Interstellar Uranus Chapter 2

Story by critic on SoFurry

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The plot continues, Claude awakens and finds himself in a sticky situation. Thankfully he'll be cleaned, but sadly have his clock cleaned out.

When Claude woke up, it was due to taking a breath and suddenly realizing what was entering his lungs was denser than air. Of course the actual reason was that the supply of tranquilizers within the oxygen filled suspension liquid was cut off. The jaguar was able to take in his situation, naked with no idea what the hell was happening or why. He began to go and bang on the glass of the tank he was in. Even through the liquid the jaguar was able to make out some details of the outside.

What he saw was that he merely one in a long line of tubes all held diagonally on a twisted conveyer belt. Other males were held in the same situation that he was in. Claude couldn't tell the species from both the liquid's properties and distance but some struggled and others seemed to bend in within themselves in shock or perhaps denial. Of course Claude's own thoughts took a rude awakening when suddenly the entire conveyor belt moved. The entire collection of men in tubes shot to the side at a break neck pace. Claude saw what little of the scenery he could see race by. However the jaguar didn't get pushed against the wall of the tank or receive any sort of injury from the sudden motion.

That was a cold comfort however when the line came to a sudden stop. Claude could barely get any of his bearings to see where he was when the bottom of the tube opened up. It was a bit of a shock when Claude fell through the hole in the tank followed by the suspension liquid. The tank was connected to some sort of pipe slide that Claude slipped down through. After several twists and turns that slowed down the jaguar's descent he landed onto a tiled floor.

Now that Claude had a still moment, he dry heaved the remains of the oxygenated liquid onto the floor. His lungs rejected the foreign matter and the jaguar began to breathe air normally. That just made the sudden blasts of cleanser filled water hitting Claude's body even more shocking. Suds began to accumulate on the jaguar's short fur due to the constant squirting of hoses extending from the walls. More arms came out with rotating stiff circular brushes and dived into Claude's skin. The excess liquid and the felines own dirt and grime were scrubbed away harshly. Not a single bit of skin was left alone and when sensitive areas of Claude's anatomy were worked over jolts of pleasure were sent up the big cat's spine.

Claude was left kneeling as a soaking, heaving but clean mess. A hole opened up in the wall, tiles moving to reveal a large tunnel. Claude more focused on trying to recover from his ordeal and so didn't notice the tunnel, until it started to send the jaguar flying into it with a huge current of wind.

The jaguar was sucked flying through the tunnel, but it wasn't just because of the large storm of hot dry air. No, when that wind appeared Claude had his body lose connection to the floor. He was floating a few centimeters in the air when he was blown away. That distance increased as Claude traveled through the pipe. However when he entered a large circular chamber the entrance and exit to the room closed. The jaguar was left to hover in the middle and the reason became apparent when even greater gusts of wind filled the chamber.

Claude was spun to and fro, hovering in the center of the chamber as the gusts were positioned to keep him there. His fur short as it was soon was dry by this treatment. Sadly at the end the jaguar was quite nauseous. That feeling didn't last strangely enough, and a good thing too because the feline was forced to exit the room rather quickly.

The tunnel twisted and turned slightly as Claude was hurled at a reasonable speed towards whatever awaited him next. Eventually he fell out of the tunnel into another room and whatever force had him hovering in the air shut off. The room was shaped like a funnel and more victims entered by dropping in from the ceiling. However there were no injuries for the floor was black and spongy, absorbing the energy from the fall safely.

Claude's vision was blurry but he was able to have it clear after a few quick shakes of the head. He could then see other male furs that were being dropped in the same predicament that the jaguar was in! Trying to move over to the others so that maybe he could get some answers, Claude found out to his shock he wasn't able to move. In truth, that was an exaggeration for the jaguar's motions were only slowed down considerably as if Claude was trying to stir thick molasses. Attention turned back to his limbs and found that the bouncy floor that saved all the lives of the captives that fell was still a part of whatever scheme of their captors.

The floor was coating over the jaguar's limbs, slow flowing over Claude's body and that at the same time he was sinking into the floor as well. "The heck, again?!" He began to struggle again and noticed out of his rising panic that the other males in the funnel chamber were sinking and panicking as well. Senses sharpened by this newest development Claude's nose picked up a mix of metallic scents from the material he was sinking in.

Of course Claude wouldn't have a chance to think deeply about this information as the black shining muck of the floor dragged the jaguar down inch by inch over his and all the other men in the room's protests. Inevitably every part of Claude's body was engulfed from his buff arms and legs, lean but toned torso and his slim but sharp face. He disappeared from sight and the jaguar had the unfortunate experience of feeling the material surrounding him suddenly invade his body as he was sinking. His nostrils, ear holes, and mouth were stuffed and Claude could feel that mucky material inside him dissolve into his blood, soak inside his muscles, infect all his organs and violate his body.

Now Claude wouldn't know it but there was a further purpose for this abuse of his insides besides injecting the material, in actually nano-machines for infection into his body. The machines were also in charge of analyzing and recording physical measurements, ensuring their victim's health and cleaning up any complications. While this was being done Claude continued to be moved not just by gravity but the motion of the microscopic devices that had ensnared Claude. Like the motion of the intestines, Claude was pushed and squeezed along until the jaguar could feel himself drop onto a cold floor. Exhaustion and shock from what he had experienced soon dragged Claude back into unconscious and he was kept alive by the mechanisms of the invaders in his physical being.

After some time had passed, Claude woke up from his slumber not by his own choice but by the sound of a door opening but unlike other doors it opened with a whoosh. Of course that same door acted as a window and allowed entry by creating a hole in its structure. Inside the cell room where Claude was held swaggered in what could only be in the jaguar's mind the ones responsible for his predicament. There were two of them, their appearance like the triceratops of old and they loomed above the jaguar that lay on the floor. Their skin was a burnt flat orange and shifted to reveal omnivorous teeth that smiled in the style of a predator's snarl. "Looks like the new bitch's awake." One of the two commented, both wearing what seemed to be a black spandex uniform sparsely decorated with some insignias.

The chance that these triceratops aliens were speaking the same language as Claude was so small as to be a completely ridiculous idea. Of course the jaguar wasn't focused on this inconsistency but instead the fact that he had just been insulted to his face. "What the hell did you just call me?!" Claude shouted as he lunged forward at the smirking bastards but was arrested by a sudden stopping of his nervous system. He dropped like a stone because unknown to him those little devices that were still in his body halted all voluntary nerve impulses to his limbs from his brain. Judging from the lack of reaction from the other two in the room it wasn't a surprise to them.

In any case to the tri-horned aliens this just made their job easier as one of them took out an utterly flat board of some sort of metallic material that had three holes in it. "Heh, gets them every time." The alien holding the board said. It seamlessly opened up revealing that its function was as a pillory board. The other triceratops kneeled and positioned Claude's arms and head onto the appropriately sized spaces. "Just finish this up, the sooner we're done, the sooner we can get these cunts ready to be used."

The top half of the board snapped down shut onto Claude's limbs and head also allowing him to tense up in anger at the insults being thrown at him. Yet he still couldn't speak any retorts. He was hauled up to his feet by both of arms, each seized by one of the two reptilian brutes. The bound feline's legs were able to move as he was marched out of the cell that he was kept in. Passing over the threshold Claude was forced to take in the sheer size of the prison that he and others were being held in. Balconies soared up and dove down into dizzying distances. Every now and then there was a break, possibly signaling a differing sector of holding cells. Then Claude was shoved forward again, joining the masses of other captives being moved towards an unknown fate likely filled with more humiliation and abuse with the ones responsible in sight and confident in their conquest.

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