Skyfall Chapter 20

Story by Abyssa on SoFurry

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20   My dreams were filled with a strange darkness. Guilt overwhelmed me. Fleur had tried to protect me, and now she was in danger.   I had also killed someone. Had it been self defense? Maybe...but that still did not make it right. I struggled with the realization that the wolf girl was dead. She seemed so young and full of life. Why did they want her dead? Were they done tormenting her? Perhaps she was happier dead. I didn't know.   When I woke up, I was staring through the bars of my cell and watching a guard carry Fleur into the room. It was Caliber. I slowly moved over to the bars and watched as he placed her in the cell next to me.   I stared into my reflection in the metal wall that blocked me from her and punched it with my fist as I snarled. I was still wounded from the fight, and my arm leaked blood as I tore the flesh open again from using the muscles.   Caliber stopped to watch me momentarily as I continued to punch the metallic wall. My fist bloodied my reflection as I pounded into the wall, blurring the image of my tormented face. When my muscles couldn't take it anymore, I finally stopped and turned to Caliber.   I couldn't see his eyes. I looked at his quiet, stoic figure and gripped onto the bars and snarled. He glanced towards the door and then back at me.   "WHAT?" I yelled at him.   "I'm so sorry, Decipher." Caliber said in a quiet voice. "Soon you will be tested. Do what you must, no matter how much it hurts."   I snarled again at him. I didn't have the mind to ask him what he meant. All my thoughts burned with a desire to kill Misha. He walked out of the room in silence.   A few moments later, I heard Fleur stir beside me. I pressed my hands up against the metal wall. "Fleur?" I called out desperately. "What did they do to you?"   "Two-fif-..Decipher?" She asked in a tired voice.   "I cannot thank you enough for what you did." I whispered. "You shouldn't have. I cannot believe what I've done to you."   "What you've done to me? What about what I've done to you?" She let out a short laugh. I heard her shuffle around in the cell next to me. "One who watches evil unfold without attempting to stop it is just as guilty as the one who performs the evil act. We all know this, yet we stand by and watch anyway." She said quietly. "You simply gave me the courage to say enough. I've done terrible things, and I deserve whatever happens."   "I'll take you away from here, Fleur!" I yelled, staring into my desperate, violet eyes in the bloodied reflection. "I don't care what you did before; none of that matters!"   "No, Decipher." Fleur's voice sighed. "They will kill me."   "No, Fleur! Don't think like that." I begged. "I won't let them!"   "They'll ask you to execute me."   That silenced me. My eyes glistened with sorrow as blinked rapidly in attempt to escape this nightmare.   "If you refuse, they'll just find another way to torture you until you listen to them. I'll end up dead one way or another, Decipher." She said, "Please don't let them be the ones to kill me. I want to give you something. I can offer you a way out."   I shook my head. "" I cried as I fell to my knees, my hands dragging the blood down with me.   Time continued to pass. I was compliant in every way they asked. Fleur was kept in the cell beside me, and I was glad that I never saw her dragged out to be tested. I would try to speak with her, but she became quiet. She only mentioned she hated the waiting, and that she was ready. I begged her to try and escape with me, but she said that she had lived far too long and was ready to go. She asked me to promise her I would do what was necessary.    The day eventually came. Doctor Hale and Misha Aras came to my cell together. The two men I despised more than anything else, standing above me and looking down on me as if I were below them.   I wasn't below them. I would rise up.    Misha opened Fleur's cell while Hale instructed me to follow him out. My heart was having a difficult time beating. It wasn't racing, but instead it had slowed down, as if it were pumping lead throughout my body.   Fleur didn't seem to look much different. She gave me a sad smile as Hale led us foreword. Calming my mind as we walked was very difficult, but I knew I wouldn't be able to successfully hurt either of them.   I was led into the small arena once again. The floor was clean and the white canvas waited to be painted with another's life. Hale did not enter the room with us, only Misha.   Misha was scribbling some notes down on his clipboard nonchalantly, as if Fleur's death would have no affect on him. It shouldn't have still surprised me, but it did.    After a few moments, he looked up and led Fleur to the center of the room. I stayed where I was and watched him carefully. Fleur was looking at me with apologetic eyes.   "Fleur. You will be executed today on account of your betrayal." He said, turning to me. "Two-fifty-seven, destroy her."   My muscles locked. Fleur was staring at me with a smile. How could she be smiling? My body burned as my mind fought with it. I couldn't move, my emotions locked me into place. I briefly glanced at Misha, wishing I could tear into him instead. That's why he was standing here, to make sure that I would obey. Even if I fought it, they would figure something else out. I had to obey now if I had any hopes of escaping, but this proved to me that it was possible to fight it.  Decipher. Fleur's voice echoed in my head, I'm a nymph. We have a special ability.   I stared at her with wide eyes as my ears fell back. I didn't have the time to think about what a nymph was.   "What are you waiting for?" Misha asked me, "GO!"   My body jerked at his command, but I needed to hear the rest of her message.   If we choose, we can give the power of our souls to whoever kills us. I can return to help you escape. You will have my power at your hand; my real power! Her voice danced in my mind like a butterfly I couldn't catch. I know I've done terrible things, and this won't make up for all of them...but Decipher, let me help you. Misha looked like he was about to yell at me again when I turned to look at him. I whined softly as I realized I had to kill Fleur. Don't feel sorry for me, Decipher. You gave me an opportunity for redemption. Now, please...   I let out a howl and charged at her before Misha could instruct me to again. When I reached her, I bit down into her neck and instantly crushed her windpipe to lessen her suffering.   Do not worry, Hale will not know. The process is invisible to everyone except for us. We can only share this information as we die. Her voice was peaceful, a calming melody in my tormented mind. He will never find out.   She hardly struggled at my touch, and her eyes began to glow with an incredible, golden light. The light was as beautiful as when I had seen Kato transform, and my heart broke at the sight of it. The golden light surrounded my body as I gently let go of her neck, and I felt the warmth of her soul enter me.  You can fight the hypnosis, Decipher. It won't be hard. Her voice faded from my mind as the warmth spread across me. Thank you.   I fell to me knees holding Fleur's lifeless body, and gently laid her down. I slowly moved my hand over to close her stormy eyes as her blood pooled onto the floor. My mouth was numb as her life dripped from my teeth. I stared at her in silence, forgetting everything else, and silently thanked her.   Misha walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Good work. Are you still with me?" He asked. Even his touch couldn't shake me after this.   I slowly sat up and moved away from his touch and nodded. "I am fine." I whispered, looking away from Fleur's body.   Hale entered the room not long after, wearing his wicked grin. I forced my mind to stay calm as my body obeyed their commands.   "Go back to your cell, two-fifty-seven." Hale said with a nod. "Aras, go lock him up. Make sure the exam room is ready for me within an hour."   I was placed inside my cell once again. Fleur's energy surrounded my mind with peace when I thought about her death. I took some time to reflect on the event. She had given me a gift. I wasn't sure what her energy would do, but I wouldn't waste it.   I felt sad that Fleur had to die, but she did not. She was happy to go and give me a way out, and that was what eventually brought me peace.    "It's almost time to let you out, Decipher." Hale's voice shook me out of my contemplation. I looked up at him slowly.   "There's one more test, of course. But it seems you already know what we're going to ask of you." He sighed. "That takes a bit of the fun out of it."   I pulled my lips back and snarled at him. I would obey, but I wasn't afraid to let him know I wasn't happy. He probably preferred to see me miserable, anyway, so I let the growl happen.   Hale opened the cell and gestured for me to walk out. My body obeyed him.   I felt like I was cursed. Everyone I had cared about was in danger because of me. Yet Misha, the only man I truly hated, was going to remain fine and living while they used my rage towards him to their advantage. When I tried to think about what Hale was about to do, I did not feel anything. There was no fear or anger, only acceptance. Fleur's death had shaken me in a way I never expected.   I was ready to face him.    He says it's about time to let you out. My mind told me. If you can survive this, you'll be let out! One step closer, Decipher.   I didn't trust the thoughts that chimed in my head, but somehow, I felt like they weren't all my own. I sent a silent prayer to the Goddess for the strength to endure whatever I was about to feel.    Hale led me into a room with a large cage. Not a cell, but a square cage that would hold me. The bars were iron but shined with a strange kind of energy. Hale opened the door and shoved me inside.   "You're going to transform for me today, alien." Hale said. "I am done playing games."   I stepped inside the cage and avoided the bars. I wondered what they did, but I was distracted by the sight of Fin. He came up beside Hale with a tray of medical tools. I caught a glimpse of his face and saw anger and pain etched across it. I wished I could apologize for what I had done. Before I had the chance, Hale distracted me.   "I won't even use any drugs this time." Hale said as he circled around the cage. "Now, transform."   The command startled me. How could he expect me to just transform? My body obeyed his wishes, though, and I fell to my knees.   I didn't have the energy to stop the process. I yelled out in pain as my DNA became scrambled. My body and mind weren't synched together. Didn't he realize this was a horrible idea? I needed time to focus!   I rolled around on the ground as chunks of flesh stripped off of my body. My markings were shining with a blinding green light as they etched themselves farther up my arm and onto my face and neck. I could feel them stinging in scattered spots as they reached the markings around my eyes.   I turned and vomited blood, along with chunks of my body. I was breaking apart, and my mind could not build my original form back due to the pain and exhaustion. I began to feel my bones cracking inside of me as my body commanded itself to break down and reform.   I closed my eyes and tried to quiet my mind as my body struggled. I was going to die if I could not focus on my original DNA, which felt ancient now. I focused on my original iridescent, slick skin...the taloned hands with four face...   I vomited again, this time my teeth came out with it. I felt my tongue start to change shape as I expelled the old DNA. My tongue tore in two and slithered around inside my mouth as twisted teeth curved from my gums and began to vomit out the purplish, maroon blood of my original form.   My arms had shrunk down to their lean, agile form, with curved blades jutting from my elbow. I was succeeding. I could hardly believe it as I took a moment to observe my glistening, green markings across my skin. 

  My eyes split apart and the image of my internal scanner activated itself. The data was jumbled, and all I saw was static and scrambled code. I used my external-vision eyes to look at Hale, who was watching with a fascinated look. The sight of him caused me to hiss and let out a shrieking scream. The sound seemed to shake him.   I lost concentration and my body was unable to keep transforming. I collapsed onto the floor of the cage while Hale walked over to me. I saw him walk right through the bars, as if they didn't really exist, and then he stabbed a needle into me. As my blood leaked out, my real blood, I struggled weakly. Unfortunately, alien arms were weak and my sharp claws were unable to strike. My eyes began to hurt and the world became blurry.   I heard Hale's voice, but I did not understand him. I was on the verge of blacking out... I suddenly felt so distant from my body, like I was waking up from this nightmare. I lost all feeling shortly after.   I think I am dying.  "Stay alive," was the next command I could comprehend. "I'm not done with you yet." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   I felt her eyes on me. I did not know where I was, or what I was, but I felt like nothing of my body remained. There was too much blood and smog clouding my vision, but something in my mind told me the Goddess was near.   I felt a strange feeling wash over me, as if I were somehow changing in a way that I could not comprehend. All I knew was that I felt different.   A blurred shape moved in front of me...a guard's helmet. He removed his helmet, and the blurry shape of Caliber's face appeared in front of me.   Caliber placed a hand on whatever was left of me, and the changing sensation intensified.   You survived! I heard his voice echo in my mind. Welcome home...    And then it was quiet, a silence louder than anything I have ever experienced. I entered complete emptiness; a void within myself.     A distant chirping sound summoned me from the void...birds? I pulled myself back into the world as I cracked open my eyes and glanced at the sunlight shining into my eyes. The blinding white blurred my vision, as if I had just entered a heavenly realm of light. Confused, I slowly sat up in the comfortable, soft bed. My bed...I glanced up to see the window looking out towards Skyfall.   Shocked, I jumped up only to see that my form had completely rebuilt itself back into the half-wolf half-man it was before. I felt perfectly fine except a bit sore. I touched my body all over, just to make sure I was actually alright. I wasn't sure what was real anymore. Had any of my life been real?   My transformation had felt like a quick, painful dream. Everything had happened so fast, and I don't think I completed the transformation. How could I have possibly had the strength to reform into this body?   I approached the window slowly and let the surreal, white sunlight wash over me. The jays were dancing in the air as they always did, but the world outside looked different now. The trees were mostly barren of leaves except for the tall evergreen that towered high into the sky. The leaves that remained were all kinds of earthy and warm tones, and something white and fluffy fell from the gray skies. The mountains of Skyfall were shrouded by thick mist and fog.   This had to be a dream. I closed my eyes and tried to return to the waking world. I knelt down before the window.

  "Hello?" I asked my reflection in the glass. "Am I dead?"   When I looked at my reflection, I saw that the black markings on my eyes had lines of blood around the edges. I then looked down to study my arms. The markings had retreated back to their original place, but they too were scabbed and bloody, as if someone had burnt them into my skin. I pressed down on them and felt a burning sensation. I glanced at my shoulder where the number "two-fifty-seven" was still etched into it. Strangely, the jagged scar across my forearm seemed fainter than before.   "Goddess of Darkness?" I asked, half expecting her to appear at any moment. "Where are you?" The room remained silent aside from the chirping birds outside my window.    I heard someone make a noise from the couch and jumped. When I looked over, I saw Kato stirring on the couch.   "Kato!" I yelled, shaking his shoulder with my arm.   He jerked awake and grinned, "Decipher!" He yelled as he stood up. "You're alright!" He exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me.   His touch triggered a panic in my body, and I whimpered and pushed away from him and backed up several steps. This felt suddenly less like a dream as my body associated his touch with horrible things.   Kato's face became sad, "Oh gods...I'm so sorry. I'm just...I'm so happy to see you."   I began to shake. "What is happening?" I said, panting. I wanted to embrace Kato; I truly had missed him...but his touch reminded me to much of the bonds that held me back while Misha ran his hands across me.   "Am I dead?" I asked him.   "No! No...Hale said you finally cooperated and he let you out. They had you in the medical center for a long time, you were a bloody mess...almost entirely wrapped in bandages. I was so afraid you weren't going to pull through, but Caliber said you'd be okay." Kato said, "They brought you here after a while. Hale said you needed to recover, but he was done with you downstairs. I don't know why, or what else he has planned for you, but he said I could spend time with you..." Kato's voice became quiet.   I knew he had been by my side the entire time, waiting for me to return to the waking world. I felt my stomach twist with guilt when I remembered Fleur. I tried to focus on the energy she had given me, but I couldn't feel it. I hoped when the time came, I would be able to use it.   I remembered the strange feeling of change and tried to scan my DNA. I felt more functional than I had ever been here. Quickly, I activated my internal scanner and was able to view everything around me easily. When I looked at Kato, it even said "Phoenix" and described his DNA and abilities to me. I blinked and returned my vision to normal.   "Decipher?" Kato asked.   "Kato." I sighed. "I...don't know what happened. They forced a transformation...and I thought I had died. I am still unsure if I'm dead or not. I just...don't know what's going on." I said, rubbing my eyes as my brain tried to sort everything out. "It's really good to see you though, Kato."   Kato smiled at me. His smile sent a familiar warmth through me that felt so dreamlike; his smile was one I could never hate. I carefully stepped closed to him and touched his hand briefly before my body began to become afraid, at which point I slowly stepped away.   " I do now?" I asked quietly. "Kato, I want out."   Kato shushed me. "Not here. We'll go to the lookout point later today. If you run now, Hale has programmed your body to surrender itself to the guards." His voice became hushed, "We'll have to plan this carefully. We only have one chance to leave, and that's the night of the Eclipse."   I shuddered at the mention of an eclipse as a blurred memory of Hale and Vladimir speaking entered my mind. I knew it wasn't a good time to ask about it though, so I remained quiet.   "And...Misha." I whimpered quietly.   Kato's face looked extremely angry at the mention of him. "I know. We'll figure something out." He said. "Come on, Decipher, let's go get you some food."   Kato led me out the door and we headed towards the dining hall. As we walked, I noticed that all my muscles felt completely fine. I examined my arms and legs. No scars remained from the basement, and the bonds were gone. I couldn't believe this was happening. I had been let out...but why?   I suppose I had expected Hale to let me out, and I had done two large tasks he had asked of me. I had killed Fleur, and then transformed. I had even killed the werewolf girl. He had probably gathered all the samples he needed from me when I had transformed, or maybe my alien blood ended up being useless to him Perhaps I had gained some trust through all of least enough trust to be let out of the basement. He thinks I am completely under his control. I realized. Maybe he believes whatever Reck did controls my thoughts, not just my body.   I walked down the familiar hallways and rode the elevator down into the main entrance. The sight was nostalgic but made me sick at the same time. We entered the dining hall.   Kato told me to sit while he went to get us food. I took a seat at an empty table and waited for him, trying to avoid eye contact with the curious people around me. Everything felt so different, and I didn't recognize anyone else.   Kato returned to the table and slid a bowl of soup across the table. "It's a little bland, I know," he said, "but your stomach isn't used to eating, so this is better than eating a full meal."   I nodded. I hardly cared what the food tasted like. I carefully lapped at the bowl of warm soup while Kato picked at his food.   "What does he want with me now?" I asked after a few moments of silence.   Kato looked up from his food and sighed, "You just got out, Decipher. I don't know what Hale wants from you, but can we just try and relax for a moment?"   I took a moment to study Kato. He was exhausted. His eyes were sunken and dull, but he didn't stop smiling at me. My lips twitched into a smile to match his. The expression felt so alien.   "You're right." I sighed. "I just can't believe how...okay I am."   "Caliber said he helped you. I figure it was some kind of miracle from the Goddess." Kato said. "Are you really okay?"   I nodded. "I feel okay...More okay than usual." I said, rubbing my head as I tried to focus on this moment instead of my haunting memories.   I looked at Kato, "That stone you gave me, it took me to her...she explained to me that I was no longer an alien, that she had accepted me here." I said, my mind straining as I tried to remember the details, "But I feel like I wasn't truly accepted until I transformed. I heard Caliber say 'welcome home' before I passed out..."   Kato watched me as he tried to figure out what I meant. "I don't know." He said, "Maybe you just had to prove yourself?"   I nodded. "She did tell me that there was a life for me, if only I search for it." I stared off into space for a moment, remembering Vladimir drinking my blood. Hale had mentioned it was as if it were fake...He said it took great power to change your life force. Blood must be extremely symbolic and powerful here. The thoughts clicked in my head, and I looked back up at Kato, "My blood. That's what is different!"   "What?"   "Hale wanted my blood, my alien blood! He said that my blood was blood in this body." My sentences were jumbled as I pieced it together, "Something must have happened, and when I reformed, I must have had real blood! Maybe that's why he let me out. I think the Goddess gave me some kind of life force here, which made me less useful to Hale!"   Kato looked completely lost as he stared at me.   Everything seemed to click at once. Suddenly, I felt like I truly was out. I was out of the basement. I was alive, and as a bonus I was in top physical condition. I had slept through my recovery, and now I needed to focus. I would be getting out with Kato.   "Never mind." I said with a smile. "I just think I really do belong here now."   Kato smiled back at me. "Alright." He laughed, "I don't understand it, but as long as something brings you peace..."   For the first time I could remember, I actually had hope of leaving this place. This sign lifted my spirits. I took a few moments to feel my body again.   I felt alive. The destruction and pain that my body had experienced was gone. There would be more, but I had been given another chance. I no longer felt like this body was different from who I truly was. I took a few seconds to twitch my ears and even flick my tail, the tail I had hated since I had gotten here. Suddenly, it seemed like such a wonderful thing.   Kato stared at me as I tested out the motions of my body. His face was still puzzled, but he grinned at my excitement. "It's so good to have you back." He said. "I'm really happy you're okay."   He must have been expecting my mental state of mind to be much worse, and honestly I was surprised it wasn't. But I didn't ask questions. I gripped onto the sliver of happiness I felt, and decided I wanted to spend time with Kato before Misha ruined my desire to want to be around anyone. I knew my mind would sink back sooner or later, but I had truly missed Kato's smile and wanted to just enjoy it.   If this was a dream, I was going to enjoy it. I couldn't afford to guess at what was reality anymore. I had to focus, or I would never make it out.    "Can we go now?"  I asked with a swish of my tail.   Kato glanced around, "Where?" He whispered. He looked like he didn't have the heart to tell me we couldn't escape yet, but I understood that.   "The lookout point!" I said. I was suddenly extremely eager to use magic again. I couldn't waste this energy.   With a look of relief, Kato nodded, "Absolutely." He said.   Finally, I walked outside the doors of my prison and into the real world.   Home. 

Skyfall Chapter 21

21 The ground was cold and slick from a layer of crispy ice as I walked alongside Kato. I watched my claws shatter the thin sheet of ice, observing the paw prints I left behind in the soft earth. I breathed deeply and let all my senses bask in the...

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Skyfall Chapter 19

19   The days seemed endless, and my recovery was slow. I couldn't even stand for more than a few moments even with their energy injections. My muscles had all deteriorated from lack of use, and my body felt lifeless.   I was left alone in my cell for...

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Skyfall Chapter 18

18    Having left abruptly when he saw the anger in my glare, Misha left me a mess. I knew he was afraid, and I was glad, but my anger couldn't last. I didn't have the energy to keep it up. My mind became numb as I sat and stared at the ceiling, trying...

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