Jason & the Unicorn Ch. 3 (Commission from Tinaski)

Story by LoneWolf669 on SoFurry

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#3 of Jason & The Unicorn

Alright. Here's the third and final chapter. Written by Tinaski and edited by TheBlackMarten Please leave a comment below. Enjoy!

Chapter three: Taking her Reigns

Alyssa was afraid. Not just afraid, terrified.

She had somehow managed to get permission from the elders of her herd to use a transformation spell upon herself, as she would still be completely invisible to humans unless she wanted to be seen, such was the strength of the spell she had cast upon herself. In fact the only way to break that was for either a more powerful Unicorn to remove it or for Alyssa to allow people to see her through choice, as she had done with Jason

She had wisely left out the details of what she wanted to transform into from her explanation to the council however. She had friends amongst the elders, but they alone did not run their herd.

The fact that was scaring her wasn't the consequences of them finding out though; it was that she was not sure how it would turn out. The process of transformation and the magic itself had been used countless times before, true enough, but humans were very complicated creatures compared to others that Unicorns had elected to transform themselves into. The actual human transformation spell was still in the process of being formulated just before human magic was forcefully sealed away, and the study of it was halted at the same time, as all communication with them was cut off soon after that. As such, the spell in its completion had never been attempted before, for fear of accidentally causing serious harm.

The white mare was running a huge risk just for the hope that Jason might want something more than friendship from her if she changed to become more appealing to him. Her aim was to become one hundred percent human, and a human that Jason could be proud of. She would be completely giving up the life she once knew, with the exception of her magic, which would remain with her forever, to start a new life with him. A few of the others who had guessed that there was a male involved in her decision had told her she was being foolish and rash, with others calling her a hopeless romantic, but the most widespread response was that the other Unicorns just turned their backs on her. Loving a male of another species was seen as desiring something less than perfection in their eyes, Unicorn having something of an illustrious self-image problem. They believed that they were the height of natural evolution, and that to want anything else meant to sacrifice something better, which made no sense to them at all.

Still, Jason had made her happy, more happy than she could ever remember being, and they had only been reunited for 1 and a half years. Alyssa just couldn't imagine herself being with anyone else but him, as she never felt that deep need to be close to someone when she talked with stallions of her own kind. He was her chosen mate, and there was nothing anyone could say to change her mind now. Even the most determined of the others who opposed her decision had the sense to back down after a few short minutes of trying to persuade her otherwise. That's why she needed this transformation spell to work. Any chance at all to be with him as a lover rather than just a friend was a chance she would take no matter the risks; she couldn't bare living in ignorance of what might become of the two of them any longer.

Right before she left her herd to perform the metamorphosis ceremony, her father, a large regal stallion with the same snow-white fur as her, beckoned her close. He hooked his neck around hers, pulling her close in a hug while his long helixed horn glinted in the warm sunlight, gentle pulses of light blue energy travelling up its length as he transferred some of his visual memories of their time spent together into her mind. He gave her a few moments to comprehend the emotions that he'd felt as he took in those sights before blowing little bit of air onto her ears, bringing her attention back to him as he spoke directly to her through his own telepathy.

"My beautiful daughter; if this ritual works correctly, then it might be the last time we ever see each other again. By our laws, you will be revealing yourself openly to a species not of our own, and we must leave this land for an entire generation to be sure that we are not spotted. Even I cannot guarantee that I will live long enough to see that day."

That was the one part of the entire arrangement that made her hesitate, even if only for a second.

Her love for Jason had grown far too strong though; she had to go, and she had to try, otherwise she'd be left with this empty feeling inside her for the rest of her life, lamenting why she never tried so that she would at least have known his answer.

Her father had known her answer without her even needing to say it, stepping back and making no further attempt to stop her from doing what she needed to do.

Taking one last look at her father, she mentally thanked him for allowing her to do this. Next, she moved to her mother, a gorgeous white mare standing to her husband's left, and softly nuzzled her affectionately one last time, with the larger mare returning the gesture wholeheartedly. They made no move to hurry, as this might be the last moment they ever spent together, taking their time and trying to memorise each other as clearly as possible. Eventually though, Alyssa had to pull back and walk away from her mother, heading towards that site of what could be either the single greatest or the single worst moment of her existence.

It was scary for her, as growing up in a large herd or beings that had been on the planet for centuries she had thought she'd be forever at her parents' side. But she'd made her choice, and was prepared to stand by it.

She felt a sense of irony knowing that this ritual would be performed in the same breathing echo that she had shown Jason on the first day they reunited, a vast open meadow with a small forest at its fringes. It was inside this ethereal forest, in a small clearing that she had prepared, along with help from the elders that guarded this magical knowledge, all she needed to carry out her wish. Seven ink black stones protruded from the ground in an unnaturally geometric pattern, seeming to be covered in natural moss from a distance, but close inspection revealing this to be nothing but an illusion cast upon them. Each on bore several brightly coloured gems encrusted onto their surface, once again seeming to follow an unnoticed pattern far too precise to have been carved by natural erosion. Behind each stone stood a unicorn baring a golden ring upon his horn, the sign of an ascended elder that had been granted a life far longer than that of a normal unicorn. Of these, six of them stood perfectly in position, while one walked up to greet her warmly, his familiar face etched with worry as he mentally appraised her.

"My wonderful great granddaughter, are you sure that this is the course of action you wish to take? I truly admire you for trusting me and the elders with the knowledge of what you wish to become, but you must know that we cannot be certain that this will work ourselves. We may not be able to fully change you into what you want to become, nor is it certain if we'd ever be able to reverse the effects with our own magic. If we change you, you could remain trapped in that form forever." he told her in warning.

Alyssa nudged her head into his shoulder in affection.

"I love him. I have to try or I would never be able to forgive myself for not trying. Thank you for your help, it means so much to me." She replied through their mental link.

The old stallion smiled warmly down at the much younger mare, understanding what it meant to be so truly attached to another being.

"If you ever feel that you need to talk to me, I will always be near you. I will build a new breathing echo that you and your lover can enter, so that I might see how you progress through your lives, and that I might offer you what support I can. This may be going against the rules of our herd, but I have lived more than three times my rightful time on this world, have I not earned the privilege to bend the rules for my great granddaughter?" he mentally answered before stepping back into his position beside the black stone in front of him.

Alyssa calmly walked past the old unicorn and lay down in the middle of the circle, in the centre of an unseen seven pointed star that converged upon her. The elders had all speculated that the change would weaken her at first, and she didn't want to damage her new body accidentally.

Her great grandfather nodded his head to the others standing beside their respective stones. In perfect unison the gathered unicorns all reared up onto their back legs before dropping down into a deep bow, touching the very tips of their horns to the ground. Bright sparks of every imaginable colour erupted from the ground where their horns met the soil, yet never igniting a single blade of grass. Slowly but surely, the bright glowing lines of the seven pointed star engraved into the ground beneath Alyssa began to light up, ancient runic symbols illuminating within every available space between these lines. Spurred on by this miraculous power, the symbols themselves began to move, sliding past one another and dancing about the confines of seal drawn into the earth as the incantations sought out their target. The air in the clearing began to spiral around the circle as the power of the spell grew, leaving Alyssa completely untouched for the moment as the elders concentrated on their task.

The magic was strong, the little white mare could feel it deep inside of her, throbbing along every artery and clutching at every fibre of her body in preparation to reshape it into something new. It was frightening just how strong and yet defined the magic was, and with every passing second it only became stronger. Increasing in both power and momentum as it went along, it made Alyssa marvel at just how the elders were able to harness and control such energy.

Just as the dancing runes began spiralling so quickly that they virtually began lines themselves, and the light of the seven pointed star made contact with Alyssa's body, the elders snapped their heads back, pulling their horns away from the metamorphosis circle and allowing their magic to follow its pre-written instructions.

Alyssa suddenly felt the ground beneath her leaving, but as she opened her frightened eyes she saw that it wasn't her ascending into the sky, but the ground beneath her retreating. Like a stained glass window that had been shattered by a rock thrown at it, the ground beneath her seemed to splinter while the strong winds now held her firmly in place above the new hole. Far from being a gaping chasm of nothingness, what lay beneath her was an unimaginably bright pool of seemingly liquid light. There were no shapes, no shadows, just constantly swirling masses of pure energy waiting to be commanded by the incantations towards their host.

She watched beneath her as the elder unicorns Bowed their heads once more, but not allowing their horns to touch the circle. With the final restraint released, the pool of light surged up to engulf the young unicorn, encapsulating her inside a glowing ball of light that glowed like a new sun as their magic set to work on her inside it.

Alyssa could feel her body changing, and she braced herself for the worst in case there had been an unintentional mistake somewhere. Fortunately for her, the experience was not actually that bad. She was expecting some bone crunching feeling as her muscles and anatomy were ripped apart and reassembled, but instead she only felt a gently humming sensation as her entire form began to meld into its new shape.

She did feel a dull ache in her chest that began to bother her part of the way through, but upon reach what had previously been her hooves to rub that area, she discover that she now sported a pair of hands as the easily distinguishable digits made contact with her fur. She then discovered the source of the ache were two growing mounds that she remembered Jason calling breasts before now, although she wondered if they were larger than other humans she'd seen. She felt her centre of gravity change as her back straightened, her legs thickening and becoming a pair of arms and a pair of bipedal legs while her stomach shrunk and morphed into its new form. Her shoulders began changing too, and then she noticed her mane had become far more similar to human hair, and the transformation on her hands and feet had gone further still, the young mare now able to feel small hard protrusions she had heard were called nails.

It tingled all over for a few minutes more as the spell followed the final stages of its instructions, making sure that all the bodily functions of her new form were working properly. Bit by bit, the glowing ball of light around her began to disintegrate, the energies absorbed into her body as they were used up in the final moments of the spell. Softly as a falling feather, she was brought down to the level of the elders by the wind that still cradled her, the ground beneath her magically restored as if it had never been touched. She felt weak from the process as she was gently laid back down on the ground, but tried to push herself up onto all fours with her new limbs. She learned quickly that in human form it was easier said than done, not having large hooves that she could simply plant on the ground to heave herself up onto. Her arms and legs were also no longer equal in strength or function, and she laid back down into the grass after a few moments of stumbling.

She rolled to look at her legs and almost screamed in horror.

"NO!" She exclaimed, her loud mental voice resounding through the minds of the gathered elders.

In the final throws of the spell, some of the transformations had not been completed, and in some cases, human parts she'd actually felt had reverted back to their original forms. Her entire body still bore her soft white fur; her while bipedal and the correct shape for a female human had actually reverted back to ending in a pair of well-cloven hooves. She reached one of her nearly-human hands behind her, finding that she still possessed an equine tail, and as she turned her head around to check with her own eyes, her long mare's face nose bumped into her shoulder, revealing she still had the head of a unicorn which she realised all to clearly upon spotting her horn still standing up from her forehead. On the verge of breaking down, she raised her fingers to her face slowly and felt the contours of the natural bone, proving beyond all doubt that it was real, and it was still that of a unicorn.

Tears streamed down her face as she felt the weight of her failure. She had taken the gamble and lost, catastrophically. She was caught in between two beings, neither human nor unicorn. Now she didn't belong in either world, and had, if anything, become even more of a freak to Jason than she had been at first.

Her great grandfather walked down towards her over the still softly glowing marks of the metamorphosis circle, touching her gently with his horn to let her know he was there.

"Do not cry my little one. We anticipated that there might be a problem, so we were sure to include this transformation as a backup spell woven into the lining of the first one." he explained, "The moment that something went wrong with the first spell, this one took over, transforming you into something we already knew how to create. I am sorry, but the seal that we cast on mankind long ago is too strong for us to interfere with, and so we cannot turn you into a full bodied human. This is only temporary however, little one. Once this circle has had time to re-charge, come back here and we can easily remove this spell and revert you back to your original form. This should take about three weeks. Go and see your human lover, present him with your new form and witness his reaction for yourself. He must see you as you are, if he cannot love you for who you are not to change to suit him. Stay safe little one."

With that, all of the elders left the clearing quietly, giving her some time to herself to reflect upon her decision, as only she could decide what to do now. None of them admonished her, or looked at her with scorn or disgust, most viewing her with pity as they walked away.

Alyssa was weak but determined to learn things she would need to know in this body.

Standing up right like a human was a big struggle, but after she worked out that walking for humans was essentially a controlled fall she quickly learned, even moving on to some very tricky manoeuvres to work out how to shift her weight around in order to stand.

Walking in general wasn't that difficult, but walking like a human took a bit more practice. Soon enough however, wasn't long before she was comfortably strolling thought the forest looking for something to eat, almost identical in the sway of her hips to any human woman.

Luckily, with it still being inside the breathing echo, food was not even close to a problem, a tree actually growing apples in front of her before dropping them into her waiting hands. It was here that she began to learn how to manipulate her fingers to grasp them, learning how much pressure she could apply safely, and learning how to be gentle so that she wouldn't accidentally hurt Jason in the future. By now she was happily enjoying the new form, and ate the apples while sitting on a nearby fallen log, until she surprised herself by finding that her noticeably smaller stomach was already full. She felt a little bit conscious of her white furred bottom now she thought about it, as she still had the strong round cheeks full of muscle that a growing mare had; she knew that human bottoms came in all shapes and sizes but she'd never had the courage to ask what shape Jason liked, so she hoped it was okay for him.

Then she remembered something else that humans did: they communicated using their mouths.

Taking a deep breath she decided to say her first words, her natural telepathy allowing her to translate the syllables she heard in her head into movements in her vocal chords and her tongue. She knew exactly what she wanted to say, and how she wanted to say it. She knew that getting it right would take quite a few attempts though, as from looking at other humans, very few of them got it right either.

"Jay-," She started before clearing her throat as her voice cracked accidentally. "Jason. I love Jason." She said quietly before playing a bit with her voice to see how many different variations she could achieve. She switched tones endlessly, trying to find the one that felt just right. Finally, she settled on a tone she found very pleasing and said her true love's name one more time just to be sure.

"Jason." She whispered sensually, like she'd heard other women in love say to their lovers.

Speaking was still a somewhat strange experience to her though. She was used to only using magic to speak, and that way there was no risk of being misunderstood as you were sending your thoughts directly into that persons head, but she was sure Jason would appreciate her attempt to use his language instead. His name felt nice rolling off her tongue too; in a way it made her feel closer to him now that she was able to say his specific name in his own native language without using telepathy.

She felt a tingle between her legs as she thought about Jason. It was something she had felt before when she thought about the young man, but it was only now that she had hands and arms that she could reach it comfortably.

Getting off the log she had been sitting on, she laid down on the soft earth with her head tilted to the side, curious to explore these new feelings. Her feminine hand slipped down between her parted thighs as she felt her own womanhood for the first time in her life. The humanoid mare's fingers brushed lightly across her tender lower lips, enjoying the light pleasure and sense of relief it brought her to be touched down there, letting her digits stroke along that area gently before moving her fingers lower towards her now moist opening.

To her surprize she discovered a growing dampness there that grew as she messaged the area, the movement of her fingers eliciting even more pleasure than before from their relocation. The young mare could also feel something bigger building up inside her, something that she could never recall feeling before, but yet felt an instinctive desire to reach. By happy accident, she happened moved her finger over a small fleshy bump near the top of her vaginal lips, sending a strong spark of pleasure shooting straight to her brain. Rubbing more vigorously in small circles around that area, she heard herself let out a tiny moan, her eyes closing on impulse as the bliss continued to rise within her. She had never attempted to masturbate or pleasure herself before, but she finally understood why humans were so obsessed with doing it, it just felt too good to stop.

Alyssa could picture Jason lying there in front of her, using his own rough and slightly calloused fingers to service her as she was doing to herself. The image of him between her legs, rummaging around inside her wet womanhood with his fingers as he smiled slyly at her pleasure was the last bit of stimulation she needed, sending the young mare spiralling over the edge and into her first ever orgasm as her pink lips squirted her female fluids over the ground in front of them.

For a few minutes afterwards, Alyssa just lay on the ground revelling in the warm afterglow of her first orgasm. She knew that it would have been even sweeter if Jason had been there, but with an intensity like that she could certainly be put at peace for a while just lying there picturing him. The white near-human mare imagined him taking her in his arms after they were finished with their fun, holding her close to him as she rested her head over his chest and listening to his steady heartbeat while he traced her body with his curious fingers. She wouldn't give him any word to stop until he was satisfied that he knew every inch of her, no matter where those inches happened to be.

She wanted to make him feel what she had in that moment. She felt such peace and pleasure, as if some inner biological purpose had been achieved. She felt completely at rest, but she still wanted to be with him.

Just a few minutes later, the exhaustion from the transformation spell combined with her first orgasm finally took over on her, and she slowly fell asleep on the soft earth as she curled up and let her eyes slide shut.

When she awoke the next morning she stretched her still relatively new limbs before anything else, having never actually felt stiffness in them before on account of only having them for less than 24 hours so far. Taking stock of herself when she walked over to the nearby stream an observed her reflection, she decided that she liked her new body. All things considered, she'd been lucky in avoiding many of the cultural unpopular body types among humans, and had also succeeded in getting rid of some of the more unwanted traits she had previously been embarrassed about, like her broader shoulders or her slightly short legs.

She just hoped that Jason would share a similar opinion on the subject.

Not wanting to keep her handsome human waiting, she quickly set about bathing in the cool stream, the unnaturally pure water washing away all the dirt that had clung to her from her series of falls and slip ups while learning to walk the previous day, and of course the dirty stains on her butt from where it had been pressing into the dirt while she fingered herself.

In a few short hours she would meet Jason as her lover for the first time in her new body. If all went well, he would see her and accept her for what she was, and maybe even agree to have some fun with her. It was all she had wanted for months now.

At present all she could really do was to try to relax and get ready for him. After thoroughly washing her body all over, making extra sure to rinse between her legs to hide her lingering musk from the day before, she left to find something to eat while she thought of Jason dreamily, though keeping her thoughts tame enough to prevent any unwanted wetness from gathering.

Jason left for the field earlier than he had planned to meet Alyssa, having received her mental message only half an hour earlier that she was back from her journey. His eyes were just longing for the sight of her soft white fur, and it had been living agony to wait all this time already. He quickly jogged over to the field in haste expecting having to wait around until she showed up as only she could bring him into the breathing echo that existed in the park near his house; to his amazement, he actually saw the other worldly gateway of vines and flowers for himself, and it didn't disappear when he blinked.

Walking forwards, he calm passed through the gateway as he tried to figure out how this was possible, a small boy with a water pistol that had been following him gasping in amazement as Jason seemed to step forwards and instantly vanish before his eyes.

Stepping out into the familiar expanse of magically planted meadow, he felt a sense of nostalgia wash over him at seeing the place that the two of them had visited on their first ever outing together, wondering if he should count that as his first date white he scratched his short black hair idly.

He was about to search out a nice spot to lie down and wait for her when he heard a voice come from behind him, a voice he had heard many thousands of times in his head, but had never actually heard spoken outside of telepathy before. He recognized it instantly as Alyssa's, but it sounded strangely nervous to him, almost as if she were afraid of him.

"Don't turn around." She spoke softly. "I need to tell you something before you do."

Not wanting to deny her request, Jason nodded, relaxing his shoulders and letting out a sigh of relief that she was actually back. At the very least, he would not be alone anymore, for which he was exceedingly grateful to her.

"Okay Alyssa." he replied softly.

"I've done something." Alyssa admitted, her voice drenched in worry that made Jason want to turn around on the spot to see for himself, but as per her request, he stood still.

"I need you to hear what I have to say before you see what I've done, so please, just listen for a little longer. I- Jason, I love you."

Upon hearing those words, Jason could almost feel himself lifting off the ground in elation, and he so sorely wanted to punch the air triumphantly, but his beautiful mare seemed to be really struggling with something at the moment, and he really didn't want to break her confidence.

"Alyssa-," He started, ready to return the sentiment.

"Please let me finish." She interrupted, though not with any irritance or insistence in her voice, more like an honest request. "I love you Jason, and I mean that as more than a friend, more than I've ever loved anyone else. You're handsome, and kind, and patient, and I honestly want you to be my mate. Please will you be my stallion? I've already tried to be the female you want in your heart."

"Alyssa-," Jason tried to start again hoping to assure her he felt the same. His heart was pounding harder than a drum.

"Let me finish! It's just a few more words now, and it's hard for me to talk like this in the first place." She said quickly cutting him off again. "I - I know that no matter how much you might have liked me, you could never love me like as that little mare Unicorn as I was too close to an animal, we aren't the same species and I just I know you couldn't bring yourself to do something with a creature so far removed from your own kind. I have fixed this though. That's what I was doing in the time I was gone. I asked for the elders to turn me into a human for you. It worked only hallway, I am still not human, but I truly believe that I am human enough to please you as a female should. I just want a chance to prove you should be with me-,"

Jason cut her off breaking both her rules about not moving and letting her finish, turning quickly and pressing a kiss to her lips that silenced her immediately. "You never needed to change." He whispered pulling away from her for a moment. "I love you too Alyssa. I have for a long time now; I just never thought you'd want me in return."

"Of course I do! Jason you're perfect!" she exclaimed.

"You never needed to change." He repeated pulling her into a warm hug. "I love the unicorn I've gotten to know. If you are happy with what you've become then so am I, but if you want to change back then I will support you just the same. I love you so much."

Hesitantly he kissed the side of her neck, feeling her pulse beneath her skin with his lips, closing his eyes to revel in the moment. He'd got permission to go this far with her, and wasn't going to waste it with meandering about until he felt like it.

In response, Alyssa giggled and reluctantly pushed him away, stepping back and moving into an erotic pose she had seen in a wallpaper Jason had used on his phone. She positioned her right hand behind her head and used her left to grasp her left breast, squeezing the large white-furred globe teasingly for him. She also made sure to stand with her legs spread apart to give him a clear view of her vaginal folds.

"See anything you like?" Alyssa teased him, shaking her wide hips at him as she spoke, playfully hefting the breast in her hand as well.

Jason, now virtually drooling at the gorgeous lithe Unicorn morph, couldn't see anything he didn't like. She still had all of the traits from being a Unicorn that made her beautiful, like her long white hair/mane, her tail and her luscious fur, but now she had all the traits that a human woman longed to have, like her big natural boobs that sported cute pink nipples, her large and irresistibly firm backside, narrow waist and sleek thighs.

"Mind if I see you from behind as well?" he found himself saying before he could stop the message from reaching his mouth. He gulped as to his astonishment, Alyssa did precisely as she was bid, turning about, bending forwards and raising her tail out of the way to give him and unrestricted view of her large white ass, her pair of strong horse cheeks hanging there like ripe apples just waiting to be tasted. When she noticed his lusty stare, she even started wiggling her ample bottom at him complete with a coy wag of her tail, not paying any mind to just how much of her he could see from her lewd pose.

Unable to resist the temptation anymore, Jason stepped closer, eyes locked onto the beautiful naked mare as he pulled his shirt over his head as he approached, throwing it to the side carelessly. Not wasting any time, he reached his arms around her stomach and pulled her back up into a standing position, cuddling her warmly from behind. Alyssa then decided to surprise him once again, gently taking one of his hands and moving up to her breasts where she pushed it firmly against one of the hefty globes, encouraging him to fondle it. Who was he to deny her such a request?

Without any move to stop him, or indeed any sign of discomfort at all from Alyssa, Jason softly squeezed and kneaded her large breast under his fingers, while his eager mare made cute murmurs of pleasure at his ministrations while she grinded her butt back against his clothed crotch.

"Isn't this rather unfair that you get to see all of me and I can only see the top half of you? *Mmmmhh* At least let me see what your human male parts look like, I've been ever so curious Jason." Alyssa pouted to him as he worked, feeling the hard bulge in his pants grow larger and harder as she urged him on.

"Lie down on the grass for me Alyssa, and I'll show you that and more." he replied heatedly in her ear, simultaneously tweaking her vulnerable pink nipple between his finger and thumb for good measure.

Eager to see him in full glory, the buxom white furred mare complied once Jason had removed his wandering hands from her sleek form, lying down on the soft grass beneath her and spreading her legs wide to show him just what his ministrations had done with her womanhood.

"Oh dear god that's hot." Jason said as he fumbled with his belt, wanting to be rid of his pants as much as Alyssa wished the same.

"It's all yours Jason, and yours alone." she answered huskily, "Now show me what's mine."

Not three seconds later, Jason finally rid himself of his blasted belt, pulling the infernal thing out of the straps of his black trousers and throwing it down next to his shirt. With the rational part of his brain well and truly shut down thanks to the emotional high he was riding knowing that Alyssa loved him in return, he didn't really care for taking things slowly anymore, and hurriedly pulled down his trousers and underwear in one smooth movement, leaving his rock hard human member bobbing proudly in the air for Alyssa to see while he tossed the remainder of his clothes away carelessly.

"Oh my! It's such a wonderful shape, and it's so thick all the way along." The beautiful mare on the ground said in genuine curiosity, "What's the darker, wider bit at the end for? Stallions don't have that."

Taken aback by the sudden question, Jason considered it for a few seconds, unable to find any answer at all from what he could remember.

"To be honest, I have no idea, I never really thought about it before. That part is the most sensitive bit though. Anyway, enough about that, I promised to please you Alyssa, and I intend to do just that."

Alyssa watched nervously as the young man knelt down in front of her, reaching his hands out and lightly running his fingers along her thighs for a few moments, earning a few squeaks from her in the process. They were currently inside a synthetic magic world where the sun never set, and it only ever rained while you were away, giving the aroused human no reason to hurry, and allowing him to savour the beautiful new body of the already radiant unicorn her had come to know.

The young white mare on the receiving end of his inquisitive fingers began blushing furiously as she realised how clearly he could see what effect he was having on her, the slightly parted pink lips of her vagina now steadily dripping in open view of him. Little by little, his hands drew closer and closer to the growing dampness between her legs, making the vulnerable female start to whine in frustration as she mentally urged them to reach their destination faster.

Then, to her utter astonishment, she felt his hands change direction, moving underneath her firm bottom to give her broad cheeks a gentle squeeze, and making not move to resume their journey towards her womanhood. She was about to voice her complaint when the largest shot of pleasure she could ever remember experiencing wracked her body, easily dwarfing her first encounter with masturbation not long ago; looking down between her legs, she could hardly believe her eyes as she watched Jason contently lick at her wet folds.

She made no witty remarks or even voiced her surprise, the only sounded coming out of her mouth being raunchy moans and gasps as she found herself unable to do anything but lay back and experience this paralysing good feeling Jason was giving her. She'd never even heard of a stallion using is tongue for a female's pleasure before now, and was completely unprepared for the sensation of his warm dexterous tongue wriggling inside her passage; already she could feel the same sensations building up deep inside her that she'd felt when she rubbed herself there, but now it felt so much warmer. This was something being done purely to please her by the male that she loved, and he hadn't so much as grumbled or hesitated in his task since he started.

Soon enough, she felt her body coming right to the brink of that huge high that she remembered, so close that she was physically shivering in anticipation. Then with a deft flick of his tongue over her clitoris, Jason sent Alyssa tumbling into bliss, her feminine juices squiring all over his face. He didn't pull away or stop his work with his tongue during her orgasm, determined that her first one with him should be as perfect as he could get it. Nearly a full minute passed before the curvy white mare calmed down, her bountiful bust raising and lowering with her chest as she tried to get her breath back after such an intense experience.

"*hah**hah* Wow, I didn't know that humans did something that felt this good to each other when they mated *hah*" Alyssa panted.

Happy that he'd pleased her, Jason replied in earnest, "You're very welcome Alyssa. It's not something that every human will do, although there are many who will ask for it to be done to them."

"Really? *hah* but isn't it unfair if one of you does that and your partner refuses to return the favour?" the white mare asked in response.

"Yes, it is, but it's not always that simple. Sometimes the idea of performing it disgusts one of us but we are unable to deny how good it feels to have it done to us, although there admittedly are some that are simply selfish."

"One of us? So is there a version of it that can be done to males as well?"

"Sure there is, but why do you ask Alyssa?"

"Can't you guess?" the white mare replied with a coy expression, pushing Jason back up into a sitting position with surprising strength with new arms.

"Wait, what? Are you sure you want to do that? Men aren't the same as women when we reach our limit Alyssa, we leave much more of a mess." Jason warned her, not wanting her to have her first experience ruined by trying out something that really didn't turn out well. Considering that she seemed so oblivious to this even being done before, she probably wouldn't even know what to do, and the innocent little mare would blame herself if anything went wrong.

"I know Jason" she replied with a bright smile on her face, "but I want to try it. I'm sure that you can teach me how to do a good job, and if we didn't do it now I would just ask to do it later anyway."

Turned on by her straightforward answer, the young man felt his hard-on throb in arousal, willing him to stop arguing and let her do as she wished.

"You're going to get me in so much trouble Alyssa." He said with a resigned sigh, spreading his own legs to give her better access to his manhood.

Taking great care, Alyssa reached her hands out to feel his hard member, making sure to keep the pressure she applied very light on his sensitive skin. With one hand she took hold of his shaft and began to gently stroke it, while her other hand went down to softly cup his ball sack. Leaning her head forwards, the white mare felts last minute nerves try to kick in, telling her that her complete lack of practice would just leave Jason disappointed. However, she beat them down and lent in closer still opening her mouth and extending her tongue towards his pulsing male organ and tracing one of the beating arteries with her wet appendage. His pleasured moan at the contact told her that this was a welcome feeling for him.

She loved the sound of his heavy breathing as she gradually established a steady rhythm of licking up the underside of his shaft while she tenderly fondled his testes, keeping his steady with her other hand. After a while she noticed that a clear fluid was starting to leak from the tip, and without thinking she moved her head up and licked it off. Jason's loud moan almost frightened her initially, fearing that she'd accidentally hurt him, but then she remembered what he'd told her about that part of him being very sensitive. Deciding to be even more careful, she very slowly swirled her tongue of the purple tip of his cock, earning a near-unending groan from him.

Alyssa felt overjoyed that her attempts to please him were actually paying off, but she still wanted to bring him to the same peak that she had felt. If licking alone would only bring him this far then she needed to find something else to do for him. Thinking back to his oral work on her, she remembered that he had inserted his tongue inside her, mimicking what he wanted to do to her with his manhood, so what if she put his thing inside her mouth to try and copy the feeling of her womanhood? Going by his heavier breathing, it wouldn't be that much longer before he reached his limit, and she really wanted to return the gesture that he'd shown her by pleasing her first.

Taking the process really slowly to make sure she didn't graze him with her teeth, she slipped his thick penis up along her tongue and past the lips of her mouth, making Jason gasp as he felt the warmth and wetness engulf his member as she descended. Once he was fully lodged inside her hot muzzle, she began to lick him once again, feeling his cock beginning to drip the same clear fluids that it had done before. She also moved her mouth up and down his member while she worked, hoping to massage his manhood with her lips as well. Just as she felt him start to throb inside her mouth, a thought occurred to her. If his semen was going to come out of the tip of his cock like it did for stallions, then perhaps she could suck it out and make his orgasm better? All it took was that first tentative suckle once her lips formed a seal around his base, and Jason lost it. Gritting his teeth together, he felt his cock shoot out volley after volley of his potent white sperm directly into his beautiful white mare's awaiting mouth, where she rolled the fluid around on her tongue for a few moments before swallowing them, eager to prove that she was capable of dealing with whatever her mate could ask of her.

Once he was done firing his seed over the back of her throat, Alyssa pulled back, a small strand of cum connecting her lips to his softening cock, which she quickly licked into her mouth.

"*hah**hah* Oh my god Alyssa...*hah*...That was incredible..." Jason managed to speak between breaths.

"Thank you Jason, I'm glad you enjoyed it." Alyssa replied, "But your male thing has gone soft, does that mean you're tired?"

"Oh no it doesn't" Jason quickly urged, although admittedly a little embarrassed at that little part of human anatomy known as the gestation period, "It's just that whenever a human male ejecula - erm, when he squirts his stuff out, it takes a little bit before he's able to get hard again."

"Oh, so you're just like our stallions then!" the white mare said excitedly. Before he could even ask what she was doing, a small blue light began shining on the tip of her horn as a tiny pocket of magic began to gather. A few seconds later, the small bubble of blue energy detached itself from her horn, fluttering around in the air in a similar manner to an infant firefly before landing upon his manhood, whereupon it disappeared almost instantaneously. Jason was left musing at this display for about three seconds when his penis suddenly shot to attention in a comically fast manner, actually startling him with its fast response.

"Whoa! How did you-"

"Simple blood flow magic." Alyssa stated calmly, "Most of our elders live to be nearly 500 years old and breeding is one of their favourite activities given their longevity, but after a while the male stallions can have problems with their bodies not being able to perform anymore, so they use magic to lend a helping hand. It's one of the earliest spells known to Unicorns anywhere."

*If all the mares look like you Alyssa, then I can certainly see why* Jason thought to himself.

"*giggle* Thank you for the compliment Jason." The little white mare said, catching him off guard, "And no, I'm not always reading your thoughts, just when I think you're too polite to say something out loud."

"Well then Alyssa, allow me to say this out loud." Jason countered, leaning in close to her again and taking one of her hands in his as their eyes met, "May I make love to you, my gorgeous mare?"

"Of course, Jason." Alyssa replied, her cheeks flushed a deep rose colour at his request.

Pushing her back down into the soft grass by her shoulders, Jason manoeuvred himself into position on top of her, the gorgeous mare spread eagle beneath him in the missionary position as she awaited his pleasure. To his delight, as he reached down to line himself up with his target, Alyssa reached her hands down and spread her dripping lips open for him, giving him a very clear view of what he was aiming for.

They both gasped in unison as Jason's cock made contact with her womanhood, reminding them of just what they were doing; just a few moments later, the young man pushed himself forwards, carried on by the long languid moan coming from the white mare beneath him as he felt her velvet-like vagina engulf his hard manhood inch by wonderful inch. He was careful to move slowly, as he could feel her clenching around him involuntarily, and didn't want to hurt her. Eventually, he felt his hips bump into hers, also feeling the walls of her cervix brushing against his tip as he remained embedded within her for a few moments while she adjusted to having him within her. For a few moments he wondered why he hadn't encountered her hymen on the way in, but then remembered that her entire new body had been created by one of the Unicorns own spells, so he could hardly expect her to have many human drawbacks remaining.

A minute or so after he first entered her, the beautiful white mare beneath him looked up into his eyes and gave him a brief nod, pressing her head against his chest affectionately as she felt him slowly draw his manhood back out of her now that he had be given the go ahead to make love to her. With a quick movement of his hips, Jason thrust his entire member back into her just as he was about to withdraw completely, causing his voluptuous lover to moan loudly as her large white boobs pressed firmly against his chest. As he began to establish as steady rhythm of driving his cock inside her previously virgin treasure, he felt her hardened nipples rubbing against his chest as he moved, always accompanied by her cute little moans and gasps.

Truth be told, Jason still wasn't convinced that this was truly happening; he was performing one of his most erotic fantasies with his dream girl who had gone out of her way to change her body just to suit a human's sexual tastes, but he couldn't bear to question it. To wake up right now, to find that it was someone else beneath him instead of her, that would be too cruel of a joke for anyone to play on him.

"Oh Jason! *Mmh!**Mmh!**Aaah!* I wanted this...*Uugh!*...for so long now...*Mmh!**Mmh!*...since that day we...*Mmh!*...met in the park over a year ago...*Aahh!*..." Alyssa moaned to him, she too also finding it hard to grasp this dream-like situation.

It was all the proof Jason needed to hear, the young man leaning his head down to softly kiss her on the forehead as he worked her, pumping his manhood in and out of her with hard yet measured thrusts. A few minutes later, when he felt himself getting close to his climax, and noticed that Alyssa seemed to be getting close too, he came up with an idea on how to finish up their first time perfectly.

"Hey Alyssa?" he whispered hotly into her ear, his hard penis still doing a very good job of stirring up her insides, as the wet sounds emanating from where their crotches met attested.

"*Aaahhhh!!*...yes Jason?" she replied, far too enraptured in what he was doing to her to put a long sentence together.

"We've come this far doing it like humans." Jason pointed out, "How about we finish off by doing like a Unicorn couple?"

Beneath him Alyssa looked him in eyes to check he was serious, and although he couldn't feel it he was sure that she was checking his thoughts with that mental power of hers, and then eagerly nodded her head.

"Yes, please take me like I'm your mare Jason."

Reluctantly, Jason slowed his thrusts down, giving her one last deep and hard thrust before her pulled out, his painfully erect cock bobbing to full attention as the female Unicorns sexual juices poured down its pulsing length. Without a word needing to be said, Alyssa quickly turned herself onto her front and pushed herself up onto her hands and knees with her large round butt pointed directly at the aroused human male behind her.

Wiggling her firm bottom in front of him for a few seconds, she raised her tail out of the way and parted her taught cheeks with her hands, giving him an utterly unhindered view of her 'goodies'.

"Jason" she begged him, "Breed me!"

His manhood was lined up at her drenched pink entrance before she could even finish her plea, and to her great relief he gripped her ass with both hands the next second, ramming his entire hard length all the way inside her. This time he wasn't gentle with her, he was like an animal rutting wildly into a female that he had earned the right to keep for his own, and in turn, Alyssa moaned out for him, thrust her bottom back against him and clenched her vaginal walls around his hardness to give him every reason to keep going. She adored every hard impact of his hips against her rear end, revelling in the fact that she had been able to bring out such a primal side of him with her new body. Her large tits swung heavily beneath her as Jason pounded away at her, the impressive mammaries almost reaching her face on several occasions.

She could feel that he was getting close after just a few minutes, but considering his performance in their fun thus far (including introducing her to sex involving mouth parts) she was hardly disappointed, especially since she was even closer to her peak than he was. The white mare could actually see what it looked like to hump her through his eyes, his thick male organ disappearing again and again between the tight pink lips nestled between her white butt-cheeks, and mentally willed him on further, sending him raunchy messages through her telepathic magic. Whether or not she could actually bear children in this form was something she had forgotten to ask the elders, and going further she had forgotten to research whether a hybrid body could actually carry the child of a human male, but she sorely wanted to find out. She yearned for him to inseminate her, to put her body to its natural use and give her what only a male could.

"*Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-* Ja-son! *Ah-Ah-Ah* Please, Don't h- *Ah* hold back any more. Just cum for me, cum inside me! Give me all the children you can!" she virtually screamed, her own orgasm triggered by his vigorous thrusting just seconds later. The feeling of her already tight vaginal passage clamping down on his cock, combined with her deliciously indecent request was more than Jason, or pretty much any heterosexual male in his situation, could handle. Just a few hard thrusts later, he buried himself as deeply inside her vaginal canal as her could, squashing her firm ass right up against his toned abdomen as he felt his cock fire its first heavy jet of his sperm within Alyssa. His gorgeous mare wailed in pleasure as he came, loving the sense of completion that came with the easily recognisable warmth that his dispensed into her, the thick and sticky fluid coating every available surface within her while her own juices sprayed out over her male's crotch.

Eventually, Jason's genitals could produce no more sperm to spray inside her, and the flow of white fluid ceased as his cock began to soften. Beneath him, Alyssa sighed as she finally allowed her muscles to relax, her roughly messed up hair, sweat slicked skin and white-juice-stained thighs clearly announcing that she had been taken roughly by her mate, and loved every second of it.

For many minutes nothing was said, with no words needed to convey their feelings to each other. Jason softly stroked her rear end with his hands, soothing the small nagging ache that his constant thrusts against it had built up. Through her mental magic, she could feel exactly how he felt about her right now; such an overwhelmingly warm feeling always seemed to emanate from him when they were together, but now they had mated, he practically glowed, perfectly content with his lot in the world. Thinking back to her final tease for a moment, she realised that she had meant what she said by begging Jason to get her pregnant. If she was unable to carry his children in her current body then she would continue researching all the magic she could until she could make it possible. She could think of no greater honour in the entire world than being the mother of his children.

She was about to speak up and confess this desire to breed with him when she felt the clear shape of his newly re-harden penis stirring within her. The confession died on her lips as her virile mate began humping her again at a slow and comfortable pace, just enjoying the sensations of being inside his woman, and wanting to make this second time with her last. Alyssa could think of no reason to stop him. He would be there when she woke up if she happened to pass out from the pleasure he was giving her, and if she needed to rest, she knew he would allow her to. He knew that she needed him to prove how desirable she was, and would prove it as many times as his body could handle. She was his, and he was hers in return.

For hours afterwards they remained in that meadow, mating in countless different positions as time wore on, but with Alyssa never once asking him to withdraw himself from her womanhood as he climaxed, silently wishing his sperm good luck on their journey inside her womb to fertilise her. All around them was scenery conjured up from countless centuries of magical research and the imaginations of all the species that dwelled there in the breathing echo meadow, but even the most glorious of the views around them was nothing compared to the deep satisfaction they got from looking into each other's eyes. They left all concerns about the world outside forgotten for the moment as they vented themselves upon each other, each one only requiring the other in their lives to be happy.

The End.

For now...

Jason & The Unicorn Ch. 4

(Warning: the following work of fiction contains scenes and actions of a sexually explicit nature, and should not be viewed unless you are of the legal age to view pornographic material in your country, state, county, town, space station or otherwise....

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Biker Pressure (Commission from Iscin)

# Renstacks The bar is at the centre of a remote town; the town itself surrounded by a dusty orange desert that goes on for miles in all directions. Despite its isolated nature the town, called Renstacks by its founders, and its people are not the...

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Summer Heat

The wind tore through the trees below me as I stood atop the cliff proudly surveying the wilderness. As of sunrise I was an adult and the forest was my domain as much as it was my father's. The day's breeze carried with it an interesting scent, one...

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