All Things Quiet And Sweet 7 - Sink, Struggle, Sleep

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#7 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 15 - Silent

After finally ascending to the rooftops of the hospital, the raptor soon encounters some unexpected old enemies, terrifying him forevermore. But after obtaining all he needs to unlock a patient's secret, was it really worth it?

Silent Hill is copyrighted to Konami, FinalGamer to me

With his new key to the stairway, James headed straight for the locked door leading to it beside the elevator, with no sign of Luisa anywhere. He had no idea how she had managed to get inside without any trouble, but could she survive leaving the place too? Regardless, he decided to go upstairs first, curious to see if he could access the roof. He'd forgotten how dark it was outside, when he found himself in the midst of the pitch black outside, surrounded on all sides by a tall iron fence. The raptor shivered from the cold fog, his light struggling to keep the darkness away. Nothing seemed to be up here so far, but he had to be sure like always. He scanned the area, checking all corners of the almost-square roof. Nothing else apart from another door to the elevator control room, which had a broken lock. He did however find something of interest. A diary, slightly worn from the cold moist air with three pages bookmarked. It seemed to have been written by another patient. The proper punctuation and namedropping made that clear.

_September 3rd Had a good lunch today, the jukebox was generous to gimme my fave song on it, Spell It Out by Trip Cyclone, fucking love that band. Though I was pretty worried about the news about them being trapped in a canyon town, sounds like something out of Tremors. Dawson came around, such a pathetic loser but I pity him a lot, poor bastard can't even win a ring toss. And believe me, I seen him lose, even a retard's got better coordination than him. He's got problems alright but he's the only one who'll talk to me, he talks to everyone. He really needs a friend.

September 7th I decided to cheer Dawson up with a little excursion, something private for ourselves. I took him down to the basement after I swiped a key off one of the nurses. It helps to have some charisma. We snuck down all the way to see what they were really hiding down here, like two kids going down a well. Now I regret ever doing so. Soon as we reached the bottom, Mike flipped the fuck out (well, I say flipped, even his freakouts are pretty damn wimpy) and started panicking about some kind of "machine of the ancients" that was gonna take our heads to power their spaceship so they can take over humanity. Thankfully cuz he's such a pussy we managed to cover it up so no one knew._

September 18th Dawson wanted me to look after something for him, said I had to put his clothes somewhere safe where nobody would go near them. He owes me a solid for not ratting me out so I suppose I should, that broken tumble dryer's perfect for it, stopped working ever since Jacobs messed that thing up with a cherry bomb, really fucking childish. I know how to open it though, feel like the only one who can. Really, all you need is something small like a penny or something to just lift the lock on the door. Lot of people think it won't open cuz the lock has a kind of sealing force on it, but once you dislodge that with a push upwards, it'll swing open. I may be crazy, but I'm not a moron.

As if the diary was hinting at him even more on what to do next, a coin had been taped onto the back of the page. It was a strange coin, one he had never seen before with the words "Czerny Republika" on it. He assumed it to be a foreign coin but nevertheless took it with him as he headed back down the stairs to the linen room, half-certain that this wouldn't work despite the diary's certainty. He was surprised that he had not noticed the stairway before, but realised it would have been a moot point when he found that the second floor stairway door could only be unlocked from his side. He headed to the linen room, bending down before the tumble dryer and gently wedging the coin into the door handle gap. He could feel something nudging, some sort of lock that needed a good amount of pushing upwards before it would yield. Soon it did, and the tumble dryer opened. "Son of a bitch..." He quickly grabbed the clothes inside, which was simply a moth-eaten brown jacket. Not in terrible condition, but certainly not great. He also discovered that the shiny item within was not a key at all. It was in fact the tip of a screwdriver that had been hidden within the coat pocket. "Wait...a screwdriver? ...ohhhhh." With an idea turning on in his head, he rushed back down to S12, checking on S8 to see Luisa had not yet returned, and set himself upon the mysterious cooler box. The key from the mirror unlocked the padlock, and the screwdriver easily undid the bolts. Now all he had left was that accursed anvil. Bracing himself, he pushed the weight off of the cooler box until it fell off the cooler box with a deafening clang.

The anvil made a mighty crack on the floor, making James fear that it would fall through. But it didn't, and so he decided to finally reveal what was inside the box. As soon as he opened it, a sound grew within the room. Nothing was inside, yet something grew out of it. A strange sense of decay, the plastic interior starting to flake, pieces peeling off all along the rim and outside of the box. A siren was heard in the distance, coming closer, a terrible blaring wail that sent deep vibrations into the centre of his mind. James was starting to panic, fearing he had summoned a horde of terrifying beasts. The room around him started to change form, the viral spread of decay creeping along the walls and floor. The floor turned rusty brown, the walls peeled to reveal a jaundiced colour beneath them. The siren turned unbearable, no longer coming from outside of the room, but now coming from inside his head. It clawed at his mind, forcing him onto his knees in front of the box, screaming for it to stop, trying to cover his ears in vain as he writhed on the floor with scratching legs. Even when he screamed at his loudest until he was hoarse, he couldn't even hear himself. The unnatural noise drowned everything out to the point of him losing consciousness, deafened upon the decaying floor.

The next thing he saw when he woke up, was an entirely different room. It looked like the inside of an abattoir, the walls dried with blood and the floor encrusted with vomit. For once he was speechless, unable to even comprehend where he was. Had he been taken somewhere else? Yet the cooler box was still there, and there was even an item inside he did not notice before. A small ring with a bell on it, tinkling sweetly when he picked it up. He decided to take it anyway, having come this far. When he stepped out of Room S12, it was even worse. The halls pulsated with fleshy pustules, writhing bloody images behind tarp-like skin stretched over everything, accompanied by the most wretched sounds of bile and organs. He felt like he was walking inside the body of some awful inconceiveable monster, the feeling of a sickening wetness always upon him even if he never stepped in anything. He was trying to keep his stomach strong despite all this, but things only turned worse when the radio began to squeal. Snarling with frustrated panic, he quickly brought out his handgun and walked down the hall to see another two Chokers. The new hellish design was disorienting, and he did his best to aim and shoot, managing to hit one but not the other. It took him four shots to hit the other in a slight panic before he shot it fatally in the throat, letting them wheeze to death. He realised also he might be running low on ammo and decided to duck into the nearby wards. Their status had not changed from before, remaining either open or broken-locked. S13 contained a first-aid kit for him to take, whereas S8 gave him a few handgun bullets, taking his count up to 26 without including the ones in his clip. S3 however gave him a mean surprise in the form of a Blind Pig, trapping him inside the uncomfortably small room. This one was somehow clever enough to not try and swing its baton for him and instead blast the raptor with tear gas. He yelped in pain at being blinded again, but had his gun out ready to fire straight into the thing. Unfortunately his vision and pain made him miss twice before it tried to bite him with whatever remained for a face.

Knocking him down against the wall, he pistol-whipped it hard across the face before stomping the side of its head with enough force to crack a walnut, after several stomps into the weird fleshy linoleum. He shook with pain from the scratches, bites and blinding gas, so he decided to sit on the bed in the room and use the first-aid kit he obtained. He also noticed his inventory was looking rather full as he tended to himself. He was thankful Sarah had taught him some basics of first-aid, all of which he could utilise here. He cleared up his eyes, sterilised his wounds before bandaging them, and lastly gave himself an energy drink to perk himself up. He discarded the box of the first-aid kit and put the small remainder of its supplies in his satchel before leaving. Now he wondered what had changed in this otherworldly hospital that he could deal with. He made his way to the roof out of curiosity, as well as saving him the need to go back up, if he needed to. What he did not expect was the roof to be somehow barely any different. The fence was now a rusted brown, yet still seemingly sturdy enough to stop people from falling or jumping off. The sky was no different, dark as night should be. But there was a strange tint in the air that unnerved him, a slight off-colour within the lighter gaps that made him know subconsciously that this was another world entirely, as if the walls inside were not a big enough clue. Nothing seemed to be on the roof this time, not even the diary from before. The elevator control room however, was now unlocked. Inside was a large rusty generator, obviously for the control of the elevators. Nothing seemed to be particularly out of place as he cast his light over the thing, the room itself quite small with nothing but the generator and a control panel. Something was pinned on the fence around the machine however. A page from a children's science book, with a cartoonish picture of a dinosaur struggling to escape a black pool.

Tar pits were a great danger back in the age of the dinosaurs. They were sometimes very wide and usually very deep, a thick black ooze that no dinosaur would ever be able to escape from. Tar pits are like quicksand, except much more sticky when they drag you under until you're completely gone, just like poor James the velociraptor here. He didn't watch his step, and now he'll never be seen again.

If he said that he wasn't upset by such a disturbing page, he would be lying. Shivers ran down his spine as he looked at the poor cartoon dino trying hard to escape his fate, accompanied by the childish description that felt oddly mocking. For some reason, the word "tar" was highlighted twice, but he didn't care. He simply tore the page down in a fit of insult before leaving, only to find an even worse fate in store for him. A scraping sound. A very particular scraping sound. One that he had heard before that made panic rise in his heart. He turned off his flashlight and desperately looked around in the darkness for it, trying to locate the source to know which direction to run away from. He tried to make his way to the door, remembering somewhat where it was in relevance to the elevator control room. He didn't get far when he bumped into a familiarly-greasy apron. A groan of satisfaction came from the beast as it turned around with an ear-culling scrape that made James flinch in sensitive pain. He turned on the flashlight quickly. Pyramid Head's shiny red helmet gazed upon him. ", please god no." The creature groaned with a growing pleasure as James slowly backed off, trying to keep as much distance as possible between it and him. He had very little space to move around in the rooftop, and Pyramid Head had made certain that the stairway was closed off by bending the door to the point of being wedged shut. The raptor panicked, whimpering as he kept away from the monster who lurched towards him. "N-NO! STAY AWAY! I DON'T WANT THIS! GET THE FUCK AWAY!" Pyramid Head kept moving towards him, dragging his Great Knife a little stronger than before, slicing along the blacktop as James at first felt for his scissors, before realising he had another weapon a lot stronger. The rifle. He quickly pulled it out once he was far enough from the beast, and fired as soon as he thought he lined it up. It hurt him more than it hurt the monster when he hadn't kept the gun close to his body properly. "AGH! F-fuck!" His unprotected right shoulder had taken the recoil poorly, the butt of the gun slamming into it like a hammer and causing him to miss. Pyramid Head took this opportunity to swing mightily at the raptor, who panicked and stumbled backwards against the fence between the stairway and the control room. Now he was trapped like a rat. He could already feel the lust coming from the beast. He knew what was coming, and his fear turned his voice into pleading screams. "L-LEAVE ME ALONE! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! I JUST WANNA LEAVE, PLEASE...d-don't..."

Pyramid Head did not listen, merely stroking its filthy gloved hand along James' scaled cheek. He shivered with disgust, unable to get away, knowing the beast was far too strong to fight against, practically invincible. A black tongue slowly slithered out from underneath the helmet, making him flinch and turn away like a child being offered medicine. "N-no! Please! PLEASE, LEMME GO!" A shrieking from above stopped both of them. The monster looked upwards, as did James slightly. A black winged shadow crossed the skies, swooping around the roof like a vulture. It was huge, at least the size of a pterodactyl, which annoyed Pyramid Head intensely as it groaned back to it in anger. The winged beast did not take kindly to it and began to divebomb straight for him. He was unfazed and simply tried to punch it out of the air, not hitting quickly enough as James tried to find a chance to run away or at least see the winged monster. It had a dark purple colour to it, and yellow eyes that somehow scared him just as much as with Pyramid Head. He would get a chance to see them even more close up when the creature flew towards Pyramid Head once again, missing past him and slamming straight into James. The raptor was forced hard against the fence, which suddenly creaked and bent under the weight of it all as he struggled to push away the flapping abomination. Now he could see it more clearly. Purple skeletal body, yellow eyes. Now he had something else to fear as much as Pyramid Head. "H-hoh god, not you...n-not you! W-why-" He barely had the chance to finish his thoughts as the pterodactyl tried to dislodged itself from the fence, forcing it further backwards and causing the whole thing to fall off the roof, taking James with it. He was too terrified by what he had just seen to scream. It's him, he thought, before he started to black out. It was him.


When he opened his eyes again, he found himself severely bruised in what looked like a locker room. His flashlight was still on to allow him to see the now-warped and bent lockers, eaten away by bloodstains and rust. His hand was still on his rifle, which he tried to put back in his holster, but was soon stopped by an unbearable pain in his arm. He felt like he had broken something, he must have after such a long fall. He didn't even know what floor he was on so he tried to carefully check each of his limbs. His legs were fine, his arms hurt like hell as he saw the bruises on himself. But nothing was bent or twisted, only a sprained right ankle. He thanked himself for the smallest bit of luck, as he gently brought out another first-aid kit to deal with his bruises.

The pain was unbearable in some places, but nothing seemed to be genuinely crippled. Perhaps his shoulder was the most bruised from the rifle's recoil and the fall combined, but he put on some arnica from the first aid kit to ease his bruises and swelling. His ankle was worse for wear, but he knew he had no time to rest up. After giving himself some time for the bruising to ease itself, he put his rifle back into its holster, hoping it still worked, and gently got up with his left foot. Gasping as he kept his right foot barely off the ground, he took out his scissors to use as a makeshift crutch, until he had an actual one to use. The locker room offered little comfort to him, and he was thankful that the door was irresponsibly unlocked. Limping his way out back into the hellish hospital floor, he realised he was now on the second floor in full for the sake of clean-sweeping it. The elevator was now inaccessible, the panel not responding with a bloody message written upon the doors.

to jOuRnEy iNtO tHe bLaCk piTs of hELL yOu mUsT firSt aScEnD to hEaVeN

Confused at the statement, he checked the stairway door only to find it broken-locked. With frustration settling in with his pain, he headed into the wards instead, bringing out his handgun with the other hand to keep himself alert in his wounded state. More walls of pulsating flesh threatened to make him sick, as the radio warned him of what laid ahead in the veiny darkness. Two Blind Pigs and a Choker, made all the more difficult by his temporary disability. Nevertheless, he steadied himself against the wall to fire properly, getting a lucky hit off on the Choker and waiting for the Blind Pigs to come closer. He measured his shots carefully, trying to let his muscle memory act upon its own, his lessons from Sarah channelling through them. Another body hit the floor, followed by another after three more shots, two of which missed badly. He wanted to keep enemies much further away than before in his recuperating state, and his focus was somewhat too rattled to give him the strength for his nano-powers. With this in mind, he hobbled over towards the doors. M1 was open and offered him a health drink, which he gladly took and drank. M2 and M4 were broken-locked. M3 contained enemies which James decided to avoid fighting as soon as the radio startled itself into life. M5 and M6 were broken-locked too, leaving M4 as his only option left. An empty room, for once nothing was in it, apart from a bookcase with only one scrap of paper upon it. The paper read:

i found her ring! i dunno how it got here but i found it! now i better hide it because those monsters are gonna come for it im gonna hide it where Jason drowned, he'll keep it safe for me

James' eyes widened slightly at the last statement, which unnerved him intensely as he left the room. As he did, he noticed the other elevator and stairway door within the corridor wards. The elevator responded much to his delight, but the door had something unusual upon it. A beautiful mural of a woman riding a white horse, with a nursery rhyme written above.

Ride a cock horse To Banbury Cross To see a fine lady upon a white horse With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes She will make music wherever she goes

Investigating closer, he also noticed that she did not actually have any rings or bells, but instead there was an indented outline where they should be. Thinking about bells, he pulled out from his satchel the ring with the bell upon it, and placed it into the indent on her toe. It fit perfectly with an unlocking click. He tried the door but it was still locked. "Seriously? This nursery rhyme shit? Uuuugh fine, let's find his fucking ring." He was starting to wish he had a map of the place, but so far he had been unable to find one. Regardless, he hadn't remembered seeing anything even close to a place one could drown themselves in a hospital. Instead, he decided to use the elevator, which opened politely before he stepped inside. Only two buttons existed on the panel. He pressed the bottom one. The lift slowly whirred its way downwards, time passing without any indication before they opened once more. The radio welcomed him with another screech, the raptor getting rather tired of hearing it do so as he was greeted by two Chokers. One of them decided it was hungry enough to whip out its tentacle and coil it around James' neck, pulling him close. This forced him to drop his scissors to be dragged towards the threatening teeth-filled scars, his leg dragging hard on the floor as he screamed in pain of his ankle. His handgun was in his satchel, so he resorted instead to splashing the beast's face with water, shooting it straight down its presumably many gullets. He soon followed up with a freezing blast, the ice streaking along the water straight inside the Choker. The tentacle slackened as it choked violently for air, ice completely covering its throats as it screeched and begged for the foul air of the warped hospital, falling backwards with a sickening gurgle. James was on the floor, groaning at his throbbing foot before he turned towards the other Choker. He quickly pulled out his handgun and fired straight at it before it had time to react to its comrade's death, plugging it three times in the neck. Now the radio merely hissed with a whimper, indicating another enemy laid in the darkness. James didn't care, dragging himself back to the elevator to retrieve his scissors, supporting himself back up against the wall before limping back onto his feet. Gasping hard from putting pressure on it, he hobbled towards the source of the static, another Blind Pig. Another dead Blind Pig.

All of the doors were broken on the first floor wards, much to his frustration, except for one that he was certain was broken before. A door directly next to the elevator between it and Ward C4. Three whole new doors greeted him within a small closed-off hallway. One directly to his right down a small corridor lead to an open empty garden. The other two ahead of him, lead to the pool. Grinning at having some luck at last, he went in to find a rather small grubby-looking pool, the kind that would be seen outside in a park. The mosaic tiling was worn away with rot, and the water looked murky on the offside of clear. A few chairs were set up around the place, and there were two shower rooms to one side. He really didn't want to dive into the water to find or not find a ring. He did however see a pool cleaner plugged into the drainage, a thick black hose already in place within the water. James examined it first to see if they had managed to find anything, but it was empty. The battery was still surprisingly good on it for him to turn on and see what he could uncover. It chugged and whirred into life, vacuuming the bottom of the scummy pool floor for any solid debris within. After what felt like a good 10 minutes, a metallic sound clinked within the machine.

He immediately shut it off before opening the pool cleaner. A perfectly shiny brass ring. His eyes lightened up at the very sight of it, its shine reflecting in his eyes at the very possibility of venturing forwards within this terrible infirmary. As he pocketed it into his satchel, he heard the door to the hallway open. Turning his body to shine the light towards it, he found a familiar canine staring at him. "L-luisa!" She was breathing heavily, clearly frightened as she gently walked up towards him, shaking with what at first looked like fear. But the look in her eyes changed as she stared up to him. She was shaking with panicked anger. "Why didn't you come save me!?!" "Wh-what?!" "You said you'd come back! You didn't come back James! I was in that room for what felt like hours while YOU were running back and forth doing something else!" "I didn't know you needed saving, you disappeared!" "OH, you finally noticed huh!?" "I-i'm sorry, I was busy-" "BUSY WITH WHAT?!" "Trying to find a way out of here for fuck's sake!" "And you didn't try to find me?! At all!?!?" "I didn't know where to start! Your room was empty except for your pills, you didn't leave a note or anything!" "There are MONSTERS out there!" "THAT'S WHAT I TOLD YOU!" Her eyes narrowed into thin slivers, gently backing away from the raptor with a mix between disgust and shame. Her lip curled into a snarl, with James both frustrated and confused at her. "You don't even care about me, do you?" "That's not true, I-" "Walking away and not even TRYING to look for me, you could have checked on me at least ONCE to look after me!" "Well excuse me for letting you rest in peace cuz of your splitting headache, you know the only reason I'm here is because YOU told me it'd be a good place to look for something!" "Well did you find anything?!" "Nothing that's gonna help me, that's for sure!" "So what?! You don't even care about anyone else but yourself and your dead girlfriend!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" "AAH!" She whimpered with a cowering at James' sudden roar, echoing throughout the small pool. The water didn't even make a sound as he gently stepped forwards, baring down on her with gritted teeth. "You...never...EVER...fucking talk about her that way." "I-i'm sorry I-" "NO!" A clawed finger hung above her eye like the sword of Damocles. "This is your only warning. I couldn't find you, you were scared, I accept that. But don't you ever talk about Daisy that way ever again or I will leave you here to rot in this FUCKING SHITHOLE! GOT IT!?" "Y-yes..." "Good. Now...let's go. I have an idea." With his scissors as his crutch, he slowly walked ahead of Luisa back to the elevator. Her pace was slowed down behind her as-of-now protector, weighed down with anxiety for both his mental state and for her own safety, far too concerned to even ask about his injury.

All Things Quiet And Sweet 8 - Kill My Generation

With the ring from the pool, James took Luisa back up to the second floor via the elevator. The ride was slow, not entirely unexpected from the decay of the other hospital. The raptor took the time to calm down and ask the canine what she knew about...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 6 - The Visiting Hour

James wasn't sure if this was the best thing to happen or the worst. On the one hand, he finally met a possibly competent person, an intelligent person, one who surely had some clue of what was going on with this town. On the other hand, he was a...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 5 - Fear of the Blood

The creatures' outlines were different from that of the emaciated zombies of before. There was a body, a corpse at the very least despite having no arms, one of two trudging towards him, one of which was most certainly feline. But the head was a lot...

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