Sunshine Days - Chapter 4
The evening following the locker room incident was filled with tension between Avery and David. Neither one spoke to one other or even looked in the other's direction. They did seem to acknowledge that an altercation did happen and that they were still harboring some hostility. There was a general sense of malaise from dinner time to bed time, like the tension could snap at any moment and the two would break out into a real fight. Fortunately, they didn't. They stayed civil even though Avery's eyes were alight with bright anger and David seemed less charismatic than he usually was. He seemed moodier and more distracted.
Their temperatures cooled with the weather as day became dusk. They each hung out with their group of respective friends but the unease still hung between them like smog. Avery and Henry shared a bunk three beds down from Jonathan and David's which was far enough for them to avoid interaction with one another.
"Are you okay?" Jonathan asked with concern as he put on his pajama shirt.
"I'm fine," David smiled amiably, "Never better." He was reclining on his bed wearing only his underwear again. Jonathan caught on quickly that David didn't have any pajamas and instead opted for sleeping in his skivvies. It was also evident that the camp had no rules for proper sleeping attire and David was clearly taking advantage of it. For Jonathan, it seemed like the pup was purposefully showing off to him.
"You were kinda quiet during supper," Jonathan noted.
David rolled his eyes and smiled, "It's nothing. It's not like Avery and I haven't fought before."
Jonathan regarded the pup, studying his face and trying to avoid looking down below his neck. He was smiling as he always did, but there was something off. Something Jonathan couldn't quite put his finger on. There was a sort of darkness in the pup's eyes that was hard to read. Behind the facade of laid-back contentment there was a pained look in his blue eyes, like something Avery had said truly stuck him and made him hurt.
"See something you like?" David quipped. A genuine, playful smile brightened up his face.
Jonathan turned back around, turning red slightly. He hadn't intended on staring at the pup's face for that long. He grumbled softly and dug through his duffel bag and pulled out the bottle of Lunatol. He fondled it in his paws, his brow furrowed in thought. He remembered how deeply he had slept the night before after his normal dose and how it impacted the morning after. He thought about maybe halving his dose but the tiny pills were round and difficult to break in half. He decided on skipping his nightly pill and allowing himself to sleep naturally.
He crawled up onto his bunk just as the lights went out in the cabin. David and Jonathan bid each other goodnight without any further conversation.
In the darkness, Jonathan tossed and turned restlessly. His eyes were shut tight but his brain was wide awake. The feeling of relaxation that accompanied the pill, like a coil unwinding and sinking into the warmth of unconsciousness, was replaced by a wired, paranoid feeling. Nighttime was a time when all his darkest thoughts and fears came out to play in his mind, having been cooped up and repressed deep in his brain during the day. There were no distractions and all the time to think of the things that bothered him. After what felt like an eternity of battling inner demons, he considered crawling out of bed and taking a Lunatol even if he risked wetting the bed again. 'Who knows', he thought, 'maybe it was a one-time thing'. He opened his eyes and pressed a button on his watch, illuminating its face. It had only been 30 minutes.
He quietly sighed into his pillow. He was just about to get up when he felt the bed gently shaking, rocking back and forth. His heart raced. For a moment, he thought it might have been a very mild earthquake but quickly realized that the tremors were only limited to his bed. He could hear David below him, doing something that caused the bed to shake.
"What are you doing?" Jonathan hissed, keeping his voice at a whisper.
The shaking immediately stopped, confirming Jonathan's suspicions. David was quiet for a moment. "Nothing," he whispered back.
"Why are you shaking the bed?" He moved to the edge of his bed and carefully leaned over, looking down to see what David was doing. He caught the pup as he was stuffing something under his pillow.
"Nothing," David insisted, still whispering, "I just couldn't sleep."
"Me either," Jonathan replied, "Not with you shaking the bed, at least."
"Don't you have those pills?" the pup asked, rolling over to his side.
"I didn't wanna take them tonight. I can't sleep."
"Why not?"
"Cause..." Jonathan said, not wanting to relay his morning incident.
After some thought, David whispered, "Well, have you tried pawing?"
"Pawing?" Jonathan asked, confused.
"You don't know what pawing is?"
Jonathan shook his head.
"Masturbation? Jerkin' it? Wanking?" David offered. Jonathan only gave him a clueless look.
David shook his head, "It's when you grab your dick and stroke it until sperm comes out. It's like sex but with your paw." He sounded a little frustrated having to explain it. "It helps me get to sleep."
Jonathan still had a puzzled look on his face.
"Are you homeschooled?" David asked disbelievingly.
"No..." Jonathan said, uncertainly. He attended a public school like everyone else but never engaged in any sex talk outside of formal sex education and health classes. He really only knew that males and females engaged in 'sex' in order to create a baby.
"Really? And you haven't...never mind. Come on, I'll show you."
"Show me?" Jonathan asked with uncertainty.
"Yeah. Come on," David whispered. He hoisted himself out of bed.
Jonathan hesitated before crawling down the ladder. The wooden floor creaked loudly as he stepped down, cringing at the sound. No one else was stirred by the noise; they continued their sleep.
He followed behind the bull terrier, feeling his heartbeat speeding up. He momentarily thought of going back to retrieve his inhaler but didn't.
"Shouldn't you...I dunno, put something on?" the kitten asked, following behind the pup as they quietly left the cabin.
"Nah," he said simply. He was still only wearing his white briefs as they stepped outside into the night air.
Jonathan closed the screen door with a surgeon's precision, ensuring that the latch didn't click too loudly. Even though David was the one walking around camp almost naked in the middle of the night, it was Jonathan who felt the most exposed. He shivered softly, not from the mild night air but from his own anxiousness. David walked ahead of him coolly, leading him around the back of the Main Lodge.
"What are we doing here?" Jonathan asked.
David smiled and said, "You'll see." There was an unmarked door that looked to be the back entrance of the auditorium stage. David tugged the handle and opened the door, prompting Jonathan to wonder why something like that wasn't normally kept locked. David peered his head into the dark room and said out loud, "Hello? Anyone home?"
They were greeted with silence. David flipped on the switch and Jonathan had to squint his eyes in the sudden light. When they adjusted he saw that it was sort of a rec room. There was a pool table in the center of the room, a couple ratty looking couches, a dusty looking CRT television with an Xbox hooked up to it, and an ancient Coke machine. The carpet and walls looked worn and from another decade and the air smelled musty and stale, like an old person's house. There was a hallway leading down to the Dressing rooms the costumes and props closet and a flight of stairs leading to the stage.
"What is this?" Jonathan asked wonderingly, taking in the room.
"It's a game room for the Helpers and Leaders, but I like to come here sometimes and hang out."
Jonathan finished his gaze around the room. "So what are we doing here?" he asked.
David shucked his underwear down in one swift movement, kicking them away and standing naked in front of the shocked kitten. "I'm showing you how to paw, remember?"
The bird in Jonathan wanted to fly but something else inside him made him want to stay. His heart was racing faster and his chest was starting to close up again. His eyes were drawn back down to David's crotch, his sheath a light pink in contrast to his white fur. He saw the bright red tip of his canine member poking out of the opening of his sheath. David plopped down in the middle of the couch, reclining and stretching his arms out over the back.
Jonathan trembled. His breaths became shallow in his chest. His own penis was standing hard in his pajama bottoms, pitching a little tent in them. He was excited but too nervous to move.
David smile disappeared. "You okay?"
Jonathan bit his lips and nodded shakily, gripping his pajama bottoms in his paws.
"Are you sure? You look a little grey around the gills..." He stood up and walked over to the kitten, putting his paws on his shoulders. He said softly, "We don't have to do this..." he seemed to flinch at his own words but he said them earnestly.
Jonathan didn't say anything. He was counting back from a hundred in his head.
Reluctantly, David retreated and picked up his underwear. He was slipping them on when Jonathan said, "W-wait."
He looked back up, grinning and wagging eagerly at Jonathan's change of heart. The kitten was breathing a little easier but the wheezing worried the canine a little.
"I'm okay..." he said, his voice jittery.
"Are you sure?" David asked. He could tell the pup was eager to play but was suppressing his pushy nature for his consent.
Jonathan took a deep breath and pulled the elastic band of his underwear down with his pajama bottoms. His circumcised kittenhood stood up straight away, pointing up at the ceiling and bobbing softly. David grinned wide and contained his clear excitement. He sat back on the couch and patted the seat beside him.
His knees shook as he padded over to the couch, bottomless. He sat down on the left side of the pup, who still had his arm up like he was putting it over his shoulder. The close proximity made him both nervous and excited. Their naked legs and torsos touched.
"Try to relax..." David said softly, reassuringly. "Watch."
David demonstrated his pawing method for Jonathan. He took the base of his cock and coaxed the rest of it out of his sheath, slipping the knot past the ring of his sheath. He spit in his paw and stroked it slowly from the knot to the tip in slow pumps. Jonathan followed by spitting in his paw and copying the pup's movements. Their eyes were fixated always on the other's crotch; watching, learning, wanting, and guiding.
Jonathan's first orgasm came quickly and impatiently, as if it had been waiting since puberty to come out. He felt the buildup, the escalating, swelling pleasure and his cock burning in his paw. It intensified and evolved into a whole new level of euphoria for him. Tension and release.
Despite the rapturous, almost holy climax, all it amounted to was a couple drops of milky, white substance that dribbled from the tip of his cock. His body went rigid as he came for the first time, suppressing an urge to moan in ecstasy. David watched intently as Jonathan experienced his first orgasm. He put his paw around the kitten's shoulder.
Jonathan slumped back into the musty couch, breathing hoarsely. His penis laid on his lap like a dead snake, drooling a little more opaque semen onto his lap. He panted and looked down at the droplets, feeling a sense of shame as he came down from his high. He wasn't stupid as to what it was. He knew it was semen. And he also knew that he had wasted it on himself as opposed to 'going forth and multiplying'. He vaguely remembered a story he heard in church about a man who wasted his seed upon the ground and therefore was punished for his action. He thought about how many little bity versions of him were swimming around on his waist, never fulfilling their only purpose in life to find and egg and bear new fruits.
"So," David said, still pumping his own cock in his paw, "How do you feel?"
"Better," Jonathan lied. Then added truthfully, "...and tired."
David grinned and gave his shoulder a light squeeze, "Told ya. Watch this."
Jonathan watched, less intently but with great curiosity. David sped up his strokes, rapidly pumping his cock in his right paw. He made grunting, whining noises as he approached his own climax. He hooked his left paw under his engorged knot between his middle and ring fingers, tugging and squeezing it firmly. He moaned and opened his muzzle, slipping his tongue out slightly as he pounded his dick feverishly. Jonathan watched, maw agape as David came. He shot his thick load in rapid spurts and jets, catching some in his open maw but the rest landed on his chest and belly.
"Whoa..." Jonathan mumbled in awe.
David panted, his tongue still hanging out as he let go of his knot. It lay on his lap, throbbing dryly. He licked his lips and swallowed. "Eh...that was nothing. I've done a lot better," he said dismissively.
They sat there on the smelly old couch in the afterglow, both worn out and panting. Jonathan was suddenly aware of the heavy scent in the air; the musty smell of the old couch mixed with the thick scent of sweat and semen. He also became aware of the warm arm draped over his shoulder. He blushed deeply.
"What do you say we go take a shower?" David said finally.
Jonathan followed close behind David as they walked across the camp together. David strode confidently as he always did, holding his underwear in his paw. Jonathan was fully clothed however, holding out the waistband of his pajamas so he didn't get semen on them. He did, in spite of his vain effort.
The entrance to the boy's lockers and showers was unlocked so they turned on the lights and invited themselves in. They took a hot, quick shower to wash the mess off their bodies. The hot steam, coupled with the pawing session they shared seemingly did wonders on the kitten. He felt more relaxed, less modest around the other cub, but more importantly, exhausted.
They dressed and headed back to the cabin wordlessly, crawling into their beds. Jonathan fell asleep almost immediately after his head hit the pillow.