Employee of the Month-Part 2

Story by Gerrark on SoFurry

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#2 of Employee of the Month

It was so stiflingly hot, why did the air conditioning ducts go to every 'room except for this one? "Tap-tap-tap" went Lucky's pen on the side of his chair as he tried to do anything to keep himself awake, the oppressive heat in the 'room wearing down his resistance against Mr. Morgans's unbelievably boring voice. The fox had to wonder whether or not he kept that tone of voice hidden deep within, for occasions like this one.

"And we need to make sure we're getting exact numbers when we count stock on Friday nights people. I don't want any guesses, I don't want approximations, I want to know how much of everything we have. If you have to count five or six times just to make sure, then do it. I don't want to hear whining about dates or parties or any other crap."

The fox was losing his battle, the words starting to lose their meaning as the drone just filtered into his head, his eyes drooping a bit. He was supposed to be at full attention, being a good example for the others. After all, he was one of the two night managers! But as he looked over, he saw the other night manager (A female cheetah with the oddest lisp.) beginning to nod off as well, the last of his willpower draining away, and his eyes closing, the last thing he would hear being something about "spending far too much time in the bathroom".

"Well, I'm sure Mr. Rhodale can tell us the answer to that can't he?"

The fox woke with a start, his fur standing up for a moment in shock. Feeling a sudden strong paw grip his shoulder tightly, the fox looked up from the brown furred hand, trailing up to the face of his boss, Mr. Morgans. The 'roo looking far more intimidating than usual, most likely due to his large round belly was pressing against the side of his muzzle, his entire form seeming far larger than the diminutive fox while he sat and the other stood.

"Err, well, I, ummm... I mean, well..." The fox had straightened himself up by now, his green ears flicking again as he searched desperately for an answer, and for that matter, the question to accompany it. His eyes met those of fellow co-workers, and he received no help at all. Some were still fighting narcolepsy caused by the heat and their boss, others were just staring into space, and a few here and there were covering their muzzles with their paws, cracking up with laughter. A quick sidelong glance to his cheetah cohort gave him nothing but a shrug and a pained look of apology, as it was obvious she just perked up as well. The fox was screwed.

"Well, it's that umm-" A sharp squeeze to his shoulder told him to silence himself, the fox's ears falling a bit in embarrassment, as the kangaroo's dark eyes stared back at him, a bit amused, even if his frown said otherwise.

"It seems you weren't paying any attention any Rhodale, so perhaps you should set a better example for the rest of the employees hmm? Now, does anyone else when the company party is? No?" Mr. Morgans gripped his subordinate's shoulder a little roughly once more, his tail even moving stealthily behind him to brush and rub against the fox's for a moment. "Well, I know it's hot and boring, but these meetings are important, no matter the conditions. And the party is this weekend, Saturday, at my home. You've all received your flyers, so you should know what's necessary, and what will not be allowed." His eyes changed from amusement in the fox's direction, to a glare directed at the crowd, making his thoughts to all under his gaze quite clear, even if unspoken. "Mess up my house and you'll regret it."

The pink tinge of embarrassment still not yet gone from the fox's green ears, he continued to sit straight up even as the paw left his shoulder, hoping the sweat would stop coming soon, else his smock would be soaked and pretty stinky. Plus his diminutive black-gloved paws wouldn't stop gripping his chair, the fox still on pins and needles. So much so, he wasn't paying attention once more, because before he knew it, chairs were being pushed back upon the floor, and various furries were making their way hastily for the exit.

"No, please stay here for a bit Mr. Rhodale," Lucky's exodus was halted by the firm paw on his shoulder once again, the rough paw kneading through his soft fur, the fox having to sit and watch sorrowfully as everyone else quickly left them alone. At which point Mr. Morgans followed the other night manager as she left, who seemed like she was trying to stay behind. "We're fine Ms. Bailey." He locked the door swiftly behind her, and slowly turned back to look at Lucky, who was sitting in his seat, not too nervous anymore. He was already figuring out Mr. Morgans's plan when he heard him lock the door, but when he saw the lusty smirk on the slightly graying 'roo muzzle, he knew he wasn't hear for a lecture, but instead to make sure he kept in his boss's good graces.

"Well, I suppose I should give you a warning, since you're supposed to set an example, and instead you're falling asleep in front of everyone while I'm talking." The kangaroo had made his way slowly over to the fox while he spoke, his big foot paws making a soft "thump" with every step from his thick sandals. "But I'm in a good mood, and you're going to make it up to me anyway." His muzzle was only inches from the fox's long snout, their noses touching for a moment as the big 'roo orbs stared down the smaller fox eyes.

His paws moving on their own, as he knew what he'd have to do like he did every time they where alone like this, his little nimble paw digits undoing the top button of the 'roo's khakis, the limp marsupial dick greeting him as he slid the pants down. "Don't I always make it up to you though sir?" He chuckled and brushed a dainty paw over the organ while his other paw cupped his large sac, bouncy the furry thing in his paw.

"Well, you are going to give me your daily suck," the 'roo chuckled throatily, that big strong paw returning to Lucky's jaw, forcing it up so that he'd stare at his grinning muzzle instead of his quickly perking cock. "But I mean this Saturday. You're coming to the party Lucky, I hope you know that."

The fox stopped moving, one paw still gripping the hard 'roo member while the other cupped his nuts, but he had a bit of a look of bewilderment on his muzzle, his ears twitching again.

"But I work that night, don't I?" He sounded a bit confused, and thick tail had stopped wagging at this point, the bottlebrush limb hanging limply behind him.

"Oh, you did," Mr. Morgans husky tone lowering as his muzzle did, to give Lucky another close stare. "But Donna is filling in for you that night, so you can celebrate with me. Aaahh yes, and-" His tail snaked around, catching the fox off guard, as the heavy serpentine thing gave Lucky's triangle ear a teasing brush. "Let your 'roommate know you won't be coming back to the dorm Saturday night."

The fox gulped, the bottom of his stomach seeming to drop out for a moment, while Mr. Morgans's tail replaced his paw, breaking the fox from his daze by stroking the large ear, eliciting a little groan from Lucky's muzzle. The raised brow on the 'roo's head indicating that he should be answering. "Oh, yeah, ummm, alright. Why though Mr. M-"

"If you're going to be spending the night, then you better start calling me Rex, because that's my name, Lucky." He laughed and moved his paw around the longer vulpine muzzle, on top now, and forcing his head down into his crotch, the meaty 'roo dick quite hard, and even leaking a bit of clear pre, since the beginning of their conversation. "Now do something better with that muzzle of yours and get to work, we've both been in here too long already."

And the fox did as he was told, the fears and curiosity in his mind pushed back for now, while he began to give him another closed door blowjob.

Lucky strode around the side of the large suburban abode, heading towards the dimmed lights of the backyard, and chattering party-goers. The fox was almost an hour late, which meant he only had a couple more hours to enjoy it.

The fox went to great lengths to impress, his brand new polo shirt tucked tight into his khakis, the tightly fitting shirt showing off his lithe and small form quite nicely, each slender curve shown off under the light blue fabric. His pants though, while also a tiny bit too small, showed off far more than the shirt, because instead of pulling up the hole in the back of his pants around his tail, he let the pants simply sit below it, causing just the tiniest bit of his curved rear to show against his tucked in shirt fabric. His feet were actually bare, as he could never find sandals that he liked, and since he wasn't at work, he didn't need to wear them. And although his usual rainbow ring necklace did not adorn his small neck, he had his lucky clover earring in his right ear as usual, completing his preppy, albeit playful, ensemble.

Of course, no matter how good he looked, showing up so late that the term "fashionably" gave way to "Rudeness of a titanic proportion" did not spare him from the purposefully embarrassing hug he was ambushed with by Mr. Morgans, or rather, Rex. Lifting the fox up with power that belied his staunch physique, the 'roo held him in quite the bear hug, causing snickers from adjacent partygoers to be heard. His belly really seemed bigger than usual when he was being pressed against the pudgy thing.

"Well, you're not usually this late Mr. Rhodale, but I suppose since you finally decided to grace all of us with your presence, you can help me clean up the party afterwards hmm?"

For a moment, the fox thought he was truly being punished for showing up so late, but then he remember the 'roo's earlier words, and he began to speak, even if it included a bit of a squeak (Being bear hugged in such a way made it a lot harder than he realized to draw adequate breath.).

"N-no problem s-sir..." He gasped a little again, not really afraid of asphyxia, but getting quite uncomfortable physically, while more party began to notice and stare, not helping his social comfort levels either.

"Come now, we're not at work Lucky, call me Rex like everyone else," he said with a chortle, finally setting the fox down, Lucky instinctively grabbing Rex's arm (despite how many more glances that would warrant) to steady himself, as all the blood rushed to his head.

"But didn't you just call me Mr. Rhodale earli-" the fox was cut off again though, as he was clapped heartily in the back, a swift but elusive rub to his back given before the marsupial paw left his shirt.

"Don't be such a buzz kill Lucky, now go get yourself a drink and a hot dog or something, and come back to the conversation, Larry was just about to tell us a very good story about some bunny bitch working the gas station register."

So, after scampering off to the food table, saying hello to work friends here and then, he soon reappeared with a Dr. Pepper and a hot dog, Larry (the one of the few accountants) already going on about how this bunny in question accidentally sold a six pack of beer to a 12-year-old.

But the fox wasn't especially interested in the story. No, he was looking at Rex, noticing him for the first time not as his much older boss, or a (literal and not figuratively) big 'roo dick, but a guy, and in his own way, an attractive one.

The most noticeable thing about him was his shirt, for while everyone else was trying to look professionally casual, the kangaroo had opted for an almost "big fat party animal look", so much of the phrase literal especially due to the fact that the shirt was one of those tacky Hawaiian ones. To go with the untucked but still button up shirt was a pair of cargo shorts, and then a far less business-y pair of sandals, these actually bright green, which really made the 'roo look more like he should be enjoying a day at the beach, rather than a backyard party. His large outfit rested comfortably on his body though, his large and powerful marsupial legs moving up to his fittingly large 'roo belly. Which, although was bigger than anyone else's, it fit him due to his species, and the powerful presence he exuded. And as usual, his too small spectacles adorned his smallish snout, causing the fox to wonder once more whether or not he really needed the things.

As he continued to take in the form of his boss, he was going to town on his hotdog, not even noticing that he wasn't chewing so much as sucking on half the dog and bun, his tongue nimbly moving between the meat and bread. And he continued to taste the meat in this interesting way until his little foot paw was stepped on gently by the giant 'roo foot, the fox yipping a bit and biting done on the dog, realizing what he did, and starting to finally pay attention to the story.

The rest of the night went without any disasters of any sort, or anything interesting either for that matter. He mingled amongst the groups of people, finding that many of his co-workers were either A: slightly more fun than they were at work. B: slightly more annoying than they are at work, or finally, C: just as damn boring as they are at work. He was sure this was making the night go slower, but before he knew it, about two and a half hours had gone by, it was getting on 11 o' clock, and only the furries still about were those who were especially close friends with Rex, still slightly tipsy, or not "with it" enough to have anything better parties to go to on a Saturday night.

Eventually even these crowds began to thin, with all but one of the furries gone, some skunk that Lucky did not recognize. So he took stock of the area, knowing that he was asked to stay and clean not necessarily because of clean-up, but he was quite sure he'd be doing so anyway. After overhearing what sounded like a little bit of cajoling and an exasperated sigh, the skunk left Rex's side with a bottle of gin, leaving the two finally quite alone.

"So, uhhh, Mr. Morgans... Well, I mean, Rex... Where should we start-" There was a clap on his shoulders that cut him off, and although it still had that dominating firmness that made the fox's pine colored ears habitually lower, it did have a bit of gentleness to it, causing his muscles to gradually relax.

"It's Rex, Lucky, just Rex, and you're going to help me clean up, yes, but first we're going to relax a little. You never seem to do so, and I'm going to change that tonight."

But before the fox could ask how or why, he was being lifted up roughly once more in an odd bear hug sort of movement, the 'roo going only a little distance to his patio deck, before sitting the fox back down upon his footpads. He watched as Rex moved over to an odd octagon shaped black platform that he hadn't seem to notice until right now, and as the marsupial drew back the aforementioned cover, the shape revealed as a wood adorned hot tub. The top was already starting to bubble a bit from the heat and the jets, looking like a pot for making soup. He must have turned it on before he picked Lucky up, it seems.

"Now, I can't promise there's no peeping toms, but quite frankly, I don't care, and neither should you." Lucky was on the verge of questioning the enigmatic statement, when he eyes drew away from the bubbling broth, suddenly transfixed upon the 'roo's bare back, shirt and glasses askew on the patio deck, when his pants suddenly followed suit, the bulky marsupial rear and thick tail staring back at him.

"It's flattering that you want to stare, but shouldn't you be getting more comfortable Lucky? I'm sure you didn't bring your bathing suit, and it'd be a shame to get those good clothes ruined" he said softly, the fox shaking himself and nodding. If the prospect of his boss fucking him silly in the luxurious hot tub was the issue, he would have likely agreed and removed his clothing anyway, for his reason made sense, but other point made sense too. For even if it was just a playful ruse , he had all the reason he needed, and soon his orange furred chest was being exposed to the cool night air as well, his unbuttoned shirt being almost ripped off. His small chest nubs were quite hard from the cold already by the time his pants were slipping away, and they were teased quite unmercifully by the dexterous kangaroo tail swishing by as the kangaroo slowly sauntered by, his large body slipping beneath the now frothing surface of the water. Skimming along the edge so that he sat staring back at the slightly shivering fox, he moved his paw forward to beckon him, that powerful smirk once again on Rex's muzzle.

Lucky just sat there for a moment, staring back at Rex as he walked by, dipped himself into the water, and even know as he almost felt the electricity in the air, the simple gesture of his paw almost like an invocation for charging the air with the palpable tension. This should have been no different, he made the old 'roo orgasm more times than he could count at this point, watch that aged muzzle tilt back in a moan of ecstasy more times than was healthy probably... But this whole situation was a lot different, because even though he was bound to make Rex empty himself once more, there was a different feeling involved, a feeling that would-

"Hey, come on Lucky, hop in this tub before you catch a cold, this is an order from your boss." Rex chuckled that deep chuckle, beckoning once more, next to him.

Finally pushing all his thoughts aside, the Lucky quickly made his way to the hot tub, and upon a ginger test of the water with his hind paw, he learned that the water was a far better choice than the cold air that was making his plush fur stand on end, and he slipped himself in as silently as a snake.

"There you go, finally..." Rex whispered, having slid around the edge again and seeming to appear behind the fox. Once again, for his form, the fox was surprised by the feats the other could pull off. But he had little time to ponder this, as he was soon pulled into the other's lap with a yip, the rough marsupial paws working his shoulders over once again.

"That's it, just relax foxie, don't be so tense, just lay back and relax," Rex whispered once more, his hot breath brushing powerfully over one of the fox's ears, the thing flicking, all of his hair and muscles almost instantly becoming limp and relaxed. The strong paws had soon vacated his shoulders, and were now moving down to his chest, drawing circles around the still tense nipples, the vulpine moaning under his breath for a moment as his muzzle scrunched up in pleasure. And he continued to tease and rub, draw slow, sensual circles around the sensitive flesh until the fox finally let out an accidental and loud yip, the kangaroo taking that as an indicator that he needed to move on.

Lucky was laying more comfortably against the big belly with each passing moment, his own flat stomach rubbed now, a digit poking inside of his tiny belly button. The large front of his 'roo superior was a lot more comfy than he would have expected, for while many big stomachs (Rex certainly wasn't the first big tummy'd guy he fooled around with) could be unyielding and uncomfortable, this one was almost like sinking into a been bag chair, the fox's body almost completely out of his control at this point due to the other's skillful bodily machinations. Which is why he was quite surprised when a paw closed around his fox dick, not even feeling that he got so hard so quickly. Shifting a bit in his grip now, he reached for something to grip, and found that "something", the big chubby 'roo meat that lay sandwiched between his back and the other's belly. How long had that been there?

"Oh, look at what you've found," Rex purred into the fox's large ear, giving his cocktip a teasing little flick, quite the feeling even underwater for the tortured fox. "A paw job underwater does sound pretty hot, but I had something special planned for tonight..." His tone implied lust, seduction, and most of all, finality, which the fox understood when he suddenly felt himself hoisted up slightly underwater, the thick dick of his boss slipping between his cheeks easily to probe his tailstar.

"Ever taken it up the ass Lucky?" the kangaroo asked, playing and teasing as usual, though he did have a bit of concern in his voice, belied by the way his fat head kept probing and testing the tight fox rear.

The fox took a moment to respond, speaking in a bit of a whimpery voice, his body no longer languid and relaxed, but tensed up considerably, his asscheeks trying to squeeze hard to repel the intruder. "I-I've practiced a lot you know... with dildos... Never actually though... Nnnnn..." His muzzle screwed up as the 'roo tip threatened to pop past his entrance, before it retracted, Rex moaning as well.

"Well, that's too bad, so this might hurt a little, even if your practice helped." And with that blunt statement, he waited no longer. He grabbed Lucky's hips, forcing down him down while he himself shoved up hard, his large tool dominating the virgin tail hole. He was almost to hilting with that one mighty shove, his odd growl quite loud and fierce, but nothing to match Lucky's pitiful yip, the poor fox feeling as if he was split in two.

"Just a little... further..." Rex urged the other, the vulpine sphincter getting tighter and tighter with each passing moment. "Try to... Relax, ggraahhhhh...." Forcing himself completely in down to the base, the 'roo just held the violated fox for a moment, hugging him tight and trying to allow him to get used to the new feeling. To calm himself down and relax before he continued.

And that would be hard, for the moment he felt Rex shove his cock up his ass, Lucky was on the verge of screaming, biting his lower lip hard to make sure only a loud and pained yelp issued forth. It felt to him as if the marsupial meat was trying to split his rump down the middle, but the way the fat member rubbed up against his prostate, he could feel pleasure like never before, even if it was hard to focus upon.

After probably five minutes or so of just holding the fox, licking his ear and rubbing him down to relax him further, his stiff body began to yield to the rough but affectionate touches, Lucky no longer yipping and squeaking in pain.

"H-had no idea... hurt s-s-so much..." He whimpered, his body starting to relax yes, but his voice still breathless from panting of exertion.

"Yeah. Don't worry though, it'll get better," reassured Rex, his paw going back down to check on the fox cock, still finding it rock hard and pulsing. Smiling, he wrapped one thick arm around Lucky's chest, while another began to fondle the underside of the fox length, he lifted Lucky up by his chest slowly, allowing him the feeling of emptiness, before pulling him back down the same way, hilting again.

It still hurt Lucky, being hilted by the huge 'roo (At least he felt huge), but there was already a bit more emphasis on pleasure than there was before, and so long as he tried to relax himself and not clench so hard, the pain was not so unbearable. The forceful paw on his junk did help though, and as a rhythm began to form, Rex slowly but surely beginning to bounce the fox on his cock, Lucky found more and more that he was liking it. Even if he knew he wouldn't be able to walk right next morning.

"That's right, just ride it out, ride my dick foxie..." The 'roo purred, taken back to teasing him again when he could handle it, his aching rod opening the tight depths with every thrust, ready to cum already, it'd been awhile.

He was determined to get Lucky off though at some point, and he kept up his clumsy fondling of the fox's precious orbs and meat, now exclusively working his shaft and pawing him like the wind.

And Lucky could do nothing but grip the marsupial's waist as hard as he could, squeezing his ass every so often, a feeling he found quite pleasurable, while he constantly tried to block out the dull pain still plaguing his rear. He was enjoying it far more than he realized though, because after a particularly hard jab to his prostate from the kangaroo cock, he yipped in exasperation one more and jizzed weakly, his whole body squeezing for a moment.

That was all Rex needed though, because soon as the vice grip of Lucky's ass clamped down on his needy meat, he shot deep inside of him as well, the hot seed painting the inside of his anus.

So they both just sat there, Lucky yipping in a mixture of pain and pleasure, while Rex almost roared with relief, the coincidentally coinciding orgasms causing both of them to finish at about the same time as well, the fox actually fainting from exhaustion, while the pleased kangaroo just held him tight, unable to bring himself to pull out and end their entwined position for a long time to come.

Employee of the Month-Part 3

Employee of the Month-Part 3 Rex couldn't believe how long the kid slept for. He went to college himself, and even he didn't attend a four-year college like the fox lying next to him, he had a degree. But even so, harkening back to his old "rock...

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Employee of the Month-Part 1

"Well then Mr. Rho-Lucky," The kangaroo seemed to stutter for a moment, caught between a sigh and a smile. Leaning back in his chair, Mr. Morgans stretched out his tired back, his prominent belly pushing out his tucked in shirt for a moment. The old...

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Afternoon Delights

"So booooored" Deimion said with a sigh, sprawling himself out on the couch as the local weather man reiterated (for quite possibly the hundredth time) that there would be a slight chance of showers tomorrow. "Well, quit watching the weather...

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