Character Profile: Tanuki

Story by Madam Poodle on SoFurry

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Character ProfileName: Tanuki Take'ichiAge: 18Gender: MaleHeight/Weight: 5' 10" @ 167 lbs.Species: Tanuki (Japanese Raccoon Dog)Date of Birth: September 22, 2179Residence: None (Lives as wandering outlaw)Overview: Tanuki is a Japanese Raccoon Dog, and a wandering outlaw, with his world's largest bounty riding on his head. He spends a great chunk of his time wandering from place to place, rarely stopping for long periods of time. He wanders about the world with the spirit that reside within his body, which can possess his body at any point in time.Tanuki has grey fur with black patches of fur near the eyes, which is more akin to actual raccoons. His hair is kept in rather distinct style of patterned spikes, with smooth bangs that come down to about his eyes. His eyes are are green, with a seal pattern seen in his right eye that seems to rotate counter-clockwise. His neck, torso, arms and hands are covered in black markings.Tanuki dresses in unrevealing clothing as to hide his markings, which encompass the majority of his torso, arms, and neck. His clothing consists primarily of a long-collar black jacket, and red Umenori-type Hakama. He wears a blue scarf in his neck, and black, padded gloves to both hide his markings, and ensure stable grip. He wears footpads as footwear on his paw-like feet, and holds his Hakama up with a rope belt with a metal buckle bearing the kanji of his name etched into it.Tanuki is alone, and usually by himself in most instances. He usually avoids talking, and interacting with others in order to avoid establishing a long-term relationship. Because of this, his voice has grown to become very feint, and quiet to the point that one can barely hear him scream at a distance. Despite this, He's caring and benevolent by nature.All this changes changes when he becomes possessed by the "Tanuki Spirit". During this state, his eyes glow yellow, with the seal pattern appearing both eyes. He begins to emanate a blackish-crimson aura, which also become his spirit energy in this state. He will start speaking in a double-voice and his personality shifts to that of a savage, cold-blooded killer.History: ( Reading this folktale will explain a lot about the spirit)Mr., ans Mrs. Take'ichi were finding it hard to conceive a child of their own. On day, they were visited by a spirit disguised as a priest, who would ensure the birth of their child. Once the child was conceived, the spirit then sealed itself inside the unborn child, the seal which prevents it from exiting the body.The child was born around 9 months later, healthy and beautiful. The Take'ichi couple couldn't wait to take their new child home with them. Once given the thumbs-up, they finally had the their last piece of the family puzzle; their baby boy, Tanuki Take'ichi.As Tanuki grew up, the markings on his chest

appeared, and began to develop. His right eye also had a pattern in it that seemed to rotate. Taniki's abnormalities made him socially awkward around his peers, and was often teased (But never bullied) by others because of them. This prompted him to change his clothing sense to hide his markings.On the day of his twelfth birthday, he laid down to rest, as he was tired from the day's events. Once asleep, the spirit that sealed itself into his body awoke, and took control of his body during his slumber. During his awakening, he destroyed everything in the village Tanuki lived in, along with a lot of the village's inhabitants. Once the spirit went dormant, Tanuki awoke, stumbling upon the remains of what once was his home.Tanuki spent the day in tears and sadness, now having no place he can really call home. He spent the next few weeks trying to find shelter, eventually coming upon a man riding in a chariot. The man offered Tanuki to come with him, with Tanuki accepting joyously. Tanuki then hopped into his chariot, and flew to the floating metropolis of Takama-chi.As the man revealed himself to be a scholar at one of the city's famous schools of the arts, Tanuki was taken under the man's wing, and educated with the fine arts the school had to offer. He spent four years under the man's care, and education, at which Tanuki thought of him like a third parent.One day, Tanuki ran into a girl by the name Rabbit while walking through town. The two hit it off quite, and made friends from their company quite well. One they parted, however, Tanuki's head began to act-up. It quickly passed, and Tanuki returned to the school. However, later during the night, when Tanuki was making a trip, he lost control of his body, and began destroying the city, as with his  home.The spirit possessed Tanuki, eventually ran into Rabbit, the girl he met earlier during the day. Just as Tanuki would appear to try and kill her, Rabbit, who is also possessed, retaliates, and a massive fight ensues. The fight ended up destroying much of that part of town, and left many dead in it's wake. After the incident, and after Tanuki regained control of his body, he found once more, the destruction he though to have left.The incident rendered Tanuki a wanted outlaw by law enforcement, and was now hated and feared by a lot of the people. Those who were not welcoming of him in the first place now wanted him dead. Tanuki saw no sign of Rabbit, and was now feeling really guilty. Despite the man who took care of him wanting to find, and see him again, the other scholars exiled his presence at the school. Tanuki was now a complete reject.Once his caretaker found, and caught up with him, he gave him his current cloths, him knowing what cloths he usually wears, and gave him his weapon. With this, he told him to flea, giving him a way to safely escape. Once gone, Tanuki began to wander the world, on the way trying to find a way to rid himself of his

demons.He has spent the remainder of 2 years Wandering, and searching. Tanuki's bounty continues to climb the more he destroys while he's possessed. His bounty is currently the highest in his known world.Weapon: Scientifically Crafted Axe-SwordWeapon Type: Custom Hybrid WeaponDiscapline: Basic Empty-Hand Martial ArtsBattle and Abilities: Tanuki's experience in basic martial arts skills, his weapon, and the spirit inside all help aid in battle. His fight style is often a blend of both physical, and weaponry strikes and attacks, only relying on other means of attack if needed for the situation. Tanuki can also borrow power from the spirit if need be, and use it to his will.His weapon, is a scientifically crafted axe-sword. A cross between an axe, and a sword, it gives the form of an axe, with the elongated, re-proportioned blade like a sword. The blade in addition, has three holes on the back to emit a substance, such as fire or ice, to smother his foe. This kind of versatility, combined with the weapon's lightweight materials, and his proficiency with the weapon make him especially formidable in combat, nearly regardless of circumstances. When possessed, he begins emanate the blackish-crimson aura of his other spirit, which becomes his spirit energy in this state. Tanuki's power will rise substantially, and will become much more savage. He often forms a claw out of energy that cover his right are in this state, which acts as a secondary weapon. This spirit energy, in any form it damages you, is very harmful, and heals much more slowly than normal wounds.Tanuki has two main weaknesses that should be noted. The first is his frail body. Despite his pain tolerance and overall strength in either state, his body is easily damaged, and even a moderate blow the right spot could risk serious injury for him.The second is his use of the spirit's energy. Despite the fact Tanuki can utilize it's power, He can only borrow so much power in a given amount of time (usually 10 second increments), otherwise he risks losing control over his body. This makes it so that he has to be strategic about how he uses the spirits power when fighting.*this is subject to change at any point in time

Character Profile: Klin

Name: KlinAge: 16Gender: MaleHeight/Weight: 5' 8" @ 156 lbs.Species: #416Date of Birth: March 5, 2181Residence: New XOverview: Klin is a 16-year-old high-school student, and protagonist of his respective stroy. He is an unnamed species that likely has...
