Maze Of The Mistress

Story by KayrinSF on SoFurry

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A new recruit in the Mistress' harem of henchboys finds himself braving the dangers of her newest defense system.

A Story Sale commission for YukiVaneller (on FA) featuring her Half-Raccoon Half-Fox character, Tecurai!

I really enjoyed writing this story and I feel it shows in how it flows. Maybe I'm a little biased, however, since this kind of thing is near and dear to my own personal interests. I played with a few new things in here... not extensively, but the inclusion of living latex kinda fit the "ooze/slime" theme that pops up elsewhere in the story.

I'm planning to move the Mistress more into the realm of "supervillainess", which had been the character's original concept. Cute boys competing was something that was added to the character, and I'd like to find more of a balance between the two themes. The extravagent lair, overly complicated traps, dedicated but expendable henchboys and-- in future stories-- the way she handles her evil plots will all be geared towards this goal.

As a commission I didn't want to absolutely load this story down and run up the number of pages (a profitable, but dickish, move) so this isn't as fleshed out as it could be. I may add a brief epilogue to this one, however!

Anyway, enjoy some boys running a non-lethal labyrinth of slime and ecstasy, guys!

Tecurai (c) YukiVanEller (on FA)

The Mistress (c) OuranBerry (on FA)

Kay & Story (c) KayrinSF

Tecurai was lost.

The wide halls of the compound had begun to form a maze-like prison in the tall Raccox's mind. The sunlight which streamed through the windows, and the clouds which were laid bare to his wide eyes did little to diminish the worry the boy felt in the pit of his stomach; he was going to be late, She wouldn't be happy!

The announcement had been blunt, but it had been succinct in its brevity. The boys of dorm room four and six were to gather in the Mistress' new wing for a challenge. The message, as brief as it had been, did not explain what the challenge would entail. The boys had been eager to please as usual, however, and the Raccox's dorm-mates had quickly readied themselves and left for the staging grounds. The Raccox hadn't been far behind, but as he wandered the halls in search of his destination the boy found himself wishing he'd been a little quicker, or a little less shy about asking for directions.

Despite the henchboys who hurried about their duties all around Tecurai, he still found himself unable to approach any of them directly. His cheeks flushed at the thought and he found himself feeling all the more conscious of his outfit. Like the other boys of his dorm, the Raccox had been outfitted with a simple pair of white panties, a single pink stripe running down the hips of the less than modest briefs. A pink jersey, or rather a t-shirt made to look like a jersey, hung snugly from his shoulders. His name was emblazoned across the back, and a large 45 sat directly beneath it. Even as the boy walked-- pink sneakers nearly silent on the pale marble tiling-- he felt one of his paws tugging at his thigh high stockings which made his legs seem thinner than they already were.. At first Tecurai had been unsure about the uniform, but the Mistress Herself had insisted and one did not defy Her! Just the thought of Her tender touch, the scent of Her perfume and the warmth of Her eyes had the Raccox's knees trembling.

"You look lost."

The voice drew a little jolt from the daydreaming Raccox. It was only as he turned his attention to its owner that he realized he had stopped walking and was leaning against the smooth, cool stone of the wall. Before Tecurai stood a snow leopard, white pelt marred only by a series of pale grey rosettes. The feline seemed, at a glance, to be only a few inches taller than the Raccox. The feline wore a uniform similar to Tecurai's, though predominantly blue rather than pink. The Raccox's blush deepened for the barest of seconds before he stammered out an answer.

"A-Ah, yeah. I was supposed to... unh... do you know where the new wing is?" The Raccox's words gained speed as he spoke, as though he were rushing to get it over with.

"Dorm four, eh?" asked the leopard, not answering Tecurai's question as he sized the boy up.

"How'd you...?"

"Each dorm has its own uniform for team games. Or rather, colour" explained the leopard, gesturing with his head for the Raccox to follow him before turning and heading down the hallway. "She likes to keep Her boys well-organized."

"Well, what dorm are you?" the Raccox replied, hurrying to catch up with the feline. The leopard only spared a quick glance for the other boy, a grin creasing his lips as he did.

"Dorm six." The answer sunk into the Raccox after a second or two of thought.

"Dorm six? That means..."

"We're competing today, yeah. So you'd better bring your A-game, kid. Most of us wouldn't be so friendly about it, but..." the leopard trailed off, letting the words hang in the air amidst the sounds of the henchboys they passed chatting quietly amongst themselves.

"But?" inquired the Raccox, his gait slowing as he looked to the leopard expectantly.

"You're new. That's all, She would want me to show you around, ya know?" The leopard was lying, at least in part. The Raccox simply nodded, however. "I'm Kay, by the way."


"Oh, I remember you now. You were the one that tried to stop Her... when... last week, yeah? The Masked Bandit?" The leopard's tone took on an almost teasing edge to it as he recalled the Raccox's hero moniker, his voice puffing up in a show of feigned extravagance.

"Well, I AM a Raccox..." replied the boy somewhat defensively, he looked towards Kay, seeing the uncertainty in the leopard's eyes. "My mother was a raccoon, but my dad was a fox." The Raccox paused again hesitantly, "...seemed like a good idea. I just hadn't known how wrong the academy had been." The Raccox had to stop himself from sighing out elatedly. "They told me She was evil, I had no idea how warm She is though, how loving, how..." the boy searched for the right word for longer than he should have had to, finally finishing with an anti-climactic, "...good She is." The leopard's arm came up to point down a small side-hall.

"Down here." The cat made no attempt to answer the Raccox's comment and instead just turned and moved down the narrow side passage himself. The windows were gone and only a line of buzzing fluorescent lights lit the less extravagant walls of the hallway. Though some attempt had been made to decorate the passage, it was clear this served a more utilitarian purpose than the grand causeways which made up the main halls of the complex. When they exited the passageway the Raccox was taken aback by the sight which awaited him. It was an enormous space capped by a large dome set in the roof. The dome itself was made of thin-- hopefully tempered-- glass which had been tinted to give an almost surrealistic orange sheen to the sunlight which filtered through it. It was only after Tecurai had stared at it for a moment that he realized it was the same orange as Her eyes, as though She had grown huge and was looking down on them.

The room itself was teeming with the sounds of voices and movement. Nearly fifty boys had been gathered for the game and most of them had already arrived, blue and pink shirts mingling as they chatted and teased each other playfully.

"Oh my, look at all these boys!" the voice oozed through the air, stilling every other sound in the room. Each word slid into the next; like auditory pheromones, they crept into the mind of each of the gathered henchboys, and drew their attention upwards with an eager smile. There was no sign of Her, but the Mistress' voice was enough for now. "It seems I've found my way to the other end of my newest defense system; a trivial problem for my most devoted henchboys, of course, but I suppose we'll see." The voice ceased and for the barest hint of a second, the air seemed emptier for it.

A soft murmur rose amongst the gathered boys, uncertainty marred only by the briefest hint of bravado.

"So, what no--" Tecurai found himself cut off by the rumble of the ground as it shifted beneath him. Before the amazed eyes of the gathered contestants, the centre of the room rose up like the head of some great serpent. The interlocked marble tiling of the room shifted, reforming and moulding itself into a stairwell twirling downwards into darkness. The interior walls of the stairwell seemed almost cave-like, standing in stark contrast to the well polished extravagance of the room it now stood in. The boys stood and stared for several moments before a stirring amongst the crowd signalled the first to dare to move.

Several of the braver boys had already begun to slip towards the mouth of the stairwell; clearly She had meant for them to enter! A jaguar led the way, his steps cautious as he glanced back towards the others who were following his lead. There were four, each looking to the jaguar as both a leader, and potential warning of any dangers. The cavernous maw of the stairs yawned before the wide-eyed boys. Others had begun to move by now, most taking their own first tentative steps forward. The room, as large as it was, had been mostly filled by the entrance to whatever awaited them.

It wasn't until the feline had hit the fifteenth step that something happened. The other four at the head of the pack had quickened their descent, seeing the jaguar's safety as a promise of their own.

"Such bad boys!" the voice returned sharply. "A good henchboys does not move until he's told to!" the sharpness of Her voice was blunted by the obvious enjoyment that hid behind it. The five boys, ears perking upright, cried out in near unison as small darts peppered their poorly covered bodies. The darts were tiny, hard to see but easy to hear as they fired from the walls like some long-lost Incan deathtrap. The points were only long enough to pierce the outer layers of skin before falling harmlessly out once more; it was just deep enough to deliver their payload before the nerves even knew they were there. "Let this be a lesson to the rest of you --much better behaved-- boys." Once again the air seemed to lose something as the voice ceased, each of the boys turning their now rapt attention on their writing opponents.

The five boys felt as though they had just been tickled by a forceful breeze but this one had left them desperately horny. Surprised cries soon gave way to fevered panting and rolling hips as the boys arched their backs and let their muzzles fall open in sudden ecstasy. It wasn't long until the first of them, a green eyed tiger in a blue jersey, lost himself in all that pleasure. Thick cum pulsed into the thin silky fabric of his panties, the tip of the tented briefs glistening as his cum soaked into them. The others followed quickly. By the time the Bengal Tiger had slid down the wall to sit motionlessly at its base, the jaguar and a cheetah had also cum. The jaguar's aching cock sent a thick arc of his cream through the stretched fabric of his underwear as he crumpled to his knees and then onto his side. Within a minute of him falling, five boys lay motionless amidst the swirling stairs. Their briefs were dark with cum, their eyes half-lidded and blank in a state of unabashed pleasure.


The others moved immediately, stepping over the bodies of the five fallen boys as the remaining contestants ventured down into the unknown. Tecurai was amongst them, stepping gingerly over the body of a sprawled out panther even as the rush of the other boys threatened to overwhelm him like a wave. Ahead, Tecurai could see the back of Kay's head as the leopard hurried as best he could amidst the crowd.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Tecurai was amazed to see an earthen tunnel that branched off into four directions. The walls of the space were hewn stone, cyclopean in scale. It was only as he sidestepped a rushing foxboy and found himself pressing against the wall that the boy realized they were metal. His paw traced along the wall for a moment before he realized the area around him had quieted. The flow of eager, rushing boys had stopped. The Raccox realized that meant he was at the back of the pack! A sudden panic gripped the boy's mind as he picked a tunnel and hurried down it.

The walls of the maze, as the boy had already guessed this was, bore an eerie familiarity no matter where the Raccox looked. Occasionally a tunnel branched off into more dark passages and the Raccox quickly found himself lost. Had he been here before already? The question plagued Tecurai's mind as he found himself growing more desperate, his cock already beginning to ooze precum as he tried to imagine how he would explain himself to Her! He would get lost, and come in last--voices cut off the boy's worried thoughts.

"Down this way I think" the voice drew the Raccox towards it; the thought safety in numbers buzzed in his head. Turning a corner he was greeted by the sight of two other boys, a pink shirt and blue shirt working together it seemed. She had not specified there would be teams, each boy on their own for this one... unless...

"Hey! Hey guys!" Tecurai called out and hurried towards the pair, his still-stiff cock jostling in his pre-cum scented briefs as he ran.

"New guy" sighed one of the two, a bluebird Tecurai had never seen before. The other was the fox that had nearly run into him earlier, both of them looking sceptically at the Raccox as if expecting him to only slow them down.

"Whatever, lets go" answered the fox quickly as he turned and continued on his way down the pathway. He said nothing about, or to, Tecurai, uncaring whether the new guy followed them or not. As it turned out, Tecurai found himself glad that they were moving ahead of him. Nearly fifteen feet behind the pair in the hallway, Tecurai had plenty of warning as the ground gave way beneath the pair.

The blue jay plummeted immediately, unable to spread his wings in such a cramped space! Tecurai heard his short cry, the sound echoing in the passageway before being cut short by a soft *thlurp* that had the Raccox hurrying to the edge of the newly formed pit. When he reached the edge, he could see the fox still hanging onto the lip of the floor by a single paw. The quick-breathing fox hung above a pit nearly twenty feet deep. At its bottom, however, lay a pool of some thick, viscous, ooze. The bluejay had hit it with enough force for him to sink quickly into its embrace. His wings flapped helplessly as they were dragged in with the rest of his squirming body. Tecurai had to fight the urge to stroke his own needy prick as he watched the blue jay fall still--rendered unconscious, but alive, in the depths of the ooze.

"Hey, bud, come on! Help me up, yeah? We can team up?" he smiled hopefully up at the grinning Raccox. The fox's dick was rock hard, his fate in the hands of the boy he had snubbed only moments earlier. When the Raccox stood, his earlier shyness subsiding for a brief moment as he felt the first hint of pleasure at his opponents predicament, the fox stammered, "C-Come on, I let you follow us, didn't I?"

"Fine, then follow" teased the smug Raccox, leaning forward a bit to look straight down at the fox. "How did you put it? Whatever, lets go?" Tecurai turned and headed back the way he'd come, the fox's protests following him for several moments before a shriek followed by silence signalled the fox's exit from the maze. For Tecurai, he still had his eyes on the only proper exit from the devious labyrinth!

Twisting and turning through the darkness, the Raccox found his eyes burning slightly as the thin light which filled the tunnels began to brighten significantly. The tunnel expanded, growing nearly six times in girth and growing larger. The stone walls were still the same boring stone blocks, but strips of luminescent light filled some of the cracks; it filled the area with enough light to see clearly, through shadows still lurked in the corners and crevices of the tunnel. Other boys moved in the area, trickling from several outlet passages which fed into the larger passage.. Their numbers had been thinned significantly! Assuming some still wandered the first portion of the maze, a good number must still have fallen to traps similar to what had claimed the fox and bluejay. Still, the Raccox was glad to see it; there were that many fewer contenders for Her attention! As he moved down into the hall he saw something begin to move amidst the shadows. Slithering, dark things, like worms that danced in the air. The other boys saw them too, a few letting out little cries of worry as they pointed upwards.

"Run for it!" The call came from an unknown source, but that was all the authority the boys needed to obey the command right now! As they bolted, the shadow-lurkers struck! They were black, long and tubular, like living hoses. It was only when the light hit them that the boy realized that was exactly what they were! They glistened like latex as they began to capture whichever boy caught their fancy, snapping at them like angry pythons before engulfing the boys in their loving embrace and dragging them away. There seemed to be no method to their movements, they simply plucked boys like candy from the floor!

A squirrel who had been running alongside Tecurai let out a sudden cry as one of the latex-worms came down on him. The Raccox glanced back to see the boy struggling helplessly as the creature slid down over his lean body! The squirrel's hips thrust out as his feet braced against the floor, his paws trying to free himself from the thing's grip but unable to do much save get himself more entangled! It engulfed him within seconds, covering his entire upper body before lifting him from the floor. As his feet left the ground, the squirrel inside no doubt already reaching the conclusion that he was doomed, Tecurai was greeted by the final sight of the eliminated squirrel's un-devoured cock spraying out a thick stream of cum into his panties. The Raccox, as though freed from some spell, turned and continued to run as the squirrel was dragged into the shadows.

Sidestepping an entangled lion-- the mighty boy rendered helpless by the oozy tendril that held him-- Tecurai reached the exit. The tendrils ceased at the exit, as though contained within that single room. Other boys had found other exits, though many had not. The lion was in the process of being dragged bellydown out of view, his cock long since releasing his cum in a final clutching helplessness. Once he was gone, vanishing into the shadows like the others, the room was silent. There was no sign that anyone had been there at all, save for a pair of cum-stained panties that had fallen from their owner during his blunt elimination.

Tecurai continued.

The Raccox was achingly hard, the single thought of how nice it would be to play with himself throbbing in his mind. The passage shrunk as he stumbled down it, paw hovering just inches from his needy penis, which had no qualms about leaking pre-cum into his stretched panties. Why was he so horny? The boy had been hard after narrowly escaping from two different traps, but this was something different. As the boy turned a rounded corner, the wall arching in a wide half-circle to accommodate the sharp turn, he found two boys grinding furiously against each other. Pleasure spiked in the boy's mind as he watched the otter and smooth-skinned neko rut against one another; the Raccox was already moving to join in. Something about the very air seemed to drive the horny boy towards what he knew was a bad idea! As horny as he was, he'd never be able to resist creaming his panties if he joined the other two! Thoughts of himself laying amidst the dusty passageways of the maze flooded Tecurai's mind and he gasped out even as a heated blush filled his cheeks.


The thought rippled through Tecurai's mind like a sonic boom, blowing away all thoughts of joining the two boys pleasurably rutting their way right out of Her good graces! The boy hurried past just in time for the neko to arch his back and cry out, cum spilling across both his, and the otter's, bellies. The burning need in his loins didn't stop tugging at his senses, though. Each step the Raccox took, however, the clearer his mind became. Had it been some kind of gas? Another trap?

"Ooooh. You're getting interesting, boy." Her voice filled his mind and the boy nearly squealed out in joy! His cheeks reddened and despite himself he felt his knees quiver slightly.

"Thank you, ma'am!" he breathed out as though trapped in some dream's snare. The feeling passed as quickly as it had come, however, Tecurai shaking his head with a broad smile still plastered to his lips. He continued.

The maze stretched on; for Tecurai, days passed. He saw others fall, and several saw him nearly fall, but still the Raccox survived every trial thrown his way! A ceiling trap nearly caused the end of the Raccox's life in the game, the great slabs which made up the roof of a cavern he'd stumbled into crashing down. One after another they slammed into the floor of the room. Only an eight foot cushion of translucent ooze which lined the ceiling offered any buffer against the tremendous weight of the stone columns attached to the decorated panels of rock.

Tecurai had found himself running again, a seemingly hopeless dash through the minefield of falling rock and slime. The sound of them filled his head, terrifying and thunderous, but Tecurai didn't falter; if he did, he knew he'd fail. A red panda, svelte and slinky in his movements, had been stuck in the room as well when the trap had been triggered. Like the Raccox, the boy moved around the haphazardly falling columns, searching for the exit before he was blocked in by the encroaching stone. It happened as he'd glanced back towards Tecurai, keeping an eye on his opponent when he should have been keeping an eye on where he was running. The shudder of a panel above him was the only warning he had before it fell.

The panda didn't have time to cry out before he was caught by the thick ooze that acted both as cushion, and flypaper, for any boys unlucky or unskilled enough to be caught by it. Though harmless in its near liquid state, the slime was still cohesive enough to force the boy against the floor as it surrounded him. It slithered its way under his shirt, into his mouth and it even squelched into the tight confines of his panties. The panda was completely engulfed before he'd even known what had hit him, his eyes wide and paws thrashing helplessly as he tried to crawl through the muck to the safety which lay outside it. Somehow, the trap knew it had caught something and as quickly as it had fallen, it rose again. The boy was still thoroughly trapped by the sticky mess on the bottom of the panel, rising with the successful trap and left hanging nearly thirty feet off the ground in heated helplessness.

Tecurai looked up as he ran under that particular panel, the red panda crying out into the muffling ooze as it had its way with him; he would be released once the maze-run had been completed, or failed, by the remaining boys... but for now the captured boy could only watch the Raccox safely escape the trap which had claimed him. Tecurai burst through the exit as the few final columns fell to rest against the floor behind him, the way back sealed now by thick stone. His body was shaking, heart racing, but underneath his panic and adrenaline he could feel the thin tendrils of pride and lust continuing to entwine his mind. Tecurai continued.

Several more rooms passed, their traps either already sprung or easily avoided by Tecurai. Some of those which had been sprung were now decorated with the still bodies of the boys they had captured, a few of their victims still struggling helplessly in the grip of whatever dastardly trap had claimed them; all of them sported the same stiff dick Tecurai felt rubbing against the inside of his own panties with each step he took, save that their briefs were stained with forcibly released cum.

"Enough! You boys have done well. Only six of you remain, the others have been claimed by the maze. You're close to me, boys. Can you smell it?" There was no way the Raccox could go from not smelling Her, to smelling the delicate hint of Her perfume, so suddenly... yet it happened. A whiff of Her tantalizing scent curled into the boy's nose and drew a little sigh from him. "My last defence, when the maze fails, are you boys. Prove to me that you can handle such an important task!"

_ _ The ground thundered, the walls shifted, and Tecurai fell to a knee as he tried to hold his balance. When he stood again, he was somewhere new. The thin passage had become a circular room. It was large, but not overly so, and the Raccox had no trouble spotting the five other boys who looked just as bewildered as he felt. Tecurai was unsure whether to be glad, or worried, when he spotted Kay was amongst them. The first movement was the sudden bolting of a wolf. He scooped something up off the floor and turned to point at a deerboy with a rack of spindly antlers. A little pop filled Tecurai's ears as a laser seemed to blast from the wolf's fingers, filling the air so quickly it popped as it was thrust out of the way by the photons of the weapon's blast. The deer shrieked and pushed himself up onto his tiptoes as the beam lit up his belly, thick dick practically exploding with a blast of cum so strong it escaped his briefs. He tumbled into a heap, rolling half-way onto his side as he hit the ground, dick still seeping the last remnants of his seed.

The wolf immediately turned towards another but everyone was moving, only the deer lay still. Tecurai had a blaster in seconds, crouching to pick it up and remaining on one knee as he looked up, expecting the sight of a laser blaster being pointed right at him. The others are pre-occupied, the room large enough to allow for some space to duck and weave incoming shots. Still, there was certainly not enough space to duck and weave for long, and a pair of boys went down quickly.

The wolf, focusing on a darting huskyboy, didn't see Kay line up a shot on him from behind; he did feel the sudden heat flaring through his shoulderblades as the leopard's laser pierced him, however. Another boy was left quivering in lust as his cock unleashed his cum in heavy pulsing need.;the boy half-spun as he fell, crashing to the floor and thrusting his hips up once more before falling still. Tecurai didn't hesitate as he lifted his blaster and fired at the leopard in turn. The feline shrieked out his own humiliating defeat as both of his paws moved to clutch his belly; he was finished! The Raccox was scrambling for the imagined safety of the walls as the leopard fell, ebony cock spraying down his panties with his cream. The leopard's lust-filled cry was overshadowed by the sound of blaster-fire, quick and merciless, and soon he lay a few feet away from where he'd entered the chamber.

A pair of shots zipped past Tecurai's ear, but he was moving on instinct now and the near-call didn't phase the boy. He spun on his heel, lifting off his knees as he fired again and again. A raccoon threw his paws up in despair as Tecurai's shots raked his bare bellyfur. Once again Tecurai was treated to the sight of a boy blowing his load because of him. He saw the raccoon collapse, but it was the mouse standing behind the defeated henchboys that had Tecurai's attention. The rodent's slim cock was at full mast in his panties, both his literal and figurative gun raised and painted towards the Raccox.

"I win" teased the mouse. The laser that came next filled the otherwise silent room with a resounding noise.

"Th-that's my line" stammered out the adrenaline-laced Raccox as his shivering arm stretched out in front of him. The mouse only watched, cum plastered to the inside of his panties as he sank to his knees. The disbelief on his face was only the icing on the Raccox's cake; he couldn't help but bring his paw up in a little wave as the mouse tumbled backwards to lay still, both knees still raised from the floor.

"I'll have to have a talk with that one about gloating" rumbled Her voice in playful displeasure. The sound was in the boy's mind once again, but there was something new this time; it also tickled at the inside of his ears. When the boy turned, She was standing there, Her lips pulled back in an approving smile._"Such a good boy! Look at what you did for me. I think someone deserves a backrub"_She moved towards him, long legs cutting through the air as she walked.

"M-Ma'am!" the boy cried out elatedly, turning to face Her properly as the blaster fell from his paw. Immediately he was lost in Her eyes, a trickle of drool forming at the corner of his lip before the back of Her hand wiped it away. Those orange eyes widened in mirth at the sight of the Raccox who stood before Her.

"Yes, I think I deserve a backrub. Come, boy, lets go have some fun, shall we?"

_ _ Tecurai nodded eagerly. He followed Her through the door that had formed to allow Her to enter, the metal flap shunting closed once they were through.

The maze stood silent in their wake. The bodies of 49 boys littered the passage ways, still, silent, waiting. Within minutes the maids would arrive and begin collecting the losers from the maze. For Tecurai, it would be a night of untold pleasures, for the others an unceremonious piling, washing and processing but there would be other days to win. Other games.

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