Power of Legends

Story by spam1111 on SoFurry

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Just a fun story. Sorry about the formatting issues. I have a really weird computer. Anyways, i hope to continue this soon, but here is chapter one! Enjoy!

Hank was just a guy. Nothing special about him. He was human, which was surprisingly rare on this planet of his. The planet he occupied was huge. Larger than the sun of the solar system from whence he came. In this society, there was no currency. Everything was attained by taking it. And it worked. See a watch, fight someone for it. Sometimes perform a sexual favor for them and get it that way. It was a "strong survive" society. It kinda sucked for poor Hank.

He was tiny, 5 and a half feet with zero muscle. He could get bet up by a mouse, and he had. The only way Hank managed to get this shithole apartment was through his large endowment. Hank was packing about ten inches down there, and it was really the only good thing about him. Ten inches was nothing compared to some of the horses two foot monsters, but it was enough for survival.

Every now and then one of the larger males in the complex would have their way with Hank, but he didn't mind, long as they let him be afterwards.

Hank always longed for a way out. He wanted to be like those massive furs who got everything they could dream of, but alas, it was no more than a daydream.

Meanwhile, up in the North Pole, a very peculiar meeting was taking place. It had finally been noted that not a single living thing believed in Santa, the Easter bunny, or any other mythical things.

But they had seen it coming and had already chosen who would carry on their legacy. A boy named Hank.

Their current meeting was simply for old times sake. Around the table was Santa, a huge lion with a hell of a dick. The Easter bunny, a slutty little rabbit who knew a lot about Santas dick, Jack Frost, a cute little sparrow. Also there was the tooth fairy, another one of Santas sex toys, and a sexy black panther wearing nothing but a witches hat, he represented Halloween.

They planned to enter Hanks room tonight and tell him of his job. Then well, they hadn't gotten that far.

Hank went to sleep that night with blue balls yet again. He hadn't had sex in almost two days, which for him may as well be an eternity. Anyways, he fell asleep on the floor of his one room apartment, for he had no bed.

It was midnight and the boy was fast asleep. Out of nowhere, the five mythical legends materialized in Hanks room.

Santa shook the boy to wake him up, and he did, with a loud scream. Hank jumped up, but not before Santa grabbed him. Santa embraced the boy, striking his hair and reassuring him until he calmed down enough to talk. "Who-who are you?" Was all he said.

They told him, and proved it to him by making it snow in the crowded room. They continued to inform his that for each one of them he got pregnant, he would be granted one wish. But on one condition, he must promise to never forget. Easy enough.

Hank could think of a million things he wanted to wish for but he knew one that was smart, rather than greedy. "Well then, who first?" Hank said.

The panther stepped forward and lifted his tail. "I'm ready to play daddy." He said, clearly letting Hank know that this cat was a kinky little slut.

Santa nodded then as he began to disappear he told Hank "You have 24 hours with him. We shall see you tomorrow."

And with that, they were gone, leaving only the slutty panther.

There was an awkward silence before the panther spoke up "Sooooo are we going to fuck?"

Hank was still in a daze, but he nodded nonetheless. This was a dream come true! Unless maybe his was dreaming? Either way, Hank saw a tight little panther bent over a chair, tail lifted to the sky, begging for daddy's cock.

Hank was already hard, and already naked since all he usually war was a pair of undies. He felt up the feline, enjoying the silky smooth fur. The cat purred as Hank played with his cute fuzzy balls. But Hank had a job to do, so he lined up his ten inches and shoved into the panther. They both screamed, one in pain the other in pleasure.

Even without lube, Hank managed to stuff the cat full of throbbing meat. The cats soft fur felt so good against his cock, and the panthers insides were equally as soft and inviting.

The human laid across the smaller panther, already tired from penetrating the tight ass. "How old are you?" Hank asked.

The cat thought "I've been alive for 4582 years, though I have the body of a seven year old."

Hank grunted, slowly pulling his dick almost all the way out, before hammering it back in. "That explains why it feels like I'm fucking my little cousin." Hank said in between moans and grunts.

"You've fucked your little cousin?" The panther asked as his bubble butt took a beating from Hanks thrusting hips.

Hank didn't respond, he was too busy drilling his sluts warm furry ass. Harder and harder he went, finally managing to shove his entire ten inches into the writhing black cat. The panther had hit orgasm at least twice by now, and his stomach was sticky with his jizz. With every primal thrust, the panthers face was pounded into the chairs back rest.

Hank stroked his pets' small endowment with one hand, and pressing down on his back with the other. Hanks full balls slapped against the panthers silky ass with each thrust, producing a wet slapping sound.

That wasn't the only sound coming from the pair. The panther was whining and occasionally screaming from pain and pleasure. His ass was alive with amazing sensations. All he wanted to do was milk this humans large cock.

And milk he did! That bitch clenched his ass around the mans dock with every senseless thrust. Hank grabbed the cats hips and increased his speed, until his ten inch dick was drilling that ass so hard and so fast it was just a blur.

Hanks sweat glistened over his body. His tongue fell out of his mouth as he breathed heavily from exertion. He had never felt so much pleasure in his life. Ever. And Hank had shoved his dick in numerous males. And a rare female even. And yet this screaming panther beneath him, whom Hank was humping mercilessly, was the best.

The black silky fur. The tight ass of a virgin. The figure of a little girl. The bushy tail. The slutty submissiveness. Hank usually lasted at least an hour, but he felt himself getting close after only 30 minutes of rough, primal sex.

Hank tried to scream that he was coming, but the words didn't quite form. All he could think about was his climax. The panther helped by clenching his ass onto the humans ass, letting Hank sink his entire endowment all the way into the slutty kitty.

Hank screamed in pleasure as his world went white and his orgasm hit. Hank pumped his sticky white goop deep up into the panther. Wave after wave flooded out of his cock and up the cats' intestines. The couple was rocked by four intense tsunamis of pleasure, before Hank collapsed atop the panther, content that he had successfully impregnated the kitten. How the male could get pregnant was beyond Hank, and honestly, he didn't care right now.

Hank nibbled the panthers neck and gave it a little lick as they lay there. Hank checked the clock. 1am. They must've come at midnight. "You're ass was divine." Hank whispered.

The panther purred "Glad you enjoyed yourself daddy. Are you ready to go again?"

Hank was, so he picked the black panther up, still impaled on his cock, and pressed him face-first against the wall. They fucked that way, then Hank flipped his sex toy around and had a third session, locked lips for the entire time. Hank occasionally broke the kiss for air, then dove right back in.

The poor cat was hit with orgasm after orgasm, cum dump after cum dump, until his stomach was so bloated it literally sagged past his waist. Hanks softening cock was the only think plugging it all up.

By now it was 7am, and Hank had a call to make to his employer. The cat assured him that if the human were to pull out, his ass was tight enough to keep all the precious sperm inside.

Trusting the panther, Hank pulled his softening ten inches out of the cat and, sure enough, the panthers ass was so fucking tight that barely half a cup spilled out. Not wanting his precious jizz to go to waste, Hank got down on his knees and nuzzled his face between his sluts soft silky cushions of ass. Hank gave that unnaturally tight hole a nice lick, getting all of his sperm in his mouth.

Hank then proceeded to stand up and give his bitch a deep kiss, depositing his sperm into the panthers maw. The cat swallowed happily, savoring the taste of Hanks sticky white man juice.

The poor panther was covered in his own cum, and yet he wasn't tired. Hank sure was. And he needed to call his boss. Hank worked at a mans home as a maid, performing various tasks, never sexual, in exchange for various things like food, furniture, and other necessities. He was a very nice man, and surely he would understand. Hank dialed, and was immodestly answered by the gruff voice of a large male tiger. The voice belonged to his boss.

"Hello this is Joshua McDoyle who is this?" The voice said.

"Hey this is Hank." The human answered. "Unfortunately I'm calling because I have to quit working for you. I came into a fortunate situation and I won't be needing the money anymore."

"Well congratulations!" The tiger exclaimed "Glad to here it! Well thanks for calling. I'm sure I can find someone else to work for me. No trouble at all. See you around Hank!"

And with that, he hung up. Hank hung up the phone and turned around to see the cum-covered cat lying naked on the...bed? Hank didn't own a bed...

"This is just a freebie." The panther gestured at the bed.

"You did this?" Hanks question was answered with a silent nod. "Cool!"

Hank joined the slut in bed, letting his ten inch dick wedge itself between the cats tight butt cheeks. Hank kissed the panthers forehead "How will I know when you are pregnant with my baby?" Hank asked.

The panther replied, "I was pregnant on your first try daddy. I'm extremely fertile. Now Santa and some of the others might be a little more difficult, but I'm sure you'll manage."

Hank smiled "well now that I don't have that obligation, how about you get a taste of daddy's human cock?"

The panther turned himself around obediently, placing his silky tight ass right over Hanks face. The slutty panther kissed Hanks tip, before diving down on it, letting that big cock slide all the way down his silky throat.

Hank came into the cats inviting maw, then the panther bounced up onto his cock. They continued having rough primal sex all day long. The panther saw to it that Hank never got tired, with the help of a little magic. By the end of the day, Hank had probably came at least 30 times, and the Panther was probably more in the range of 100. The poor cat was absolutely drenched in cum, to the point where the color of his fur was almost unrecognizable. He was a sticky mess, but Hank didn't mind. After all, it was mostly his cum that the cat was swimming in.

Despite the rough poundings the panther received, his ass always remained tight for his daddy.

It was 11:45pm, fifteen minutes before the panthers time was up.

"Do I get my wish now?" Hank asked.

The cat nodded "Anything you want, except no wishing for more wishes, and preferably no time travel."

Hank already had all six of his wishes planned out. This first one would be just a fun one. The next few would really get exciting. Hank was ready. "I wish I..." Hank whispered the rest into the Panthers ear, as if he didn't want anyone else to hear.

The panther nodded, and snapped his fingers. Instantly,

Hanks bones started cracking and reforming. Black hair sprouted and covered his torso, a tail sprouting above his ass.

He grew upwards as his nose pushed out into a long snout. His growing dick expanded to almost three feet in length, and became to large to fit Hanks hands around it. His balls sagged and swelled with their equine seed, growing to the size of basketballs. His feet became hooves, and black horse hair covered his lower body.

Meanwhile, Hanks upper body was going through entirely different changes. His muscles were swelling and expanding as a dense forest of hair grew over them. In that moment Hank felt like he could crush a car in his bare hands. And he probably could. Hanks upper body finished transforming into that of a gorilla, the king of the jungle.

But still higher, from Hanks neck up, changes were still going. Huge antlers grew out of thin air, breaking through the ceiling as they grew.

A dark brown mane sprouted, running from Hanks head down to his gorilla chest.

Then it was over. Part elk, part gorilla, part horse. Hanks three favorite animals, now they are him. Hanks new horse cock throbbed at the thought of fucking all the furs he wanted to. He would force them to take all three feet of his new giant cock.

The poor inhabitants of the apartment above were rudely woke up by an 11 foot beast in their room. Oh well. Hank looked down at himself, confident that he was now the most attractive male specimen on the planet.

The Power of Imagionation Part One

The Power of Imagination--Part 1: I hilted my giant dick in the bitch on my first thrust, probably because we were on round 20 at least. Sorry, im getting ahead of myself. Actually, maybe we should start from the beginning. I'm Simba and this is my...

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