Skyfall Chapter 4

Story by Abyssa on SoFurry

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       We went

back to a room in the medical wing that reminded me of the place I first woke

up in, cold and sterile. It was a small room with a bed covered in white

tissue, and some cabinets on the wall. Misha told me to sit on the bed.

  I watched him slip on some rubber

gloves and pull a few things out of the cabinets. The procedure also reminded

me of my first days here...

  He slipped off my shirt with his

gloved hands, asking me to remove my pants as well. I slipped them off, now I

was completely naked except for my thin, snug undergarment. He gently pushed my

body back so that I was lying down.

   "I need to do a complete physical; check

muscle density, eyesight, pain tolerance, blood work..." His voice trailed off as

he felt the muscles in my arms.

   "Pain tolerance?" I asked. That sounded


  "Yeah, that's the worst of it,

we'll do that last." Misha said, taking a needle out and pressing it into my

arm. My muscles tensed with the pinching pain, and I felt my blood leaking out

of me. Misha studied the long scar that ran down my arm from my previous

injury, tracing the lines with his fingertips while the other hand held the

needle in place. I swallowed, feeling a bit ill.

  Misha glanced up from his work,

"Ah, try not to think about it."

  I closed my eyes and focused on

my downloaded information. None of it was useful in this case. I guess they

didn't have this sort of facility where the werewolf had come from, after all...They

used magical methods in Eldon, at least I assume it was Eldon.

  He finished quickly and moved on

to less invasive tasks such as listening to my heart, checking blood pressure,

and things like that. It all went by very smoothly.

  "Before I test your pain

tolerance we need to loosen up your muscles a bit. You're always so damn

tense." He mumbled, pulling my arm to the side, "Here, sit up and stretch out

your arm."

  I stood and he showed me several

arm stretches. My muscles felt an odd strain but it wasn't bad. I twisted my

torso and stretched my back, then neck, and worked down to my legs. I stood up

as Misha showed me to lift one leg and pull it behind my body.  I tried but quickly lost balance.

  Misha caught me, clutching my

arm. My body fell close to his; he shuddered away and pushed me back into an

upright position. I felt embarrassed. I must have made him uncomfortable. I

looked away and continued my stretching while Misha dug around in the cabinets

again, removing his rubber gloves.

  He returned to my side with a few

different syringes as I sank back down on to the bed. He quickly strapped a

bond onto my arm. I jumped right off the bed.

  "NO Misha." I snarled. "If you

want to lock me up you just have to ASK." I growled through clenched teeth.

"Why do you always try to sneak up on me? Do you think I'll resist?"

  Frozen in place, Misha stared

at me with a blank expression. "Jay, no...Please calm down."

  The anger that came over me was

overwhelming. I snatched his throat in my hands and pinned him against a wall,

breathing heavily. My grip was firm, but gentle. My eyes bore into his. He

looked terrified.

  "If I wanted to resist, you'd

know, Misha." I hissed quietly, backing off and holding my arms out. He


  "Bind me, Misha. I don't care." My

voice softened.  "But when you startle

me, you're asking to be hurt."

  "Yes..." He mumbled, holding a

shaking hand out and bonding my other arm. "I'm sorry, it's just...It has to

happen, and it's best to surprise...people when it does happen."

  "I get it, Misha." I said,

looking past him. "I am some kind of animal to you people. I am not your equal.

I understand that. But please, try to understand that I would like to be your

equal." My eyes met his again as my heart rate became quiet. I couldn't believe

I had just said that. It happened so fast...I was suddenly the being I had wanted

to be from the second I came to this place. But now, I felt scared, weak and submissive

again. Why couldn't this feeling remain constant?

  Misha hadn't responded, but had

attached bonds to my legs as well and led me back to the bed. He timidly looked

at me, "I know you probably won't buy it, but...these bonds really ARE to keep

you from hurting yourself, or me."

  "I don't want to hurt you,

Misha, you know this." I furrowed my brows in frustration as I lay back down.

  He attached the bonds to the

side of the bed and sighed, "You won't have much control over your muscles.

This part is going to hurt. I suppose I might as well prepare you." He paused

as if trying to decide how to say it. "I am going to send a poisonous energy

through your body. The energy will measure how your muscles react and when you

cannot take anymore, I will administer an antidote."

  I swallowed hard and closed my

eyes. The more time I spent here, the more they reminded me of my home planet

and the attitude they had there. Was this necessary? Why did they need to know

the amount of pain I could withstand? Was I some sort of experiment with the

illusion of freedom?

  When I opened my eyes Misha was

inserting a needle into my arm again. This time he pushed a thick liquid into

my vein. "Try to relax. It won't get bad for a little bit." He said, his eyes

filled with worry.

  The feeling came slowly. At

first, it felt like a small ache in my arms. Slowly the pain grew, but it was

nothing past what I had felt during my crash, and the weeks healing afterwards.

I sat and waited for it to escalate.

  "I need you to talk to me about

how you are feeling through this." Misha said, sitting next to me on the bed.

  "Fine, at the moment." I said,

trying to move my arms a bit. The aching was making me want to stretch again.

When I moved the pain intensified. A shock went through my body, causing it to

lurch upwards and thrash around a bit.

  "Hey, hey," Misha said, "It's

ok. It's normal. Not too bad, though, right?" He asked.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and

shook my head. I have no idea what compelled me to tell him it wasn't too bad. Would

he have stopped it if it was too much?

  My body continued to thrash

around involuntarily. I tried to stop my muscles from reacting. That was the

problem; my muscles were having spasms because of the pain shooting through

them. I tried to relax them. I focused on the pain and carefully explored the

feeling, my body felt calm. I was going to show Misha that I could handle

plenty of pain. Perhaps that would impress him, or gain me some sort of favor.

  I managed to make my body

completely still. My muscles were trying to scream in agony, but I kept them

quiet. I focused on the pain. I embraced it. My entire body was filled with the

horrible feeling. I opened my eyes briefly to see Misha with a puzzled


  "Jay!" He shouted. "Hey, come

on. You're still with me, right?"

  "Yes." I said quietly, my

broken focus sent a shudder through my legs as they relented to the pain.

"Please calm yourself." I told him.

  Misha sat back and I

journeyed inside my mind again. The pain was causing my mind to feel hazy and

my body to feel as though it were spinning. I felt waves of fire lap at the

muscles in my arms and legs, and my heart constricting with the stress. A white

light clouded my vision, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to take much more. My

body began to shake uncontrollably in violent shivers and I felt liquid leaking

from my eyes and nose.

   My face twisted into a snarl as I finally

lost my focus. Every part of my body was on fire. I could no longer speak or

respond even though I tried. The pain had completely paralyzed me. The pain

twisted through my body and made me feel as though I were going to die. I felt

my lungs tighten and breathing became incredibly difficult. There was no

focusing at this point.

  I felt Misha touch my face.

My eyes shot open and I let out a weak cough as I choked. 

  "Ok, Jay. That's enough." I

faintly heard Misha say as he stabbed my arm somewhat hastily.

  Within a few moments I was able

to move freely again. I coughed violently, splattering blood all over myself

and the bed. Misha unlocked my bonds and I rolled onto my stomach, my entire

body writhing in fading pain.  

  Misha kept his hands on me the

entire time, rubbing my back and supporting me as I tried to sit up. I

continued to cough weakly.

  Eventually, things became calm

and quiet again. The pain faded and I was left a shaking, bloody mess. Misha's

face had guilt plastered across it. I guess he did care.

  "I'm really sorry, Jay." He said,

clutching my arm. "You seemed fine. I should've stopped it sooner. I didn't

realize what was happening."

  My glazed eyes looked over to

him, "I am feeling much better. I'm fine. This was supposed to hurt." I said,

my voice weak, but returning to normal.

  "Usually people don't cough up

so much blood." Misha sighed, pulling out another syringe full of clear liquid.

"Here, this will help give you back some of that energy you lost and make you

feel better. You'll need to take a shower, but you probably won't have the

energy to make it all the way back to your room right now. Use the gym


  I nodded as he injected me

with another fluid. This one really did make me feel better. Near-instantly I

was able to sit up and take a look at the amount of blood on my body. Misha

helped me off the bed and walked me outside. My vision was still blurred and my

steps were uneven.

  "The gym showers are just down

the hall. Come on. I'll order you some food while you shower and find you some

clothes." Misha said, swinging my arm around his shoulder and walking me down

the hall while my energy returned.  

  The details are all hazy. I

remember stepping into an open shower and Misha stripping off my shorts before

leaving. After a few moments, my mind became clear, and I felt like I had just

woken up from a terrible nightmare. I turned the hot water on and let it fall

down my body. I felt much better with a clear mind.

  I began to wipe the blood off

my fur and got distracted staring at the red water leaking off my body. I

became a bit dazed again, watching my blood swirl into the water. Suddenly,

another figure moved next to me. I yelped in surprise. It was the most

pathetic, high-pitched noise I could have made.

  There was apparently another

shower next to me. RIGHT next to me. No walls separating us. That made

sense...the gym showers were public areas. I remembered Kato explaining it to me.

I had wanted to ask about the nudity issue, but I did not have the courage to

bring up such an awkward topic.

  There was a man in the shower

next to me, completely naked with a towel slung over his shoulder. He turned

the water on and began to shower. I tried to mind my own business and continue

my own shower. I ended up awkwardly trying to hide my crotch with one hand or

leg while I rinsed off. The man turned to look at me as I washed the last of

the blood out of my fur.  He stared at me

and smirked. Why did he choose the shower

right next to me, anyways?

  "I've heard about you. You're

an odd one. What happened to ya?" He snickered. "Fighting already?"

  I shyly shook my head, "Uh..."

I stuttered, I really had no idea what to say, "Pain tolerance..." was all I

could blurt out.

   "Ouch! What's your score?" He asked

nonchalantly, continuing to scrub his body.

  "I have no idea." I

admitted. I hadn't thought about it.

   He washed his body off and nodded,

"Yeah. You look exhausted. Not to mention covered in blood and broken blood

vessels." He said, "Never seen anyone come out so bloody before."

  My eyes looked at his body,

and stared at the crotch. For a moment, I completely forgot about the taboo of

nudity. I was puzzled. were completely different from mine. I

observed the human genitalia, trying to study every detail. It was mostly

hairless, with a limp fleshy part hanging down...I looked down to my crotch. I

looked completely different. No wonder Misha had stared at mine.

  I looked back to the man to

see he was staring right at my crotch. I felt a hot tingle in my head. I

covered myself with my hand.

  He laughed, "Yep. You're an

odd one." He turned the water off and grabbed his towel, drying off and

wrapping it around his waist. "See you around, dog!"

  I swallowed hard, realizing

that I hadn't really ever studied my new form, and especially not that area. As the warm water continued

to rush over me, I took a look at my muscular arms. Even after the pain

tolerance test, they were firm and well defined, bulging through my short,

white fur. The scar on my right arm did not grow fur over it. I wondered if I

would ever be able to change that.

  I moved a hand over my chest;

the fur was short and smooth. I could feel my heart beating from within my

chest when I held my hand there. It was a wonderful feeling. I became entranced

in the steady drumming for a few moments. I moved my right hand over my left

arm, tracing the odd, black pattern across it. I had never noticed the pattern

before, but it worried me.

  This pattern was one that I

inherited from my original form. At first glance, it was just a bunch of lines

streaking down each other towards my hand. But if you studied it, you could see

patterns. It felt like it was moving, even. I shook my head, trying to ignore

it, and moved on to the next area of my body.

  I brought my hands close to my

face, studying the dark gray, thick pads that puffed out from my palms, and the

long black claws at the tip. My hands made their way down my ribs and into the

dark gray fur that covered my abdomen. The silky, dark fur rippled over the

six, small budges of muscle. A trail of black fur led down to the black, furry

sheath that contained genitalia.

  It was hard for me to get over

the strange, embarrassing feeling of looking at it, but I brought my hand down

to touch it. It felt soft and the fur was a bit longer than the rest of my

body. I softly played with it, learning its shape. The warm water leaking down

my back suddenly felt much better as I played with this new area. I kept

stroking it, naturally sliding my hand up and down, fingers running through the

silky, wet fur. My other hand wandered down to the two balls that hung below

the sheath. Soon, the sheath became rigid, and a pink, pointed tip stuck out of

the end. I swallowed hard, the steam from the shower must have been making it

hard to breath...

  My heart began to race as my

penis emerged. I had never seen it like this before. I stared down at the

thick, pink rod that began to swell in my hands. I kept stroking it, panting. The

last of it slipped out of my sheath and revealed a large, bulging orb at the

end, streaked with red veins. I stared at my entire length, somewhat impressed

with this body. As I continued to stroke it, I panted heavier while drops of liquid

emerged from the tip...this was a different kind of liquid than what normally came


  A door slammed in the distance.

I yelped again, instantly feeling embarrassed. The adrenaline and embarrassment

cause me to shake again. I heard a voice call out for me.

  "Jay!" Misha yelled, "You ok?

You've been in there forever!"

  I quickly turned the water

off, panting heavily and shaking. I was suddenly very cold. The pink tip had

retreated back into my sheath. I sighed with relief, grabbing my towel and

covering my waist as I had seen the other human do. I ran out to meet Misha.

  "Yes! I'm fine!" I stumbled

over my words and my feet as I ran back into the hallway to meet Misha.

  "Dude." Misha stared at me,

"You look terrified. Drop the soap?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

   "I...what?" I did not understand his

statement. "No, I'm not afraid. I just sort of dozed off in there. The warm

water and the steam was quite relaxing."

  "Yeah, sure. So you feeling

okay?" Misha asked, handing me some clothes. I nodded. "Here, throw these on

and let's go to dinner. I ordered you some nice meat to help you regain your


  My stomach twisted with sudden

hunger. Meat sounded wonderful right now. I nodded. "Sound's great! I'll meet

you in the dining hall." I snatched the clothes from his hands, running back

into the shower area to slip them on.

  I stopped in front of a mirror

and stepped into the pair of pants Misha had brought me. I looked into the

steamy mirror, my heart still skipping beats from all the events that had just

occurred. I used the towel to wipe off the mirror; I still wanted to see my


  The mirror cleared. The first

thing I saw was my sunken eyes. I looked exhausted, but they still carried intensity

with them. I noticed my ears were black, which lead down to my neck. My entire

neck was covered in longer, silkier hair. I dried it off better with the towel.

It was layered with the dark gray on top and the black beneath it.

  My face was defined well. My

muzzle curved out of my forehead and had a tuft of black fur under my chin. My

face was covered in a very fine white fur, and around my eyes there were black

markings again. I had noticed these when I first awoke here...I tried to examine

them closer and determine what they meant, but I could not. I did not know.

  They seemed to be some sort of

hybrid marking from my own language and the language used here. Perhaps when I

took the werewolf's DNA I acquired some of the magic energy with it...that would

make the most sense. I sighed.

  I turned to walk out of the

shower room, catching on last glance at my body.


  Shit. That thing.

  I practiced moving my tail.

It suddenly felt so awkward. I hadn't noticed it for the past few weeks, but

now that it was wet and hanging off of my body so heavily, it felt strange. I

tried to shake off and dry it, but it didn't work. Annoyed, I decided I had

better go meet up with Misha before he became suspicious of me. I had already

given him a reason to mistrust me earlier.


met Misha in the dining hall, who had a plate of hot, delicious meat waiting

for me. The smell was divine. I couldn't wait to eat it. I sank my teeth into

it and tore at it like a werewolf.

  "I was starving." I sighed

after gnawing off my first bite.

  Misha nodded, "I imagine so."

His voice sounded different. Concern, maybe?

  "So, training is tomorrow?" I

asked. "What does that mean for me?"

  "Rest up for now. Meet me in

the gym tomorrow morning, say ten a.m.? You'll get a late start tomorrow due to

the fact that you need to recover. I'll send someone to wake you in the


  "Okay." I said. This entire

conversation felt awkward, but I was too exhausted to press the issue. I

sighed, finishing my meal. It was delicious. I would have more questions

answered tomorrow. Until then, I just had to get used to a life of mystery, and

perhaps imprisonment. Every day it felt like something new bothered me about

this place, or some new issue arose, but I was beginning to grow accustomed to


  Besides that, this planet was

far better than I had imagined when I ran away from home. I think I could get

used to this place. 

Skyfall Chapter 5

       I woke to a tapping on the door. I rolled over in my soft, velvety sheets. I did not want to move. I groaned as the tapping became a beating.   "Jay, sir." A voice echoed through the door, "Misha sent me to wake you. You are wanted in the gym...

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Skyfall Chapter 3

         I hadn't seen Misha much since the tour. Most days I ended up sitting in my room waiting for the next day to arrive. I would have been bored if I did not have endless information to search through in my head. I was becoming frustrated with...

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Skyfall Chapter 2

Chapter 2   A few weeks passed and I dozed in and out of consciousness. Misha came to clean and dress my wounds daily as well as feed me. Simple tasks like drinking water like a human were awkward for me, but eventually I was able to manage them. I...

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