A Climax and an Anticlimax

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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Sometimes you build things up in your mind so much that you find you cant do them at all for fear and anxiety. Then fate takes over, and you find there was nothing to fear at all; the good was better than you imagined, and the bad not so bad in the end.

Danny and Paul work that out eventually.


Last of my "written on the couch while I was depressed and homeless" stories, this one made me smile. File it under sweet and silly, then forget.

Note though, no horses. Well, no equines, there is an actual horse but he is not a character so I'm claiming it.

Oh, and, to any Sheep furries out there, I really do like you, honest, and any views expressed in this story are solely about actual feral sheep, and not mine anyway, and not intended to offend, and purely for narrative purposes.

I just dont want to be accused of anti-sheep bias.

For any rams that are interested though, an offer to cover you in mint jelly and lick it off stands.

"Ok, that should be the last of the buggers."


I watched the final sheep in this endless stream of fleecy fiends make his was down the race towards the holding paddock. Straightening my back after a long day of drenching caused an inevitable twinge and I bent over again, gripping my side and letting out a pained woof.

"Hey, you ok?"

"Yeah, just fucking sore. Dead set, these bastards make it so hard."

"Tell me about it. You only have to deal with them on holidays."

"Have I told you how much I truly hate sheep? I hate them so, so very much. They truly are the stupidest creatures on the planet."

"I thought your sisters were..."

"Funny. They are second...behind sheep. And my English teacher...so that's third I guess. Sheep, then daylight, then Mr Protheroe the nihilist tiger, then my sisters. "

"You always were a generous dog Paul."

Then he grinned at me, that big toothy grin with a twinkle in his eyes and I couldn't speak again. Damn, that smile always got me.

I watched him close the gates, then drop his backpack on the tray of the truck. It had been a long hot day so far, as always in the country we started early with the sun. We had made it though, and I felt a twinge of pride that these days I could be useful out here as a city dog. I also felt other things that made me blush under my fur.

It was his fault of course. Danny, my companion and confederate. Watching him was one of my favourite pastimes, in fact it had been for the last few times I had come out to my grandparent's farm. A tall lean dingo, only a year older than me but so much more mature in ways that made my heart flutter. I loved just taking time to check out his body, the graceful movements of muscle under fur, the excited wag of his tail, the way his ears wiggled as we worked. I loved coming to the farm anyway, an opportunity to get away from a family and a life I never felt I belonged in. But Danny made it special.

"Hey, let's get this back to the barn quick. I've got an idea for this arvo if you are ok with it."

He could suggest setting my coat on fire and I'd be ok with it. First we had to get the sheep into their paddock though.

"Ok, I'll move the fleecy fiends then."


"Yeah, how hard can it be?"

That smile was back, with an added hint of mischief. Sometimes, I could talk myself into a shithole with ease.

"Be my guest mate."

The sheepdog, a world weary kelpie cross, just looked at me funny, his head tilting to the side as if to say 'wtf' in feral. I knew I might be descended from feral Border Collies, but there was nothing instinctual about handling sheep, at least not for this anthro. I couldn't back down though, so I just grinned into his eyes and went for it.

God did I make a mess of it. The mob just looked at me, and the kelpie. My confused woofs and calls to 'get in behind!' made the sheepdog tilt his head from side to side a few times, then as I became increasingly frustrated, he decided enough was enough. With a final hurt look, he trotted off in the direction of his kennel, an old galvanised steel water tank. Like a good unionist, he headed straight into it, turning to poke his head out and rest it on his paws, before giving a single woof. I could almost translate it; the sheepdog equivalent of a picket line chant.

Danny broke down laughing next to the ute, his eyes still twinkling. The thing was, I couldn't stop laughing too, and it was because of his eyes. You might think he was mocking, or frustrated, but I knew those eyes and I could read them. All I saw was the slightly bemused look you get when the person you really like does something stupid but you realise you like them because of it not in spite of it.

That had been kind of how we had become friends in the first place.

I had been coming to my grandparents farm in the holidays for a while, my parents exasperation at my moodiness finally pushing them to the perfect solution; get him the hell out of here. I was a moody pup to be fair, kind of short compared to most, even for a Border Collie cross, and pretty plump from too much Maccas and too many chocolate bars. I also had secrets that kept me isolated and alone.

My parents were almost as surprised as me when it proved an inspirational move. My grandparents were amazing, listening to my stories with attentive ears and giving me the run of the place. I had found I loved the farm, the endless expanses and the hard work. Pretty soon I began shedding excess puppy fat and putting on muscle, something that got admiring looks at school and a grunt of satisfaction from my Dad. I think it was the first time I remembered him being a little proud.

The real attraction was Danny though. One year, an itinerant shearer, a dingo cross, had stayed for the season, his son by his side. Danny was just a year older than me, tall and lean where I was short and plump. He was almost pure dingo though, with the buff fur and pointed snout and ears of his breed. No one trusted a dingo, or so my parents had said. Somehow I knew I could trust him though.

Then his Dad had taken off one day, leaving Danny and some money, promising to be back and asking my grandparents to look after him while he was gone. He never came back though, and the lost dingo pup became an abandoned dingo pup.

In typical country fashion, my grandparents had worked out a solution. Danny became their foster pup, and they had a farmhand that they desperately needed with their declining health. The next time I came, Danny was there on his own, silent and sad as always, learning the ropes of the farm with his usual instinctive grasp of the practical.

Not to be outdone by the blow-in, I had attached myself to Danny, determined to be just as useful. I was a complete disaster; screwing up fencing, flooding the tractor motor, letting the chickens out and chasing them all over the place while he calmly got them all back into the coop. The final straw came when he tried to teach me how to ride the farm's horse, a big bay gelding with a wicked sense of humour. I managed to get one paw into the stirrups ok, then proceeded to bounce around and fall off seven times before the horse gave up and headed for his stall after taking a mammoth dump on my leg.

That was the first time I heard it, a magical sound like music mixed with water flowing in a creek. Danny laughed. Actually he rolled around on the ground, one paw scraping at the dirt as he dissolved in mirth. I was too entranced by the sound to get angry, it went straight into my insides and made me feel all warm, my fur pricking all down my back. Then he stopped long enough to look at me and shook his head.

"I really like you Paul, but God you will never make a farmer."

Then I just laughed along with him, captivated by that phrase; 'I really like you Paul.'

The feeling was seriously mutual from then on. We became best mates, the normally sullen dingo opening up, sharing all the stories of his life, and encouraging me to tell him everything about my own more privileged existence. He did eventually admit he was wrong though; I was becoming a half decent farmer after all, nowhere near his standards but not a total waste of space. It was only because I wanted to impress him.

Now I had gone and put my paw in it again, but he still just laughed and shook that beautiful head.

"That was impressive. I don't think anyone has made Ginger give up that fast in a long time."

"Yeah, yeah I get it smartass. What are we going to do though?"

"Hmm...don't tell anyone, but I might be able to try something."

Looking about, he wandered over to the mob, taking up a stance in front of them. They eyed him warily, about to break and skitter off past us, but before they could, he leaned back his head and let out a long dingo howl, ears quivering.

That was enough for the sheep, and they turned tail and headed through the gate in their usual chaotic way, many trying to climb over their mates in their haste to get where they were going as fast as possible. Eventually, the whole mob managed to find their way through and Danny calmly wandered over and shut the gate, leaving the sheep to graze in the North paddock.

"Ok now that was actually impressive. How did you do it?"

He looked a little embarrassed now, and he was always cutest when he was embarrassed. He also looked a little sad.

"Just tried it out one day when Ginger cracked the shits. Sometimes it works, I guess they have some hardwired dingo response that tells them to get the fuck away when they hear one. Like some furs."

"Hey. I kind of like dingo, if you remember."

The grin was back.

"Yeah, kind of remembered that. Like last night for example. So, let's stow this shit and head off hey? Got a better idea than watching the teev."

We loaded the equipment, managing to work pretty well as a team like we always did now. The trip back to the equipment shed wasn't long, though the rutted tracks across the paddock made it a lot of fun. Danny let me drive, and I managed to do it without grinding the gearbox too many times.

We were stowing the gear when I heard a sort of panicked bleating baa from nearby. I pulled on Danny's shirt, making him stay quiet for a moment, before we both managed to work out the source of the sound.

"Fucking Nibbles again."

As was customary on a farm in this district, the home paddock and garden had a resident, a pet lamb. Ours was called Nibbles. They were all called Nibbles, for reasons gran had never quite explained. His mum had died last lambing season, and gran had hand reared him until he was old enough. If sheep were stupid, pet lambs were the blondes of the sheep world, and Nibbles was no exception. The only way I could tolerate him was the sure knowledge that each pet lamb got to make the supreme sacrifice eventually; he would give his life so that others might smother him in mint jelly and find him supremely tasty. Every now and then I would call him "lunch" just so he had time to adjust to the idea.

This incarnation of Nibbles (maybe it was like the Dalai Llama, and each was a reincarnation of the one true stupid pet lamb spirit?) had a knack for getting entangled in fences. He had a special "baa" that signalled his distress at being caught up in wire, so it was at least easy to know what we faced. Between the two of us, we managed to get him untangled pretty quick and he hopped away towards the farmhouse before celebrating his good fortune by chowing down on gran's hydrangeas.

"Did I mention how much I hate sheep?"

"Only like a million fucking times Paul."

"Well...I don't like sheep."

He gave me that grin again and punched me in the shoulder.

"Forget the fleecy fiends as you call them for a moment, and just concentrate on the real stuff. I managed to bring the esky, all nice and cold and stocked with beer, and I thought we could head to the creek for a swim. Its fucking hot, and I don't know about you, but I smell like lanolin and sweat."

I flared my nostrils, drinking in his scent. He was right, he did smell of lanolin, and sweat. Rich, pungent masculine sweat, the kind that made me nick his shirts years ago when I first had a big homo crush on my mate and liked to sniff his smell before wanking off at night.

"Don't wash on my account..."

"Cmon, it will be fun."

"Did you bring our bathers and towels too?"

"Nope...thought we didn't need them."

Now he had my interest. Skinny dipping, under the summer sky, sheathes exposed to the air, bro and bro, chugging a quiet stubby of Carlton Draught watching the few lonely clouds scud by. Instaboner.

"Now you have my attention."

"Now I have your dick's attention, lets be honest."

And we both smiled like conspirators.

My secret had probably been blown a long time ago. I think he kind of guessed when his shirts started smelling funny, Collie seed tends to do that. With true pet lamb naivete though, I thought I hid it well and in any case, there was no way the hot stud would be into that. My homo crush would be something I shared with my paw and only my paw.

Then the last visit, it all changed. It was my first time after granddad had died, and Danny was busier than ever. We all thought gran would sell the farm, but she didn't want to leave, and Danny promised to stay and help her run it for real. He was just finishing school, and would be 18 soon so he could get his license and do everything the farm needed. I think it was all that kept gran from turning her back on life and giving up.

I had been a bit jealous and a bit pissed off, finding my friend and playmate so busy all the time, but I knew I was being a drama dog and bit my tongue and settled in to help as much as I could. What ticked me the most was the amount of time he spent in the barn, fixing up an old bike. He had discovered it one day by accident, a classic old BSA Bantam two stroke in pieces, and set to restoring it. He would spend endless hours at night with it, as I jacked off furiously in my bed missing our late night chatfests.

Eventually I swallowed my angst and joined him in the barn. The grin he gave me the first time I went made my legs turn to jelly. I could tell he was proud, and he wanted to share it with me.

It was an impressive effort. Scrounging parts and working mostly by instinct, he brought the old bike back to life, piece by rusty piece. One day he called me into the barn after we finished our morning chores, grinning like a madman. He just winked, and straddled the bike. The next thing I knew, he gave the kickstarter a hard hit or two and the bundle of metal roared into life, it's throb musical like his laugh. Then he got that shy embarrassed look again, like he didn't think he should be proud.

My fate had been sealed by then, and I had gone from full blown homo crush to hero worship watching him. Without a second thought, I joined him on the back of the bike, my arms wrapped around his waist as we shot across the paddocks. I got a totally new feel for the farm that day, and for my Danny. Nuzzled up to his back, my groin pressed against his butt, his tail swaying against my chest and both our tongues hanging out as the wind rushed by our muzzles. Whether it was him, the rumble of the bike, or the exhilaration of speeding across broken country at pace with no helmet or leathers I didn't know, but the effect was pretty spectacular.

As soon as we stopped, back in the barn after I did not know how long, I stepped off the bike, my butt a little numb and my ears ringing. I also had the biggest hardon of my life. Before I could cover it up though, I realised that Danny had one too. And he was looking at mine, with that grin I loved so much on his muzzle.

When he reached for me I nearly died, my startled woofs telling him how surprised I was. It didn't make him stop though; instead he brought his muzzle to mine and we kissed. I can still feel the buzz of that first kiss on my muzzle.

Then he reached inside my jeans, popping the buckle on my belt and undoing enough buttons for easy access, his paw so hot and heavy on my sheath. I lasted all of three strokes before I unloaded into my briefs with a disappointed groan. I need not have been disappointed though; there was plenty more where that came from, as I proved when he laid me back on a haybale and gave me the first of what would prove to be many incredible blowjobs we have shared in our time.

The last had been just last night, when I joined him in his bedroom for a quick 69 after we were certain gran was fast asleep. Neither of us liked the furtive nature of our lovemaking, and both wanted to do more but both of us were held back, by fear and uncertainty.

At least out here at the creek we might be able to take our time and make some noise.

He brought the bike out from its home amongst the random farm machinery. He kept it in perfect shape, lovingly tending it's many fickle needs. I kind of had a jealous set against it sometimes, in the usual way with teenagers. Maybe it was that it was here all the time when I wasn't. Or maybe it was that he called it "Sandy", after a girl who was sweet on him three farms over. He was good with fickle high maintenance things; I hadn't asked, but I kind of suspected he swung in directions that I did not.

We both climbed aboard, stowing the beer in the panniers,and he kicked it into life, revving the throttles before it settled down to its usual throbbing hum. The creek was on the boundary of the farm, right on the Western edge by the Daniels' farm. They had sold up recently, their carefully tended farm destined to become a Eucalypt plantation. It was a shame, but it meant no one except gran would be around, and gran was working with the horse today.

The creek was perfect, a long ribbon of crystal water fed by a nearby spring. It was reasonably deep in one spot, a sort of waterhole overlooked by willows, and we headed for there at high speed. The browning fields sped past, occasional sheep turning to look at the two dogs who did such strange things before returning to munch on the lovely grass.

Danny dropped the rest, propping the bike safely under a willow, before giving me his trademark grin.

"Last one in is a homo."


Then he winked as he shed clothes and sprayed them like a sprinkler, as I rushed to do the same. He beat me to it though, and bounded off on those long legs into the water. I followed, while he waited and splashed me playfully when I got close.

"Whos a homo?"

"Guess we both are buddy!"

Now that made me all warm and chocolatey inside.

We swam, and drank some beers, and rested on the bank under the shade of a willow tree while the sun beat down and the warm Western Plains breeze ruffled our fur. We also kissed, and touched, bringing each other to a shuddering climax with our muzzles. Heading into the water one more time to wash the scent of sex from our coats, we were standing in the deepest part of the waterhole when Danny got playful.

"Hey, don't worry too much, but we have noticed some...er...unusual things here."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, there have been signs of Western Creek Yabbies in the waterhole this year."

"What the fuck is that?"

I knew what a yabbie was, sort of a freshwater lobster but small, we had gone hunting for them in the dams enough. Not bad on rice.

"Well, its like a normal yabbie, but about the size of a dog, and kind of hungry."

That made me stop for a moment.

"You are shitting me."

"No, dead set. Just...if you feel anything unusual, and I mean anything, you should probably head for land ok?"

I couldn't tell if he was serious, but his expression looked deadly enough, and I gave a slight shudder. Feeling suddenly a little cold where the breeze caught my coat, I dived under, surfacing with just my head above water as I shook my ears out.


I had felt it then, a sort of pincer feel on my paws. Picturing a mammoth hungry carnivorous lobster with claws the size of shears nibbling on my footpaws, I jumped out of the water, coming to land on the bank in a shivering mass of fur while staring at the water.

Then the surface broke, and I saw the head of my mate, his muzzle plastered in that silly grin and his musical laugh filling the small creekbed. I didn't know whether to kiss him or kill him, and settled for something in between.

"You bastard!"

"Aww cmon"

"You fucking bastard!"

"Hey, take that back pup"

"You make me dingo boy."

And suddenly it was on. I charged into the water, and he charged at me, and we ended up in a pile of fur on the bank under the willow tree, laughing and whooping and shouting as we tried to beat each other to a pulp but only succeeded in bruising a little while we rubbed together in a playful muscled ball. It took a little while, but eventually the play changed, and became something more than wrestling.

Although I had been filling out into a broad chunky muscle dog, I was still shorter than Danny and not as strong. Something about farm life gave him an incredible wiry strength, and he could armwrestle me into submission with ease inspite of the impressive size of my guns.

Now he used that wiry strength, and his natural agility, to wrestle me into submission, his body over mine, my arms pinned, and my body pressed against the earth. I could feel him over me, his naked body touching mine everywhere, as I struggled in vain for ascendancy. The only thing was, I realised that I didn't want the ascendancy, and in fact I was pushing back against his body now, rubbing my butt against his naked groin, my tongue out and low moans coming from my muzzle. And then I realised he was moaning too, and his cock was pressing like a hot lance on my fur.

His muzzle was on my neck now, tongue out and licking at the back of my neck. I gave a yelp, my own cock reaching full aching erection under his dominant form, and spread my thighs wider giving him access to my nethers. We hadn't done it yet, all sorts of inhibitions holding us back. No more though; my body and my heart wanted it too bad.

"Please Danny. I need you to fuck me."

"What! Paul, are you sure?"

"Fuck yes. Ive never been surer of anything."

"What about gran?"

"She is doing dressage with Nautilus. Miles away; its just us for once. Please!"

I bit my lip, worried that his hesitation was due to secretly not wanting to do this with me. Maybe he was only humouring me, and girls were his thing of choice.

"It might hurt Paul. Please tell me if it hurts and I'll stop ok?"

The fear evaporated in an instant, replaced by lust. This was it. It was happening.

And we had made no preparations whatsoever.

I felt Danny draw breath for a moment, then reach some sort of decision. He gripped my tail, pulling it up away from me as I spread my thighs for him and whimpered. I expected to feel pain then, but instead I felt hot breath, his muzzle just touching my taint and huffing out warm gusts of air to tickle and arouse. I think I almost came right there.

"Just relax. I don't know what to do about lube, we didn't bring any, but I've kind of seen stuff on yifftube and I'm going to give this a go."

Then his tongue touched me there and I dissolved into a pleasured puddle of Collie on the creek bank.

He took his time, kind of hesitant at first then getting bolder. At first he just used the tip of his tongue, then he brought up more and more spit to lubricate my tailhole. Finally he used his paws the spread my cheeks and my virgin rosebud, before plunging his tongue deep into me. I howled then, a long doggy howl of pure pleasure, as I felt my first deep ass eating. All I could do was shake my butt in need as he gave it everything he had, until my tunnel was nice and wet.

Then I had a moment of panic, feeling him move against me until he was kneeling behind. I could feel the tapered tip of his cock on my clenching hole, imagining its thick base and the massive knot my muzzle knew so well. His paws stroked my back, and I felt him ease against me, spreading my pucker slowly as I groaned into the grass. I expected the crushing pain of his knot, but instead he rested with it against my spread hole, the throbbing wide expanse so threatening and so hot. Then we began, and it felt so good, once the pain was replaced by pleasure.

Danny bent over me next, using his longer body to good effect. His muzzle on my neck, he kept up a steady rhythm on my ass, all the way out, all the way in to the knot but no further, his chest rubbing on my back and his paws clasped in mine. I babbled like a lunatic, and he grunted into my neck

"Ugh! ..Fuck! ..God!..Fuck!..Harder!..Fuck!...Oh God oh God oh God oh God!...yes yes yes yes!"

We both made enough noise to wake the district, his thrusts becoming faster and harder but always controlled, the knot sliding across the skin between my tail and my skewered tailhole, but never plunging inside. I was getting totally into it, my balls starting to churn when I felt him tense up and suddenly my tunnel felt so warm as my Danny let out a series of barks and came inside me. I felt overheated, on the edge of my own release, but I didn't mind. We just lay there together, panting in the aftermath, with Danny still buried to the knot inside me.

Eventually he pulled out, my ring clenching and opening with a sudden feeling of emptiness. I could feel slick seed dripping from my hole to coat the back of my sack. Still in a sex haze, I turned over onto my back, legs spread, to see Danny kneeling at the water's edge, his chest heaving and his tongue out. Then he crawled forward to lie between my legs, his body on mine, and we kissed with the heat of a midsummer sun while our aching cocks slid against eachother trapped between our bodies.

"I...I'm sorry I couldn't last Paul. I wanted you to cum too."

"Hey, it was magic mate. Just enjoy it; you can go down on me if you like anyway."

"Well...I'm kind of hard still, so I wondered..."

"Round 2?"


He lifted my legs as I helped him, his body now over mine while I was bent almost double. I could feel his cock against me again, still hard and still beautiful. I knew it's secrets now, how it felt inside me, spreading my folds and scraping the sensitive skin of my tunnel. I knew I could take that, in fact I knew I wanted it forever. Now I was going to get it again straight away.

Being a teenager is kind of cool some ways.


It felt a little more painful this time, and a little deeper, but as our lovemaking became hotter the pleasure built more too. I could feel his knot, rapping against my ring hard, spreading the aching muscle but not yet parting it. I knew what I wanted, and I thought he wanted it too.

Danny bit down on my neck, the mating bite signalling a wild hard stage in our fuck, and I found his ear and screamed.

"Tie me stud...fucking tie me please!"

He gave the sexiest growl, deep in his chest, and I looked into his eyes seeing something new, predator dingo mixed with my loving boy. I had time for a soft whimper, my pucker trying to open in anticipation of what was to come, but really that was futile. His powerful hips slammed against me, and our howls joined in the air, scaring a pair of galahs sitting in the willow tree above us into startled flight.

I felt my ring spread painfully, the pain like a searing heat that grew then diminished. Then I felt something new, the feeling of incredible pleasure deep inside. That last thrust, tied inside, had slammed his cocktip into my prostate and as we both howled again and again, his short thrusts brought us both to orgasm. My bowels filled with warm seed, and I could feel as well as smell the torrent of cum my own cock unleashed against our bodies as we both experienced the intense pleasure of our loving.

Afterwards we lay together, my boy in my arms, his muzzle on mine and kissed while his knot slowly subsided inside me.

No music, no fanfare, no rose petals and candles by the bed, no lube, no toys, no ceremony or preliminary or angst. Just two lonely dogs, under a willow tree by a creek in the midsummer heat, who found each other and dared to let it be. No instructions required.


Later that day we all sat down to dinner. As was usual in the country, lunch had been a three course meal fit for an army on the march. We had wolfed it down in the midst of sheep drenching before heading back to the task. Now we had more time, and bodies more tired from the day's labours. And of course other things.

So of course this time we sat down to...

Exactly the same thing again, but more so.

I had to admit between the sex, the hay baling, the fencing and the sheep, I could eat a horse and come back for seconds and still lose more puppy fat. Danny had noticed in when we lay together after that magical time this afternoon, our first.

"Getting to be quite the stud city dog. Might have to fight those horny emo boys off with a stick."

Am I a bad dog that the idea of him swatting off hordes of infatuated goth guys for the right to be mine sounded so fucking excellent?

We were slurping our way through a mammoth bowl of soup, rich and tasty with vegetables and chickpeas and ham on the bone. I was starving, and not in the mood for conversation, and neither was Danny. Any more uncouth and we could have been extras for an episode of Vikings: The Bad Table Manners Years. I swear I heard him burp.

Gran was doing her best to hold up all three ends of the conversation, without too much assistance. She was being her usual breezy self though so I tried to pay attention.

"So, I take it you boys had a busy day?"


"Excellent, and I am really grateful for your work with the drenching Paul. He is a tireless worker isn't he Danny?"


"Yes, I can tell. After all, you both have such an appetite, must have had a really hard day's labour. Always like a hard day's labour, makes you feel good at the end of the day."

"Hmmm Gran."

"I was particularly impressed by how hard you two were working together when I came up to the creek on Nautilus about, oh, 3 o'clock"


I just dropped my spoon, the 'clang' as it bounced off the bowl echoing loud in the kitchen. Danny had not been so lucky; he had been in mid slurp and deposited the contents of his muzzle all over the table in a sort of dense spray.

Both of us sat back terrified. I looked at my lover, and his eyes were wide, ears back in fear.

"So...now we have established that I was not seeing things with these old eyes that weren't there, can I ask a few questions?"

Both of us nodded, kind of dumbly.

"Good. So, can I take it you are both actually gay, this wasn't a one time thing? What do they call it...oh yes, bi-curious?"

I waited, and waited, as my heart thudded. Eventually I decided to take one for the team.

"Gran, yes I am gay. I've known for a long time, but this was my fault. Danny..."

"Danny is into guys too."

I looked at him then, seeing the fear in his eyes, and the love. He wasn't going to let me go down alone though.

"Marcia, I have known for a long time that I liked guys as well as girls. I also knew for a long time that I liked Paul and he liked me. I shouldn't have done anything about it, but I couldn't stop myself. I am sorry..."

"Right. So, have you both stopped being all noble and self sacrificing for now?"

Two pairs of eyes lowered, two pairs of ears flattened as we nodded.

"And I can take it that you both are into boys for real, and that you love each other."

I looked at him, and him at me. He gave that smile again, and I returned it as we nodded.

Gran took it all in, her ears quivering, before she leant backwards in her chair pointing her muzzle to the heavens.

"Yessssssssss! Thank you Jesus!"

Two pairs of ears perked up straight.

"What? I mean...what?"

"Paul, for an allegedly smart pup you can be singularly dense some times. Of course I don't mind, heck I'm thrilled. I knew for a while that Danny may be that way, and I did have my suspicions about you too. Grandmother's know these things. Now it appears my two favourite boys have found each other. I can relax and enjoy my old age finally."

"Er, Marcia, I..."

"Danny, don't you know me better by now? Let me guess, you thought I would be angry, either for being gay or corrupting my grandson, and I would kick you out on the road."


"Danny, you have never done or said anything that has ever made me anything other than proud. Well, you did make me a little sad just then, but I forgive you. Now you know though, so you don't have to worry."


"I take that back a little. You did do a couple of things that gave me some disquiet. Why do you have to take the Lord's name in vain like that?"

Both of us looked blankly.

"You know...Ugh! ..Fuck! ..God!..Fuck!..Harder!..Fuck!...Oh God oh God oh God oh God!...yes yes yes yes!...it's not right. Can't you boys find something else to say when the mood strikes you like that?"

I was too horrified to answer.

"You...you saw...all that?"

"Yes dear. I didn't have my glasses on at first, but I could hear just fine."

I just dropped my head into my paws, hoping the ground would swallow me up. Danny though, in typical fashion, began to chuckle like a maniac, and I couldn't stay too mortified with my beautiful dingo sounding so happy. I still had things to worry about though.

"Um...what about Dad?"

"You leave that to me Paul. I know all that dog's secrets from his puppyhood, and he knows I know. If he has a problem, he better be ready for a long lecture on hypocrisy."


"Your mother is really the problem isn't she. And he is really just pandering to her."

I nodded, knowing there was some truth. Though it was my Dad who made the loudest noises about fags and their disgusting ways, it was mostly the conservative MP for West Emmerton who pulled the strings."

"Don't worry Paul, I haven't lost a fight with a bitch like that in my life and I'm not about to now."


"Well, she is a female dog dear. An absolute female dog."

We made more casual chat during the main course, but there was a slight change. Danny reached out his paw to mine, and we held tight all the way, even when cutting up the chops. Some things are more important than chops. This was one of them.

The lull lasted until dessert. I was tucking in to a big bowl of Gran's cherry pie, my favourite dessert ever. I could never wait for spring, and the first hint of cherry blossoms. I always begged mum to bake me a pie, but she never did and the store bought ones just weren't the same as grans. The pastry was kind of buttery but thick, and the crumbly top melted in your mouth, and cherry flavour kind of oozed from every part of it.

I was shovelling in big piles of pie when the next shoe dropped.

"Ahh yes boys. I have remembered."

"What Gran?"

"The second thing you did that caused me disquiet."

Oh oh. I kept on shovelling cherry pie though. It might run out after all.

"Yes, and I didn't know quite how to put it, so I did some research on the googleweb thingy that Danny setup for me. And my, that was quite an experience I can tell you, but I think I found what I was looking for.." and here she consulted a small slip of paper..."Ahh yes. Barebacking"

Now it was my turn to spray dinner all over the table. I let out a sort of mix between a cry, snort, gasp and sneeze, with the result that cherry pie spat out from both my nose and my muzzle at the same time and I was left gasping and choking on cherry foam.

"Oh my goodness...is there something wrong with the pie?"

Danny was grinning again, his muzzle working as he fought for control.

"No Marcia...I don't think there is anything wrong with the food.."

"Oh, well that's alright then. I know how much Paul likes his cherries, as you will see."

"Um...Marc...why did you look that up?"

"Well, I couldn't help but noticing you boys were, shall we say, sheathless in all ways when you were..."

I had recovered enough to gasp out some words now, while Danny seemed to have lost it completely, his giggles coming out as sort of strangled gasps.

"You noticed what? I thought you said you didn't have your glasses on?"

"At first dear...I did put them on though, to make sure I wasn't seeing something different, and I noticed the lack of, well, protection."

The giggles had turned into outright laughter now, Danny gripping the table edge in a vain attempt at regaining control.


"Well I had to come in close dear, my eyes aren't what they used to be..."

"No..I...guess not..."

"But I knew that really you boys should be using protection, rather than 'barebacking' as the helpful sites on the googleweb called it, so I decided to do something about it"

"Something about it..."

"Yes...here we are..."

I was losing the plot steadily, my boyfriend gulping in air between fits of laughter while my seventy year old grandmother was engaging me in the most surreal conversation I could ever remember. Now I was staring at a paper bag, containing what I had no idea.

"What is it?"

"Well, while you two were still busy, I took the liberty of going into Derinballoc to the general store. The lovely boy there says hello by the way, he remembered you and asked me specifically to tell you he said hi."

I remembered a slightly shy bull with brown fur and a warm smile. Surely...?

"Anyway, I asked him, confidentially of course, what I needed and he rightaway suggested these would be perfect. I had to agree, and you will find that I chose one specially for you."

With increasing dread, I opened the bag and emptied the contents onto the table. One large box of condoms, extra large doggy with knot. And a tube of personal lubricant.

Cherry flavoured.

"Well it is your favourite dear..."

Danny lost his battle for control, rolling on the floor cackling like a hen. I kicked him, harder and harder, but he just kept on and eventually I could only smile wanly at my grandmother while he wheezed.

"Whatever is the matter with him dear?"

"Honestly gran I wish I knew."


After the long day, and the scary aftermath, we both wanted to head for bed early. Gran just smiled a knowing smile, waving a paw in the direction of the bedrooms.

"Run along you two, I might watch some ABC for a while. Oh, and, why don't you move into Danny's room Paul? No need to sneak around in the night, if you two want to be together, you should."

The evening was becoming more surreal, but in good ways. We stood together by the basin, brushing our teeth and hitting eachother in the shoulder like guys should, then took one shower together, washing the sweat from our fur and playing with our cocks until we ended up kissing under the water

"You've been in there long enough boys. We don't have endless water like in the city Paul."

I just rolled my eyes as Danny shrugged, and we headed for his room towelling off. It had once been my Dad's, before he had left for good. Like most country families these days; the kids take off for university and never come back.

"Goodnight Cherry!"

"Call me that and no fucking sex for you...ever."

"Gee, sensitive aren't we."

But his smile was warm and loving.

We lay in bed together, cuddling, trying to make out but not quite getting it to work.

"Um...what's up?"

"I was going to ask the same thing. Or more on point...why isn't it up"

"Are you thinking about gran listening in and knowing exactly what we are doing?"

"Yep, aren't you?"

"Fraid so. And then probably Googling it too."

We both held then, enjoying the closeness and letting the eroticism fade for a moment.

"This is the strangest thing in a strange day. Here I am, in bed with my..."



"No...you were going to say...'with my boyfriend weren't you"


"Yes you were. And you are all superstitious."

"Alright smartarse. I am."

"Good. Um...Paul?"


"Will you be my boyfriend?"

And we kissed like it was the first time again. Then we sat up together, as the moon cut a path across the star filled country sky, telling increasingly stupid bushranger stories to each other while the night passed. Eventually, we heard the sounds of gran heading for bed.

"What were you going to say Paul?"


"Before, when I interrupted you."

"Oh...well...here I am, in bed with my boyfriend, and we are cuddling and telling stupid bushranger stories, and if you had asked me if this would be the most special part of the day I lost my virginity and came out to a member of my family for the first time, I would have thought you were thick. But it is...something about being able to be here with you, knowing we can make love whenever we want but we don't have to rush it, and that old grey haired dog has our back. It feels...it feels good."

My dingo nuzzled against me, and I nuzzled back, just enjoying the quiet intimacy of two guys in love. There would be a lot of challenges ahead, but I gave us a better than even money chance.

Before long though, the inevitable effect of close proximity to a hot stud dingo made itself known, and my cock poked out into the bedclothes as I pushed back to rub against my boy. I was still a bit reluctant though.

"Hmmm...I know what you said about the stories being stupid and all...but I think I might have a way to make you forget about your grandmother being in the next room..."

"Oh? How?"

Suddenly, a subtle change came over Danny. I felt him move against me, but his movements were more predatory, more demanding. He blew hot breath on my ears as I let out an appreciative woof, getting into the sensations. Then his muzzle nestled next to my ear, and I was all rapt attention. His voice was suddenly like honey, deep and thick, with the most sexy rumble like his bike engine. Bad dingo was in the room, and my cock was all agog.

"You're mine little pup. You've fallen into the paws of Captain Midnight, terror of the Western Plains."

I gave a little shudder, enjoying the kinky roleplay. If he only knew...this was scarily close to one of my Danny fantasies, though he usually featured as a pirate and I was a poor cabinboy captured on the Spanish Main.

"P...please Captain. I'll be good I promise."

"We'll see pup. Your money or your life!"

"I'm afraid I'm only a poor dog, I don't have any money. Please, there must be something else I can do?"

"Hmmm...I think there might be....just might be..."

I could feel his paws roaming possessively over my body, pinching at my nipples, gripping my sheath and jacking, squeezing my sack. His muzzle dropped to my neck, nibbling as I groaned, suddenly horny and ready for more.

"I like it most when they haven't got the coin little pup..."


His fingers roamed over my hips now, before playing with my tail.

"Oh yes...then I like to take other things in payment...."

Now he circled my taint, rubbing his clawtip up and down while I leaked a torrent of pre onto the bed.

"Oh God...what do you want...I'm just a poor virgin pup..."

Now his finger reached my pucker, probing at the gates.

"Hmmm....even better...."


"After all....nothing tastes as good as cherry...."

Then the bastard fell about laughing.

I rolled over, furious and horny while he begged for mercy. I just knelt on his legs and pummeled his chest with my paws before giving an exasperated snarl. His eyes widened a bit then.

"Paul...I'm sorry...I mean..."

"Shut up Dan. You've done it now."

I reached for the bedside table, my eyes probably lit up like demons

"Seriously Paul, I'm sorry and..."

"I'll give you cherry you bastard. My turn now."

His face was so beautiful then, as he watched me. I could see him watching with fear, and lust, and trust as I ripped open the packet of condoms, slipping the sheath into place before coating it with a liberal dose of the special cherry flavoured lube. I had no idea how much to use, but I figured a lot.

His smile was back, and I could see him enjoying the sight of me taking charge. I remembered this was why I loved him after all; because he loved me, in all things. Even enough to give a slightly maddened and horny Border Collie his cherry after he had been given mine, because he liked making me happy. And hopefully, if I did it right, he would like it because it made him feel good too.

He spread his thighs wide, and gripped them behind my back, as I slid into position between his legs. I felt my dingo's paws on my butt, his claws resting on my fur but not pressing in, as he looked into my eyes, his own eyes wide and staring. Then he nodded, and kissed my muzzle, and pressed and in moments I was in heaven as he grunted into my kiss and tensed his body until the pain went away, as I knew it would.

Then we made slow love for a long time before the deep heat of his ass drove me to wild powerful thrusts, and the grip of his paws on my butt became more insistent and more painful to resist.

"Do...do you want?"


I pulled back a long way, ramming hard against his body as he cried out against my shoulder, but it took a few before his hole yielded to the thrusts and I felt my knot spread him wide. Then suddenly I was hilted, belly against his cock, his own knot and balls jerking in the throes of orgasm, and his wild dingo howl filled the night, louder than anything we made down at the creek. My own howl was not far behind, my needy cock spraying the condom in my lover's depths with liquid fire as we came together, enjoying this new thing we had been given and realising this was just the beginning.

As we lay together afterwards, we kissed and I noticed he was still grinning. I rubbed my nose on his and he chuckled.

"What now?"

"Well, I think we were pretty loud then."

"Yeah, I think so too."

"You think your gran heard?"

"I think the fucking district heard. I'm ok with it though."

"Oh? Why?"

"Well...at least it will have scared the fucking sheep."

I wanted to hold on forever then, but it was destined not to be, because a new and unwelcome sound came through the window.


"Oh fuck, Nibbles is stuck again! We must have startled him."

It was a moment before we realised the predicament. Here we were, locked in a post orgasmic embrace, my cock and knot still buried in Danny's tailhole. We just looked at each other, both subconsciously looking for a way out, but none presented itself. Eventually Danny closed his eyes and groaned, gripping the bedclothes and grimacing as I prepared to pull my still very full knot from his ass.

"Wait a second Paul..."

"Ok but.."

"Ive got..something important to say first..."

I waited, smiling at the thought of my dingo boyfriend being all gooey. He looked so serious, like he had reached some sort of epiphany.

"Say away boyfriend."

"Thanks mate. It's just....I think I have to agree with you now..."


"Yeah...................I fucking hate sheep too."

Hope - Fate of the Herd Chapter 6

**_Brokke_** We trotted through many long passageways until I was as bewildered as a newly delivered colt. None of what I was seeing corresponded to my memories, and I realised we were being taken to a part of the city I had never been to...

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Mating - Fate of the Herd Chapter 5

**_Brokke_** When I woke, I was in bed, with Thoerdek nuzzled up against me. I could smell his scent, and feel his body, the warm comforting presence of my fellow stallion so good right now, after what I had been through. My limbs ached, probably...

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Collection - Fate of the Herd Chapter 4

**_Valeria._** I watched him being led to the display room, his coat shining after the care lavished by Thoerdek. His shoulder was healing fast thanks to proper medical attention, a small bandage the only sign of his injury. His mane had been washed...

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