The Lead Crown: Ch 1b, Martyrdumb (Pt 3)

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 1-3, Martyr Dumb

The reflection in the mirror gazed out at the young cat. Ever since Aureilie could remember, everyone was saying "beautiful", "lovely", "gorgeous", "breathtaking". They were words that never seemed to hold any substance.. no real meaning when the acolyte looked back at it. Aureilie was humble and put little thought to the fact that others saw "Sister Aureilie, the Beauty of the East.". The name almost seemed an insult after what Friar Arlowe had suggested.

"I am Sister Aurelie Clarrisa Alysse Dupaix." the young cat said to the reflection, "Of the Order of the Sisters Divine of the Holy Hearth." The whispers lately had been more prevalent... the ones saying that Sister Aurelie would make a wonderful priestess... a wonderful wife someday for one of the pious priests of the church. "I am a Lowly Servant of the Thrice Blessed Holy One." the cat announced to the reflection.

"You are an object..." the mirror spoke back to the acolyte, "something to be owned." the reflection smiled condescendingly.

"No." Sister Aurelie countered, resting a paw against the frame, "I am in service to The Lord... God is my owner."

"The church owns you." the cat staring back countered, "And any priest who wishes will be able to call you his."

"That is not true." Sister Aurelie argued, grabbing hold of the frame and shaking it, "I am of the Order of the--"

"Who are you trying to convince...." the reflection smiled, "...Yourself?" the young cat felt dizzy and grabbed hold of the mirror frame for a moment, peering out of it at the the beautiful, lovely, gorgeous, breathtaking female cat standing in what had previously been Sister Aurelie's room, while it was the young cat who was suddenly within the mirror.

"What are you doing?" the acolyte gasped, "I'm... you're... you're not real!"

"Neither of us are real, you know." the reflection-made-real gazed into the frame at the cat-turned-reflection, "So what does it matter who is on what side of the glass?" she smiled, drawing her finger across the surface of the mirror.

"I'm the real Sister Aurelie! You should be in here, not me!" the cat gasped. Only then did Sister Aurelie realize that the reflection was not... exact."What are you?" the cat demanded, paws pressed against the mirror-turned-window.

"I am you, of course, silly." the cat murmured, running her paws down her lithe form. Sister Aurelie gazed at the lurid gesture, confused by the hearty breasts that threatened to break out of the reflection's humble blouse. Aurelie had never grown such voluptuous traits and, even as some of the younger sisters had started developing, the cat simply hadn't followed suit.

"You are... indecent!" Auriele objected, "Such displays are uncouth and unacceptable by any civil standard of manners!"

"Don't blame me... they're YOUR clothes!" the not-exactly-a-reflection responded, slowly unbuttoning the blouse, "It's not my fault if you'll never grow full, beautiful breasts like these." the clothing opened the rest of the way and she began massaging her two large mammaries, "Of course... if you could then perhaps the Sisters would have given us a real blouse and not some boy's tunic."

"God's decisions are not ours to make." the cat scowled, aghast that the reflection was capable of being so profane, "It is His will what form we take."

"True..." the reflection slowly began to loosen the silk belt holding up her long skirt, "Of course, even God must have a sense of humor when he made you." and Sister Aurelie was aghast as she let the skirt fall free, and stepped out of it in nothing but her undergarments.

"W-wait! What are you--?!?!" the young cat demanded, grabbing hold of the frame from inside the mirror, but the reflection-turned-real didn't pay any mind, letting her undergarments join the skirt on the floor.

"Praising God and his fine work." the reflection answered, letting out a hearty, full-breathed chuckle as she squealed, falling back onto the bed, still within perfect view of the mirror, "There is more than one way to thank Him for all he's done, you know." and Sister Aurelie gasped in abject horror and disgust as the reflection spread her legs wide, sliding her fingers down to her groin and revealing to all (or, in this case, just the acolyte) what God had given her... and that made the young cat pause... and awaken.

Sister Aurelie gasped, bolting up in bed, fur matted and damp with sweat from the nightmare. The young acolyte sat up, the stone floor cold against the cat's paw pads. Aurelie wondered for a moment if a demon had somehow granted such dreams, using the acolyte's insecurities to its advantage as it pulled every doubt and question into the forefront of the cat's mind. The reflection from the dream was a woman... a real woman in every way that a real man would care to measure it; Sister Aurelie shivered at the thought... thoughts that hadn't visited in some time... thoughts of when the cat was barely past being a kitten.

The young girls in the sisterhood each developed as teenagers; some were more well endowed in feminine form than others, but none so poorly as Aurelie. At first it was easy to ignore but, as time went by there were certain questions that simply couldn't be answered. When the young cat discussed it with the elders they had simply said that God's will is His own and that being different is not wrong if it is part of His plan. Sister Aurelie was willing to take the advice at face value, but it did little to get rid of the nagging thoughts still hiding deep in the cat's mind... such were the thoughts the nightmare had recalled.

Despite the chill of the early morning, Sister Aurelie was unable to abide the thought of going back to bed. The young cat located a thick evening time robe and quickly pulled it on, drawing the silk waist band especially tight... then finding a cloak to place over it. Suitably attired, Sister Aurelie stepped out into the hall, and began what became three hours of aimless wandering, letting God determine a path. After awhile, it seemed, the cat may not have been paying close enough attention to His directions, as the end destination was less than ideal.

"Good morrow, Sister..." the deep, rumbling voice held a casual tone of familiarity, suggesting much less formality than had been reserved for guests by most members of the western church, "... I had not expected to see you up before the sun." Inquisitor Ignus closed the hallway door behind himself and leaned a shoulder against the wall; the fur on the back of the cat's neck began to tingle and raise.

"I'm sorry?" Sister Aurelie paused, "Is it wrong for me to be here?"

"Not at all." the dragon responded with what sounded like a smooth purr. He stepped forward, reaching out to take one of the cat's paws in his two enormous talons, "I was about to say that the sun need not rise now that your radiance lights our hall." he brought the captured paw up to his muzzle and kissed its back. Sister Aurelie quickly pulled it away.

"I... can return to my quarters... if it were best."

"No..." the Inquisitor smiled, hunching forward slightly so his height came down to her level, "I would prefer you to grace the church's grounds with your presence every waking hour, if it were not too presumptuous of me to say so." and he reached back out to take hold of the cat's paw again, this time with just one talon.

"I..." Aurelie took a step back, attempting to pull free again, "I should be preparing for morning mass, your Excellency."

"Of course, Sister... of course." the dragon let go of her without fight, "Although I will ask that you join me in my chambers this afternoon once lunch has past."

The cat fidgeted, pulling the robe tighter, "...why?"

Inquisitor Ignus chuckled, his tone telling far too much, "Because I enjoy your company, my dear, and I would like to see more of you."

"...more of me?" Sister Aurelie's already high-pitched voice went even higher.

"Much more." the dragon confirmed, licking his muzzle with his long, sinewy tongue, "... I wish to grant you your next title." the admission came out in the same rumbling purr with which he first greeted the Sister.

"I..." the cat took a step back, "The Matron at the Holy Hearth had me promised to God... she said I will always remain a Sister and never--"

"Well... you are not at the Holy Hearth now... are you, Sister?" the Inquisitor's smile was still relaxed, but something in his voice hinted that he was attempting to maintain a civil tone; once again Sister Aurelie was reminded of the warning she had received by Friar Arlowe, and the thought was very disconcerting.

"I am a servant of God, your Excellency, and--" the cat began, but was cut off.

"Excellent, Sister... then I will see you after lunch." and, with that, the Inquisitor about faced and showed himself off down the hall, humming the Hymn of Divine Union to himself. Hearing the melody of the hymn erased any doubt in what the dragon had in mind.

Despite numerous reservations about the meeting, Sister Aurelie realized that the Inquisitor's ruling was final. Ignoring the acolyte's desire otherwise, there was no option but to bend to his will. "Perhaps he will listen to reason." the cat said aloud, padding quietly down the empty hall toward the dragon's personal chambers, holy book in paw, seeking out passages could possibly convince Inquisitor Ignus that he would best serve God by foregoing his infatuation and his interest in a Sister from the east.

Despite a slow, casual pace, Sister Aurelie arrived at the door with far too few quotes ready. Taking a deep breath, the cat raised a paw, and gently rapped against the stout portal. Mere seconds later Inquisitor Ignus opened it; Aurelie did not miss the fact that the robes he wore were not those of his office, rather, they were dark colored evening robes made of very light fabric. The cat's cheeks tingled with warmth immediately when Aurelie realized that the section of robe directly beneath the silk waistband hung at an odd angle away from the dragon's body.

"Hello, Sister... I've been waiting for you."

"Your Excellency..." the cat began, holding up the holy text, "I have thought about our talk this morning--"

"As have I." the dragon crooned softly, drawing a talon through the pelt at the back of the cat's neck and guided the Sister into his room; Aurelie's fur stood on end immediately. The acolyte quickly stepped away from him while his attention was focused on bolting his chamber door, which only reinforced the cat's discomfort.

"You cannot do this to me." Aurelie proclaimed.

"To you?" the dragon paused, an eye ridge raised, "I plan on doing nothing TO you, Sister." he announced, "I plan on doing something WITH you." he explained, moving to sit down on an arm-chair; Aurelie did not miss the fact that his pose mixed with the open nature of his robe provided a view than would have been highly uncouth in any situation other than what the Inquisitor was unfortunately proposing.

"The... the third..." the cat began shaking fearfully, "third passage of the book of--"

"Enough of books for now, Sister." he undid his belt, "Come... together we will experience heaven on earth." and he held a talon out toward her as he cast the fold of his robe aside.

"Inquisitor... please!" Sister Auriele's entire face grew warm even before the cat could look away; the image of indecency burned deep into the acolyte's mind, still viewable by memory through closed eyes. Inquisitor Ignus chuckled in the blackness, and fear tingled up Aurelie's spine.

"Ah..." the word was accompanied with such lust as the acolyte had never heard, "Such purity, Sister... but of course you are embarrassed." the sound of the dragon rising from his seat sent a chill up the cat's back but, even worse, was his approach, "Please forgive my disregard for your sensitive sensibilities..." and Auriele felt the Inquisitor's talons touch as the dragon caressed an arm... a hip... a thigh...

"I..." the cat whimpered.

"You may of course close your eyes... I take no offense if you are uncomfortable with looking at me." and the talon slowly curled around to the cat's groin, "I assure you that I will regard your beauty with mine open, but only in appreciation for God's fine work on--" his fingers froze when he encountered something unexpected, and he pulled back. The next words that came out of him were as a roar, "WHAT IS THE--" but his exclamation was cut short by the sound of a heavy impact, followed by a heavier one as his unconscious form hit the floor.

"...'Risa?" the voice that called to the cat was like a specter from the past. Only one person alive had ever called her by her second name.

Sister Aurelie's eyes flew open and, where the Inquisitor had stood, there instead was an entirely different sight. Although the wolf was many years older than when they had last been at the convent, the young cat still saw in him the good-natured, supportive young pup who had shared so much of her childhood. "Aodhan..." the Sister whispered, paw going immediately to the beaded bracelet on the opposite wrist.

"Your friend, Friar Arlowe said you may be in trouble." the wolf noted, fussily smoothing out the cat's robe and pulling it tighter where the Inquisitor had attempted to loosen it.

Aurelie glanced to the dragon, who, laying on his side, was still naked, with his uncovered manhood still very much able to remind the cat what he had planned to do... as well as the problem that had developed, "I..." the acolyte paused, "I think I may be..."

Aodhan, who had filled out surprisingly well, and looked once more like his tribal roots rather than the subdued, well-behaved pup that the Church had tried to create in him, simply smiled, and held out a paw, "I think often about what would have happened if you had not chosen to stay behind...."

"I..." the cat faltered, and had just started to reach out in return, but paused, "I cannot." the acolyte murmured.

"But..." the wolf's paw remained out, " are in danger here."

"And so is my friend." Sister Aurelie whispered, "I cannot leave him..."

A firm but gentle paw came down on the cat's shoulder and another gently took hold of Aurelie's chin, lifting it up to meet the one-yellow-one-green eyed gaze of the tribal wolf, "Then we will take him with us." Aodhan always had a way of making things sound so simple but, just like all the other times, the acolyte couldn't do anything but believe him.

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