The Minotaur Takes a Prize.

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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#2 of The Minotaur

The second chapter of my short series about the pirate ship Minotaur, its captain, crew, and of course it's Captain's cabin boy, the young stallion Ranley.

The intelligence from a captured sloop proves correct, and the Minotaur approaches a rich transport in disguise. There are surprises in store for many, and new choices to be made, as Ranley and Captain Denning struggle with their feelings, and their pasts.

The first chapter is here

I hope you enjoy, and as always let me know what you think and whether you like it.


P.S. Arrghhhhhhh! Me hearties.

P.P.S. On a more serious note, this chapter is dedicated to my own Captain Denning, who taught a young stallion how to love another guy and in turn be at peace with myself.

"Bring her up a point Mr Nye."

"Aye Captain."

The tiger helmsman strained against the great ship's wheel, drawing the frigate a fraction closer to the wind. Canvas and rope took the strain, creaking and groaning a complaint as the freshening wind punished it for it's efforts. The rigging held.

"Go aloft Mr Taylor, I need your eyes today."

The wolf looked about to protest, but he bit his tongue, and instead headed for the ratlines, his telescope carefully stowed in his belt.

"Well Ranley, it looks as if we will be seeing some action today lad."

"Yes Sir."

"You look good as a midshipman Ranley. Did you ever think of taking to sea before you joined us?"

"No Captain. I was just an orphaned blacksmith's son, nothing more, and we had no interest in the sea where I lived. I would never have been able to afford a commission in any case."

The bull grinned, staring out into the open ocean, his eyes straining to pick up the small speck that his masthead lookout had spotted a few minutes prior.

"An orphaned blacksmith's son. Yes, so you have said, my apologies. Mr Weymiss tells me he has been teaching you about the sea and navigation. Apparently you are a natural at it. A demon for mathematics he says. Quite impressive for an orphaned blacksmith's son."

Now the Captain's gaze was more calculating, the bull's deep eyes boring into his cabin boy. Ranley gulped, loudly in the silent space of the quarterdeck, his face blushing a little under the fur as he resolutely studied the ears of the helmsman. He awaited the next question like the fall of shot from a broadside. The cannon failed to fire, however, as a cry of "deck there" from the crow's nest caught the attention of all on the quarterdeck.

"What is it Mr Taylor?"

"It is the Green Mountain right enough Captain. Fully laden by the look of her, and flying the King's flag. Also sir, there is another thing...a second flag. A Royal Baron's pendant."

"How far Mr Taylor?"

"At the rate we are gaining sir, we should be in hailing distance within the hour."

"Very good Mr Tayor. Return to the quarterdeck, and prepare the hands to come about. I want to approach on the starboard tack, we will need to come about within half an hour if the wind holds."

The relieved wolf slithered down the ratlines, the assembled quarterdeck crew grinning in spite of themselves. It was well known that lieutenant Taylor hated heights, and the Captain sent him aloft whenever he was in a particularly evil mood. Ranley was beginning to guess some of the reasons for that mood.

"Well well well; a Royal Baron. I wonder which one of my former colleagues I will be entertaining this evening. It looks like our source was correct; a very ransomable prize in his own right."

"Yes sir."

"We will continue this conversation later Ranley, but for the moment we have work to do. Pipe the hands to clear for action."

The first lieutenant had his turn to smile now. A heavyset leopard with a perpetual scowl, he only ever seemed to smile when action was imminent. He for one would not be happy if their plan succeeded too well; he enjoyed the taste of battle too much.

The pipes rang out in the clear air, followed by the thud of hooves and paws as the crew busied themselves with the many tasks of preparing the ship. Below decks, Ranley could hear thumps and cries as the gundeck was transformed, all the normal accoutrements of life stowed and secured leaving the great thirty two pounder cannon ready for their moment to speak. With luck, they would not be needed.

While the many tasks continued below, the nimble topmen were summoned on the deck by a second pipe, and Ranley saw his wolf friends giving him a wave from below as they started up the ratlines on the mizzen, as usual pushing each other to see who could get there first. The stallion envied them their surety in the heavens; he was more sympathetic to lieutenant Taylor's way of thinking.

"Mr Weymiss?"

"Not yet sir."

"Just checking your eyes. And your ears...yes, one flat one up, full and bye."

The chuckles at the sailing master's expense proved a welcome tension release for the quarterdeck. There was much that could go wrong now; soon they would be committed. Slow minutes passed.


The leopard was on his speaking trumpet now, directing his voice to the shrouds and its crowd of nimble topmen.

"All hands prepare to wear ship.!"


"Let go and heave!"

The ship gave out an almost animalistic sound, part grunt from the many straining crew, part groan of hemp and chain and canvas, as the helmsman threw the wheel hard over. The nimble frigate responded like a greyhound, pushing its helm over and hanging in stays for an agonising moment before the great weight of canvas pulled it past the wind and onto the starboard tack, the helmsman straining to control the wheel for a moment with the assistance of Marin until he managed to hold it on the new course.

Now they were positioned to run down on their quarry, close hauled on the starboard tack. Their prey was not built for speed or manoeuvrability, and would not be able to tack away from under them without losing speed. The opposite ship's master must know he was in danger if this was not a friend. It was time for the next step.

"Signal Rill.!"

Beside Ranley, a lightly built otter sprang into action. The crew member closest in age to Ranley, the otter was another mystery on the ship. A deserter from a King's ship, or so the rumour went, he was one of the few with any knowledge of naval signals. Ranley had never asked, it was an unwritten rule on a pirate ship that no one pried into another fur's past. He hoped the otter truly knew what he was doing, his skills were now critical to them all, as he worked to haul the multi-coloured flags into the shrouds.

As the ship worked into its new course, a myriad of bunting sprang into the air, colours against the white canvas. Its message should be read by their prey, and it would be a careful mix of reassuring yet forceful. First, a number, 3057 preceded by a yellow flag. In the signal book on the Green Mountain, it would mean only one thing; a King's ship. In this case, 3057; His Imperial Leonine Majesty's Frigate Revenge, Captain Bartholemew Carvigenne.

Of course the bull knew from his intelligence network that the Revenge had been on station on the Dragon's Coast for almost a year, but that was what made it a perfect disguise. Noone would know if it had returned from patrol or not. In addition, Bartholemew was another bull, from a family near his own. Any eagle eyes on the quarterdeck of his quarry would see a frigate, and a bull Captain, exactly what they expected.

The rest of the signal flags were orders, and a reassurance.

Captain wear ship immediate. Prepare to be escorted.

The quarterdeck crew waited anxiously, all of those with telescopes now straining to watch the growing shape of the Green Mountain as it came into view to port.

"Signal from Green Mountain Sir!"

"Yes Rill?"

"Acknowledged Sir!"

More than a few muttered a quick 'yes!'under their breath at that.

"Well done Rill. Remember lads, we are a King's ship. A bit of discipline eh? We don't want them to think I am a shoddy Captain!"

The laughter came out louder then, as the crew realised they were as good as home unless something went very wrong. Another pay day, another entry in the ledger of account against their names. One day closer to retiring with enough to buy a bar, a farm, a shop, a fishing boat, whatever it was that would give them independence in this stratified hidebound world of inherited wealth and grinding poverty.

As Ranley started at the form of the ship coming into sharper focus in his telescope, he noted with satisfaction that the plan seemed to be coming together. The transport was wearing ship, its captain pointing into the wind and luffing to take all speed from his sails as ordered. He could begin to make out figures scurrying on the deck, and as he turned to the quarterdeck, he could see the command crew of the Green Mountain looking back at him. He mentally straightened his back, assuming the persona of a dedicated midshipman of the King's navy, his ironic smile a sardonic decoration for his muzzle. If it made them wonder, so much the better.

As he continued his scan, he picked up a colourful banner flying in the mizzen shrouds, one he hadn't seen before as the sails had obscured it when the ship was under way. Adjusting his telescope, he brought the banner into focus, the scarlet and blue flag with a stallion head in profile now looming large in his vision, with a gold crown at it's base.

Ranley let out a strangled gasp, stepping back and almost tripping as he fell against the railing, the telescope falling to his side in a suddenly lifeless hand.


The stallion just stood there, his eyes unseeing as his muzzle worked with silent prayers and denials.


The curt tone of his lover and Captain drew him out of the shock, and he nodded briefly as he tried to clear his head.

"Ranley, what is it? What did you see?"

"Nothing Captain..."

"It clearly isn't nothing, judging from your reaction. Out with it lad."

"The Royal Baron; I know which one, I...I recognised his banner in the mizzen shrouds. It is Lord Baron Macklen, of the Eastern Ports."

"Ahhh, I know him. A thoroughly objectionable stallion if ever there was one. This is going to be a pleasure indeed. And a fellow equine of yours lad, that must feel nice. Tell me, how did you recognise his banner?"

"I...all equines know him, sir."

"Hmm...maybe. We shall see. Rill, next signal if you please."

The otter scurried to his work, a final pre-prepared line of bunting taking to the winds to replace the previous.

Captain repair on board immediate.

"There is something I always regret a little about this moment. I hope never to feel it myself, but it doesn't make it easy to inflict it on another Captain."

The First lieutenant began barking orders again, and the frigate matched the transport's manoeuvre, pointing into the wind and coming to a halt broadside on to the transport, their larboard gunports reassuringly closed as they bobbed on the light swell. The two ships were barely two cables apart, and the cautious captain of the Green Mountain decided on a little bit more reassurance.

"Ahoy there!"

"Ahoy! Captain Bartholemew of His Imperial Leonine Majesty's Frigate Revenge at your service. I require your captain and his officers to come aboard immediately! We need to speak confidentially and we do not have much time, pirates have been sighted in this area. I am carrying sealed orders from the King for him!"

That got the right response, and there was a sudden scurry of activity at the side as a longboat was lowered to the sea, with four figures joining the oarsmen in the stern sheets before the little boat shoved off.

The bull watched their approach with studied casualness, although his mind was churning along with his guts. Not much more; just a few things more to go right. He turned and headed for the wardroom, prepared for the next part of the drama.

Soon the longboat caught onto their chains, and the officers from the transport hauled themselves up onto the deck with the captain's personal coxswain bringing up the rear, and saluted the quarterdeck as the bosun piped them aboard with suitable solemnity. Their salute was returned by the receiving party, lieutenant Taylor and a hand picked group of seamen, judged both reliable and passably military.

"Captain Bartholemew?"

The harassed looking ram with the captain's stripes addressed the question to somewhere around the wolf's forehead, his eyes darting around as he sensed the air. Something was not right; something he could not put a finger on.

"This way Sir. The captain is in the wardroom, preparing the briefing. We need to make haste sir."

"Then let's be about it lieutenant...."

"Taylor Sir."

The ram's ears pricked up again. Taylor...the name was familiar, attached to a wolf just like this. Where had he heard the name?

The officers made their way rapidly to the hatch, their escort careful to steer them away from the gunroom as they were brought to the wardroom door, the largest room in the ship, at the stern below the captains own cabin. The wolf knocked once, and the door opened, a shadowy figure behind the door as they entered. The wardroom table was empty except for the bull, seated at the head facing the door.

The little party crowded inside, their eyes getting used to the light for a moment. Then a strangled gasp came from the transport's junior lieutenant, a young ram.

"Father! It's a trap..."

Their cries were suddenly cut off and any reaction stifled as each felt the point of a blade at their throats, the party from the transport now helpless as the shadowy figure ably assisted by the receiving party proceeded to disarm them while whistling a happy tune. Marin, the big stallion, enjoyed his work, though he might have preferred a bit more resistance. Mr Jabby hadn't had any real action lately.

"Who are you Sir!"

The ram had recovered sufficiently to find his voice, though his dignity was still significantly compromised. He drew himself up as tall as he could, his ears bristling with indignation.

"He is Captain Denning father, a pirate. I recognised his face."

"Yes youngster, I am he. And you are now my prisoners, and you Captain face a decision. Surrender your ship, now, and help me take control, or all of your men will be killed. And I can assure you captain, they will be killed very very slowly. Starting with your son, if I am not mistaken. Marin likes rams, I believe."

"What if...what if my ship resists?"

"Well that would be unfortunate. Then I would have to open my gunports, and bring the fully prepared, well sighted, double shotted broadside of my larboard battery to bear on your ship. I think I would have long enough after that to remove your cargo and wipe off the remains of your crew before your ship sinks."

The ram deflated at that, his eyes flaming with anger as he stared at the grinning bull. He was about to snarl a response, when he heard a cry.


Turning, he saw the big shire stallion behind his son, the brute teasing his neck with a knife, a long trickle of red dripping into the lieutenant's shirt. The stallion's free hand was enjoying its own playtime, squeezing the young ram's groin while Marin held him against his own body tight.

"You win Denning. For now."

A long deep mooing laugh greeted that statement.

"No one wins forever Captain. Now will do just fine."


The two longboats lolled in the swell beside the frigate, their crews cursing as oars were untangled and the boats made ready for the journey to the transport. In one, the transport's boat crew had just been joined by a group from the pirate ship, their captain's dark looks telling them all they needed to know even before the pirates under lieutenant Taylor had spoken at length on the topic of what would happen if they were so foolish as to resist.

The other longboat was Captain Denning's personal barge, and his barge crew were cursing the incompetence of the transport's barge crew as they worked under the gaze of their own captain. Another group of pirates completed the muster, along with one sweating equine. Ranley was beside his Captain, though he was not happy about it.

"Ranley, you still haven't told me why you didn't join me in the wardroom as I ordered."


"And you haven't told me why you were reluctant to join me now."


"Ranley, I know it isn't fear. So what is it?"

"Captain, as I said, it would be better if I didn't come."

"And you won't tell me why?"

The stallion merely shook his head, looking like he wanted the ocean to swallow him up.

The bull was tempted to press the issue, but he was out of time and out of patience. Giving a curt command, he sat back as his coxswain got the barge's crew into gear, the oars rising and falling in time as they powered through the swell towards the transport.

Ranley dreaded every moment, willing this all to be over soon, as they covered the distance quickly and hooked onto the chains as a rope ladder was thrown over the side.

The two groups of pirates swarmed up the chains and over the railings, a small group remaining to cover each boat as Marin hauled the quivering captain bodily into his own ship. The side party stood motionless for a moment, their expressions turning from shock to recognition to fear in moments. Seamen shouted, and reached for weapons.


The ram had found his voice, and his crew responded, their eyes widening as they faced a large group of heavily armed pirates.

"Lay down your arms and surrender the ship men. There is nothing to be gained by fighting."

The crew were beginning to respond, little groups of furs dropping their weapons as the pirates spread across the deck, Lieutenant Taylor and the wolf twins reaching the quarterdeck and taking command of the ship's wheel. It was all proceeding according to plan, until the door to the captain's cabin opened and a large and very angry stallion issued forth, his mane streaming behind and his jacket half off as if in the process of dressing.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Sir, Baron, we have been captured by pirates..."

The stallion snarled, picking up a discarded cutlass, his eyes blazing as he faced down the bull who was obviously now in charge. He seemed about to attack, muscles poised for a charge, when he spied the figure beside the bull, Ranley trying hard to hide behind the massive bulk of his Captain.


He fell to the deck, staring at the young stallion and leaning on his cutlass.

"How did I know you would end up with the lowest of the low?"

As the baron bowed his head, the bull gave his shaking cabin boy a long look before motioning two of his crew to bind the distracted stallion before he decided to charge anyway.



The bull's voice was coaxing, his face not unkind. He knew his lover would open up, it was almost time, but he needed to make sure he didn't spook him.

"Yes Sir."

" is time for the truth lad. All of it."

They sat in the wardroom of the Minotaur, the Captain and Ranley, with Marin and Mr Weymiss for support. The kindly bull thought he might open up easier with his fellow equine, and the gentle sailing master by his side. In principle, he should be angry with the young stallion, as he had potentially endangered them all by not telling what he knew, but the bull was more concerned by the way his young lover was behaving; the youngster was barely holding back tears as he shuffled his hooves on the deck.

"How do you know the Baron lad."

"My father was one of the Baron's men, his chief magistrate. You probably know him; Judge Amrill."

"We know the hanging judge well enough lad. He has a special place of hatred amongst the brotherhood."

The stallion gulped at that, but clenched his muzzle and continued. There was no going back now.

"As a favoured member of the Baron's circle, my father was allowed to live on the estate and I grew up there. I got to now his sons, all three of them but I liked his middle son the most. Dyrmand, my sweet colt. He was so sweet, and so beautiful. I fell in love with him, though I never meant to. The trouble was, he fell in love with me."

The long sigh from the bull filled Ranley's heart, and at last he looked in his lover's eyes; he saw the compassion, and the worry.

"Dyrmand and I tried to keep it secret, but we got careless. Our favourite place to meet was in a barn on the estate grounds, it was rarely used and comfortable, lots of soft hay. We were together one day, when we were discovered by the Baron's youngest son. We didn't know, but he had taken up smoking and used the barn as his place to indulge his own secret. He came upon us, but we didn't realise, and instead of confronting us there and then, he went and got his father and brother."

"I was in Dyrmand's arms, still inside him when they found us. It was terrible; the Baron and his men, my love's brothers all looking at us like we were demons. The Baron was spluttering in rage, and he couldn't speak for a long time, but when he did he was cold as ice. I could not tell what he thought was worse, that I was a commoner daring to fuck a noble, or that his son was with another stallion. Either way, he felt I had shamed his house, and corrupted his son, and I had to pay."

"They strung me up by the wrists from the ceiling beams, and he made my love watch as they took it in turns flogging me until I passed out and not even a bucket of water would revive me. I will never forget the pain, or the look in Dyrmand's eyes. He felt every stroke as much as I did."

"When I woke, my father was with me, and everything was a universe of hurt. He told me the Baron had demanded he sell me to him as a slave if I recovered. He couldn't save me without losing everything, and he was going to do what the Baron asked. He was ashamed of me; he could barely look me in the eye."

"Before it could happen, I ran one night, and made my way to the port. I used my only money to get to Port Denley, and there I found you. I knew I could at least be safe for a while, if I was taken on a pirate ship, and maybe if I could get some money together I could return for Dyrmand and take him with me. Until I saw that cursed banner on the mizzen."

Ranley dropped his head to the wardroom table, too exhausted to continue, and closed his eyes. Now they knew who he was, they would not allow him to remain. The Hanging Judge's son would never be welcome on a pirate vessel.

He gave a sudden start as he felt arms wrap around him, his fellow equine Marin holding him tight, the feathering on his forearms tickling his fur. Then the big bear of a sailing master joined the embrace, and he began to shake uncontrollably, before finally breaking down in sobs as he felt the Captain kiss his head.

"My poor stallion. I vowed whoever did this to you would pay, and now it seems we have him. Killing a royal baron is not something I will do lightly though, not even this one. I think we should speak to him first."


"Yes Ranley. I swore an oath. It may not mean anything in the royal court, but in the brotherhood, it means everything."

"And...what are you going to do to me?"

"Do? I don't understand."

"I am Judge Amrill's son."

"No you are not. You are ours Ranley, our brother. That is all that matters."

Still adjusting, Ranley could only nuzzle in tight to the embrace of his brothers and let the many fears and memories recede for the time.


Sometime later, they were seated around the wardroom table again, but this time for a very different interview. Ranley was shaking again, even the love of his brother pirates could not completely erase the fear, and he had always dreaded this meeting, even if he was not as helpless as the last time.

The sound of shuffling hooves came from outside the cabin, and a heavy knock told them that Marin had brought their guest.

"Come in Marin."

The door opened, and two stallions bulked their way into the small room. The big shire was grinning from ear to ear as he manhandled his companion, who was somewhat limited in his ability to move owing to the many ropes binding him. He could only shuffle forward awkwardly until Marin dumped him unceremoniously into a waiting chair. With a flourish, the big shire removed his blindfold, and the older stallion blinked a few times as he got used to the light before focussing enraged eyes on the assembled company.

"You will all pay for this."

The Captain grinned then, winking mischievously at his captive.

"Well we shall see my old friend. And I expected a better welcome for a fellow Baron of the blue, I see your old discourtesy remains."

"I will not parley with you traitor. You will release me and my ship at once, and leave, or I will ensure you are hunted down and receive the end you richly deserve."

"Now now Athelran, do not get yourself so angry, you know it is not good for you. You remember what the court physician told you, all those bottles of wine and your string of whores mean you need to be extra careful."

The stallion just glowered at the bull, his nostrils flaring as he let his anger sustain him for a time.

"Besides Athelran, royal cousin, I thought you would be pleased to meet this young stallion again. You certainly made an impression on him."

Reluctantly the Baron turned to eye the young stallion, who rose to the challenge, returning his stare with surprisingly steady eyes.

"You disgrace of a stallion. You I can never forgive. I am disappointed your cowardice lost me the chance to give you the end you deserved; a gelding slave to work my fields, about what you are worth. Enjoy those balls colt, for they are mine by right."

"Right? Right?" Finally Ranley had been provoked into response. "You talk of right? What right did you have to do what you did? Dyrmand and I loved each other, absolutely. Love; something you know nothing about it seems. Maybe that was what made you hate so much; you couldn't stand to see it."

"Fine words colt. How is that tailhole of yours eh? Nicely filled every night I'll wager, bum colt for a shipload of barbarians; and you talk of love..."

Ranley had enough, and he threw himself across the wardroom table to wrap his hands around the Baron's throat, the stallion grinning like a mad horse at the youngster. Eventually Marin and the sailing master managed to haul him off, leaving him sitting and panting in fury.

"Dyrmand knows what I felt. And he will again, when I come back to take him away from you."

The Baron stared for a moment, genuinely stunned, before he broke into howls of laughter, tears flowing. The pirates could only watch, wondering what this might mean, while a ball of ice began to form in Ranley's guts. He knew how malicious the Baron could be, he bore the marks all over his body. What if he had...?

"You young fool. Do you think my former son escaped his own punishment? Yes; my former son. I sold him to the slavers from Tarken. When last I saw, he was being loaded onto a ship for the Five Islands. He still had his balls, but you know what they are like on those plantations, they like nothing more than gelding a few to encourage the others."


"Yes young fool. You thought your selfishness would have no consequences?"

"Enough! Ranley, come with me. Mr Weymiss, attend to the ship. Marin, guard the prisoner."

"This is all your fault colt. Remember that." With a final bile filled laugh at Ranley, the Baron turned and ignored him, while the Captain hauled the distressed cabin boy out of the wardroom.

They stood in the hallway for a moment, while Ranley 's body heaved with emotion. The Captain let him stand for a while, knowing he needed to give him a little time even when time was so precious. Eventually, he placed one kindly hand on the stallion's shoulder, and Ranley looked up into his lover's eyes.

"Ranley. Do not let him get to you. His hate blinds him, and there is no point trying to understand him. You would have to become like him first, and I doubt that would ever happen. Now we have more pressing matters. I swore vengeance, and now your tormenter has been delivered. But I think, in this I need to go with your instincts; perhaps that will be part of healing you. The Baron is yours; ransom, sell, kill. You choose."

The bull handed Ranley his dagger, and the stallion stared at its shimmering surface for long seconds, his face a mask. On unsteady hooves, he turned and headed back to the wardroom door, opening and closing it with care.

The old sailing master coughed once, drawing the bull's attention. A small group had gathered, Mr Weymiss, Balantyre and Farlie anxious for their shipmate and they had watched he scene quietly.

"Are you sure that was wise Captain? If he is killed by you or one of your crew, it won't matter to the King. He will hunt you down just the same."

"He will hunt me down in any case Mr Weymiss, once he knows what I found on the Green Mountain. At least if he catches me, I will know it was for something."

They all looked at the wardroom door, waiting.


Ranley stood looking at the Baron, the dagger describing small circles in the air as he nervously played with it in his right hand. His ears flicked constantly, and his tail made hesitant slashes from side to side. The Baron just watched him from under his eyebrows, holding his breath.

"Many nights I dreamed of a moment like this. I never thought it would happen though."

"Oh little colt? Were you taking that bull's cock at the same time? Maybe you needed something to make you feel better about being the ship's bum colt."

Ranley's nostrils flared and his eyes widened, and he took a step towards the Baron, dagger at the ready.

"What is it colt? No balls after all? Someone else gelded you to save me the bother? Pity...I was looking forward to making my former son watch your gelding one day. I bet you would squeal like a stuck pig, just like you did under the lash. You should have heard my former son begging when his turn came..."

With a wild snarl Ranley leapt at the Baron, gripping his head and slamming it into the wardroom table with a satisfying thud that splintered wood and left a star shaped pattern of blood behind. Pulling back the groggy stallion's head, he lined the dagger up with his tormentor's throat and bared his teeth in a satisfied grin.

Before he could pull the blade home, his flared nostrils picked up a scent. He paused a moment, sniffing deep, drinking it in. It was familiar.


Allowing the red mist of hate to pass for a moment, he looked again at the Baron and saw the tell tale signs he had missed. Ears flattened, eyes wide and staring; and over it all that stench. With a grunt he dropped the Baron's head and let it bounce off the table.

"You're afraid!"


"Yes you are; I can smell it. I'm right, aren't I Marin?"

"Right you are lad, he reeks of it like a landlubber under his first broadside." The big shire let out a chuckle, white teeth shining in the darkened room.

"That's why you were baiting me. You were sure I would kill you and you were afraid I might do something worse."

"Stupid colt! You don't have the balls little gelding..."

"Silence!" Ranley screamed, and he slapped the older stallion across his bleeding muzzle with one backhanded blow, drawing a fresh flow of blood and shutting the flow of words for the moment.

"Let's see then. Now I have the idea, I think it's worth exploring. What could I do to you? You talk of gelding a lot my Lord, it would be instructive to see how you fare under the knife. Or perhaps your tailhole needs some education in love between stallions yes? See what you have been missing?"

Ranley loomed over the baron, and the stallion was unable to hide his terror, trying helplessly to draw away while muttering '' under his breath as the instrument of his judgement closed in. The dagger flashed in his eyes, and he looked into Ranley's own, seeing nothing but decision. No hesitation, no fear; his own fear now took over, and he wet himself as the knife approached. A loud laughing nicker from Marin told that his weakness had been picked up by the other equine's nostrils, but he no longer cared. All he could see in his mind's eye was this youngster, and his revenge.

His body gave a great leap as he felt a hand grip his tail, the soft silky hairs pulled taut. The knife moved in the air, and he felt a sharp pain that made him cry out in anticipation of nameless torments. But instead, the youngster merely turned on his hooves and walked towards the door before looking over his shoulder, scorn written in every muscle.

"I will keep this as a souvenir, my Lord." The scorn dripped like honey.

"But I have decided not to kill you, or even torture you. I do not want to become like you, not in any way. And, when I see your son, I want to be able to tell him that I did not harm you, even though I could have. Dyrmand loved you, and I would lay any money he still does. For his love, and for my own sake, you can keep your wretched hide. I'll keep your tail though, and make a necklace from it to remind me."

"You are not worth it. You are nothing...Lord."

Without another glance, Ranley opened the door, and left behind the stallion too stunned to speak, still bound in place at the wardroom table.

Outside, Ranley fell into the Captain's arms. He felt the presence of the others, like a cloak surrounding him with their love, but for the moment he needed air, and he headed for the main deck with each giving him their own reassuring pat on the way past.

He was there, leaning over the railings as the ship tossed against the ocean, when the Captain came up beside him.

"You have learned Ranley."

"Maybe Captain. Whether it's a good thing or not, I don't know."

"Tell me, why did you not kill him?"

"Marin can tell you. Suffice to say, he was not worth it. I am free now, and he knows it. Plus, I realised, if I had, I would have enjoyed it too much."

The old bull gave an understanding snort.

"It is a danger for all of us Ranley. I am glad you saw it."

The two spent a short while, gazing out over the ocean that was their home now, Ranley's eyes reflective, the Captain's eyes sad. The bull was wise enough to know what would come next, but he allowed his lover the time to get there himself.


Night had fallen, and the two ships were settled for the evening, both on matched courses and heading for a destination known to all in the pirate community. A carefully chosen prize crew manned the Green Mountain, its own crew carefully kept under lock and key and spread to avoid them being able to mount a coordinated attempt to retake the ship. The Baron was locked in the chain locker under guard, his complaints of ill treatment ignored with a chuckle.

Meanwhile the Captain of their prize was a guest of the wardroom. His conduct had been exemplary, the bull noted with a smile. Especially when he had been escorted below decks to see his son engaged in a wild exploration of male sex courtesy of Marin and Watkin. The astonished master had only stared as he watched his son letting out full throated baas of pleasure under the twin assaults of Marin's cock in his rear, and Watkin's muzzle on his cock. The gunner didn't mind taking seconds after the big shire, and besides, the horny ram hadn't had one of his own kind for ages and he wasn't going to miss out on a bellyful of ram seed.

The bull's thoughts turned to home; their home, their base, a protected harbour on an island, where they could strip the transport of its cargo and begin the process of converting it for sale as a prize under forged papers. There were several days to go before they reached their destination though, and the Captain was a long way from relaxing. Even when he was there, it didn't feel like home. It was just somewhere he lived now when he wasn't where he really wanted to be.

As he headed for his cabin, he mentally allowed himself a few hours peace this night. Peace and other things; sweet and painful and fleeting.

Opening the door, he spied his cabin boy busying himself returning the cabin to it's proper state. When they had cleared for action, his cabin had been transformed, the elegant furniture stowed and two bulging stern chasers brought from under screened cabinets to slot into place. They had not been needed, and now Ranley had restored the domestic order of his cabin with his usual ease. He was just polishing the captain's table as the bull entered.

"Time for some rest lad, come and join me."

The young stallion smiled shyly, nodding before reaching the captain's side to begin undressing his master. He knew that there would be little rest from the tone of the captain's voice, and he relished that; he needed to be held tonight.

Just as he felt the equine's hands on his shirt, the bull took them in his own, gripping firmly and stopping him, making Ranley pause and look uncertainly at his lover. The bull looked happy enough, and he could smell the thick bull musk in the air, so he didn't know why he was hesitating.

"Stand over by the stern windows lad. I want to see you undress for me, like you did our first night."

The bull picked up a flagon and some wine, pouring a generous measure before downing the burning liquid in one gulp. It was terrible, just as he liked it. He didn't drink for enjoyment.

Nervously, the stallion obeyed, but this time the order was different. His hands reached for the buttons of his tunic first, the midshipman's uniform melting away as he exposed his chest for his lover, standing in the moonlight streaming through the windows as the silver light played on his body.

The bull admired for long moments, imagining his own fingers caressing that body like the moonlight. His lad had grown, the flex of muscles obvious under the fur as his chest and abdomen tensed under the bull's hungry gaze. Large nipples stood tall, the sea breeze causing them to swell surrounded by broad brown areolae, the little tuft of thicker fur between his pectorals twitching as excitement flowed through the stallion from the sudden realisation that his body was beautiful to his lover. He had been so shy about showing himself that first night; now he stood without shame, letting the bull enjoy his form without fear. They had no secrets, and nothing left to hide.

Eventually the stallion fumbled with his trouser buttons, and he drew the fabric down his thighs until the discarded pants formed a little heap at his hooves. With a careless gesture, he flicked them into the bulkhead, and stood naked, his cock partly extended and filling with blood. The bull watched, fascinated, as the process reached its completion, the thick pillar of flesh first hanging down, the flare much broader than the shaft, then lengthening and thickening under his gaze, until with a final flex of his abdominals, the young stallion sent the head of his fully ready cock slapping into his belly with a crack like a musket hitting flesh, a small spray of precum wetting the fur like blood from a wound.

The bull's guttural moo sent shivers through Ranley, and it was the stallion's turn to watch as the bull undressed for him. The Captain took his time, teasing the young stallion with each new piece of clothing until he stood as naked as his lover, his broad muscled bull's body standing easy in the cabin, and his own thick bull meat straining in the air. Ranley could only stare, seeing every feature he had seen and felt many times, the broad scar over his left shoulder, the weight of powerful muscles, the heft of his cock and the massive pair of orbs beneath it, full of rich bull milk.

His Captain took three steps and embraced him, drawing him into a heated kiss that burned like fire and made it hard to breathe. They held onto each other, kissing and feeling the weight of muscle and sinew as their hands gripped and touched. Then the bull took the smaller stallion into his arms, lifting him and carrying the youngster to his bed, laying him down on his side and sliding in behind him.

Ranley felt the great bulk of his lover, the heat of his body pressed into his back. A muzzle latched onto his neck, the rutting bull finding that special spot where shoulder met neck, and nibbled roughly as the stallion nickered out his arousal, his cock straining for release. Then he felt one big hand wrapped around his stallionhood, and relaxed into the embrace, as his captain pleasured him with long strokes, never quite fast enough to push him over the edge, never slow enough to see him lose his extreme arousal. A small pool of stallion pre darkened the sheets, and he gave his body over to the sensations, his powerful lover keeping his heart safe even as he dominated his body.

Finally, he felt the bull move, a thick blunt mass against his tail hole. One hand effortlessly lifted his top leg, and he was moved until they were perfectly placed, the bull behind, cock poised for him, and his crevice opened and ready.


The bull just licked his neck a while longer, teasing the young stallion with his cock head, rocking hips a fraction of an inch and tapping a lovers message on Ranley's pucker. He mooed out his pleasure, enjoying the feel of his lover's eager response, and the sound of hunger in his voice.


Ranley gripped the sheets with his hands, his head now hanging down, little pink tongue poking from his muzzle as he waited for what he wanted most. His lover eventually relented, and he felt him flex his hips and keep flexing, the thick head pressing and probing until his pucker gave up the unequal struggle and opened like a flower. His grip tightened, knuckles white as he worked through the transitory pain, his loud whinny enough to convince the bull that he wanted more. And the bull was happy to give him more.

With a long steady thrust, the bull entered him. Each new inch brought fresh whinnies of joy, until he had bottomed out in the stallion, the muscle of his pucker clenched tight around the base of the bull's thick cock. Hooking his arm under Ranley's raised knee, he reached down to cup the stallion's balls, feeling them dance with each new thrust and withdrawal. His free hand wrapped in the long mane of his young lover, gently caressing the waterfall of silken locks as they mated.

Too soon, the bull felt the squirming orbs in his hand draw up, his lover's pleasure cresting quickly. He gave a snort, and instead of stopping, drove in harder, muzzle bending to taste Ranley's neck in a mating bite as he felt the stallion's body begin to shake and tense. The soft tail trapped between their bodies suddenly slapped against his skin, and his lover's tailhole began its familiar rhythmic clenching before a loud whinny signalled the final moment of pleasure as Ranley's cock spurted a thick spray of seed onto the bed.

They lay together afterwards, wrapped in the easy intimacy of lovers, the bull gently licking the sore bite mark on his stallion. He was achingly hard still, his needs unsatisfied but he was patient; and he had special plans for this night. This one would be for Ranley. As he teased the young stallion, sliding one fingertip along his still hard shaft and making him shudder and harden again, he whispered in one lazily flicking ear.

"Tell me Ranley. Did you ever love me, or were you always thinking of your stallion?"

Ranley almost stopped breathing for a moment, the delicious feel of full tailhole and empty balls replaced by a new ache. He closed his eyes, sighing once, and nuzzled back into the bull's body.

"Not at first. In the beginning, all I could think of was Dyrmand, and returning to take him away from his father. I'm sorry."

"Not at all Ranley. I didn't love you either, though I did desire you sure enough."

"I knew, I saw it in your eyes. I thought I could use it, and I would be safe here for a while. I could get some money, and when the time was right, I could go."

"And now?"

"I couldn't help it. The way you were with me, even Dyrmand never made me feel like this. He was impatient, and neither of us knew what we were doing. You taught me how to love. When I saw you in danger on that Sloop, I knew I couldn't let you be harmed."

The bull traced the line of a scar on the stallion's back, his fingertips running just above the skin as he watched his lover's reaction. A slight shudder, and a tensing of his body made the bull stop, but Ranley just flicked his ears and looked over his shoulder, a beckoning glance that demanded he continue.

"Does it hurt?"

"Not any more. Now it feels like ice on my skin sometimes, painful but exciting. You are gentle, more gentle than I could have imagined. "

"Now the stallion who did this to you is your captive. It must feel good."

"It feels free."

The bull held him tight then, his cock flexing inside the warm tunnel of Ranley's ass. The stallion lay back against him, waiting for a resumption of their rutting, but instead the bull slid from his tailhole, and he moaned at the sudden emptiness. He looked at his lover questioningly.

"This is long overdue."

Ranley felt hands on his shoulders, turning him until he was on his back, his cock now hard again and dripping in anticipation. He waited, expecting his lover to raise his legs and enter him face to face, but instead the bull straddled his hips, the massive male holding him down against the bed with his bulk while he ran fingertips through the fur of his chest. Ranley gasped as he felt a hand wrapped around his cock, his surprise complete when he felt his cock pressed against his Captain's tight hole.

Before he could ask the question, his body was overwhelmed with the amazing sensation of his cock sliding into the hot tight tunnel of a bull, short snorts from his Captain making the bull's nose ring flap as he took the stallion inside, his less experienced ass straining under the assault. He wasn't going to stop though, and with a sudden downward thrust of his hips, Captain Denning took his cabin boy's cock, deep and hard, the stallion's warm orbs resting on his ass.

As the pain receded, he opened his eyes again, looking down into the stunned face of his lover. He couldn't resist a grin at the expression on Ranley's face, a mix of pure astonishment and lust. He had waited too long for this, he realised. He rocked his hips, drinking in the scent of aroused stallion mixed with his own deep musk. An experimental flex of his ass drew a strangled cry, and he repeated the movement, laughing in the sheer joy of making his love feel so right.


" talking."

He placed two fingers on Ranley's muzzle, quieting the stallion's questions, and began a slow leisurely ride. Reaching down, he took one equine hand in his, bringing it to his own cock now throbbing hard between them, and wrapped fingers around his cock. Ranley took the hint, and soon he was jacking his Captain, concentrating on the spots he knew so well for giving pleasure, while his other hand pinched one erect nipple with increasing roughness.

They continued like this for a long time, taking their pleasure and giving, loud moos and whinnies echoing round the small cabin and spilling out to fill the ship, many crewmembers grinning at the sounds before returning to their own nocturnal pleasures.

One large equine gave a lazy smile, his body cradling two rams, their bodies spent for the moment as they rocked gently in a hammock. He heard the moos and the whinnies, but unlike his shipmates he could read the equine noises, the different pitch of a stallion inside his mate.

"About bloody time."


"Go back to sleep little ram unless you want that tailhole of yours filled again.'

The captive lieutenant just snuggled up close, letting out an exaggerated snore as the gunner behind him chuckled softly and gave him an affectionate kiss on the neck.

Back in the Captain's cabin, things were approaching their climax at last, and the bull sped up his ride, slamming his hips down over and over, the stallion's length appearing and disappearing as he fucked himself on the cabin boy. He felt the orgasm coming, the long buildup making it grow and grow, until he felt sudden jerks in his cock as his bull balls drew up in readiness.

He felt it then, the burning warmth of a stallion filling him, and he leant down to kiss his lover and muffle their cries as his own end came spreading a fountain of seed to drip from their chests and bellies, a sticky layer between their fur as he held his stallion lover tight in the afterglow of sex.

After a long time for kissing, the stallion eventually begged off, looking into his Captain's eyes, a question in each iris as well as on his lips.


"It was time. I have been thinking of it for some time, and I didn't want to wait any more."


"Because I am about to lose you."

Ranley's eyes opened wide, and he began to fight against the bull above him, but the captain merely kissed him until he stopped, a frustrated whinny his only comment.

"Listen to me Ranley. I saw your face, when you were looking over the ocean after you left the Baron. You were thinking of your love, Dyrmand, and how you could rescue him from the Islands. I know you, I could tell."

Ranley could only nod. It was true.

"I know you won't be happy now unless you try to rescue him. And I know you love me in some ways, but you are still in love with him."

"So...what can I do? What can you do?"

The bull covered his lover's lips again, quieting him.

"Too many questions for one night Ranley. Tomorrow, we will talk. For now, I have other needs."

Ranley let out a shocked cry as he felt the bull wrap his muscled arms around him and pull him into the air like a rag doll. By the time he had recovered, he was cradled in the bull's arms, lying on top of him while the bull wrapped his legs around the equine's flanks, his hooves locked in the small of Ranley's back. Another cry left his lips, this one more a cry of erotic need, as he felt the bull massage his already half hard cock with his ass.

"For tonight, you have a special duty my young servant. You are hearby ordered to fuck your Captain senseless, and give me some memories to last. Go to it lad."

The crew did not get much sleep that night, but few minded, as bellows and whinnies filled the sea air and spoke of things that mattered more than sleep.


"Trust me." Your look almost makes me weep, the uncertainty, the love. Your muzzle open, a short length of pink tongue sampling the air as if to find in it the answer. It isn't there though; it is in bodies, and hearts, and minds. You look into my...

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The room smelled of sweat, and smoke. A small room, simple as befitted its purpose. The town didn't believe in spoiling its law enforcement. "Well young'un. You're in a real tight spot aint ya." The soft mocking voice came from behind a plume of...

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North Head - Chapter 1 - Margaret

_Margaret_ I stood on the verandah for a moment, the still summer air alive with cicadas as I shook my mane to dry it. Opening my nostrils, I could already smell the scents of the ocean, the peculiar mix of ozone, brine and seaweed that always seemed...

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