The Silap Hot Springs
I got some good advice telling me that I needed to work on letting the story speak for itself without relying too heavily on the image, so I tried a more robust storytelling style. Hope you all like!
I did give it a simple edit, so it's free to be deconstructed and critiqued.
Also, I deliberately avoided talk of Ceylon's gender, I mentioned no cock or vagina, to keep things up to the viewer since the image is only anal sex and no gender is shown due to legs in the way.
The Silap Hot Springs
Mt. Silap used to be a Volcano, until it erupted a few hundred years ago. Ever since then, the top of the mountain has been left a smoking crater filled with lush vegetation and one of the most elite and elusive of all the world's tourist destinations: The Silap Hot Springs. Fueled by a shallow pool of molten rock only a few meters below ground level, the Silap Hot Springs had some of the most consistently warm pools of water the world had ever seen, and the constant rain in the crater ensured that the pools never ran dry.
I wish I could go there more often, but the steep cliffs on the outside of the mountain and inside of the crater make it particularly difficult to access for anyone not born with the gift of wings. Hell, even us winged beasts have a hard time landing and taking off from the middle of the hot springs area, thanks to the fact that the crater is deep, and unless you plan on spiraling around to gain altitude, you're as likely to ram headfirst into the cliffside as you are to collapse under the pressure of trying to get the proper lift. The only saving grace is the thick thermals that rise off the rocky cliff face.
I do come here often - perhaps once a month - but I really do wish I could bring friends. Some of my life-mates can fly, but most are terrestrial beasts and no matter how good I may be at flying, I can't carry even my smallest friends in and out safely. Even Vinn, who is about two meters tall and about 60 kg's is too much strain on my wings to be worth the risk. Forget about bringing my mate Leera up to the mountaintop. She could likely slither her way up between the crevasses and boulders, but she's not too worried about soaking in bubbling, lava-fueld pools of water. She'd rather bask on an ebon boulder, anyway.
We don't mind our alone time away from one another, so she's not too upset.
So instead, I generally shy away from Mt. Silap unless I'm travelling and need a rest. Today was one of those days.
I was summoned to Klyneth for some international diplomacy, and I'd been flying every waking hour for nearly a week, so it was time to rest my wings and enjoy the kind of massage only a hot spring or a dragon with magic talons could.
After a particularly long and tiresome glide around the ring of the hot spring crater, I finally crested the rim of the mountain to get a good look at the thick fog that hovered in the basin. My eyes, having adapted to catching fish and flying high above the clouds, was able to pierce the fog, but only barely. I could see the glimmering reflections of the dozens of almost perfectly round pools as well as a couple dozen different tourists walking, sitting, and playing around the hot springs.
I kept my eyes peeled as I banked to the side and around the outside of the natural resort, looking for the wide open, dusty area that served as the landing zone for incoming visitors. Much to my disappointment, I actually couldn't see it. I knew it was around the north side of the basin, but up there all I could see was the dark gray of the fog.
Disappointed, I clicked me beak and sighed. It wasn't a smart move, but I knew I had to just go in and hope it was there and that there was nobody taking off or still on the runway. Making matters worse, as soon as I hit the dense fog I knew I'd fall to the ground like a rock on account of the exceptionally thick, moist air. Natural hazard being a flyer.
Regardless, it was that or wimp out and stay perched somewhere along the peak-rim until I felt rested enough to carry on. Risk was worth it. Worse case scenario I broke a wing, and that'd heal within a couple days.
I'd spent my youth altering my form to fit the expectations of humans, the cat-people, and the dogs of the world - a process that involved destroying my hip bones only to reform them while applying a specific curing magic to make them keep their form. I was more than able to fix a broken wing, but in my weakened, tired state it'd take me a day or two to muster the strength.
No time for worrying about plausibilities, no matter how unlikely.
I let out a loud, shrill screech as I angled my wings and tucked them in tight against my body, notifying anyone in the area that I was coming. As expected, as soon as I hit the top of the fog the world around me whited out and I fell like a stone, the moist air forming droplets on my beak and cheek. As soon as I saw that ground rushing up at me, I flared out my wings and angled my tail like a rudder to turn, barely missing the ground. I flew in a wide arch so low to the ground that I swore my wingtip flicked at a couple pebbles.
With one final flap, I slowed down and hovered in the air before landing gently on the open dust field. The fog was still thick, but I could see over to the springs to the south with ease. I couldn't see the sky or the mountaintops through its thick, fluffy blanket of mist, but I could see most things in the basin.
I gave my wings a stretch and folded them up on my back as I trotted over towards my destination. Now that the wind was no longer roaring in my ears and I wasn't concentrating on my flight, I could hear the commotion of what sounded like dozens of dragons having a party. Normally it'd be a tad speciest (like racism but denoting species instead of subspecies), but I didn't hear the voice of a single gryphon, avian, or terrestrial creature in the bunch.
The dragons - at least the flying types - often had deep, booming, gruff voices that echoed with wisdom, and to me it sounded like a gentle thunderstorm of laughter emanating from the springs. As I got closer I could see I was right. Each and every pool came into view, and almost every one of them had at least one dragon in it; most were in the large, deep pool in the middle.
The Silap Hot Springs consisted not only of dozens of smaller pools each anywhere between 3-30 meters wide, but they were all laid out around the largest pool of all, a C-shaped pool that would be almost one kilometer in diameter, if not for the rocky outcropping that poked a peninsula into it on the western coast of it. That peninsula was covered in massive boulders and served as a wonderful companion to the springs themselves, offering what basking and drying off the dragons and other creatures needed to fly after a session in the pools.
There, on that rocky peninsula, were dozens of massive dragons, all strutting and flapping their wings, laughing and teasing one another. The ones that weren't engaging in the horseplay were resting or swimming in the deep parts of the large central hot-spring-lake.
This was odd. There were often anywhere between one and two dozen people partying at Mt. Silap, but never this many! There were more than fifty, all apparently of the same species, maybe even the same family. Perhaps this was a family reunion or some migration-related travel excursion. I wanted to think I didn't care, but I was incredibly nosy, known for sticking my beak in where it didn't belong. It had helped me avoid persecution and execution on multiple occasions, so I see it as an attribute, not a quirk.
So I continued strutting past the outlying pools to find one near the central pool, so I could listen in on what the dragons had to say. Listening and watching were, to me, as relaxing as the springs themselves; it would be a wonderful day if I could absorb some society and some hot spring water.
Once I'd reached the edge of a reasonably large, ten meter wide pool, one ear perked and ready to catch any juicy gossip from the dragons, I dipped my talon into the water to test its heat. The steam from the pool was constantly rising and billowing around me, so it didn't surprise me when I found it to be near-boiling. Perfect for a dragon, perhaps a little uncomfortable for a feathered flyer. Luckily, I wasn't like most others of my type, so it was perfect.
Content with the temperature, I spun around and lowered my rump-end into the water, keeping my talons on the rocks around the rim. You never know how deep they were, so I didn't plan on just diving in, even though it looked to only be a couple meters deep. Much to my delight, I was right. My rump disappeared into the water, but no more.
"Perfect." I chirped to myself. "Now just, enjoyyyy.." I backed into the water, letting my front end splash into the pool, chest and wings disappearing into the abyss before bobbing back up and floating a few inches from the bottom.
Damn hollow bones. So hard to sink or enjoy hot springs when you float.
I perked my ears up and craned my neck to see if any of the dragons had noticed my silly position. My talons were scraping the rocks at the bottom of the pool, but my back end was floating with my spine and folded wings floating just above the surface. I looked like a mutt trying to chase after a stick, or at least I imagined. I'd seen other birds floating like that. Luckily, no dragons paid attention to me, so I could float and claw idly at the stone at the bottom so I could move around a bit, angling myself to watch my sauropod companions.
They weren't really doing anything interesting from what I could tell. Seemed like some wrestling, fire breathing, and a little bit of flying. On the peninsula of boulders and rocks, they'd wrestle one another to the ground, blowing fire and falling off the cliffs into the water before emerging again, only to swim to shore and do it all over again. They teamed up in pairs, wrestled, then splashed, seemingly in a line.
I really don't want to describe some of the language they were using. Much of it was foul and degrading; at one point one used 'gryphon' as an insult. It really didn't bother me, but it did make me chuckle, knowing full well that I could easily out-wrestle any of them despite every one of them being bigger than me.
Another pair of dragons were tackling one another atop the cliffs and boulders, spewing gusts of fire in every direction, but this one I paid more attention to. Seemed like a longer, more involved fight than the others. The first was an rusty orange-red dragon with yellow spots and black stripes, the other a royal blue with a cream belly and glistening scales all over. The blue one was much larger, and seemed to be winning the fight. I adjusted myself so my chest and upper body were above the water and I was facing the cliffs, rump planted flat on the ground. I leaned back, spreading my wings against the inside of the rim of the hot spring, getting comfortable to watch the dragons struggle against one another.
Like every other battle, the larger of the two won and tossed the smaller rusty colored one into the water. A few momments later, after the ripples of the splash had died down, he resurfaced with head and body swaying under the surface like a snake, only instead of going around the curve and back to the rest of his friends, he was swimming over towards the side of the hot spring lake that I was at.
I narrowed my eyes to get a better look, to see if he was looking at me or aiming at where I was in particular, but it looked like his golden eyes were trained on another, larger pool over beside the one I was in. Weird.
As soon as he rose from the hot spring lake, water dripping off and steam rising from his form, I blurted out, "So what was that all about?" Not really worrying about if it was any of my business.
The Dragon glared at me before hopping into the nearby hotspring, spreading his wings and flattening them against the water's surface to stop the ripples. "Why do you care?" He grumbled.
I perked my ear up and folded my wings back, hopping over across the hot spring to the edge closest to his pool. I propped my talons on the rocky rim and laid my beak down on the backs of them. "Tell me more, I'm curious! Looked like quite a fight." The dragon couldn't see it, but my tail was flat against the pool bottom, swaying back and forth. I loved talking to random people, you learn so much about the world that way!
The dragon raised a lip to show his teeth, a deep growl emerging from his throat, reverberating through the pool and accented by the rocks around the rim. He gave me a sideways glare. "Just one of my hatchmates, he's such an arrogant drake, always showing off how much bigger than I am he is. Of course he's bigger than me, he's the biggest in our family and I'm the smallest male."
I blinked. "Sibling rivalry, eh? Well, that's why you learn tricks to beat him. I'm large for my species, but compred to you, I'm tiny! Bet I could beat your brother in a fight."
The lines of spikes trailing down his head and neck all perked up at once as he turned to look at me, one brow raised. "Whatever you say, bird."
I laughed. I didn't really expect any less from a dragon. They were known to be stubbourn brutes, for the most part. All about strength and power and dominance. There's a reason they lack any sort of civilized society; even the brutish humans had more structure to their lives. "Its all about balance," I began, "it's not just about who's bigger, it's about who's the fastest, the smartest. It's about knowing your enemy and how to beat him." I tapped a talon on the side of my head. "The thinking drake is the one that wins."
He snorted at me then turned back to his family, eyes empty and hollow.
"I'm serious, I guarantee I could challenge that azure-scaled brother of yours and take him down without so much as breaking a sweat." I paused and looked a my soaking wet feathers, noticing the irony. "Well, if I wasn't sweating already thanks to this hot spring."
"Don't bother." He responded curtly, not turning his head to look at me. "You'll just look foolish."
I shrugged my wingshoulders, slowly spreading them back open to relax them, letting the water soak my feathers and permeate right to the bone. "Whatever. I just know I could. Would take me less than a minute. Just tell me the rules of how the combat works and how you win, and I guarantee a win. Probably less than a minute, five minutes at max."
The dragon rolled his eyes. "Now why in the world would you do that? What business is it of yours what I do with my brothers?"
I shrugged my wing shoulders again. "That's just how I am. Now I want to prove a point. So tell me, what are the rules? How do you win? Actually, before you tell me that, tell me, what is your name? I'm Ceylon! Patron saint of transformation!" I raised a talon over the edge of the pool and laid it on the ground. He was a little too far away to lay his talon on it, but he understood what the gesture meant.
He didn't move at first, but eventually gave in and laid his palm down on the ground a meter or so away form mine. "The name's Spike. Unoriginal name, I know. Got it from the spikes on my head." He pointed to the horns and fin-like appendages that lined his head and neck along his spine. "And the rules are simple, anything goes, first to hit the water loses. Gonna be fun to see you get your wing torn off. They won't play nice because you're a bird. If anything, they'll just be insulted that you think you're so much better than them. I really wouldn't go over there."
I laughed. "Hah! Don't worry about me, I'm telling you, your brother sounds like a moronic brute. He won't lay a claw on me! I'll go over and fight in your honor. Back in a moment. If my wing breaks, fish me out of the water and leave me over by the waterfall." I raised my head up high and puffed out my chest, walking over to the base of the rocky peninsula.
As soon as I got close enough, all of the dragons stopped doing what they were doing to circle around me, wings partially flared out and teeth showing.
"Dispense with the scare tactics, I'm here to fight the big blue one." I declared, resting a paw on my breast in a display of pride.
One of the smaller, golden-colored dragons stepped forth and leaned in real close to my beak, growling. "And why would you want to do that, bird? You'll be seared and broken!" This one was female, but the subtle differences in vocalization between her voice and a male's wouldn't have been caught by most.
"No need to be hostile, M'lady." I assured her with a bow. "I'm just here to prove a point. That dragon over there, Spike, I think you call him, tells me that I'm free to challenge any dragon here to a bout on the clifftops as part of your game. I'm bored, I enjoyed some rest in the springs, and now I'm going to try my talon at a one-on-one fight. All in good fun, of course. So please, back off and let me showcase my honor!" I puffed out my chest and pushed back into her, eyes narrowed. I didn't want to hurt her, but she needed to know I wasn't scared of her despite her being easily twice my size.
"Fine, if the bird wants to be rendered poultry, let him fight." A loud, booming voice bellowed out over the crowd of low-key dragon growls. It was the blue dragon, head held high above the others. I wouldn't think it incorrect to say he was easily three times my size. By all means I should have been scared but I wasn't.
"Alright then, I challenge you to a test of dominance atop the rocks, first one to touch the water loses. Fair?" I hopped up over the dragon between he and I, landing on its back and then hopping off to right in front of him. "Accept?"
The dragon growled and lowered his head to only a meter away from mine. I could feel his breath moistening the feathers on my face. "I accept!" Immediately, he swung out at me with a massive talon that was bigger than my head, trying to end the fight early.
I hopped back and chirped at him, head cocked to the side. "Come now brute, you have to be faster than that if you want to hit me." I laughed and hopped up at him, flapping my wings to gain a few meters of altitude above his head.
He snapped his jaws at my, trying to grab me in midair, but I knew he was going to do that so I tucked my hind paws up close to my body then kicked at his snout just after he missed me, forcing his head down, letting me land safely behind him, our backs to each other. "Good show, old chap." I mocked. "A brute to the core!"
I flutter-hopped in place, turning around to meet him. He swung his massive body around at the same time, tail slipping by under my feet as I hopped. Without a moment's notice, he gaped open his maw in a fiery growl, spitting a plume of fire at my face.
I stood my ground and raised my talon, focusing my magic to divert the flame around my body on either side, like a forked tongue of fire. He didn't realize that I was not being burned, so he kept at me, a deadly shriek of a growl emanating on the rocks. I reared up onto my hind legs and lunged forth, using my magic to douse his flame right back to the sides of his maw, leaving him with nothing but two squirting glands meekly dripping fluids out of his cheek.
"Wh-what?!" He bellowed. "What did you do to my fire?!" He reared up and tried to crush me with his talon, but I dodged it and flitted through his legs until I was out behind him.
With a playful swipe, I batted at his tail spade to taunt him. He immediately spun around and growled at me, teeth sparking another ignition of his fire. I immediately doused it with magic a second time. "You know how I did it, dragon? Simple! It's magic!" I raised my talon to the sky, and pressed my other talon against my chest, a blue glow emanating from my eyes, distracting him as a massive wall of water emerged behind him like a fountain. I leaned forward and lowered my talons to the ground, bringing the sheet of water down over his form, soaking everything in a neat line in front of me.
He glared at me with smoke coming out his nostrils as the warm water from the lake-spring dripped off him; the puddles that formed in the rocks began evaporating almost immediately.
"I win. You touched the water first!" I grinned and fluffed my wings a bit.
He continued to stare at me for what seemed like minutes before a low growl emanated from his throat. He peeled his lips back to show off his teeth. "You did not win, that is not how you win!"
"Yes it is." I declared with a smug look on my beak. "You said, first one to touch the water, not first one to fall into the lake or first one submerged. I won, and you didn't get a single strike on me. Now, I leave knowing I won."
"That's not the rules of the game." He growled in retort. Despite this being for fun, supposedly a game of roughhousing, he seemed rather ornery.
"Then I suppose you need to elaborate a bit on the rules. Not everyone thinks as simply as you do, my glorious brute." I hopped into the air and flapped my wings, staying afloat just above him. "You can attack me if you want - go ahead, be a poor sport - but it'll only further prove my point that you're an ignorant brute and that wits and cunning win every time."
Dragons were not actually any less intelligent than most people the world over. In fact, they were smarter than many of the terrestrial species,but they were not as smart as the avians of the world. Not a smart as me. He knew his pride was on the line, so he growled and turned away from me, roaring as he spewed another stream of flame onto the lake-spring's surface, boiling it almost instantly.
I turned and looked at the family of dragons that was waiting at the edge of the peninsula, all staring up at me with wide-eyed wonder. It was a veritable rainbow of scales and not a single one of them was smaller than I was. In fact, Spike was probably one of the smallest and he was near twice my size! "I bid you all adieu. I'll be going to enjoy some time in one of the springs now, if you don't mind. I gave a two-talon salute while hovering in the air above them before darting over back to my personal spring to the side of the lake-spring.
I could see that Spike was astounded. He was still sitting in the middle of the spring, most of his haunches submerged, wings splayed out over the surface. He had a gape-jawed expression of awe. "But...that can't be right!" he gasped.
I flutter-hopped down over the rocks on the rim of the pool to land in the middle with a wet splash; I knew how deep it was this time. "It's magic, cunning, and wits. I told you, the faster and smarter will always win."
"But...but, you cheated!" he turned to look at me, yellow eyes gaping wide.
"They failed to explain the rules of the game properly. And besides, he swung and blew flame and tried to bite me and missed every time. I don't think he'd stand a chance of dunking me in the water even if I played by the ill-defined rules." I shrugged my shoulders and walked around in a circle until I was comfortable. After a few spins I plumped my bottom down on the rock and sunk down past my chest so only my head and wing shoulders were sticking out of the steaming water.
The two of us stayed there for another hour or so, chatting and watching the dragons engage in their petty dominance squabbles, the family pairing off in two's to wrestle one into the water. He told me about how rough life has been for him as a drake that was smaller than most in a family that valued size and strength. He told me about his past, his plans, and his general desire for seclusion. Turns out, he never cared for the pack mentality of his hatch mates. WE talked for that full hour before his family decided it was time to go. They all hopped off the rocky peninsula one by one, walking between the springs as they headed to the open landing strip area.
Spike didn't move to follow them.
"Why aren't you going with them?" I asked, still soaked in the steaming hot springs.
"Don't want to. I think you've proven just how unappealing they really are. No need to stick with them just because we share blood." He shrugged and slunk down into the water. His pool was deeper than mine, but he still had a long way to go before only his head was sticking out, then he continued until his nostrils were submerged so he could blow some bubbles.
"Really? But that's family. Isn't that incredibly important to dragons?" I wasn't sure about their culture, so I was talking out my rump for the sake of conversation.
"Depends on the family, really. I'm sure you know what it's like to be a disappointment to your hatchmates." He sighed, then rested his chin on the rocky slate that was the rim of the hot spring as he watched the last of his hatchmates walking away.
I winced a bit at the thought of my family. "Yeah, I know all about disappointing family. I remember only one brief glimpse of my father as he tied a rock to my foot and threw me in a lake."
"What?!" Spike gasped. "That's horrible!"
I nodded, a solemn stare on my face, eyes motionless. "Yeah, well that's what you get for being a four-legged freak with parents like mine. I was an abomination, a monster to them. Once I hatched, that was it for me. Frankly I'm amazed I remember my life from when I was that young. I wasn't even a year old when they did that to me."
Spike hung his head. "Oh, well I guess being teased and pushed around is kind of tame compared to what you went through."
I shook the bad thoughts from my mind and chirped. "It's really no big deal! I survived and now I'm here! I'm an international ambassador for about a dozen nations worldwide, a knight in half of them, and have more power and influence than some kings. Fuck em, I say. Shove a rotten egg up their backside for all I care!" I nodded, a smile across my beak.
There's really no need to bore you with the details of what happened after that. Spike and I talked to one another for hours until the sun went down and the fog hovering over the hot springs dissipated, giving us a clear view of the moons and all the many stars in the sky. By then, we were out of the springs and laying on our backs, staring up at the tableau that was the midnight sky.
"So, what are your plans for the future now, Spike?" I asked.
"Don't think I have any plans right now, to be honest. I suppose with no family and no immediate friends, I can't imagine having much to do. Probably fly to one of the nearby cities, offer myself as a mount or a royal guard or something. Plenty for a dragon to do; maybe I'll just carve out a cave and start my own hoard. Every dragon needs a hoard!" He laughed as he swung his tail back and forth, pushing rocks and dust all over the cool moonlit night ground.
I laughed - a gentle chirp in the night, nearly drowned out by the steady drone of insects and the gentle howling of the wind brushing over the rim of the basin - as I looked around. Much to my surprise, I found myself glancing sideways between Spike's legs. It was nothing more than a split second glimpse, but it was enough. Immediately, I shook my head and stared back up at the sky. "So, a hoard. I could help with that. I'm sure I have mountains of gold stored somewhere."
Spike laughed. "Not sure you understand dragon culture as well as you seem to think you do, bird. No, I can't be given gold and jewels, I have to take it!" He rolled onto his feet and shook himself clean of the dirt and dust. "Though I appreciate the offer."
Still on my back, I craned my neck and looked over at him again, eyes trailing down his form to catch another glimpse between his legs. I don't know what came over me, he was male, and I wasn't usually into males. Not only that, but I wasn't horny, yet I found myself curious beyond belief. Perhaps it was forbidden fruit? Perhaps it was the fact that I'd never once been with a dragon, be it male or female? All knew for sure is that I had a deep and powerful desire to get a good look at what this dragon was equipped with.
It wasn't much, at least from what I could see. He brandished a slit between his legs, and his flesh was parted to show a dark fleshed tip poking out. I only saw a few inches of it, but the moonlight was dancing off the sides of it, reflected off the rippling surface of the water. It was so juicy! Without even thinking about it, I licked my beak, only to stop myself and shake the thoughts from my head, looking back up at Spike.
He'd been staring at me for only a few seconds, probably wondering what I was looking at or licking my beak about. "I've got to go relieve myself, my gryphon friend. I will be back in a few minutes, don't go anywhere." He stepped over me with his front feet, hesitating before stepping over with his back feet, giving me a good, long look at a closeup of his glistening shaft. In that split second I took note of the bulbs along the rim of the head and the set of two ridges along its underside. Sadly, that's all that was exposed, the rest was still inside.
Once he'd stepped over me completely, tail swishing over my head, he sped up to a brisk walking pace, heading towards the southern treeline.
"The hell, Ceylon?" I asked myself. "You don't stare at someone's genitals without asking." I really shouldn't have been scolding myself. Everyone has curiosities and it's fine to look, just not to touch. That said, I think it was very, very clear that he knew I was looking. Why else would he have stopped like that, body hovering over my face?
I didn't have much time to think about it before he came back, but now there was something very different about him. He held himself with more dignity, and there was a sort of aroma that was peculiar. It was bitter and earthy. I sniffed at the air to get a better sample of the scent, but I didn't figure it out, at least not at first.
"Welcome back, Spike." I greeted him, but then chastised myself; why would I welcome him back? He was gone for only a minute, and he never left my sight!
"Uh, thanks for the welcome, I suppose." He said, a little confused. He walked back to his spot, stepping over me in the process, and that's when I realized what that bitter earthy scent was.
As soon as his front leg passed over my beak, the aroma intensified, and I turned my head to see every bit of the dragon's ebony member. It was long and thick, about as big as my leg, and had a set of ridges down the underside of it. The base was a weird, oval-like bulge, the base of it still resting in the slit. As soon as it swept by over my face, the smell intensified. The scent was his musk! That must have been what was driving me to curiosity and arousal earlier!
I was already prepping a speech in my head, perhaps something to diffuse the tension, when he stopped moving, leaving his member to dangle just above my head. "Oh, sorry about that! Happens when I go, you know?" He slowly stepped over my head and rolled onto his side, legs resting gently on the dirt. "I hope you didn't mind the view." He gave a wink.
I blushed. "I, uh, what do you mean?" I kept my gaze trained up at the night sky.
"Oh, don't be so coy, burd. I saw you looking even before I gave you the show. Admit it, you want it!" He rolled to his feet and stepped over me, pinning each of my wings to the ground as he looked me in the eye."
My blush intensified. "Well, I'm not really the kind to, know..." I paused and looked down between his legs to see the top of it, a thick, muscular shaft from slit to tip. Had to be as big around as my leg. "Well, I don't mean to, I just. Wasn't expecting it, you know? Most creatures I know are a bit more civil than that, hanging their genitals out for all to see." I raised my beak to him, masking my arousal with indignation.
"Oh? I'm uncivilized now? Just some brute with little more in my mind than the base urges of a feral? Is that it?"
I shook my head wildly. "No no. I just, I'm really not familiar with Dragon society, apparently. I mean, sex is...fine. Nothing wrong or shy about it, I just wasn't expecting to be proposed to in such a way. And, not by such a large...uuuuuhn..." I whimpered a bit. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want it. As I said, part of me was always curious about what it was like to be with a dragon, be it male or female. That said, Spike caught me off guard. I was usually calm, composed, and forthright with my propositions, with a reserved, logical approach. Now, I was just blubbering like an idiot. An adolescent put to bed with another for the first time, too shy and nervous to just grab hold and enjoy it.
"What's the matter, burd? Where are all your fancy words?" His speech, his vocabulary, it all sounded so aggressive and dominant, but I could see in his eyes that he was being playful. This wasn't a rape, this was him flirting. Based on what little I knew of him, and his subservient nature to his family, I don't think a rape is in his blood, even though he had my wings quite uncomfortably pinned.
"Nothing's the matter, I just am rather surprised at your demeanour. You've been nothing but civil and....well, what can I say? I wouldn't have expected the runt of the clutch to be so...large where it counts." I stole another glimpse, looking down between his legs and back up to him with a smile. "Now if you could please take your foot off my wing, that would be greatly appreciated."
He stared me in the eyes, not blinking or moving. The longer he waited, the more powerful the scent of musk clogged my nostrils. A moment later I could have sworn I felt the moisture emanating from his slick shaft dampen the fur on my belly.
"Or, you know, I suppose...yeah, I don't see the harm. You're here, you might as well put it to use! It's clear the fellow needs some help, and it would be such a shame to let such a weapon go to waste." I brought my hind paw up to push at it, the contact making a soft slap.
Spike smiled and stepped off my wing, freeing me from being underneath him. "It really would be a shame to waste it, wouldn't it?" He rolled over onto his back, front talons folded on his chest and hind legs spread to show the massive black stump that was flopped over his belly. He looked over at me and raised his brow and nodded suggestively.
My heart began to race and my mind wandered. It was distracting enough that I forgot to curl my wing back up around me or stretch it out. I opened my beak to speak but nothing came out. For the first time that day, I really had no idea what to say! The musk, it was overwhelming me, clouding my judgement! Like a fool, I managed to blubber out, "It really, really would be a waste, yes..." As I trailed off, I rolled over onto my feet to straddle Spike's torso, eyes wide and beak curled up in a smirk.
He looked almost shocked that I would do such a thing! His eyes were gaped open wider than mine, darting from side to side as he attempted to break eye contact.
"What's the matter, Spike?" I goaded with a chirp. "Now I play with you, and you go all shy? Where's all this preening, strutting 'like the view?' mentality you had a moment ago? I get the impression this dragon is all talk, no action!" Still grinning devilishly, I crouched down my hindquarters to rub his massive shaft between his belly scales and my fur, covering me in the thick slime that was his slit-lubrication.
He bucked up ever so gently, but given his size he actually lifted me off my hind paws.
"Oh? There we go, that's the kind of enthusiasm we need! If you want it, you gotta take it!" I scuffled forward and sat on him, squeezing the tip of it just under my tail, enjoying the sensation of his rod rubbing against my rump, moistening it. I couldn't help but clench and coo.
He quickly got hard again, member straightening out and muscles tensing to raise it a bit, aiming it right at my hole. I watched his face contort into a toothy, straining grin as he pushed into me, forcing me off balance.
I quickly stabilized myself and pushed back, tail raised as I waggled my hips to smear his fluids all over my rump. I smiled and looked back over my shoulder, catchign a glimpse of the moonlight reflecting off the glistening globes at the base of his shaft. His cock was so big for his size! Realistically, I shouldn't have been able to be penetrated by it, but luckily I knew a few tricks to give myself some extra leverage and give him some accommodations. I looked him in his squinting eyes and pressed both front talons on his chest, pushing off to lean back onto him, swaying my hips back and forth in slow, deliberate motions to see what angle would help him push into me best.
He knew what to do. As I rubbed my rump on his bulbous glans, feeling the tip roll side to side, he pushed up into me right when I felt his member parting my flesh.
As soon as I felt my rump lips spread, I clamped my beak down tight as hard as I could and pushed on his chest, separating my legs to expose my backside more fully. My beak quivered a bit as a sharp pain shot up my spine, his cock compressing ever so gently to force itself into me. Immediately, I concentrated all my energy on my lower torso, healing the tear that his too-wide member slit down my canal. It hurt, but it was a kind of burning pain that dulled as my magic healed it, leaving nothing but hot-pleasure.
"W-wow! You're so much more..." He gritted his teeth and thrust into me, bringing his hands up to hold onto my shoulders as he did so.
"So what, Spike?" I grunted through a clamped beak. "So loose? Say it, I dare you!"
He gave another buck, and almost half of his cock was deep inside me. I could feel the massive member push through my innards, making way for its length and girth. "No, just...more roomy, I suppose."
"Loose, then!" I lowered my tail and clenched down my rump muscles, pinching his cock at its midpoint, trapping it in place so it wouldn't slip out or go deeper.
"Aaargh!" He let out a deep growl as he tossed his head back onto the ground. "That hurts! Let gooooo!"
I waggled my rump, keeping my pelvic muscles clenched tight as I did so. "No, I don't want to! I want to suck that cock right off you with my hole!" I leaned forward, the pinch around his cock tugging on his member, which was deflating. Whoops, I guess I really was hurting him! Sensing my mistake, I released my grip.
He was still gritting his teeth, a small tear trickling out the side of his eye. "Why'd you do that?" He whimpered, legs cycling in the air.
"I didn't think I was actually hurting you." I solemnly apologized. "Here, you enjoy it." I relaxed as best I could before pushing down on his member, tail raised to expose my flesh. Unfortunately, he had lost too much of his rigidity, so I just ended up bending it. I stopped before going too far. "Here, lemme try something." I balanced on one of my hind paws, bringing my other up to push the bowed cock to be more straight again. "Now now, go ahead and get hard for me, darlin'!"
He did as he was told, closing his eyes and bucking his hips forward. His cock was still partially flaccid on his first thrust, but I could feel the warmth of the blood coursing through it with every one of his powerful draconic heartbeats. It got thicker and harder every second until it was, once again, firm as tensed muscle and straight as a cock should be.
"There we go." I cooed at him, pushing my backside down on him, bowels loosened to let his bulbous, tapered tip pop into me, its spongy flesh compressing as it slid through my opening to expand inside me. I gaped my maw open and smiled. "See? Not so hard!" I immediately pushed back, feeling him inch his way into me, his slick shaft having no problems slip into my hole. I clenched a bit, but just enough to give a gentle tug with my rump as I pulled myself off him. I looked back over my shoulder and pushed my tail to the side to see trails of slick lubrication tracing down his shaft from median ring to just under the rim of his head, where my rump flesh was pulsating and massaging at.
I turned back to Spike, who was gritting his teeth and rubbing his cheek against the ground, body writhing underneath me. He bucked up again, but this time it was long, slow, and hard, almost knocking me off balance again. I had to put my foot down to keep myself from falling chest first onto him.
"Whoa dragon! Ya like that?" I cooed, nibbling at his chest as I splayed my legs out and pushed back, this time going as far back as I could. I felt his tip plough through me, displacing flesh and stretching sinew under my tail. There was a gentle buzz as the friction heat intensified right up till his stopper of a median ring pressed against my flesh; I kept pushing until it popped into me. I was rather shocked, as it was a bit thicker than I thought, and yet it slid right into me!
Against my will, I felt a deep purr emanate from my chest, vibrating my body with deep, gentle rumbles. I could tell Spike liked it because as soon as I started it, his body began writhing even more intensely, his back slithering like a snake in an S-motion, every movement pushing him deeper into me. I raised a talon on my belly to feel his firm rod pressing against my talon's palm, so I did what was best, I pushed back to force him even deeper! He only slid in inches at a time, but before long I could feel his bulbous, yet-uninflated knot pressing against my tailhole.
I was going to say something to him, perhaps a taunt or some sensual tease to get him to try harder, but I could feel the very tip of his massive shaft pressing against my depth limit, giving a deep, uncomfortable feeling that urged me to stop pushing. I didn't say anything to him though; didn't want to concern him with my issues. That's what magic was for. Instead, I dug my claws into the ground and pushed off him, relishing the sensation of massive shaft slipping from my depths, leaving me feeling empty and thin. As soon as only his cock tip was in me, pulsating and throbbing with each heartbeat, I pushed back down on him with one lurch. The sensation of thigh-thick cock rushing through my backside to fill me up was precisely the sensation I needed.
I felt my muscles contracting around him as I sat down, leaning against it with all my weight. I lifted up my talons and folded them on my chest, resting my hind paws on his belly, tail resting down between the bulbs of his shaft, the tail tip flicking at the dirt between his legs. I grinned at him as I clenched one rump cheek at a time, massaging him from side to side then from outwards inward. The pressure of my body on his girth was a bit uncomfortable, so I closed my eyes and focused on whatever healing needed to be done to ensure a comfortable penetration.
With eyes still closed, I felt Spike's body tense up in a rapid motion as he leaned up, wrapped his teeth around my neck, and flipped me over onto my back with his cock still lodged deep inside me. He slammed me down into the dirt and pinned my wing with his talon and growled at me.
I could have pushed him off - my hind paw was still resting on his belly and it'd only take one kick if I Felt I was in danger, but I wasn't. I didn't need to be an expert in dragon culture to know he was letting his base instincts take over to finish inside me. I was okay with that. In fact, I loved the idea of him going feral and taking me like a dragoness bitch. It had been too long since I was properly mounted as such.
His teeth tightened their grip around my neck as he arched his back and flared out his wings, covering my body - presumably from any predators or competition. His cock throbbed and stiffened as he pushed into me, scraping my back along the dirt and grass in between the hot springs until my head hit the rocks around the spring that he was relaxing in earlier.
"Whoa darlin, keep me on the ground." I warned. I was okay with him taking me as a beastly drake, but I was not okay with the thought of underwater rape. I like water, I don't like being held under water.
Luckily, he took the hint and pressed his other talon down on my shoulder, holding me place as he bucked his hips, keeping me from sliding any farther.
I took in a deep breath as I gaped open my beak, smiling and loosening my pelvic muscles as I chanelled more energy into my rump and my pounded, tenderized insides. I could feel him force that massive weapon into me as deep as it would go, triggering that deep, all-consuming discomfort, at least until the magics took its role and fixed me up, sending waves of pleasure not just through my soft walls, but also through the tip of his cock and right down his shaft to the knot, which began to inflate just outside my rump.
His teeth released their grip as he reared his head back, the spikes on his head and neck flaring out in a wonderful fan. He let out a massive, powerful roar as he gave one last, powerful thrust into me, forcing that inflating knot between my cheeks and into my backside before it grew too much.
I grunted in pain as it spread me wide, but the pain gave way to pleasure as I rubbed my distended belly, massaging him with my talons, using my flesh as a masturbator.
A Deep growl emanated from his lips as he gave one last thrust, knot fully forming inside me. I could feel it's bulbous rim pressing out against my hip bones, displacing my flesh and filling me up. As soon as the knot was fully formed and smothered in gryphon rump flesh, I felt one massive tensing of his muscles followed by a veritable torrent of very hot - almost painfully so - dragon cum splashing into my depths, filling me up and bloating my belly. As I looked down I couldn't even see the definition of his head or ridges pressing out against my abdominal wall.
He let out a deep, long sigh as he folded his wings back up. He kept his front talons on my wing and shoulder as he lolled out his tongue and pulled away from me. The knot was tied too well, so I pressed my hind paw against his belly and pushed until it popped out of me, a rush of creamy cum slipping out my anus to soak the underside of my tail and the ground underneath it. It hurt, but like all other issues, I fixed it up with some simple healing magic to restore the swollen, tender walls to their natural state.
I smiled and laughed as his cock slipped from my backside. I helped push him off and slowly slid my way out from under him. He let go of my wing and shoulder and stepped away, licking his chops. His still-hard cock dangled and swing between his legs, slapping against his inner thighs, before the blood slipped away from it, leaving it flaccid as it retreated back into his slit.
I smiled and curled up on myself, looking him in the eye. "Next time give me some warning before you shove that club of a cock in me." I insisted. "I was fine, but in the future, just, warn me first, mmkay?" I leaned over to start licking at my rump, but he immediately stopped me.
"No, let me..." He offered, leaning in to me, laying on his belly so his snout was just inches from my worn, partially gaping hole.
I paused a moment but then laughed a second time, laying on my back and spreading my legs. "It's all yours, dear. Have a go at it."
He nodded and opened up his maw to clean his mess, a stream of hot cum dribbling from my ruined pucker, even though I could have sworn he was blushing. I got a glimpse of his vibrant yellow tongue before it plunged into me. He used both thumbs to spread my cheeks, gaping my anal lips so he could get in a bit deeper. His hot breath tickled the flesh and fur around my opening as he nuzzled into me.
For a moment, with dragon tongue deep inside me, I thought he was gonna spread my rump flesh around his muzzle, but he didn't, and I was happy for that. He only lapped at it and sucked out every bit of cum before standing up straight, licking his lips.
"Done?" I asked.
He only nodded slowly, a grin forming across his face.
"You've never done that before, have you?" I accused, rolling to my feet, clenching my muscles to return my rump to its former, naturally tight state.
He shook his head. "Nope, always wanted to, though."
I smiled and rolled onto my back, rolling back and forth to swish the remaining cum around inside me. My wings were spread out to keep my balance. "Come on, lay down. Get comfy, because I'm leaving in the morning. You're welcome to come with me."
He happily obliged, flipping over and laying on the ground beside me. The scent of thick dragon musk still emanated from his slit, but he was almost certainly too spent to go another round. I know my muscles were tired from all the clenching and massaging they were doing, coupled with the sensation of having a leg-thick cock pushed into me repeatedly. Regardless, I had fun.
And that's how I met Spike.
The next morning we did in fact leave the Silap Hot Springs as the daily tourists were showing up to push through the mist that had reformed in the early morning sun. He followed me all the way to the destination, and I offered his services as a royal guard to a king I once protected.
It really did end well for everyone.