All Things Quiet And Sweet 3 - The Second Time

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#3 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 15 - Silent

The worst part of that this is the start of his journey through Silent Hill.

It won't get any better than this. There will be greater pain and agony for the FinalGamer before he can truly find redemption.

Silent Hill is copyrighted to Konami, FinalGamer to me

Opening without a hitch, he soon walked out into the courtyard itself, the mist covering across all of the gravel and grass around him. The building neatly circled around him, with an iron fence along the northern wall to prevent people climbing in. James contemplated it, but they seemed too high and incredibly rusty, a little too dangerous to consider for now. As he walked further into the courtyard, he almost fell into an empty swimming pool, checking his step swiftly before he lost his balance. The pool had been completely drained dry, not a drop of water remaining in it. He did however spot something shiny, encouraging him to leap down into the short-depth pool and swiftly pick it up. Another thin key, with another flower marking upon it. A daisy. "Someone really likes flowers." He pocketed it before moving on. But just as he was about to climb out of the pool, the radio went alight with static. But what really made him jump was the sound of scraping from behind him, some sort of metallic scream of something being dragged, closer and closer to him very slowly. He turned with tense fists, heart racing at what he saw. A large dominating figure of perhaps 7 feet tall, with a muscular lean chest of hard labour and punishments aplenty refined into a sculpted powerful form. A bloody apron was wrapped around him, smeared in blood, the most offsetting thing of all being the strange metal red pyramid-like helmet on his head. In one hand, dragging along the ground, was an enormous butcher knife of steel grey and rusted brown, easily at least 5 or 6 feet long. "H-holy fuck...uh...hello?!" The thing did not respond, merely walking closer with the scraping blade. "You work here?! Like, maybe the janitor or something?!" Its pace was slow and methodical, an unseen determination with each step it made towards FG.

"L-look I'm sorry okay, I found a key, I'm not gonna steal it, I'm just gonna put it back somewhere-WHOA!" The creature brought up its blade and stabbed straight towards the raptor, who quickly dodged to one side and brought out his scissors to slash hard at the legs. The beast did not move an inch, or even groan in pain, merely turning to swing its blade down upon James. Thankfully, it was incredibly slow, and gave the raptor plenty of time to evade and try to stab straight into the monster's back. All it did was grunt in irritation, before swiftly turning to try and grab the raptor. James pulled his scissors out and quickly dodged around again, trying to keep behind the monster, thinking it had a huge blind spot but not taking any chances stabbing once more. Another successful plunge into an already bloodied body. But when James tried for a third stab, the creature dodged surprisingly fast to one side and swung its gigantic blade in a half-circle, slamming straight into the scissors, forcing it painfully against him enough to have the raptor cut himself with his own weapon's bladetips. "ARGH, FUCK!" Blinded by the painful surprise, he rolled instinctively to avoid whatever came next, hearing a mighty dull clang upon the gravel as his reward before trying to thrust once more for the legs. Despite plunging straight into the muscular thigh, the beast did not even react beyond a grunt, and merely looked down upon FG. It pulled its leg off of the scissors, painfully but swiftly with a bloody squelch of extrication, before stomping down on the scissors with a mighty boot and kicking the raptor in the head, powerfully hard. He tumbled back slightly, now completely defenceless except for one weapon. Taking a chance, he got up as he let the pyramid-helmet thing walk towards him, away from the scissors, before grabbing his handgun and aiming it at the creature. "Fine, you wanna die, then FUCK YOU!"

He squeezed the trigger while trying to control his shaking nerves, firing at the creature as it lurched towards him through the fog. The shots pinged off of the helmet or hit it somewhere in the arm or shoulder. The clip soon ran out after five shots, and James quickly tried to grab the other bullets from his satchel to reload. Fumbling from the panic rising of the red-helmeted thing that continued towards him unabated, he quickly put them back into his satchel and rolled away, grabbing the scissors and waiting for it to reach the pool side while climbing out. When it tried to climb up after him, he stabbed straight for the arm to try and push it back into the pool, managing to off-balance the beast enough to make it stumble back and try to recover its fall, before he ran into a door east of the pool. Slamming it behind him, the first thing he did was reload his gun, trying to calm his shaky hands. "The f-fuck was that guy? God it's like they have serious problems with trespassers, what the hell?!" Reloading his gun with eight bullets left inside, he found himself in a smaller hallway with only six doors. One to the east directly in front of him down a narrow hall, one to the south on his left, and three to the north on his right with one last stairway door directly at the end of the hall. He was about to contemplate which one to try first, when he soon heard the scraping come closer. His heart started to race maddeningly as he ran to the southern door, Room 101, which had a daisy symbol above the doorknob. Grabbing the key from his satchel, he immediately jammed it in and ran in, quickly taking the key with him and locking it before the beast could come. The room was small, but it had enough hiding places for him, his search turning all the more rapid as the scraping came closer. Trying to calm down, he looked in all of the rooms, the thin-hallway kitchen, the main living room, the bedroom. A dusty wardrobe in the bedroom seemed to be his only hope of hiding, immediately jumping into it upon finding it empty. He quickly but silently closed them shut, taking out his handgun over the scissors which would prove to be more awkward to use in such a small space.

The sound of the knife screeching across the floor turned louder always, as James tried to breathe silently, trying to still his beating heart in case it beat too loud to remain silent. He heard the door slowly open, his fear shaking through his entire body as he used every ounce of his focus to stay calm. He was hiding well, it's a dark and dank apartment surely...but then he remembered the radio, which began to weakly flicker static upon the sound of an enemy approaching. He quickly fiddled with it and turned it off fully, the static cut off before it grew beyond a hissing whimper, his eyes closing in panic briefly to try and relax. But the sound of a giant blade dragging closer towards his position only made his lip quiver in fear. He wasn't sure if being able to see where he was would make it better or worse. The sounds of cupboards and furniture being moved came from the living room as the beast searched for the raptor. Sometimes it sounded like it was throwing sofas across the rooms or tearing whole cupboards off their hinges, the clear sound of chaos being wreaked upon the room. Every groan of frustration that came from the creature terrified James, making his very heart shiver at the sound. He was already shocked that it could be stabbed several times and not flinch, but now he was terrified by the immense strength it apparently had. Soon the sounds of havoc from the living room stopped, splintering wood and breaking glass turning to a deathly still. James heard nothing for at least half a minute, but to him it felt like half an hour.

Then the scraping began again, closer towards him, reaching the bedroom as the beast lurched right beside James' location. He did not even dare to look or move his head one muscle, standing tense with handgun in his claws like a soldier's statue. He saw the red sloped helmet hover into view from the crack between the wardrobe doors. James did not dare even breathe, watching the creature look around the room, trying to guess where its prey had gone. In truth, there were very few hiding places left to find, and the creature clearly wasn't stupid, slowly turning towards the wardrobe. James readily aimed his gun, and as soon as the creature laid a hand upon the door, he fired every single shot he had. Despite the clanging of bullets off of its helmet, the sudden barrage made it stumble backwards in surprise as James unloaded his second clip and ran desperately for the exit. But the creature was not dazed enough, and stabbed its blade out towards James' leg, piercing it and making him fall onto the damp carpet, his handgun knocked against the door jamb. "ARGH! G-GET THE FUCK AWAY!" His leg was soon grabbed and pulled back towards the bloody-aproned beast. He tried to fight the beast but it was too strong for him, barely flinching from the raptor's slashing claws, before it slapped him brutally with a filthy-gloved hand, sending him against the wall, hitting it hard with a welted cheek. He struggled to get up, his head bleary from the blows, as he stumbled and ran towards the door past the kitchen, finding it somehow locked. Fear made him almost choke as he stumbled into the kitchen, trapping himself within the thin miniature hall of cupboards.

He curled up on the floor with nowhere to run, hoping the beast was not so perceptive. But he heard it come closer, dragging its huge blade behind it with a scraping that seemed to rape his ears. He tried to stifle his fear, too scared to even tremble in case it could even hear that. Trapped and weakened within the apartment, his face was the portrait of panic when he saw the thing approach before him. Pyramid Head walked into view, turned towards James, and walked towards him. Even within the grimy light amongst the red, black and brown of the rotting building, it was only made all the more terrifying. The raptor's mind wanted to beg but he knew it would never work. His own bare chest was sleek with sweat from fear and pain. The large blade was held aloft to the raptor's throat, straight edged without the slightest quiver, as still as the blade of a Greek warrior's statue, close enough to nick the flesh at the bobbing trachea as he tried not to gulp. He watched the strong arm of the Pyramid Head lurch out and grab his throat, firmly, forcing him to stand. And then it swung its blade. Downwards the knife went, slicing at the raptor's jeans, barely missing the sheathed penis within them, but cutting through the clothing like a hot knife through butter. The denim began to shed off in pieces one by one, down to his legs to eventually reveal him naked before the "man". He couldn't say anything, stricken with fear and stripped down to a vulnerable nakedness before the thing with its Great Knife at the side. He wanted to fight back but he couldn't, being so deprived of stamina, and it wouldn't make anymore difference when the free hand of Pyramid Head grabbed his throat tighter, not enough to choke but enough to feel every breath pulsate in the hands of his captor. Sometimes it choked, sometimes it let him breathe, controlling his air, trying to keep brave inbetween choking gasps, his claws struggling to slash at the hand. The beast did not even flinch from its new wounds upon its rusty flesh. The raptor soon stopped struggling to save his energy as the Pyramid Head leaned its characteristic head closer towards the raptor, breathing in deep breaths of James' scent. He tried to look underneath the helmet but only darkness laid within. Suddenly, a thin dripping wet black tongue sinuously slid out of the thing's helmet-covered head, and slurped at the raptor's cheek. He coiled in disgust, a shudder of revulsion sliding through his body as if the tongue had sent a parasite through his flesh. The tongue slathered across his purple marked-snout, which remained firmly shut to not allow the tongue inside. Soon Pyramid Head turned James around and thrust him firmly against the kitchen counter, jeans torn away leaving him naked before it. One of its gloved hands clasped both of FG's above his head, his tail hoisted up by the other hand, as the black tongue coiled around his neck like a tapeworm. Then he felt something push at his tailhole. Something blunt and very blood-warm.

"Oh god...OH GOD! N-no...NO! L-LEMME GO!" He knew what was coming, though he could find no way to resist the demon's forceful hand. Consciously, he knew it had a mind surely. It had desires, perhaps even dreams, sadistic ones perhaps but still more than a shambling corpse. It was intelligent enough to know what it wanted. He desperately tried to scrabble away, pulling against the wall, but the creature was far too strong. "Please, leave me alone! I'm sorry okay, I don't want this! I DON'T WANT IT, PLEASE, LET ME GO!" He then felt the beastly meat push against his ass with full force, the monster uttering a bestial moan as the thick head spread him wide. FG screamed as he was taken hard, feeling the thick human-like penis slam deep into his body with primal desire. Already half of it was in, tearing his ass open, the hips powerfully thrusting into him ever deeper. It was only mere seconds until he felt the hips themselves slam at his rump violently, the entire length painfully spreading him.

Tears flitted to the raptor's deep green eyes as Pyramid Head's tongue slithered and tasted his neck. A twisted form of affection, a sign of selfish possessive desire, and a reminder of who was the dominant one, slurping his skin, sliding towards the snout and slipping deeply into his throat. In the midst of his screams, James choked on the vile black tongue that slurped the insides of his mouth. Harder and harder the beast plowed James' anal tunnel, the pain forced unto him in his most sensitive areas, his prostate feeling as if it was crushed against fleshy walls. He tried to push back by painful instinct, but that only made things harder and more painful to the raptor when his walls grinded hard against Pyramid Head. It felt as if with each violent thrust, a layer of flesh was being stripped away, like a knife cutting a leg of lamb until he felt himself start to bleed It felt enormous, the beast be hung like a horse, or so he thought in his disgusted fear. It was certainly deep inside him, perhaps 13 inches within. Of course this was not over yet, despite FG's choking screams of pain and horror, claws scraping against the kitchen counter until the grooves started to catch on his clawtips. With a sudden reverse motion, Pyramid Head slid out of the raptor by half its length instead of the usual small humps, before hilting with a single plunging thrust, harder than before, making his victim force out a strangled scream. He repeated it once more, bucking cloth-covered hips against scale, the raptor roaring with a sneer as the pain of his ass increased everytime the beast slid out fully before thrusting again, his screech of agony cut off by the tightening choke of the monster's serpentine tongue around his throat.

He soon felt warm liquid ooze out of his pulsing gaping anus, unsure if it was its precum or his blood, or perhaps both. That seemed the most likely with the pain he was feeling. Pyramid Head's hands tightened on his wrists and tail, as the beast raped him harder, furiously bucking, the raptor whimpering with a sore throat as he turned more and more silent with every fuck into his ass. The throbbing pain began to lessen in his muscles, despite the deep penetration. As he began to whimper and gasp in an almost feminine pitch from the pain, Pyramid Head groaned with a deep lust at the sound of his victim. A part of James, the lustftul part, whispered to enjoy it, but he didn't want to. He didn't want this, he screamed this inside his head, not from this monster certainly that was brutally violating his ass mercilessly enough to make twinging sharp pains in his rear, as if he was being raped with a dull shortsword. He screamed outwards pathetically, scrabbling at the kitchen wall, crying like a widow, another part of him wanting to die before he would be raped, his tears dripping along the thing's pallid muscular arms. He wanted to beg the creature to kill him, slaughter him with its Great Knife so he would no longer have to suffer this agonising humiliation. Yet he would not beg. A stronger part of him said he was too proud to beg for death. Trapped between what to beg for, he looked back with tears in his eyes, unable to last any longer as he felt the precum oozing deeper into his body, staining him with such a sickening heat. He felt his own cock throb to full hardness from the stimulation of his prostate, looking upon it shamefully and seeing it as a sign of admittance. His wrists were sore from the strong fingers that squeezed until the bones felt like they were near breaking point. Soon he began to whisper something with a stutter. ""

Shame filled his body faster from his mind downwards, meeting the huge penis in the middle that violated his bowels, making them feel wounded and terribly bruised. He knew it would not stop, he knew the only way it would was to let this thing finish. Perhaps it would enjoy taking his body so much, he would not be killed. He couldn't remember the last time he cried this hard, screaming with eyes closed tight and wet like a leaking dam. Not since Daisy's death had he weeped this deeply to his very soul. But that was sorrow. That was grieving. This was self-pity. This was begging for mercy. The fucking turned faster, seeming to plow into his stomach, or at least it felt that deep, as he started to scream like the shameful whore he became, just to end it that much quicker "RAPE ME! FUCKING RAPE ME! AAAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHH!" Eventually after what seemed like hours of thrusting, he felt a quickening of pace from the the long hard slides of the thick monster's shaft. Now it was using half of the length to pump him faster, before James eventually heard a freakish low groan into his ear. Coupled with the tightening on his throat by the long black tongue, he soon felt an explosion of hot liquid purge into his bowels, deeply oozing further in, making the raptor's eyes tighten and twitch as a small utter of disbelief crawled from his throat. "GUH...ngh..." He felt relieved that it was over at last, despite the continuing unwanted filling inside his ass. But he was also horrified of this...thing's seed or whatever equivalent it had just seeping into his body. What could it do? Could it impregnate him, into something like that creature? Was it a sickening disease-ridden semen that rotted away his bowels until he was just half of a body hung onto a wall? Or was it just a mark of submission to let everyone know he had been taken by this beast? He hoped it was the third choice, the least damaging to his body. But now he had another fear encapsulated in his mind. Was it going to kill him, now that the demon had finished? He felt the tongue tightening a little weaker than before, allowing him to gasp and cry at the same time with a choking sob. The creature let go of him, pleased that his newest victim was fully traumatised, the raptor sliding down to the floor, hands shaking on the dirty mat. He turned around slowly, weak from the abuse, looking at his tailhole out of morbid curiosity. He saw a mixture of his own blood and Pyramid Head's seed, oozing white like a human's would, both from his ass and from the cocktip of the beast before him. The raptor began to feel woozy, eyes closing from exhaustion some other odd force, the sight of Pyramid Head blurring before his eyes. The pain in his rectum was dull yet loud in his body before he sank into darkness, a thankful yet worrying sleep.

The next time he woke up, he found the creature had left, and his jeans were somehow back on his legs fully intact. He did however still feel the brutally throbbing pain of his ass, feeling like an unbearably large wound. He gently felt it, and he was sure he could feel blood. All he wanted to do now was huddle up to his knees against the wall, and cry from being so violated again. So he did, rocking back and forth against the kitchen cupboards, his words broken and childish. "Wh-why...wh-why...I don...don't deserve this...I wan' Sarah..." The more he spoke, the more his words blurred with his weeping, drowning within the mire of his sorrow. "I hate this town. F-fuck this town, fuck these other worlds or whatever the hell they are. I wanna fuckin' burn it all. Why am I here, why am I fucking here!?!?! WHY!?!? WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS!!?!?! I WAS A GOOD KID! I NEVER DID ANYTHING BAD TO ANYONE WHO DIDN'T DESERVE IT!" He started screaming towards the heavens, claws tensed up before him. "WHAT DID I DO TO FUCKING PISS YOU OFF!?!? HUH!?! WHAT DID I DO!?!? I JUST WANNA GO HOME! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THESE OTHER FUCKING STUPID WORLDS, THEY CAN ALL BURN IN HELL FOR ALL I CARE! THIS WHAT I GET FOR SAVING DAR-MA?! THIS WHAT I GET FOR-...f-for...J-just FUCK THIS! FUCK ALL OF THIS, I JUST WANT TO GO HOME!"

He laid out onto the ground, coiling up into a foetal position as if trying to hide inside himself from everything, clutching his body tightly closer, as tight as he could. "He didn't even kill me...wouldn't let me die...I can't do it...I can't keep this...c-can I...S-sarah could...s-she could, No I can't give in." Something seemed to wake up in him, as his mind flickered through many things. He took a few minutes to gather his thoughts, steeling his nerve, snarling with a slowly burning rage dwelling deep inside him. A rage that for now was the only thing keeping him strong. "Sarah wouldn't give up. She had worse shit than you did, you know she did. The fuck you talking about James, this happened to you before, didn't it?! You're still alive right?! Then get up! GET. UP!" He forced himself to stand up, pushing off the weight of the self-pity that had clambered on top of him, but not without a great amount of self-encouragement. He steeled himself up, tensing his fists together, trying to think up a better pep talk. "You can do this, Sarah can do it, so can you. Glenn can do it, so can you. Both of them taught you how to look after yourself, you gotta live up to them, that's why they taught you this shit! Come on! YEAH!" He pumped his energy up with a mixture of fury and self-pride, letting the fear and pain die away as he stood up and investigated the apartment. The place was still wrecked from Pyramid Head's searchings, making things a little more difficult for James himself to search. He went back to the bedroom's wardrobe, picking up the handgun he had dropped at the bedroom door before opening the wardrobe. He had something inside that he didn't get a chance to pick up before. A silver coin. It was a coin he had never seen before in his life, not of any currency he knew. One side had a scythe. The other a single word. "Nemesis". Not entirely sure what it meant, he took the coin nevertheless before leaving the apartment, cautiously in case the dreaded beast came back for seconds. The door was now unlocked, the hallway empty. Checking the door down the hall to the east, he found himself with quite a strange sight in an apartment building. Instead of having a handle, the door had a skull carved out of wood in the centre. Two circular slots seemed to make the eyes, with an inscription above.

To venture beyond the sea of fog A toll must be paid unto me Normally one obol is all I require But for passengers like you, there comes an extra fee

Trying to forget what he had been through, he tried to figure out the riddle before quickly noticing that the slots were the size of a coin. He only had one however. He didn't want to risk putting one in yet, and decided against it until he had explored every inch of the apartment. Rooms 102 to 104 were broken, but the stairway door was merely locked. Until he unlocked it from his side. "Theeeeere we go." Smiling at the small success, he walked back upstairs to the second floor, the iron bars still there which forced him to travel through Room 209 via the room of clocks. Eventually, he found himself staring at the fire escape door with the unusual lock. An idea came to him as he rushed over to it, seeing that his memory was indeed correct in remembering the flower mark above the door. A poppy. "Hah! ...wait, I didn't get a poppy key...uhhh...hang on..." Another idea came to him, walking into Room 201 directly beside the fire escape door, rediscovering the riddle he found inside on the back of a plate. Despite the pain still throbbing in his rear constantly reminding him of its existence, he sighed heavily to try and ignore it as best he could. "Okay...ring of roses upon the other side of time...that's the rose key I got in that clock room...daisy chain drowns without water...ohhhh the pool in the courtyard. Bring the two together for a bloody poppy...wait what? Bring them together? ...shit where did I leave the other key?"

Casting his mind back, he remembered taking the daisy key with him when he locked himself in Room 101, but the rose key he left behind when entering the courtyard. Remembering it was the door at the front hall, he went downstairs from the first stairway he had traversed in the apartment, finding the rose key in the door and taking it. Gently placing the two together, he found that they actually clicked together with some sort of clasp he could not see, creating a new thicker key between them. The flower symbol had changed too, blending the images to make a poppy. With a grin of achievement, he ran straight back up to the second floor hallway. No monsters around, much to his relief as he ran for the fire escape door and quickly opened it. What he saw behind it was most disappointing. A brick wall. Not even covering the door, but a small gap between buildings where the remains of a fire escape gently poked at brick. What was once a window had now been completely bricked up. It had not been entirely wasteful however. Something was hanging from a nail in the brick window. A single silver coin, suspended from a piece of string. Grabbing it quickly, James saw it to be quite similar to the other one he found. On one side was a sword. The other had a single word. "Justitia". "Okay this symbolism shit is getting really old." Nevertheless, he headed back along the hallways to the northern staircase, heading back down the way to avoid the courtyard out of personal fear of meeting Pyramid Head again, the very thought of which made him stop and shiver with a deep ache. Trying to forget, he headed onwards, back to the door with the wooden skull. "Here," snarled James, "here's your fucking toll." He placed the coins firmly into the eyes, the skull now blessed with shining silver retinas, thanking the raptor with a satisfactory click of the door unlocking. Turning the handle cautiously, James found himself in an alleyway outside of the apartment building. The fog welcomed him once again, as the door closed behind him, permanently locking him out of Woodside Apartments.

In truth, the raptor felt rather relieved to have escaped the damp apartment blocks, all the moreso because he was putting distance between him and the dreaded monster who so defiled him. He headed north out of the alley, passing between beat-up trash cans and old unsorted refuse before reaching the main street of Nathan Avenue, standing between the Silent Hill Savings Bank, and what appeared to be an abandoned pet centre. The road towards the west ended with a large iron fence blocking his way, partially covered by tarp to tease him of what he could not reach. He could just make out the entrance to a park. Sighing with a shrug, he headed towards the east, walking past the pet center to find Neely Street again, heading south. A church caught his eye at the corner of both streets, opposite the pet centre. Surely he would find some refuge there. He never had much experience with religious folk, but he knew that for the most part, they were usually strong-willed enough to stick it out in a place like this, if there was a chance to save or convert someone. With nowhere else to go, and his soul feeling rather weak-willed, he headed inside.

All Things Quiet And Sweet 4 - Lies

The church was quieter than a funeral. Untouched pews laid dusty on both sides of the raptor, windows glossy with cobwebs over stained glass causing the light to turn dim through them. Candles were lit to give some light however, casting shadows across...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 2 - The Time of Roses

Feeling a slight exhilaration and a sense of relief at the feeling of some progress, James unlocked Room 202 and stepped inside to reveal a room similar to that of Room 201. Small hallway-like kitchen beside the door, TV with a chair in front of it,...

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 1 - A Blind Run

**THE CHRONICLES OF FINALGAMER _All Things Quiet and Sweet_** _"A sin takes on new and real terrors when there seems a chance that it is going to be found out." Mark Twain_ Fog. A symbol of fear, obscurity and distortion. To twist faces and...

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