Chapter X: Getting the Horns

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#11 of My Life is Super - Issue 2

The Final Chapter of My Life is Super Issue 2

Yes, that is exactly where I am ending it just like the previous issue.


PS. 10 points to those that suspected Minos' intentions for Emerson. Another 10 for guessing the ending. 200 if you stop yourselves from killing me.

Chapter X: Getting the Horns

Emerson Wills took a deep breath.

His paws shook. He had never been so shaken before. After running out onto the field and facing mountains of muscular men trying to beat him down for a piece of rubber to the cheer of crowds or fighting for his life against horny bulls brought created by a madman,this is what gave him pause. He closed his eyes and fought back the tears...

Slowly, he pushed open the door.

Lester's scent was still in the air and he staggered against the doorframe, clutching his chest. A heart wrenching sob escaped him and he squeezed his eyes shut, tears soaking his fur.

Just two days ago, Shark Tamer and Dragon Knight had entered his apartment through Dragon Knight's uncanny ability to open portals anywhere and to anywhere he wanted. There, they had infected Lester's glorious masterpiece that would have inspired others to unite against the Gene Stealers. But something Shark Tamer did would have changed anyone who looked at it into bulls just as Lester had originally intended.

But... Lester had changed his mind for the painting a long time ago. The painting would have relayed his message without the identity rape that came with it.

When Lester explained this, Emerson knew what he had to do and the both of them rushed to the gallery to destroy the masterpiece. Lester succeeded... in a way. He had all but destroyed the painting when the Outsiders, Alliance and some traitor bulls had come to stop them.

Lester attacked them and when Emerson demanded 'why' his answer was simple.

"Because you're my masterpiece. This piece of shit isn't mine anymore and all the world will forever see of me is the villain. But you... you took the corruption I gave you and turned into a force of good. Let the world lynch me. You must keep going on and fight against the Gene Stealers."

Emerson had refused initially but then they were cornered.

He staggered into his apartment and looked up at the entrance to the study where Lester had worked. He couldn't bring himself to go inside and just collapsed on the sofa in the lounge room. One of the pillows smelled a lot like Lester and he pulled it to himself, breathing in his mate's scent and sobbing softly.

When Lester had held him hostage, he had been so confused but when they got to the roof, he explained.

"I want you to leave me."

Emerson had demanded why for the second time.

"Because people will think you're infected or in league with me. You gave me this spot in the art gallery, remember? Taurus and Stampede know I've tagged you so they know you're infected. But we can play on that. If you leave me, if I pretend that you came to stop me as well, we can fake that you found out about the plan, learned my identity and came here to stop me."

Why would he do that when he would willingly fight for Lester. Even after everything that had happened, Emerson would still be with Lester no matter what.

"You still have a life to live. Live it. Live it by telling the world how dangerous the Gene Stealers are. Be the shining beacon that will unite them like I never could."

But he couldn't live it without Lester...

Then Lester did the strangest thing. "Ask me to marry you again."

Unable to believe what was happening, Emerson fell on one knee and, in choking words, asked, "Lester Blue... will you marry me?"

"Of course I will."

He slipped the ring on Lester's finger and stood up. They shared one last kiss before Lester quickly used his powers to tie Emerson's paws behind his back. Lester then grabbed him by his neck and held him over the edge of the roof. He uttered only last apology before the Outsiders came rushing in.

Lester hadn't wanted to see him die but when that hyena had set him down on the ground after catching him, Emerson knew he could not leave his mate. If anyone was to end Minos' life... it would be Emerson Wills. He rushed back through the gallery, dodging the battle occurring between Feral Steel and the traitor bulls. Somehow, he made it back to the top of the museum and put on a convincing act. He even saved Weapons Master.

Then... he picked up that diamond sword... and ended it.

Every stab into Lester's back was heartbreak but when Lester gave him that one last look, his arm stretched out like he was begging for mercy... Emerson knew. He just knew that they'd be together forever. Lester would live on in him and in his actions.

The tears that came out of his eyes were interpreted to be one of relief and he was taken away to be quarantined and examined. It surprised him when none of the doctors noticed anything wrong with him. They didn't even blink an eye when they saw his tattoos. He wondered how they could not notice.

Then he came.

"You're considering it again, aren't you?"

Emerson growled. "Leave me alone."

"I cannot interfere, just offer my insight," Arcturus the Hound of Death said. "I cannot tell you if he will be waiting for you on the other side but I manipulated the minds of those doctors and officers so that you may fulfil his dying wish."

"His dying wish!?" shouted the leopard, spinning around and tossing the pillow at the Hound. The pillow didn't even make it halfway to where the Hound was standing. "To unite the people against the Gene Stealers!? How the _fuck_am I supposed to do that when I'm one of them!?"

"Not alone," responded the Hound. From the shadows beside him, two figures emerged.

"You two!" Emerson leapt to his feet, feeling the rage boil his blood and start to push out the transformation. "If it weren't for you two, Les would still be alive!"

"We're sorry," Stampede said, lifting his hands in surrender. "We didn't know... After his attack and all those people that died... we thought..."

"You didn't know him! None of you did! And now..." Emerson slumped onto his bed, his limbs feeling numb. "... and now..."

"And now he lives on in you three," finished Arcturus. "Lester Blue only wanted to make the world well aware of the Gene Stealer threat. That has been accomplished. The world knows but it is not their priority. Now it falls upon you three to make it a priority. Do what you must to turn heads and raise eyebrows while avoiding the same mistakes Lester made."

The Hound of Death turned. "Or don't. Take your life and end it now. But I would not be leaving if I knew that was going to happen. Good luck. And if you require any aid I've left the contact details of someone that will be able to assist."

Arcturus threw a smile over his shoulder. "And Emerson."

The leopard looked up.

"Death is but another change people go through. It is not the end."

The television suddenly sprang open, turning their gazes to the shimmering image of a car chase somewhere in the Californian mainland. It looked like there was some sort of super causing havoc there.

Emerson turned back to Arcturus but found the Hound gone. Stampede and Taurus jerked back in surprise at the suddenly empty space between them. Arcturus had just been a few inches away and they hadn't noticed him disappear.

"Well... What do you want to do now?" Taurus asked.

Emerson glanced at the TV... and then to the two other bulls... and then back towards Lester's study.

A small smile touched his features even as two large tears rolled slipped into his fur.

"Now... we do what's right."


Deep in the chamber simply known as the 'Geneheart', Chimera sat on his throne. His eye was focused solely on the ancient artefact that he held in his paw; an ancient holo-image of a wolf and a dingo grinning brightly at the camera somewhere on the Australian coast. They were both young and wore hideously flamboyant board shorts.


The doors to the Geneheart sprang open. Wendigo came charging in accompanied by Spider Queen. The latter had tied up Dragon Knight in her inescapable web while Shark Tamer followed with a look of mild interest on his face.

"What the hell was that all for!?" barked Wendigo. "Why the hell did we let that bastard even go that far!?"

Chimera made no response, only further infuriating the cannibal.

"The Alliance now knows about us," Spider Queen said softly, gliding forward to stand a little in front of her raging comrade. "They will drive their efforts towards us. Admittedly they have other supervillains to deal with but now we must contend with them and the Outsiders. We are not equipped for that."

Chimera smiled faintly. "Aren't we? Shark Tamer?"

His resident super genius grinned broadly and wandered forward. "While our research into creating Generation 3s has not progressed, we now have further information on the importance of emotion in developing superpowers. Thanks to Minos, we know the importance of love in the equation. Now, we must explore the other possibilities of the emotional spectrum; rage, greed, obsession, fear, sorrow and regret as well as the more 'positive' emotions such as joy, pride, hope, loyalty and ecstasy."

"We already knew the importance of love," barked Wendigo. "Gnoll proved that!"

"Ah but when we look at the emotional turmoil that Minos went through, we notice that he went through a myriad of emotions." Shark Tamer wagged his finger. "He fell in love with Emerson. He felt regret over his actions. He was loyal to Emerson in the end and he felt pride over his work. These were not nearly focused enough to grant him new strength save for the minor improvement in animating all forms of exhibits in the gallery." Shark Tamer grinned widely. "He could only make art come to life and yet he made entire exhibits fall under his command. What does that say?"

Wendigo looked shocked but Spider Queen said nothing.

With a wave her hand, the webbing that restrained Dragon Knight unwound, releasing the draconic Gene Stealer. "Was the test worth it? We are still exposed now. We cannot simply continue infecting the city as we see fit."

There, Chimera laughed. "And that is why I had Gnoll infiltrate various companies and convert them to our side. Now, the government will come into play. They will pluck resources for their search for us. Resources that we already_have under our control." Chimera lifted a paw, absently regarding it. "Corruption is best employed when the victim does not know of the change and accept it into themselves, believing it to be _their choice."

Shark Tamer snickered. "Ingenious, is it not? Lord Chimera was planning this from the very beginning."

"The supers know we exist," Dragon Tamer chimed in. "But they still believe we operate closely in the West California area. All other activities are attributed to supervillains not associated with us. With companies like Reacher Corporation under our command and now Ambience Logistics, we finally have the avenue to expand our operations beyond the island. Government agencies will come looking towards us to look for us. We can place agents within their ranks and slowly, turn the entire world to our cause. "

Chimera chuckled darkly. "I suggest you all prepare yourselves. The whole world is now open to you." His one eye narrowed. "And soon... the whole universe."

Wendigo, in his unending hunger, grinned and roared in triumph. He bounded out of the Geneheart excitedly leaving only Spider Queen and the other Gene Stealers. Spider Queen gave her lord and master a respectful bow, trying to look composed but her cruel smile revealed the same level of joy as Wendigo. She departed, trying to keep herself from skipping.

Shark Tamer watched them go with a grin. "The next Strain is also ready, my lord."

"As I knew it would be," Chimera responded. "Your target and his details are on your desk."

The geneticist didn't even question how the dossier had arrived on his desk when he had just been there a minute ago. He never questioned and just took joy in watching people change, shift and transform to his whims. Knowledge was his vice and he accepted it willingly. He bowed nice and low to Chimera before taking his leave as well.

That left only Dragon Knight.

"May I ask a question, Lord Chimera?" asked the draconic Gene Stealer.

"Go ahead."

"I know our ultimate goal but is it worth so much death and destruction?"

"Progress cannot be made without loss. We must destroy the weak to make room for the strong. Minos was such an example. The destruction he wrought gave us the opportunity we need to progress our plans. Instead of stopping us, he has only provided fuel. Our primary tests will remain on the island, I will make sure of that, but established strains are free to spread elsewhere."

"I see... So what of the remaining Minos bulls?"

"Emerson Wills and the other two?" Chimera smiled. "Emerson is well off but I cannot have him interfering any further. He still believes we are a world-wide operation to which we are quickly fitting his description." The leader of the Gene Stealers ran a claw down the length of his throne's armrest. A holographic display sprayed out before him, various words only he could understand shining before his eyes. "He will find himself transferred to a different football team outside of the island. Slowly, his focus will be drawn further and further away from the Gene Stealers as his duties take him to being a superhero. And he will enjoy it."

"Will he find another?"

"No. The world will end before that can happen."

"I see."

Chimera's eye flicked up to Dragon Knight. "Is there anything else?"

Dragon Knight shook his head and bowed. "No, Lord Chimera. If I may be dismissed?"

"You are dismissed."

Dragon Knight turned and departed, the doors to the Geneheart shutting tightly behind him.

Chimera closed his eye and leaned back into his chair. Behind him, the enormous, swirling ball of light with its spinning panels sensed his thoughts and responded softly.

"Yes," he responded with a smile. "The plan is progressing quite well, isn't it?"

The ball whispered a response.

"Yes. It won't be long now. Barring any unexpected outcomes. But then again..." He grinned to himself. "... we already know how things will turn out, don't we?"


The night was cold as West California Island was finally beginning its winter cycle. Strong winds whipped Arcturus' coat back. His eyes were firmly in the distance, a mixture of fear and apprehension bubbling up inside of him. Great change was coming but it was a confusing mess that he could barely work out. Usually, the future was clear to him; either a person died and needed to be dealt with or they did not. But now... everything was like looking at a mess of strings. Trying to follow one led to untangling the others and confusing him even more.

This lack of finality worried him.

"You sense it too then?"

He nodded grimly.

Beside him, another lupine figure stepped up next to him. Her fur was white and her eyes a deep red. Unlike him, the ethereal wings that burst from her back were a reddish-black and the coat she wore was pure white to match her fur. The frown on her features was unbecoming of the Hound of Destruction. She always wore a comforting smile. She took no pleasure in her work but it was said that the Hound of Destruction was gentle and tried to make demise as painless as possible. It was the Hound of Death who had to remain impassive for he carried the sins of those that passed.

"The future seems so uncertain," admitted Arcturus. "It is unnerving."

Rhiannon chuckled softly, pressing a delicate paw against her lips. "The future has always been rather black and white for you, hasn't it? Either die or don't."

Her red eyes gazed pensively off into the distance. West California City was once again peaceful for one night. In the wake of yet another Gene Stealer attack, though, other supervillains would be bolder and take advantage of what they saw as the 'exhausted' Elemental Alliance. Destruction was on the horizon.

"Do you know what is causing such a disturbance?" Arcturus asked.

Rhiannon shook her head sadly and folded her arms. "We only ever encounter such an anomaly when something in the very fabric of reality is disrupted. Either another dimension is colliding with our own, the timeline is being altered or a cosmic deity has decided to interfere. Our lord is as confused as you are and grows worried. He has enlisted my aid to watch the Outsiders."

Arcturus regarded his counterpart curiously. "The Outsiders? Why them?"

"They seem to be the focal point of this disturbance. Not the cause but as we traced the threads that made up this anomaly, we constantly find them at the centre of it. Other individuals are there too but it is hard to pin them down. Whatever this disturbance is, it is causing my vision of them to... blur."

He glanced at her worriedly. "You did not know Lester Blue was Minos?"

She shook her head sadly. "No. I cannot discern the identities of the Gene Stealers even as they cause more and more destruction."

"That is... disturbing as neither can I..."

The door behind them opened but neither of them moved.

"It isn't the first time that someone is shrouded from our vision," Rhiannon said.

Bren coughed loudly. "My ears are burning." He stepped up to the two demigods, sighing softly. "I don't know how wise this is exactly but I'm not exactly going to deny a Hound. Neither are my superiors."

"We were just discussing the fact that the future is uncertain," Arcturus said, throwing a smile over his shoulder at his friend. "And how individuals can fall into the hole where even our vision cannot reach."

"Oh you mean like the soulless, the undead and those of us who respawn infinitely?"

"Those who were not born naturally," Rhiannon continued, waving a paw dismissively, "those who refuse to pass into the next life, those who are of a higher cosmic ranking than ourselves and, let us not forget, those who come from a different dimension and have yet to integrate into our own."

"Uh-huh. Life is weird that way, huh?" He handed Rhiannon a folder. "Anyone in particular that I should be worried about?"

"The Gene Stealers are beyond our vision," replied Arcturus. "Either they are being pulled by some greater cosmic force or something else is barring them. Whatever the case, they are truly dangerous. Far more dangerous that either myself or Rhia had ever considered. That is why we are requesting this."

Bren nodded grimly. "It's a dark day when both the Hound of Death and the Hound of Destruction become involved in the same project." His eyes flicked to the Hound of Destruction. "I take it you'll be limiting your powers?"

She opened the folder and leafed through the pages absently. "Naturally. I do not want to be constantly pestered by my duties day in day out when I have to deal with this 'high school life' as it were."

"Just don't fall in with the wrong crowd," Bren said with a soft smile. "High school is rough."

"Moody teenagers are my bread and butter," Arcturus chuckled. "I would not fancy having to deal with your soul too, Rhiannon."

She smiled coyly at him but said nothing on the topic. "It sounds like the group requires another female member anyway. The males are dominating and poor Mary seems overwhelmed."

Bren threw his head back and let out a laugh. "Oh trust me, she's doing just fine. Plus, she's got a brilliant actor for a tiger on a tight leash and Caleb by the balls. Adding the Hound of Destruction to her arsenal will practically make her unstoppable."

Rhiannon shut the dossier, a smile on her lips. "I think I will enjoy this. Take care of everything for me, will your Rus?"

Arcturus nodded. "Naturally. But you owe me."


"Restraints are a check."

Neil Rossman closed his eyes. In a few moments, he would go to sleep and never wake up. The restraints across his wrists and chest were made of a special alloy that would've taken any super an incredible amount of effort to break through. Add to that the special fields designed to nullify his baseline powers and the caps around his horns that kept them from growing and he was effectively powerless.

On some level, he knew it would end like this. He had been swept up in the freedom, the power of the moment that allowed him to do whatever he wanted. Though that freedom always revolved around his one true love, he couldn't help feel a pang of regret that this was where his path led.


He cracked open his eyes and looked to his right. Dylan was similarly restrained, a special collar around his neck preventing the explosion of black flames that he was known for.

"I love you," his mate said.

Neil put on a brave face and returned a nod. "I love you too."

"Cryogenic systems are prepared," continued the technicians.

Cryogenic imprisonment. Some people argued it was inhumane while others said that it was the most humane treatment possible for those who were beyond reform. Freeze them and let them drift in deep space for all eternity. They could be revived if the situation called for it but it was never called for. No one had ever escaped cryogenic imprisonment. Once the body was frozen, it would remain frozen for all eternity.

Part of Neil wondered why the cure wasn't just forcibly applied to him and Dylan, turning them back to normal people and thrown into some jail cell back on Earth for life. But he guessed the fact that neither he nor Dylan regretted their actions had something to do with it.

Yes, they were caught, yes Minos had been killed but would they go back and do it differently?


If only these idiots knew what was coming...

"Transport pods are prepared. Initiating stasis sequence."

"This is it," Dylan laughed softly, shaking his head. "Too bad we didn't get to see the end."

"I dunno what's worse," answered Neil with a chuckle. "Not seeing it or not being part of it."

The doors suddenly sprang open. In the wide, circular chamber filled with pipes and medical equipment, the blast of light from the hallway beyond was rather blinding. The technicians looked up at the figure stepping towards them. A human, grey hair in a grew cut and with so many medals on his chest that his deep green jacket must've weight at least five kilograms alone.

"Sir!" snapped one of the technicians.

"I want to talk with the prisoners for a second," said the man, striding towards the two bulls flanked by two, imposing marines. The technicians gave way as the four star General strode up to them and offered them a smile. It surprised Neil that despite the man's grey hair, his features were rather youthful.

"And who the fuck are you?" growled Neil.

"I am General Vernon Washington," answered the man, eyes darting between the two fully clothed bulls. "So you are the two Minos lieutenants that we actually managed to detain."

"What happened to Stampede and Taurus?" Dylan asked.

"Given amnesty thanks to the interference of the Elemental Alliance." There was a hint of disgust in the General's tone. "What has our great country come to when ragtag collections of fairies wearing spandex has more power than the government?"

"The Outsiders seem to be handing the Alliance their ass," Neil chuckled.

The General began pacing in front of them. "The Outsiders are ruled by the politicians; just more scared civilians that grab the nearest gun because it makes them feel safe. No. The true strength of our country is weakening."

Neil shook his head as much as the restraints would allow. "Let me guess, the military?"

Washington smirked. "Naturally."

"So what are you here for?"

The General spread his arms, palms up. "What do you think?"


His marines suddenly turned guns into the technicians, opening fire with their pistols. They were fast and from the sound of gunfire past the main door, Neil guessed that there were more marines out there tearing the place up.

"I find the Gene Stealers truly fascinating," said Washington, lowering his arms and folding them neatly behind is back. "Whatever they're doing, somehow they're manufacturing supers. The military only has a few truly patriotic supers and the government has its prissy Outsiders who are more of a publicity stunt than a true force to be reckoned with. They're the underdogs. The ragtag bunch of teenagers and outcasts_that win over the public's hearts with their tragic stories and trials through adversity. As a result, our main defence against other supers rests with sensationalised_pop figures who are as fickle as the very forces of the elements that they claim dominion over."

Washington shook his head. "No, to truly secure America's place in the world, we need a strong super force in our militaries. And with the ability to manufacture supers..." The General smirked. "Well, I'm sure you know where I'm going with this."

"Work for you?" scoffed Dylan. "If you knew what was coming..."

"Then tell me, my dear man. Tell me what is coming and then tell me if you feel confident that a bunch of teenagers and spandex-wearing hippies can defend us from it?"

Dylan exchanged glances with Neil and then turned back to Washington.

"We don't know everything," answered Neil. "Just what Minos told us."

"Chimera wants to push everyone to what he calls 'genetic perfection'," echoed Dylan. "We don't know what it is but apparently, its exactly on the same level of genetic mastery as he is. What that level is, we don't know. We've never seen Chimera. Only Minos did and from what I hear, only Dragon Knight is the only one that's really close to him."

"He keeps his plan segregated amongst the Gene Stealers. Each of them is enacting some part of it independent of one another and with no clear links to one another."

Washington smirked. "Keeping his troops unaware. A sound strategy. I can respect this man. Why does he want this perfection?"

Neil shrugged and felt the restrains cut into his wrists for the gesture. "Because he's crazy. He wants to change the whole world and is willing to go through anyone and sacrifice as many people's identities and sanity for it. Killing people is to be strictly kept to a minimum."

"Sounds like he's building an army." Washington nodded. "All the more reason to build our own." He looked up at the two bulls. "I am going to offer you two a choice. Join us. Help us build our army. Not only to fight Chimera but also to put America once more as the sole superpower in the world."

Dylan's lips curled in a snarl. "What?"

Washington snorted. "Our country has become the laughing stock of the world for centuries. Our military is the source of government conspiracies, secret weapons development and ridiculous mysteries. Our people have become fat, decadent and desensitised to the threats around us. A supervillain attacks? The supers take care of it and in less than a day, everything is business as usual when centuries ago, people would have moved to prevent such disasters from happening again.

"The United Kingdom has become the monopoly on supers while Luna has the most advanced weaponry. The United African States has the largest army in the world by number of trained troops and even fucking China out guns us. Hell, even fucking Australia_has its reactors, defence grid _and a whole host of Outsiders willing to sacrifice themselves for their fucking country. Us? We've fallen behind in our complacency."

Washington held up a fist. "We need to step up, grow stronger and gain lost ground. The only way we can do that is to get people off their fat asses and remember why America was founded and the spirit of our great country!"

Neil smirked. "What? So you'll let us legally abduct people and turn them into bulls?"

"Into supersoldiers."

"Right..." Neil laughed loudly. "You know what? Why the fuck not? It's better than being frozen and sent to space!" He glanced over at Dylan who was similarly grinning. "You in, love?"

"Fuck yeah!"

Washington smiled and stepped back. "Excellent. Now to the first order of business..."

The one of the two marines pulled a switch, deactivating the anti-super field that kept Neil - AKA Bullhorn - so weak. The other released Bullhorn's left wrist from the restraints. Freed, the bull tore at his remaining restraints and dropped down onto the cold, steel floor. He was surprised when he saw a camouflage shirt fall to his feet. Turning, he saw the marine that had rescued him stripping his clothes off stoically. The tall, muscular man stepped towards Bullhorn.

"I'm ready, sir!" barked the man.

Bullhorn grinned as his mate was freed and instantly pulled the other marine into a big, sloppy kiss.

"I'm going to like this job."


The Minos Disaster was officially over.

The body of the Gene Stealer was hauled away to be contained and studied. The entire Top Art exhibit had to be checked and sterilised. A cure was developed and widely distributed. Victims of Minos had to undergo psychological profiling to determine if they were capable of returning to normal society. Many of them plead the same thing that Taurus and Stampede claimed - Minos promised to end the Gene Stealers once and for all.

Trials were pending.

"I'm sure most of them were just in it because of the sex and the power," Ashton said, lowering the newsfeed tablet in his paws.

"Something we both can relate to," Caleb chuckled, pushing the tiger's wheelchair towards the exit. "How was it having horns, being built like a tank and having a cock like a fire hose?"

Ashton flicked his ears back and shrugged. "I will admit there was a certain appeal with being very alpha male." He scratched his chin absently. In the reception area of the Tower Hospital, Mary, Lance and Lars were waiting. "But sadly, this kitty prefers to purr not moo."

The smile he gave Mary as she approached brightened his expression.

"I can take it from here, Caleb," she said, taking hold of the wheelchair handles.

"I still do not understand why you Americans insist on pushing out your patients in these ancient devices," Ashton said, patting the wheelchair's arms. "You don't even have the cool hovering versions."

Mary scratched Ashton behind his ears. "Just be quiet and enjoy the ride while you can."

Ashton stuck out his tongue and let out a soft purr. As if remembering something, he turned to Caleb and reached into the pocket of his clothes. "Oh, Caleb. I had meant to give this to you on the day I changed." He handed Caleb a black envelope.

"Huh?" Caleb responded, taking the envelope. "What's this?"

"Something I've been doing with Mary for a while." Ashton smirked at the empath who rolled her eyes. "We have colour-coded envelopes. White envelopes are just common correspondences. Red are confidential containing financial information. Yellow is juicy gossip and black..." He smiled calmly. "Black is life changing. I suggest you only open it in private. Or with your best friend present. You might need a shoulder to lean on."

Caleb held up the envelope to the light though because of the black colouration, he could not see through it. "Huh... It looks exactly like the envelope that we put in Lar's drunk kit..." He frowned and lowered the envelope. Slowly, he turned to the two who smiled at him innocently. "That was months ago. _Way_before we met."

His ears folded back and he growled at the couple. "Just how long have the two of you been dating?"

"Long enough," was Ashton's reply. He pointed towards the exit. "Come on, sweetie! Mush!"

Mary said nothing though she was blushing deeply as she wheeled Ashton out of the hospital.

Lance and Lars approached, one looking bright and happy while the other appeared reserved. Lance, lowered his gaze and he asked Lars for a moment to which the Doberman complied by sitting back down and absently reading a men's fitness magazine.

Caleb took in his brother's scent one more time. It brought up memories but at the same time, it did not stir him like it used to. Lance was carrying a package of some sort.

"Hey... Are you doing okay?" Lance asked.

"Are we talking about the whole transformation thing or the we're broken up thing?"

Lance winced loudly. "Um... Let's start with the easy one first."

"I'll need to get used to being a bull again," Caleb admitted. "Arcturus has already offered to train me based on what he's gotten from bovine souls he's devoured. Plus, Madman was right. I can just cum on Branding Iron and that helps it recharge. Can't do that on the field though. That'd just be awkward."

"Heh... Yeah. Speaking of which..." Lance held up the package that he was holding. "Here, I thought you might like this."

Caleb took it and opened it. "Uh... a fudoshi?" The cloth was pure white and folded rather neatly. One edge was lined in gold and the other in sky blue.

"No!" laughed his brother. "It's a stylised loincloth. When I saw Branding Iron that first time, it reminded me of gladiators. I think they're called Murmillo. You know, sword in one paw, shield in the other and partially armoured. I thought it'd look sexy on you... But..."

Regarding the fold of cloth, Caleb nodded and understood. "That's what our relationship was based on, wasn't it? Being someone we're not. It wasn't..."

"Real," Lance agreed. "We were wearing masks, lying to ourselves and others because it was hot keeping a secret."

"It wasn't that kind of love, was it?" Caleb said, nodding slowly. He already knew the answer. "Not the 'happily ever after'."

"I knew that we'd have to keep trying to find ways to spice things up between us," Lance admitted, his ears folded back sadly. "It was about the sex and the love was secondary. I was constantly searching for ways to make our love life more exciting and then I had to ask myself... what would happen if -"

"Everything was over," Caleb finished with a nod. "Where would we be if the Gene Stealers were finished off. Could we spend the rest of our lives as 'normal' people or would we have to constantly be secret lovers while our dad tried to constantly defame the Outsiders." He reached up and seized his brother's shoulder, nodding in understanding. "I get it, Lance. I really do. I was heartbroken at the time but I too realised something..."

Lance's eyebrows lifted. "Really?"

"Yeah..." Caleb shut the package and held it under his arm. "This whole time, I've been letting others decide my path for me. And when I make my choices, I stick with it because I feel like there's no other way to go, that I've invested too much in the moment already and I need to keep going." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "If this Minos thing has taught me anything, it's that it's never too late to change your mind."

"But... Minos changed his mind and it turned out badly for him... He wanted to turn everyone and then he went and attacked everyone instead... then he went back to Plan A and... well, he..."

He shook his head. "I was talking about Stampede and Taurus, actually. They joined Minos believing that he wanted to do what was right. But then they changed their minds when they saw the monster that he really was." Caleb smiled at Lance and held out a paw. "I'm not sure where I want to go yet or what my purpose in life is but I'm still glad for the time we spent together."

Lance looked at his paw... and shook it. Then he pulled Caleb into a mighty hug, letting out a soft, ragged sigh. "I love you, bro."

"I love you too, Lance." He patted his brother's shoulder. "And hey, when you find Mr. Right, I call dibs on best man."

Lance pulled away and grinned shakily. "You go it."

David Hale entered through the front door, giving his sons a wave and a smile. Lance gave their father a nod before striding past him and leaving the hospital. Seeing Lance leave, Lars got up and followed David to stand beside his best friend.

"Glad to see you're okay, Caleb," David said, resting a paw on Caleb's shoulder. It surprised him when his father rested one on Lars' shoulder as well. "How're you feeling?"

"Better," Caleb said with a smile and a nod. "Still don't know if I'm going to keep this tattoo or not." He flicked an ear towards his right arm where his tattoo remained hidden beneath his shirt.

"I think you should keep it," Lars said. "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger."

"Something you know full well," David said with a smile, at the Doberman. "Fighting Blood Wolf and beating him in the middle of the Elemental Tower... Well, that was certainly impressive, pup."

"Uh... Thanks," Lars said, blushing deeply. "I... I think I should go. Rehearsals for the musical are back up now that the disaster is officially over and I haven't practiced in weeks."

David didn't let the Doberman leave, keeping his paw firmly on Lars shoulder. "Not so fast." Lars froze, regarding Caleb pleadingly. "You've done a lot for this city and though I don't agree with how you delivered the news of your change in allegiance, I can't deny that you really helped with the Minos Disaster. I hate to admit it but... " David sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Well... If it weren't for the Outsiders, we would all be in some deep shit right now. So... Thank you."

Lars' smile was shaky. "Th - Thank you, sir."

"No need to thank me for that." David winked at Lars. "But you _can_thank me about the fact that I've managed to convince your parents to release your fund and transfer it back to your name."

Caleb's eyes widened and his tail began wagging excitedly. "What? Really dad? You did that for him?"

David sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "I helped found the Alliance for the purpose of ensuring that justice is served and peace preserved. I guess I lost sight of that and turned the Alliance into an elitist society of people privileged enough to be granted full superpowers. Outsiders deserve a chance but they need to be trained. I still want the Outsider Initiative disbanded. The government will just use Outsiders as their shock troops and send them out to wars or whatever else. There's a reason why the superhero organisations are not directly under political control."

He squeezed both Caleb and Lars' shoulders. "But that doesn't mean we can't all be good people. What your parents did to the money you earned with your own paws was not right. Tomorrow, you'll get the full amount." He wagged a finger a Lars. "Now be responsible, you hear?"

Lars, grinning broadly, said "I will, thanks, Mr. Hale!"

"Hey," David said, pulling Lars and Caleb into a hug. "Just call me David. _If_we can get discounts to the tickets for this musical of yours."

"Count on it! It's just after the school break." Lars rolled his eyes. "Delayed because of the whole Minos thing."

Caleb gave Lars a thumbs up and it was returned in kind.

Then David disengaged and broke into a grin. "Oh hey, I've got a meeting with Weapons Master! Caleb, why don't you come with? He's the one that cured you."

Laughing softly, Caleb said, "That's okay, dad. I've had too much excitement for one week. How about -"

"Nonsense! Come on!"

He was suddenly being pulled towards the entrance of the hospital, his heart leaping towards his throat. He quickly said, "Hang on, Dad. I've got to just open this letter. Ash said to open it with Lars. Life changing stuff, apparently."

David grinned, tail wagging excitedly. "Okay, but don't take too long!" He left a second later, leaving Caleb to spin around and face Lars.

"I thought you were going to get Bren to stand in for you," hissed Lars softly. "Weren't they going to meet him at the Elemental Tower?"

"Yeah, don't worry about," Caleb said, waving the letter absently. "I just wanted to get a few more minutes before Bren officially disbands the Outsiders."

Lars sighed softly and shook his head. "Damn... I wish we could've fought together a little longer, you know? It was fun. But now you'll probably end up getting shipped off to that new Outsider school, I'll probably be an FBI lackey working with Madman of all people..." He sighed. "I'm gonna miss ya, bud."

Caleb grinned broadly. "Nah. Bren promised me that he's going to find ways to sabotage every test that I undertake. I get to remain normal. Besides, Weapons Master is too popular. Even the Alliance knows that. FBI heads won't give him up that easily."

"And Mary?"

"She's going to follow her dream... as the assassin-slash-assistant of Samson Connors. They're going to sabotage her tests."

"Uh-huh... is Ashton going to be a werewolf?"

Caleb shrugged. "I don't know. I do know that their children will rule the world."

They both shuddered at the thought of Mary and Ashton's unholy children.

He sighed and regarded the envelope. "Well, here's to an end of an era," he said, slicing the opening with a claw.

Lars nodded as Caleb pulled out the contents of the envelope. "Yeah. Come way may, we'll meet it together. Either as Lars McCloud and Caleb Hale or Flare Blue and Weapons Master." Then he noticed the worried expression on his friend's face. "Cale... is something the matter?"

Caleb... Caleb let out a soft, "Huh."


"It just says here..." he said, showing the page. "Think about it. Lars lied." Caleb looked into Lars' eyes. "What is he...?"

Then the pieces began falling into place.

Ashton and Mary had been going out for a long time, longer than they had known the tiger. Long enough for Ashton to put an envelope in Lars' drunkenness kit. Ashton was also a brilliant actor, one that can think on his feet easily. He openly admitted that trying to get Caleb to draw him nude was a spur of the moment thing. Mary was also the one who first relayed Ashton's affection to him. Was it possible that his attraction to Caleb was all a ploy?

That kiss at the movie theatres...

The push to get him drawing penises and posting his work online...

The nude drawing at the cabin...

A ploy to...

"Lars... do you have feelings for me?"

Just the way the Doberman froze was all the answer he needed.

"Lars, I -"

The doors hissed open and David poked his head in. "Cale! Come on, I'm going to be late. I want you to meet the man that saved your life!"

"In a minute, dad." He glanced back at Lars. "Lars...?"

The Doberman pursed his lips. "Cale... I've always -"

"Caleb!" shouted David.

"In a minute!" Caleb found his heart had stopped, waiting for Lars' answer. "Okay... Here's what we're going to do. On three, we kiss and hold it for ten seconds. Full eye contact the whole way through. And when it's over, you have to tell me exactly how you feel. Full disclosure. Same thing as in the movie theatre. Got it?"

Lars swallowed loudly. "Cale... I -"


Caleb spun around, facing his dad angrily. "Dad! Ten seconds! I'm about to ask Lars to kiss me!"

David froze and lifted his paws up in surrender. He slipped back out of the hospital.

Turning back to Lars, Caleb said. "One..."

"Caleb... Please, don't do this..." whimpered Lars.

He took a step forward, their muzzles hovering over one another. "Two..."

"I... I..."


Caleb pushed their lips together. He never realised he was holding his breath up until that moment and when he exhaled, his heart did six somersaults, jumped up and down across his chest and shook his stomach wildly, screaming 'Yes! Yes finally! Woooo!'. He didn't need to search for confirmation in Lars' eyes as ten seconds passed and they still held onto one another.

At the fifteen second mark, Caleb wildly clutched the back of Lars' neck, pulling them into a tighter kiss. Lars was just a second behind and their eyes shut. Caleb let himself become swept up in the waves of passion that crashed between them, emotions he never knew he had swelling up and evolving. Past experiences, the strong bond already between them and the moments of their lives spend with one another suddenly took on an entirely new meaning.

They broke the kiss at the same time...

... and the pushed away from another at the same time, breathing heavily and eyes wide.

"Oh fuck..." Lars murmured.

"Yeah... shit..." Caleb responded. "Lars, I -" He was interrupted when his father's paw seized his and yanked him towards the door.

"To be continued!" he cried as he was yanked away and practically thrown into the family van.

His heart was racing, his mind spinning madly as he thought about all those things that he and Lars did together... the connection they had. Then he began mentally beating himself for not seeing it sooner. Lars... Lars was in love with him. He wanted to go back to the hospital to finish their conversation. He needed to tell Lars...

Tell him what?

He wasn't sure if he loved Lars back... They were like brothers and shared so much together already. But he had just gotten out of a relationship with Lance and though his heart was leaping in joy of not being alone, his mind was afraid of being hurt again.

But this was Lars.

His best friend... Lance had mentioned that it was all about the sex between them and that love was secondary. With Lars... Caleb glanced down at his crotch. He felt a little hard but if that had been Lance and they were back together, he would have torn his pants to shreds attempting to throw himself at his brother.

But did that mean he still held feelings for Lance or that he just didn't find Lars sexy...?

Conversely, was it a sign that with Lars, it was true emotion, a stronger bond than any forbidden sex?

He blinked when the van stopped.

This was not the Elemental Tower.


David Hale was suddenly very silent as he emerged from the van and stepped out onto the Ballpark.

Caleb's heart was pounding in his chest for a totally different reason. He followed his father to the commemorative statue of all the heroes that had ended the Gnoll Outbreak. It was currently abandoned. The sun was setting off to the west. Another commemorative statue was going to be erected somewhere in the city in memory of those that had died under Minos' reign of terror, most likely in the National Gallery.

In the peace and quiet of the Ballpark, Caleb could only hear his heartbeat as it beat a steady, worried rhythm in his chest.

"It was on this very spot that I first proposed the Outsider education programme to Weapons Master," David Hale said, looking up at the statue. "I told him that if he agreed to leave the Gene Stealers to us, we'd open a program for the Outsiders, to educate them and to train them so that they don't do the same stupid thing that Ryan did all those years ago."

Ryan... The dingo that had affected his Dad's life so much that he built his entire career around his sacrifice.

"But here's the thing..." David Hale turned to face Caleb. "I never told Weapons Master that Ryan saved my life."

Caleb gave his father his con-fuzzled look... but that quickly faded when he realised his mistake. "Dad..."

"Only three people in the world knew that Ryan had sacrificed himself for me. Lilly, my wife, Lance... and you, Caleb." David closed the distance between them one step at a time. "I didn't want to believe it. But I think I knew all along and just chose to ignore it. But with that one fact... I realised the truth."

"Dad... I -"

He was cut off by a sharply raised paw. "Don't Caleb. Just don't. I already know."

Caleb's heart stopped.

"I know you're Weapons Master."

My Life is Super

End of Issue 2

My Life is Super Issue 2: Lance-a-lot

# My Life is Super Issue 2: Lance-a-lot Okay, so this is the first time I've done this but... here goes. My name is Lance Hale. I'm a super. That is to say, that in the thirty-first century Earth, I have a full complement of superpowers. Enhanced...

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Chapter IX: Outsider Art

# Chapter IX: Outsider Art "No... Not again..." David clutched his son's head against his chest, the bovine features feeling so alien in his paws. The horns jabbed at his chest, piercing his spandex uniform like an arrow aiming straight for his heart....

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Chapter VIII: Messing with the Bull

# Chapter VIII: Messing with the Bull Caleb woke Monday morning with a start. The scents in the room were different, familiar but different. Lance's musk wasn't embedded into the sheets and neither were the layers upon layers of sweat and evidence of...

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