On the Rocks, In the Dragon

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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I don't recall why I ended it this way, but alas, not a big deal. This is another picture I felt I HAD to post a story with since Lars has continually proven that he can deliver the goods. I have a few more that I've never posted that I have to write stories for, so I can't wait to make that happen! Keep your eyes peeled.

Yes, this is yet another rough cut. I'll let you know when something is an edited example of my true work. on those ones, I recommend being critical!

On the Rocks, In the Dragon

With a cheeky grin plastered across his beak, Ceylon poked his head over the rocks that surrounded the rocky plateau to get a glimpse of a wingless dragon who was contentedly basking on a rock. With a throaty chuckle, he narrowed his vision to look directly at his scaled target's tailbase; that was his goal, his plan, his destination.

"Heh, that's more like it!" He mused to nobody in particular. He'd been soaring the skies looking for some unfortunate beast to deposit his seed in, and a basking dragon was as vulnerable a mark as he could hope. He was especially pleased to see there was two distinct scale types to contend with: a thick set of scales that acted as protection lining his back and hips, and softer, slicker scales that padded his underbelly and sensitive parts. "Oh yes, that's exactly what I'm looking for!" He gave his beak a lick before leaning forward, ready to pounce.

The sneaky gryphon slowly crept up over the side of the rock face, careful to not wake the dragon; a single slip would rake his claws along the rock surface, producing a screech that would wake a beast from the deepest slumber. No, he needed to be as quiet as possible to pounce this dragon.

With his belly laid flat against the arches and sharp edges of the rock, he slithered over the edge of the plateau towards the basking dragon; his head remained near the ground, his beak practically dragging along the rustic soil while his rump poked up ever so gently, tail raised for balance and to keep from brushing at the pebbles. His wings were held tight against his sides, if they spread the change in air pressure or sunlight could startle the green-scaled dragon.

Ceylon could see the dragon's body slowly inflating then deflating with each slow, deliberate breath, so he'd take a moment to pounce when the beast was out of air, to avoid the breath of fire. The dragon was on his belly, the perfect position for a proper rutting.

After counting down one breath at a time, Ceylon pounced with a screech to confused and debilitate the dragon. He landed - talons down - on the dragon's back, holding his soft-scaled chest to the ground as he covered the dragon's hindquarters with his belly. His ebony shaft was poking out of his sheathe to spread slick fluids all over the sides and backs of the dragon's tail.

Much to Ceylon's surprise, his wingless prey refused to scream, writhe, bolt, or otherwise defend himself. He looked up, somewhat surprised but otherwise not bothered despite the pressure of a gryphon's talons holding him down. There was a slight curl to the edges of his lips, and not a wisp of flame.

Ceylon paused his attack for a moment to cock his head to the side, puzzled by this dragon's behaviour. For a split second he posited that perhaps he'd misidentified his target as a male; perhaps it was a female in heat, and the warm moisture he was spreading all over her tailbase was urging her to reciprocate the affection.

This lapse in dedication was no more than a flicker in the mind of the feathered one, who reassured himself that it didn't matter. A hole's a hole, be it one of an estrus hen or rutting drake.

Keeping pressure on the dragon's scaled torso, Ceylon arched his back and forced his sheathe against the crook of flesh between the tail and hip, forcing his barbed tip out to tug at the soft scales of the dragon's underbelly and rump cheeks with every pull of his hips.

Like an eager hen, the dragon's tail pushed to the side to expose his cloaca. It didn't take many guided thrusts for the gryphon's rod to slip into the slick slit, parting the ventral scales roughly before having barbs splay out, catch on the flesh, and scratch its way out again.

"RrrrRRRRRRRR!" the dragon growled as the gryphon's barbs scraped along his walls, tugging on his canal before popping out with a burst of fluids. He hopped forward as his tail curled back down around his hindquarters, protecting himself from the stabbing of the gryphon's invasive member. His eyes trembled ever so gently as he looked back at the aggressive drake that was holding him down.

"Don't be like that, Dragon." Ceylon sneered as he leaned down to give a little nip on the back of the neck, grabbing a chunk of flesh in his beak for grip as he pushed his cock forward. The barbed tip poked and prodded around between the dragon's tail and hips before slipping between, sliding into the reptilian slit.

"Mmmrrrmrm!" The dragon whimpered as he felt the drake's member slide into him. He resisted ever so gently, but relented and let his tail be pushed aside to make room for the gryphon's slow, powerful thrust. Before long, his tail had moved as far over as it could, and soon rolled up to lay on his back between the gryph's furred belly and his own back, exposing his slit fully to the needy drake.

Ceylon, realizing that the dragon had been subdued, cuatiously released his beak's grip from the nape of the dragon's neck; he stretched out his wings and lowered them to cover his prize, digging his talons in and pushing forth slowly as he did so. He could feel his throbbing shaft sliding effortlessly between the dragon's ventral scales and through his canal, and that's when he realized for sure that this was indeed a drake and not a hen. As his member slid through the canal that had exposed itself to him, he felt a growing mass of firm flesh pressing against his, and a few moments later a moistened cocktip rubbed against the underside of his readied but deflated knot. "MMMmmmm! Now that's the kind of drake I like to meet!" He hissed as he reared back, puffing his chest out as he grinned, looking down over his beak at the dragon beneath him.

He wasn't too worried about this reptile slipping away, he knew that the sensation of barbs dragging along his insides wouldn't be the kind of pleasure he was looking for. Instead, he leaned all of his weight forward, forcing his ebony shaft in deeper. He could feel the dragon's slit stretching to accommodate his girth, but thanks to his reptilian flesh beneath the scales, it slid in with ease. The combined fluids of the drake's cock and sheath mixed with the anal juices of the dragon to urge the knot in deeper.

As Ceylon pushed, the dragon fell forward onto his knees, his front claws digging into the rocks, kneading the pebbles as his tongue lolled out. He began to pant as the tip of his tail started flicking wildly, pucker tightening up to squeeze at the invading knot.

"Oh? Someone's having fun!" Ceylon mused as he raised his wings high, using the added leverage to force the gently expanding knot into the tightening, throbbing hole. He could feel the first lobes pressing against the dragon's scales, spreading them wide but not enough to slip in fully. With his knot expanding, about to be fully engorged, he pushed forward as hard he could, forcing the dragon's neck to the ground and pushing him along the rocks for a moment before the flesh opened up to swallow every one of Ceylons six lobes.

As soon as he felt his knot slide in and expand within the dragon's rump, Ceylon let out a howling scree to the sky, rearing his head back and shaking his body vigorously to show his dominance. His knot vibrated inside, the lobes all pressing out against the dragon's too-tight walls.

The green-scaled dragon, on the other hand, wasn't as ecstatic about the feeling of a massive, multi-lobed knot inflating inside him, pressing against his pliable but tight flesh, pressing against the bones of his hips. Panicked, he scraped at the dirt below, trying to pull away, but the beast had locked him in, and his cock was growing still.

Ceylon could feel the pressure build as his expanding member pressed out against the absolute confines of his warm, meaty hole. The pressure of the dragon's opening was so intense on his hypersensitive member that he could literally feel the dragon's pulse speed up to a rush. Every heartbeat throbbed intermittently against the expanding bulbs of flesh, interspersed with what weak muscular contractions could be coaxed to suck the member in deeper.

The dragon let out a slow, deep growl as his body adapted to the sensation of gryphon knot throbbing in his hindquarters. Ceylon leaned down over him to nibble behind his horns, and the dragon purred.

Without warning, the dragon's rump clamped down as hard as it could around the neck of Ceylon's knot as he tugged, sucking the cum right out of the horny drake beast, who let out a violent cry of climax...

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