Chapter III: Laughing Matter

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#3 of My Life is Super

Chapter 3 of My Life is Super

They say laughter is the best medicine. Clearly, whoever 'they' are haven't met this universe's equivalent of the Joker. Fellow furs, may I introduce to you Gnoll! And yes, there will be more transformation, sexy-fun times and big muscular men in the future.


Chapter III: Laughing Matter

"My god, doesn't Alex Connery look so hot?"

Ben rolled his eyes and let out a disproving grunt. Ever since the pie incident on Monday which had taken to calling Operation Blood Pie, Lars - AKA Firebrand - had gone out of his way not only to show that he was gay but also shamelessly scoping out other guys . He wasn't quite out to the rest of the school, or his parents, or the rest of the Elemental Alliance but amongst the close group of 'friends', he was flaunting his gayness..

The sad thing was, he was playing the part ofthe stereotypical gay like someone who had only read about being gay in books and seen them in terrible movies.

"I could so imagine taking his paw, walking down the beach as the sun is setting and then sharing a kiss as the stars come out to play," Lars said with a heavy sigh as he batted his eyelids flamboyantly. The sight of all of this made Ben sick, he was beginning to seriously wonder what he had ever seen in the guy in the first place.

"I'm more partial towards Jayden Jamison, personally," Caleb answered, munching on his fourth burger. "But he's only on the backup team so I don't really get a chance to talk to him that much."

Lars' eyes widened and he did that oh-so-gay thing where he gasped and pressed both his paws to his lips. Ben wouldn't be surprised if he started using a horrible lisp. "That sizzling bull with that cute swish to his tail?"

Caleb eyed the Doberman suspiciously. "Um... No. You're thinking about Gary Black. Jayden is the red wolf with the brown chest fluff. Everyone keeps teasing him about it because his fur is red and white, his hair is blonde and for some reason, he's got brown chest fur."

"Ooooh!" Lars exclaimed in a really long, really painfully gay_high-pitched noise. "_That guy! He looks like the kind of guy that likes to go out on romantic dinners and then a matinee afterwards. I hear there's a new Sandra Lopez movie coming out that's a great laugh for the guys and a great story for the gals!"

"No. I was lying," Caleb stated bluntly. "That's Erik Matthews. Jayden Jamison is the tiger without stripes." Caleb set down his burger, rested his head on his paw and regarded his friend with an exasperated look. "You're trying _way_too hard to be gay."

There, Lars' façade faded and he just snarled. "Fuck. Teach me how to be gay, Cale."

"I'm not gay. You two are." He pointed at Lars and Ben.

Ben rolled his eyes and locked gazes with Mary who nodded sagely. He hated to admit it - and it was probably bad for his standing in the Alpha Pack - but he was starting to like Mary. Her penchant for tormenting both Caleb and Lars was just so much fun to watch. She would make a good Alpha Pack member. She could take right after Moon Paw. With her powers as an empath, she could be very powerful. Ben made a note to offer the change to her too though she knew she'd probably reject it.

"Caleb, honey," she said, reaching over and patting his arm. Caleb had been hitting the weights really hard the past few days. Coach had been working them to the bone as their first game - still a test game, though - was up on Friday evening. His biceps were practically bugling and Ben took no pains to hide the lick of his lips at seeing that one vein running across the bulge that pressed even against his short, white shirt sleeve. "For the past three days, you have been holding your older brother's dick and pushing him to orgasm. Your kissing has also evolved from just 'friendly, affectionate pecking' to 'lusty, wild I-need-you-in-me' when neither of you are panting uncontrollably and Lance isn't vocally begging you to 'stroke that big fucking rod'."

Caleb's ears folded back and he snarled at her. "Stop listening in on us!"

"I can't help it when all you think about is, 'This is feels so good but this is so wrong and I love it!' and _he_keeps imagining you mounting him."

That was incredibly hot. Also impressively gay.

Caleb made a slicing motion through the air. "It's never going to get to that point. We're just..." He lowered his voice as a group of cheerleaders passed them and absently wished both him and Lars good luck. Two of them slipped a note into the back of Caleb's pants, being careful to avoid his tail. Five went into Lars' back pocket. "We're just two brothers relieving stress."

"And you've been really stressed the past few days, haven't you?"

"I've got a big game coming up in three days! Dad's pressuring me to perform and he keeps sitting me down to watch film every night! Leon is still after my blood and tonight is vegetarian night!"

Everyone at the table made a terrible face. They had all been over at the Hale house on vegetarian night. Worst experience ever. For a dedicated carnivore like Ben, Mrs. Hale's fried tofu stuffed with broccoli, cauliflower and carrot mash with various steamed beans on the side was so stomach churning that he set down his own lunch and couldn't eat anymore.

"I'll excuse you for the last part," Mary said, sticking out her tongue and shaking her head in disgust. "You get tonight to paw off with your brother but tomorrow, you're going to define the relationship. You're going to tell him straight up that you and him will _never_be an item and that it will _never_advance to the point where you mount him, tie with him and bite his scruff."

Caleb went rigid. "He wants me to_mate_ with him?"

Definitions, especially amongst furs, was a very serious matter. It took nearly two millennia for _humans_to accept the fact that sex can be a casual affair instead of just a martial affair. For the younger of species of furs, they were able to ride on human definitions but in some cases, there was no human equivalent to compare.

Canines - werewolves included - were especially tricky. Pushing a knot into someone - especially another canine - was a sign of commitment but could also be seen purely as an act of lust if one proceeds with the act in a missionary position. If it was done doggy style, then it was like saying 'I love you' but only in the feral canine sense as in 'I love you until my knot deflates'. Still, it was still somewhat loaded with expectations. Now, if a canine bit another fur on the scruff, it could either be a sign of domination or an expression of undying love but again, only if it was done doggy style and it was not followed by three gentle licks on the bite mark. Three licks meant 'that was awesome. Let's do it another time. I'll call you.'

However, combining both and failing to make those licks meant one thing...

That was mating sex.

Meaning it was effectively like getting married.

In the thirty-first century, such practices were not necessarily followed to the letter but Ben knew some canines still found it somewhat hard to think otherwise. It was hard-wired into them from centuries of tradition. That was why werewolves had it so much better. Fuck all you want, bite, dominate, tie and it didn't mean anything. It was just sex.

Maybe he should suggest that to Caleb. Hell, if they could turn Lance into a werewolf too, most of his problems would go away.

"Those are his fantasies," answered Mary. "So either tell him as soon as possible or endure having to stand over him, his tail in the air and his butt open for you while he's asking you to mate with him, your raging hard on stealing precious blood from your brain and then waking up the next day realising you just married your brother."

Caleb's eyes widened even more. "Okay! Okay! I'll talk to him! Shit... But what do I say..." He then turned towards Lars. "Hey Lars, what do you think?"

Lars blinked and held his paws up. "Hey! I'm an only child! I have _never_had anything for my dad and I don't plan to."

"Yeah but as the guy most likely to have a vagina amongst us, I thought you'd have some insight."

Lars bristled and suddenly, he 'gayness' vanished. His fangs bared, he growled, "What was that, fucker!?"

"You heard me," answered Caleb cockily. "Moonlight dinners. Strolls down the beach. Sandra Lopez. Fuck man, you like cock. Why don't you just make it easier on us all and get that little finger of yours chopped off and put all that fat up here?" He made a gesture to indicate breasts. "You make a poor gay. You'd make a better girl."

Lars shoved him strongly. "You fucker!"

Suddenly both he and Caleb were on their feet. "Bring it on fag!"

Ben watched both in fascination and confusion as the two started fighting... or was it mock-fighting? They were growling but there were grins on their muzzles. Their blows seemed real but nothing too damaging. He knew Lars could break Caleb's spine if he wanted and he knew that if Caleb so much as picked up a fork, Lars would get turned into a furry pin cushion or something else equally as catastrophic.

He leaned towards Mary. "What's... happening...?"

Mary waved absently at him as she picked off some bacon from her baked potatoes. "They're two jocks with a big game coming up and from the smell of it, they just finished working out. All their blood is in their muscles leaving nothing but testosterone in their brains. Leave them be. They'll tire out eventually."

Ben regarded her curiously. "Tell me something. You don't hang around any other guys apart from these two and me recently. I'm really only here because I'm Caleb's friend. I've never seen you hang around other girls either. Why?"

She regarded him with one raised eyebrow. "When you can feel what other people feel, see what they think, you really don't need to hang around other people because they don't interest you. You know what they'll say or what they're thinking and sometimes, it's not something you want to get involved in."

"So why are you here? Is it because of Caleb's powers? Your jobs?"

Mary shook her head. "I'm here because of Caleb not his powers." She grinned broadly. "I live right next door to him. When we were little kids, I already had my powers and was a shut in. I didn't like listening to other people and when I kept telling my parents I knew what they were feeling, they were this close" - she held a finger and thumb an inch apart - "from sending me to a mental institute. Then comes this puppy, scrawny as hell, knocks on my door and asks if the girl looking sadly in the window wants to come play.

"I looked into his heart, looked into his mind and there was no ulterior motive; nothing to do with sex, no being forced by parents and no dare pursued by other friends. All he thought was 'that girl looks sad.'"

She shrugged. "I've been by his side ever since. His thoughts have evolved since then. There are certainly ulterior motives and less clean thoughts but deep down, he's still the same old Caleb who just wants to do what's right, thinks of others before himself and has_no clue_ he's gay."

"I'm not -" Caleb interjected before Lars caught him in a headlock and threw them both to the floor. Others from other tables were cheering and a teacher was making his way over.

"So he's...?" began Ben.

"To the core," answered Mary with a nod. "The signs are there. He treats girls like one of the guys, he's more comfortable around guys than girls and he draws homoerotic art when he's bored. I don't mean with dicks. But he's one step away from that. I just need to find him a gay image board."

Ben laughed as the fight was broken up and both boys, slightly injured, just laughed it off, slapping each other's back playfully and sitting back down, completely ignoring the warning glares of the cougar teacher that was hovering dangerously behind them.

"What were we talking about?" Caleb asked, his blue eyes shining.

Ben could see that innocence in the wolf. He had observed that in Caleb. The wolf liked it when things were simple. It led to his dislike of excess of clutter and complications. Admittedly, that made him somewhat blind... especially to things that were obviously so much more complex to others.

It would be an absolute pleasure to open his eyes in a werewolf orgy.

But it would take time.

"We were talking about you and your brother," Ben said, leaning forward with a grin.

"That's right!" Caleb exclaimed. "And I was going to ask the only girl on the table for advice!"

Before he could turn to Lars, Mary reached forward and jabbed him with a fork.

"Not again! You two can the testosterone!"

A great pleasure.


Alex Connery was indeed an attractive young man that much Caleb had to give. As one of the school's gymnasts, he was a little on the short side but his body was compact and brimming with lean muscle. Caleb found himself sitting next to the human as they were being partnered up for a project in history class on West California's historic sites.

Each of them was given the task to find a partner and physically visit one of the sites on the island and search for its 'history'. It seemed a little silly for such a task to be given to them at a high school level but ever since the Educational Revolution where all countries in the world adhered to a single curriculum and schedule - including Superhero Studies were a month each year was spent screening every student for superhero potential which Mary and Caleb 'failed' thanks to FBI interference - most students started and ended school two years later. This was predominantly due to the extra subjects - Interdimensional Studies, Basic Quantum Physics, Alien Politics and whatever else - that just crammed too much 'basic' knowledge to fit in twelve years of schooling.

"I want all of you to pay particular attention to the differences between our modern time and the past," announced their teacher. "Compare and contrast what life was like in the twenty-fifth centuries when the Gene Wars hit us. Or the twenty-first when the first furs began appearing."

Caleb tapped his pen absently on his private tablet. He recalled that in the twenty-first century, tablets like his were just becoming the norm. Textbooks still dominated classes but it wasn't until later that people decided to use tablets instead. As he swiped his stylus/pen across the screen, he read over his notes, particularly where the education system was much more different back then. No superheroes existed save for those in comics and people generally got out of high school and into collage at the age of eighteen. It seemed strange to him since he was still in his freshman year.

He blinked a couple of times when he read over the part where the school year had an enormous summer break somewhere in June and Julyinstead of the conventional, uniform four terms per year with three weeks break between each.

"Man, if I lived back then, I'd be in college!"

An elbow nudged him and he grinned down at Alex who smirked at him through a sea of freckles. "Yeah and you'd be sliced up and dissected too. No furries in the twenty-first century except for porn sites and conventions, remember?"

"I must've missed that class."

He glanced down at his notes.

That was the issue about constantly ducking out in the middle of class to attend to missions. He missed out on so much. Bren arranged for a private tutor for himself and Mary once a week as part of their 'job' to catch them up and all the teachers were in on the entire 'secret agent' deal. That still didn't mean some of this classmates didn't think he was some sort of arrogant rich boy who could duck out whenever he wanted. Some of the teachers were a little ticked off by it as well though Coach Davis - an ex-marine - always put them in order, barking at them for keeping 'that boy from serving his country'. He didn't like superheroes, thinking they were just sparkly mercenaries for hire but he sung Caleb and Mary's praises because they were working with the government instead of outside it.

They were given the rest of the class to plan their research subjects.

"So," Alex said, dragging his desk across the floor so that it was right next to Caleb's. "Where did you want to look for 'history'?" He said it in such a way that he waved his hands in the air and emphasised the word 'history' like it was a mythical, spooky thing.

Caleb laughed softly so as not attract their teacher's attention. "How about the old Museum of National Education? Cornwallis loves it when we talk about how much better the education system was back then."

He got a big, toothy grin from that. Alex puffed out his cheeks in imitation of Mr. Cornwallis - their history teacher - and in a gruff voice, said, "Education back in the twenty-first century was so much better! No staying in school until you're twenty-five _just_to get your diploma!"

Caleb poked out his lower lip, set his head on the table and looked up with watery eyes at Alex. "But sir..." he whimpered in a high-pitched child-like voice. "Isn't it all relative? Back then, the average lifespan was only eighty. These days, we all live double that! More for furs!"

"Irrrrrelevant!" Alex shouted, straightening and wiggling a finger into the air in exactly mockery of Mr. Cornwallis.

They both let out a hearty laugh - quickly silenced when Cornwallis gave them a fiery stare.

"Education Museum?" Caleb suggested.

"Sound like fun! You free tonight?"

He shook his head. "Nah, sorry. Coach is keeping us back every day until the big game on Friday. How's Saturday for you?"

"You sure you won't be sore from all the tackling?"

Caleb puffed out his chest, jabbing a thumb against his firm pectorals. "Dude, I'm the fastest receiver this school has ever seen! No one can catch me!"

"I'll hold you to that, Halestorm!"

Caleb rolled his eyes at the nickname. Ever since joining the football team at the start of the year, the nickname had made its rounds. With the high school season coming up, more and more his reputation was starting to rise. Where before he was just a backup receiver, after a mock match where he beat the then-starting receiver - who was in his senior year - to a wide pass, he was given a few tries by Coach Davis until he bulked up sufficiently and was thrown into a starting position. From then on, the sight of him 'storming down' the field earned him the nickname 'Halestorm'.

It was a little better than 'Weapons Master'.

More than once, the school paper had run articles about a 'Halestorm coming to West California High'.

That reputation, however, put his mother and Dad on a somewhat competitive edge. His mother wanted him to attend a 'real' college and go into either law, medicine or IT. His father was pushing him to go to a sporting college, get a degree in economics or something else that really didn't matter so that he could focus entirely on football. It was playful now but he foresaw it getting more and more competitive as he grew closer and closer to graduation.

The rest of the class passed as they made their plans and began using their tablets to search their notes for any information on the education of the past thousand years. Internet access was allowed but a very annoying AI called 'PATROL' kept them from accessing unauthorised sites or cheating on tests using the school's internet privileges. Caleb got a good basis on his paper by the time classes changed and he went off to the next, gym.

He went into the football player's locker rooms and got changed into his gym uniform consisting of the blue and gold of West California High singlet with the big, golden bird emblazoned on the back. The words 'Go Raptors' were written just beneath the bird. Similarly coloured shorts showed off his ripped thighs.

A thick arm wrapped around his shoulders followed by the familiar three hundred pound weight of Lars. The Doberman's musky BO brushed into his nostrils.

"Dude, did you even shower after lunch!?" he laughed.

"You know you love my scent," Lars laughed, grinning broadly. Then he drew close, muzzle to his ear. "It turns you on, doesn't it?" Lars licked his lips slowly, one paw against Caleb's chest and squeezing his right pec.

Caleb eyed the Doberman with an exasperated stare. "Mary warned me you'd try this."

Lars' sultry mood instantly faded and the pulled away, throwing his paws into the air in frustration. A fresh wave of BO hit Caleb, making him retreat and hold a paw over his nose.

"Goddamnit! How the hell is a guy meant to have any secrets around her!?"

"Easy," Caleb said, sounding a little strange with his nose covered. "Distract her with something scandalous. She's only human. Like the rest of us, she can really only put all her attention on one thing at a time. She can _try_to listen in on multiple things but her brain can't process it. I mean, this one time, Abby was afraid she had gotten herpes but at the same time, Lance and Leon had told our parents that she was a lesbian. Mary just focused on the lesbian part and spent the afternoon trying to comfort Abby on the wrong thing. She gave me hell for that."

"Why did she give you hell?" Lars asked as they emerged into the gymnasium.

"Because I'm the one that told the twins Abby could've been gay instead of the truth."


"Because it makes the fact that Abby got herpes seem so much more trivial."

Lars inclined his head to the side. "Did it work?"

"On my parents, yeah. On me... Not so much. Leon and Lance knocked me out and then took photographs of me apparently getting fucked by them or sucking their cocks. And no, they don't exist anymore. They've been destroyed."

Now that he thought about it, he recalled one of the twins had an erection at the time and it definitely wasn't Leon.

"Huh... Okay, I'll try that next time."

They were tasked to play a couple of one-on-one basketball matches while Coach Davis prepared some plays for the test match against Westpoint Island State High School. Lars tossed Caleb the ball and Caleb began dribbling, watching for an opening past the Doberman.

"What else did Mary tell you about me?" Lars began.

Caleb shrugged and tossed the ball past Lars. The Doberman was a good quarterback but a poor receiver meaning he had a good arm but not much speed. That let Caleb bolt past the distracted Doberman, seize the ball and leap up for an easy slip of the ball into the basket. The basket had been raised for tall furs like himself and Lars.

"Just that you spent most of the past few days doubting your sexuality," he said in a soft whisper as he handed the ball back to Lars. "And then, last night, you decided you were gay but just didn't want to be gay with a supervillain. Hence the multiple attempts to 'find your gay'. And sorry, Lars, but I'm straight."

Lars frowned at him as he took charge of the ball. "Dude, you and Lance -"

"Brotherly love," he growled back.

"Whatever floats your boat, dude."

A devilish idea hit him. Just as Lars was sweeping past him, he very softly said, "If I sleep with you, will that convince you that I'm not in love with my brother?"

Lars - predictably - balked and dropped the ball. Caleb let out a sharp 'Ha', swiped it up and went in for another dunk. Feeling good about himself, he flung his paws into the air, holding up two fingers on both paws.

"Two-nil, bro!"

Lars' lips moved in a weird way, not making a single sound. It almost looked like he said, 'Can I be your brother?' but Caleb wasn't good a reading lips.

"Dude?" Caleb asked.

Lars snapped himself out of his reverie and just grunted, taking the ball back. "Dirty trick, man. Dirty trick."

"What? You going to pop a boner every time a big, muscly stud like me whispers something sexy in your ear?" For emphasis, Caleb straightened and flexed his biceps.


Pain rocketed up his groin and he let out a loud yelp. The basketball bounced back towards Lars who gleefully dribbled past Caleb and made his own shot.

"I'm gay," Lars growl in his ear as he set the ball beside him, "so don't, for one instance, think I won't rape your ass and enjoy it. Got it?"


Caleb felt he had crossed some sort of line at that point but afterwards, they were back to their playful mocking. Strangely, they avoided any homophobic comments out of reflex. Whenever Caleb came close to calling Lars a 'fag', he turned it into something else. Likewise, Lars extended the same courtesy and it bothered Caleb that Lars would think he would be offended by the statement. Whenever they came close to sliding back into their old routine and veered off the path at the last second, they would grin awkwardly at one another and the insults would just end there.

When they were back in the locker rooms, usually Caleb had no issue about stripping down in front of the other guys, walking out in the nude and showering. For furs, it was never truly 'in the nude' they had sheaths. Humans found it a little more awkward. But this time, he felt compelled to wrap a towel around his waist and head into one of the stalls instead of hitting the communal showers. He left without saying a word to Lars, wondering if something had changed between them.

His pensive thoughts were intercepted by Mary as he was just preparing to head to the field for practice.

"Isn't it funny how almost every man you have encountered so far wants you naked and in bed with them?" she asked. "Ben, Lance and now Lars." She then leaned against the locker beside him, tapping a stylus against her lip with her tablet in her hands. "For my Superhero Studies class, I'm working on the 'aura' of supers. Science has looked into how supers tend to polarise people around them. Some really hate them while others adore them."

"Are you saying that I'm doing that to Lars?" he stammered.

"No. You're an Outsider like me. Not quite a superhero but not normal either. You can't do that."

Right. 'Outsider'. It was the term given by the FBI to supers like himself and Mary who showed supernatural powers but didn't quite possess _all_the abilities of a super. Supers had natural regeneration, were stronger and faster than normal people and by all reports, more intelligent. There were other things too like the 'aura' that Mary was researching and other little impossibilities like how if they got wet, their hair would always remain perfect, they never grew facial hair if it wasn't intended, they never got pimples, ticks, parasites or sick. Unfortunately, for 'Outsiders' like him and Mary, they had the power but not all the fringe benefits.

He absently scratched the back of his neck where he had gotten a rather annoying tick that he needed to go to the hospital for because it was one of those paralysing ticks. Bren had to do some tests as well to make sure he hadn't been infected by the Gene Stealers. Though that was one thing he and Mary shared with supers - they were immune to the Gene Stealers' influence. Something about their powers rejecting the Gene Stealers'.

"So what?" Caleb continued. "Lars' aura is influencing me and those around me to want to sleep with me?"

Mary shrugged absently. "Ben has always wanted to turn you and Lars since you became friends with him. Lars has always been gay. Lance, that's totally different. Though what I think from the confusing mess in Lars' head is that he's always seen you like a brother of his, a kindred spirit. Learning that you enjoy the company of your brother sort of planted the seed in his head that he could possibly have that with you too."

Caleb slammed his locker shut with a growl. "I am not gay!"

She shook her head. "Deny it all you want, Cale. I can see your thoughts and your heart."

He growled at her and slammed his locker shut. "Just leave me alone, Mary. I've got a game to focus on."

"Oh! That reminds me!" She bounded after him just as he was leaving. In a hushed tone, she said, "Bren wants us to meet up with Elliot today. He says it's something to do with the GS's plan."

The 'GS' was short for Gene Stealers.

"I do not need that for practice," he snarled and stormed away.


Brodie Mancini stood around with the rest of his co-workers on the site of the new junior baseball field being added to the western side of West California Island. Unlike the natural landmass of the continental United States, West California could have 'modules' added. By that, large slabs of metal that formed the foundation of the island could be built within the existing island and then shipped piece by piece to the intended location, attached to the existing parts, some thousands of tonnes of dirt added on top and suddenly, they had another fifty square miles of land attached to the island.

The new suburb, nicely dubbed Newport, would add a much needed harbour to the western front of the island. The northern harbour was too small for the increasing traffic to the bustling, futuristic city. There were rumours that a spaceport would be added soon too.

At least that meant plenty of employment opportunities for Brodie still on-world. He heard construction had really hit it off on Mars and there were refineries on Venus and even as far as Neptune but he had a son and a loving wife on Earth. Travelling that far even with Portal Technology would be far from desirable.

It paid less but it left him with his feet firmly on the ground and close to his family.

His smile broke his strong, square jaw into a brilliant source of joy as his deep, rumbling laugh accompanied the others around him.

"And then," continued Kevin Abramsky, waving his big, meaty hands down his body, "she looks me up and down, shrugs and just goes down on me! Fuck man! She may have been ugly as fuck but gave goddamn good head!"

Brodie snorted derisively. "You want good head? Get a gay guy to do it."

The six others around him gave him startled but very impressed looks. He knew none of them were shocked that it was a gay guy that went down on him. It was more so that he was married, had a kid and got head.

"Dude, you're married!"

"Doesn't mean I don't need to get my rocks off!" Brodie laughed. "Dude, I'm barely making ends meet! You think I wanna risk another kid!?"

A few grunts of agreement followed. He went on to describe the encounter, glossing over the fact that he had, in fact, gone into a gay bar. He wasn't gay. Far from it. Curious maybe? Work had been wearing him thin lately and with his wife constantly badgering him for more time with their child, he needed a boost to his ego. His usual haunts hadn't brought him any catches. Apparently, the burly construction worker dressed in a torn, denim jacket with a pit-stained white shirt and brown shorts wasn't attractive anymore.

So he strolled into a gay bar.

Almost instantly, he was picked up by this kid. Looked pretty buff. Probably in college. He was a hyena, short for his species, just about Brodie's six foot eight but maybe an inch or two shorter. Compared to the other furs though, he looked compact and a little squat. Still, he was confident and Brodie liked that. The guy was all business. No money. Just a blowjob. Brodie gets his stress relieved and the guy gets to taste some hot construction worker cum. They all get something.

"So we go into a booth," Brodie said with a shrug. "He goes down on me, undoes my pants and fuck he had a hell of a tongue."

"Whatdya expect?" laughed Colin Andrews. "He's fuckin' canine. They've got the best tongues!"

"Hyenas ain't canine, dumbass!" laughed Eric Chen. "They're like their own species or some shit!"

"Look at the big brain on this guy! You've been wearing your hardhat, haven't ya, Chen?"

That brought a laugh from the entire ring. Brodie laughed the hardest. It was a pretty funny joke amongst the workers. Knocked to the head was synonymous with losing brain cells and intelligence. So when someone showed off their smarts, that just meant that they hadn't lost enough intelligence because they were protecting their heads. Thus the hardhat joke.

As the laughter died, Brodie trailed off with a snigger and continued. "Anyways, he's worshiping my dick. Nuzzling it and shit. Like he couldn't get enough of it! By the time he actually started to giving me head, I was pretty much ready to blow!" Brodie found himself just getting hard thinking about it. It was one hell of a blowjob.

"That musta been a record, eh?" snickered Colin. "A whole minute before cumming!"


"Better than your record, Andrews!" pointed Henry Gretch. "What was it? Ten seconds of foreplay at that bar then that girl turns and just walks out on ya?"

"She said it was too big!"

Again, the seven of them just laughed. Brodie pictured the sight in his head, his laughter reaching the point where it was killing his sides and he found it hard to breathe. When he was forced to take a breath, he realised the others had stopped laughing. He waved a couple of times, indicating he was fine. After a second, still giggling a little, he continued his story.

"Guy was awesome. No fangs. I think the guy wrapped his lips around them or something but it felt like heaven, man! I shot my load and he drank it all! Fucker was milking me for all I was worth!" A few snickers were exchanged but no jibed made. Brodie almost wished there would be some. "Then afterwards, he just got up, thanked me and was off! Didn't even get off himself!"

"Ha!" laughed Kevin. "Can't satisfy a woman, can't satisfy a man! Yer loosing yer touch there, Bro!"

It was an insult on his part but Brodie just had to laugh with it. He laughed the loudest and hardest. He was laughing so hard that he was finding it hard to breathe. All the while, his mind kept switching back to that hyena that gave him a blowjob. He slapped his knees, laughing hysterically to the point where he was reduced to tears. All the while, his cock became hard as a rock and was pressing painfully against his shorts. Every jostle of his muscular frame caused the head of his member to brush against the fabric of his underwear, bringing memories of that night crashing back like a tidal wave that just somehow felt so funny.

"Hey... man, you okay...?" Kevin began softly. "It wasn't that funny..."

It wasn't... Not really. But Brodie just couldn't stop laughing.

That hyena just made it so funny!

He wiped a tear away with his right hand. The contact caused his fingers to start tingling. Still caught in uncontrollable laughter, he stared at his hand. The tingling began to intensify at the tips of his fingers. The hilarity died down to barely controlled giggles as he pulled his meaty hand towards his eyes. Tiny, black spikes began jutting out from the tips of his fingers. His eyes widened as those spikes grew into full blown claws. The flesh on his hands stretched and morphed, veins popping up against the back of his hand. The bone stretched as the muscles grew. The tingling emerged from deep within his skin, coming out as long, dark brown fur that spread all over his hand at an alarming rate. Thick, black pads pushed themselves out from the tips of his fingers and across his palms.

Brodie... Brodie just found it hilarious! He held out his paw to show the others, laughing like he was saying 'Can you believe this shit!?' The other construction workers backed off in horror. He just found their fear so freakin'_funny! And the change... It was so _amazing!

The tingling spread all the way down his arm. Veins popped up against his forearm, pumping new strength and mass into the muscle. Massive, corded muscle popped up against his smooth, tanned skin before it was consumed by a rush of lighter, tanned fur. Dark spots began appearing amongst the fur and he just held out his arm not in fear or any attempt to keep the change away from him but in triumph. He pointed at his changing limb with his other arm, a massive grin on his face and laughter erupting from his lips. His already large bicep surged outwards in a shower of sweat and torn fabric, becoming even larger than his shoulder.

Brodie turned his head away from the mutated arm as the laughter gave way temporarily to a lusty moan. His massive arm, longer than he was tall, curled around his form and tore off his shorts in a single motion. His thick cock surged out, spurting ropes of cum onto the dusty ground. In his mind, he just kept envisioning that hyena giving him the blowjob of his life, constantly sucking him and milking all the humanity out of him.

His moans became laughter again... before turning into loud, feral yips and yowls akin to any hyena. His neck thickened, his voice box growing to thunderous proportions but still more than capable of letting out the taunting, high-pitched laughter of a hyena. The bones in his jaw thrust forward, his teeth building enamel and structure to become enormous fangs. His nose obtained a thick layer of leathery flesh, flattening out to the tip of his newly formed muzzle. The rounded ears lost their contours as they became covered in the same tan fur that covered his arm. They migrated to the top of his changing skull, flanking the lengthening dark hair that began spreading down his expanding back as a long mane.

All the while, his mutated paw seized his cock. His member felt so _small_compared to his big paw and that was just _so_funny! He laughed as he furiously jacked himself off. With every pump, more and more blood pumped into his cock, engorging the flesh and muscle, pushing it further and further into his paw until it poked out between his fingers. One gaze down at it and he burst into laughter. It wasn't human anymore. It was black, pointed and he could feel a goddamn knot just over his huge, furry balls!

Brodie's laughter filled his chest, the rest of his shirt tearing right down the middle as his already impressive chest exploded outwards in a shower of brown, muscular, furry power. Solid, abdominals set themselves beneath luscious, firm pecs. The change rapidly spread across to his opposite arm letting him quickly lash out with the muscular limb and seize Kevin who was the closest. The construction worker never got a chance to scream as Brodie - still laughing hysterically - pushed his cock right down his co-worker's throat. Kevin spluttered as a gallon of cum came blasting down his throat. Brodie didn't let him go, just laughing and laughing as his legs felt raw power and strength rippled through them, his thighs ballooning to gargantuan proportions to fit his massive form. He rose up to well past nine feet tall, taller than most furs. His toes felt so funny as they became footpaws. Every jostling guffaw let loose a fresh wave of cum that almost choked Kevin.

Poor Kevin.

Brodie found his co-worker looking up at him like a puppy begging to be release so funny! He let him go at last and Kevin just lay back, staring at up at the massive hunched, hyena muscle-god while covered in cum. Brodie just giggled.

And then Kevin began giggling too... The man's eyes widened as he suddenly couldn't stop laughing.


Mary had been right.

Lars had spent the last few days seriously_considering his place in the world, particularly his sexuality. He had grown tired of arguing with Ben day in, day out. What he thought he had with the werewolf was exciting and thrilling not because he actually _liked Blood Wolf... okay, maybe there was a bit of Blood Wolf he liked but it wasn't what started it. No, what started it was the danger.

The excitement of sneaking off and having crazy, forbidden sex with a werewolf, the constant threat of being bitten and turning into a werewolf. All of that got his heart pumping, his body yearning for more and the constant struggle of fighting against his base instincts and his common sense was what he craved.

And that was self-destructive.

He couldn't do that to himself, not anymore.

But he couldn't change the fact that he liked men.

So he tried to find other men; other men that were a lot less... dangerous. But his eyes kept being drawn to that danger... to Ben. The nerdy, bespectacled, red-haired nerd that just smiled at him knowingly from across the lunch table with that 'come hither' look. He pulled himself from that temptation constantly but it was both painful and heartbreaking. He saw Ben for the animal he was - just wanting to fuck.

He tried to distract himself from Ben and found himself trying to look at other guys... but none of them really hit it off for him.

That is, until, he was in the locker rooms and a thought hit him.

What about Caleb?

He was hot, they knew each other really well - almost brothers really - and he was working for a super-secret government initiative that spelled constant danger of discovery and striving against a gang of mutation specialists.

What's not to like, right?

But, as Caleb put it, he was not gay. And Lars believed him. Caleb may be occasionally pleasuring his older brother but it wasn't like they were sleeping together. It was stupid to think the wolf would want to start going out. Hell, Lars had no idea what it meant to be gay. He knew how to be a gay superhero but a gay high school student?

What would that be like?

Everyone was heading home and he was on his way to practice. Normally, he walked with Caleb and they'd joke about this shit or that but Caleb had avoided him since gym. Was it because of that rape joke? He must've known it was just a joke, right?

Or was it?

He looked at the other gay students in the school. Sure there were the stereotypical 'gays' but they were really just another clique. Hell, he had heard there were people who wanted to be in that clique with all their neon highlights, fishnet clothing and fabulous sense of style that were _rejected_because they weren't gay enough. It was like trying to be a jock but not being buff enough or part of the drama club but not being expressive enough. He wondered if it would've been easier to be gay several centuries ago when being gay was spoken about in secret and there was always the thrill of getting caught making every loving moment so sweet.

He shook his head free of the thought and marched all the way to the field.

It was terrible that when he saw the wolf in the blue and gold number 27 jersey with the name 'Hale' on the back that his mood just instantly brightened. Caleb was tossing the ball absently in the air and catching it. He was grinning. That was good. Mary probably talked to him. Lars made a point to talk to her as well. She was like the groups' therapist.

He bounded over to Caleb. At first, he made to slap the wolf's ass like he always did but then froze. Was that appropriate? Would it be classified as 'hitting on' him? What would Lance say? Instead, he just seized Caleb's shoulder. For a second Caleb looked shocked but only because he was thrown off balance. Then he broke into that bright grin of his again that just made all the worries of the world fade away.

"Ready to give the practice team hell?" Lars barked.

"Fuck yeah!" Caleb roared. "Hey, check it out, I've been practicing my touchdown howl!"

"Oh this I gotta see."

Caleb grinned, spiked the ball on the ground, slammed a foot on it and then threw his head back to give a loud, triumphant howl. It gave Lars goose bumps.

"Okay okay!" shouted Coach Davis. "Save it for the game, Hale! Everyone! Form up!"

They did some preliminary exercises, laps first, some stretches and then finally hitting some practice plays. Lars paid particular attention to Caleb. He was their star receiver not only because he was fast on his feet but - like his powers - he was adaptive. In one play, three of the practice team purposefully broke form to intercept Caleb. The wolf charged right back at them. He went down but before he did so, he flung his arm to the left in such a way that he pointed to their other receiver. Lars threw that way instead and they got to the opponent's end zone. Coach commended them for their teamwork.

Still, Lars couldn't help but think that if Caleb had received the ball, he would've made it all the way. In one such play, they were pushed back pretty far. More than three-quarters of the field. Lars threw to Caleb and the wolf leapt into the air, spectacularly catching the ball, combat-rolling onto the ground and breaking into a run without ever breaking striding. The rest of the practice squad just sat back, threw helmets in frustration as Caleb tore down the field and scored a touchdown unopposed.

Lars' phone suddenly buzzed. Coach hated it when they kept phones with them during practice or during games but sometimes, the Elemental Alliance or Rothwell called with something really important.

It wasn't either of those two.

It was a text from Mary.

'Lars and Caleb, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G'

Lars yelped and dropped his phone like it was made of molten metal.

"McCloud! No phones!" barked the Coach.

As if to contradict him at that moment, 'Waiting for You' played and Caleb reached for his phone, waving it absently in the air before answering it. Coach David gave a nod. Lars perked his ears while he picked up his phone. Lars was a little too far to hear his whispering to Bren.

Thankfully, Mary gave him the details.

'Something going down at the Newport site. Bren thinks its GS related. You coming?'

Lars debated it. Firebrand couldn't be associated with the Outsiders. Bren would give him an earful again and his parents and agent would kill him for being in uniform outside of his allotted timeslot. Not to mention the fact that they would grill him on how he knew about the incident, got there so fast and whatever else he knew. But then again... Firebrand_couldn't... but maybe Lars McCloud _could.

"Sorry guys," Caleb said, jogging up to the team. "Gotta split. That okay with you Coach?"

Davis gave Caleb a very militaristic salute. "Go with honour, son!"

Then Caleb was bolting. Lars waited about five minutes just as they were setting up for another play before he turned shot after his best friend.

"McCloud! Where the hell are you going!?"

"Family emergency!" Lars shouted back. He didn't even bother getting changed. He was glad he caught Caleb just as he was jumping onto his motorcycle. Lars jumped onto the rear, wrapping his arms around Caleb's waist. "Mush!" he shouted playfully.

"Lars!?" Caleb exclaimed through his helmet. He slipped up the visor. He looked so badass in his rider's helmet and jacket. "What the hell man!? You heard Bren. You can't afford this kind of distraction!"

"Firebrand can't but I can! Besides, last I checked, you couldn't have beaten that guy without me!"

"I threw an explosive pie and disintegrated the guy while you and Ben argued over nothing!"

Lars held up a paw. "Look, I do shit as Firebrand. I'm the rookie over at the Alliance. All I really do is provide backup and do empty patrols, reporting on criminal activity linked to major supervillains if that's what I think. Half the time, I just get brushed off anyway. Let me come along, Cale. At least this time, I'll be doing something useful."

Caleb stared into his eyes... and then sighed. "I really don't have time for this... Just promise me you won't shout out corny lines."

"Don't worry I won't. You know I had to take a class on that shit? I actually got punished if what I said was remotely funny and didn't make people wince. By the end of this month, I'm meant to come up with a 'marketable battle cry'."

"And you wonder why I work for the government."

Lars grinned and held on tight, still wearing his football uniform, as Caleb shot out of the school and across town. His heart was pumping like never before and not just because he was in close contact with Caleb. This was _really_exciting. There was always something _safe_about going out as Firebrand. He had the adoration of all the people, the aid of the local authorities and the other members of the Alliance. But this time he was going out as plain old Lars McCloud. Not some fire-empowered superhero but just quarterback from a local high school.

It was... exciting!

It didn't take long to see exactly what the commotion was about. Newport wasn't so far but with Ballistic, Caleb could weave and swerve through the traffic that was being held back by several policemen. Upon seeing them though, the barricade immediately gave way. It amazing Lars how much pull the FBI really had.

"You know you Outsiders and us supers aren't so different!" Lars shouted over the roaring winds.

"You mean apart from the fact that if I get fatally wounded, I don't have a chance of regenerating?" countered Caleb. "Or the fact that if I want to lift a hundred pounds, I have to do with my own strength or if I need to run away from a catastrophic explosion, I have to do so with my own legs?"

Lars frowned. "You wish you were a super, Cale?"

"Not really. I'm honestly good as I am. I can't get infected by the Gene Stealers because of my powers. No super can."

That was new information to him. It made him wonder, though, what that meant. Did the Gene Stealers see the 'normals' as a sort of harvest that they could convert and take advantage of? Were they trying to turn the far larger majority of un-powered people into their slaves to topple the established supers, heroes or not?

Whatever thoughts he may have been having were instantly interrupted when a loud yipping-like laugh penetrated the air. He peered up at the Newport Junior Baseball Field currently being constructed. His eyes widened when he saw a very nude, very naked hyena leap up on top of one of the scaffoldings, chasing a worker. The hyena crashed into the man and they disappeared into the field.

"Holy shit!" he cried.

"It gets worse."

Right in front of them, one of those very same hyenas crashed into the barricade of police cars. Guns went off but the bullets just bounced of the gargantuan beast's flesh. The creature, probably around ten feet tall, seized a cop from the ground in his paws. The poor cougar was left trying to free himself from the enormous grip. The hyena drew a long, sloppy lick across the man's face before breaking into riotous laughter.

Strangely, the cop began laughing too. He began laughing so uncontrollably that he held his head in one free paw like he couldn't believe he was laughing. To everyone's horror, that very same paw lost is tawny, golden colour and became covered in thick, dark brown fur. Brown spots began appearing across the man's arm, spreading across his existing fur as his muscles bulged and his broad, square muzzle stretched out to suit a more canine-like shape.

Lars' jaw dropped when another massive hyena took the place of cougar, laughing away with a thick, black, pointed cock spraying cum gleefully all around him.

"That is definitely new," Caleb muttered, one ear bent. Lars couldn't help but steal a peak at his friend's crotch for any signs of an erection. Not even a little bump beyond the bulge already there. Definitely not gay.

"None of the Gene Stealers are big, muscular hyenas?" Lars asked, leaping off Ballistic. He was also hoping Caleb wouldn't note how hard he was.

"Last time I checked, no," Caleb responded. "Come on! It looks like they're infectious! We can't let this spread!"

The wolf pushed past the rapidly fleeing citizens. Several policemen instantly turned tail and ran as the two massive hyenas laughed and began pouncing upon them. The newly spawned beast seized one of his former team members, grinning at the human woman. He sniffed her absently then let out a disgusted grunt. He tossed her aside, sending her flying through the air with limbs flailing.

Lars instantly moved. He leapt onto a nearby car and -


Caught the woman in his arms.

"Oh my god!" she cried, eyes wide in horror. "Thank you!" Then her eyes grew suspicious. "What's a kid like you doing here?"


"Sightseeing," Caleb said, leaping up onto the vehicle and seizing the gun still in her holster. "Is this a Hawkins revolver?"

"Hey!" she cried trying to swipe it from him.

"Great," he replied, pointing it at the hyena that had spotted them. A mad grin crossed the beast's muzzle and it bounded towards them, yipping on its way. The revolver began to glow that eerie, light blue and began emitting glistening, ethereal feathers. Lars' eyes widened six fiery bird erupted from the barrel of the gun, hovering around Caleb in a ring. The hyena ground to a halt, his stubby tail folding between its legs and his ears folding back in horror.

The birds charged.


The first three collided with the vehicles around the hyena, instantly igniting their energy cells and sending a burst of black smoke marred with blue energies into the air.


The other three slammed right into the hyena, sending the beast back. Caleb shook his paw holding the revolver like he was trying to shake pins and needles from them.

"Shit... I'm still not accurate enough..."

"You knew it would do that?" Lars asked.

"Yeah. Bren used to carry around a Hawkins revolver until I got my paws on it once. He said it was cool what I did with it but it's too destructive. Plus too expensive when it got destroyed every time he died."

Caleb leapt off the car and lifted the revolver to his right. The other hyena - the first one that had transformed the cougar cop - had seized another man. The wolf pulled the trigger of the revolver, spewing another six, fiery birds. They slammed into the ground around the hyena, far enough not to cause injury to his captive but enough to force the beast to let the man go, yip and bolt back towards the construction site.

Lars let the policewoman go and followed him but the woman, Officer Watson from her badge, was not so quick to leave.

"You two are supers!?" she demanded.

Knowing full well that Bren would just erase her memories, Lars nodded. "I am. He's an Outsider."

She frowned. "One powerful Outsider. What's his power?"

"Anything he touches he can turn into an awesome weapon of destruction. We just don't know what." Caleb was suddenly bolting towards the construction site, calling for him. Lars regarded the woman and spied her taser. "Hey, can I borrow this?" He swiped it without asking and turned, using his super speed to catch up with Caleb easily.

They entered the construction site and the first thing that they noticed was the putrid smell of copious amounts of cum mixed with sweat and dirt. There were about thirty of the massive hyenas clamouring over the partially constructed baseball stadium. They were climbing across the scaffoldings, holding their cocks and spraying cum at one another. Two were furiously making out a short distance away, taking breaks just to let out a series of mad laughs.

"It's like a freakin' madhouse!" Lars shouted. "A madhouse filled with sexed-up, hyper-masculine hyenas!" He turned to Caleb and handed him the Taser. "Here. Think you can do something with this?"

A hyena noticed them and let out a series of barks that caught the attention of the others. Pairs of bright, yellow eyes stared down at them with hungry glee.

"God, I hope so," Caleb muttered. He flicked his wrist and the Taser began to glow. The little weapon moved up his arm, wrapping around his wrist like the spider gauntlet only it was securely wrapped around his palm as well. Electricity sizzled in the air and a long, bolt of pure, blue lightning lanced out of his palm, slackening slightly to become six-foot long whip of pure energy.

"Hell yeah!" Lars shouted. "That's what I'm fuckin' talking about!"

"Yeah. Great. What about you?"

Lars' cheery mood died down when the he heard the hyena's massive bounding feet charging towards them. Caleb pushed him back protectively and he found himself hitting the ground as the big wolf lifted his revolver. Fiery birds sprang up around him and darted off in various directions, exploding all around them and throwing up dirt and smoke.

A hyena burst through the smokescreen.


The wolf instantly snapped his left wrist, the plasma whip lashing out and wrapping around hyena's neck. Lars could detect the scent of burning fur from where he sat. Caleb yanked the whip downwards, slamming the hyena into the hard packed ground with a heavy thud. He lifted his revolver again -

"Caleb! Don't!"

A black van burst through the fragile, wooden fencing nearby. It slammed into the other hyenas coughing, spluttering and giggling in the smokescreen, sending them to the ground. Mary was out of the van, waving her arms in desperation.

"Don't kill them!"

"What?" Caleb exclaimed. "Aren't they just some Gene Stealer clone? Isn't the original person dead by now?"

"Didn't you see how quickly that guy transformed!?" countered Mary. "These aren't like the other clones! They're not even clones! They're fully transformed people who retain their consciousness! Their bodies are just going wild with the transformation and they can barely contain themselves! They're just scared and overwhelmed!"

Lars gazed at the whimpering hyena lying in front of them. The guy's big, yellow eyes stared up at them. There was... sentience there...

"Oh shit..." Caleb exclaimed, pulling his whip off the guy. "I'm sorry! I didn't -"



The hyena just got up and slammed right into Caleb, shoving his tongue deep down Caleb's throat. Long ropes of cum exploded from the hyena's cock, splattering all over Caleb's shirt. Lars growled. Rage built up inside of him. Not only rage but fear. He feared Caleb would be turned into one of these mindless, scared hyenas! Hell, he was even a little jealous that some mutated stranger got the chance to kiss Caleb!

He let out a thunderous roar and jumped to his feet. He seized the hyena by the scruff and hurled the man halfway across the field. The hyena hit the ground, yowling in pain. Lars spun towards Caleb, staring at his friend in worry. If the wolf started laughing, he knew it was all over.

"Fuck that's nasty," Caleb snarled, wiping his muzzle. "The guy's muzzle tasted like cock!"

"You know what cock tastes like?"

"Har-har," growled Caleb, flicking his whip angrily. "They may be mindless, scared idiots but I liked these clothes! They were expensive! Now they're covered is jizz!"

"Way to prioritise, Cale."

Mary and Bren came to their side.

Bren gave Lars a large, silvery assault rifle. "Big ass stungun."

Lars nodded in appreciation as Bren brought up his own stungun.

The hyenas began to circle them, growling and snapping. It was a wall of thirty, overly muscular mammals, cocks dripping with cum and their maddening laughter peppering them from all sides.

Mary suddenly let out a derisive snort.

"You better not be turning on me, Mary," Caleb snarled.

"No," she answered, closing her eyes with a cock smirk on her face. "That laugh. It's like a powerful encoded message. It sends signals to our brains and then orders our brain to start rearranging our DNA into these forms. I can feel it trying to alter our brainwaves but it just keeps bouncing back because of our existing powers. Oh and the fact that Bren isn't really normal. If anyone is exposed to that for far too long, they'll start turning."

"Just by listening to that god awful laugh?"

"Yeah. Extended exposure and proximity might have something to do with it. Those people out there" - she pointed outside of the construction yard - "can hear it too but it's not affecting them as much. It's trying to work on us but... well, we're not normal."

Lars frowned. From what little he had heard from Mary about the Gene Stealers, that fit their MO perfectly. Or it would if it was just one of the Gene Stealers. The mind controlling factor was Dragon Knight's forte and the scratch or bite was something Wendigo specialised in. The body fluids... was that Spider Queen's shtick?

"It's hardwired into their subconscious," Mary said, opening her eyes. "Right now, because of their panicked states, their acting purely on instinct, driven entirely by whatever was programmed into them at the moment of transformation. I can still feel their consciousness. Some of them are fighting for control but we'll have to help."


One hyena charged at her, snapping wildly. Lars made to turn and defender her but she was suddenly speeding right at the hyena. He shouted her name but cut it short when she ducked past the hyena's massive, muscular arms and slammed her fist right into the guy's massive coconut-sized balls. All three men cringed and let out a wince. Even the other hyenas stopped laughing.

Mary showed no mercy. She leapt back before sending a flurry of dizzying punches straight into the hyena's chest. Two punches to the stomach and then three to the diaphragm send the hyena doubling over in pain. Five quick jabs to the chest and two open-palm strikes that was met with the sickening crunch_of collarbones being shattered. Mary swept her fist back and sent it skyrocketing upwards, catching the hyena's chin and sending the guy reeling back from the uppercut. That move only built her momentum as he turned the movement into a sharp backwards cartwheel, her legs sweeping upward and striking the hyena. The poor guy was sent a whole _foot into the air. Mary then leapt up, seizing the hyena's head in mid-air before sending it crashing down on her knee! Something broke on the guy's face and Lars did not want to think what.

Still in mid-air, Mary finished by wrapping her arm around the hyena's neck, angling her body flat and then slamming her opponent to the ground with a powerful suplex throw!

She leapt to her feet, dusting off her bare hands and flicking her long, blonde hair back.

"What the fuck was that!?" Lars exclaimed, eyes widened. Despite having a bigass gun, he still felt ridiculously inadequate next to the crazy martial artist which was Mary.

"Didn't Caleb tell you?" she asked, winking at him. "I train with his dad at the dojo every Tuesday and Thursday. I'm the only one that ever beat him."

Caleb's ears folded back in shame. "And my dad beat me and my brothers once..."


Mary grinned, turning towards the other hyenas and cracking her knuckles. "Damn right."

The hyenas were starting to lose courage despite still having them outnumbered. Bren pressed up against Lars' back and the tiger nudged him lightly. Lars realised Bren wanted him to fire in the opposite direction. He knew that full-fledged supers like him had a weird 'aura' that worked well with other supers. It was a sort of 'synchronisation' thing. When supers fought together, they just tended to know where each other was going and what they would do. It was why battles between superheroes and supervillains always tended to be long and protracted; they just instinctively knew what the other was going to do. Made for good TV though, apparently.

But here, Lars felt himself completely out of place. He had no idea what to do...

At that moment, an ear-splitting howl cut through the stadium. A big, blood-red form came shooting through a wooden fence, slamming into another hyena. Something in Lars instantly clicked and he vaulted over the two crashing, furry figures. He spun in midair, firing his gun in a wide arch. Bolts of sizzling green energies shot from the barrel of his massive weapon. Hyenas struck were instantly sent to the ground, their limbs being thrown into uncontrollable spasms. They yipped before falling to the ground, unconscious, tongue hanging out and eyes rolled into the backs of their head.

The moment he landed, he tossed the weapon over his shoulder just in time for Blood Wolf to catch it, hold the weapon to the chin of the hyena he was struggling with and get off one badass line.

"Guess who, fucker."

He pulled the trigger and the hyena was sent into unconsciousness.

Blood Wolf got up and handed Lars back the weapon. "So what's the story with these assholes?"

"You know how you're a werewolf?"



Blood Wolf looked surprised. "No shit."

"No shit," Lars growled. "Caleb already got creamed but we've got superpowers and are apparently immune."

"Your powers doesn't protect you from becoming a werewolf."

He shot Blood Wolf a foul look and the enormous werewolf just smirked and turned back towards the battle.

The hyenas instantly broke their predatory circle. It was clear that they were outgunned. Mary chased down two of the beasts, running up the back of one before leaping into the air and tackling the second. As they crashed, she lashed out with her leg, tripping the other hyena.

Blood Wolf let out a thunderous roar and his eyes flashed red. Lars knew that look. The werewolf had used it on him on their second encounter. The bodies of several hyenas suddenly locked up and they fell to the ground, yapping and snapping in fear.

Caleb fired off fiery birds from his revolver but then tossed it aside as none of his shots hit. He bolted towards the escaping hyenas, knowing full well that they could not be allowed to escape into the city. Lars fired his gun ahead of his best friend, trying to mow down any hyenas that were too far. Strangely, he saw Caleb bend down and pick up a stray piece of wood. One of the hyenas, feeling brave, turned around and pounced at the wolf. The makeshift weapon in Caleb's paws glistening with ethereal blue light, transforming into a fully-fledged bat.

He swung it and -


Somewhere, trumpeting horns exploded followed by an invisible crowd cheering for a homerun. The hyena was sent flying high into the air, slamming into the partially constructed big screen for the stadium and sending sparks flying. Confetti exploded around Caleb, confusing the wolf even more.

But three of the hyenas were too far for them to catch!

Blood Wolf snarled and made after them but Lars quickly stopped him. Caleb bolted towards a cement truck with its rear pointed towards the fleeing hyenas. Caleb pressed a paw against it. The entire truck glowed blue then -


Went off like a cannon, a huge chunk of grey cement exploding out of the truck's rear funnel, throwing the truck back a good fifteen feet. The globule of cement hit the three fleeing hyenas, sending them crashing to the ground and pinning them there.

Lars did a quick headcount. Thirty of the horny beasts were unconscious. He grimaced when he saw that those stunned by his gun were still very much aroused. Their hips were bucking and more and more semen were spewing from their pointing cocks. He took the long way around to Caleb who was staring at the cement truck with a hesitant look.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Caleb pointed at the front end of the truck. "I killed Bren. Again."

Without a doubt, there was a rather nasty blood splatter in front of the truck where Bren must've stood when the truck flew back from its shot.

"Shit..." Lars said, unable to keep himself from laughing. Caleb shot him a worried look but he quickly waved his paw. "We won't be able to laugh now without fearing we're infected, will we?"

"Not for a week, at least," Caleb replied with a wry smile.

Lars detected the distinct musky, metallic scent of Blood Wolf as the massive werewolf approached. "Well, how're they going to clean this up now? Don't suppose you've got hundreds of your men in black with cameras, do you?

It was Mary who answered. "You know how this will be all over the news? Yeah, well tactful subliminal messaging and mind control techniques will wipe people's minds of those events. Those people that actually _experienced_the events will be affected by Elliot."

"Elliot?" Lars asked. "Who's Elliot?"

"Another member of our team. Our tech specialist. He's an Outsider too. Don't worry. As long as someone has a phone, computer or one of those new iMe's, no one will remember. And those that do, will be considered crazy."

"And the collateral damage?"

"It'll be taken care of." She held open her hand, lifting it for all to see. On her palm, bloodied and looking terribly fresh, were ten fangs.

"Anyone want to use these? I was thinking of making them into a necklace."


Unfortunately, with Caleb's clothes covered in werehyena cum, they had to be confiscated, studied and probably burned. That meant he had to go back home in one of the FBI's standard black suits. It felt weird especially since he had to wear the entire ensemble - including the black tie.

He stuck around the analyst guys long enough to learn that it seemed like the werehyenas were slowly regaining their consciousness again but had to constantly fight their more 'bestial' instincts. As for turning back into what they once were... Well, the analysts said that their DNA had been irreparably altered and it would take months to map out the extent of the changes. These mutations weren't like the Gene Stealers' where a person was rewritten entirely to fit a specific template. These guys were transformed to alter their shape but just alter their species, build and psychology slightly. It was like whoever was doing this to them wanted to make sure that they retained their personalities and developed unique identities.

To what end... Caleb could only guess.

But it didn't seem like the typical Gene Stealer MO. Maybe they had a more complex copycat or maybe they were expanding their operations? He was just scared for these guys. He managed to talk to one of the first werehyenas - a guy named Brodie. The guy had trouble talking but he was crying and stammered about how he had a wife and kid.

It broke Caleb's heart... He wasn't sure what the FBI would do...

When he reached home, it was well into the night. Everyone else had gone to sleep. He had to stay back at 'work' for the quarantine of his clothes and to make sure any residual mutagen was scrubbed from his fur to prevent him infecting anyone else inadvertently. He had given his parents a call, telling them he was staying at Mary's for a bit to catch up on homework. Mary had been allowed to go home since she hadn't been covered in werehyena cum.

As he entered the house, he kicked off the polished, black shoes he was given, stuffed his socks into them and made his way to the stairs. He paused when he saw a note from his mother that merely said 'Caleb, claws'. Rolling his eyes, he grumbled and put on the sandals at the foot of the stairs. He marched glumly back up the stairs to his room, all the while thinking about what this meant for the ongoing battle against the Gene Stealers and if they had a new enemy.

That train of thought didn't last long when he pushed open the door and Lance's musky scent that reminded him of well-seasoned beef that was cooked medium-rare; succulent, delicious and still with that hint of raw meat that made your mouth water. Lance lay on his bed, naked as the day he was born and smiling seductively.

"Out late, bro?"

Caleb's eyes flashed in frustration. He did not need to deal with this right now. Yes, he was stressed but he had no intention of jacking off with his brother. Not tonight. It just would bring more questions, more confusion to his already confusing life. He shut his door quietly behind him.

In sharp, harsh tones, he said, "Lance, not tonight."

Lance's expression fell and became worried. "Hard day? And... when did you get a suit?"

Caleb was too tired to give any excuses. "Look... I know you want something more_than just us two getting each other's rocks off. But it just can't happen, okay? I'm _straight. More than that, you're my brother! We can't..." He gestured between himself and Lance. "This just can't happen."

Lance removed himself from the bed, ears folded and tail dragging. "Wait... are you saying you don't find me attractive...?"

"I never said anything about attraction!" realising his voice was bordering on becoming audible to someone beyond Lance, he lowered it again. "Hell, it was even exciting for a bit but come on, man. It's just wrong."

"Oh..." Lance's eyes lowered. "It's Leon, isn't it?"


"You like Leon more... He's always the one that comes out on top." Lance growled and scuffed the floor absently. "Shit... I should've known you'd appreciate someone that's more macho... Someone that can take charge and not be just a pussy... Hell, he's better looking. Me? I'm a freak. I'm too big... Girls can even hug me all the way around!"

"Oh for..." Caleb pinched the bridge of his muzzle. He was starting to get a headache. "Wolf Christ... Look, Lance... You're sexy as all hell and I'll admit there's been a part of me that's been wondering what it'd be like but the more _sensible_part of me says 'no' and that's the part I'm going to listen to."

He felt Lance approach, the bigger wolf's paws hovering over his shoulders. "What's wrong with loving your brother like that?"

"Love? For fuck's sake, Lance, for the past eighteen years you've made my life a living hell. How do you think_I_ feel about you? You think just suddenly coming out of the closet and saying you 'love me and always have' is going to make me suddenly fall in love with you?" Caleb shook his head. "Nuh-uh. That's not going to make up for the years of torment or the fact that you're still my brother!"

"Can't we just pretend -"

"Why do you want this so much!?" he shouted.

Lance looked lost and his muzzle just hung open. He shook his head for a few moments, unable to give an answer. "I... I don't know..."

"Well, if you can't give me an answer, then I think you better leave."

Lance's ears folded back and he ducked his head, slowly sliding past Caleb. He paused right next to his brother, his big paw gliding up Caleb's chest and hovering over his heart. Caleb was a little scared that his heartbeat was perfectly calm. Slowly, Lance ran a claw down his tie.

"I can't give you an answer..." he whispered softly. "But I'm hoping you can instead." Caleb shot his brother a con-puzzled look. "Mom and dad hit the hay at nine. Abby will be gone tomorrow and Leon is spending the week with his girlfriend. Tomorrow night, at exactly ten thirty, I'll come to your door. If I see this tie on the doorknob, I'll know you've come up with a reason to go forward with this thing. If not... then you've found a reason not to."

Caleb opened his muzzle but Lance pressed a finger against his lips. "Please Caleb. I don't want to know what it is. Can I... Can I just have tonight?"

The younger wolf winced... before nodding slowly. Lance leaned forward... and pressed their lips together very light. It was just an innocent peck. Caleb sense Lance wanted more but he couldn't give it. When Lance pulled away, there was hurt in his eyes.

His older brother left, shutting the door softly with a click.

Caleb ran a hand down his tie.

"I hate this fucking suit."


"Ah, that was disappointing," Spider Queen said, leaning back absently. "Such hot, horny hyena men. A pity. They would have made for a great army." She glanced over her shoulder at Shark Tamer who was absently compiling notes on his tablet. "What was the plan? Offer them their lives back, turning them back to normal by forcing them to serve us?"

"That would have been the ideal situation, yes," answered Shark Tamer. "Generation Two is still far from where I want them to be but hopefully the next generation will be far more geared to Chimera's specifications. I will still need to run more tests. One species, one method of transmission and one test does not make for very conclusive evidence. I will need to send our new friend out on more runs."

Spider Queen tapped her chin absently with a long, supple finger. "Hmmm... Why did they all go for the men, though? Could they not have transformed the women too?"

"Another bug I hope to sort out. The sexual orientation of the Original seems to implant itself into the instincts of the infected. In essence, those men are now all very much homosexual because -"

"Our friend is gay," Spider Queen laughed. "Why don't we just do that!? Why can't we just get someone to give random guys across the city blowjobs and implant our orders into their minds?"

"Because one cannot just force an idea into a person's mind or they will eventually reject it." Shark Tamer hiked a thumb over his shoulder. "That is very much the same way Dragon Knight works. He implants to idea subtly and slowly, his victim comes to accept the idea as truth before turning themselves into his service. It is the same with these men. They have been transformed brutally, physically and that is the part they reject but these homosexual tendencies... Well, it may still be rejected in the end... Hmmm..." Shark tapped away at his tablet. "I will have to experiment on that. We want the changes to be quick but we cannot just have the user reject it either..."

A loud, thunderous boom filled their chamber. Both members of the Gene Stealers turned. Spider Queen licked her lips while Shark Tamer grinned, showing his rows of sharp teeth. A tall, athletic figure stepped into the room, his broad, webbed wings glistening with his black scales blending in perfectly with the darkness.

Dragon Knight, perfectly in the nude and showing of his handsome, muscular body bowed to each of them.

"Master Shark, Lady Spider," he said in perfectly articulated English. "May I introduce the newest member of our group." He stepped aside, revealing a six foot something, muscular hyena with shining, yellow eyes and a broad, predatory smile.

"Master Gnoll."

Chapter XXII: Before Horizon

## Chapter XXII: Before Horizon _"Chillfarn was a place meant to keep the Darkened out; a quarantine gate. News travelled fast and people realised that thousands of years' worth of worship was based entirely on a lie. Tynvandar had a lot to explain...

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Chapter II: Close Quarters

## Chapter II: Close Quarters Caleb sat stiffly, gazing forward mechanically and not truly seeing either Ben or Lars who sat in front of him. Beside him, Mary was quietly eating her lunch, completely ignoring the three boys who were quite possibly...

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Chapter I: Weapons Master

## Chapter I: Weapons Master _Brrring! Brrring!_ An unintelligible growl emerged a large pile of dirty clothes, rumpled quilts and fluffed pillows. _Brrring! Brring!_ A dusty grey flicked in annoyance, poking out from the edge of the little burial...

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