Trouble in the Distance

Story by Antarian_Knight on SoFurry

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#11 of The World Beyond

Alrighty, so its a been a while since I updated this story, but as I have said before, this series is different from the others. IN any case, I hope you enjoy it. As always, comments are appreciated and requested.

Continued from 'Persuasion by Moonlight...'

"What are you writing?" Shane whispered, appearing at my shoulder as if by magic, making me jump. "You can't be done with your extraction already."

"Its nothing." I replied, flipping the cover of my journal closed, glancing at the branching assembly of glassware I had arranged in my fume hood to run the chemical extraction on the solution. "And no, I'm not. Its taking forever. What about you? Shouldn't you be monitoring your own column?"

"I am, I'm just grabbing some more sulfuric acid for the second phase." The black haired boy replied, indicating the flask of clear liquid in his hand. "And it doesn't look like nothing."

"Its nothing you need to be concerned with." I amended, giving him an annoyed glare. "Is there something you need or are you just going around interrupting people?"

"I was just wondering if you had heard from Scott lately." Shane muttered, pretending to lean over to look at my extraction column.

"Not since last week." I replied, reaching out to adjust the Bunsen burner that was heating the solution I was supposed to be separating into its component parts. "Now shoo, this is supposed to be a warm up for our practical next week."

"Alright, alright. I'm going." He replied, walking away. "Sheesh."

Shaking my head, I looked at the container under the second loop of my column, measuring the liquid under it by eye. Nodding to myself, I paused to look at the clock and then flipped the journal back open. I had plenty of time left to finish the extraction, even with it going as slowly as it was. The slow speed was probably because I had packed the columns a little too tightly, or I had made the buffer solution a little too acidic or basic, either of which would have slowed down the vapor's passage through the column. I wouldn't know until the last of the solution evaporated through it, but then, at least I would know. Smiling to myself, I went back to writing. It had been a couple of months since Scott elected to remain in the other world, the one beyond the mirror, a couple of months since my relationship with Natalie, the red panda girl who dwelt there had changed.

It had actually been kind of easy to explain the sudden disappearance of my roommate. Scott had written a note, addressed to me, that said he had decided to move to another state, and, since he had given me all the passwords to his computer, I had been able to drop him from his classes, then notified the administration. So far, it had worked. And, since we hung out more often than not when I was in the other world, we had been able to keep up the pretense that he and I talked from time to time, as much of a hassle as that was. No, my greatest issue right now was actually the same problem that Scott had been facing, though I hadn't realized it until a couple of weeks had passed. Ever since that incredible night spent making love out under the starlight with my wonderful red panda girl, one more piece of what made me who I was had remained in that world, and maybe it was my imagination, but it seemed that some sort of tipping point had passed. See, before that, the urge to spend as much time as possible in the other world had been like an itch, unmanageable at times, but an itch none the less, something that I could ignore if I had to.

But now... now it was a physical pain. The only way I could explain it was that it felt not unlike the time I had gotten a sliver of glass stuck in my heel. It was a constant sharp pain that got even sharper every time my foot touched anything. Only with this, there was no telling what would set off the pain. Sometimes, it was a voice that sounded similar to my russet furred lover's, or passing by a wisteria blossom in the botany greenhouses, or sometimes it was just seeing the same color as her wine-red robe, an ever increasing problem since it seemed that that particular color was in fashion at the moment. Worst of all had been when I had been browsing my favorite furry websites soon after that night. I had been looking for new and interesting things to try with my companions, but when I had found a picture of a red panda girl, I had felt as if I had suddenly been stabbed in the gut. The pain had been bad enough that I had taken about a week off from the community to recover. Although I had always liked red pandas, that had been a bad enough experience that I had added filters blocking out that species to all of my accounts. Natalie had laughed about it when I told her on my next trip to my world, but that had only been the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. The pain only went away when I was in the other world, and the need for her only passed when I was in her company. But I still had a life to live in this world, and I couldn't do that very well being in pain all the time.

So far, I was managing alright, I suppose. I had figured out that, since my last class on Monday and Wednesday, this very class as a matter of fact, ended at 3:00, and my first class on Tuesday and Thursday wasn't until noon, I could spend a good chunk of time in the other world those evenings, not to mention the weekends. And in the mean time, I had found that keeping a journal helped quite a lot. Writing down my thoughts, even though most of them were somewhat self pitying, dulled the ache quite a bit. Of course, the other members of the wolfpack, who I still spent a lot of time with, had noticed that I always kept it with me, and was often scribbling in it, some of them, like Shane, finally asking what I was writing about. Finishing my current thought, I closed the notebook once again and examined the column one more time. The solution had finally all vaporized, which meant that all I had to do now was to wait for the vapor to cycle through the column, then it was a matter of adjusting pHs and I would have it all done. I might even get out early today, despite the slow extraction...


Pushing my dorm room door closed behind me, I grinned to myself, tossing my backpack onto my bed. Even though I had gotten done a good half an hour before the end of lab, it still didn't feel nearly soon enough. Somehow, the knowledge that I was getting out early had made a whole flock of butterflies suddenly break out in my guts, making it hard to keep my hands steady while I disassembled and cleaned the glassware at my lab station. I had even dropped a piece of glass tubing as a result, only my martial-arts honed reflexes allowing me to catch it before it hit the floor and shattered. Of course, that wasn't nearly as bad as the sensation's effect on my legs. The organic chemistry lab was on the seventh floor of the chemistry building, which was itself all the way across campus from my dorm. And, to make it worse, the only elevator was out of order today. All those flights of stairs on top of the long walk back to the dorm was an awfully long way to go on legs that were decidedly wobbly. I had gotten quite a few odd looks during the trip, but who the hell cared? Now all I had to do was open the closet and let my wolf pull me through to get some relief from all of this.

But, even as I turned towards the closet and the mirror, my computer on the desk caught my eye. Frowning, I stood for a moment, torn. In all the time since Scott had made his choice, I had gotten pretty lax in keeping in touch with most of the people I knew, still trying to get used to this new need in my life. Truth be told, I spent all my time working hard to get through my homework so I could spend as much time as I could in the other world, and social communication with people far away just didn't rank very high on my list of things to do. I had been especially delinquent this last week, since I had had to spend the weekend studying for my organic chemistry midterms instead of in paradise and I was feeling almost desperate for a sojourn, even a brief one. Sighing, I headed over and plopped down into the desk chair, giving the mouse a quick shake and a couple of clicks to wake it back up. My computer was a quality custom rig, built to play the newest generation of games and was thus far faster than most, but all the same, the start up process seemed excruciatingly slow to me. I could almost feel the eyes of my reflection staring at me from inside the closet, drawing me towards it like a moth is drawn towards a light bulb. I wanted to give in sooooo bad that I couldn't sit still, constantly fidgeting. But no, I sat there, waiting until I could enter my password, then immediately clicked on the internet browser when the icon appeared.

By the time I logged onto my email account, I was almost wriggling in my seat, seriously regretting delaying my trip. And, as was usually the case, the email servers were overloaded, taking what seemed to me to be an absurd amount of time to load my inbox. Why, oh why, had I decided this was a good idea? With my hands shaking so badly I actually couldn't use the mouse, I shook my head and swore. If the computer didn't hurry up, I was going to bag it and go. Just as I was beginning to maneuver the cursor to 'X' out of the window, the inbox suddenly loaded and I set my jaw, snarling like a wolf at the machine for toying with me like that. And, scanning my emails, I snarled again; it was almost a waste of my time to do this at all. Three junk emails, a reminder from my chemistry TA about next week's practical, and... the last email in the box made my hands suddenly go steady, though my heart was throbbing in my chest like a tribal drum. The title of the email was one word, 'Scott', and the address of the sender looked like a professional account, the kind businessmen used. What really caught my eye was the last name of the sender. It was Scott's last name, but if the story Scott had told me before I had taken him to my other world for the first time was to be believed, and I had no reason to doubt it, it could only have come from one person. Frowning once again, I clicked on the email, bringing up the message.

It was pretty brief, only a couple of paragraphs, but the writer had managed to give it the impact of a whole novel. The first paragraph of the email confirmed Scott's story, at least, most of it. The person who had sent the email was Scott's older brother, Jim, and he confirmed that they had had a serious falling out over Scott getting into the furry community, which Jim seemed to think was unholy or something. But it was the second paragraph of the email that really got to me. Scott's brother said that he had received a notice from the university about Scott dropping out, and that he had been trying to get in touch with his brother ever since to ask why. But, since Scott was well and truly out of contact with this entire world, he had been unsuccessful. Apparently, he had done some digging, and found out somehow that I was the only one who still had contact with him. While he was just asking me if I would tell Scott to contact him when I saw him, the implication was something more serious.

The email itself seemed innocent enough of course, but if he had already gone to such lengths to find Scott, then it wasn't likely that he would just let it go. And from the look of things, he was the sort of person who could actually poke holes in our story. It was all well and good to tell people here that Scott had randomly decided to leave; it wasn't like any of them could check. But if someone with resources started to look into it, I would be the one on the hook, and it would only be a matter of time until they found out that there was no record of Scott going anywhere, and that he had not been seen anywhere in this world for several months. Shaking my head slightly, I quickly composed an email in reply, telling him that I would relay the message as soon as I talked to his brother again, already puzzling over how we would deal with this. Then, still frowning, I exited out of the web browser and shook my head, the troubling thoughts leaving my mind quickly, replaced by the giddy eagerness once more.

Pausing only long enough to put my computer back into sleep mode, I hurried to the closet, kicking off my shoes on the way and then opened the door, my heart hammering hard in my chest. The moment I saw my wolfish reflection in the mirror, grinning and beckoning to me, I almost collapsed in relief, my knees turning into jelly beneath me. Reaching out with a shaking hand towards the mirror, I managed a giddy grin. I actually loved this part, the part right before I left this world for my paradise. I didn't used too of course; almost a year ago now, when I had first come here, my reflection had always seized my hand in a tight grip and yanked hard to drag me into the other world, the experience abrupt and almost rough, the barrier between our worlds resisting any intruder into its domain. But now...

When I laid my palm on the glass of the mirror, separated from my reflection only by the thin barrier of glass, the wolf smiled in a way that made my heart melt and the mirror rippled at that signal, parting between our hands, my heart rejoicing at the sensation of the warm fur of his palm as he took hold of my wrist, and the feel of his soft fur under my fingers as I reciprocated his grasp.

Where before the grip had been hard, now, the wolf's grip was like a caress, gentle and loving, his fingers sensually sliding across my skin as he took hold of me. And now, instead of a hard yank, he pulled gently, just enough to overcome the resistance of the mirror, and I eagerly pressed forward as well, almost diving head first into the silvery surface, the strange sensation of the barrier against me delightful because I knew what would come when I could no longer feel it. And even as I slipped the bonds of this world, the frigid loneliness of the void between worlds surrounding me, I smiled. And then, I was through, held in the warm embrace of the large white wolf, his strong arms holding me tightly to his bare chest. Breathing out a sigh of absolute relief, I laid my head against him and sucked in a deep breath, the familiar, indefinable scent of my lover surrounding me. Laying his head against mine, Ronan gave me an affectionate nuzzle and I shivered at the touch of his fur, for he wore nothing over his white pelt. He never did, not when I first arrived anyway. After a moment longer of holding one another, I couldn't help the grin that appeared on my lips when I felt the wolf's hands take hold of my shirt, chuckling as he pulled it up over my head. This had become a part of our ritual too, my first companion stripping me of the trappings of the other world.

My pants and underwear soon followed my shirt, leaving me naked, and the white wolf drew me into a tight hug once more, and I kissed him, the familiar sensation of liquid fire surging down my throat as our lips met, his fur tickling my skin all over, making me shiver as I clung to him. When we broke off the kiss, we shared the same smile and the last vestiges of my loneliness had burned away. Then, finally, we stepped apart and once he had hung my clothes on pegs sticking out from the wall, Ronan handed me a robe and sandals in my favorite cerulean blue, taking an identical set for himself while I put them on. When we had both tied our robes closed, my wolf opened the door of the mirror room, revealing the corridor of ever shifting hues of blue outside it.

"Natalie is up on the roof I think." He stated, and I looked at him, surprised. At my expression he continued. "Come now, you should know better than to be surprised by that." As he led the way out, turning in the direction of the stairs leading up to the sundeck on the roof, the wolf continued. "You two are spending a lot of time together these days."

"I guess we are." I replied, feeling myself blush at the statement. "She is...well, she and I..."

"Relax." Ronan said, putting a hand on my shoulder to stop me in place and grinning broadly at me. "I know. You two have something special. Remember, I'm a part of you."

"Actually," I began, pausing in place on the bottom step of the staircase and giving the wolf a curious look. "I've been meaning to ask. How can I have 'something special' with any of you, if all of you are a part of myself?"

"Well, I wouldn't put it quite like that. Rather, I would say we each have a part of you." He replied, "But we are more than just pieces of your spirit. As I think you have noticed, we grow all the time." Then, putting a hand on my back and giving me a gentle shove towards the stairs, he continued. "Now get going. She is waiting for you."

"Alright, alright." I replied, echoing Shane from earlier, "I'm going. But I need to talk to Scott before I leave this time. Don't let me forget."

"I'll let him know." He replied, walking off back into the house with a wave and a grin. "Don't worry about that."

Grinning at Ronan's back, I started up the stairs, and out into the glorious golden sunshine of the mountain summer. My smile broadening steadily as I stepped out onto the deck and into the warmth, looking around for my red panda lover. And there, lying back in the same hammock where we had had our interlude those months ago, was Natalie. The red panda girl was wearing her usual wine red robe and smiled at me when I hurried over, almost tripping myself in my haste. Swinging her legs over to the side of the hammock and standing up, the russet furred girl opened her arms wide and trapped me in a hug, her heart hammering nearly as hard as mine as we held one another as close as we could. Smiling broadly, I kissed her, rejoicing as she returned my kiss eagerly, her familiar sweet taste obliterating any concerns that lingered in my mind. All that mattered, once again, was here, now, with her. Everything else, even my concerns about Scott's brother, was meaningless. Our embrace lasted forever, longer than forever, the brilliant sunlight only half as bright as my outlook on life suddenly seemed.

"I missed you." She said, nuzzling my neck gently and my smile widened so much it almost hurt.

"And I missed you." I replied, kissing the tip of her nose, making her giggle. I started to move towards the hammock, gently moving her with me, but she resisted my gentle motions. Instead, she tightened her arms around me, keeping me against her. Pulling back a little, I looked at her in surprise and she grinned coyly at me, the expression on her masked face reminiscent of the one she wore when she seduced me that night.

"I was about done up here when you came up." She said.

"What were you thinking of doing next?" I asked, raising one eyebrow at her.

"Oh, this and that." She replied, and raised her eyebrows suggestively. "And I think you need to take a bath."

"Oh you do, do you?" I replied, now sharing her grin.

"Definitely." She confirmed and I found myself being turned back to the stairway, my racing heart speeding up faster than ever, my pulse becoming a resonant thunder in my ears.

"Well, I can't argue with that." I replied, my lover planting a kiss on the back of my neck even as she gave me a gentle push in the direction of the stairs I had just walked up.

"Nor should you." She said and I walked off, grinning from ear to ear.

I could not tell you how long it took me to get to the staircase that led down to the steaming pool in the basement, or how many of my companions I ran into on the way. It was like I was wandering in a trance. All I could tell you was that I was suddenly walking down the grooved stone steps, my sandals squeaking quietly on the moist surface, as if the stairs leading into the house and into the pool room were exactly the same set. Not that I cared much of course. Our interludes since that wonderful night under the stars had all been fun, each one memorable, but she had never displayed such playfulness before, making me wonder exactly what she was up to this time.

When I had gotten to the bottom of the steps and looked around, I found that my lover's behavior was not the only new thing in the house. There was another door in the wall of the pool room, one made all of wood, standing out in contrast to the tile construction of the rest of the room. On another day, I might have gone over and investigated the addition, but my love had told me to take a bath, so a bath it was. I could figure out the addition later.

Taking off my robe and sandals, and hanging them up on the wall in their usual place, I headed over to the edge of the huge pool and eased my nude body into it slowly. As hot as the summer sun was outside, the pool was always hotter and I let out a sigh as I slid up to my chin in the steaming water. For a moment or two, I stood in the water on the edge of the pool, then, closing my eyes, I pushed off the floor and let go of the edge, floating out towards the center of the pool, my legs coming up so I was lying back in the water. The glorious heat sank deep into my muscles, soothing away the weakness that had made my legs wobble all the way back from the lab. I had never experienced anything like this, not even in the hot springs pool that my family liked to visit in the mountains of the other world. Even the hottest temperature there wasn't quite as hot as this, and floating there didn't feel quite this exquisite. Drawing in another deep breath, I tucked my hands behind my head, simply drifting in the warmth. Then, something changed. All at once, the warm redness that the lights in the ceiling produced in my eyelids was suddenly replaced by utter black, leaving greenish spots behind and I opened my eyes, surprised.

The room was pitch black, even though my eyes had been closed, and I couldn't even see my hand when I waved it in front of my face. Resting my feet on the floor of the huge pool, I stared around, wondering for a moment which direction the stairs were, since the light switch was next to them. And, a moment later, thoughts of leaving the pool vanished from my head like mist in a strong breeze when I felt ripples lap against me, and heard the soft splash of someone sliding into the water. I was no longer alone in the pool. Since my eyes were useless, I turned to my other senses, listening for another sound, some kind of sign as to where my visitor was. Even though I could guess who had joined me in the pool, the utter lack of sight and the near silence of the room made my heart start to pick up, a feeling of equal parts excitement and anticipation rising within me. Then, I heard a soft splash from behind me, the sound a person makes as they pushed themselves gently through the water, making me turn in that direction, but the sound didn't come again. A current in the water flowed against my leg, coming from the other direction, the one I had been facing and I turned once more, confused. Maybe the splash had been the end of the ripple when my visitor entered the pool, and that was where my confusion had come from, but there was no way I could be sure, not without having my sight restored.

Then, all of a sudden, I was very sure that was indeed the case. A soft, fur-covered hand was trailing its way around my neck, sensually caressing my flesh, making me shiver, giving me goose bumps even in the hot water. A moment later, my searching hands encountered a body before me, a grin growing on my face as I felt the distinct curves of a woman beneath my fingers, though the blindness robbed me of her identity for a moment. Whoever it was, stayed just within arm's reach, floating off the floor of the pool, her hand now tracing its way up the back of my neck, pulling my head gently towards her, and I suddenly found familiar, sweet tasting lips against mine. The kiss was short, but lacking none of the passion we had shared in the past. Smiling into the darkness, I opened my mouth to talk, but she put a finger to my lips and I swallowed my words, my fingernails caressing her sensitive ribs beneath her fur instead, making her shiver in turn. My eyes seemed to be finally adapting to the dark, for I saw a very dim outline in front of me, or at least, I thought I did. In absolute darkness, sometimes your eyes played tricks on you...

Natalie and I floated together in the pool, just caressing each other for a few more moments before she pulled me in for another, much deeper kiss, though she kept her body away from mine still, only her hands and her lips touching mine, the odd behavior making me excited, my loins stirring. And then, even as we lingered in the sweet kiss, I suddenly found another pair of soft, feminine hands caressing my sides and I shuddered, jumping in surprise. I tried to pull away from Natalie's kiss, tried to look around, but she refused to let me go, the other pair of hands sliding down to my hips as Natalie's grip pulled me a little closer to her, my feet losing contact with the floor. Then, just as the panda girl finally released me from her kiss for a breath, one of the hands, and I couldn't tell you to whom it belonged, took hold of my penis, stroking it gently, caressing its length and I gasped into the darkness, my heart racing like I was sprinting, my member throbbing in excitement. Before I could ask what was going on, the second woman's body pressed up against me from behind and I felt the whiskers on her muzzle tickle my neck as she rested her chin on my right shoulder, bringing with it a distinctive whiff of ginger and suddenly I knew who it was.

But again, just as I started to speak, the red panda in front of me pulled herself closer, pressing her body against mine, sandwiching me between them, limiting my response to a single 'Mmph!' as she kissed me, the tiger girl behind me nuzzling and kissing the nape of my neck while Natalie slipped her tongue into my mouth. The hand that had hold of my equipment released me suddenly, sliding up my chest instead as Natalie ground her hips against mine, trapping my member against her belly, the sensation of silk soft fur sliding along my sensitive shaft, sending waves of pleasurable lightning through my body, as four hands trailed along my chest and back, tracing along my ribs, making me shiver even in the heat. If I had been thinking clearly, I might have done more than just float there in that embrace, but the surprise of being in the dark, trapped between two luscious bodies, four hands teasing my torso sort of short circuited my brain and the only things running through my head were sensations. The red panda's lingering kiss lasted for what seemed like forever, the taste of her overwhelming any thought of objection, the tingling kisses of the tiger on my neck and the back of my ears making me shudder. Finally, I realized that my hands were caressing the woman in front of me, roaming up and down her furry spine, first trailing between her shoulders, now stroking along her tail and even lower down, caressing her beautiful body, and if had known a way, I would have done the same to the other, the tiger that had hold of me from behind equally deserving of my attentions, but there was no way for me to reach.

Then, all of a sudden, the kiss was broken, and I found myself suddenly floating beside the edge of the pool, the women who had guided me there already sliding from the water. Without question, I shakily followed them from the pool, my limbs clumsy, my entire body on fire with arousal. The roaring of my heartbeat in my ears destroyed any chance of thinking about what was happening and what I was doing. And anyway, what on earth was I going to do, not follow them? Yeah, right.

At that moment, I was completely at the mercy of the two women, game for whatever they desired, even if it meant leaping into a volcano, or something equally disastrous. Fortunately, they had other plans than that, Natalie gently coming up behind me as I stood shaking at the edge of the pool, gently pressing against me, the pressure of her body and her gently urging hands on my back making me start to walk, the woman not speaking a word. I found myself wandering in Keira's gingery wake, following it unerringly as if I could see it, the water streaming from her seeming to amplify the sexy tiger's spicy scent. I took six or seven short steps under the guidance of the wysteria scented woman pressing against my back, then suddenly stopped as hinges squeaked quietly ahead of me, and a wave of hot, dry air washed over me, the image of the wooden door suddenly coming back into my mind. Even as I was propelled inside, I grinned, knowing what the door led too now.

The sauna was dimly lit, an orange glow from the hot rocks in the center of the room driving back the darkness, but only just enough to make out outlines. The room was sizable enough for everyone of my companions to enjoy the heat at the same time, multiple layers of smooth wood benches built around the edges to stretch out on. I had just gotten to the point of noticing a well of water with a ladle in the corner before I noticed the tiger woman who had proceeded me into the room and my gaze was immediately held; even if I had wanted to, it wouldn't move from her. Of course, I couldn't imagine a situation where I would have wanted to look anywhere else. In the dim light of the sauna rocks, the already beautiful tiger woman was transformed into something else entirely, an alluring vision of mystery, wonder, and utter desire. The room was just dim enough that her white fur was a dim sort of grey, but that dim shade was only a background to the silver stripes that glowed brilliant fiery orange, as if they were mirroring the coals, making the white fur around them seem even darker somehow, and yet, the stripes accentuated her curves to my sight, enhancing her beauty even more. But the most arresting thing was her eyes, the emerald orbs glittering brightly around pupils that were only slits, even in the dim light. Gone was the woman I had known, a goddess set in her place, and I swallowed nervously, unable to act.

A half moment later, the wooden door shut behind me, and the warmth of the room was complete. Two hands covered in silk-soft fur traced their way up my chest from behind, and slowly, reluctantly, I turned from the vision of mysterious beauty that stood before me, and found another of equal wonder standing behind me. In the dim orange light, the beautiful panda girl was revealed to be a being of fire, her russet fur glowing red, the white patches brilliant orange. And strangely, while the tiger behind me had eyes that seemed to glow from within, her hazel gaze was darker, almost black in the dim light, matching her dark mask. And standing there, between the two, I could not have told you which was the more beautiful, which I would have chosen. Keira might have had the part of me that appreciated grace and beauty, but Natalie had my love of nature, and a connection to my heart I still could not put into words. But, neither vision seemed to want me to choose, the panda guiding me gently towards a nearby bench, and only after I was seated on the smooth wood did I notice that the fiery striped tiger girl had already seated herself there, the two women snuggling in to either side of me, both nuzzling my neck.

On another day, I might have been contented to simply sit there and admire the vision before me, to snuggle them both and enjoy the heat, but even before I sat down, both had a hand trailing up one thigh, caressing my groin with their fingertips, taking turns to gently caress my member, their intent obvious. I doubted I could have stopped myself, but then, I also wasn't the one in charge here. This was their show, and they seemed to find great joy in teasing me, though I was already throbbing, my body shuddering with every touch of their hands, my breaths coming out in gasps, panting more from arousal than the heat. Finally, when I let out a labored gasp, my teeth clenching, hands taking hold of patches of fur as a particularly strong wave of desire rolled through me, the pair finally stopped their teasing. A moment later, I found myself being laid out flat on the bench top, and I sucked in a deep breath, suspecting what was coming next. Natalie started crawling up my body, the fur of her thighs tracing her position as she moved, finally straddling my hips, guiding my member upright with one hand, brushing its tip against her nethers, making me gasp in longing, my hips giving an involuntary buck upward, making her give a pleased gasp as I slid into her moist passage. Then, my view of my lover beginning to ride me was obscured by dim grey and fire-orange as Keira settled into place, her legs on either side of my head. At once, my vision was taken up by the tiger woman's slit and curvaceous butt. The air I breathed was filled with her ginger scent, and I grinned.

Eager to please, I pressed up against her, a muffled gasp reaching my ears as my tongue darted out across her moist labia, delighting in her spicy taste, and at the same moment, I let out a moan muffled by her legs; the panda woman had allowed herself to slide slowly downward until I was hilted in her passage. Knowing that there was no way I was going to last very long doing this, I raised my chin ever so slightly, my tongue seeking out the nub of flesh hidden in the upper folds of Keira's slit, the tiger's body giving a shudder as my tongue slid across her slit and I wasn't the only one moaning. But, despite being perilously close to cumming already, Natalie once again proved herself to be extremely adept at denying me my release, riding me ever so slowly, rising up so only my tip lay within her, and then sinking slowly back down again after a pause, just enough to make me teeter on the brink, but not enough to send me over. Burning with desperate desire, I tried to thrust up into her, tried to steal a quick release, but when I did so, she pressed down with her hips, holding me to the bench. At the same time, Keira pressed herself down against my jaws a little harder, increasing the pressure of my tongue on her sensitive flesh. I could almost feel the loud moan she loosed when my tongue pressed against her again and her body shook, the tiger shivering, her tail flicking madly over my forehead, the sound alone driving my own arousal to new heights, and yet, still, not quite enough to end it, not quite enough to climax. It was torture, maddening and delightful and my sex addled brain wanted nothing more than to be a part of it.

And then, as I sucked in a breath against my lover's vagina, I realized that I was starting to feel hotter, the water of the pool having evaporating off my skin, and soon, my head was reeling, overstimulated. I was gasping with every breath, my whole body shaking so much I could hear the boards creaking below me. But I wasn't the only one. I could hear Natalie panting over the moaning of the tiger woman, and I knew by instinct alone that they too were getting close, the heat driving us all towards it. Then, suddenly, as if they had planned it well in advance, the two women on top of me suddenly changed tactics, the pair leaning towards one another, four sets of claws stroking across my bare chest and stomach and that did it. All of a sudden, it was like my brain had been a volcano, building towards eruption, and now it had exploded. I felt a cry of ecstasy rising up in my throat, but it didn't even get to my lips before the tiger woman suddenly pressed down hard against my jaws with her hips, my tongue sliding deep into her passage, muffling the sound of my climax. My body was tense like a coiled spring beneath the two females, but their bodies tensed up almost as one a moment later and I could hear two voices raised in exaltation as my penis throbbed within the panda girl, my seed flooding into her sending her over the edge. I could feel claws tensing up on my skin, almost piercing my flesh, could feel muscles clench in both sets of hips, and everything felt wonderful to me. It was like pleasure had suddenly become a tangible substance, and I was made from it. But the sensations were only growing more intense, the claws on my skin were like trails of fire, and I burned gladly, pleasure exploding out from their touch, waves of sensation that met and clashed with the feel of Natalie's silky passage on my pulsing cock and the clenching lips around my tongue. My eyes were wide open, but I saw only stars that tasted like ginger. And then the stars burst like fireworks and I knew nothing but darkness...

For a long, blissful eternity, I floated in the warmth, the waves of pleasure eventually subsiding, fading away into limp satisfaction. I loved everything in those moments. I loved the world, I loved the heat, and I loved the memories that drifted by in my sight. Then, slowly, I saw something that was not a memory, a dim orange blur that grew to fill my gaze. And gradually, other senses came back, a faint ringing in my ears, the combined scents of wysteria, ginger and my own musk. And finally, I felt the wooden bench beneath my back, and the soft furred lap my head rested in. Last of all was taste, the spicy taste of ginger suddenly washed away as I felt water flowing into my mouth. I swallowed eagerly, suddenly thirsty and my dim sight cleared, revealing two beautiful faces in my vision, faces that were smiling in an excited, satisfied sort of way. Finally, my brain started working again and I understood what happened. All of the sensations combined must have been too much, and I had passed out after climaxing. Keira was the one cradling my head in her lap, one hand stroking my forehead lovingly. Natalie was standing before me, the ladle in her hand and I reached out slowly to tip it into my mouth, drinking the rest of the warm water within it greedily, and it was pure, clean and crisp, despite the heat of the room.

When I had swallowed the whole ladle full, the tiger woman helped me to sit up, supporting me as a swayed and I swung my legs over the side of the bench slowly, blinking, my head swimming. The hot room felt merely warm to me now, though my body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat and I grinned at my lovers.

"That was..." I finally managed, taking a deep breath, unable to finish the thought and Natalie smiled at me.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." She said, returning the ladle to its hook by the well and standing with her hands on her hips. "We certainly did."

"Yes." Keira confirmed with a giggle as she rose to her feet as well. "We must do this more often." Looking between them in amazement, I suddenly grinned, noticing that the fur of their thighs was matted and glistening. Forcing myself to stand up, one hand on the mid-level bench to keep me from falling over, I looked down at myself as if contemplating my body's condition.

"Well, I guess we all need a real bath now." I stated and my lovers shared another teasing grin, nodding in agreement. Natalie led the way, opening the door to the pool once more and I walked out, finding the air exhilaratingly cool. But I had not taken much more than a step outside the sauna when Keira suddenly grabbed me from behind, her claws trailing over my torso once more before her soft hands gave my rump a teasing squeeze and I shuddered, my member suddenly stiffening again. Obviously, the pair of gorgeous women weren't done with me yet...


"Well, you obviously had a wild night." A wry voice said and I opened one eye a crack, my sight taking a few moments to resolve the identity of the figure standing beside the bed. It was Midnight, the dark blue and black dragon clothed in a robe of black, making him almost invisible. Blinking both eyes to clear the sleep from them, I looked around, my brain fuzzy, not understanding what he meant so soon after waking up. Then, as I noticed the nude forms of Keira and Natalie tucked up against me, I grinned and nodded. Wild certainly described it. When we slipped into the pool after having sex in the sauna, Keira had quickly made it clear what she wanted, straddling me in one of the seats along the edge of the pool, and that had only been the beginning. After cleaning up, the three of us had taken our fun to the bed room after that, skipping dinner altogether. The pair had been endlessly inventive, and seemingly insatiable; it was all I could do to keep up with them. We had finally collapsed together sometime after sundown, well and truly exhausted, quickly falling asleep, snuggled up in a heap. From the pale light coming in through the balcony doors, it was the early hours of morning, and it was no wonder I was so groggy. An entire day's worth of sleep wouldn't have been enough to make up for what we had done, even in my paradise world "Come on, Ronan says Scott and his wolf are here."

Yawning and stretching, I finally disentangled myself from my lovers and slid out from under the sheets, somehow managing not to wake either woman in the process. Nodding in thanks to Midnight when he handed me a fresh robe, I left the room, stumbling after the dragon down the hall and towards the stairs. From the second floor railing, I could see the tan clad forms of my friend and his reflection, the twined wolves sitting together on the couch. Midnight stopped at the top of the stairs so I could go past and I thanked him again.

"No need to thank me." He said, giving me a wink. "But keep in mind that the girls aren't the only ones with surprises in mind." Sharing his coy grin, I headed down the stairs. I had no idea what had changed recently, but it seemed that while I had been looking for ideas to try, my companions had been coming up with them on their own. Yawning once more as I entered the living room, I took a seat beside my white wolf on one of the comfy couches and greeted my old friend warmly.

"I'm sorry to drag you away from your paradise," I began and Scott smiled in reply, his reflection mirroring the glance so perfectly that for a moment I couldn't tell them apart.

"You never need to apologize for asking me here." He replied, "You gave me paradise, and I will be forever grateful for it."

"Well then," I began, linking my fingers together in my lap. "I got an email yesterday from your brother. He says he wants you to contact him about why you left college. And since you are going to stay here, I thought you might record a reply or something that I could take back and send to him that would keep him off our case."

"Huh." He replied, his eyebrows going up in surprise. "I'm surprised at that. I didn't think he would care." Shaking his head, he shrugged. "Well, I'll certainly write something out that you can take back and I'll give it to you when you come back tomorrow. I just wonder if it will be enough. He can be pretty persistent when he wants to be."

"Thank you very much." I said, grinning and getting to my feet. "That takes a weight off my mind. Well, do you want to stay for breakfast? I think Xin is making her famous pancakes."

"Absolutely." Scott's reflection replied, and I smiled as well. But, even as we changed the subject, discussing what changes Scott had made to his home since the last time we had spoken, I could feel a doubt hanging in the air between us. This could be the beginning of something troubling, and we both knew it...

A Happy Meeting

And part two. Once again, I hope you enjoy it. As always, comments are appreciated and...

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Summer's Twilight

Alrighty, something new I have been working on. I hope you enjoy it. As always, comments are appreciated and...

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Dreaming in the Storm

Alrighty, since my schedule has been so screwy, I have decided to change my update policy. As such, here is the next chapter of the Wolf and the Rose story series. I hope you enjoy it. As always, comments are appreciated and...

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