S under D[Arc 5: The forgotten] Chapter 3

Story by saintkoopa on SoFurry

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#24 of S under D

An explosive third chapter where we see what happens to Ty and finally feel Exile's full wrath.

Chapter 3

Ty was just getting dressed it was early morning here and it was time for him to get his first mission. He had to help Get Fred and Jamison two of their friends in deep cover at the training facility in Spain had been compromised last night along with an Exile operative that had somehow snuck into that same facility. Ty knew this was going to be a tough first assignment but it was simple enough just head over to Spain and restrain Scratch and Jeff and then extract Fred and Jamison. But for that he needed his tools.

"Are you ready young Tylan?" He heard the female voice of the spirit that once guided him to this place and now that his training was done would be guiding him through his first mission.

"As ready as I can be. This is so new to me anyway I just hope I can save everyone." Ty remarked sounding a bit nervous and unsure and that was to be expected.

"Lose that mentality. It will only cause difficulties. You will experience harshness and loss and trying to save everyone will only get you killed. Save who you can and forget those who you couldn't or they will bring you down. Now let us go I have a few interesting folks for you to meet." King said while walking into the room Tylan was in. He was naked like he had been since he started training.

"Where are we going anyway? Back to the teleported so I can rescue the guys?" Tylan asked curiously.

"Nope we are going a few doors down to get you some gear." King said as he lead the way soon the pair were outside walking a few blocks to get to their destination. When they arrived they were faced with a house contained in a glass dome with a high security lock. To Ty's surprise King just walked up and turned the handle and the locks disengaged.

'People round here are awfully lax.' Ty thought to himself. He then saw that the front door was open. He followed King in but heard some sounds that disturbed him as they walked in. Soon they arrived to a room that looked something like a kitchen or maybe even a laboratory of some sort? But what he saw was what caught him off guard... or it would have a few weeks ago.

There were three people sitting there but one was sitting on the other.

"Damn it, he ran off like he always does." Ty heard the voice of one of the men in the room say.

"Your fault! You did not knot him quickly enough, I knotted mine pretty well so I am happy" He heard another voice say. Once he finally made out the scene fully he was really confused.

The one complaining about someone running off was a black husky with a white moon symbol on his chest. There was another pair sitting on the opposite side of him at what appeared to be a kitchen table. A white husky had a Blue feline sitting his lap with a knot clearly in. The feline was babbling on about some weird formula or something in the after effects of his orgasm.

"Hello Roe, Wade, Puka. I am guessing by the state of Roe that Luka ran off again?" King said as he approached the three sitting there. Ty realized he was now in a room with four maybe five naked guys four of which were just having sex. It should have disturbed him it really should have but it didn't anymore.

"Ah King! What brings you here so early in the morning? Red and Blue are still on one of your missions so you can't be here for them so who are you here for?" Roe the black husky responded.

"I am here on business actually, Tylan here needs some gear and quick for a mission." King said sternly.

"Well you came to the right place. And If Tylan is going to be what you say is he is going to be then we better get him some of our best equipment. Puka time to stop your babbling sweetie." The white husky responded pulling out his boyfriend who suddenly became coherent.

"Huh? What did you say sweetie, I was lost in thought." The feline responded and then quickly got a slap on the rear. "Oh! You need to suit up the boy! Okay. Standard stuff right? I have all the things set up now where did Luka go?" He got another slap on his rear. "Oh he ran off already? Shall we go fetch him then?" Puke said and then ran off somewhere.

The two huskies just smiled at each other. "Forty years. Forty years and they still do this. And it is still enjoyable every time."

Soon they led Tylan and King into their laboratory to find their mates running all over the place experimenting with things.

"Luka Honey!" wade yelled out.

"Yes Sweetie! I am just about to make a breakthrough here. I managed to get the molecules to..." Puka said until his husband slapped him on the rear.

"That can wait. I need you to get some things for this boy here ready. Well Need a Siren Wrist band, an Alpha transport pack and a communication set." Roe said the poor denied black husky was still sporting a boner.

"Okay then give me a few seconds." Puka ran around the lab getting some supplies for Tylan. Soon he then ushered Ty into an open area of the lab and started attaching the devices to him while Roe and wade started to help him. Puka was manning a screen to ensure things went as planned.

"Alright this is Siren. She is an Artificial intelligence program that will link you to our network. She has the sync capabilities with all our tech and can provide with lots of information in battle especially to one who can tap into the energies of the universes. She can tell you all about your body as well and relay any problems to us or your team." Roe said as he strapped a screen onto Tylan.

"Okay give her a command. Try one simple like find Blue!" Wade said to him.

"Siren find Blue!" Tylan said to the machine on his wrist.

"Not enough search parameters met please try again!" The female robotic voice replied. Ty grumbled a bit but the others just laughed at him.

"Try it while tapping into the galactic energy Tylan!" King told him in a matter of fact tone.

Ty then focused and channeled the energy before repeating the command. "Siren find Blue!" This time the computer beeped and then showed a three dimensional model of the earth before showing Blue's location somewhere off the coast of Spain.

"Things must be going down quickly if Red and Blue are already there. That is where Fred and Jamison are. We better hurry this along." King urged.

"Alright next thing is the communication gear and the transport pack." Roe said before he and wade strapped on a metallic bag pack on Ty and then gave him some blue glasses.

"These are already synced with your wrist band. The transport pack will let you transport items and I mean items only at will. It will also allow you transport yourself but only when you are in a big enough body of water. The transport works best when you are in water because it is a useful medium for us. Now Siren has all the information on every item at your disposal and she can also run the transport pack without interfering with the goggles." Wade said and then Roe continued with.

"These display relevant information about everything around in real time and also allow you communicate with Blue, Red and Leon as with us. So they will give you some huge advantages in battle. Now just in case of emergencies there is a weapon utility in your bag pack just in case you cannot get anything transported to you."

"Time for the tests! Hehehe!" Luka said in a very overtly excited tone. Roe and wade both rolled their eyes at it. While Puka was glued to the screen.

"What he means is just channel the energy into the three objects okay. And we monitor everything to make sure that there are no complications." Roe responded.

Ty was a bit nervous but it was understandable. He had just finished the rest of his training and was still getting used to channeling the energy so frequently. He focused then channeled more energy than he was accustom to. Soon all the machines were responding and Puka was taking note of the readings.

"Everything is set I had to adjust them for the level of power since the others don't channel as much energy as you do." Puka said out loud.

After some final checks from Roe and wade Ty was fully prepared. He was soon lead outside to their personal pool which was optimized for transportation.

"Are you ready young Ty? This will be a huge first test. Can you stop Exile from capturing their targets?" King asked him as he looked on. Ty turned to him and for the first time his face oozed confidence. He had finally done it. He had mastered tapping into his potential and now he was ready to be the leader King knew he could be.

"What do you think?" Ty responded sarcastically.

"I think you understand what you need to do now. Good luck Ty, you have a hard fight ahead of you." King responded. Ty nodded in return and then jumped into the water.

King sighed he was happy to have helped Ty but the worst was yet to come. He turned to the scientist. "Guys I hope I can count on your support through this. We have to do all we can to assist the boys."

"You expect us to send two of our boys on dangerous missions without being ready give them full support. Of course we are working hard and around the clock. Well most of the time anyway." Roe said before eyeing Luka's groin. He reached over and grabbed Luka into a hug and then kissed him.

"I know but thanks guys. I better go get us some more help!" King said and then turned to leave.

"Okay, Puka let's go I have some things I want to test." Wade said as he dragged his husband back into the lab.

"We should go too honey. MY experiment was finally having a breakthrough..." Luka tried to say before Roe kissed him again and then lead him off to the other side of the pool and bent him over a beach chair.

"Your experiment can wait. You ran off without letting me finish earlier so now I am going to fuck you so hard that you cannot walk off." Roe said while lubing his dick up which remained hard throughout the day.

"What when did I do that?" Luka had to ask.

"A little while ago. And now..." Roe lined up his cock with his target and shubbed himself in right up to the knot. "You are finishing what you started." Luka became incoherent and just started babbling some formulas to himself. Roe however made sure to shub his knot in quickly this time so he could not run off. One of the reasons they haven't worn anything but lab coat in over thirty years.

Meanwhile Ty had risen out of the water off the coast of Spain he quickly surveyed his surroundings and heard the first signs of Exile's attack. He quickly composed himself and got down to business.

"Siren, Locate Fred and Jamison. Also enable full equip, and send a Message to Red and Blue tell them I am here and will take care of this side of the island." Tylan said into his wrist. Soon his bag pack and goggles came and he readied himself for battle. Five subs came out of the water behind him.

"Siren I need some bombs that can destroy some submarines." Tylan said while holding both his paws out. He soon felt them being filled with some high explosive sticky bombs. Threw them on the submarines before siren exploded them for him sinking them.

"Alright now Directions to Fred and Jamison please." Soon his goggles were showing him where they were and he ran there avoiding most of Exile's soldiers. He managed to reach the prison where Fred and Jamison were. He managed to free them easily.

"Fred, Jamison nice to meet you two" Ty said as he shook their paws.

"Yea fearless leader. Nice to finally meet you." Fred said first.

"Hey save the needless introductions for when we are not about to be captured." Jamison interjected.

"Alright gather your stuff from your room and meet me by the beach where Reed and Blue are they should be handling most of the subs that are here to help them escape. I am going to save Scratch and then find Jeff." Ty said the two nodded and then all three ran off.

"Siren Find Scratch! And get me a very good lock!" Tylan said to his AI helper before getting the directions he needed form his goggles. He ran through hallways noting that S under D was finally fighting back. He managed to reach Scratch's room before he saw someone enter and give them a warning of what was happening. Ty made his move he quickly put the locking Device on the door which put a force field around it so that it could not be opened. He soon heard someone banging on the door after not being able to open it.

"Open this door!" He heard the familiar voice of Scratch say in rage.

"Sorry it's for your own good Scratch!" Ty responded.

"TYLAN!" he heard the fox scream.

"At your service but first I need you to do be safe this barrier will keep you safe until Exile is gone. Well it was nice catching up with you Scratch. I will be seeing your brother shortly." Ty retorted and then ran off hearing more banging on the door.

Tylan ran through the facility taking down the S under D thralls that were now in Exile's control. Before trying to locate Jeff but his signature was always moving. Bad sign, it was soon being said to be under water. Tylan was too late Jeff had been caught.

"Siren connect me to all mission party members" Soon Tylan heard the faint beep that meant he was connected to everyone.

"Guys it is time for a retreat. Red, Blue try and take out the submarines. Fred Jamison Try and get the Intel you gathered back to guys in the lab. I am heading to the beach right now anyway." Tylan ordered his crew. He got a hardy yes from everyone in the group.

Tylan continued on his way until he saw someone about to fight Red and Blue. Tylan sighed. "Siren Tear gas bomb please." Tylan soon got a tear gas bomb and threw it towards the poor enforcer who had defeated what looked to be over a hundred soldiers.

Tylan noticed that the poor guy screamed at him. "You!" he heard Leroy scream.

"I guess I am famous now. Red, blue you guys hit the wrong set of subs. They already succeeded in their mission. I managed to trap Marquis and Scratch in their room and kept them safe but they got Jeff as we feared." Tylan said to the two huskies.

"Damn. What are we going to do now Tylan?" Red responded.

The blue raccoon paused a bit and looked around. "I am off to Texas; you guys head back and start tracking Exile their soldiers are left here..." Ty was interrupted by all the bodies around them starting to melt as if acid had been poured on them.

"Those Bastards! They... Just killed all their soldiers!" Tylan said out in rage as he watched body after body melt away into a pile of goo. Leroy managed to see what was going on and he was disturbed beyond belief.

"Leroy!" Ty heard some more S under D members scream as they ran down the beach to save Leroy who Ty had just disabled.

"We got to go. Fred and Jamison are here right?" Ty asked as and the others started running towards the water.

"Here we are!" both Fred and Jamison said while running down the side of the beach with their stuff in tow.

"Good let's go!" Ty said as he and his gang prepared to leave. Ty turned to Leroy. "Here! The key to scratch's room. They are safe right now. Tell him I said hi." Tylan said while throwing a key towards Leroy and then waved goodbye before he and his friends jumped into the water and teleported away.

Soon Ty emerged in a river down in Texas preparing to rescue his brother who he knew would be in trouble. This was the closet possible transport location to Ben so he had to hurry. Ty soon began running through the forests that surrounded the area where he teleported in. He was then bumped by a running black wolf. When Ty looked back it was Ben. But if he was running that way it meant.

"That was the runaway ben? Did they already strike? I better get to the ranch." Tylan said out loud as he ran towards the ranch. When he got there the sight disturbed him. Green gas was all over in air and everyone was riddled with pain some coughing up blood and some even unresponsive. Tylan became sickened by what had just happened. They had once again shown their ruthlessness.

"Siren analyze the gas and prepare countermeasures for me." Soon a face mask appeared on Tylan as he ran into the gas.

"Siren get me readings on everyone here and identify persons of interest."

For the first time Tylan got a voice response from Siren. "Tylan.... Seventeen confirmed dead, everyone else is in critical condition recommend immediate action also one identified to have sustain a gunshot wound and is bleed profusely. One person of interest identified. Dylan Zeal!"

Ty flinched it had been weeks since he saw his brother last could he face him this time. But now he had to save him. "Siren get me a way to neutralize this gas. And the tools I need to patch up the wound."

Ty ran towards his brother but on the way he heard someone whisper Dy in such a soft voice. He saw he passed rogue on the way to his brother. Once Ty got to his brother he noticed some bombs going off dispersing the gas and replacing it with an oral antidote. Soon he heard the gasps of air that meant the antidote was working. He quickly then rushed over to the poor shot wolf who was there lying in a pool of his own blood luckily the bullet missed his vital organs.

Ty got out the kit and used a metal rod to extract the bullet from the wound. He used some sterilize medicine to dress the wound and then wrapped it quickly but the poor wolf was still in danger.

"Siren locate closest teleport point and alert home base that we have injured here. And get me the names of the deceased." Tylan ordered. He would check the list against the Intel that Fred and Jamison had gotten from exile.

He put the poor wolf over his shoulder and started walking before he noticed the boy lying next to him lifeless. It was a poor brown fox that probably didn't deserve it he looked so young too.

Siren took it upon herself to display the name of the poor fox. "Henry Ville. Oh no he is..." Tylan shunned away knowing that this was likely a relative of Jeff.

Tylan continued his trek to the pool located to the back of the party but was stopped when he heard someone call him.

"You!" He heard the voice of Julius the boss of S under D. Call out the fox was already awake and walking albeit with lots of trouble.

"Yes me. The guy who just saved your tail. A thank you would suffice you know."

"Urgh why did you save us? I thought you were just a random runaway from S under D but you know more and are doing more than any random earthling should be able to do." Julius respond.

"Well I have lots of help maybe one day you will meet them but you should focus on saving your people after all lots of them are still in danger." Tylan said to the poor leader.

"Don't worry about that little run away. Medical staff and emergency crews are already on their way and so are an army of enforcers so don't think you can escape." Ty heard a voice say as the voice approached it was Robert the snow tiger who helped Jeff along his missions.

"I already have!" Ty waved and then jumped into the pool with Jeff in tow leaving the two their helpless to stop him.

"Sir he escaped! But we need to get you treatment!" Robert said to the boss helping him keep his balance.

"No time for that. Robert call an emergency summons, All Alphas, all wing-men and even the ten founders! We are at war!" Julius said under his breathe looking around in anger as he saw lifeless bodies of his fellow S under D members littering the ground.

Tylan emerged back in the pool where everyone but Leon was waiting for him. Soon Luka and Puka grabbed Josh from him and moved him into surgery. Tylan was looking at his wrist pad and looked as if he was going to cry. King was the first to say something.

"Good work Tylan, you did well for your first mission." King complimented.

"Not good enough. Check the list of the deceased." Tylan slowly walked away. His head sulked knowing that even at his best he still had failed.

King Looked over the names of the deceased and was stunned when he saw a few names. "Henry Ville, Terry Ville and..."

"Hylan Zeal.... His father?!"

Seafest: a Hypnosis tale.

The night was cool and crisp in the tropical island of Luca, a good sized island isolated from others and covered in forest that encompassed their three large towns. There was just something about how the island was that said civilization and nature...

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S under D[Arc 5: The forgotten] Chapter 2

Chapter 2 It has been five days since Ty started training. He has made some good progress as observed by King but they still had no idea when Exile would make their move. King was watching the poor raccoon lying on the floor gasping for breath. "Come...

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S under D[Arc 5: The forgotten] Chapter 1

"_Shadows reveal very little of the nature but we know so much about them. But what if there is something we do not know about these shadows? What if there is something forgotten_?" Forgotten things have a habit of being remembered at a time when no...

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