The Sky is (totally not) the Limit.

Story by DragonMasterX on SoFurry

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This is my first commission ever. I did it for someone in FA, and he was satisfied by it, so I'm posting it now! :D Hope you enjoy the growiness.

This is a commission for mysteryman01 (FurAffinity).

Warning: This story contains transformation, growth, butt expansion and breast expansion, mega and giga macro. You've been warned!

The Sky is (totally not) the Limit, by DragonMasterX.

"Still can't reach it..." Ciel looked up to the apple dangling from a tall tree. It was uncommon for dragons of her age not to be able to go on with menial tasks such as acquiring her own food on her own, but the sky blue scaled female had a problem. She was merely a few feet tall, whereas most dragons her age were at least three times larger, some even more. Angrily she slammed a balled-up fist against the tree she was standing against, but instantly regretted it. Sadly, she dropped back to her four paws and gently nuzzled the tree, "I'm sorry. I know it's not your fault," she whispered.

As long as she's been alive, Ciel has never known the experience of being a big, majestic creature that most dragons were. For her part, the dragoness had always been a 'runt' among the other giant reptiles. For reasons unknown, she had been born different, forever to remain at the stature of what one could compare an infant. It made her feel weak and helpless at times, perhaps unworthy, in less generous times. Ciel looked up at the apple and sighed in defeat.

Dragons were a proud race of mighty reptiles, with powerful wings spanning nearly three times their body width, able to take flight to wherever they pleased. Freedom and independence has always been their main creed. But it was this pride that drove Ciel away from her normally grown peers. She did not fit in with the rest of her friends, who had already outgrown her vastly, to the point of making her feel uncomfortable. Ciel felt embarrassed when the younger ones would confuse her with a kid. Sometimes, it really felt like she did not belong with the other dragons. Adversity was not easily confronted either; before birth, the egg she had come out from had been found in a desolate place. Perhaps a sign her parents had never wanted her. She tried not to think about it, yet it was tough to live without a family. Her few friends were all she ever knew as family; and most of them were already gone.

Just as a dragon is independent and free, they are bound to no specific place. It is in their nature to choose whether to be nomadic or sedentary. Just as their glorious wings symbolized their freedom, they would take off when they so desired, with company or not.

Ciel looked back at her small wings, a true mockery of what strong dragons are supposed to be. She couldn't even fly.

As her amber eyes averted their gaze up to the sky, she tried to ignore those negative thoughts that always assailed her in moments like these, when her own impotence drove her to depression. As much as Ciel had to be depressed about, however, it was easy to just lose herself in the bright clear skies. Somehow, it made her happy the blue heavens above matched her scale color and it made her feel radiant at times, in spite of her troubles. She did wonder though, what if some day she could reach the skies, like her other peers? "Maybe I can find some berries in the bushes if I go deeper..." she concluded hopefully and, turning her head to the tree, she lightly bowed her head and started to stride into the woods annexed to the meadow she lived in.

The dark forest was known like that for its thick-leaves absorbing most of the light for the tallest trees, rendering its bosom dark and gloomy, yet with an aura of peace and tranquility. Ciel had been scared of it as a child, but one day, not too long ago, she had decided to brave the innards of the woods by herself, to show that even if something had once impeded her, she always had the ability and capacity to overcome an obstacle.

The forest was a calm place, with the effect of making one feel they were being shrouded in its encompassing atmosphere. Ciel had since learned that darkness not always is scary. At once, her mind returned to her empty belly, which she had been hunting food for earlier. There were no berry bushes around her, so she decided to walk even deeper. It was still about noon outside, so she had plenty of time before the big predators came out.

After a while of walking around, Ciel eventually came across one of the bush patches she usually gathered berries from. So many had grown lately; in fact, the berries looked bigger than ever. So big in fact, Ciel thought her mind was playing tricks with her eyes. "I could bring a few back home, and share some with the others!" she smiled a bit, then gently bit down on a big plant's leaf and tugged until it came clean off. She nodded her head to the plant in sign of gratitude, as usual. Ciel believed in respecting nature and what gifts it could provide.

Using the leaf as a make-shift carrier sled, the tiny dragoness began to pluck the big fruits one by one and accumulate them on the large leaf. Once she had made sure to get as many as she could possibly carry, she tied the first leaf with another one and grinned a bit, pleased with herself.

Next, using her tail to wrap around the stalks, Ciel tugged firmly to make sure it wouldn't snap under the weight and, satisfied, began to make her way out. Maybe today wasn't going to be so bad. She had found more food than she could eat, so she would share with some of the other dragons of the meadow. Small or not, Ciel knew she had talents for finding delicious food, even if sometimes she couldn't reach it.

Her way back however was then interrupted as she felt something in the wind. It chilled her scales, as if, in some way, she had been wounded. Ciel quickly ducked and scanned the area around her. Had she taken that long with her food hunt? Maybe she had gotten too deep inside the dark forest, and now she would have to deal with the bullying predators of the woods. A frown appeared on her face as she slowly continued forwards; she had to be brave.

The feeling manifested again in Ciel, this time accompanied by a weak shriek coming from the south-east. Ciel blinked, realizing that there might be someone in danger. "I have to get away fast while they're distracted, I can't do anything to help..." her mind told her. "But... If they need help, I can't just sit around and do nothing!" her heart argued. She looked back at her food and made sure to hide it behind a few bushes. Shaking her head, she pepped herself up and tried to sharpen her hearing.

The whimpers and moans came from very near! She could feel it, whoever they were, they were being attacked!

Against all common sense, the little dragoness gave chase to the sound, keeping low for any of the forest's dangers she was used to. Ciel eventually came out into a clearing, and then began picking up growls and snarls from vicious creatures that were scratching and biting a much larger one. Ciel's eyes widened in surprise, but also fear; the assailants were attacking a fellow dragon! From the smell, Ciel could tell blood had been spilled, and the victim was another female. She was defenseless. Ciel couldn't do anything, they were numerous, and if a bigger dragoness couldn't fare well, how could she? It was madness to even walk into that fight!

But Ciel didn't have to. Since youth she had learned that when facing numerous, unforgiving foes, her brain was going to have to outdo her brawn, which she always had found to be an especially weird saying all things considered for her. Quickly, she moved about undetected through the bushes, wincing silently each time she heard the poor female cry out in pain. Ciel didn't have much time, but she had to get up to a vantage point.

What she was trying to do was not just risky, it was dangerous as hell. There wasn't much of a choice however, she couldn't just watch her fellow dragon die. As much as a dragon's pride means everything to them, Ciel couldn't bring herself to just watch. As soon as she managed to cling to a low branch, she made her best effort to climb up and, once she was sure she was well hidden, she took a deep breath and...

"HISSSSSS!" she let out her sharpest cry, which wasn't a bad imitation of a big, bad snake. The sharp sound bought the attention of the attackers, who focused on the bushy branch Ciel was hiding in. She knew what these bullies feared, and it was something she thankfully had.

One of them approached to make sure things were okay, and when he had made it near enough, Ciel suddenly jumped out! She kept the air inside of her lungs, not wanting to shout or roar, else the illusion would end. Once she reached the ground, Ciel focused all of her energy on her chest and breathed in through flared nostrils, before she let out a big plume of flames that covered sight of her. Even if she was tiny, Ciel was technically an adult, so her body was well equipped with what she needed to exhale fire breath.

The sentry jumped back and the creatures scattered after him, scared of the hot flames. They were startled to such extent that they ran away without ever paying attention to the little dragoness that had produced so much fire.

Panting, Ciel stopped her barrage of flames as soon as she was certain the predators were gone. She was thankful her aim had been good, and no plant surrounding the clearing had caught fire. Still, breathing that much fire took a toll on her small body, and now she was exhausted. Still, Ciel forced herself to catch her second wind and made her way to the female. Thankfully, she was still breathing. "You're safe now," Ciel said with a small smile as she stood by the wounded, bigger dragon. "I'm Ciel, don't worry, I'll take care of you!"

The dragon's long neck turned to look at her small heroine, giving a soft, but weak smile. "I thank you, little one. But I'm afraid I..."

"Hold on, you're still bleeding!" Ciel didn't feel offended by the last remark this time, her eyes were privy to the small but numerous wounds on the scaly's body. The armored scales had thankfully absorbed much of the damage the creatures had inflicted upon her, which gave Ciel hope. "J-just stay here!" she smiled brightly up to the confused dragon, "I have something that'll make you feel better!"

"...Alright," boomed the larger dragoness, not wanting to be rude to her savior. With that, Ciel rushed back to the inner part of the woods where she had stashed her food. Fortunately, nobody had found it, so it was all intact. The berries she had collected were also known to restore vigor and aid the body's natural healing. She knew this female needed them more than her empty stomach!

"You brought back food..." sighed the big dragon, shifting her form over to Ciel as she returned.

Ciel cried out, "Please, you mustn't move! You're hurt badly. Here, please have some of them, they will help you get better..." tugging on the top leaf of her sled, Ciel pulled it off revealing the bounty of berries, then she pushed them towards the wounded reptile in hopes she would accept them.

Blinking slowly, the big dragoness smiled as she felt such warmth and compassion radiate from Ciel that it somehow made her feel safe, and to trust. She leaned her face in to take a small, gentle bite out of one of the big berries on top of the others and chewed. Ciel grinned a bit as their views crossed, apparently happy that she still had the strength to eat on her own. What a strange turn of events this was for the big one, however. Being cared for and tended to by such a small dragon; the big female knew Ciel was no child, but it still made no difference; this had not happened by chance.

"You said your name was Ciel, am I right?" she asked. Ciel nodded, her tail swishing idly in the air as she watched the big female eat with more energy. The effect was working! "You may call me Nizara. Ciel, you have my gratitude. You are a very brave dragon."

Blushing, Ciel shrank a bit, pawing at the floor in embarrassment. "Aw, shucks... it wasn't that big of a deal, hehe, I was just trying to help!" she cheerfully said with a big smile. "I don't really like it when people bully others, it's not nice."

"Agreed," Nizara gave a gentle nod, this time gobbling up an entire berry in one bite. Ciel eyed her up, Nizara was a red scaled, white underbelly dragoness, and a beautiful one at that. Ciel couldn't help but feel jealous, even if it came from admiration rather than envy. "But you must listen, Ciel. I don't have much time."

If Ciel had been a bunny, her ears would've perked up at that time. There was an ominous tone in that last sentence; her throat muscles were starting to contract, making a knot for some reason. "P-puh-please, eat as much as you like," Ciel tried, but Nizara shook her head slowly.

"Ciel, I must thank you for your kindness, but a physical wound is not what is threatening my life. I am currently on borrowed time."

No, it couldn't be true, could it? Ciel felt even gloomier. Regardless of the circumstances of their meeting, Ciel had just made a new friend, someone who, perhaps, she could share stories with or spend time with. Nizara was dead serious though, the look in her green eyes told it all, yet there was a strange feeling of calm and peace coming from them. "Do not be sad, little one," Nizara said, her tail approaching Ciel, using its tip to rub under her eyes, catching a tear. "I am not leaving yet, not until I have imparted you with a gift."

Ciel hiccupped a bit, shaking her head, "I don't want a gift. Please don't go! I'm... I'm all alone, everyone's leaving, and I..."

"Listen to me, child," said Nizara as her body took on a phantasmal glow. Ciel's eyes widened, never before having seen such a spectacle. "I must leave this place, this world, for reasons that I cannot discuss with you. Dear Ciel, I had all but lost hope in this Earth, that for all its beauty, its inhabitants can be so cruel and selfish, yet... yet I found no selfishness in your heart. I am certain now, that our meeting here, at this point in time, was no coincidence."

Ciel felt a strange sense of foreboding now. As if this was a feeling she had already felt before. Then she understood, it was that sharp pain she had sensed before she heard Nizara's shriek. "Nizara you're... you're not making a lot of sense right now. Who are you...?" Ciel dared to ask. A gentle smile curled the big dragoness' lips ever so slightly, and she began to approach the small one.

Ciel silently contemplated Nizara, who towered above her. Nizara was making her feel at ease, however, she did not have any air of imposing presence right now, feeling almost like a motherly embrace as the red reptile's wings encompassed them. "My name is Nizara, Ciel. I already told you. But what I haven't told you is that I am the goddess of this world."

Ciel gulped. The glow, the shared pain from before, the ease and quickness of Nizara's healing. It all was fitting together. Dared Ciel speak otherwise to the supposed deity? "But Nizara..." she dared, "How did you not free yourself from those attackers if you are a goddess like you say?"

"I do not lie, Ciel. Just as I did not lie when I said that I am here on borrowed time..." Nizara gave a small, understanding smile. Ciel's eyes dropped to the ground. "Raise your chin proudly, child. For I have not yet delivered my gift to you." Ciel did as told, even if she couldn't understand. For now, she wanted to know more. "I have never met such a kind heart before. In spite of your size, you fought to protect. In spite of your hunger, you selflessly shared... You are a guardian, Ciel."

"M-me?" Ciel blinked, blushing in embarrassment once more, surprised that Nizara even knew she was feeling weak and hungry.

"Be proud of yourself, because you're deserving of what I have to offer. Ciel, I can sense you hold honor in your heart, honor for all the things it has to offer. You have a great sense of responsibility, and as I said, you are kind... I want you to be this world's new goddess."

"What?!" Ciel jumped back, eyes wide as plates. "Y-you can't ask me to be a goddess, Nizara! I mean I... I... well, just look at me! I don't exactly look like guardian material to begin with, do I...?"

Nizara shook her head, "You're not with power, as you are. But that's precisely why I am offering you this gift. Power is what a goddess needs to protect, but there is no power to be had if one has no gentleness and purity to guide it. Ciel, accept my gift."

What followed could've been described as bizarre by any other dragon, but Ciel bore witness to such spectacle that she was left speechless. On Nizara's chest, two bumps suddenly formed, and from under the scales twin nubs of pink flesh appeared. As the bumps inflated like balloons, Nizara leaned forwards and pushed her chest out to Ciel. "These are breasts, Ciel. You might have seen them on creatures we know as mammals. My gift is within... All I ask, is that you draw it out."

Ciel was completely speechless, unable to comprehend. Yet, for some reason, she felt compelled to approach Nizara's breasts. They looked unnatural on the feral dragoness, yet beautiful and feminine. Ciel carefully placed her front paws on Nizara's left breast to stand up against and it and then gently neared her snout to it. Nizara gave a small moan from the sensitivity, but then pleasantly sighed as Ciel suddenly latched onto the nipple like a newborn mammal wanting to nurse.

Nizara told her to suck, as delicious drink would pour out. Unsure of why she was doing this, but completely into it, Ciel began to suck as hard as she could. Goddess, her? Ciel was a runt, there was no possible way she could even bring herself to protect a whole world when most of the time she struggled to guard herself. The thoughts diluted into a haze, though, as the liquid inside Nizara's breasts began to flow inside her awaiting mouth. Ciel drank and closed her eyes, feeling at peace with herself for a change. It was perhaps the milk's effect, but she felt right at home doing this.

Seconds became minutes as Ciel nursed from Nizara. Halfway through, Nizara told Ciel to switch breasts, and she did so. The milk didn't seem to be going particularly anywhere, as Ciel drank and drank more than what her belly could support yet it did not stretch. Once she was done, Ciel reopened her eyes and looked up at Nizara, who was glowing brighter than ever, yet for some reason... she was blurring out. Perhaps the milk had made Ciel drowsy, so she shook her head fast to try to get rid of the blurry vision.

Nizara, ever so motherly, gave Ciel a gentle smile, her final one it seemed. "Dear Ciel, I have no doubt you will do a splendid job," she said as her form became transparent and balls of multi-colored energy began to float out of her. Ciel lifted a paw, as if trying to reach her.

"Wait, Nizara!" a sluggish Ciel said, trying to approach the bigger dragoness. Before she could even touch her breast again, the sky blue dragoness's claw went through the once-image of Nizara, who completely vanished. The balls of magical energy scattered to the skies. "No, wait, don't leave!" Ciel cried out, but it was no use.

Her new friend was gone.

Ciel wandered about the clearing for a few moments, trying to make sense of the events she had just lived through, pacing impatiently around. "Just what... what just happened?" she asked again and again in her mind. All that talk about being a guardian, a goddess. Nizara being a goddess herself. Had the goddess just died? What was Ciel supposed to do? She looked down at the ground, unaware she was covering more and more distance in her tracks, she was so anxious! Eventually, she stopped as she felt her tail bump with something. Ciel turned around to realize she had just unwittingly smacked the side of a tree trunk right in the middle. She was about to curse herself for being so clumsy when she realized the impossibility of what had just happened. "I... I can't reach the middle of a tree with my tail," she gasped in surprise, then rushed to the tree to make sure she wasn't imagining things.

Ciel looked around, realizing the stones and branches, the remaining fruit, it was all smaller! "No wait," Ciel stopped that line of thought and began to examine herself. Her body had grown, and it was still tingling with power. Ciel had just experienced a sudden growth spurt, having gone from the runt she had always been to a decent, mid-adolescent sized dragoness! She could feel confidence pouring into her soul as she flexed her muscles, finding a great deal of power in her body as Ciel stretched her new wings, which were also growing larger with her. "I'm bigger, and I'm getting even bigger!"

Now she understood why she had been restlessly pacing around. That anxiety hadn't been anxiety at all, this new feeling she was experiencing, it was totally out of this world! "I want more!" she excitedly giggled, rocking her body around. The phenomenon had spread to all of her body evenly. Once small paws became powerful, sharp talons and claws, her limbs growing longer to support her enlarging frame. She swelled higher by the minute as she stretched her neck back and spread her wings, eyeing them with satisfaction as they became wider and more majestic looking, just like the other dragons'!

Ciel flapped her new wings and flexed her bigger body with newfound vigor. All that milk she had drank had allowed Ciel to make a full recovery, and this effect wasn't half-bad either! Still she grew, reaching the size of a fully grown adult, Nizara's previous size. She looked back at where she once lay and gave a big smile, a couple of tears of joy and sudden nostalgia leaving her eyes, "Nizara, thank you..." she spoke gently, before her head suddenly and unceremoniously bopped against a branch. "Ow!"

Ciel looked up and realized with amazement that her growth had taken her to such heights that she was already taller than most dragons. Her wings spanned at least four times the width of her body, and she just knew she would tower over the biggest of the males. "I'm... I'm so big! It's amazing, what a wonderful feeling!" she cheerfully sang, wagging her tail. "I'm... I'm a bit more confident now. I think I can do this, Nizara. I will protect this world!" Ciel giggled, flexing her big, beautiful, muscular body and spreading her mighty wings, felling a couple of trees at the same time. "Eek!" she whimpered as she saw the poor trees get knocked over by her strength. "I'm sorry, I-I'm so sorry!" she meeped, finding her voice had suddenly deepened. It sounded sensual, if still very sweet, just like her old voice. Ciel paid no mind to the change and quickly knelt over to pick the plants up in her hands and then...

She stopped. "What...?" her eyes looked down upon her shape and position. So absorbed Ciel had become in her new size that she had not been paying attention to successive changes in her body. Looking down at her hind legs, she realized they had become longer than her front ones, ending up in bipedal feet with five clawed toes on each. She could count them, they were the same number of fingers on her new hands! Out of fear and confusion, she dropped the trees and began to examine herself in greater detail.

Ciel stood up, now a mighty 30ft tall, her white horns a bit longer than she was used to, but among them was flowing something she was even less used to. Golden streaks belonging to a beautiful mane of newly grown hair had now taken residence upon her head. Ciel inspected it carefully, holding her long locks in her hands, their soft texture and familiar smell reminding her of her favorite fruit. "Oh my god, it's so pretty..." she spoke to nobody in particular and she continued to feel her long hair. It reached her muscular back and stopped right above her long, thick tail. A few of the yellow locks rested atop her bosom, where a pair of soft breasts just like Nizara had shown her were.

Looking down, the giant anthropomorphic dragon moved her hair back over her shoulders and instinctively grabbed her light blue tits, topped with soft, fleshy nipples. Unlike the rest of her, these two orbs she held in her hands were so soft and pillow-like, almost like cushions of flowers. Ciel smiled, and gave them an experimental grope, which elicited powerful, yet undiscovered feelings of pleasure that filled her mind with bliss. "Ohh, ohh my..." she moaned, closing her eyes to let the sensation sink in. She then felt them grow, expand and inflate larger just as Nizara's had, but Ciel's boobs easily outmatched them. Ciel could feel the mounds fill her hands, the scaly yet soft flesh was starting to spill out between her fingers, and she could soon not contain them.

Moaning, Ciel let the pair go and relished in their expansion. She could feel herself grow aroused by the experience, it was all accumulating in her. The growth of her new breasts, and her body's unstoppable swelling. Ciel was still climbing up the stairs of size as her horns now easily outdid the crown of the tallest tree in the dark forest. So engrossed in her new assets, she had forgone her early growth. Ciel did not want it to stop, she was feeling so good. "More, please more. Let me grow more!" she begged, then once more let out a small lovely meep as she felt her buttocks grind against one of the trees behind her.

So large she was that she was surging past them! Ciel had become a giantess, and she was loving every second of it. "Mmm, this feels... oh so good," she observed as she explored her new body, her claws gently groping one of her new, muscular thighs and her incredible ass, which had been rounding out and inflating like a pair of basketballs, bouncing just like them with every step as she tried to move away from the constrained location. "I will.. I... ohh..." she purred as the sensations overwhelmed her. Ciel quickly passed the 50ft tall mark and went for 60, then 70, then 80... the trees looked so small now. She looked back though and realized the two she had knocked down early were no longer on the ground, but back where they once belonged to.

With a gentle smile, the growing anthro dragoness stepped out of the forest, understanding that her role did not let her harm nature, and instead she would heal it whenever it was upset. Now that she knew she had that kind of power, Ciel was convinced she could go all out.

But before doing that, Ciel felt like she had to pay her curiosity some attention. Looking down at her wide hips, she gave herself another firm grope, basking in her power. The now 100ft tall giantess possessed larger arms now, her muscle visible everywhere except under her enormous breasts, where anybody under her could see she had formed a solid six-pack which complemented her extremely wide hips and feminine butt. With a flex of her arms, the blonde dragoness noticed large sinewy muscle cord grow out into spherical mounds, her biceps were just as big as her breasts, but that was rapidly changing. Ciel's chest was still expanding, from what to her would have been basketballs to an even greater pair, and she moaned in acceptance of such as she began to feel yet another strange new feeling.

Ciel was still growing larger, 110ft, 120, 130, but her curiosity had to be satisfied. There were so many new things about her body, and she was so pleased with everything that she had to finish. Now that she could allow herself to let go of her perfect heart-shaped behind and toned, muscular legs, Ciel finally returned all her attention to her beachballs, or at least, beachballs on a 150ft tall girl. That new feeling she was experiencing, she was trickling down white liquid. It felt so familiar, it felt so right. Ciel's eyes narrowed almost too sensually, on the verge of complete lust for herself, and then she hefted her massive mammaries to her own face, when she let out her long, serpentine tongue and began to wrap it around them. "They're like fruit, really big fruit... they feel so good..." she gently nipped one of her nipples with her powerful fangs, which to her felt like a gentle pinch. The liquid touched her tongue and she could immediately tell. "I AM a bit hungry..." she guiltily confessed to herself with a naughty smile.

Now sufficiently far away from the forest and at a free spot in the meadows, Ciel finally took a seat, feeling pleasure from putting all of her newfound weight on her cushioned rump, which was growing larger and larger with her powerful hips that were supporting her massive, and still-growing frame. 200ft worth of female dragoness caused a small but considerable tremor along the territory, but she made sure she was not hurting anybody before Ciel began to enjoy herself. With her massive, lustrous breasts still in hand, and the eagerness of her tongue, she shamelessly started nursing from her own, beautiful tits. The milk she drew out was sweet and fabulous, and it tingled with energy. She felt even more invigorated as she drank gallon after gallon.

Then, Ciel was consumed by her own eagerness. She began to suck herself with great passion, alternating nipples while giving herself attention with her hands. Her body stretched along the meadow without her notice, feet approaching the river that flowed by the forest and her tail heading opposite towards the mountains, snaking along the trees it now dwarfed harmlessly. She grew and grew, now faster than ever before. 200ft became 300, then 400, then 500. Her muscles exploded with size and girth, yet it was all packed in such a way that her feminine looks were never compromised. Ciel's ass cheeks were huge masses of firm looking yet soft-to-the-touch, shapely buttocks. Her hips were massive and flared out gloriously, supporting such a surging work of art. 500ft doubled to 1000, then it doubled again to 2000, and it kept going the more milk she drew out to satisfy her seemingly endless thirst. Power filled her every cell, and she could not stop fueling and refueling herself. She had to continue, she couldn't stop.

Ciel was soon a monstrous mile tall, and showed no signs of stopping. If anything, she was quickly outdoing her own growth spurts as she spread her mighty wings and eclipsed the Sun for all of her former habitat. Still she drank but as the thought of outgrowing everything she had once known, she spied from the corner of an eye back into the little patch of trees that was once the intimidating dark forest. Ciel was enormous, no, more than that; she was a titan of size and beauty, with power that she was evolving by herself. She reminded her mind of her former appearance, such a tiny dragoness. "I wonder what they would all say if they knew it was me that was growing this big...?" she giggled at the moment, but then stopped feeding as she felt the coolness of the riverbed touch her soles.

Surprised, Ciel let go of her bountiful boobies and watched them violently jiggle and bounce before assessing her situation. Her ass was covering over half of the meadow, with her tail coiling by the mountain range, and a long shadow cast over as far as she could see thanks to her wings. "I am so massive..." the 10 miles tall dragoness spoke. A devious smirk appeared on her lips though as she stood up and flexed her new body, realizing just one of her toe nails, one of her claws, would be enough to scratch the dark forest off the plains... But then her expression softened with a warm glow. Ciel had been granted such a gift, and she wasn't going to misuse it. Looking back at the perfect, half-spheres she had left on the meadow, she focused and watched the earth mend itself and regrow the soft mantle of grass it once was proud for. She nodded and waved a hand, causing flowers to sprout where dead weeds and fungi once resided, allowing them to coexist with her powers.

After she was done mending what she had destroyed, and revitalizing her home's flora, Ciel looked about at the clouds she could easily reach now and giggled. "I can't be selfish. I won't just protect my home, because everyone is under the same sky, and I... I'll be the new sky," she smiled, then looked back down at her gigantic breasts, "It's time to indulge one last time..."

With a grin of amusement, Ciel gave herself a smack on her own butt with her tail and then groped herself. She brought her gigantic teats to her face and this time, she nipped both nipples at once, and began to feed once again. Slowly but surely, she had been expanding without stop, but the rate had slowed down without milk. Now that she was at it again, Ciel's body reacted almost dutifully and began to expand super rapidly once again. Her now 15 miles tall body suddenly tripled in size, then surged by quadrupling the new height, and continued adding more and more and more of her for the whole world to see.

Ciel's beautiful, wild mane of golden hair fluttered as her wings happily flapped together, her tail swishing full of excitement as her whole being was fed unlimited power. Hundreds of miles became thousands, and Ciel would not stop. Mountains were dwarfed by her feet alone, her state-sized behind a threat to anybody if she so decided to take a seat... but she was almost done. Ciel drank and drank, now more eager than ever, with every single pair of eyes in the Earth fixed on her glorious, powerful and sexy, beautiful body soar through the limits of expansion and redefine them constantly as she towered over once a mighty continent. Eventually, the goddess Ciel stopped drinking and opened her amber eyes, glowing full of her incalculable power. She smiled softly and closed them again as she began to slowly float away from the world which had held her since birth, and had witnessed her rebirth. Her mind now commanding forces mere mortals would be unable to begin to understand, Ciel accelerated her growth to an even faster rate and quickly the planet in front of her was outmatched.

The dragoness, with the body as big as the Sun, and breasts that dwarfed even the rest of the solar system's worlds, was finally complete. She proudly stretched her muscular, beautiful form and brought her arms gently around the little ball she once called home. Smiling with an almost maternal expression of pure selfless love, Ciel whispered to the planet: "I will protect you." And then, she proceeded to gently tuck Earth between her ludicrously large breasts, the softness cushioning both harmlessly and warmly. With her wings encompassing her, Ciel hugged herself for a nap.

Back on Earth, the dragons back in the meadows looked up at the sky, unable to see the fantastical creature which had grown so large, so fast. The sky was free of its gigantic wings, the sunlight bathing the world once more with its gentle warmth. Nobody could see her for the moment, but Ciel was there, their new, almighty goddess that would forever protect them with her love and kindness.

The End.


This is a request for Limited Vision (FurAffinity). Skea is copyrighted to Limited Vision. Warning: This story contains growth, macro, breast and butt expansion, self-pleasure(F/solo) and some playful destruction. Author's note: Belkshire is a...

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