Skyfall Chapter 28

Story by Abyssa on SoFurry

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28 I stared at the door for several long seconds. What was I going to do? I closed my eyes and attempted to take a few deep breaths before I felt warmth growing in my chest. The foreign energy moved around inside my chest, creeping up towards my head. It felt vaguely familiar, and I suddenly realized what it was. Fleur? I asked. The warmth spread through my entire body, calming me. I opened my eyes to see golden light flickering towards the door.You'll be hidden for the moment, but you must hurry! Teleport now! I nodded, and closed my eyes again. Where should I go?Kato! I screamed out for him. Kato, I need your help! Waiting for him to respond was painful. Fear paralyzed my body and mind. What's going on? Kato's voice finally replied. Are you okay? I did something bad! I don't know what to do. I'm trapped inside the medical center...I need to teleport out...Calm down. His stern voice silenced my panic. Teleport to your room, I'll meet you there. I swallowed hard, and began to focus on teleporting. My body shook violently as I felt Fleur's energy aid my transportation. I blacked out briefly as my body was hurled into a different dimension. I felt myself slam down onto the carpet of my room. My body spun and smeared red across the gray carpet. I clutched onto the ground and tried to push myself up, but my body heaved in attempt to vomit again. I was only able to cough up bits of bile and blood, which was all that was left in my stomach at this point. I fell back down against the floor and stared at the door with blurred vision. Silence filled the air around me. My muscles ached from fighting the command, and my head was throbbing. The door burst open, and I saw Kato's distorted figure rush towards me. His blurred voice called out for me as he reached me, holding his hands above me. I tried to focus my eyes as he carefully placed his hand on me. With a snarl, my eyes focused for a brief moment, and I shoved Kato away from me. I jumped up and stumbled backwards until I hit the wall, unable to control my body. Everything felt so chaotic. "Decipher!" Kato yelled. "Calm down, it's me! Are you bleeding?" I whimpered and looked down at my bloodstained body, where the crusty red fur was beginning to mat together. "'s not my blood." I tried to breathe as best I could. Finally, my eyes shifted into focus and I was calm enough to look at Kato. "Tell me what happened." He said, carefully stepping closer to me. "Are you alright?" My eyes squeezed shut. "I think so." I said with a shiver. "I can't talk about it. I didn't mean to...I shouldn't have..." My eyes fell back to the bloody, wet fur between my legs, and I felt sick again. "I...I need to get cleaned up." Kato reached his hand out, and I moved off of the wall with shaking steps. Unable to steady myself, I clutched onto his hand. "Deep breaths, Decipher." Kato said, holding on to me tightly. I'm sure he knew what I had done, and he was probably glad. "Is he dead?" My tail swished. "He's taken care of." Kato didn't press for any more details as we entered the bathroom. He turned on the hot water and helped me into the tub. I sank down slowly, and began to scrub the red from my fur. I felt dizzy as my mind repeated the event in my head.I begged you to stop. I thought. But you just kept going. You're about to know what that's like. But he had known what it was like...Misha had been abused before. What made me think it was okay to turn into him? I whined as my shaking hands scrubbed the blood away. Kato stood and watched me with concerned eyes. I stared up at him with desperation and fear. I locked eyes with him for a few moments before I forced myself to look away and finish washing off.I don't deserve him. I can never risk hurting Kato. Kato bent down beside the tub and stared in at me. "Hey." He whispered. "It's okay. You did what you had to do." I avoided his eyes. I still didn't feel right about what had happened. My white fur was stained with rusty red, and no amount of soap would bleach it back. I exhaled slowly and opened the drain, letting the tainted water pour out. I stood carefully, and Kato offered me a towel. My eyes tried to avoid looking at him. "What happened during your meeting with Hale?" I asked softly. "I don't know." Kato said, rubbing his wrist. "Some kind of injection. I think they wanted to alter my element...I think that Hale wants me dead instead of you." I glanced at his wrist as I dried myself off with the towel. It was bandaged. With a nod, I swallowed hard. "Yeah. I found out what Misha did." I said with a shiver. "I know what he did to you. It was his fault you were attacked by the slithurm, too." I looked away from Kato, who didn't respond. "We should just go now." I said. "They're going to find out...They're going to find Misha soon." "We have to wait." "We don't have time!" I shouted. "Come on, we have to move now. We have to just go. Where's the antidote?" "We can't just run!" Kato yelled, looking around once he realized how loud he was being. He glared at me. We have to wait until Hale is distracted with the eclipse...Where is he now? I asked, gripping my head as Kato's voice echoed in it. A rumbling in the ground turned our attention towards the door. Suddenly, a thunderous boom shook the entire building. Kato and I both ran to look out the window. A crack was forming in the corner of the window, I watched as it snaked up and shattered across the entire, glass pane. A gust of wind completely shattered the window and sent icy wind raging into the room. Kato was knocked back several steps and shouted, "Shit! This can't be good. Come on, Decipher! We have to move!" I shivered as the icy wind assaulted my wet body. I tried to quickly focus on drying myself off, but another loud crashing sound distracted me, and I ended up sending a streak of fire across my body, which dried me but also singed my fur lightly. "Decipher!" I yelled out in frustration and fell to the ground. The fire had left a slight burning sensation, but I didn't seem to be hurt. "I'm fine!" I said, carefully standing quickly and trying to find some clothes. The building continued to shake and rumble as I wrapped myself in a warm jacket and stumbled into some pants. "Come on, let's go!" Kato shouted, rushing to the door. Kato and I ran out into the hallway, where red lights and loud alarms were blaring. "TRIL must be under attack." Kato said as we bolted down towards the information desk. "Does this mean we can run now?" I asked, panting. Kato shot me a smirk. "I suppose this is a good enough distraction." The information desk was empty. We stopped and stared through the glass windows, only to see guards running around madly and shooting at a massive snake that was slithering around, swallowing them whole. The snake let out a shrieking hiss as its fangs ripped into the guards. My eyes widened with fear. Where's the antidote? I hid it! I'll have to go get it. Where is it? Stay here! He shouted at me before turning and running back down the hallway. I stood in place, unsure of what to do. Wait, Kato! But he was gone. I thought of following him, but I didn't dare disobey him this time. Panicked, I stared helplessly down at the carnage. More snakes had begun to pour into the main entrance. Some guards were using some kind of energy guns and others were using bows. Others had bladed weapons. I noticed some humanoid figures fighting as well, which were probably vampires. Then I noticed a shadow. My head jerked towards my shadow, which was moving. It ripped itself off of my figure and lunged at me, roaring madly. With a growl of pain, I slammed into the glass, hearing it crack against my skull. I groaned and swiped back at the beast, punching it in the jaws. The shadow stumbled backwards and snarled before twisting and becoming disfigured. I looked around for anything I could use as a weapon. When I looked back, the shadow had transformed into Misha once again. "I'm back!" It shrieked in a voice disturbingly similar to Misha's. I snarled and lunged at it. It dissipated and appeared behind me. I snatched a chair from behind the information desk and tossed it at the shadow. My bones began to shift and crunch as the wolf tore into me and took over my muscles. I growled and turned to face the shadow, which was right behind me. It stabbed it's hand right into my chest, and I felt the familiar pressure in my heart. The smile...Misha's wicked smile...taunted me as my body froze. I couldn't move as it shifted closer to my body, using its free hand to rub down my abdomen, tracing the bloodstains. Blood was beginning to drip from the corner of my mouth as I sputtered from the pain in my chest. "You're not capable of love." He hissed. I felt my heart slamming against his fingers. "You don't deserve it." I snarled and shoved him with all my might, causing his hand to rip out of my chest. I screamed in pain as his inky fingers released their grip. "Don't believe me?" It chided. "Just wait until you destroy Kato." My vision became blurry suddenly. The shadow seemed to split into two, and I could see the blurry figure of the wolf in me forming over Misha. I couldn't watch this again...I growled and charged at the shadowy figures. This is all you'll ever be! Its voice echoed in my head. I crashed into the glass and heard it shatter. Before I was aware of what was happening, I slammed into someone below me. The shattered glass fell around me and sliced us both. I had fallen onto a guard, who gripped me by the throat and pulled me up. "Sir. I have him here." I heard the guard say. My body was in shock from the fall, and I was bleeding from various scratches. I tried to struggle away from the guard, but failed. Just as he was about to slip bonds over my wrists, a slithurm came right at us. The guard cursed and drew his weapon, allowing me enough time to slip out of his grip. I ran towards the exit, shivering from the cold wind that was pouring into the building from various cracks and holes. I dodged the guards around me, who were all more or less distracted fighting their opponents. I stepped across dead bodies and slipped in inky shadow blood. With a whimper, I was brought to my knees as something sharp impaled my shoulder. I looked down to see an arrow stabbing into my shoulder, and felt dizzy. It was poisoned with something. I fell as I tried to fight the drug. I sank down and focused my mind on preventing the drug from affecting me. With a few deep breaths, I was able to stop it from paralyzing me. Suddenly, I became aware of the battle around me again. My attention quickly snapped into focus as someone rushed at me. I was punched in the stomach and grabbed by the scruff of my neck. I twisted and dodged another hit as I turned to look at my attacker. He looked like a vampire, but far less threatening than Hale or Vladimir. This vampire looked like a regular human with pale skin and fangs. The vampire gripped my arm and bent it at an awkward angle behind my back, making me snarl in pain. He opened his mouth and lunged at my neck, but I ducked and avoided his fangs. He jerked my arm. I heard a snapping sound in my shoulder, but I didn't have time to register the pain. Adrenaline was coursing through my body too heavily for the pain to affect me. The vampire grabbed a hold of the arrow in my shoulder and twisted it, causing me to yelp and stumble. I shook my arm away from him, causing the arrow to snap. Having been released from his grip, I spun around and drove my fangs into his neck. I felt the familiar crunch as his windpipe was crushed, and I quickly ripped his head off. I wanted to make sure the vampire stayed dead. I stumbled backwards into the wreckage of the shattered wall, trying to hide. Carefully, I pulled the broken arrow out of my shoulder, wincing as the snags on the arrow tore my flesh. When I looked back out at the battlefield, I saw dead bodies everywhere. Oh no...Caliber! I suddenly realized. I frantically scanned the area for him, but I couldn't see anything through the bloody smears and smashed armor that was shattered across the floor. Fuck. Kato! Where are you? I cried out. Someone spotted me, a guard. I turned and ran into the giant pieces of stone walls that had crumbled. I crawled through the ruins and found a dark area to hide myself in. Luckily, the guard seemed to lose sight of me, and turned his attention on something else. I sat in the dark shelter, waiting for Kato to respond as I gripped onto my shoulder. The puncture wound stung, and it was snapped out of place. I groaned as I pushed myself up against the stone. I attempted to pop my shoulder back into place, but I couldn't get it at the right angle. I turned to the wall and place my arm on it, pressing hard until I heard my joints snap back. I let out a loud growl and fell to my knees from the pain, still gripping my shoulder tightly. Kato... I called out again, panting heavily. Suddenly, something cleared the stone from in front of me. It shattered to dust as an explosive energy was shot through it, and Hale was suddenly standing in front of me. I stared up at him helplessly. He quickly swooped down and gripped me by the neck. A blast of energy sent a paralyzing shock through my body, and then I noticed Reck standing off to the side. He was doing this. Hale was weak right now, I could tell by the look in his tired, fluid eyes. Hale dragged me out of the building and into the courtyard. I looked up to the sky and saw that the sun was beginning to set. With a sigh, he tossed me into the snow. There were a few dead bodies blotted in the snow, mixed with streaks from the snakes that had slithered through, but otherwise it seemed unchanged. "I don't know where the phoenix is." Hale sighed. "But I can't afford to wait any longer." I stared up at Hale, backing up as he stepped towards me. The snow was deep and I shivered as it penetrated the tears in my jacket. I listened as screams of pain and sounds of shattering glass echoed out into the courtyard. Hale bent down and stared into my eyes as snow fell around us. He looked calm and ready to kill me. I opened my mouth to speak, when suddenly the air around me fell completely silent. "It's a bit early, I know." Hale said, looking up at the golden sky. "But if I don't do this now, we're all going to die." The air was still. The snowflakes had stopped falling from the sky, and stood still in the stagnant air. The golden light from the sun sat trapped as it beamed down from the sky and reflected off the white snow. "It might not work." Reck's voice shook me. "What would you suggest we do?" "Destroy him." "That's suicide. Vladimir would have my head." I listened and tried to remain calm. Vladimir's brother must be the one attacking Hale, and Hale did not want to kill him...he wanted to remain on Vladimir's good side. "He is attacking you. It will be self-defense." Hale sighed. I watched as he considered his options. He looked conflicted and concerned, a look I had never seen upon the vampire's face. Reck stared at Hale emotionlessly. "Why not offer him a trade?" Hale looked back at me, and snatched me up by the scruff of my neck. He stared into my eyes with a curious expression as he thought. I swallowed hard and tried to avoid thinking about what he would be trading me for. "I cannot hold time forever." Reck said, interrupting Hale's thoughts. He looked back at Reck and nodded. Suddenly, I felt a rush of air as the world around me swirled and disappeared. The next thing I was aware of was standing in the center of the battlefield that the main entrance had become, and everyone around us was still frozen. With a flash of light, they animated again and the fighting continued. But the scene was distorted; something seemed off about it. It was like watching a recording that skipped every few frames. Certain motions were blurred and some moved faster than others. I turned and saw Reck standing next to Hale and I. Hale's hand gripped the back of my head, and my body was paralyzed. I was hardly aware of what was happening as I heard Hale begin to speak. I couldn't comprehend the words, everything was distorted and the sounds all ran together. I became aware of another powerful figure across the room, and decided that Hale was speaking to Vladimir's brother, or whoever it was that he didn't want to kill. The two were having a conversation, making a deal. I could feel Hale's intent as his energy paired with Reck's to apprehend me. I turned to Hale slowly, looking him in his bloody eyes.You need to know. I whispered to his mind. Even if I die, you need to know. Hale turned to me and drove his fangs into my neck quickly. I howled in pain as my body snapped out of its paralysis. I whined as his venom began to drip into my bloodstream. I closed my eyes and focused on sending him the message. I struggled to shoot the memories into his venomous energy, but I had to...I wanted him to know what Misha had done, and what I had done to him. Hale wouldn't know everything, just enough to condemn him. Finally, I felt his barrier relent, and the memories shot into his mind. I couldn't control it. He saw everything Misha had done to me, the lies, the pain, the mental anguish...and then Misha's memories that I had invaded. I gave it all up to Hale's invasive energy, and I felt his fangs drive farther into my neck. My knees buckled and I was no longer supporting myself, I was being held up by Hale's fangs. I hung from his teeth for what seemed like an eternity as the venom from his fangs poured into my body. As the last of the memories were released from my tormented mind, I felt Hale's fangs release my neck. He spun me around and stared at me with a strange expression. Pity, perhaps? No. I was imagining things. I wasn't sure what was happening, but suddenly, he felt different. My mind was becoming blurry, and I was losing consciousness. Fire snaked through my body and caused intense pain whenever I tried to move. I tried to focus on fighting the venom, but I couldn't. My muscles shook in reaction, and I knew I was going to die. I was sure. I closed my eyes.I'm sorry, Kato. A screeching cry shattered the air around me. I fell to my knees as Hale let me go. I opened my watery eyes and saw a smoldering fire take flight towards me. The air around us suddenly snapped back to normal, and I felt like I was in reality once again. I turned my attention towards stopping Hale's venom from destroying my body.Don't you dare! The bird screamed at me. I'm here! I smiled as my body fell slowly to the ground. I felt warm talons grip my body and pull me upwards. Hale stared up at me as Kato flew as high he could inside the building. He flapped his wings frantically and seemed to be trying to get out. He sent a flame towards the giant windows, shattering them. I looked down to Reck, who was holding his hands up and drawing energy in while Hale shouted to a guard. Kato then tried fly out, but was stopped by a field of energy that Reck placed around him. He struggled and flapped against the energy bubble, but it trapped us. I looked back down just in time to see an arrow fly up and pierce through the energy field, barely missing Kato's wing. Quickly, the guard reloaded his arrow, and I saw him dip it into a dead snake's mouth.Fuck! I can't get out! Kato shouted.Kato, let me go! Kato dropped me, and I fell down just as the guard released a second arrow. I jumped in front of it and let it pierce my body, shielding Kato. The arrow racked my body with pain, and my concentration broke. Hale's venom began shooting pain through my body once again. Kato screeched again. No, Decipher!Don't argue, we don't have time! It'll do more damage to you...I said as I staggered forward, gripping the arrow in my torso and breathing heavily. Do you have enough energy to take out Reck? I'll try. We both looked down to see Hale and Reck both concentrating. Reck looked like he was completely distracted with the energy force field, and Hale had moved on to trying to perform a ritual. He was drawing a symbol in blood on the floor and chanting something. Hurry, Kato! Hale is trying to preform whatever ritual he needs to sacrifice you... Kato stood still in the energy bubble and began to focus on Reck while I kept an eye on the guard that was firing arrows at us, who was loading another arrow. He wasn't wearing a helmet, and when I focused on his face, I saw that it was Caliber. My heart snagged in my chest with the realization. No...Caliber please. I begged. Please, hit me. I saw him nod, and suddenly, another arrow penetrated my arm. I fell forward against the clear energy field, blood oozing from my mouth and nose at this point. Hale's venom was deep in my system now, and I wasn't going to be able to stay conscious much longer. I'm sorry. I heard Caliber's voice whisper as another arrow hit the same arm. I laid against the energy field, and suddenly realized the arrows were sticking out of it, creating a tear in the field. K..ato. I whined. Look...Hit Reck, escape through here. I can't... I became too weak to even think, and the pain consumed me as yet another arrow struck my arm. But with each arrow, the field was weakened as well. It seemed like Caliber was somehow using the arrows as a way to help, but he still had to hit me. Suddenly, Kato let out an echoing shriek that sent a blast of energy down to Reck. Reck was knocked backwards, but the energy bubble remained intact still. He stared up at us as the bubble flickered, seeming to lose some energy. Kato gripped me in his talons, and crashed through where the arrows were. The force field shattered, and we were set free. I watched as Caliber solemnly loaded another arrow, but Hale stood and shouted something at him, making him lower his bow. Did Hale set us free? I wondered as Kato flapped his wings and I began to pass out. The last thing I saw was Hale wiping away the blood symbol on the floor. My body was assaulted by cold, icy wind. I heard Kato whistling and shrieking as he flew. Was he hurt? I didn't know...I was losing touch with what was happening. The air outside was dark now, or maybe I was just unable to see. My body was beginning to grow numb from the intense pain that burned throughout it. Icy air stung my wounds, and my body was too weak to even shiver in defense from the cold.Almost there... Kato's voice sang. Please... The next thing I was aware of was crashing into a mound of snow. I whined as the arrows stabbed farther into my arm. My body fell to the ground as Kato crashed down next to me. I was unable to move as I saw Kato shrieking in pain and flapping his wing madly. He reached his talons towards me, and I felt the familiar warmth enter my body. He ripped the arrows from my body and began to heal me.Kato no... I begged him. Please, just save yourself.One of us has to live... I heard his voice whisper. Then I noticed the arrow sticking out of his wing...He had been poisoned, after all.I won't live without you. I mumbled. The massive bird fell next to me, wrapping around my body and warming me to the soul. I whined as the pain began to die down. I was suddenly so much more alert. When I looked around, I realized where we were. We sat atop the peak of one of the Skyfall Mountains. The top of the mountain was hazy and dark, but was becoming illuminated by the pale, blue moon that rose in the sky. I swallowed hard as the warmth began to fade. I looked at Kato, who was beginning to glow. His body began to transform, and he sank back into his human form. I reached out and ripped the arrow from his arm. He lay silent in the snow beside me. "Kato!" I screamed, stripping off my torn jacket. I wrapped him in the jacket and took him in my arms, shielding him from the snow and wind. Blood was leaking from the side of his mouth, and his body was dead weight. When I looked at his face, I saw he was smiling, and my heart felt stiff. I hugged his limp body against me, shivering as the snow sank into my fur. I looked up at the stars that sparkled alongside the few flakes of snow that drifted in the air around us. The clouds were scarce, and the light of the moon beamed down upon us. I let myself soak in its energy, and sent Kato all the warmth I had. We sat in silence. I sent Kato all my remaining warmth, until my body was shivering violently and felt numb. He still felt cold in my arms. "Please." I whispered. "Please...someone. Help me." I stared up at the moon as my eyes leaked liquid...I suppose I was crying, or maybe it was blood, I wasn't sure. The pale moon began to change as red light collided with it. I watched as we were bathed in violet light.Decipher. I heard Fleur's voice fluttering in my head. He's like me. We are strong in this light. Use my warmth...and light him on fire. I suddenly realized what Fleur was saying...Kato was a phoenix, and he had the potential to be reborn. He was dead...but I could bring him back with fire, if he wanted to come back. I remembered the book I had read, and prayed that Kato would find his way back to me as I began sending him the warmth Fleur's energy placed in my body. That's it...use all of it. Her voice chimed. Goodbye, friend. Thank you for all that you've done. I felt her presence leave me entirely as I sent her to Kato, who had begun to glow with a faint orange aura.

The violet light seemed to sap the energy right out of me, and suddenly I felt extremely weak. I gasped for air as Kato's body consumed my warmth. I willingly gave it up to him, but suddenly felt myself falling out of this world. My mind felt light and hazy, as if I were no longer a part of my body.Kato... I whispered. Please come back to me.Decipher? Where are you?I'm here, Kato! Please just hold on to me! I reached my energy out towards him.Wait. I've been here before. I don't want to go back to that place...No Kato, it's okay! Come back! I begged him. Had he died before? Had Hale forced him to be reborn, and then live another life of torture? I whined. Kato, you escaped. You're with me. Please come back. I can't live without you. I'm here for you...please come back for me.You promise you'll be there? I promise. I gasped as his energy rushed towards me and gripped onto mine. The pain was overwhelming. I felt like I was being choked by ashes. I coughed violently and tasted fresh blood until I began to lose consciousness again. Kato's body burst into flames. A pure light blinded me, and suddenly I felt like I was floating in a sea of white, disconnected from reality. Kato was lying next to me and staring into my eyes with a smile. His bright face was illuminated by the blinding light, and his eyes golden flickered with fire. His face burst into a grin, and suddenly the image changed. He was holding my hand and walking with me in the valley below the lookout point. He was laughing and holding onto me tightly, and there was no fear or pain. Was this a dream? Suddenly, Kato let go of my hand and transformed into the phoenix. Quickly, he snatched me up and swung me onto his back. He took flight, ascending farther than the clouds. The moment was pure joy. I was thrust back into reality as a cold wind slammed into me. Kato's body was engulfed in flames, but the fire only took my warmth. My body fought the cold, but I was losing the battle. Kato's fire was growing, and I felt his energy becoming stronger with it. I shivered as his warm energy began to pull back into his body. "I love you too, Kato." I wheezed, willing the thought to him. I don't even know if I actually said the words, but I tried. I might not deserve him, but he deserved to know. I guess the only reason I said it was because I thought I was dying...dying suddenly felt so liberating. As my body grew weak, I began to feel warm. Goodbye, friend. I whispered with a smile. I closed my eyes and let the warmth carry me into the darkness of sleep. The next thing I was aware of was a blinding white light penetrating my eyelids. For a moment, I feared I had returned to the lab, but I quickly realized I was still lying in the cold snow. Voices echoed around me, and I saw a few blurry, dark figures moving towards me.I'm alive? My mind struggled with the thought. I was holding something between my arms...a small, feathered figure. Kato was nestled into my chest as a small phoenix. He felt warm and peaceful as he rested. I suddenly doubted I was alive. The figures approached me, and I felt one of them touch my face and brush some snow from it. I whined and tightened my grip on Kato.It's okay. I heard his voice whisper. They're here to help. The dark-skinned beings spoke to me in a language that I did not understand, and I slowly released Kato. I found my hand stretching out towards him as they lifted him away from me, and I began to shiver. Soon, I felt my own body being lifted and taken somewhere. I closed my eyes and fell away from reality once again. When I woke, I was lying in some kind bed, being warmed by firelight. My eyes focused hopefully on the flames, but Kato wasn't there. I stirred in the comfortable bed I was laying in. With a groan, I tried to look around, but my body was still weak and my eyes had a hard time focusing. I glanced around at the strange hut I was in, watching the flames dance in the small fireplace. My attention turned to a flap of fabric that made up the door on the side of the hut, where someone was entering the room. My heart thumped heavily at the sight of Kato as he entered. I found myself grinning as I tried to sit up. I struggled to move, and my body felt completely drained of all its energy. "Decipher!" Kato said, rushing to my side with a tray of steaming soup. "Hey, take it easy." He whispered as he placed another pillow behind my head and helped me sit up. "Are we dead?" I asked with a grin. Everything felt too happy to be okay, but I didn't find myself caring...At least Kato was here. "No!" He laughed. "The dark elves that live in the channels of the mountains found us. That's where we are now. They've offered us shelter. They said you have been marked by the Goddess, and that she sent them to you." I didn't know what that meant, but I nodded and continued to smile as Kato placed the tray of food down and handed me a spoonful of soup. I still wasn't sure I believed it, but it didn't matter to me right now. I looked down at his wrist, and saw that his black mark had burn scars streaked through it and was faded. "You're still a human." I said, suddenly worried. "It's just easier to interact with you as a human. You're kind of humanoid, yourself." Kato laughed again, placing his hand on mine. As I became more alert, I suddenly began to remember what had happened. A small bit of fear slowly returned, and I tried to discreetly pull away from his hand. I was tempted to grip onto him tightly, but I was afraid of hurting him. My face must not have hid my fear, because Kato let out a sigh and looked guilty. I wanted to assure him that I was only worried for him, but I didn't have the energy to do so. I decided a subject change would be better. "So what are we going to do?" I asked, looking around the small hut. "What do you want to do?" He asked. I looked back at him and tilted my head. I wasn't sure how to answer him. I had finally made it to I suppose I should look for the answers. I wasn't even sure what answers I was seeking anymore. Kato was watching me with a hopeful expression. "Well, you don't have to figure it out now." He said. "Here, eat some soup. Just focus on regaining your strength." I ate the soup with Kato's help, pondering what our future would hold. I had told Kato that I loved him, but honestly I didn't feel ready to admit that to myself...I had only said it because I thought I was going to die. I didn't deserve Kato, and I didn't want to hurt him. The shadow I fought was right...I didn't understand love, and maybe I did feel like I didn't deserve it. My life had been full of violence and pain concerning "love." I suddenly felt guilty. What would he expect from me? I couldn't give him what he wanted... I sighed and avoided Kato's eyes. He set the empty bowl down and stared down at me. Asodar's voice echoed through my mind.If you look, you will see. Carefully, I let my eyes wander to Kato's. All I was seeing was Kato...all I wanted to see was Kato. I wasn't ready to love, and I didn't understand it...but I realized something. He didn't expect anything from me. All he wanted to do was be there for me, and he would never hurt me. I didn't deserve someone as amazing as Kato, but I wasn't going to take him for granted. Maybe I did deserve to learn. I wanted to at least grant Kato the chance to try and teach me. We were free. I couldn't let my fear of myself take away from that. Skyfall holds every answer you have ever sought. I smiled. It didn't matter what I thought I was looking for. Perhaps someday I would find the answers of Skyfall. But in this moment, I was looking at Kato, and this moment was all that mattered. "You know...Now that I'm not drugged anymore, I can do this!" Kato said as his body began to glow. My eyes squeezed shut at the blinding light, and when it faded, I saw a small bird perched on the chair.I'm much more manageable at this size. His voice chirped in my head as he flapped his fiery wings. I can keep you warm this way. You could put me in your pocket! I reached my hand out and let him perch on me, grinning as his warmth. "I don't think the pocket is necessary." I said. What if I get scared and you have to hide me from some snakes? The tiny phoenix needs his big wolf to protect him! I laughed, watching the small phoenix hop up and down in feigned panic. He was barely larger than the phoenix-shaped flame we used to send back and forth to each other, and he was pretty cute. I sighed and watched as Kato flew around the hut, enjoying his small, nimble form. "Suddenly the great phoenix needs protection?" I teased. "When you're not drugged you have a tiny form, also? Seems a little counterproductive." Well...It might also be because I'm too weak to transform into my actual phoenix form. But once I'm recovered, I'll have the option to change my size, yeah! I smiled and nodded, closing my eyes and imagining him flying through Skyfall. As soon as we were better, I was going to make him take me flying...and we would search for the answers of the mountains together. I opened one eye as I felt Kato's warm talons perch on my nose. His small, orange eyes peered down at me as he chirped inquisitively. I grinned. Maybe I already knew what the answer was.

Skyfall Chapter 27

27 I stirred in the blankets, haunted by the early morning light. I felt like last night marked the end of the life I knew here. Caliber and I had said goodbye, I didn't know where Kato was, or if he was even alright, and tonight was the one chance I...

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Skyfall Chapter 26

26 "Tomorrow night." Kato sighed, staring up at the ceiling. I leaned back in the chair beside his bed. It was late afternoon, and Kato seemed to be well rested. The nurse ordered him to stay until dinner time so that they could monitor him, and I...

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Skyfall Chapter 25

25 I ended up passing out in my room. I don't know how long I slept, but I felt refreshed and calm after my nap. My eyes opened to warm light that flickered in through the frosted windows. The white world outside was immersed in golden hues as the sun...

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