rest of the day?" Sherman asked as he leaned against the borrowed jeep.

"We got a little pool tournament going on later." Winston said.

"Lets do that! Do we have enough time to swing back to our place so we can get our cues?" Jenny cheered.

"Yeah, you got time. The question is are you any good?" Winston said.

Alice and Jenny giggled. "We can hold our own." Alice said.

"You both have your own pool cues?" Samantha asked.

"Well yeah, I don't want to play with a dirty stick." Jenny said and snickered after she said 'stick'.

"It's too early for innuendos involving anatomy." Sherman groaned.

"Oh come on, its never too early for innuendos." Jenny cheerfully teased.

"Should we call Jim and Carroll?" Nodrog asked as they got in the Jeep.

"It fills up fast so let me call and see how many spots are left." Winston said.

"If there are three, save them for us. I know Jim will want to." Alice said.

"Three it is. See you later." Winston said and pulled out his phone before getting in his Jeep.

Sherman drove back to base and Jim was waiting with bells on at Alice and Jenny's apartment door. "I was just thinking it would be nice to get out of the house."

"Carroll working today?" Nodrog asked.

"Yeah one of her girls called in, so it will be a late night for her." Jim said as they waited for Jenny to run in and get her and Alice's sticks.

"Lets go." Jenny said as she pulled the door behind her.

"What do you think?" Sherman asked.

"Might as well. We got nothing else to do." Samantha said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"It will be fun. I promise." Jenny said and crossed her heart.

"Can I drink?" Samantha asked.

"Most likely..." Sherman was interrupted by Samantha.

"Lets go." Samantha said and pulled him along by an arm.

Since they were now six, they took the shuttle and the trolley down to the club. Despite an argument that Jenny would happily sit on Samantha's lap for the drive down. Which only got her butt swatted by Alice. "I wonder about you sometimes." Alice said.

"Really I wonder about her all the time." Jim chuckled as they got off the trolley.

"Hey now!" Jenny exclaimed.

"Just remember you wanted to come along." Sherman said quietly.

"I know. I need a good laugh." Samantha replied and gave him a quick wink.

"Cid, how's things?" Nodrog asked as they walked up to the bouncer.

"Doing good. You three are lucky Winston called. Got the last three spots." Cid said.

"Lucky us." Alice said with a smile.

Brian waved them over to the far end of the bar. "You gota sign up and pay the entree fee."

"Well if I knew there was a pot, I would have brought my good cue." Jim said as he scribbled his name down on the paper.

"It isn't a very big one. Seeing as its only ten bucks a player." Brain said and watched Jenny scratch down her name. At least Alice had nice penmanship, granted dotting her 'I' with a little heart was sickeningly cute.

"Where are the tables?" Samantha asked.

Brian pointed over his right shoulder. "Up stairs, over the bar."

"Oh hell, I didn't see the second floor last time." Jenny said.

"Players get non alcohol drinks free. Everyone else has to pay, but no cover charge." Brain said as Alice, Jenny and Jim handed him their fee. "Break for dinner at six, than the final."

"Cool. Age before beauty." Jenny teased.

"Guess that means I'm first." Nodrog said and pushed past them with a chuckle.

Jim laughed with him. "Bet you didn't see that one coming, you little smart ass."

"I suppose that leaves me to be the gentleman. Ladies." Sherman said with a smile.

"Just for that, I am going to kick his ass." Jenny muttered as they headed up after the two laughing old farts.

"Well god damn it. I was hoping I wouldn't have to play you again until the big one later in the month." A long gray haired old man said loudly.

"Good to see you too George. Blame my girls for inviting me to come along." Jim said and shook the other man's out stretched hand.

"So I have the two of you to thank, gee thanks." George said as Jenny and Alice gave him a hug. "I heard you two are getting hitched finally. Congratulations."

"Thanks. We didn't expect to know anyone here." Jenny said.

"It's all right. I like playing these small games to see who might be someone to watch. Usually meet at least somebody I know." George said.

"So you know how to play more than just music?" Alice asked as Winston came over and shook hands with George.

"Of course." Winston said.

"Hey Winston, I will give you a free piece of advice." George said.

"What's that?" Winston asked.

"If you want a chance at winning, don't let the mouse break." George said and gave Alice a wink.

"I see how it is." Alice said coyly.

"Than we are playing by APA rules. Sweet." Jenny had to contain her glee.

"Having second thoughts about inviting them to play little bro?" Sherman asked.

"I might. If she is that good it won't hurt my feelings as bad as if I lost to you Mister Slop shot." Winston said.

Steven got everyone's attention and laid out the rules after pairing up the players for the first round. Alice and Jenny were relieved they were not paired up for the first round. However Winston was stuck with Jim.

"So what do you think?" Sherman asked as they got started.

"Hard to say. I haven't seen any of them play." Nodrog said.

"I got five on the kitty." Samantha said.

"All right, I got five on Jim." Sherman said.

"Then I put five on the mouse." Nodrog said.

"Do I need to worry about letting you break?" Winston asked as Jim pulled out his cue and screwed the two halves together.

"No, I'm not a cheater like that. If it makes you feel better we can flip for who breaks first, with one of your coins." Jim said.

"Fair enough, call it." Winston said and flipped a quarter out onto the table.

"Tails." Jim said and watched the coin land.

"Guess you are breaking." Winston said and retrieved his coin. At least it was best two of three.

"I met my wife at a pool hall." Jim said and scuffed the end of the cue with the chalk cube. He rolled the cue ball around a little out of habit.

"So she plays too?" Winston asked and Jim aimed for his break.

"Yes she can. Kicked my ass the first time I asked her to play." Jim said with a smile. With a reasonable 'clack' Jim got a solid break sinking three.

"You got a solid in this corner and two stripes in the side." Winston said.

"Well guess I will shoot stripes." Jim said.

Alice was paired up with the only other female of the players. A cute but heavy set dog anthro. Obviously from the south with her accent. They talked a little as they played. She was up visiting family and her father was actually playing Jenny.

Jenny played quietly, since the man she had gotten preferred to play without talking. She thought a little chit chat made the game a little less formal and figured the serious stuff could be saved for the really large payout games. Oh well.

Iron Dragon Chapters 60-61

"From the sounds of it, you have always liked women. But given some of the things you have been through. I can understand why you dislike most men." Nodrog said. "I guess I always have. Never given it much thought before. Actually I have never had a...

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Iron Dragon Chapters 58-59

Alice and Jenny got up and around after hitting the snooze button a couple of times. They knew where Nodrog had gone with Sherman so they didn't have to worry about getting fully dressed until they actually were ready to leave the apartment for...

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Iron Dragon Chapters 56-57

"I would call her, but she has a race this week." Jenny said. "Well I am sure we can find something in the mean time." Grandma said. Grandma took care of signing Jenny out of her dorm room while Jenny, Grandpa and Tomas went up to the room to get the...

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