Shell Shocked and Loving It

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#16 of Robbin Red


the sun rose in the morning, its rays shown in on two very tired humans wrapped

in each other's arms. A few seconds later that changed entirely. It was now one

human male, and in the place of the female, there was a rather hard shell.

Inside the shell was a snoring reptile of the turtle persuasion. Jon-Tom woke

immediately. This was largely due to his one arm becoming severely pinched

under her carapace. He looked at her through bleary eyes and started. He had

assumed her changes would be restricted to mammals. He should have known

better. He himself had just been a dragon. You can't get much scalier than



wrestled his arm loose, in the process jostling her awake. She smiled, or at least

tried to smile. She went to move and recognized that she was in a form clumsier

than most. One wave of a green, clawed hand in front of her face proved she was

no longer human and no longer mammalian. She got to her feet and dashed to the

mirror. One look and she sighed. "I had hoped that something like this might

wait a bit longer to occur. You'll have to excuse me a moment dear." She

squeezed past the bathroom door and shut it.


rubbed his eyes. They had been up most of the night again. He didn't mind, but

it made getting up all the more difficult. He was glad she headed to the

bathroom. It was going to take him a moment to gear himself up for sex with

something not from the same family tree as himself. On the other hand, he was

rather curious. He remembered some of the tales Mudge used to tell him of his sexploits,

which among other creatures included a female salamander and a rather wild

basilisk lizard. All Jon-Tom could think of was old Opiode, the slimy wizard

that had drawn him into a battle with Markus, the magician from his own world.

But truth be told, intelligent reptiles and amphibians were fairly rare. He was

curious how their mixed physiology was going to mesh.

By the

time she came out a few minutes later, he had mentally prepared for the task

ahead. She seemed more than ready. She pulled herself back up on the bed with far

more grace than she did in leaving it. "Sooo. Are you ready to make this little

turtle the happiest one on the planet?" Her voice sounded a bit different, as

it often did when she changed, but hers now had a dulcet ring to it. It seemed

somehow out of place in a turtle, yet vaguely familiar.


grabbed her hand, half expecting it to be hard and gnarly. It was surprisingly

soft and supple. Her lips were a bit more rigid, which was no great surprise.

His mentor seemed to have the ability to downturn his lips, but never pull them

into a smile. Hers were well on their way to forming an upward facing half

circle. Her shell was the only encumbrance, and with it, the placement of her

genitalia. Still, they had all day, so

there was no rush. He ran his fingers over her shell, following the plates and

ridges, savoring the subtle colors and patterns.


closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his fingers as they glided over her

exposed skin, and even sensing their passage as they crisscrossed her shell.

She was forced to shiver a little. Jon-Tom could hardly tell that she had just

been through a good four hours of foreplay and sexual contortions to make any

good call girl throw in the towel. Each time she assumed a new form it seemed

to recharge her vigor and desire. It was a good thing she had recharged his

healing ability. His only concern was the fact that she was pregnant. But with

her having his power, there was little chance of the baby coming to harm. There

was still a lot to talk about concerning that particular matter, but for now,

he was willing to let it drop. There was, after all, nothing either of them

could do about it right now.

As he

thought, as was his wont, his fingers traveled ever lower. He was curious just

what the sexual apparatus was like in an anthropomorphic, human sized turtle.

The first thing that he discovered was while she looked every bit the turtle,

she was warm to the touch, and where it counted, quite hot and damp. He ran

some fingers into her cunt, finding no hindrance to their progress. All the

better. He was beginning to find hymens more of a hassle than a turn on. He

chuckled to himself, for it was sign he was getting to old and jaded.

As for

her, when his fingers hit her soft pink glistening flesh, she reacted by nearly

coming undone from her shell. It was as if no one had ever touched her there,

which, for all intents and purposes, was true. Each form was new, and the

sensations each one felt were different. He should know, having occupied quite

the variety of forms himself. She was tight, as he expected, and wondered

belatedly whether a turtle in this world gave birth or laid eggs. It wasn't

something he had ever considered during all his years. His mentor had never

discussed it, and he had never brought up the question. It hardly mattered, or

course, seeing as she was already pregnant. Tomorrow she would be herself

again, and the next day something entirely different.

But now

was now, and time for more than fingers. He had pushed them in as far as they

would go and found no end. It made a lot of sense really. The main portion of

her internal sexual organs had to be fairly deep inside. Luckily for her, he

was well equipped for tickling such deep recesses. The only thing left was

choosing a proper position. Turtles were by their nature rather inflexible. He

had seen regular turtles getting it on back on earth, and they had one

position. He thought he could rather increase that to at least three.


rolled her over onto her plastron. She instinctively pushed her backside up

with her legs, giving him a fairly clear shot.

It was still a bit clumsy. He ended up sliding a leg on either side to

get up against the base of her shell, where she could drop down on top with

ease. She did just that. She wiggled around until his head found her hole, and

worked up and down to make it lubricated. It took her a full minute and a half

to engulf him in his entirety; no small feat. It accompanied by such a variety

of vocalizations as he had rarely heard. Never once she say or utter a word;

just an unending series of clicks, groans and coos right up to the time he hit



things went quiet. But she was hardly still. He could feel her squeezing him

with incredibly strong muscles. She pushed herself up a bit on her arms, but

not far. It was just enough to grant her leverage. She pushed down even harder,

hard enough in fact to press the edge of her shell lightly into his belly. He

could feel the head of his cock pressing tightly against her cervix, if that

was what she had. Whatever he had expected, this was not it. Her first full movements

were slow and deliberate, her muscle squeezing tightly as they pulled along his

length. Her little noises resumed. He was stifling some of his own.

It was

like having a well lubricated hand job. It was also like a lot of the nicely

tight holes he had plumbed in the past, but in her present form, not something

he had believed possible. One did not think turtle and sexy in the same

sentence. But heck, a female one had to look attractive to a male; right?


was propped on his own hands, leaning slightly back. In his now youthful

condition, he could hold this position for hours. He rather hoped that was the

case. It wasn't often he had something new and interesting to hold his

attention. Heck, he might even have to mix it up later. For now, the feelings

she was stirring in his loins were plenty good enough. As she got into the

rhythm of things, she made her pulls longer and longer, finally getting to the

point of pulling to the head of his cock before dropping back down.


didn't take long for him to cum. Despite a busy evening the night before, he

was fully recharged. He only hoped she had room for everything he was spewing

forth. She took it with relish, emitting a high pitched little cry as she came

in time with him. She held herself up for a moment before collapsing forward.

She slid off with a pop and a splash, followed by a disappointed sigh.

"God I

needed that!"

Jon-Tom gave her a questioning

look, one she couldn't presently see. It had to be something with this form,

because a few hours ago, they had made love until he thought certain body parts

were going to break. "It was good for me too. I'm rather surprised I came so

quickly. You really have a grip on this new body, don't you?"

He couldn't see her face. It was

too bad, with the crafty look she had. "That's not the only thing I've got a

grip on! Oh, my wonderful lover, you'll find I have full control over this form,

just as if I've had it my entire life. I think it's been waiting for just the

right person to excite it. Are you ready to go again?" It was question, but she

was already getting back into position.

"For you dear, anything. Just

remember, I probably have a schedule of appointments today. I've already lost a

few days to being a dragon."

She stopped for a moment. Then she

turned her head back to glance at him. "I believe your schedule is free today,

except for me. It looks like I get to have the full attention of the Lord Mayor

today!" He was still hard, so gliding back over it with a now well lubricated

hole was no problem for her. This time, however, she had purposely tighten her

cunt so that as she pushed down over him, he felt a lot more resistance. She

really knew how to use this body. By the time she had painstakingly hit bottom,

he was ready to blow again!

An hour later, he was so into her

new form that he pushed his healing to keep himself hard. Despite the

awkwardness of their respective bodies, it was a unique challenge readily

accepted. But after their fifth orgasm, he slid off the bed. She sighed with

audible sadness. "Are we done already?"

He snickered. "Like you'd let me be

done so soon!" He walked over and rummaged around for a bit until he found his

duar. Sitting down on the bench, he plucked the strings for a moment. She


"Oh goody! You're going to serenade


He smiled. He was going to serenade

her alright. He had the perfect song too. He got the tune right in his head,

and began playing. She had never heard so many of the songs that he had grown

up with, because there had been so little time, both back in her native Germany

back home on Earth, and here as well. It would be fun singing some now. But

this one was going to be special. His voice rang out clear and strong. "Imagine

me and you, I do, I think about you day and night, it's only right..."

She was immediately enthralled. So

much so, in fact, that she failed to notice the change coming over him as he

sang. It wasn't until he was finished singing "Happy Together" that she focused

on him. He was sitting there on the bench, now looking everything and beyond like

the male of her dreams. Now generally, a species stuck to a species, even here,

but the boundaries were rather loose. This was only untrue with Jon-Tom (and

his old friend Mudge). But even among turtles there had to be ugly ones. He was

not one of them. His shell was as polished as marble, and each plate was a

swirl of color. His skin, while green, was striped here and there with yellow

and red. He wasn't so much a creature as he was a living piece of art.

She stared from the bed, no quite

believing her eyes. She finally found her voice. "I didn't think that you could

change like that! I mean, after everything with the dragon and all..."

He stood up, setting down his

instrument. "You did the dragon it's true, but you seem to forget I still have

formidable power. I just can't use it as simply and as wantonly as I had been.

I have to put some effort into again. But I'm still capable of doing things

like this. What do you think?"

The fact that she nearly had to

pick her eyeballs off the floor was evidence enough. But those same eyes

narrowed a bit. You could almost see the light bulb flashing inside her head.

"I think that this particular transformation is particularly brilliant. It's

something that for all my ideas of how this day might have gone is beyond my

wildest expectations. I assume everything works in this form as in your


He chuckled a little. "Everything

is in prime and working order. Did you want to test it out?"

She jumped over and grabbed his

smooth green hand. "Mister, if I wanted you before, I really want you now. This

is going to be a whole lot more exciting than I realized when I woke up this


It was here that they found out

that being of the same form and species didn't necessarily make sex any easier.

In fact, it made it more difficult. Right up to the point where he opted to

meet her face to face. It was a little weird, adjusting to new proportions and

all, but he was determined to make it work. And it did. The interesting this

was his cock. It hadn't dawned on him before, but out of necessity this form

needed the extra length to reach its target. He had to make some adjustments,

but outside of that, he was ready to roll.

She was thrilled. The rest of the

afternoon was spent in sensual and sexual exploits of the kind he had never

been prepared to have with this kind of person. His old mentor had been

crotchety, cranky and no one ever loved him. She was the complete opposite, but

then that was fairly normal. She was young, and he had been old, so maybe

Jon-Tom was being too hard on him. He knew now how age can wear you thin.

So could she, and in all the right

spots. Her present ability to "milk" him was doing a number on his cock. If it

weren't for his trusty healing ability, he would have cried uncle hours ago. As

it was, there was a mess on the bed, and down its sides, and on the floor from

the abundance of fluids flowing. He was half expecting her to "clean" it up as

they went, but she put him in his place. "There will time enough for that when

we're done. And I'll have you know I'm nowhere near being done! Do I make

myself clear?"

She did. She went at it with

renewed gusto, despite the obvious signs that she was tiring. He didn't fret

over this; if she needed to recharge, she had the ability to do it. Besides, if

she grew too tired, he was more than happy to take over. And so it went for the

next few hours. By the time night came, they both fell into an exhausted sleep,

both with smiles on their turtle faces. Before he drifted off to sleep, a

thought struck him. Eve had thought he needed something mundane to do. He was

just wondering when the mundane part was going to kick in!

Resetting the Perspective

Huntchy was wishing for a downpour, or a tidal wave, or just about anything that would have cooled his scorched hide. He felt like a hunk of meat suspended over the fire. He was certain he looked awful. He felt awful. He was beginning to see where...

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It was late in the day before the dragon was sighted flying in from the sea. His wing beat was uneven and he looked tired and defeated. When he collapsed in the sand just where he had taken off, he looked as though he would perish on the spot....

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The Day is Just Dragon By

The next morning, there was a bit of a scene at Huntchy's place, though no one could really tell. Jon-Ton and his lady had a wonderful night, after a fitful start. It seems she was reluctant to transform him, and only did so after stepping outside to...

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