Captain Earring: Chapter Four

Story by Simplified on SoFurry

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#5 of Captain Earring

Captain Earring is captured and finds himself in a strange predicament, meanwhile Gabe and his group continue their journey and a crewmember from Earring's ship has plans of his own.

This and more inside, hope you all like it.

Chapter Four

Dan gulped. "Uh, Will?"

The primitive lizard hissed as he jabbed a spear at the fox.

Dan threw his paws up. "Will?" He whispered again.

The lizard suddenly fell back. An arrow protruded from his forehead.

Dan looked up. There was Captain Earring holding a crossbow.

The hyena along with the rest of their expedition joined the fallen first mate's side. "Dan, are you alright?"

The fox nodded as he attempted to stand. "Aw, fuck it!" He fell.

Flower was at his side quick. She saw his right foot had broken. "Wow, how did you not feel that?" She waved Dewclaw over.

The pine marten checked the foot. "Lit me zee now. Hmm, yup, ze bone iz definitely out." He pointed with his one working paw to where a piece of bone stuck out of the fox's foot.

Dan cringed. "What can you do?"

The doctor scoffed, "Well, I em ze ship's doctor." He opened up his medical satchel then took out gauze. "Marko, you hold him down. Ve can't have him moving."

Dan flinched when the big weasel stepped closer. "There's no need for that, I can stay still."

Marko kneeled behind the fox and put his paws on his shoulders. "Aw, shut up. You cry like a baby whenever you get a splinter."

"Oh that was one time and it really hurt."

Dewclaw first held the fox's foot. "Hmm, I'll hef to try and get zat bone back in zere somehow." He looked at a stoat who had come on the expedition. "You there, you look like you have strong paws. See if you can help me with his foot."

The stoat did as he was asked.

Dan gritted his teeth as the stoat pushed his bone. Once it seemed the bone was in, Dewclaw spread a cold, foul-smelling herb over the wound.

The stoat's cheeks blew up, then he swallowed. "Oi, dat smellz worse than me granmum's undershorts."

Dewclaw wrapped gauze around the area. "Okay, cut zere." He held the gauze up. The stoat took out his knife and quickly cut through. "Zere we go, zank you."

Earring stood guard over the whole scene. He took notice to moving bushes. Then, a spear came out of the woods and lodged in the stoat's windpipe.

A whole squad of lizards came out of the trees and surrounded the group. The leader, a particularly tall lizard with red war paint on his face stared Earring down. The rest of his group waited for the captain's word. Earring growled, "Stand down..." He dropped his dagger.

The rest surrendered as well.

The big lizard laughed a hissing laugh then clunked the hyena hard with his spear.


Faro snuffled about the forest floor. The young ferret was on the look for mushrooms. He loved them very much and was disappointed to learn the Redwallers had none. So he had elected to find mushrooms for them. He found some good ones. His grandfather taught him well about finding the good ones.

Derry yawned. "Is he going to be at this all day?"

Gabe shrugged. "Be nice, he's just trying to fit in. Remember how you were as a dibbun?"

"Oh you mean when I had the cutest little stuttering problem?" He remarked with sarcasm.

"Yeah so then you started telling jokes."

"And was suddenly the most popular kid, yeah... those were the days."

Faro returned with a full bag of mushrooms. "Alright, I got the food. When can we eat?" He smiled like he had found lost treasure.

Gabriel patted the ferret politely. "Later, Faro. We still have much ground to trek before we reach Salamandastron."

Faro pouted. "Oh, alright. You've no idea what you're missing, though."

Gabe and Derry walked ahead.

Liz stayed behind to talk with Faro. "You seem to know a lot about mushrooms."

He cheered up. "Oh yes, my grandfather, when he was alive, he would take me on camping trips and he would always cook the best soups with the best mushrooms."

Liz smiled. "I'd like to try that."

Faro smiled back, missing the subtle hints the otter was sending him. "Well, we should catch up with your friends, right?" He began to walk.

Liz watched him then shook her head. "What am I doing?"


Earring woke up with a sore headache. When he tried to rub his head, though, he found his arms to be tied to some wooden pole. He pulled several times. The rope around his wrists was tied very well. The foul stench of reptile permeated his nose and he looked up.

That red-faced lizard looked down at the hyena in silence. He uttered some words of a primitive language. A lizard female responded placing a clay bowl of water under the bound hyena's muzzle.

Earring growled with some defiance, this earned a scaly footpaw to his groin. Only then did he notice his nudity. A second male gripped the captain's genitals with his left foot, digging in with needle-sharp claws. Earring whimpered then dipped his muzzle in the water bowl. He drank more than his fair share before the lizard male's foot teased him a second time.

The red-faced male hissed his amusement at how susceptible this big male was to sexual coercion. He'd be a fine slave, the lizard thought. He hissed a command and the other lizards followed him to Dan.

The fox was naked as well with his paws tied to a pole. He wasn't so keen to have a lizard feel him up so he eagerly accepted the water.

Earring groaned as it dawned on him. He was back where he started... just like when he was a kid.


He remembered being a slave from a young age. He remembered the many curses he heard from that old ferret when he would mess up. He especially remembered the ferret when he was horny. Brownfurre was in fact not very picky with whomever he took to his bed. He preferred females, but any fellows he allowed near him were just as likely candidates for the captain.

Despite what hatred he'd harbored for the captain, Will could trace his own preferences to his experiences around that perverted ferret. He remembered times when the captain's trusted friend Screweyes would visit they would be the few times that bastard ever acted civil. When his mother was not around, he would sneak and watch the ferret and stoat together. The youth saw much more about adult life than most would learn through a lifetime. One time he peeked in, he saw that ferret naked on a stool while the stoat nursed his captain's willie as Screweyes would call it. He remembered the captain seeing him, but not stopping, the ferret merely began to hump the stoat's mouth while winking playfully at Will. He ran away at that moment.


Will was brought out of his memory by a pungent, but all-too-familiar scent before his face. He opened his eyes to catch an eyeful of lizard cock.

The chieftain hissed cruelly as he pressed the tip against the hyena's dark muzzle.

Will sniffed it, then he licked it. He grimaced; these lizards clearly don't wash themselves that well. Oh well, he thought. It wouldn't be his first time with a cock in his mouth; he could try to enjoy himself before escaping.

The red-face hissed with a more pleasant tone once the hyena began to nurse his length. He closed his eyes and began to hump the brown muzzle.

Will grinned as he pleasured this male. He took notice to some bushes moving in the distance. Perhaps some locals might save me, he thought.

The lizard gripped the hyena's ears and started face-fucking him faster.


An arrow shot out from the woods, catching the lizard in the neck. He croaked, grasped his neck then fell on Will.

The hyena captain threw off the dead body in time to see an otter. "Of course..." he said to himself.

"Attack!" shouted one otter as several more ran out from the surrounding woods. The lizards all hissed, seemingly unshaken by the death of their leader. Many fought, but were easily overpowered by the stronger, more agile otter.

The battle ended in seconds.

The otter approached Will. The hyena laughed. "You know you could have waited a bit longer, he was about to finish."

The otter laughed back. "Well, I'm sorry sweetie, maybe I'll let you have mine then."


Will and his expedition party were released. The hyena, still nude, rubbed his wrists as he stood, unashamed to be exposed to some fellow he'd only just met. "Um, thank you." He offered a friendly paw to the otter. "My name is Will."

The otter had never seen a creature like Will, but he immediately felt a camaraderie with the hyena. "River, I'd heard reports of these lizards takin' innocent critters an' well, you saw what they did with you."

Will nodded. "Well, it's a good thing you showed up then."

"Will!" Dan ran up to his captain and hugged him, again unashamed to show such open affection in front of a stranger.

"Dan, nice to see they didn't hurt your pretty face." Earring teased his first mate.

Flower hugged her captain as well.

Marko was the only one who stood back. He wasn't keen on hugging so many naked shipmates at once.

Will looked up. "Where is our fifth member?"

Dewclaw shouted from his place. "Over here!" The pine marten hung upside down from a rope on a tree. The group all ran to join him. Will was about to ask. The doctor answered before he could say anything, "Yeah, apparently zem lizards never saw a cripple before; zey didn't know vat to do vith me. Zey put me here."

River chuckled, "Well they ain't scholars, that's for damn sure." He cut the pine marten free. He sheathed his knife then after a quick survey of the group he'd just rescued he said, "Now where's all your fuckin' clothes at? I'm gettin' nervous seein' all these roots an' acorns hangin' about."

Dewclaw spoke, "I voke up before ze rest ov uz. Ze lizards burned our clothes, so we've nozing to vear."

River sighed, "Well, I guess I could take ya to my brother's holt. I could find some clothes for ya there."


Back at Earring's ship, Stella, the crew was becoming restless. "Rah! Where da fuck are dey?" proclaimed one frustrated rat.

Scrunge's cousin casually spun his dagger around one paw. "Dem cowards 'ave prob'ly run off." He whispered. "Or maybe they're dead."

The rat standing by him groaned, "Should we go look for 'em?"

The cousin's eyes glinted. "What's th' point? If they're dead, then they're gonna stay that way. If not, then they'd better be."

The rat shook his head. "I da know, I've sailed with dem afore, dey ain't the type to just leave. It almost sounds like you want dem gone."

The cousin's eyes stayed the same. "So what if I do?"

The rat offered a paw. "Then dat makes two of us. Iomer's my name, Captain."

The other rat took the offered paw with a grin on his face now. "Iomer, I'm Bradwr."


Gabe's party had stopped to camp by a small pond. "I'd say we're about a few days away from Salamandastron by now. We'll rest here for the night, we start back up in the morning."

Gabe and Derry both worked together in setting up the tents.

Faro elected to catch food for the group. Liz, the only other meat eater of the group, decided to help him in catching fish.

Liz stood on the riverbank as she casually disrobed. Faro saw her and blushed. "Um, Liz, what are you doing?" She giggled. "Oh, you don't think I'm going to get my clothes wet do you, Faro?"

The ferret gulped seeing the ottermaid's petite feminine body in the fur. "Um, I guess that makes sense. All you otters hunt your food naked?"

"Well, we usually tend to wear less clothes when away from stuffy places like Redwall."

Faro nodded, his eyes falling on her butt just as she dove in the water. He shook his head. "Not again..."

Captain Earring: Chapter Five

Chapter Five "Oh god!" Faro exclaimed as his seed shot out. Seeing Liz in the fur had made the ferret aroused, "Damn you, Faro. You can't keep doing this." He rubbed his eyes to get the image of her naked body out of his mind. He flinched when he felt...

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