Right to the Top

Story by Zwoosh on SoFurry

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Warning: Gay 18+

This story contains steamy man-on-man sex. Ain't your cup of tea? Don't read then. I will not be held accountable if you are underage (meaning you must be 18 or over) or if such content offends or disturbs you. If it is illegal to view such material in your country or local area then you are to leave this page immediately.You have been warned. You will read at your own risk. All the characters involved in this story are of legal consenting age.

Title: Right to the Top

Features: M/M

Length: 5454 Words

Species: Lion and Dragon

Description: Ash is lured to the infamous Kaiser Studios by Theo, and there he meets a surprising individual.

Kaiser is © to DrkKaiser

Ash and plot are © to me.

It had been several weeks since Ash had been lured in by the charm of the domineering zebra. He'd found himself oddly transfixed with Theodore; perhaps it was the attraction of a decent male who knew where he was going in life and had a twinkle in his eye that made him shudder, or maybe it was because no matter how hard the small lion tried he always found himself naked and with a collar around his neck whenever they seemed to meet. It was by no means a regular thing. In fact, whilst Ash would probably consider this to be something akin to dating, he knew in his head that Theo was just using him as a toy. Whenever his phone rang with that specially assigned ring tone, he'd go running to the male that had shown him the true meaning of submitting.

But this time was different. There had come that special tune, and Ash with racing heart had answered, expecting to be told to get his fuzzy arse over to the zebra's place in less than ten minutes or he'd face punishment. But no, Theo had seemed cool and collected, usually like he did after sex. There was no taint of need, no sound of rampant lust in his voice. He casually struck up a conversation with the lion until his beating heart had calmed to a steady rate, and eventually the cat had fallen idle. The call was completely unsuspected, but then there came the catch he'd been waiting for. Theo told him that he was expected somewhere, and that he had to go or else the zebra would know. It was a sordid thought; that the zebra was now taking on a whole new filthier role, acting almost a pimp would with their escorts. Ash wasn't sure about the whole idea, it seemed somewhat edgy to have another man speak for him, but he decided to play along just this once. If he didn't like it, he'd say 'no' the next time, and if Theo persisted, he'd break off all contact. Having wild, rough sex was great and all, but Ash could get by just fine without. He'd been pretty much a sexual hermit before the zebra, and he could easily go back to being one were it not for the male's overpowering spell he'd managed to hold over him.

Here he stood now, slightly bewildered as he walked up to the steps of 'Kaiser Studios'. He'd certainly heard about them. Not that he would care to admit it, but he had a vast collection of both films and magazines they produced back at his flat. When Theo had told him to go there, part of him had gotten excited, like a little kid on Christmas Day, but deep down he worried what might be in store for him. He might be an unsuspecting stare in some porno, like the one's he'd seen, or maybe they were going to discuss casting him in another... Even as gross as that may sound to the common fur, for Ash this was a dream come true.

He had to hide the light skip in his step as he went through the doors and walked up to the front desk, scanning about the reception area. It seemed pretty dull, nothing that would lead you to predict the studios true nature were you oblivious to its name. If anything, Ash felt like he'd more walked into a clinic's waiting room than a lobby for a porn giant.

"Excuse me," Ash announced politely, his voice already attempting to make itself small and hideaway with the rush of apprehension. The pert fox at the desk looked up, spotting the timid lion that stood before and put aside her pen. "I'm here for... Well I don't know what I'm here for." It was true. He had no clue, and Theo hadn't been any help in explaining what was going on. He'd just been given an order and was now fulfilling it, "Theodore Lincoln sent me?"

"One moment," the young lady turned her attention to the computer before her, her finely painted claws clicking at the mouse button as she sorted through files. She seemed confused for a moment, then blanched. Her face became slightly gaunt, worried almost and quite certainly shocked. Hastily, she made herself look busy, and brushed aside the documents and turned back to Ash, "You're... Um... You're expected in Studio A. First door on the left..."

"Is there something I should know?" Ash warily asked, looking up from her to the corridor she'd just pointed down. It was just a mere hallway, and had no air of menace to it, but now that Ash finally had the fox's reaction to go by, the seemingly innocent corridor now felt like a path to unspeakable horrors.

"No!" The fox blurted, suddenly forcing on a smile and trying her best to gather her composure, "Just... Not many have met him, and very few often leave without... Well, he has his ways, and when he's finished you really won't be walking right for probably a month." Sex; that was the first fact Ash could glean from her warning. The next thing was that whoever this was they were either a trophy porn star or possibly somebody even more important. He had no idea though, and he would've asked for more than just an ambiguous if not strangely accurate warning but the fox ushered him off, "Go. It's best not to keep him waiting."

With a huge lump forming in his throat, and the sudden desire to turn tail and just bolt out of there now sitting in the pit of his stomach, Ash took one heavy step after the other towards the doors that read 'Studio A' in capitol print. His feet became like blocks of lead that refused to cooperate, but he carried on walking. He didn't know what compelled him to, other than that he simply must. If not to find out for himself what was waiting on the other side, then at least to prevent Theo from taking it out on him later. He closed the gap between him and the door, his paw now resting on the cool metal of the handle. His body froze, now rigid as he waited. This was the last chance to turn tail and run. Once inside he doubted escape would remain as an option. Tapping his foot impatiently, he bit his bottom lip and frowned in undecided confusion.

Ash clenched his eyes shut. His paw tightened around the smooth handle and pushed downward. With a rewarding click, it unlocked itself, and the lion slunk into the room, sneaking around the door so as to not attract attention to his entry for whatever was awaiting him. Gently, as though the door were made of the finest paper, he closed it, making sure it latched without too much of a resonating clack. Once certain his entrance had been anything but loud, he padded tentatively forwards, scanning the new found environment.

He was in a darkened space, with a lit up stage just beyond him. Chairs and recording equipment dotted the large room, with a web of cables that thread themselves across the floor. Spotlights had been erected at the far corners, and around the edges of the shaded area. Pushed to the walls and out of sight were boxes of props and clothes rails of costumes preserved within vacuum packed bags. Ash spied just further beyond that and nearer to the set an incredibly large trolley of some kind, with draws and compartments. On the table beside it, laid out in a colourful array, were many toys and sex aids, and the blushing lion looked away before he began to pry too much and begin to enjoy himself. He stepped up into the lighted portion of the room, looking back the way he had come so as to get a full view. Nobody was around. The place was deserted; so much for some big surprise.

Behind Ash came a soft squeal of something moving. It was a light enough sound, but it nearly made the ditzy feline jump out of his fur. Already assuming a role of begging, wishing not to be harmed for trespassing, he cast his head in a low bow, ears splayed to the sides and his eyes looking up through the strands of his short cut mane that hung across his vision. The set seemed to be some kind of office scene, complete with a fancy looking desk and an expertly painted backdrop of the city skyline. Off to the side, props had already been assembled of folders, pens, papers, and other stationery. But it was who was sat behind the desk that took Ash's attention most - the person responsible for the noise.

Sat in the plush-looking office chair fit for any CEO was a bulking red dragon. His scales were of a smooth shiny crimson from afar, though up close heralded even a slight roughness to the touch. Folded behind him were his wings, though small now, could probably have stretched from end to end of the room. They were leathery looking, though sturdy and intimidating. The dragon's gaze was stern, though mischievous. It was unnerving to the lion as this nameless beast continued to watch the cat fidget and squirm upon the spot, adopting his submission already. Holding a phone to his head, the dragon seemed to be in conversation with someone,

"Yes... He's here." There was a weighted pause. "Just arrived now; poor little thing looks like he's ready to piss his pants." Another pause followed by a laugh that descended into a chortle, "Really? No kidding! Well... I can see why you like him." Ash had no idea what was going on, he just remained fixed to the spot where he was standing, his paws wrangling themselves in his nervousness, "He's certainly model material. Could even be an extra in one of our films... Alright Theo thanks again. Speak soon." With that, the dragon snapped his flip phone shut, ending the call and now directing his fullest attention at the anxious lion before him. Theo had set him up... He'd practically loaned him out to be the eye candy for some weirdo dragon. His mind was charging its way through what might happened next, and all ash wanted was to hope that whatever did happen didn't result in him taking a trip to a hospital.

The dragon rose from his chair, pulling himself to the full height that he was. Ash looked up, now even more mortified as the behemoth of a scaly stood at what looked to be nearly a proud seven feet. He wore the most elegant looking of suits, and had a crisp clean smell of cologne about him. His horns were buffed and polished to a clean shine, and his three piece suit was made of a dark navy, a colour that was almost borderline black. The dragon folded his arms - they barely crossed over his barrelled chest - and he walked with purpose across the set and then over to where the meek lion stood. Like a vulture to its prey, he circled once maybe twice, looking from this angle and that perspective, drinking in his image. There were a few appreciative grunts and growls that emanated from the dragon's thick chest, but other than that not a word was ever directed at Ash. After one final circle more about the big cat, the dragon took a few steps back and gave a wry smirk of his lips,

"You have no idea who I am, do you?" Ash shook his head, instantly reverting to the honesty and lack of speaking. He wouldn't speak; not unless it was necessary or if he was told to. The dragon chuckled, "I'm just known as Kaiser to pretty much everybody... I own this here fine establishment. I built this empire from producing my own stuff in a rented out flat with men and women who'd do anything for a bit of cash and had decent enough bodies. Now, I run the most successful porn studios of the modern world." His smile had seemed to double in size, his white fangs glinting with a knowing authority. Kaiser unfolded his arms and gestured to the set surrounding them both, "This is just one of many films I make today, alongside our successful toy ranges, clothing lines, and modelling facilities. I'm pretty much the top of the top. You're making pornographic history here, boy." Ash gulped. Only Theo talked to him like that. Like he was lower, like he was to serve and that this was his place. He could already feel the brain matter in his head screaming at him to kneel, to obey, and to serve. Why, he couldn't explain it, but all he wanted was to rip off the suit and bask in the glow of a domineering male like the Kaiser. The lust was already beginning to show its heated presence in Ash's eyes, and the Kaiser spotted that all too familiar twinkle.

"Boys like you... They're perfect for this world. You are obedient, and you are sexy, and you're going to do damn well as you're told," he said firmly, striding quickly up to Ash and towering over him, "Theo wants me to give you a chance, to see if you can't earn more than that shitty coffee job you've got in that café. He says you're like no slut he's ever seen... So let's prove that, shall we?" When Ash didn't provide an answer, mostly because he thought the question was rhetoric, he earned himself a harsh slap across his ass. Whilst clothed, he still felt the brutal sting of searing pain as that overly large paw whacked him.

"Shall we?" Kaiser reiterated, pronouncing each syllable loudly and with meaning, as though he were talking to a dumber person. Ash whimpered, paws nervously stroking themselves again as he forced his voice to squeak out,

"Yes sir."

"Good..." Kaiser growled happily, excited to see that it had taken very little for the lion to already enter his state of submission. He went off to the side, to where Ash had spotted the toys and trinkets before. The dragon seemed busy with himself, picking out what he wanted before moving back to the lion. His natural size made most seem small to him, and so the otherwise large room now felt a little bit smaller, and its spaciousness was now gone and replaced with the effect of closure. He held something up for Ash to see, opening up the gruff paw to show him what he'd brought back.

He had a collar and leash, the sort used on brutish dogs, complete with chains and spikes. There was a rich leather smell, and the collar itself looked to be quite thick and powerful. Ash was already weak at the sight of it, his mind driving in on itself as he knew exactly where the collar would be going. Dutifully, he raised his chin, allowing the dragon to reach around him and fasten the collar on with ease. It was tightened around his neck until it was a snug but comfortable fit. Ash reached up with a wary paw and prodded at one of the protruding spikes now affixed to the band around his neck. It felt unusual, to have something artificial pressed so intimately against him, and he could feel the weight of the leash dangling down from where it connected itself to him. Kaiser took the leash within one paw, giving it an experimental tug; Ash was forced to lurch forward, moved by a power outside of his control. Already he could feel himself growing within the confines of his underwear, a heavy blush setting itself upon his cheeks.

Kaiser let go of the leather leash, allowing it to fall lax against Ash's torso. He grumbled, his hand running down his suit as it brushed over his already sizable bulge, giving himself a fond squeeze. This would work out just nicely...

"Get out of your clothes boy." Ash didn't respond immediately, the dragon snapped his fingers, baring his fangs, "Now!"

Ash leapt out of his fur nearly, his paws, whilst shaky, went to remove his clothes with the quickest haste. He shivered as the dragon watched him, like a leering onlooker who was but a faceless man that had no connection to him. It was surreal; a high profile individual, dressed in the smartest suit and clearly miles above Ash was watching him expose himself. It was power play at its finest, and by the time the whimpering lion had brought himself to the final piece of clothing, he was already sporting wood. He tented the underwear of his boxers, a damp spot of pre beading through the fabric. Kaiser watched on, snapping his fingers once more and pointing to the remaining coverage Ash boasted. The lion hesitated, his footpaw dusting itself across the bare ground, and it rewarded him with a cuff around the back of his head. Ash winced, looking shocked as the dragon had asserted his place physically. It didn't hurt, but it made him whine in humiliation,

"Do as you're told. I can't be dealing with disobedient boys."

Obediently, knowing now his options in the situation were speedily narrowing down to a single absolute, he pulled down his underwear and revealed himself fully to the dragon. There was a low growl that rumbled from within Kaiser's chest, rose through his throat and echoed about the empty studio. For a moment, Ash feared somebody might find them, suddenly wary he was in a very vulnerable position in a very alien place; a random fur might just casually stroll in, expecting to pick up something they'd forgotten, only to be met with the sight of a nude lion and their big boss ordering him around. A moment of amusement flashed across Ash's mind. It'd probably just be an everyday thing for them - this was a pornographic filming studio after all. Another snap of Kaiser's razor claws brought him back to the real world, to what was happening there and then,

"Undress me boy. Let's see how good you can look for the camera."

The lion whimpered, now suddenly very aware of his surroundings. Prickles on the back of his neck made him look back slightly, noticing a camera that was erected in the shadows. A small pinprick red dot glared back at him with an abrupt burning intensity, and it unfeelingly watched him, brightly lit and unceasing. Now fearing somebody else might be watching, the lion approached his commander with nervousness. His paws, still ever shaking, reached up towards the stomach of the dragon, plucking at the blazer's buttons. They popped free easily enough, and the sides swung apart to reveal the next column of the waistcoat. Ash undid them too, moving downwards slowly, stood slightly to one side for the camera to see. Kaiser helped him by shrugging off these meaningless pieces of clothing, and allowed the lion to turn his attention to the buttons of the shirt. He pulled the tie out and away, the knot sliding until it undid itself, and the strip of expensively crafted fabric fell to the floor. The shirt was luxurious smooth to the touch and Ash could see the fine stitching and work having gone into it. It took some fiddling but he moved once more downward, undoing each button in turn. Gradually, more and more of the Kaiser's torso came into view. First was his bulging chest and pectorals, followed by the groove that ran down his muscles, dividing the abdominal muscles and a neat line. Ash's paws slowed for a moment, taking the in power that exuded from those muscles. He wondered how many had submitted to them before him, how many had been reduced to quivering furs who wanted nothing more than to get onto all fours and raise their tails for him. Without even seeing what the dragon was packing downstairs, he was already anticipating what was to come with fervent delight. Ash gently tugged out the hem of the shirt, finally pulling it off the dragon's arms. He was now fully bared, his body rippling with prowess that must've taken years. It had been a struggle the top portion, due to the dragon's enormous size that bordered absurdity, but Ash had completed half of his designated task.

From now it would be easier, but the lion couldn't help but throb at the thought of what lurked in Kaiser's trousers. He knelt down, just as the Kaiser took up the end of the leash again, and those paws sought out the shining buckle of the belt. Prising away the metal pin, Ash freed the leather strap and the belt came loose. His fingers than went for the fly, undoing it quickly and then pulling away the trousers. Kaiser kicked off his shoes, seemingly uncaring that they probably cost him hundreds and treating them as though they were his worn out slippers. The trousers then came off swiftly, and the dragon was left standing in briefs and socks. Ash was about to go for the underwear with keen eagerness, but the leash was tugged hard, and a foot came up to push him down, pressing against his shoulder. His nose was then mashed against the ripe socks, breathing in their scent of musk and sweat. Ash gagged a little before he grew used to the smell, and gradually become accustomed to the position and the taste it left in his mouth. Warily he pulled at the fabric, peeling away the socks and exposing the feet. Without thinking he stuck his tongue out, running that rasping muscle across the sole of the dragon. Kaiser leant back against the desk, his paws brushing aside paperwork that was part of the set onto the floor to make way for him to sit. The lion went to work, running his tongue over those soles with vigour and his mouth soon filled with the taste of heady sweat. It wasn't something he had ever known before. Theo had hooves instead, not footpaws, and so the experience was totally knew. He was even further beneath a male than he could ever get, and he loved it. Alternating to the other foot Ash began the licking anew and he whimpered as he felt that now slick foot rub against his bared rump that was lifted high into the air. He felt the toes brush against his hole, the rim winking and twitching each time a rough digit passed over it.

Though, after a while of admiring the dragon's feet, Ash was brought back upwards again by the command of the leash. His head was brought level with Kaiser's crotch, and from that distance he could feel the heat of his sex. Dutifully, Ash reached up, pulling down on the briefs and letting the manhood spring free. He was barely paying attention as the dragon kicked his undergarments away across the set as that meaty cock bounced and bobbed in front of him. It was unlike anything he'd ever encountered before in his days of submission. Whilst he had grown used and even found of Theo's cock - which he worshipped daily if he could - this was something new and exotic. The whole length was ridged with smooth looking grooves, and bumped with what looked to be like dull spines. It was a darker colour than the dragon's red scales though, and veered more towards a blackened crimson than the brighter shades. It drooled an unusually thick pre, and the whole shaft shone with the smeared fluids. The slit at the head looked like an obscene eye, and it stared back at Ash as he gawped at it. At the base were two very large and very brutal looking balls that swung low and freely. They filled out the sack nicely that they were nestled in, and it took two paws for Ash to just about to cup one of them. He might have guessed that the dragon's member was about the equivalent to his thigh, and maybe just as long, though he didn't want to quibble over the details. It was just huge in his books - massive, even.

"What are you waiting for boy?" Kaiser cut in, taking a casual pull on the leash to draw Ash's attention away from just staring at his endowment, "Are you going to just stare at it all day, or are you going to do what you want and suck it? It's going up that ass of yours regardless, so best enjoy it while you still feel your ass."

Ash blushed, the redness burning on his cheeks. Even though it had been a dark warning, he was anxious to get it inside him, to feel it claiming his ass. Now set on a new goal, Ash opened his muzzle as wide as he could, attempting to fit the monster into his mouth. The girth and length made it impossible for him to take it all, but it didn't stop him from licking and suckling along its sides, paying attention to its balls, and by drinking down every last drop of pre that dribbled from the tip. Kaiser growled once more, his head leant back and a stray paw reaching up to his nipple to tweak at it, heightening his senses. Ash took extra care to make sure he paid attention to the cock in its entirety; he refused to leave a single inch unwashed with his tongue, and so he doubled over himself, lapping with need. He stroked his own cock briefly, but a heavy foot brushed it away, making him whine but concede. He was not to touch himself - that much was clear - so his own maleness went unsatisfied and begging to be gifted with a single stroke of pleasure.

It didn't take much longer for Kaiser to feel that it was time to bend Ash over. He must have been pushed further than he'd anticipated what with the lion's foot worship and attentive suckling to his cock. He pulled the lion up, guiding him over with the leash, and head him put his paws onto the desk, back bent slightly so that his ass was protruding outwards for the camera at the perfect elevation. Ash looked down upon the glossy surface of the desk, panting hard as he waited for what was to come. Those beefy paws roamed and slapped his ass, rubbing a slick liquid down his crack and pushing into his hole. A warm heat travelled through him wherever this gel touched, and he could feel himself relaxing, all the touches becoming welcoming and intense. Ash was blissfully unaware as Kaiser numbed the pain receptors of his ass, and had already pushed in two fingers straight to the knuckle. The hole enveloped them nicely, with a caressing seal around the rim. More was added, and Ash continued to moan and grunt, unaware he was now being spread to four fingers, and then even a thumb as Kaiser worked him open. When the dragon's paw could slip freely into and out of the lion's stretched ass he finally deemed him ready; he lifted his hefty member, giving it a few fond strokes before he lined up the tapered tip with the lewd hole.

Pulling back on the leash, Kaiser made Ash force himself back onto his cock. The lion stumbled a bit, grunting as he felt himself open up around that cock, a tool that he would have thought impossible to take. But slowly he shuffled back, his ass folding around each ridge as it came, inch after inch sucked into his depths. He swore he felt that tip push at some unseen part of him he thought he'd never reach, and then he felt Kaiser travel deeper. Ash was soon a moaning mess, panting as his breath escaped him, and pressed balls deep against a giant dragon that had him arching his back and succumbing to the leather leash and collar. It was brutal and raw, but the lion knew he loved it deep down; his cock spewed thin streams of pre across the desk, spattering it with sticky off-white seed.

The fucking was harsh and unforgiving; Kaiser went at it right from the word 'go'. His pace was powerful and unrelenting, and he utilised the extra dimension of play that the leash gave him to the fullest advantage. He would push forward with his hips to make Ash bounce off his cock, and then he yanked the leash back, forcing the lion to get slammed back into his lap. That head would smash against the lion's prostate hard each time, causing him to yelp and squirm in a futile effort to grow comfortable. The lube was doing its job well enough, so that despite the monster size that Kaiser had been blessed with, the lion was still taking it like it was nothing more than an average zebra dick. The sight of the lion's hole stretching and accommodating the dragon's meat so nicely was something to behold, and Kaiser made sure to get a few good shots of the dribbling rim, all puffed up and well used as he rutted with him.

It didn't take long for the Kaiser to begin to feel the onset of his orgasm. His balls were already churning before the lion had even walked into the room as he'd been sent pictures of the submissive male in all sorts of positions and scenarios, each to varying degrees of nudity. The zebra had sold the lion out to be 'interviewed' by the great dragon himself, to test his worth as a potential porn star, or at least as a call boy. Kaiser had been sceptical at first, but after today he had changed his mind. He sped up, his balls making a loud slapping sound as they bashed against Ash's own, dwarfing him in size. He made a few final thrusts from tip to base, burying himself in as deep as possible until, with a mighty roar that shook the room, he let loose his torrents of dragon jizz.

Ash howled, mewling pathetically as his gut suddenly flared up with an impressive heat, cum spilling into his hole at an alarming rate. It had shot so deep into him that he had been taken aback by its force and intensity, but he could only savour its delight and thickness as it slugged about his abdomen. It felt like a heavy weight, saved alongside the exotic cock that had claimed his hole, and he too finally shot his load. It was a pitiful amount, as Theo always made sure to keep the lion's balls drained so that he wouldn't be looking elsewhere for pleasure, but it streaked across the desk and made its mark nonetheless. Kaiser gave those plump globes of Ash's buttocks a firm and powerful slap with his free paw, the other still holding the leash and keeping the lion bent back onto him. That hole was kissing his base nicely, and he could see the drools of cum oozing out around the rim. He pulled out slowly, giving another spank to Ash as the head fell free, followed by a river of cum that spilt and dribbled down lion's taint in a thick tongue, dripping onto the floor. Kaiser looked to the camera and gave it a thumbs-up, accompanied by a wink. He'd definitely love to see this boy on camera again and preferably for the masses of horny men too.

He had Ash turn around, led by the lead, and had him get onto all fours and lick his cock clean. The lion obediently licked and suckled at the cum and juices from his ass, eyes half lidded and totally relaxed; he had given in to the dragon now too, and was now properly owned by two males. He had the potential to be so much more than what Theo envisioned for him. Ash could become the hottest slave Kaiser had ever known. He groped and held apart the lion's cheeks for the camera to see the dragon's handiwork, and he couldn't wait to see the film afterwards of what that hole must look like, leaking cum so freely.

"Well boy," he growled happily, stroking the lion's face with a spare paw as he sucked on the tip, trying to eat up the last dregs of cum he could get, "You've got another male who'll be wanting to see a whole lot more of you."

Ash could only give an appreciative moan in response.

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