On the House

Story by Ceeb on SoFurry

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This commission is for an anonymous user, and it's full-length (100 USD). I'd never actually written anything with a taur prior to this, but I think I did a pretty good job! Expect a sequel in the cumming coming months.

Thumbnail background is from CGTextures.

Writing (C) me


Closing up shop was invariably an ordeal. Last call always resulted in a noisy ruckus, an almost childlike begging from the pitiful old regulars to please stay open, like little children pleading hopelessly with mother for a treat.

Khyha was all right with being considered a mother figure, even though her "children" were often rowdy, loud, and lewd. That was the price of running a tavern, but it was a way to keep busy at night. This was something of a necessity for her; as a raccoon, her nights tended to be quite long. She kept late hours and slept through much of the day, and who better to match those hours than drunks?

Her tavern catered mostly to the ones in and around the Kelasia, a very small and community-oriented forest village, one which was all but hidden in the dense sprawls of centuries-old trees. It was hidden from the sunlight in the day, made shady and inviting for this reason, but nights were black beyond imagination, and so torches burned along the most-walked paths. Heavy rain was a common occurrence, and this lingering moisture all but alleviated the hazards of deadly fires; beyond that, the dense wood of the forest was notoriously difficult to light, even when logged for such a purpose. As far as simple, quiet living was concerned, it was a paradise.

The story of Khyha's tavern itself was more interesting than one might expect. Decades prior, one of the massive, mighty trees growing close to the canyon nearby lost its' footing; over the years, rain had eroded the hill sloping down into the canyon, and that single tree found itself clutching at dirt which was no longer there. Those present claimed it to be the most earth-shattering of sounds when the dense tree fell, but what came of it in the following years was the lingering legend.

The tree had struck the ground on the opposite end of the canyon, spanning it like a bridge. So firmly did it wedge itself into the dirt at the other end that it was all but impossible to excise, and so the villagers made practical use of it. Over the course of several years, its' massive body was vertically sawed away down the middle, leaving a flat, sturdy walkway. To protect it from rotting, it was preserved with distilled saps and waxes, and the roots, which were still dug into enough dirt to keep the upended tree in place, were staked down with iron.

The bridge proved to be a boon. Caravans from across the canyon made full use of the bridge. The village collected no tolls, but offered tourist attractions with natural beauty. Healthy relationships with distant villages and tribes blossomed, and the village of Kelasia saw prosperous times. Before too much longer, the tree bridge was somewhat cast off in favor of a man-made timber bridge, one much wider but less rustic; as per concessions agreed on by the villagers, it was constructed a ways away from the natural bridge, which stayed as a functional tourist location.

Over time, the bridge was added to with railings, and the earth leading up to it on either end was groomed by footsteps and cart wheels into well-packed slopes. It had been Khyha's parents who finally did something substantial with the bridge; they put a building on it, one filling the brunt of the width of the bridge, leaving only a footpath along the south side. As with the scale of the tree, however, the building was quite large, occupying most of the bridge's length and most of its' width, making for a structure much larger than a simple home.

It first found life as a hotel and restaurant, with sectioned rooms and a dining area. With frequent travelers passing through, this made it quite a lucrative business. As a young girl, Khyha developed an early interest in writing down orders, delivering meals, and waking guests when they requested it. She relished the face time, and when the establishment eventually became her own, she kept up this personal touch. Later in life, however, she began to desire more privacy, and so it became a tavern. The rooms stayed, but she tore down the walls, and she made her own quarters out of them.

Khyha herself was a strong, bright woman, seasoned through years of serving travelers and well-meaning alcoholics. Standing at a modest height of five feet and five inches, bearing wide hips and a jaw-dropping bust, she had enviably feminine proportions. Despite her middle-age, the years had been kind to her, and her face was gray only for her raccoon coloration - no elderly shades yet. The same could be said for the curly locks of her hair, brunette and quite voluminous, as well as vibrant and soft. She did indeed have a fine look to rival girls half her age, but also a motherly demeanor, and a sharp wit befitting a raccoon.

Making use of diplomatic skills honed over the years, but intentionally filed down to better spar with her drunken patrons, Khyha convinced "her boys" to leave, one by one, each returning home stumbling and belching, off to annoy their respective wives. Thankfully, they were loyal to their wives, despite being a tiny bit lecherous to Khyha and her cleavage.

Truthfully, Khyha could never sleep with a married man; the idea was beyond offensive to her, but as a result of her standards, she wasn't often loved. As she recounted it, in fact, her last release at the hands of a man had been well over two years ago; her paws had largely sufficed, but she did occasionally mix things up. The smooth neck of an emptied liquor bottle could make a fine dildo, and it often did; on more adventurous nights, when she partook of her own brews to calm her mind and add a tingling edge to the pleasure of her masturbation, she would sip the fluids that seeped back into the bottles she used. Kinky exploration and self-abuse could only be so gratifying, however; she was desperately horny for, in the most blunt terms, a throbbing, thick cock.

As she made to lock up for the night, Khyha saw a group of travelers coming along the path, headed for her bridge by lamp light. They might want a drink, Khyha thought, and so she left the doors unlocked. With this burn in my loins, I doubt I'll get any rest tonight, anyway. Might as well do some business...


Khyha's instincts paid off. Outside the door, she heard a brief exchange; a few voices - exclusively female - argued about whether or not any place would actually be open at such an hour. Smiling coyly, the raccoon opened the door and peered out, her masked face a decidedly normal sight in the dark of the night, which was cut only by the glow of the colossal, white moon in the sky. "Welcome to Khyha's - and yes, we're open," she chuckled.

After she stepped back, a trio of ladies stepped inside, all of them of rather tall and well-toned (but not terribly muscular) proportions. First to last, they consisted of a lioness, a hare, and a wolfess. Khyha was about to shut the door when a fourth padded in; perhaps the best was saved for last, for this creature was a vixen centaur, nearly seven feet high, and almost too tall for the tavern's door frame at the tips of her ears.

Centaurs were excessively rare creatures; Khyha had not laid eyes on one since she was very young. Idly, she looked over the horse-bodied thing - what she saw hiding between the "vixen's" hindquarters was startling and a bit disturbing, however. Massive equine genitals hung there, the penis dormant, the balls hanging low, throbbing, black, and furless, exactly what one would expect from a horse.

Seemingly aware of the raccoon barmaid's inspection, the vixen-taur flicked her long, luxuriant tail and chuckled. "Just because it's uncovered, you think it's all right to look?" she winked.

"I'm sorry," Khyha blurted, laughing and blushing, averting her eyes.

"Don't be sorry," the lioness grinned, seating herself on one of the many stools at the bar, which her two two-legged companions also did. "Clothing for centaurs may be clumsy, but she could wear it; she walks nude just to attract wandering eyes."

The vixen huffed, and she sat down near the bar, afterward folding her front legs, lying in such a way that put her more-or-less on even ground with the others. "What shame is there in boasting this fine body nature has seen fit to give me?"

Khyha chuckled as she made her way behind the bar, flustered and blushing from the curious interest she was feeling. She fell back on her personality, however; she wanted to keep the conversation going along as smoothly as possible. "Nothing wrong with using your assets," she remarked, and in punctuation, she squeezed and subtly lifted her bosom; what she expected to be a mere joke was met with the hungry licking of lips and a cacophony of lewd murrs from the travelers. "Ah, hm... Anyway," she muttered, fetching out mugs two at a time, "what would you ladies enjoy tonight?"

"Well, there's a loaded question," the lioness sniggered; it seemed to Khyha that she was the leader of this little group. Certainly the most vocal, at least. "I know I could go for a very good, stiff drink. I'm fans of other stiff things, though," she grinned.

All eyes were on the raccoon then, studying her, perhaps for weakness. Maybe they were waiting to see if she'd start giggling. She was a sly one, however, and even deprived of sleep and sex, she could hold her own. "Stiff drinks, yes. You want something else that's stiff - I'd talk to your vixen friend."

They laughed, but humorlessly.

This startled Khyha, but she stuck to her routine. "So, then; what would you ladies like? Beer? Maybe something harder? Good selection of wine, too, if that's more keen to your interests."

"Let's not be coy," the lioness said bluntly, transfixing Khyha with malicious eyes that instilled a distinct fear in the raccoon; clearly, she thought her establishment was about to be burned down, but the feline and her cohorts had something much more personal in mind. "My ladies and I," she said, standing up, "are more interested in a good time than drinking."

Khyha eyed her warily, while the others - sans vixen - stood. Something was in the air, a scent of masculine musk, but she pinned that on the vixen, with her colossal manhood. "A good time," she huffed. "You'll find no brothels in Kelasia, ladies."

The wolf mounted the counter and jumped off on Khyha's side, and she grabbed the raccoon, grinning in a threatening manner. "Don't need a brothel, just need one willing woman," the wolf growled, her words punctuated with a lick of her teeth in plain view. "But I don't even need her to be willing, for that matter..."

"I don't--" Khyha blurted, the growing scent of curiously potent male musk playing hell with her thoughts, putting throbbing, dripping cock first and foremost amongst her concerns. Worry about this apparently bad crowd was put in its' rightful, inconsequential place.

"What's wrong?" the lioness mockingly asked, standing close by the rabbit. When the raccoon looked to them, away from the leering wolf and her restraining grip, she saw that the lion and the rabbit had begun to disrobe. Their trail-worn trousers were pooled around their ankles, and where a sensible mind would've expected the smoothness of the female body, they instead bore offensive, throbbing phalluses with furry balls hanging beneath. "What, did you think she--" (a nod toward the vixen) "was the only one packing meat?" She snickered, reaching down to give her shaft a few idle pumps; the erect flesh throbbed mightily, disgorging a wad of pre.

Her cheeks flushing red even through the dark tones of her fur, Khyha stared intently at the menacing, blunt-tipped shafts of the lioness and the rabbit. Her ears splaying in bashfulness, her cunt throbbing in unsure desire, she looked back to the wolfess. The look in her eyes asked a simple question: you, too?

Smiling tightly, understanding, the wolfess nodded. Then she gave one of one of the raccoon's plump breasts a sudden, uninvited squeeze, which made the barmaid gasp and coo. "Very nice tits," the lupine murred, adding a second paw to the fray, clutching both breasts, squeezing and kneading fondly.

"Uncover them!" the vixen grinned, her equine member slowly emerging from its' rest like a sleeping giant. All throughout its' slow emergence, it drooled with pre that soaked into the hardwood floorboards beneath, and the flesh throbbed hungrily.

"A pretty outfit," the wolf smiled, trailing a finger along a frill adorning the deeply-cut neck of Khyha's blouse. This was simply a convenient way to touch the bare fur of the raccoon's breasts, however, which the garment put on nearly sinful display. "Do you have others like it?" she asked.

Khyha answered with a nod; with her arousal at such a fever pitch, words completely failed her.

It was most certainly the right answer. Hastily, the wolfess slipped around behind the barmaid, and after turning the buxom thing to face the others, she hooked her paws in the neck of the blouse and ruthlessly jerked it apart. Buttons and stitches gave way in a long rrrrrrrip!, and - amongst a startled gasp from Khyha - the raccoon's plentiful boobs spilled out of the ruined outfit.

The raccoon's bust was phenomenal, and the sight of her naked breasts filled the room with lewd growls and the sounds of lips being licked. Even as massive as they were, gravity had toyed with them only slightly, dragging them down just enough to give them a subtle teardrop form, but not so far as to utterly ruin their appeal. They were still round, still bouncy and pliable, and the wolfess demonstrated this when she lugged them and squeezed them in her paws. "Ah, mmf, my goodness," the raccoon stammered. In that moment, reason had returned to her, reminding her of just how strange this situation was, but the pleasantry of feeling unfamiliar paws on her long-neglected bosom and the sights, smells, and promises of hard cock rendered her submissive.

"Those," the lioness growled, "are very nice breasts."

"I agree," the rabbit grinned, her long ears casually splaying back. "Pleasing shape, and what looks to be a good weight to them. What's your age?"

Pushing her thick bottom back against the bulge in the wolfess' trousers, Khyha's surprisingly quick-witted reply was, "Never ask a woman her age."

"Why not?" the vixen chuckled, drumming her fingers on the bar's top. "We're all ladies - more or less."

Smirking, but still very much the naive, submissive one, Khyha answered, "Forty-two years, as of only two days ago."

"A happy late birthday to you then, beautiful," the wolf growled with lecherous flair, tweaking the raccoon's nipples in clawed fingers; the barmaid shuddered and cooed.

The lioness beckoned, but not to Khyha; the wolfess walked around the bar, taking the raccoon with her, and she was positioned in the middle of a loose formation the travelers made of themselves. The three two-legged creatures disrobed completely, exposing their toned bodies and large, round breasts - but none were as large as Khyha's. Not even the formidable vixen-taur (who only disrobed as far as opening her vest, allowing her breasts the benefit of freedom) compared in this regard.

"Had we known, we would've brought a cake with us," the lioness chuckled, folding her arms under her breasts, pushing them up. "You'll just have to make due with blowing us out."


With only a gentle, urging push from the wolfess, Khyha knelt, and she nearly salivated at the sight of the two penises in her view; those belonging to the lioness and the rabbit.

After exchanging glances with the lioness, the hare stepped forward. Each step made her plump bosom jiggle (all of these ladies were, perhaps, half Khyha's age, and their breasts were round, pert, and largely unmolested by gravity), and her heavy balls did a similar, subtle dance in between her legs. From toes to ear tips, she was a shade of midnight black, but a smoke-gray treasure trail began at her navel and fanned out around her groin, its' color extending to her dormant sheath, but not to her scrotum, which black fur dressed.

Standing at attention was the rabbit's member, a solid nine inches of pink flesh, sharply contrasting with the moody hues of her fur, but matching the peeking nubs of her nipples perfectly. The rounded, subtly purple knob of the tip drooled incessantly with pre, these wads making a steady pitter-patter as they hit the floorboards. Resting in between the hare's muscular thighs, hidden beneath the warmth of her scrotum, was a supple, pink pussy; however, its' arousal was inferior to her cock, and so its' moisture and scent were completely unnoticeable.

Understandably, it was the former organ which had caught Khyha's attention, and when the lapine hermaphrodite was within reach, the raccoon hastily took hold of that throbbing penis. The body connected to it didn't matter, even as largely straight as Khyha was. All she could comprehend at the moment was that massive, throbbing cock - and the fact that she had three others waiting close by. The way it pulsed in her greedy grip made her quiver; the heavy, musky wads of pre it spat at her were even more enticing.

Surrounded by toothy grins and while the wolfess and the lioness idly palmed their erections, Khyha engulfed the hare's meat. Her technique was rusty, but fueled by lust, and her immediate, eager suckles made the rabbit moan and lay her paws on the back of the raccoon's head. As the hare threaded her fingers into Khyha's luxuriant hair, the barmaid got to work, suckling and bobbing on a little bit more than half of the rabbit's meat, unable to take any more than that for the moment, but the fervor of her blowjob kept the bunny grinning and moaning.

As she worked, Khyha pleased the rabbit in ways beyond her muzzle. One paw clutched what shaft didn't fit in her maw, sometimes stroking up the length of it when she pulled her muzzle back. The other alternated with almost childlike indecision between those heavy, black balls and the insides of the rabbit's hard thighs, though her fingers never drifted high enough to discover that pussy (Khyha thought these ladies sported only male goods).

"My god," the rabbit shuddered, arching her back, her ears keeping themselves splayed, "she's wonderful at this. Even better than the last horny barmaid we ravaged."

"Would you really go so far as to say that?" the vixen smirked, allowing her tail to sway back and forth in an idle dance. "Prudish as that skunkette was to, hm, get things started off, I'd say she gave a quite fantastic performance with her mouth..."

"Mmh, perhaps it's just the wait of having an unfamiliar body to drain my balls into, but I think this woman's muzzle and paws are heaven-sent," the rabbit sighed.

The lioness just watched, leaning idly against the bar, but the wolfess was much more proactive than any of them, as she had already demonstrated, and as she continued to. Like the rabbit, she, too, was a solid shade of black, yet her belly bore no treasure trail; just luscious, matte black fur, the homogeny of her body interrupted only by her orange eyes and her nearly-omnipresent pearly grin. Her penis, similar to the rabbit's in size (but superior by an inch) was also solid black, and it throbbed for the raccoon's body.

Eager to satisfy her drive, the lupine knelt behind Khyha, and she decimated what was already a ruined outfit, tearing the split blouse completely off. Afterward, she used her claws to rip at the modest, olive-hued skirt the barmaid wore, tearing its' unflattering fabric away, exposing a wide, naked bottom and surprisingly toned legs. "Rrrrrr, what kind of a horny god made this beautiful, thick woman?" she asked, her toothy grin bisecting her muzzle.

"More importantly, who cares?" the rabbit chuckled, pulling Khyha in deeper, exerting her power over the back of the raccoon's head.

Khyha's cheeks were already a shade of beet red from being entirely stripped, and this shade could get no brighter, but her cocksucking became somewhat stunted, something the rabbit's pulling and forcing directly fought against. At first, the barmaid only winced and gagged, her throat emphatically refusing the rabbit's endowment, but, in short order, the bunny's brute force overcame her gag reflex, and that big, pink cock disappeared entirely into the raccoon's maw, where it would stay hilted for a good, long moment.

While their finely-aged plaything attempted to adjust to having her throat stuffed, the wolf saw fit to stuff her in another way. Kneeling behind the similarly-kneeling raccoon, she lay one paw upon the barmaid's hip, the other holding onto her own stiff wolfhood. Realizing how largely dry her member was (aside from the tip, which was drippy with pre), the wolfess pulled her paw back, hawked in an unladylike manner, and then spit a great wad of slobber into her open, padded palm. She smeared this slime along the length of her shaft, leaving it coated in thick, dribbling saliva.

Once more, the wolf held her erect cock, ready and throbbing, and used her other paw to pull one of Khyha's plump, round ass cheeks to the side. Before the barmaid could flinch or protest, the wolf pushed forward, her blunt tip pressing into the pink pucker between those soft cheeks. A low, lewd growl and a smirk punctuating her forward sexuality, she entered Khyha's tail hole with little grace or care, spreading the tender orifice wide at once; adding insult to injury, she pushed in to the hilt immediately.

A small comfort for Khyha was that having the rabbit's cock down her throat was, at least temporarily, removed from her foremost concerns. The wolfess' entry was as painful as it was startling; years upon years had gone by since she had last lifted up her tail for that kind of entry, and at the time, it was something she hadn't considered again. And yet something about the forced entry made it arousing; she felt the tingle in her cunt growing stronger, and the pain under her tail became an almost masochistic pleasure.

This mixture of pleasure and discomfort nailed down the fact that Khyha belonged to these marauders; if they abandoned her sore and leaking from both ends, so be it. If they dragged her off into the night to be a permanent plaything, she was fine with that. She didn't have a say in it; that was how she wanted it to be. Quaking in pleasure, reveling in the domineering pain of the sodomy, she suckled and swallowed in unaccustomed but eager technique on the rabbit, and she (mostly involuntarily) clenched and released with zero rhythm on the wolfess.

"Oh, yes, take it," the wolf growled through clenched teeth, a sentiment the rabbit somewhat dully echoed; her mind was lost to the pleasure, her shaft throbbing and spitting huge amounts of pre down the raccoon's throat, but the wolf was much more lucid. Not unlike before, she took hold of the raccoon's generous, jiggling boobs, and she greedily squeezed them all for herself. Within the barmaid's thick body, she felt shudders and quakes; whether these were twinges of pain or pleasure, she knew not, nor did she care. Very single-minded in her lust, she ferociously humped the raccoon's wide ass, hew cock making an unsavory, wet sucking sound as it plunged in and yanked back, the combination of her canine saliva and wet pre making frequent seals against the raccoon's largely un-fucked asshole.

Khyha was enjoying the rough and ruthless assfucking far more than the wolf was giving her credit for. The delicate pink of her pussy drooled its' viscous fluids all over the floor, and her mouth (and to a lesser, more involuntary extent, her throat) worked on the hare's cock with increasing intensity. Her sucking was loud and wet, and drool ran down her chin; her throat felt sore and violated, her jaw wanted desperately to pop, but that lapine cock was delicious in all the most base, slutty ways. She just couldn't get enough of it, and she gobbled upon it until the inevitable happened: the rabbit came.

"Oh... Aaah, my god...!" the rabbit gasped, clenching shut the indigo gemstones that were her eyes, her face contorting into a grimace, one made cute for her protruding front teeth. Holding Khyha's head flush to her pelvis, pulling and twisting cruelly on the raccoon's chocolate locks, the rabbit's body rapidly went through the paces of the orgasm; her balls drew up close to the clandestine warmth of her loins, and her cock, throbbing violently, spat the first few ropes of seed down the raccoon's throat. "Yes, yes! Wonderful!" the rabbit cried, pulling Khyha's head back so rapidly that the back of it bumped the wolfess' nose, whose gruff humping continued nonplussed.

In this quick exit, a second, more potent rope streamed into the barmaid's muzzle, leaving a stripe of musky flavor along her tongue; she yanked it out completely before another came, which speared into Khyha's eye, thankfully closed at that moment. One paw aiming her shaft, the other still in the mussed locks of the raccoon's hair, the hare splattered several more ropes all over Khyha's face, marring her black mask with impressionist stripes of milky-white, but before her release was finished, she aimed the remainder of her jism downward. Indeed, those massive boobs were too enticing not to paint, and though some of her seed instead clung to the wolfess' groping paws, she made her mark on the raccoon's cleavage well enough.

Despite grinning, the hare's cheeks were flushed from her orgasm, and while her member dribbled the last few drops of its' release, she sat on a stool with a huff.

"That good, yes?" the lioness calmly asked, but she looking Khyha's way while padding closer to the raccoon.

The hare pointlessly shook her head, and she helped herself to a nondescript bottle of liquor on the bar; the taste and potency made her shudder. "Very good. I'd suggest you try her muzzle. Wonderful thing to fuck."

Grinning coyly, the lioness looked down her body, past her impressive bust to the throbbing, pink flesh of her cock, nearly on par with the rabbit's endowment, but a half-inch inferior to it; this was compensated with much greater girth, however. After a moment of self-admiration, she looked to Khyha, and she planted her paws on her hips, an effortless sneer on her face as she regarded the blushing, panting, jizz-faced raccoon. "A muzzle is, indeed, a fine thing to fuck, and yet I've got that wide, poundable ass on my mind... Pity it's taken."

Though still involved in her rough assfucking, but apparently a ways away from her climax, the wolf peered over the mature barmaid's shoulder and smirked to the lioness. A lull came into her work, and, half-buried in the masked beauty's ass, she lay back against the floorboards, pulling Khyha with her. This made the raccoon lie flush to her, of course, leaving the wolf once more buried, but the end result left the barmaid fully offered, for her legs were spread, her feet on the floor - a position the wolfess matched.

Khyha expected to have her cunt plowed by the lion, but what the wolfess said was, most definitely, terrifying: "Share her ass with me. There's room."

"N-no there isn't!" Khyha squeaked, but her lusting body betrayed her. Her swollen cunt throbbed; her stiffened nipples tingled against the wolf's pads. By god, who knew I could be such a whore? she thought, the notion coming with a twang of self-derision, but even this served to arouse her further. She didn't outright condone having her ass stuffed two at a time, but she didn't deny it any further, either.

Whether the lion took Khyha's further silence into consideration or not didn't matter; only her actions did. And her actions, in this case, left the raccoon disappointed in the most queer way, for rather than test the barmaid's anal elasticity, she instead knelt and hastily plunged past the raccoon's swollen folds, entering her almost ridiculously wet cooch with the greatest of ease.

In simultaneous whoredom, the lioness mrowled and lashed her long and tufted tail, while Khyha shuddered and emitted a long, low groan. She pushed her chest deeper into the wolf's paws, and what she said cemented her place as the girls' favorite plaything so far: "Mmh, fuck me, please...!"

The wolf sniggered crudely, but the lioness chuckled, trailing a claw down through the raccoon's cleavage, the other paw braced on the floorboards for support. "Sweet, sweet lady, you need not beg."

"Speak for yourself," grunted the wolfess, already resuming her sudden, sharp humps up into the raccoon's pliable butt cheeks, while her paws shifted from breasts to hips. "I love it when they beg..."

Smirking, the lioness began to work herself into a steady groove of her own, moving with, predictably, much more grace than the crude and lewd wolf. Her feline body shifted effortlessly, her gyrations sensual, grinding her thick meat into only the best spots within the raccoon, stretching and stimulating the pink flesh. Capping off her ministrations, she bent down, neatly folding her form, and she dragged her rough, meat-eating tongue across the supple flesh of a nipple.

Khyha was in pure bliss; the raw pleasure in her cunt made that anal discomfort (which had already been tolerable in a way) all but inconsequential. The lioness' size was hardly trivial, but it was just the stretching she needed in her long-ignored cunt. Bottle necks and writhing fingers didn't do her tight passage the same justice that a hard, thick penis did; it was just that simple. She gave herself fully to the feline, not concerned with gender or familiarity, just the best interests of a satisfying fuck; fortunately, all of the girls shared those values. "My god, this is just amazing," she croaked, wrapping her arms around the lioness' neck; this stimuli changed the feline's priorities, for she abandoned Khyha's breast, and instead locked her lips in a kiss. That rough tongue felt amazing on her nipple, Khyha thought, but against her own tongue, creeping along her gums, swabbing against her palate? Heavenly.

If the lioness represented a sweeter brand of loving, then the lupine below was definitely an advocate of blunt, rough fucking. Young and muscular, easily the most toned of the three bipeds, she lifted the raccoon's hips, even with the weight of the lioness added to that, and she let her pelvis smack noisily into Khyha's behind again and again. Not even their coats of fur could muffle the constant and unmistakable slap-slap-slap! of a good, hard fucking. With every buck, her low-hanging balls swung up high, and they frequently collided with those of the lioness, a contact that seemed to disturb neither girl.

Khyha was nearing her first (but she doubted it to be her last) climax of the night. The muscles in her body were tense, trembling, and they sent ethereal signals of exhaustion to her overwhelmed brain. Her extremities tingled as if going to sleep, but her cunt throbbed with great shocks of sensation, a steady pulse of orgasmic pleasure that made her groan and pant into the lioness' maw. Anymore, she could feel no pain from her behind, her tail hole so desensitized to the forced entry that both the pain and pleasure were negligible, but it was the message the wolf sent by so voraciously claiming her ass that she gained the most pleasure from.

Fully embracing her place beneath these beautiful ladies, both Khyha's cunt and her abused anal passage clenched involuntarily, and she broke the kiss in a droning coo of bliss. She came with explosive force; her orgasms were always legendarily wet affairs, this one no different, for her juices squirted around the lioness' piston-pumping member, running down its' uniform length, coating the bunched-up sheath and heavy scrotum below.

As if in a moment of reverence (but actually in one of appreciation for the feel and scent of the raccoon's fluids), the lioness hilted in a thrust and paused. The wolfess continued to work, and though her pace had slowed, her gruff snarls and near-constant stream of pre stayed just as potent.

"Ngh, god," Khyha grunted through soft, infrequent huffs. Longingly, she stroked down the lioness' spine (who purred fondly and arched her body), and she relaxed more contently against the wolfess, noting the soft, pliable features of her breasts as she pressed her back into them. "I haven't gotten off like in... Not since..." Unable to think of even a single comparison, she lazily shrugged.

Smiling coyly, the lioness looked over Khyha's shoulder at the wolf, who grimaced and grunted, easily the most masculine of them all (and according to a few rumors, she had not been born with both sexes as the rest of them had, but she fit their pack well enough). Turning her sharp eyes back to Khyha, she let her smile become more gentle, even sweet. "Oh, we get that a lot."

Planting her paws on either side of the barmaid, the lioness began to gyrate again, easing her member back only to roughly plow it back in. Accompanying this re-entry was a long, crude shift of juices. An even rougher, quicker thrust right after not only made a distinctly wet sound, but it made some of the raccoon's residual juices squirt out with astonishing force, splattering a nondescript part of the floorboards. "Let's hope you have at least a couple more good orgasms like that in you," she said in a sultry purr, belying the increasingly rough pace she was getting into - one which almost matched the wolf beneath. "Otherwise, I think it will be a long night for you, lovely lady..."

Being fucked in both holes in the height of her afterglow, when all her erogenous flesh was at its' most tender and tingly, had Khyha writhing and cooing with pleasure her middle-aged body hadn't known in years. She knew very well that men could be crude and inconsiderate lovers, interested only in getting off, with a woman's pleasure secondary. Not all were so callous, but most were. These "ladies," however, seemed to be just as involved in getting her off as they were with their own releases, and not for the first time, she silently hoped to be dragged off into the night as their bitch.

Interrupting the fantasy was hard, throbbing reality; the wolfess unhanded Khyha's hips, replacing them upon her swollen, round boobs once more, squeezing so tightly as to leave dimples and tiny bruises in the flesh; this made the raccoon gasp and wince, thrashing her out of her afterglow and back into the visceral pleasure of the sex.

The wolfess no longer needed to hold the raccoon's hips to effectively fuck her; her pounding was so ruthless as to defy the barmaid's weight, each buck slapping up into her ass, lifting her, with the next always coming in time to slam up into her tight tail hole before she had settled back down completely. As such, the wolf's pelvis was a blur, and her balls - until they began to draw up into her loins - swung in a large arc, swatting into the feline's each time. From her muzzle came no discernible words, just rage-fucking snarls and grunts, fragments of pillow-talk, but obliterated by her intense libido.

It all came to a head soon enough; squeezing down on the raccoon's breasts so hard as to make her gasp and cry out, the lupine bitch came, splattering an incredibly thick load of her salty, white cream into the barmaid's asshole. It stuck to her anal walls, coating that tender flesh like jelly, spreading a warmth that felt therapeutic after all of the rough abuse her poor bottom had endured. Coming into her afterglow, the wolfess' vocalizations matched her state of mind to the letter; in place of furious snarls to match her butt-destroying pounding, she was murring and rumbling fondly. Her formidable paws didn't squeeze mercilessly on the raccoon's breasts anymore; they caressed and rubbed, perhaps apologetically.

Summing up the anal punishment, Khyha (still being made love to by the lioness) shuddered. "Ooh, god - I didn't think my behind could take that kind of rough play..."


With the wolfess' climax out of the way, the feline had Khyha to herself, more or less. Free to pursue her the rhythm she really wanted, she began to more thoroughly fuck the barmaid; each thrust made use of the entirety of her thick, pink endowment, from the thick shaft near the base to the round, blunt tip. No longer was the raccoon's cunt overtly soaked, and so no lewd sounds or sudden squirts issued forth from her, but that sweet, pink passage was ideally wet, and no painful friction came from the sex whatsoever.

Though still braced over Khyha, she leaned down lower, letting her round, youthful bust press to the raccoon's own (the wolf's paws still held them), and similarly, their noses touched.

Beginning to pant again, Khyha stole a kiss at the lioness' lips and whispered, "This is amazing."

"For the both of us, beautiful," the lioness winked.

What seemed to be a budding moment of sweetness was somewhat interrupted when the rabbit, apparently ready for more, padded her way over. It was Khyha who noticed her first, the lioness second, and the latter reluctantly sat up and momentarily halted her grinding pelvis.

Smiling sweetly, the lioness asked, "Yes?"

Chuckling lewdly, the rabbit stepped over Khyha's face, who was blushing madly, and she squatted, facing the lioness, putting her heavy, black balls, dark-lipped yet pink-fleshed cunt, and snug, pink pucker all in the raccoon's face. Her aim was imperfect, and her balls clumsily dragged across Khyha's snout; however, the barmaid made up for this and lifted her nose, though this had the effect of putting it into the bunny's snatch.

This was indeed a very strange situation for Khyha, who had been under the impression that these ladies were sporting only cocks and balls. Of course, she reasoned, it could've been that only the rabbit was both - but something in her gut told her that the group was a matched set. As a straight woman, she had never found herself with her nose in another lady's crotch, but it seemed her boundaries (and her orifices) were being stretched that night; in the interest in going with the flow, she cautiously dragged her tongue across the hare's dampened cooch, earning a shiver and a coo from her. More intently, she licked a second time, and then the doted upon the clit, where she briefly nibbled.

"Ohh," the rabbit shuddered, a wry grin overtaking her muzzle, one she shared with the lioness, who began to firmly pump Khyha's snatch again. "Doesn't feel like this is the first time she's had pussy..."

Khyha's cheeks flushed and she (somewhat absently) squeezed the hare's rump cheeks in her paws. "Hey, it is!" she urged, speaking through a nervous laugh; her protests were silenced when the hare pushed her taut ass downward, trapping the raccoon's snout in her cheeks, pressing her snug pucker to the barmaid's nose.

Left with no choice but to solely inhale vast amounts of the hare's musk, that was exactly what Khyha did; the scents of her loins and behind weren't offensive, her body a very clean one, but the residual smell of bodily musk (especially a mixture of the two genders, given that she was a true hermaphrodite) made Khyha melt, something she was doing pretty consistently that night. Dreamily, she began to lap all over the rabbit's dribbling cunt, and she continued to breathe in through her nose. Her air was throttled, the tiniest amount of suffocation lending all sensations a dreamy and pleasurable haze; chief among them was the lioness' continued pumping, but also of pleasure was the scent of the bunny's body, as well as the taste of her pussy, which she was rapidly coming around to enjoy very much.

Watching Khyha work from over the raccoon's shoulder, the wolf laughed derisively and thumbed the barmaid's ever-swollen nipples. "First time or not, she's a natural at this. I think we need to just focus on the desperate middle-aged ones from now on; they seem to be game for the most outrageous things!"

"I'm inclined to agree with that, ooh," the rabbit shuddered, losing her balance somewhat. She wound up pressing her behind even more firmly into the barmaid's snout, resulting in Khyha's cool, black nose ever so subtly penetrating that tight tail hole, but it was a brief entry, and the hare regained her tenuous balance.

"Oh, I so wish you three would hurry up," the vixen said with a low and throaty chuckle, earning only the lioness' direct gaze, who peered around the rabbit. "It isn't fair that I never get to go first... I can understand why, but still."

Pumping Khyha more quickly by the moment, she shot the vixen a hurried grin and nodded her way. Afterward, she gazed to the hare's tits (a pleasing sight, if not one she saw frequently), and she put all of her energy into fucking the raccoon. All that mattered at that moment was her own release, her orgasm, and her frantic bucks, a far cry from her once-reserved lovemaking, signified this overwhelming need to simply cum. Mrowling and huffing, throwing her head back and closing her eyes, she slammed her pelvis into Khyha's abused loins over and over at a blistering, wickedly fast pace right up until her orgasm struck, and how. Forcing her healthy endowment in to the very hilt, she disgorged a great load which filled the raccoon's womb (in futility, since the four of them were infertile in that regard), and she announced her climax with a protracted cry, one which tapered off into a dreamy purr.

Khyha didn't share a climax with the lioness, and yet she loved the feeling of the feline's release, that loving warmth spearing into her, making her squirm and briefly lapse on her duties to the bunny's cunt. "Oh, ngh, yes," she cooed, her words muffled for obvious reasons, but audible to all ears in the tavern. "That feels so good, that's what I've been needing..."

"A little something warm in your belly?" the lioness purred, attempting to sound entirely calm and coy, but failing to a small degree; she was enticingly disheveled by her climax.

"Oh, exactly," Khyha chuckled, idly palming the rabbit's behind, which had subtly let off of her face, but still kept her where she was. "I wanted to thank you girls; I've been having the most incredible night."

Slowly exiting the raccoon, her shaft followed by a torrent of discarded jism, the lioness chuckled warmly. Rubbing one of Khyha's thighs, she coolly rumbled, "We all have, lovely. You've been a most accommodating host."

"Well," Khyha giggled, "I generally don't entertain patrons like this." Almost without thinking about it, she dragged her tongue across the rabbit's pink slit, and then she kissed her short taint. "Although I wouldn't fuck most of my usual patrons even if I were paid to do so," she then said with a dark chuckle.


With the lioness done and the rabbit nearing a second, different release, the pile on the floor was rearranged to make things easier; the hare stood up from Khyha's worshiping tongue, and she lay back on the floor, splaying her legs with a tight smile on her lips.

Khyha somewhat tiredly got up off the wolf, and she pulled her behind away from the lupine's hips; feeling the wolf bitch's flaccid member flop out of her made her shudder, and the exit was followed by a lazy dribble of largely-congealed semen from her well-loosened tail hole. Ironically noting that she began to miss having the wolf under her tail, she happily dropped to her all-fours, and she buried her short muzzle in between the bunny's legs. Holding up the hare's heavy balls, she took long, vigorous laps across the dark-furred folds, but she had already had enough of those strokes, so she parted the lips. Smiling through her work, she contentedly ate the pink flesh between, lapping deeply across and into it, suckling on the folds and nibbling the clit when the urges frequently struck her.

The wolfess and lioness sat side by side, leaning on one another, watching both the hare's reactions and Khyha's thick behind, both of these sights enough to make them lick their lips and grin.

Whispering into the lioness' ear, the wolf asked, "Do you think she can handle it?"

In the same clandestine whispering, the feline replied, "Probably. But I guess we'll find out."

Interrupting the hushed conversation was the rabbit's sudden, orgasmic cry, a drawn-out coo of erotic bliss as she splattered Khyha's eager muzzle in feminine juices. "Ooh, I'm cumming, j-just keep licking," she urged Khyha, and she was obliged, for the raccoon continued to lap along her spasming snatch, but by then, it was difficult to tell if she was that interested in the hare's pleasure, or if she was simply in it for herself. The end result was the same, and the hare was a very happy girl.

Assuming the fun to be over, having let the vixen-taur slip her mind, Khyha sat up on her knees and licked her soaked lips, while her ringtail swayed. "That was quite fun," she murred, trailing a paw down the rabbit's shapely leg, ending this stroke with a tickle on her paw pads. "I do believe I'm exhausted, though - you ladies are welcome to sleep here for the night, if you want to..."

"I think we'd all enjoy that," the lioness said, smiling, already having visions of a morning romp before they returned to the trail. "However - there is one small detail..."

"Hm?" Khyha asked. She then felt a heavy, blunt paw clap down on her shoulder, but not with too much force, for she was able to stay upright. Narrowing her masked eyes, she turned her head, and she was looking into the massive, segmented body of the vixen taur - who was, apparently, a very light stepper when she wanted to be. "Ah... Oh," she chuckled. Her blush was back in full force... And so was her apprehension.


Khyha tried to stand, her intention to explore the vixen, perhaps come to grips with her body (and the massive things it had in store for her), but the centaur, for better or worse, pushed her to the floor. There was relatively little force behind it, and the raccoon fell on her arms and her plush chest with no harm. From there, she rolled over on her back, and she looked up at the vixen-taur, past her colossal, round breasts, up to her coyly smiling face.

As the vixen padded over Khyha, leaving the barmaid in between the her widely-stanced legs, her equine member dribbled with a steady stream of pre. Its' volume was so great that it left a deeply saturated smear on the floorboards; as the gigantic and flared tip hung over the barmaid's prone form, the entirety of the flesh throbbed heavily, and a great wad of pre was disgorged, splattering the raccoon's breasts and belly in horse musk-scented slime. She continued to step over the raccoon, and though she obviously couldn't see exactly where her cock was, she managed to stop in a way that left the huge head of it within half of a foot of Khyha's snout.

Already, Khyha was fervently pawing at the flared tip, unfamiliar with equine penises, but she was fast developing an appreciation for the battering-ram bluntness and the sheer scale. As she rubbed and groped, more pre issued forth, improbable amounts of this liquid matting down the fur on her paws, face, and neck; her hair was getting just as soaked with it, leaving it plastered to the floorboards, but Khyha was incapable of caring.

When the vixen carefully dropped to the floor on her front legs, slanting her shaft and allowing it to grind into the barmaid's eager face and warm cleavage, the raccoon was truly in heaven. There was a notable weight to that shaft, which was beyond two feet in length, and the massive amounts of slippery pre it drooled onto her had her mind swimming in pheromones. With a hunger she had never felt before in her life, she dragged her tongue across the broad head, in particular across the relatively small slit which so constantly leaked its' musky payload. She wore and drank as much of that pre as she could, and she milked the shaft (what she could, anyway) with her eager paws.

The vixen resonated with a deep, aroused murr; the cavernous bulk of her body made the sound something Khyha (and the other girls) felt rather than heard. "She's so eager to please - or perhaps she just loves the cock," the vixen said with a low chuckle, as she palmed her own chest, stimulating her stiffened nipples, tweaking them sharply. This pleasure, however, was more closely linked to her feminine side, and as a result, the swollen and dripping mare cunt beneath her tail was just as ready to fuck as her meat was. It was the latter which was getting Khyha's attention, but that was just fine. Exerting the strength in her mighty rear legs, she slowly, yet roughly ground her black horse cock into the downy fluff of Khyha's body, the blunt knob of the tip almost punching her in the snout every time, but its' malleable flesh never bruised her; it simply dominated the hell out of her.

"Tell me, please," the vixen cooed, grinding ever more intently into Khyha, her great, furless balls throbbing, her cunt drooling its' juices over the backs of them, "do you think your body can handle me?"

In between bumps from that cock, after swallowing a great mouthful of pre, and under obvious distress for her own arousal, Khyha shakily answered, "I-I'm not sure."

It was something the vixen had heard before. "Let me put it another way," she grinned, pausing at the apex of her grind. "Despite not knowing if you can handle it, do you want to try?"

Nuzzling reverently into the vixen-taur's shaft, her head and hair looking wet enough to have just been dipped in the river, "Oh, yes!"

Grinning toothily, the vixen pulled away from Khyha's lapping tongue and groping paws, and she rose to her front legs again. "Please," she coolly said to her companions.

The lioness and the hare lifted Khyha with ease, one at the shoulders, another at the ankles. Despite some startled protest that she could walk on her own, they lay her down upon a cleared table, her body and hips on it, her legs hanging off. They then took to these, holding her legs wide and apart as if she were a wishbone. The hare knelt in between the raccoon's splayed legs, but not for her own gratification.

Lumbering over, the vixen walked up onto the sturdy table with her front legs, standing so tall upon it that the tips of her ears brushed the ceiling timbers. With the hare holding onto her great shaft, she continued to step forward amidst small urges from the other ladies, pausing when told to - when her blunt tip was against Khyha's cunt.

"Are you ready?" the vixen cooed, licking her lips; standing well above the others, she looked at nothing in particular.

Khyha shivered and felt over her own breasts, and then she stroked down the centaur's massive, equestrian body, covered in downy fox fur. She sighed, perhaps to calm herself, closed her eyes, and then said, "I'm ready."


"Well, you all heard her," the vixen coyly chuckled. "She did consent to this..."

Bearing almost malicious grins, the lioness and wolfess both looked to Khyha, who blushed sharply, but didn't question a thing: she'd signed the waiver. There was no turning back, and so she resigned herself to take it all - and to love it.

Denoting her concentration by licking her lips, the vixen eased forward, her shaft sliding through the rabbit's paws at an agonizingly slow pace. The immense, broad head of her member began to part Khyha's folds; despite having been spread wide by the lioness, she was still so very tight, perhaps too much for the vixen to enter, and yet Khyha didn't call out for it to stop. Swishing her long, fluffy tail in a cool semblance of wagging, she pushed forward at a slightly more eager pace, curious to know just how much the wide-hipped raccoon would be able to take.

Khyha was wincing and huffing, her face contorted into a tight, pained grimace, but she was taking the vixen's overwhelming cock. Even as it spread her wider than she had ever known in her entire life (especially for a lady who had never had a child), she took it. Her passage contorted and throbbed around that ominous, black cock, but it continued to hungrily swallow it up as quickly as it came. No tearing, no blood; immense pain, yes, but - as with most other pains she had felt that night - it was like a badge of honor, something she endured proudly.

"How far am I?" the vixen shuddered, the first time Khyha had actually heard her voice break; however, in the raccoon's eyes, the centaur was still an infallible sex god.

"A bit better than half," the rabbit said, still holding the vixen's meat to guide her, but by then, this was largely pointless. A more likely conclusion was that she was simply enjoying the feeling of that member in her paws.

"And not a peep out of her," the wolfess grinned, beginning to idly rub on the raccoon's foot, grinding her thumbs into the pads; in pleasure, the toes splayed, and the leg kicked. Chuckling lowly, deciding to enjoy herself, the lupine bitch dragged her tongue along Khyha's weathered, but still soft paws.

Soon enough, the vixen's shaft bottomed out in Khyha, several inches short of the three-quarter mark.

Feeling that equine battering ram shove so forcefully into her cervix made the barmaid gasp out sharply, almost a winded sound, and she squeezed tightly on the muscular pillars of the centaur's front legs. "Oh, g-god!" she squeaked, her mature body nearly convulsing in pleasure. "I've never had anything so big in me...!"

"That's what they all say," the vixen replied in a low chuckle. At a necessarily slow pace, she began to ease back, but she was still moving more quickly than when she had entered.

All throughout this almost lazy exit, Khyha's moans were long and dreamy, inarticulately speaking the praises of the vixen-taur's equestrian endowment, babbling about how she could feel the fertility in it, how the pre warmed her insides (as it drooled out of her stuffed passage, it warmed her rump cheeks, too). Cathartic to her pain was the fact that she squeezed tightly on the vixen's muscular legs, dimpling the tough muscle there, but causing no harm no matter how firmly she gripped.

Her long body again rumbling in great contentment, the vixen hastily bucked back in before her tip could slide out of the barmaid. She then pushed it deeply into Khyha's body, punching it into her cervix like a battering ram to a door, but unlike a battering ram, it breached nothing. It merely left bruises upon tender, never-before-touched flesh, which would be mementos of erotic pain well after the fact for Khyha. For the moment, though, it was all pleasure with a vast amount of pain lingering around it, leaving it hazy and ethereal.

Amidst frantic yowling and begging from the middle-aged beauty, the vixen let her pace ramp up more and more. Despite her massive size and lumbering motions, she was fucking Khyha quite swiftly, putting her massive back legs to work. Each buck pounded into the hapless raccoon, leaving greater bruises on her most tender and sacred of flesh with a noteworthy lack of care. She wanted what Khyha wanted: to get pleasure out of the act, and to cum. She was getting her own and giving Khyha hers by being as aggressive as she could without killing the barmaid. "Rrf, yes!" she grunted, losing her cool more and more by the second, showing her true colors as she grew nearer her orgasm. "Boys are more apt to take this meat up under their tails - you have no idea how long I've waited for another woman who can take me!"

Throughout the incredible (but exhausting) piston-pumping fucking of the vixen's horse cock, Khyha yowled and screamed with overwhelming pleasure and pain. She was beyond distinguishing between the sensations. Had anybody put their ear to the door, they would've assumed she was being murdered, and just vaguely, she was aware of this, but she simply couldn't bring herself to care about it. All that mattered was this, the pleasure, the raw sensations of having such an enormous cock inside of her, reaming her.

Before Khyha could even get a grip on the sensations filling her mind and body, from having her cunt abused to getting her pads licked by the wolf, she was cumming; her juices came in an incredible torrent, a gush of phenomenal proportions that squirted the kneeling, stroking rabbit in the face, startling her into a yelp. She could feel her walls somehow tightening around the vixen-taur's member, finding the energy to constrict her vaginal passage despite how utterly exhausted she was. Completely unaware of it, she was literally sobbing through her climax; it just felt that good.

The vixen was astonished that the raccoon's climax saw her clenching so hard as to actually make her work more difficult; it was beyond comprehension that she could clamp down that hard with her bruised cunt, but it was happening. And something else was happening: she was getting ready to cum, herself. She had felt the feeling creeping up on her, primarily (and obviously) from the raccoon's snug pussy, but compounded by other things, like the rabbit's stroking paws and the swell of her cunt, something she would need to attend to later on. On top of all of that, it had just been so long since she'd felt a tight, wet cunt around her meat, bringing her that unique pleasure which anal sex could never provide.

Emitting a sharp cry, followed by a long, sexually content groan, the vixen involuntarily stomped with one of her hind legs and blasted a high-pressure jet of her centaur jizz into the raccoon. It spectacularly filled Khyha's body with infertile semen, leaving her womb stuffed to capacity with hot goo; so quickly was the barmaid overfilled that, not an entire second after the climax began, the excess of the vixen's wad squirted out of Khyha's abused pussy, again hitting the rabbit, but she had been expecting it that time, and thankfully, she had her eyes closed.

For many moments, even into her afterglow, the vixen continued to leak with vast amounts of her vulpine seed, and just as constantly, Khyha's bruised pussy drooled with this cream.

Though exhausted and quaking in pleasure and pain, Khyha was immensely satisfied - for the time being, at least.

"If you don't mind my asking," the lioness spoke up, idly stroking over the raccoon's leg, "can we still stay the night here?"

After a chuckle, and as she languidly stroked over the hard body of the centaur, Khyha answered, "On one condition."

"Name it," the feline answered, smiling.

"Go to the general store," Khyha said, "and get me an ice bag."

White Christmas

--1 "So, what's your plan for tonight?" "I dunno," Mallow cooed as he rolled a stocking up his leg. Latex at the top clung to his soft fur and kept it snugly in place, but a cuff of fur surrounded the outside of this band, hiding it from view. The...

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Servants of The Dragon

--1 Tanith looked upon his slaves with a grin both coy and satisfied. His satisfaction was evident in a lewd, dripping manner, yet it went beyond flesh-borne pleasures like the ones he'd just experienced. Collecting strange, pleasing things was...

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