Fates of the Unicorns 77 - Double Date

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#77 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 77 - Double Date

This long running Master and slave themed story series continues the journey of dragons, unicorns and the rest of the furry races in a world threatened with extinction by a monstrous threat. The furry races are grateful for the sacrifice dragons make in fighting the war, but would be much happier if the dragons would just stop trying to enslave them all!

_ SPOILER WARNING : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters_._ _

Fates of the Unicorns Fates of the Unicorns is the cover and a good place to start for new readers.

(Thanks to all my long time and new readers.

_Don't forget to Favorite the chapter you like it! _

It's a big help and means a lot to me. Thanks!)

Zoriah yanked the ball gag out of the stallion's mouth and slapped his face. "Quit squirming, Stal! I want this to be PERFECT, do you understand? Not so much as a hair out of place. Now open up and keep your tongue STILL!"

Stal did as he was told, opening his mouth wide, sticking his tongue out past his bottom teeth. He tried to stay still, he really did. No slave of a dragon ever wanted to disappoint them. Punishments could be severe, and trying to talk your way out of one usually only netted you something worse. There was always something worse. He huffed a bit as the ball gag was once more pressed into his mouth, feeling his tongue trapped between the red rubber and his teeth. The straps went around his head and muzzle and he erked as they were tightened.

This time he didn't try and shift his tongue to make it more bearable, only wincing at the discomfort.

"Much better, Stal," said Zoriah, patting his face where she had slapped him before.

Stal just blinked at her, unable to respond with his mouth filled. He flushed a bit at the name. Stal wasn't his real name. It was just short for Stallion, given to him when the former Stal lost his balls and got renamed to Girly. Stal hung in Zoriah's lair. It was a good sized room, and took up the majority of his Mistresses' lair. Bedroom, living room, work areas, all in one large space.

He, and Boy, the second ranked slave were both tied up to a wall framing the exit to her lair. Metal shackles on both arms and legs were chained tightly in place, straps around thighs and waist kept them immobile, their collars were locked to the wall and even their horns were chained to restrict their movement even more.

He sighed through his nose as his Mistress stepped back, nodding her green head in satisfaction.

"Now you may squirm if you wish, slave."

Stal didn't squirm, but did slump, relaxing from holding his position. He tried to ignore the discomfort, but there was so much of it! His nipples were clamped. His balls tied and weighted, his sheath capped with a small cage adorned with inward facing studs. Hands forced into fists and secured with tight leather bags, specially sewn to fit his fist to keep them tight and unable to even wriggle a finger. Helpless.

Zoriah moved to her other decorative stallion, watching Boy flinch from her gaze. He had always been the submissive one, lowest on the totem pole until Girly had fallen. She ran her claws up the inside of his thighs and watched him shudder and shiver, "Good Boy," she murmured to him, enjoying his relaxed sigh. It had not taken much to train this one to obey. A natural submissive, she simply had to repeat his training until it was ingrained in him. He would have bored her, if not for the others who's interactions made things interesting. Luckily Stal had plenty of spirit in him, well contained, controlled, and fully under her power of course.

Not like Girly. She gave him a quirky look. He was a stubborn gelding, prone to acting without thinking, proud and vain even more than most unicorns. That was saying something for a breed that had so much pride. They were almost as prideful as dragons, but without all the reasons for a dragons well deserved pride and superiority. She walked over to her third unicorn slave. She had him kneeling in a bit and bridle, hands cuffed tightly behind him, ropes pulling his arms straight and tightly together.

"Now.. you will NOT embarrass me like last time, Girly. Is that clear?"

Girly nodded, sore all over from slaps and cuffs. Mistress had been preparing for hours, and if he didn't move or pose exactly as she wished, she was quick to strike and force him into the proper position. She wasn't normally this rough, but that blue bastard boyfriend of hers was coming for a visit. The more she submitted to him, the more dominant and rough she was with them. As if he rubbed off on her. Suppressed her own feelings and desires and replaced them with his own.

Much like she did with them, he realized. He sat here trying to be good, trying not to move. Was it because she would hit him if he didn't, or because he did want to please her? He really didn't know. When she was playing with them, controlling their movements, he sometimes found himself eager to please her. Desperate to do so. Was it to avoid pain, or because he truly wanted her approval? She had become the center of his life, of all their lives. Almost nothing they did, or even thought, was not affected by her in some way. She was their Goddess in a way. Provided for them. Rewarded them. Punished them. Worshiped by them. He shivered under her gaze, eyes quickly looking down at the floor in shame and humiliation at what he had become.

Girly gasped as a tailtip stroked over the opening of his sheath, making him squirm and moan, washing away the shame and replacing it with desire. He might have lost his balls, but he was still a stallion, and could still give a DAMN good fuck. That was something to be proud of. She might own him, and she might be able to make him scream, but he could make HER scream too. Make her cum so hard she was the one writhing and thrashing out of control, even if only for a time.

The floor gave a subtle shudder, and Girly gave a much larger one. He knew the feel of a large drake landing on the ledge outside Zoriah's cave. She didn't have a drake of her own, but often had important visitors who were brought directly to her, or was brought directly to them without the longer travel time using the carts and trains deeper inside the mountain walls.

Zoriah grabbed Girly's reins and yanked, forcing him to shuffle on his knees behind her as she walked slowly, and majestically in front of him. His eyes only glanced up at her ass, tight in the green dress she wore. He almost huffed in anger as he thought of that bitch Rio who had jabbed him with those needles, but then he had to pay attention to keep up. It was no easy task to shuffle along on ones knees and not painfully slam a kneecap into the floor. That would hurt, and Zoria would NOT allow him time to recover. She would drag him if he didn't move fast enough, so he did.

Then he was outside, pulled through the door to the small but adequate ledge that held the drake. He let out a whimper at the sight of it. Huge and teal, it looked RIGHT at him and licked his lips. He moaned. His Mistress could scare him, but nothing, nothing was as terrifying as having a beast like that staring at you. It could eat him in two bites, or one if it was really hungry he suspected! He whined despite himself and could swear the drake smiled at him!

Zoriah smiled and helped Rahmor down from the drake, smiling as she saw he had brought Tamira with him. She was her favorite, and had a history with Girly that would make things interesting. "Hello, my Master..." she said demurely, quivering in delight at being in his presence again. Not just with him, but in private where they could relax and enjoy each other in any way they pleased. Her job had become more stressful since the unicorn raids, with a lot of work on trying to deal with the furry responses. It was all well within what was expected, and what she had predicted, but there were always problem areas and surprises she had to deal with quickly and effectively. Thinking like a furry made her head hurt. She was glad to have a night of nothing but being a dragon.

Rahmor stepped down with a grin, snapping his fingers to order Tamira down as well. "Good evening, slave... my.. what a lovely dress. For a moment, I thought you were naked and eager to get right to fucking."

Zoriah gave a blush and nodded, "I am not naked, but I am eager, my Lord."

Rahmor nodded and hisses his own pleasure. Zoriah was not quite an equal of his. No non-warrior dragon could be in his mind, or with dragons in general. But she was highly regarded in her field, useful and extremely good at her job at military intelligence. It gave him that extra bit of pleasure to know she submitted to him more than was necessary by simple dragon custom. Submitted to him like no other. She was quite strict and firm in her dealing with other dragons, not to mention slaves. She did not bow to him because she was weak. She did it because she wanted to. Because she craved his domination. This was no guess. She had said so to him, many times. She knew he liked to hear it.

Tamira climbed off the drake carefully, making sure not to tangle herself in the reins and fall. That would be bad. Master Rahmor had made it very clear she was to be on her best behavior, which was unusual. He simply expected her best at all times, and rarely felt the need to state it. She knew he had feelings for this dragoness, and blushed as she remembered feelings of her own the last time they met. Rahmor was many things, but an attentive lover was not one of them. Not with her at least. Zoriah on the other hand, she knew what she was doing, and took great pleasure in showing it. She almost smiled, but then saw Girly and frowned. He was wearing a bridle EXACTLY like hers. Those two planned this, and undoubtably had more planned. Dragons plotting together was never a good sign!

The warrior mare sank to her knees like she knew was expected of her and followed both dragons and the stallion into the lair, glad she was allowed to crawl and not shuffle like, what was his name now, Girly? She shuddered at the memory of the metallic sliding and SNAP sound of the device that had taken away his manhood. She felt sorry for the guy, even if he had been a brat that night trying to fondle her. Just because she was a dragon's slave was no reason to try and molest her in her sleep! They were both still unicorns and should damn well act like it. Still, to lose a part of oneself. She had no idea how that felt. Even the tip of her horn was still intact. The closest was having her hair cut to be made into brushes, and that would grow back.

Zoriah smiled and motioned to a black leather couch, walking with swaying hips and a swishing tail, leading her slave as she made her way to the furniture, spinning to flump down, legs not quite spreading enough to give Rahmor a view of what awaited him. She blinked seductively as she leaned back and tapped Girly on the nose with her tail. "We should catch up, if Master approves..."

Girly moved at the tap, turning sideways to present his front to his mistress, and with a grunt, pushed forward and toppled over to land on his chest, chin flat against the floor, rump up, arms squirming behind his back as he got into the position he had been drilled into earlier.

Zoriah lifted her right foot and placed it on Girly's back, using it as a footrest. Her left slid forward to stop with her toes in front of his mouth, and smiled as a tongue emerged to begin licking at the nearest.

"Mhhhm, a good idea," said Rahmor as he bent down to grab Tamira's arms, pulling them behind her back and securing them tightly.

Tamira grunted as she was led into position opposite of Girly, forced to lie on her knees and chest, breasts squeezed under her own weight against the floor. She stayed still as she felt a foot rest on her back, grunting at the extra weight it put on her breasts, and obediently began to lick at a toe, trying not to make a disgusted face at the humiliating and distasteful act.

Rahmor sat to Zoriah's left and pulled her to him with an arm, "Has there been more trouble with the furry alliance?"

Zoriah said, "Always. They simply do not want to accept their place. There was more talk in their council of starving us out again and building anti drake defenses."

Rahmor shook his head, "Fools. If they refuse to provide us with food and supplies they risk us becoming too weak to defend against the insects. If they overrun our strongholds, the furries would have no chance. No chance at all."

Zoria nodded, rubbing a hand along Rahmor's thigh, caressing it as she leaned into him. "The anti drake measures are more disturbing. That was a key part of the agreement between the dragon empire and the furry kingdoms when we let them settle these lands. They know how strongly we feel about them."

Rahmor enjoyed the feel of a tongue on his toes, and had a hard time not imagining Zoriah's on another part of his anatomy, but his interest has been piqued as well, "They should not even be talking about such things. If the council even suspects them of trying to draw anti drake defense lines, they will surely send an attack force to stop it. Even after all this time, the runes carved into the land in the invaded lands are still in effect despite our best efforts to disable them."

Zoriah said, "It would embolden the furries if they could prevent our drakes from flying into their territory, even parts of it."

Rahmor snorted, "That's a minor concern. The real problem is if they activated anti-flight runes and boundaries and the insects somehow snuck a hive queen in, it would be a disaster. Without our drakes speed and help, we would be sorely pressed to take out even a single hive. The whole reason we demanded that no such runes be laid was to ensure we could strike hard and fast at any insect threat on the western continent. In protecting themselves from us they would be risking destruction at the hands of those infernal creatures."

Tamira listened to the two talk, finding herself interested despite her position. She had always hated the fact that the furry alliance forbid the constructions of such magical barriers. They were one of the few continent-wide enchantments from the golden age that were still functional. She had to admit the dragons had a point. If there was an emergency, what good would it be to be protected from the dragons if they fell to the insects?

She thought back to her history lessons. In the insect war invasion the drakes were of little use due to all the anti-flight barriers that were in place to keep the dragons contained. She had been told that those barriers were a huge help, because they stopped the insects from flying as well, interfering with them in some way. The fact that it kept the dragons from using their drakes as well was played down.

Rahmor said, "It's unfortunate we lost so many in the fighting back then. Some of the mages at least were able to start tuning the existing barriers to permit drake flight but still interfere with the insects. The plan was to do that for the entire continent, but those damn bugs found and killed so many of them once they learned of our plans. Only a few at the front lines were modified, and the skills to do it were lost."

Tamira couldn't imagine what it must have been like back then. She knew one of her ancestors fought in the early battles. Of course, every furry had ancestors that fought or died in the invasion. So many died, and so horribly. She turned one eye to the two dragons on the couch, talking casually about the fate of her world, a comfortable discussion she could see, one they had many times. They were the lesser of two evils. Still evil enslaving bastards, but to be honest, it was the difference between a bruise and being slowly tortured to death. She would take slavery over having her body and soul devoured, any day. She just wished she didn't have to!

Tamira blinked as she felt a gust of air puff over her nose, turning her attention forward to see Girly snort at her a second time, glaring. She blinked, then oohed softly and resumed licking at her Masters foot. She had become so caught up in her own thoughts that she forgot her duties. She gave an apologetic look to the stallion, but blinked at his return glare.

Girly wished he could tell that bitch off. What was she doing, trying to get them punished? She needed to pay attention. It would be just his luck if she got him hurt even worse this time! It was all her fault he lost his balls. She didn't have to twist his fingers to hard when he was just trying to give her a friendly rub. She made him yell, and that got Zoriah's attention. Then the bitch has to get all moany and thrashing about when Mistress and her dragon friend fucked her. Got him turned on and triggered that horrible device that cut off his balls. All her damn fault! He glared, angry all over again, the bitch just two feet away from him and trying to do it again!

Tamira continued to listen to the two dragons as she licked, slowly getting used the taste of dragon foot. She found it disturbing it was something she COULD get used to, the taste and texture of a foot under her tongue. Worse, it seemed to be easier and easier to submit in such a vile way. So much so that she could even forget she was doing it as she listened to the dragons talk. They were discussing the unicorn raids now, and she felt her anger rise at the sheer audacity of the dragons to fly in and just take entire villages and towns. How many? Hundreds? Thousands surely. They had to have done it as a show of force, to show the furries they could, and would send forces in. That they were not all tied up in the insect war.

Tamira knew otherwise. The dragons were stretched thin. They really couldn't sustain a second front, not with the insects at their backs. Even during the insect hibernation they were consumed with rebuilding defenses, making what advances the could. Occupying the furry lands would take a great deal of troops, and the dragons didn't have the numbers. They were vastly outnumbered by the furries who did not suffer the losses, and the slow breeding the dragons did.

"Well, that is my opinion of the matter. They will talk, but will take no action," said Zoriah. She leaned back and faked a surprised expression, "What do we have here?"

Girly flattened his ears, knowing THAT tone of voice. He risked looking in her direction and whined as he saw the green dragoness reach behind her and pull out a long handled paddle from behind the couch.

Zoria returned to her discussion with Rahmor, talking about keeping the furry races compliant. Handling the backlash from the unicorn raids, calmly speaking as she swung the paddle.

The smack echoed in the large room and Girly gritted his teeth around the bit in his mouth, his ass on fire from the single smack. "Nnnngh!"

Rahmor chuckled, and reached back behind the couch on a hunch and turned his chuckle into a deeper growl as his hand closed around a wooden handle.

Tamira widened her eyes, hearing the wind whistle through the holes of the paddle before it struck her flat on the rear. "Ahhhhhhoow," she cried out as the pain slammed into her! She panted a bit under the dragon's foot, and then heard Girly take another. Then it was her turn as the dragons began to alternate back and forth, paddling both unicorns. She grunted and whimpered, letting out a whinny as one strike nearly graced her pussy. She knew that was no accident, and that if he wished, he could, and would hit her there. Every swing made her tense and grunt, her nose bumping against the foot before her.

Zoriah stopped talking, leaning in closer and licked at the side of Rahmor's neck, then nuzzling up to his chin and lips to plant a kiss.

Rahmor growled in pleasure and dominance, loving the sound of the smacks as he kissed her back, making out as the pair paddled their helpless slaves.

Girly huffed and snorted, knowing somehow, this was all Tamira's fault!


"I do love foreplay..." said Rahmor, giving Tamira another crack of her ass with the paddle.

Tamira grunted, wincing as her rear burned. The only thing hotter was the gaze of the stallion laying in front of her. She ignored him, trying not to glare herself, but at her Master. Why couldn't they hit each other! She knew they liked it, She had seen how rough he had been with her during their last date. Why spank her when that green dragoness clearly wanted to be the one receiving his attentions.

"I have so much to show you tonight, my love," said Zoriah. She gave a yank on Girly's reins, making him yelp as he was dragged to his knees before her, the bit tugging annoyingly in his mouth.

Girly grunted, but knew better to grab at the reins. That got your finger broken, or worse. A glutteral 'urk' came out as he was hauled to his hooves, "Mind if I borrow your girl?"

Rahmor grinned and leaned back to enjoy the show, whatever that may be. "Go right ahead."

Zoriah pulled on Tamira's leash, pulling her forward until the mare was on her hands and knees, head in her lap. Her leg nudged the mare to turn about until her rear was facing the stallion, a green tail sliding up between her legs to caress between the red cheeks of her ass, teasing at her sex.

Tamira whinnied a bit. The burning of her ass should have made her as turned off as possible, but somehow the spreading heat was reaching her pussy as something not quite pleasure, but not quite pain either. She let out a little moan and squirmed.

Girly looked down and shifted his weight from hoof to hoof as he saw that inviting, pine mareflesh. Oh how he wanted it. Dragons were ok... but he wanted to hold soft mare breasts, feel a soft pussy around his cock.

Rahmor watched with amusement as the stallion began to get hard from the sight of his slave. He didn't blame the slave. Tamira has a fine ass. Then he blinked as the cock that came out was nothing like the mottled pink most stallions had, but was red, and covered in the same spines and ridges of a dragon. He leaned forward to get a better look and laughed, "Oh, that's good... it looks very real from a distance."

Tamira stirred uneasily, managing to cock her head back just enough to see the stallion, letting out a little gasp, then a tiny giggle. She couldn't help it. The stallion was standing there looking so silly with the penis paint job. It was like a bad traveling show with terrible makeup and some poor unicorn wearing a dragon mask and looking as far from scary as you could get.

Girly frowned, glaring down at the giggle, his cock wilting, but only a little. He flushed in shame and embarrassment, then he stiffened back up again as he imagined pounding his cock, painted or not into that bitch.

"Oh, he wants you," said Zoriah, patting Tamira's now frowning muzzle. "Would you like to ride my horsey?"

Tamira gulped, biting back her first words and tempering them to a grumpy, "Do I have a choice, Maam?"

Zoriah laughed, leaning in closer to Rahmor, stroking his thigh, "Perhaps not... but I still wish to know the answer."

"No, then. I do not wish to have sex with him."

Zoria chuckled, and eyed her stallion, "What about you? Would to bang this pretty little thing if I allowed it?"

The stallion's muzzle bobbed enthusiastic up and down, making his reins ripple, his cock bobbing in time with his head. "Yes Mistress!" Ever since that night he had wanted his revenge. First getting spanked before Tamira fucked him with a dildo, and worse, the next day, losing his balls. He wanted to hammer her cunt bad.

Tamira's frown deepened. Did he not hear her say no? She expected dragons to ignore it, but he was a fellow unicorn, and he just said he wanted to have sex with her against her will. Any way you split it, that was rape, and her opinion of him lowered even further. A lot further.

Rahmor said, "Now now, she said she doesn't want to get fucked by him. It wouldn't be fair to just let him do it. Not a contest of dominence."

Zoriah perked, "What a wonderful idea. Winner gets to fuck the looser. But for that... well... I do have that, duplicate I had made. Girly! Fetch Master's Anger and a cock ring. Now!"

Girly suddenly gulped, nodding a hurried, "Yes Mistress!" and rushing to the large octagonal bed, pulling out the required items and returning to offer them. He stared with clear displeasure at both.

Zoriah slid the cock ring over Girly's shaft, cinching the adjustable ring tight at the base until he winced. She then hefted a large blue object, poking Tamira on the nose with it.

Tamira stared at what looked like an exact duplicate of her Masters cock. Except it was clearly made of rubber. It was also blue. Worst of all, it looked like his did with the spines out. Clearly that was the 'angry' part. It was clearly created from a mold made from the real thing. The large blue object was currently attached to a strap on harness, one that looked suspiciously small for a dragoness, but a perfect fit for a mare. Did she plan this, or was she just prepared? There was no way to tell. Her eyes roamed over the device with an expert eye, noting the back end was almost the same as the front, only a little shorter, meant to transfer the force back to the wearer, fucking her as well as her victim. Victim was the word for whoever was on either side!

"It would be a little unfair for her not to have a cock of her own to use if she wins, as well as not having the disadvantage of wearing it, don't you think?" Zoriah asked Rahmor.

Rahmor chuckled, "Yes, quite. Put it on, slave. Now."

Tamira nodded, taking it and backing up. She paused, looking at the intimidating size of the rear piece and asked, "Master... is there any... lube?"

Rahmor said, "Plenty. In your mouth."

Tamira managed not to grimace as she nodded, and took the back end of the dildo between her lips and tongued at it, making sure to get plenty on. It tasted like dragon, and she wondered if it had even been cleaned since last use. Knowing dragons, it had probably been purposely used earlier in the day and left for her to taste. She gave a little shrug. It may taste like dragon, but at least it was female.

She finished and took a deep breath, placing the back end to her lips and began working it in with a grunt. It want easier than she expected, the rear part compressing as it slid into her tight sex, her poor lips no longer as tight as they used to be. The spines tickled as they slid in, feeling not entirely unpleasant, but even the back end was thick and long, bigger than most dildos she had used. The straps were buckled and tightened and she grunted as she moved, the weight of it unusual and disconcerting. She preferred much slimmer models, and this was double, maybe triple the weight she liked.

Rahmor said, "Tamira has duties to perform for me, so I'll set the rules. There must be no major injuries today, so this will be a wrestling match. Win by pinning your opponent to the floor for a count of five. No punching, biting or scratching. Winner fucks the looser."

Girly looked over his opponent and let out a feral grin. She was big for a mare, probably worked on a ranch or a farm. But she was still just a girl.

Rahmor motioned for Tamira to come closer, reaching out to take off her bit and bridle. "Wouldn't want any broken teeth, would we?" He patted her on the shoulder, turned her around and smacked her ass to send her on her way. "Oh, by the way... put on a good show. The more entertaining the takedown is, the happier we will be. If you bore us, well... we will just have to come up with something even more fun to do."

Tamira yelped as her already sore butt was giving a good whack. She rubbed at it grumpily as she sized up her opponent. She knew the type. Playboy, or at least he thought he was. Probably never been in a real fight in his life. Still, a good knock on the head from his horn would drop her like anyone else. He may not have the training that she did that greatly increased the force of the blows one could deliver with hoof and horn, but the natural abilities were nothing to take lightly. He was no mere furry, but luckily was no dragon either!

Girly cracked his neck as he lowered his center of gravity. He had wrestled with his 'brothers' often for dominance. It was a game Zoriah loved, and one he used to win before his manhood, and some of his confidence had been cut away. This might be just thing thing to get it back, while he got HER back. He waited for her to come at him, fingers flexing.

Tamira heard the word, "GO" and she moved. She lept forward, smacking a hoof down in mid stride to dodge to the side, wanting to get behind the stallion as she feinted. She saw him flinch in the wrong direction and correct as he swung at her, but she was moving past and his blow was way to far to.. ungh! Tamira stumbled as the stallions hand smacked her dildo! The shock of it traveled up into her, the rear end wriggling around. She pushed herself back as the stallion gave the tip of the dildo a punch with his other hand, driving the end deeper into her body and bottoming out painfully. "Ergh!"

Girly snorted his amusement, "Not used to having a cock on you, eh bitch?"

Tamira huffed at the sensation, not used to having her insides smacked around, no! Quite used to distracting insults, the words snapping her back into focus, concentrating on his movements and not his voice. This time when he swung she was ready, dodging away, but the damn dildo still swinging around crazily, stirring her insides distractingly. How the hell did guys fight with these things attached?

Girly chuckled, this was going to be too easy. He jumped, moving to get around her side, his hand automatically down at his cock, blocking it as it swung, keeping it from bending painfully from his movements, well used to that kind of distraction and weakness. The first few fights with an erection had been bad. One learned the hard way not to make twisting motions without a way to handle an out of control cock. Having it slam against ones own hips was bad, having it connect by accident or on purpose to an object or opponent could drop a guy! Tamira didn't feel anything from the slaps since it was fake, but she sure felt it inside!

"I'm going to fuck you SO hard, bitch... I haven't had any unicorn pussy since I was brought here, and I am going to unload it ALL in you!"

Tamira snorted, his words getting to her despite herself. He was just like Killer, that bull she had fought in the arena. Just less skilled, and without the opportunity to abuse other female slaves. She was glad Zoriah only kept males, she wouldn't want to know some poor female was suffering his attentions. She had thought he was just an obnoxious jerk, but now she saw otherwise.

"What's the matter? Scared, little filly? Why don't you just drop to the floor and pin yourself. I promise I'll go easy on you... maybe I'll let YOU go down on me instead of fucking your face good and hard."

Tamira huffed and let out an enraged yell, giving the stallion exactly what he wanted, moving at him in a straight line. She knew he was going for her dildo again, and she let him as he dodged, anticipating the blow and his moves. WHAP! The shock when he connected with her dildo still made her flinch, even knowing it was coming and she missed her mark. She didn't miss it by much, and her hand still managed to slide under Girly's arm and grab at his chest as she spun around behind him.

Girly erfed as white-furred skin and the muscle underneath was grabbed in a claw-like grip, yelping and trying to twist around. A hoof tangled in his, and something smacked the back of his knees making him buckle. He felt himself being pulled back, and he shoved, trying to throw himself backwards to pin the bitch on her back under him.

Tamira knew the move was happening even as Girly tensed, and she moved with him, and then dug in a hoof behind her, stopping her backwards motion and bending her back, using Girly's momentum to lift him off his hooves, his back smashing into her chest painfully as she grabbed with her other arm for a better grip.

Girly grunted as he slammed back into the surprisingly strong mare, and howled a hand clamped down in his cock as he flipped over backwards, feeling like his dick was about to be yanked clean out!

Tamira continued the movement, nearly doing a backflip as she dropped to the ground, flipping Girly over and slamming him upside down onto the floor, coming down with him gaaaaaahing as that damn dildo swung up and around, making the back end do all kinds of things to her insides as she struggled to hold onto the stallion. That has BETTER be entertaining! She hurfed and ngghed as she landed, her busied ass smacking the ground.

Girly screeched and then made a loud UNF as his shoulders and the back of his head slammed into the carpeted floor, his entire body twitching from the jolting impact, stars and spots dancing in his eyes, and his cock throbbing in pain from the cruel grip. He tried to shake his head to clear it but nothing seemed to work as a far off voice said something. By the time he could make out the word 'five' it was too late.

Tamira let go of the stallion, pushing him to thud onto his side, moaning and gasping. She felt a little bad, she hadn't MEANT to grab his cock, but the blow to her own, uhm, dildo had been more distracting that she had counted on and she grabbed whatever she could. Still, she wasn't THAT upset about it. She looked to see both dragons kissing and making out, one eye watching them. They were getting off on this! Pervs. She sighed, knowing the drill, and sank back to her knees to await further orders.

Girly groaned as he slowly rolled onto his side, then to all fours, shaking his head. His spine felt like something had just crushed it between a set of large clamps, and his shoulders and head felt like someone had dropped a boulder on him. What the fuck had she DONE to him? They almost hurt worse than his cock, which felt like some bitch had grabbed, squeezed and yanked it! Because she did!

Rahmor broke the kiss and gave a little clap, "Oh, very good. I liked the cock grab. Very inventive! Guess he won't be raping you after all."

Tamira blushed as she panted, deciding not to mention it had been an accident, and giving Girly a glare as she was reminded of his earlier boasting of just what he wanted to do to her.

Girly just groaned, rubbing at his neck with one hand, and his cock with the other. What a dirty trick! He should have had her. Maybe a rematch? He looked up into the grin in his Mistress's eyes, his heart sank. If he still had balls, they would have crawled into his abdomen at that look. She WANTED to see him raped. There was not going to be a second chance, and as he looked over and saw Tamira's expression, knew he was going to REALLY get it.

( As always, to be continued! )

Fates of the Unicorns 78 - Turnabout

## Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 78 - Turnabout _This long running Master and slave themed story series continues the journey of dragons, unicorns and the rest of the furry races in a world threatened with extinction by a monstrous threat. The furry...

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Fates of the Unicorns 76 - Lover's Day

## Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 76 - Lover's Day _This long running Master and slave themed story series continues the journey of dragons, unicorns and the rest of the furry races in a world threatened with extinction by a monstrous threat. The...

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Fates of the Unicorns 75 - Potential

## Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 75 - Potential _This long running Master and slave themed story series continues the journey of dragons, unicorns and the rest of the furry races in a world threatened with extinction by a monstrous threat. The furry...

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