The Smell of Fresh-Mown Grass

Story by Tristan Black Wolf on SoFurry

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Two strangers met in a bathhouse, in the story "Give and Take." The fennec fox, fighting his inner demons, came to discover safety and love in the arms of a great black wolf who began to teach the fox what it was like to have a proper Master. This story finds them a bit further along in their relationship, as the fox comes to discover more about his Master and himself...

Rated "Adult" for graphically-described situations, and perhaps "silly" since I finally get to use a line that I've always wanted to incorporate into a sex story but never had the venue.

His mind swam slowly upward through the mists of his sleep, not struggling either to wake up or go back to his dreams. In the moment, either would be pleasant enough. It was his nose that was helping him to return to the waking world, for there were scents that brought delicious memories to his mind. His pillow smelled a little like himself and a little more like someone else, a very powerfully male someone else. Even the temperature of the air in the room had an effect on his sense of smell, because it was cool but not cold, a breeze from outside bringing scents of the newly-minted spring in its wake. Somewhere, some flowers were announcing themselves ready to spread their pollen along with their heady scent, and trees well budded-out waved in the gentle stirring of air that also carried with it the smell of fresh-mown grass.

The young fennec fox felt himself stretch more than commanding his body to do so. Still feeling the soft rags of his sleep wrapped around him, he smiled, moving his slim, solid shape this way and that, arms, legs, tail, paws, ears, and finally his muzzle breaking open into a huge yawn that, to a bystander, might have looked large enough for him to swallow an elephant's head in a single gulp. He became more aware of his surroundings, still new to him yet so very comfortable. The great black wolf whom he had begun to call his Master was no stranger to treating himself - and his new and willing slave - to the finer things in life. This huge bed, its pillow-topped mattress adorned with sheets, blankets, and comforter as light as down and smooth as silk, stood to one side of a large bedroom decorated with... he thought for a moment, and the word "accoutrements" came to mind, with a sly smile. He suspected that he could go on cataloging them for months to come, one (or a few) at a time.

He sat up, looking at the room, appreciating the airy space that the morning provided. The screened windows were open, allowing that sweetly scented breeze to carry into the room. Most of the "accoutrements" were in their proper places, behind cabinet doors, closed drawers, beautiful Chinese screens of woven bamboo and rattan hung (on this side) with robes - one for himself now, if the Master so wished. ("If you're to cook," he explained softly, when the fennec offered to do so, "it's best that you have some clothing so that you don't get any fur into the hot grease... and especially vice versa.") A few items lay strewn on the floor, having been used the night before; the fennec noted that he should clean up a bit before the Master returned - not because of some standing order, but simply because it seemed to be a good idea. The relationship was still somewhat new, and the young fennec discovered that his Master could be very kind and appreciative of extra effort on the slave's part.

As the fox stretched a bit more and made ready to get out of bed, he caught sight of a note on the bedside table at his side of the bed. He brought it to his eyes and read the Master's words: Good morning, little one. I hope you've slept well, for I have some surprises for you this morning. To begin with, I'll ask you not to get out of bed for any reason until I'm done mowing the lawn. And I do mean for ANY reason. You'll see why when I arrive. I shouldn't be too long with the chore, and then I'll be up to give you your surprises. I do hope that you'll approve.

The fox blinked, wondering what sort of surprises the Master had in mind. They already had a safe word established between them, and more than that, the wolf regularly asked the fox if what they were doing was acceptable, within the limits, and above all, enjoyable. The fennec had learned a lot about himself in the past few months, and there was little that he wouldn't do for his Master; he gained great satisfaction (not to mention real pleasure) in making his Master happy. Some boundaries had been reached, and to his surprise, the fox hadn't even needed to use the safe word. The Master's experience was vast, and he was as carefully attuned to the needs of his slave as he was to his own desires. Perhaps, the fennec thought, this was what was meant by "breaking in a new slave" - testing those limits and finding what worked and what didn't.

Setting the note back down on the bedside table, the fox shifted to lay back against the plush headboard. He didn't mind waiting, although he certainly wouldn't have minded using the toilet. He and his Master had... exercised well last night, and the Master was careful to ensure that both were well-hydrated after all the panting that they had done. Part of what had awakened the fox was a certain pressure that he would really like to relieve. Still, the sound of the mower outside the window told him that his Master would no doubt be done soon, and he could ask for permission to...

The fennec's right ear flicked agitatedly. No. He didn't. He wouldn't...!

With a tiny twinge of worry in his belly, the fox remembered hearing about things like orgasm denial, or other controls such as not allowing a slave to relieve himself for extended periods of time. A few horror stories about bursting bladders, or herniated urethral muscles came to mind, complete with images of the wounded slave pissing blood for weeks after such an ordeal. Quickly, he dismissed the idea; his Master was good and kind, care for his slave was a priority. "You can't use what you break," he had teased once, and there was no indication that he would deviate from that standard of behavior. This had to be something else, some sort of tease or something.

The fennec glanced at the clock and noted the time, then made himself lean back and listen to the steady thrumming drone of the lawnmower outside. About seven or eight minutes later, he looked at the clock again, to see that three minutes had passed. Drawing a deep breath, he tried to relax himself, perhaps to meditate, or even to go back to sleep in order to let the time pass more quickly. After nearly fifteen minutes, he glanced at the clock to see that not even half that much time had passed. He shook his head, his forepaw to his forehead, trying to convince himself that he wasn't nearly as desperate as he thought he was. He tried to distract himself, thinking about a pleasant vacation spot that he had visited a few years ago. Lovely, verdant, peaceful, with the most beautiful waterfall...


After about an hour and a half (or twelve minutes, if you believed the stupid clock), he heard the lawnmower power down, and then the sounds of it being wheeled into the garage. A door closed downstairs about fifteen (two!) minutes later, and finally the sounds of large paws coming softly but solidly upstairs. The fennec made himself pose just a bit coquettishly, hoping to please his Master. He placed the comforter particularly well, hiding just enough of himself and his full-bladder-induced erection, just in time for his Master's arrival.

The great jet-black wolf stepped quietly into the bedroom, clad only in somewhat modest shorts which nonetheless concealed very little. He saw his young slave awake and artfully adorning the bed, and his muzzle broke into a smile every bit as warm as the spring day outside. "Good morning, my little one! I wasn't sure if you would be awake just yet."

"I am, Master, and very glad to see you." The slave smiled a bit nervously, not quite sure how to play the game that his Master had arranged for him. "As you requested, I've not left the bed, not even once."

Approaching the large bed, the wolf let his eyes smile even a bit more than the toothy grin on his muzzle. "Surely you have no... pressing need to jump out of bed this early in the morning?"

Torn between his desire not to contradict his Master and the admonition always to tell the truth, the fennec cleared his throat gently. "Perhaps jump out of bed is a slightly more... urgent description than is necessary, Master."

The Master laughed gently. "You continue to impress me with your wit, my little one! Don't worry, I know that the need grows urgent. Mine does as well; I've been drinking yet more water, because I knew I'd be sweating a portion of it." He reached out to the fennec and stroked his cheek gently. "That's one of my surprises. You had expressed yourself fond of my scent; I thought we might spend some time exploring each other. Come here, my faithful slave; kneel here on the bed and hold me."

The fox was quick to obey such pleasant instructions. Kneeling there, he was actually very slightly taller than the wolf, so that when they hugged, the wolf's arms were raised high. The sweaty scent from beneath the Master's arms was strong, and the fennec got both barrels at once. He inhaled deeply through his nose, swooning slightly at the powerful pheromones, the hot damp smell of exertion and power. He whimpered slightly as he exhaled, wrapping his arms about his Master and lowering his head to the crook of the wolf's sweaty neck.

"Mmm," the well-muscled gardener smiled at the fox's nuzzling passion and the small whirlwind of wagging tail behind. "Someone likes this! I'm sorry that I can't produce the football locker room that you dreamt of in your fantasy, the one you spoke of the other day. All those different males... different species... so many different scents for you..."

The fennec dipped his muzzle lower, to inhale deeply, directly from the source. He looked up, smiling as if mildly intoxicated. "One should always prefer quality to quantity, my Master."

Chuckling, the wolf leaned forward and kissed his slave long and passionately, moving his forepaws up to rub the fennec's headfur tenderly, moving down his back, pressing the fox's body close to his. It was easy to feel the slave's arousal pushing further out of its sheath, rubbing against the wolf's firm belly. The slave could tell that the Master's own arousal was not far behind.

Pulling back slightly, the wolf kissed the fennec again. "Perhaps you'd like to explore a bit further, my little one?" With gentle pushes upon the fox's shoulder's, the message became clear quickly. Eagerly, the slave fell upon his belly upon the bed, his sensitive nose scant inches away from his Master's groin, the teasing whiff of scent nearly enough to drive him wild. His eagerness was such that he started to grab for the wolf's shorts before remembering his place. He placed his forepaws flat on the bed, cast his eyes upward, seeing a grin and an approving eye.

"What is your will, my Master?" the fox asked formally, a smile on his face.

The black wolf nodded slowly, his approval matched by the affectionate smile on his muzzle. "To tease you, my little one!" He chuckled. "But not too much. I think we both have matters to... take care of." The Master reached down to pet his slave's head gently. "You may remove my shorts... not too quickly, mind! We don't want them torn!"

The fennec chuckled along with his Master and did as he was told. Both for his own enjoyment and his Master's, he made a bit of a production out of the act, his forepaws gripping the sides of his Master's shorts and pulling down slowly, carefully. As he expected, the fennec saw that the Master's erection was going to impede the progress of the shorts at the front. He pulled the front of the shorts toward himself, moving his muzzle closer to catch the brief push of warm, humid, almost palpable scent from the wolf's groin. The slave whimpered, gave forth a brief whine as he took in the potent maleness of his Master's personal olfactory signature. The wolf pet the slave's head softly, pulling the fennec's muzzle closer so that he might get as much of the scent as he desired.

The Master shifted his stance slightly, so that the shorts fell away to the floor. Still holding his slave's head in place, he rumbled, "Lick me, little one. Taste all of me that you desire."

"Oh yes, please, my Master," the fennec panted, his tongue nimbly searching and probing everything that it could reach. "I desire all of you... so much..." Nothing was missed in his searches, tasting the salty sweat on the overheated, low-hanging balls, the slick pre-cum already leaking from the wolf's hard cock. The fox's thoughts were dissolved into nothingness as the ancient portions of his brain submitted to the powerfully controlling scent of the Alpha male. Everything was forgotten in the fevered service of his Master's needs.

For his part, the Master produced low rumbling sounds from deep within his chest which told the fennec that his attentions were being more than merely appreciated. Calling on his experience with his Master, the slave brought back enough of his mind to remember the particular tricks and teasing that gave the great wolf the maximum amount of pleasure, from a mildly rough nibbling at the great round orbs inside the dark-furred sac, to the teasing of his tongue down inside the carefully retracted sheath, to areas of the wolf's cock that didn't often receive direct sensation. So lost was the fox that it took him a few seconds to realize that the Master was calling to him.

"So eager!" the wolf chuckled deeply in his chest, his breathing quicker than before. "However, if you keep on, I might reveal a bit of my surprise too quickly. I think we both have full bladders to deal with. Shall we do so together?"

"As my Master pleases," agreed the fox, with absolute sincerity. Blushing a little, as he slid off the bed with his Master's help, he asked, "Master, may I ask a question?"

"You may, as long as we keep moving toward the bathroom!"

The fox grinned, looked down a moment, and raised his face toward his Master. "Does my Master wish to engage in watersports?"

At the door to the spacious bathroom, the wolf paused and looked at his fox. "Marking could be considered another scent for you to explore, among other things. I've not tried this before; it was your comments that got me thinking. How do you feel about it? Please speak candidly, little one."

"I only know one thing about watersports, my Master."

"And that is?"

The slave grinned up at his Master. "Don't cross the streams."

"Important safety tip; thank you, Egon." The great black wolf laughed heartily and waved his fox to walk ahead of him. The large garden tub would hold them both easily, and the slave glanced at his Master, hoping that he had anticipated him correctly. He stepped into the tub and knelt in place. The Master followed and, surprising the young fennec, helped the fox to stand again. "First time for both of us, is that correct?"

The fox nodded.

Tenderly, the wolf kissed his slave, then pulled gently away to kneel before the fennec and take the semi-hard cock into his paw, aiming it at is chest. "I want to experience this too." He smiled with only a small amount of mischief in his expression. "I'm hoping that your need will help you overcome being pee-shy. Relax yourself, little one. Yes, this is what I want."

"Yes, my Master," the fox gulped. Despite the pressure in his bladder, he realized that he couldn't make himself switch the mental gears that would allow him to start his flow. Part of it was the touch of his Master's paw to his cock, which never failed to make him hard, and the rest... yes, he guessed he really was "pee-shy" after all. The wolf watched the tip of the fox's cock with patient anticipation, while the fox felt himself turning several colors underneath his pale fur. He even tried remembering that waterfall again, hoping it would help; he whimpered softly and felt his Master's other paw pet his thigh softly.

"Not as easy as it sounds in all those fantasy stories, eh, my little fox?" The paw touching the fox's thigh squeezed firmly and lovingly. "We have time. You are pleasing me just by trying, by being here with me." He chuckled softly. "Perhaps we should prepare for a day when you'll be able to produce a flood at my command. What command word should we use, do you think? How about the phrase, Release the Kraken!"

The fox could not help but laugh along with his Master, and as he did so, he felt something loosen in the midst of the tension, and a brief jet of piss leapt from the tip of his cock and directly onto the wolf's chest. Both males expressed their surprise.

"Hotter than I would have thought. Both in temperature and arousal." The wolf murred appreciatively. "I confess that I'm hoping you have found a way to..." He paused as the fox let fly another spurt upon his chest, and another, finally managing a slow but steady stream. Steadying himself with one paw against the wall, the fox watched with some awe as his Master aimed the flow all across his capacious chest, wetting himself thoroughly, and then astonishingly, dipping his open muzzle into the hot fluid, his tongue lapping at it, sampling, tasting...

The stream slowed and diminished until the fox could produce no more. He sensed there was still some left, but the interior pressure had lowered quite sufficiently for the time being. The slave inhaled sharply, issued a single high bark of raw pleasure as the Master's maw engulfed his cock in a single motion, the thick and nimble wolf tongue rolling around the fox's shaft like a greedy teen sucking at the last of his favorite shake at the soda fountain. The slave had not been told yet if he could release, and it took all of his attention and control not to cum. At last, the Master released his cock and stood again, kissing the fennec's mouth greedily. The taste of his own piss in his mouth, the scent of it steeped into the Master's fur, and the Master's own scent now somehow even stronger, made the fox whine in barely restrained lust.

Pulling his muzzle from the fox's with a lascivious slurp, the great black wolf grinned. "Would you like to try me, my little one?"

Beyond thinking, his breath shallow and fast, the slave sank to his knees. "Please, my Master. Mark me."

Nodding, the Master added, "You do not need to sample me, unless you wish to."

The fox reached up toward the Master's cock but did not take it in paw yet. "May I guide you, Master, as you did me?"

"Yes, my slave." He grinned again. "Let's see if I am any more able to provide... on demand... than you were..." The wolf found himself chuckling softly, as the slave waited, his paw now upon the magnificent deep red wolf cock, aiming it slightly downward to aim at his own chest. In his eagerness, the slave noticed every detail - the slight softening of the erection, the twitching of the cock in his paw, and finally the reward of a few large, yellow drops appearing at the cock tip. The fox smiled, looking up to see that the Master had closed his eyes, focusing on relaxing, and in just a very few moments...

The wolf grunted. The fennec could actually feel the fluid flowing inside the shaft that he held, staring in wonder as the precious golden stream flowed from the canine cock tip. It was hot, much warmer than he had expected, and the scent... pungent, and carrying some part of the Master's pre-cum, a mixture that made "marking" what it truly was. The fox barked sharply, happily, his mind again set whirling by ancient neurochemical commands. He opened his maw, lapped directly into the flowing stream, realizing that he tasted almost nothing until he closed his maw again... salty, bitter, a slightly nutty flavor. He took one more sample of the brew as the stream began to slacken. He moved the Master's cock left and right, ensuring that he had covered his own chest and belly as thoroughly as had the great wolf himself.

Spent, the wolf sighed, reached down to raise the fennec to his hind paws again. The two pressed against each other, the Master kissing his slave deeply, as if wanting to taste himself as the fox had done earlier. The wolf moved his forepaws strongly, powerfully against the fox's firm back, reaching down to cup the fennec's buttocks tightly. Both could feel their erections returning in full force, grinding against each other in the fever of their impassioned kissing, slick with piss and pre, sliding against hot, wet fur...

The Master pulled away from the kiss, panting heavily. "My little one," he said, still moving his hips to press up against his slave's erection. "Are you... as close..."

"Master... please..." the fennec panted, trembling. "May I... please..."

"Release!" the wolf grunted heavily, gripping the fennec, pulling him hard against himself, lifting the smaller pup off the slick floor of the tub. Overwhelmed by the scent and sensation, the fennec found himself responding directly to the command, barking and yipping in the throes of his potent orgasm, feeling his Master's cock throbbing against him as the wolf, too, erupted in a violent, shuddering climax.

Long seconds afterward, Master and slave trembling with the power of the release and the straining muscles, they continued to hold each other, the fennec's hind paws gently returned to earth, the Master still holding him close even as he sank slowly to his knees. Panting, using gestures more than words, the wolf managed to seat himself in the large tub, leaning back against the sloping back end of the fixture, cuddling close his fox. Some minutes passed as the two canids regained their breath, and shortly after that they found themselves starting to chuckle and laugh, sharing kisses and grins through their damp muzzles.

"That," the Master said slowly, "was... unexpected." And he laughed more as his slave joined in.

"Yes, my Master, it certainly was." The fox rubbed softly at his belly-fur, wet and slick with both piss and cum, and brought his forepaw up to his muzzle to sniff it carefully. The combination of scents drove deeply into his mind, arousing, enthralling, passionate. "Would you consider this experiment a success, Master?"

The wolf considered for a moment. "I think I'll leave analysis for later. Just now, I've come to realize that our shared fluids are going to make us chilly before long. Can you reach the bath salts, my little one? Let's run a nice warm tub for us."

As the Master adjusted the water temperature, the fennec examined the selection of jars on the low shelves near the tub. "Do you have a preference, my Master?"

"Something green and woodsy, perhaps. To go with our newly budding spring."

The fennec measured out the salts by intuition, and as the warm, clean water filled the tub, the dark green crystals released their magical aroma. After washing their muzzles clean, Master and slave relaxed together in the bath, breathing calmly, holding each other close, letting the tattered remains of the afterglow settle gently on them both. Nuzzling his muzzle against the Master's capacious breast, the slave thought gently upon his good fortune, upon the fine Master he had found, and of how sweet was the smell of fresh-mown grass...

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