A Well Trained Servant

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A YCH story for PebbleLion that involves his character Pebble and my character Sollon. Sollon is there, applying for the job of butler for the lion. Let's see if he meets the qualifications.

A Well Trained Servant

By Draconicon

It was almost painful to see the armadillo sitting on the edge of his seat, thinking that he had a chance for the job. Perhaps in the house of someone with lesser standards, but not here. Not in his home.

Laying a pen down on top of his clipboard, the lion brought his eyes up to meet the armadillo's. They immediately looked down; another mark in his disfavor, as though he needed more. "I will not be hiring you; you are underqualified, and you do not seem to have the...personality...that would work with mine." He pointed towards the door. "Leave, and send the next applicant in before you walk out the door."

"But -"

Pebble lifted his eyes. The lion's suit bulged momentarily, his body tensing as he looked the shelled creature in the eye again. "I said." He nodded at the door. "Go."

"...Yes sir. Thank you for the interview, sir."

The armadillo hurried out of the room, his rear shaking slightly from side to side as he scurried away. The lion's lips twitched, halfway to a smirk before he stopped it in its tracks. A small pity that the armadillo wasn't going to work out, he supposed; it would have been interesting to feel his shaft sheathed between those butt cheeks.

Still, it was better to wait for another. That one had been all too eager to throw himself out for the lion's 'mercy', to take him in and teach him. It was the attitude of someone that wanted to be cared for, without taking up the responsibilities to go with it. In some people, that attitude was acceptable, desirable, even.

But not here.

Shifting in his seat, the lion looked towards one of the mirrors in his sitting room. There were many, each one just a half foot taller than he was, spaced in a pattern between wood panels and windows. They made for an interesting effect, dizzying to newcomers but oddly soothing to him, allowing him to see what was happening at any part of the room at any time. There were enough mirrors to allow that surveillance, but not enough to allow someone to sneak up behind him, or fool him with various 'copies' of themselves.

He looked at himself now, in one of the mirrors. The seat he was in was dwarfed by his frame; he supposed he would need to buy a new one, one actually suited for lions that were eight feet tall, rather than the more typical size. His black suit bulged at his biceps and thighs, and the only reason that his chest hadn't burst the buttons was because it had been tailored particularly for him; Pebble had made sure that he paid for that, as he was tired of replacing them after moving so much as an inch too far for a suit to take. At least this one had lasted for a little bit longer. He hoped that it would continue to last, he thought as a metallic orb drifted in front of him.

A little touch shifted it to a position behind him, joining the five others that floated around him. They drifted, bounced, and floated in the air, scarcely a foot and a half away. Slightly smaller than his fist, they twitched lightly every now and then, an invisible burst of energy pushing them back up a bit in the air before they could sink down too far.

Laying across his arm at the elbow, his tail twitched lightly, the charcoal gray fur at the tip matched by the color along the rest of his body. His mane in particular was a burst of it, carefully groomed to not cast shadow across his face, but still present the image of a lion in his prime, at full strength and vitality. His fingers flexed, one around the pen he held, and the other at the clipboard as he stifled his irritation at the employment process. It was almost enough to make him reach for the tools he kept at his belt.

They were the one thing that stood out as less than sophisticated. Rather than something fashionable or understated rich like his suit, it was made of tough leather, with compartments along it for a gun holster and several other tools. Currently, the arms of the chair kept anyone but Pebble from knowing they were there, but they were within easy reach, should he succumb to temptation.

And that temptation was getting harder and harder to hold back. So far, there had been nine different applicants for the position of his butler. Admittedly, there was a little more to the position than that, but the ad service had little room for everything that the lion would have put down; head of household and chief over the servants besides himself had needed to suffice.

Yet, that had been part of the problem. There was another aspect of the job that many of the applicants hadn't picked up on, and those that did had thrown themselves entirely upon it, rather than thinking if they were qualified for managing his manor while he was not around, or keeping it in proper order when he was in residence.

He either had to deal with someone who would be incompetent at anything but warming his bed, or with a decent administrator who would run, crying rape at the first night. Neither option pleased him.

The lion sighed as he looked down at the list on his clipboard. A lion, a wolf, a mouse; a raven, a lizard, a doberman; a tabby, and a pigeon had all applied before the armadillo. At least the wolf and doberman had come with some skills for the job, and with references from a few...lesser...families that were further in the city. They would have known what they were about. However, it had just taken a few probing questions to determine that they didn't know the other half of the job. They were disqualified, though perhaps a little more gently than he had done with the armadillo.

The others, however, had been inexcusable. His reputation, such as it was, had drawn in too many that wanted to share his bed. While he didn't object to a decent submissive between the sheets, he needed someone who could do the job he asked as well. The only one of them that had shown the slightest promise had been the doberman, and he had been stymied the minute that accounts had come up.

His only consolation was the fact that the list was rapidly getting shorter. It couldn't be much longer until he either found what he was looking for or could shut his doors for the day.

Metal orbs slowly spinning around him in various orbits, Pebble looked down at the paper again. "Alright, who's next..." he muttered under his breath.

"If I may beg pardon, that would be me, Sir."

Pebble looked up from his clipboard, raising an eyebrow at the new arrival. A little surprising that he had been quiet enough to step in unnoticed, but as he got a look at him, the lion supposed he shouldn't have been surprised.

The newcomer was a rat; well dressed in a white and black suit, with a little red bow tie, but still a rat. Dark pink eyes stared out under narrow eyebrows, looking down over a muzzle of brown and white fur. Whiskers that should have been twitching in fear were still and composed, and slightly rounded ears only barely flicked around. From what Pebble could tell, the rat was probably a little more than two feet shorter than he was, but despite the thin frame, the lion could make out hints of lean muscle in the rat's frame. Nothing bulging, but then again, the rodent species weren't noted for that.

His eyes took in the rat's basic appearance in the space of a second, but the lion's eyes lingered on those focused orbs. There lay an attention to detail that was lacking in the others, a near ferocious need for order. He hadn't seen something like that in a very, very long time.

A moment of silence stretched into a few seconds before Pebble gestured to the chair across from him. "Take a seat," he said.

The rat did as requested, sitting down with a surprising amount of grace. His tail, rather than being pushed back through the slight hole in the back of the chair, was curled up, draped over his neck like a fur-less scarf, and rather than lounge or lean forward, he sat up straight, his eyes fixed on the lion's nose. Pebble was a little surprised; it was just enough daring to show that the rat wasn't going to back down, but enough to show subservience as well. Either practice or teaching or blind luck was serving the rodent well. So far.

Clearing his throat, the lion looked down at his papers. "So, your name is Sollon, correct?"

"That is correct, Sir."

"Twenty nine years old?"

"Correct, Sir."

"And you recently were in the service of one Mr. Dallin, and prior to that, a Mr....Tweaker?" Pebble raised an eyebrow. "That seems a rather...strange name."

"It is the name that he prefers to go by, Sir," the rat said. Not defensively or self-deprecatingly, the lion noticed, but more matter of factually. "He may have another name, but I was only given this one for my reference; I can only assume that he wished to have his privacy."

The lion nodded slowly, turning his attention back to the piece of paper.

Admittedly, the rat's qualifications and recommendations were impressive; the rat had been in the service of others for the past decade, both in the minor positions and the major ones. Mr. Dallin, apparently a mouse, had employed the rat as both a valet - an older style thing that the lion was a little surprised to see - and a butler, while the other - Tweaker had no species listed - had kept the rat as a butler.

Qualified, certainly. For the first job.

But that didn't mean that he would be ready for the second, and the lion needed that as well.

Shifting his position as the metal orbs continued to circle him, Pebble met the rat's eyes again. "Summarize your required duties to your previous employers."

"Yes, Sir," the rat said, nodding his head by about an inch before coming back to attention. "I was to organize the servants and oversee the accounts of the household; I was to ensure that the master of the house was kept informed about what was happening beneath him, but to handle things unless he needed to take a direct hand; I was to keep the house clean and presentable at all times."

He continued to list off his duties, and Pebble listened carefully. There were certain cues to be found about those masters that had different ideas for their servants, if one knew how to listen. He doubted that Sollon would come out and say that he had been 'servicing' his masters the way that Pebble might require, but -

"-and I was to keep the master free of anything that would...distract him, whether it came from outside the house or from his own body."

Or perhaps the rodent would be clear about what he did. Pebble's eyebrows must have gone up more than he realized, because the rat had a slight smile on his face that hadn't been there before. On most, it would have looked like a cocky smirk; for some reason, the rat looked more like he was just slightly confident. "I apologize, Sir; have I spoken out of turn?"

"No, you have not," Pebble said. He shook his head as he lowered the clipboard, crossing his fingers in his lap as he looked down his nose. "It seems that you are the most qualified of the many applicants I've seen so far today, and likely more than the others that might come after."

"Thank you for the compliment, Sir."

"And you have the proper respect for your employer, and a good sense of formality. Both of which stand you in good stead." He paused, and then gestured with his hand. "Stand."

Spinning his finger slowly as the rat stood up, Pebble looked over the applicant as he turned in place. The rat wasn't a bad looking sample of his species; he was lean, yes, and perhaps a little spindly looking, just a little fragile in ways that the lion would need to keep in mind.

However, it was clear that Sollon had a submissive's body. The lion knew the look; a certain movement to the hips to invite attention, a little quirk to the lips that meant they liked to be stretched. A little more size in the rear, not enough to really look big but enough to have a little cushion. Even the pose that the rat had, with the tail held up a bit and off to the side, was like a flag showing off just what he wanted.

He had the rat continue to turn around in place for a few more rotations before holding up his hand, gesturing for him to stop. "That is enough; you may be seated."

"Now," Pebble said as Sollon took his seat. "You seem to be the one that I will hire. But there's something else I'll need to do to make sure that you're the right fit for me." The lion's hand lowered to his lap, and he could see the rat's eyes flick down. A little fear? No, no, there was none of that; the rodent didn't have that little weakness. Yet, it was not quite eagerness, either. Something else?

Ah. The lion smiled as he saw the little flicker in the rat's eyes grow a bit brighter as his fingers lingered over the slight bulge in his pants. The rat was a servant, a true servant; he was not eager for the lion's shaft, but was eager to serve. Dignified, well dressed, and formal as a person could be, and the rat wanted little more than to provide the lion with whatever service he wanted.

Yes. Yes, he would do nicely, Pebble thought.

"Come here," the lion commanded, his free hand pointing down to the ground. "Kneel between my legs."

It was a relief to see no hesitation, that he had been right about the rodent; Sollon was out of his chair and across the room in a matter of seconds. The rat's pace was even and quick, prompt without being hurried. It wouldn't have killed the rat to smile a little, he supposed, but he would just have to work on that.

The lion unbuttoned his pants with a small smile growing on his face. His shaft, its size half hidden by the cut of his pants, sprung outwards as though it was spring loaded. Sollon's eyes widened microscopically at the eight and a half inch shaft that poked out of the lion's pants, and Pebble knew that there was a little part of the rat before him that was impressed.

He couldn't quite suppress a smirk at that; finally, something that caught the rat a little off guard.

Admittedly, the lion's shaft was impressive in more than just the length. It was thick and meaty, looking even more so as the sheer tightness of his pants kept his sheath collected at the base, rather than rising up it a bit the way that it would if his pants were off. The tip of his shaft swelled with a collection of barbs, about a centimeter or so long each. They were slick with a little shine of pre, and they stood out just a bit from his tip, making it look a little bit wider than the rest of his shaft.

Frozen in place, the rat almost looked like he had forgotten his place. Pebble cleared his throat, and Sollon's eyes flicked up from the shaft in front of him. "I believe you know what to do; get me ready, and then take off your clothes; this is your final test before being hired."

"A trifle unorthodox, Sir, but not unfamiliar." The rat bowed his head, his eyes going back to the lion's shaft. "But I believe you will be impressed by my services."

"Then impress me; put your mouth work."

"Yes, Sir," Sollon said.

Pebble watched with a growing smile as the rat set to work immediately. A pink, furless hand wrapped around the base of his shaft as the rat lowered his head towards the tip. The lion closed his eyes with a soft moan as Sollon slipped the head of the cock inside of his mouth, and he was pleased to find that the rat knew well enough to keep his teeth back. A surprising number of submissives didn't quite remember that on their first time with a new cock.

But that was only the first surprise, as the rat sucked a goodly bit of his shaft into his mouth at the first bob of his head. The lion's eyes opened as he felt not just two or three inches of his cock disappear, but nearly five. Looking down at his potential butler, he saw the rat's lips pressed against the top of his fist, all of the lion's shaft enclosed either in a warm mouth or in a tight fist, and both parts were well treated; the part in the rat's mouth was tended to with an eager tongue, one that rubbed along the bottom of his shaft, back and forth, and then forward and back, almost enough to give him the sensation of thrusting without either the rat or him moving.

The part of his cock in the rat's hand was surprisingly well tended. Even without stroking him, Sollon was teasing him, squeezing and releasing with one finger at a time, providing an almost drum-like beat with the four fingers and thumb. They gave a new sort of pressure and pleasure to his shaft, almost like they were encouraging his pre to flow faster, pushing it up his shaft into that waiting mouth.

"Mmm, you have some interesting tricks, Sollon," Pebble said with a growing smile. He placed his hands on the arms of his chair, his fingers curling, claws coming out of their sheaths and lightly pricking at the wood on the chair before he stopped himself. "But don't stop with this. You will want all of my cock wet, considering where it will be going after this."

A soft gulp and grunt was all the answer that the lion received, but he was fairly sure that the rat understood. The fist was lifted from the base of his shaft, and the rat's mouth took its place, sliding down his shaft all the way to the base. It was not too surprising that the rat could take that much - the rat's muzzle was fairly spacious, after all, giving him more room to work with than a feline might have - but it was still amusing that Sollon was so willing...particularly as Pebble's barbs reached the rat's throat.

There was no hesitation, just a slight, muffled moan as the rat pushed himself down past them, swallowing the prickly, fleshy bumps into his throat. Pebble stifled a moan of his own as the entirety of his shaft went into the rat's mouth and throat, particularly as Sollon started to swallow. A powerful, rippling suction surrounded the head of his shaft, saliva and his own pre swirling lightly around the tip of his shaft, the liquid pulled through the gaps between the barbs to create an entirely unique stimulation, and the lion gritted his teeth at the feeling.

Sollon swallowed like that a few times, almost driving Pebble mad before he started moving his mouth again. The rat bobbed up and down, his lips pursed tightly enough to convince the lion that this was something he'd done many times. It would be worth keeping the rat just for his oral skills, the lion thought, but he was looking forward to seeing what else he might do.

The sight of his shaft sliding in and out of those tightly pressed lips was almost as arousing as feeling it, seeing his shaft get more reflective and shiny with each bob of the rodent's head. The powerful, thick cock was soon wet with pre and saliva, and the rat's moans as he took it in only added to the situation. The little butler to be not only wanted to serve. He needed to serve. Needed to serve a master in any way that he possibly could.

And Pebble was going to be that master.

Reaching out, the lion pressed his large paw to the back of the rat's head, shoving him down his shaft again. There was no resistance, no fight, just a simple surrender to the lion's will as Pebble shoved Sollon down to the base of his cock. Holding him there, the lion drummed his fingers along the top of the rat's head, chuckling between moans as the rat went back to swallowing around the head of the lion's cock. "Yes...you are very good at this..." Pebble whispered. "I just hope that your ass is as eager as your mouth."

The rat grunted again, and Pebble could feel that tongue twitch lightly, as though the rat was trying to answer. He probably was, instinctively, even though his mouth was too occupied to make that possible. A good servant, trying to answer his master even when he was busy with another task. A very good servant.

Knowing that he needed to change position if he wanted to actually test the rat properly, Pebble pulled the rat back off of his cock. There was a satisfying gasp for air on Sollon's part as his cock parted company with the rodent's mouth, a little string of saliva that kept the hole and the pole connected for a second, and then the rat had pulled back.

He still had that peculiar dignified expression, looking almost like this was just another duty, rather than something that most masters would be in trouble for. Even with the little saliva drops on his lips, the bit of a strand that dangled, Sollon looked like he would be perfectly at place at a dinner party, arranging and introducing guests.

Pebble chuckled a bit; this rat would moan eventually, would lose that dignified face. "Stand up. Strip."

The rat responded as immediately as he had to the command to give a blowjob, standing up and taking a step back, out from between the lion's legs. Quick, nimble fingers found the buttons that held the clothes together; a tie discarded into the other chair, a jacket and shirt folded carefully before being placed down atop it. The rat's shoes and socks were placed on the floor before the chair, and his pants and his underwear followed shortly afterwards, placed on top of the shirt and jacket.

It was good to see that his earlier assumption on the rat's body was correct; the rodent's rear was slightly larger than most males, a little more rounded than he usually saw on the rat species. It might have simply been from better feeding, he supposed, but it looked more like it was the way that the rat preferred to keep himself. Not fat, but a little roundness was appealing. It made his thrusts a little less harsh for the more sensitive bottoms.

Unsurprisingly, the rat was erect, his shaft sticking out of his sheath and throbbing slightly. However, there was no reaching for the five inch shaft; the rat's arms were clasped behind his back, the rodent standing at attention for his employer. For his master.

A soft chuckle escaping his lips, Pebble pulled himself out of his chair. He grabbed hold of the rat by his lifted tail, turning him around and pointing him towards one of the other chairs. "Hold tight, but don't damage the upholstery; I don't want to replace it already."

"Yes, Sir," Sollon said. He remained still as the lion started to feel, fondle his rear. The flesh gave, but not a great deal. Just enough to let the lion play with that ass a little more, spreading the cheeks and shoving them together, exposing and hiding the hole between them. The servant moaned softly as he did, and Pebble felt the rat's rear press more firmly against his hands.

It made him all the more eager to feel those cheeks wrapped around his cock.

Not bothering to pull his pants down the rest of the way, just allowing his balls and his shaft to be free through the gap, Pebble grabbed the rat by the hips. Ignoring the quickly cut off yelp of surprise, he pulled himself in close. His throbbing cock leaked pre between the rat's ass cheeks, and he gently stroked himself between them, slowly grinding between the valley the plump rump made.

They squeezed at the sides of his cock, much like the rat's hand and mouth had. A brief curiosity of how many times the rat had been in this position was dismissed as the lion's cock throbbed, his pre making him even slicker when combined with the rat spit already on his shaft. He would ask later; right now, he wanted to enjoy this hole, make sure that the rat was capable of serving him properly and fully.

He wasn't sure if the rat was fully ready as he slid back again, but if Sollon wasn't, it would be a lesson for him; he would not always have warning of when the lion would be in the mood, and would need to be ready to provide 'service' when Pebble was ready. If that wasn't something the rat could deal with, this wasn't the place for him.

His cock slid between the soft cheeks down to the rat's hole, but rather than sliding up between the cheeks again, this time the lion pressed in. The hot flesh of the hole gave before his cock, and the rat lowered his head against the couch a bit more. The lion felt his body shaking under the penetration, but not in pain. Not in discomfort, either, but in need.

The earlier smirk came back with a vengeance, the lion's face split in a grin that went ear to ear. His fingers flexed, claws lightly digging into the rat's hips for a moment before he pulled them back in. "You will serve me...just like this...if you become my butler," Pebble said. He bucked forward, drawing a bitten off moan from the rat. "You will manage the house." Buck forward, another bit of cock sheathed in the rat, another, slightly less muffled moan. "You will maintain and deal with any guests." A shorter thrust, and he felt the rat's hole clamp down on his barbed cock, felt the pressure inside increase for a second as the rat's moan got a bit louder. "And you will always...serve...and obey...me."

Finally sheathing himself in the rat's ass, Pebble was satisfied to hear the rat's moans getting a little less controlled, a little less dignified sounding. He leaned down, looking at the rat's face, and it was almost too much of a pleasure to see that control cracking. Some little dignity left, some little control left that was some attempt to not look like quite the eager submissive.

He was going to break that, and he was going to make this rat moan his name.

Standing up again, Pebble set himself, his toes drumming on the floor a few times. The rat's arousal was clear in the air, a musky smell that lingered just underneath the lion's own need. He could feel the tensing muscles tightening and releasing around his shaft, could feel the rat almost begging him with his body to keep going. And the lion had every intention of giving the rat what he wanted.

But only when he was ready to give it.

He waited for a few seconds, then a minute as the rat continued to hold himself still beneath him. The lion held him tight, keeping the rat from pulling forward or pushing back, keeping him from squirming around to get more stimulation, stimulation that he knew that the little rodent needed. Sollon shuddered beneath him, and he could hear the soft whimpers the rat tried to deny, tried to stop.

"Just say it...tell me what you want...and your master will give you what you need," the lion said. "Just admit it...you don't have to hold back...just say it."

Sollon remained quiet, and for a second, Pebble wondered if he might not work out as a butler after all; the inability to take orders was something he would not put up with. Not here, not in his home.

But then, almost at the edge of hearing, there it was. "Please...fuck me, Sir."

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"I...I said...please fuck me, Sir," the rat repeated. "Ram...ram my ass...fill it up with your cock...make me moan and use me like you want...just fuck me, please, Sir."

"Heh, so polite, even now?" Pebble shook his head slightly, but settled himself in place again anyway. "Good enough for this time; but next time, louder, and more eager."

The lion pulled back, and he felt the rat's body shudder in pleasure. There might have been a bit of a drip to the floor, a little sound of a drop of liquid falling, but he ignored it; the tension around his cock, the way that the rat tightened himself around the barbs and the thickness was another reminder of how much the rodent wanted this, how much he needed it.

That need in his submissive was almost as good a feeling as the actual sex. Almost.

As Pebble pulled back to the head of his cock, he paused. "Brace yourself," he said, and rammed himself forward. The motion was carried with all of the muscles in his body, forcing his cock past all the resistance that the rat's body had, either intentional or not. The barbs ground against the rat's prostate on their way, and he felt Sollon almost lose his balance, almost falling forward against the chair, but the rat stabilized himself at the last second, holding himself up.

"You have to be better than that," the lion said. "Hold yourself in place, or you're going to ruin the furniture."

"I'll try...I'll try, Sir," Sollon said. "Please...please, more, Sir."

Well, at least he was still eager. He just didn't have the muscle to stand up to what Pebble could deliver; but then again, there were very few that did.

He started a slow thrust, back and forth, in and out. The rat didn't fall over again, and was soon thrusting back, his hips actually moving faster than the lion's. It made Pebble grin to see the dignified facade fall from the rat's face, from his actions, even his words; he was moaning louder than he had been talking earlier, and his hole was twitching in need every time that the lion slammed himself in.

And it was wonderful for the lion as well; Pebble could feel every squeeze and release of the muscles inside of Sollon's ass, could feel the way that it squeezed on his barbs and his shaft in general. He leaned forward, his muscled stomach pressing against the rat's back lightly as he growled, panting softly.

His cock throbbed inside of the rat, pre flowing, adding to the speed he could slide in and out. Sollon's remarkable self-control of his muscles made it even easier, allowing him to slide in quickly and squeezing on him pleasurably as he slid back out. He could feel his barbs tugging at the insides of the rat's ass every time he slid back, and felt them press back against the head of his shaft every time he slid inside, soon bringing him to a panting, throbbing hardness, beyond what he'd felt in a while.

Digging his claws in, he pulled the rat off of the ground. Dragging him down on top of his shaft, using gravity and his own muscles to make it as deep as possible, the lion used his servant as a toy. The rat's moans were louder than ever, bouncing off the walls of the sitting room and echoing in the feline's ears, but all he cared about was the tight ass his cock was claiming.

Those furry cheeks swallowed his cock into that eager hole, and he felt them ripple slightly each time he hilted himself, the little vibrations rubbing against the base of his cock in most pleasing ways. He shuddered, occasionally letting the rat sit on his cock, perched there, filled to the brim before pulling him up and letting him fall down the length again.

It didn't take much longer in this position for him to reach his climax. Pebble roared in pleasure, jamming the rat down on his cock, filling him up again. He shoved the moaning, panting, near yelping rat against the chair, bending him forward again, both for the pleasurable angle that it put his cock in, and so that he wouldn't get any cum sliding back out onto his suit.

His balls emptied in the rat's hole, surrounding his shaft with the warm, thick goo. Pebble slowly pulled back as his orgasm continued, gradually filling the rodent's rear with his seed, until he reached the end. Pulling his cock tip out with a wet pop, he tapped the head of his shaft a few times against the rat's rear, drying it lightly before he smiled. "I think I can consider you a proper butler. You are hired."

"Thank...thank you, Sir," the rat said, panting against the arm of the chair. "I...may I beg my leave...to get my things?"

"This is a live-in position, so yes." The lion nodded, turning around and walking back to his chair. He sat down, looking at the naked rat with a little smile on his face. "I will expect you back here tonight, however; I have to go over the daily tasks for you, the things that simply must be done."

"I shall be here, Sir," a tone of dignity returning to the rat's voice.

The rat gathered his clothes together, taking them out into the next room to get dressed. Pebble shook his head in amusement at the rat's lack of modesty, even with the return of dignity; he was going to be an interesting one. Effective, but definitely interesting.

He reached down for the clipboard at the side of the chair, flipping past the other applications, down to the to-do list. "Let's see...who am I...visiting...tonight..."

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