The Royal Apples - Part I

Story by Radical Gopher on SoFurry

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#1 of Apple Chronicles - MLP

What makes a hero?


Blood spackled the half-frozen ground and surrounded the deeply embedded hoof prints that led out of the forest. The soft glow of a full moon bathed the large stallion as he slowly made his way towards an isolated cottage. Reaching it, he lifted a fore-hoof and rapped it several times against the door. A light went on, followed a moment later by a gruff, and very annoyed voice.

"Who's there?" The door opened to reveal an old donkey wearing a sleeping cap, nightshirt and a scowl on his face. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" he complained.

Without a word the larger stallion pushed his way passed the irate donkey and went over to a large sofa that sat before a stone fireplace. The embers of a banked fire softly glowed with warmth.

Angered even further, the donkey firmly shut the door and turned on the interloper. "Just what the devil do you think you're doing?" Instead of answering the stallion twisted his neck and grabbed a large, blanket covered form with his teeth. Gently he lifted it from his back and placed it on the sofa.

"Look here!" snapped the cottage's owner. "You can't just come busting into some pony's house and..." His voice tapered off as he saw the blood-soaked edges of the blanket and the droplets spattered along the floor.

Pacing over to the couch he lifted the edge of the blanket. Within lay a dark-blue filly, her mane draped raggedly across her face. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was slow and shallow. Her normally immaculately clean fur was soaked with crimson and a coppery smell filled the air. The sight that astonished him more than anything was her horn and wings.

"Princess Luna?!" The donkey looked up sharply at the stallion. "What happened?"

Before an answer could be formed the long, drawn-out howl of a timber wolf cut through the night. The donkey immediately recognized it as a hunting call. It was close, only two or three miles distant at best.

The stallion trotted over to the door. Turning, he looked at the old donkey, his eyes blazing with intensity. "Get help!" Opening the door he raced back into the night.

Watching him as he galloped with an uneven gait, the donkey had the impression the other equine was pushing the limits of his strength. A voice behind him drew his attention back into the cottage.

"Who was that dear?"

He turned to face his wife as she entered the room. Her eyes drifted over to the figure on the sofa. "Oh my stars!" she gasped. "Is that...?"

Cranky Doodle simply nodded. He went over to the fireplace, dropped a log onto the coals and quickly stoked the fire. Pulling a long scarf off a hook on the back of the door he turned to his mate. "Can you watch her while I go get help?"

Matilda nodded then paced over to Cranky and hugged him with her fore-hooves. "Stay safe," she begged.

"I will," he replied as he stepped through the door and galloped towards town.

Matilda pushed the door closed, locking it behind her before moving over to the unconscious alicorn.


Twilight Sparkle was muzzle deep in a research project when there came a loud knocking on the library door. She ignored the sound at first, levitating a quill across a roll of paper. When the knocking turned into an insistent pounding she huffed in frustration, dropped the quill and trotted over to the door.

Opening it, the lavender alicorn came face to face with Nurse Redheart from the Ponyville clinic.

"Princess, I'm sorry for the intrusion. The doctor sent me to get you and the other elements," she explained breathlessly. "We need your help."


"Over at Cranky Doodle's cottage, your highness. Somepony's been hurt and we need your magic to help her."

Twilight quickly dampened down a spark of fear within her. This was not a time to panic, at least not until she knew more about what was happening. "Have you woken any of the others?" she asked

"No, Princess. You're the first."

The alicorn nodded and magically summoned a set of saddlebags from a nearby closet. Turning, she went over to the stairs. "Spike!"

A moment or two later an upstairs door opened revealing a short, bleary-eyed baby dragon. "Okay, I'm up! I'm up!" he grumbled. "What do you need?"

Twilight magically settled the saddlebags across her back and wrapped a scarf around her throat. "I need you to go get Pinky Pie and Rarity and tell them to meet me at the Doodle's cottage."

"What about Rainbow Dash?" the dragon asked hopping down the stairs one by one.

"She's at Rarity's sleeping off last night's party."

"Gotcha!" Spike replied, jogging out the door as fast as his tiny legs would carry him. He was pulled up short by Twilight who quickly wrapped him in an overlong scarf then sent him on his way.

"How can I help, your majesty?" asked Redheart.

"I need you to go get Applejack," the unicorn replied. "You can get out to Sweet Apple Acres faster than Spike could."

The pony nodded once, then galloped away; her white cloak flapping in the night air.

"And please stop calling me princess. My name's still Twilight!" she called after the nurse. The alicorn settled a pair of ear muffs across her head, closed the door to the library then galloped off in the direction of Cranky Doodle's, choosing to run rather than fly because she was still taking lessons from Rainbow Dash. She stopped briefly to wake-up Fluttershy since it was on the way. She and the butter-yellow pegasus arrived at the cottage shortly thereafter.

The lavender alicorn knocked on the door and it was quickly opened by Matilda. Seeing who it was she immediately let her in, a look of relief in her eyes. "Thank Celestia you're here! The doctor needs your expertise."

"What's the problem?" Twilight asked, trotting into the room. She could see the doctor over by the couch, a thermometer levitating in front of him. He was aided by one of the Ponyville clinic's younger interns. He held a clipboard in his hooves.

Matilda closed the door, cutting off the chill of the night air. Cranky could be heard puttering around in the kitchen shoving wood into the old stove so he could boil water.

"Temperature is normal," the doctor muttered to his assistant, somewhat puzzled, "but she's still ice-cold to the touch." He looked up and saw Twilight approaching. "Princess Sparkle! Am I glad you're here!"

"It's just Twilight, please, not Princess. How can I help Doctor Stable?"

The doctor put the thermometer back into his saddlebags. "Come and see for yourself."

Twilight walked around the couch. The first thing she notices were the droplets of blood on the floor and the horrifyingly massive red-stain on the blanket. Her eyes went wide with shock when she recognized the figure lying before her.

"Princess Luna!" She looked up sharply at the doctor. "What's happened? Is she badly hurt? How long has she been like this?"

The doctor could hear the faint traces of panic in Twilight's voice, so he shifted into his calm, professional voice. "I'm not sure. I was told the pony who brought her in didn't remain long enough to answer any questions. As far as I can tell, she hasn't suffered any physical trauma."

"But what about all this blood?"

"It's not hers," the doctor replied. "I'm guessing it must belong to the stallion who brought her here. As to how long she's been like this I couldn't say. At the very least she's been this way since she arrived. However, in examining the princess I did find this." Reaching up with a hoof he gently slid aside Luna's mane.

Twilight peered closely and could see what looked like a black tattoo etched in her fur. "It looks like a runic glyph," she explained, "though I'm not certain what kind."

"That's what I thought," the doctor replied. "That's why I sent my nurse for you and the other elements. Maybe you ladies can figure out what to do here. I'm out of my league when it comes to anything other than healing magic."

"I'll see what we can do," Twilight replied. Turning she looked at Fluttershy. "Can you fly back to the library and bring me my copy of Runes, Glyphs and Totems? It will be on the second bookshelf from the left, right next to my bust of Starswirl the Bearded."

"Uh...okay...if you really need it," the shy pegasus whispered. She went over to the door and opened it, stepping out into the moonlight. Just at that moment Rarity, Pinky and Rainbow arrived. Fluttershy stepped aside and let them pass before launching herself in the direction of Twilight's tree.

"Okay," called out Rainbow as she trotted into the house, "What's the big emergency...WHOA!" She found herself staring at the princess, mouth agape. "That is SO not cool.

"Glad you're here guys. I could really use your help," said Twilight.

"What do you want us to do, darling?" asked Rarity.

"I need Pinky helping Cranky in the kitchen with the hot water."

"Okey Dokie Loki," replied the pink, cotton-candy maned pony as she cantered off. "Rarity..." Twilight paused for a moment and looked around. "Where's Spike? Isn't he with you?"

"I asked him to keep an eye on Sweetie Bell while we were gone. She's staying with me for a week and I didn't want her waking up to an empty house. That's alright with you, isn't it?"

"That's fine," Twilight said. She looked over at Matilda. "Can you get some clean blankets to put the princess on?"

"Certainly," she replied opening up a linen closet and pulling out a number of sheets and clean blankets.

The lavender alicorn looked over at Rainbow Dash who was nervously pacing in front of the door. "How long would it take you to fly to Canterlot with a message for Princess Celestia?"

"At top speed? About fifteen minutes I'd guess," the colorful Pegasus replied.

Twilight took a quill and a scroll from her saddlebags. Jotting down a quick message she rolled it up and handed it to Rainbow Dash. "Make sure you deliver it directly to the princess. Land on her balcony if you have to, but get it to her."

"What about the royal guards?" asked Rarity. "Won't they try to stop her?"

"They can try all they want," the Pegasus replied, a wicked grin on her face. Within moments she was out the door and on her way.

With help from the doctor, Twilight carefully levitated Luna off the blood-stained blanket. Rarity used her magic to gently lay out both sheets and blankets for the princess, tossing aside the ruined bedding. They then arranged her as comfortably as possible on the sofa.

Just as they finished there was a soft knock on the door. Matilda opened it to admit Fluttershy who was carrying a book almost half her size. Right behind her came Applejack and Nurse Redheart.

"Sorry Ah'm late everypony," Applejack said. "Nurse Redheart told me somepony was hurt. How can Ah help?" She abruptly stopped and looked at the figure on the sofa. "The Princess? What's she doing here? What happened?"

Twilight levitated the tome Fluttershy had brought onto a nearby table and started going through it page by page. "That's what we'd like to know. Right now the best thing you can do is be here to help when it's needed."

"Well, what kind of help?" Applejack insisted.

"One thing you can do is track down that stallion who brought Luna here," said Cranky Doodle as he carried a pitcher of hot water and a washbasin into the room, setting them down beside the princess. "We won't know exactly what happened until either she wakes up or he shows up again, if he does."

"What do you mean if?" asked Fluttershy.

"Right after he arrived we heard some timber wolves on the hunt. I'm guessing he ran off to keep them from finding his blood trail here."

"Oh my," whispered Rarity, levitating and examining the blood soaked blanket. "He must have been pretty badly hurt when he got here."

"I didn't get a good look but I think he was covered with blood from head to tail. Even his cutie mark was obscured."

Applejack looked at Cranky. "How in tarnation are we going to find one stallion in the middle of the night?"

"At the very least, we can follow the trail he left getting here, then we'll just have to trust to luck."

With the others agreeing, Cranky Doodle took charge and organized a search party. It was decided that he, Nurse Redheart, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy would try following the stallion's trail while Pinky and Matilda would help Twilight and the doctor with Luna.

A light wind was starting to blow the snow around some as they left. Fortunately, it was not enough to obscure the trail they were following, at least not for the first half-mile or so. As they approached the edge of the Everfree forest though the trail suddenly became blurred. Both Applejack and Cranky peered at the patterns of lines crossing the show.

"This looks like our stallion friend wiped the trail clean with a tree branch," muttered the donkey.

"Why would he do that?" asked Rarity.

"More than likely tryin' to keep them timber wolves from tracking on Cranky's place," Applejack replied.

"Uh...maybe if we, uh...spread out in a line we could, uh, you know pick up his trail again?" squeaked Fluttershy.

"That's not a bad thought, darling," replied Rarity.

"Well, it's better than poking around in circles," Applejack replied, slightly annoyed that she hadn't thought of it.

With Cranky in the center, the mares formed a line with about ten feet between each of them. They slowly advanced towards the forest and stopped when Nurse Redheart called out that she had found something. Gathering together, they all looked at the patch of frozen blood and the hoof prints leading along the edge of the forest toward the town road. A two other sets of tracks overlay the first, both much fresher. Fluttershy identified them as belonging to timber wolves.

"Funny," muttered Cranky. "You'd have thought we would have heard wolves calling out the hunt by now, especially this close to the forest."

"Maybe these two are rogues that don't have a pack," offered Redheart.

The wind freshened, dropping the temperature and pulling at the snow that covered the ground. "Come on, you all," called Applejack. Pick up the pace before we lose the trail completely."

Galloping forward, the five ponies skirted the Everfree following the trail as best they could. Fluttershy was the first to notices that the stallion's hoof prints were not spaced as they should be for a pony at that gallop, nor were they following as straight a line as they had before.

"Doesn't look like this poor fellow has much running left in him," Applejack observed, reaching down and picking up a piece of broken hoof from the snow.

"Then we'd better find him before those wolves do," said Rarity.

"If they haven't already," observed the middle-aged donkey. They followed the tracks for several more minutes before losing the trail again.

"Now what?" asked Nurse Redheart.


"Eureka!" shouted Twilight looking up from her book.

The doctor nearly dropped his stethoscope at the noise. "Could you please be a little quieter?" he said.

"Sorry, but I found the glyph we were looking for. It's part of a paralysis spell."

"Is there a counter-spell we can use?" the doctor asked.

Twilight shook her head. "No, but there is a potion we can mix that will wash the glyph off and break the spell."

"Can you brew it here?" asked Matilda.

"I should be able to," the alicorn said reading thought the text. "Many of the ingredients are common household items. Everything else I have in my saddlebags." She finished reading the list. "Well, almost everything."

"What are you missing?"

"I'll need a cup of powered poison joke leaves. Not to worry, I know where to get it."

"Who around here would keep powdered poison...?" The doctor's eyes lit up with understanding. "Zecora?"

Twilight nodded.

"Okay, I can send my intern over to her place," the doctor began, then stopped as he saw Twilight shaking her head.

"It would be much faster if we sent Rainbow Dash."

"But you already sent her to Canterlot, dear," Matilda reminded the unicorn.

"How long has she been gone?"

The doctor looked at his watch. "About thirty-one minutes."

"Which means she should be back right about..." There was a soft thump outside the door. "Now," Twilight finished.

Matilda opened the door admitting the multi-hued Pegasus.

"Sorry I'm late guys, but there was a headwind coming back." She looked over at Twilight. "Princess Celestia is on her way with a contingent of guards. She should be here within the hour."

"Good," replied the lavender alicorn. "Now I need you to zip over to Zecora's and fetch me half a cup of powdered poison joke leaves."

"Poison joke? Why would you need that stuff?"

"It's part of a counter-spell that should help Luna wake up. Just be careful handling it on the way back."

"Who do I look like...Derpy Hooves?"

"Well, you might if you aren't careful," Twilight cautioned.

Nodding, Rainbow Dash was off again in an instant.

Twilight looked around. "Where's Pinky Pie?"

Matilda smiled. "Poor filly must have been tired. She fell asleep standing next to the stove, so I tucked her into an oversized laundry basket in the kitchen. It's the first time I've ever seen her staying in one spot for more than five seconds."

Twilight giggled slightly. "She's like that. She parties at full speed for days, then suddenly crashes out without warning."

"Do you need her for anything?" Matilda asked.

"No, not if you wouldn't mind helping me brew up a potion."

"Not at all, dearie. I always enjoy learning a new recipe," the donkey replied.

With Matilda's help Twilight quickly laid out all the ingredients they needed on the counter, measured in precise amounts and arranged in order. By the time Rainbow returned, they had a small kettle filled with water bubbling away. The blue furred Pegasus helped Matilda move Pinky and the laundry basket into a corner of the front room before collapsing across her friend in exhaustion and joining her in dreamland.

Following the instructions, the lavender furred alicorn carefully mixed the components together until she was left with a thick broth that had the texture and consistency of oatmeal. When the poison joke was added the mixture thinned itself into a liquid and turned vermillion.

"What's next?" asked Matilda.

Twilight quickly consulted the book once more. "We let it simmer for about ten minutes, then apply it to the glyph. It should cancel out the spell and bring Luna around." The donkey nodded and set her kitchen timer for ten minutes. She and Twilight returned to the living room and glanced down on the princess.

"It's hard to believe that anything could overcome an alicorn's magic like this," Matilda whispered to Twilight and Doctor Stable.

"Nothing living is immune to harm," he replied. "Not even an immortal princess."

"That's because we are not immortal," said a voice, "just very long lived."

Everyone turned to see a white-furred alicorn standing in the door, her multi-colored, pastel mane and tail flowing like water about her body.

"Princess Celestia!" cried Twilight with joy, trotting over to her mentor. The others in the room bowed deeply except for Rainbow Dash and Pinky Pie who were both snoring loudly from their shared laundry basket.

As Celestia gazed down on her sister Twilight told her everything she knew and showed her the glyph marking on Luna's neck. "I'm working on a potion that should remove the mark and break the spell."

"How soon will it be ready?" asked Celestia.

There was the sound of a bell ringing in the kitchen. "That should be it now," replied Twilight. She trotted into the kitchen and returned a moment later with a small cup of orange liquid. Digging into her saddlebags the alicorn pulled out a small paintbrush and dipped it into the liquid. Using her hoof, she gently traced the liquid over the outline of the glyph.

"Why doesn't she use her levitation to handle the brush?" Matilda asked Doctor Stable.

"She's being careful that her own magic doesn't influence the sorcery contained in the potion. All magical creatures are taught not to carelessly mix their magics."

Finishing, Twilight sat back to examine the effect, then looked at Celestia. "The book didn't say how long it would take for the symbol to vanish, just that it depended on the strength of the original spell." Even as she said this Luna drew in a deep breath and her back hooves twitched slightly. Within a matter of minutes the glyph had faded from view and the Princess of the Night's eyes were fluttering open.

Celestia gently nuzzled her sister. "Lulu? Are you awake? Can you hear me?"

"Lulu?" whispered Matilda to Twilight.

"It's family thing."

Luna's eyes opened and focused on her older sister. "Tia? Where? What...What happened?"

"I was hoping you could tell me," Celestia replied.

Princess Luna looked around and saw Twilight standing next to her. "Princess Sparkle? What are you doing here? And where exactly IS here?" She tried to sit up only to groan in pain. "What happened to me? Why does it feel like every muscle in my body is cramped up?"

"You've been under a spell," Twilight explained. "It paralyzed you for hours."

"A spell?" The alicorn princess suddenly became agitated. "NO...NO! NOT AGAIN...NOT LIKE BEFORE!"

Celestia wrapped a protective wing around her sister. "Calm yourself Luna. It's not like before. You haven't been possessed and Twilight was able to break the spell before any harm was done." She again nuzzled Luna and helped her regain her hooves. "Do you remember anything of what happened?"

"I...I'm not sure. It all seems unclear...confused." She looked up at her older sibling. "It scares me that I can't think clearly."

Princess Celestia looked at her sister. "It's probably a side effect of the spell. I can help you remember, Lulu, if you want me to," she said, a note of compassion in her voice.

"Yes! Yes! Please, help me. I need to know if...if I hurt anypony."

The Sun Princess closed her eyes for a moment allowing the power of her magic to flow through her and into her horn. It began to glow with a soft luminousness. She lowered her head and delicately touched it to Luna's horn. "Remember," she whispered. The glow passed from one alicorn to the other.

"I...I...remember now. I remember everything."

Celestia lifted her horn from her sister's. "What do you remember?"

Princess Luna took a couple of breaths to help her relax then looked at the others as they gathered around her. "Earlier this evening Prince Blue Blood came to me with a message. He said that you had returned to our old castle in the Everfree Forest and wanted to meet with me there in private."

"Prince Blue Blood? But I dispatched him as an envoy to the Crystal Empire only yesterday," Celestia responded. "How was this possible?"

"As it turned out the messenger was not really Blue Blood. Your 'message' requested I leave clandestinely and take only a minimum number of guards in order to allay any suspicions. I brought only six with me; one unicorn and one earth pony to ride with me and the prince in my chariot, and four pegasi to guide it. All were loyal members of the Night Guard." Luna stopped for a moment as her eyes misted over. She quickly brushed a foreleg across them and paused, trying to suppress the pain she felt.

Celestia gently put a hoof under her sister's chin, looked deeply into her eyes and asked she continue.

The Princess of the Night refocused and continued with the story. "Everything happened so quickly after that there was little time to think. We were crossing over the edge of the Everfree Forest, guided by instructions from Blue Blood, when something struck the chariot and threw it into a spin. Everyone was thrown out, but I managed to spread my wings and levitate the prince and my two escorts toward the ground. The pegasi guiding the chariot crash landed in a clearing. From what I could see all were injured. I set down next to them, intending to help when we were suddenly beset by at least a score of changelings."

"Changelings? I thought Queen Chrysalis and her minions were defeated months ago." Doctor Stable said.

"Defeated...but obviously not destroyed," Celestia replied grimly.

"Surprised and overwhelmed my escort was literally ripped apart by those monsters. I tried to cast a spell to protect them and drive the creatures away when I felt Blue Blood grab me. This was followed by a burning sensation in my neck. I fell to the ground, unable to move or see anything because my eyes were closed, but I could still feel and hear what was happening around me."

"What did you hear?" asked Twilight, thoroughly enraptured by the story.

"I heard my Night Guard being killed, though judging from the sounds they managed to take some of the creatures with them. Then silence, except for the chittering of those things and Blue Blood laughing. As he laughed, his voice changed, becoming sharper, more feminine."

"Queen Chrysalis!"

"I think so. At least that's what she claimed. I can hear her even now, her voice fading in and out as if she were circling me, gloating the whole time. She planned to take my place long enough to kill you Celli and have the murder blamed on me. It would throw Equestria into chaos and allow her minions to feed without fear from either of us."

"What happened next?" asked Celestia.

"That's where things get more than a little confusing. As she was gloating I thought I heard first one, then another of the changelings give off a small shriek. Initially it was too soft for Chrysalis to hear. She noticed it the third time it happened and ordered her minions to spread out and search. Shortly after that I heard was the sound of fighting and what definitely sounded like the cracking of shells and the galloping of hooves. The queen started to scream orders in a language I couldn't understand, then something burst into the clearing and started attacking and killing the changelings right and left."

"You couldn't make out anything else?" Celestia asked.

Luna shook her head. "All I could do was hear and feel...and smell the stink of changelings whose chitins had been ripped open."

Twilight shivered. "I remember what that's like...brimstone and rotten tomatoes...ugh!"

"I could also smell...blood," the princess continued. "At first, I thought one of my Night Guard was attacking, but I could feel the hoof beats through the ground and they were much heavier than any of my guards could have made. The most amazing thing is I think it was only one pony."

"Only one?"

"Yes," Luna replied. "After a while the sounds of the other changelings died off. The queen started yelling for whoever it was to come out and face her. There was a long pause, then Chrysalis threatened to slit my throat if whoever it was didn't show themselves."

"Oh my gracious," muttered Matilda. "What happened?"

"Well, it's hard to say. The spell started to affect my hearing. I think Iheard the rustling of some bushes. Whoever was fighting them must have stepped out into the open. At that point I think the queen started laughing."


" a kind of disbelieving, hysterical way. It lasted for several very long seconds, then I heard her say something that was garbled and she fired off a spell bolt. It was strong enough I could feel my fur standing on end. She must have missed because she began cursing and cast at least two more spell bolts. There was a moment or two of silence, then a sound like thunder and Chrysalis screamed. She was cut off by what felt like a huge tree falling against the ground."

"A tree?" Celestia responded.

"I'm not sure, but that's what it seemed like. After that, everything went quiet. I lay there for several moments before somepony paced up to me, wrapped me in a blanket and hoisted me on his back like I was a load of hay. He carried me for what seemed like hours before I passed out. When I woke up, I was here with you."

Matilda handed Luna a cup of strong tea which the princess sipped on tiredly.

"Is that the last thing you remember," asked Celestia.

"Not quite," she replied. "When I was being carried here by my rescuer I couldn't help but think he had been badly hurt. The smell of blood was everywhere. That, and something else that doesn't make sense.

"Which was?" asked Twilight.

"I thought I smelled apples."


Seeing that they'd lost the trail yet again, Applejack began circling around in a slow spiral looking for some clue or hint of the stallion's hoof marks. Rarity used her horn to light up the immediate area, hoping it would help. Fluttershy though stood perfectly still and thought. By this point the stallion had obviously tired. That meant he had to know he couldn't get away from the wolves. She wondered what he would do. What would somepony as strong as a stallion do? What would she do if she were big and strong like him? A thought came to her.

"Applejack?" she called timidly. The cowpony ignored her and continued circling.

"Applejack?" she squeaked a little louder. There was still no response. Fluttershy took a deep breath. "APPLEJACK!"

The cowpony pulled up short and looked in astonishment at her friend. "Fluttershy?"

"Um...Uh, is there any place around here where you might make a stand, let's say if you were being followed by something and you couldn't get away?"

Applejack pushed her Stetson back on her mane and scratched her head. She looked around at both the open fields and the forest, then her eyes went wide. "The stone bridge at Deep Creek Crossing. It's only a quarter mile from here, just beyond that patch of woods yonder." Without a backward look the palomino cowpony galloped away with everyone following as quickly as possible.

It only took a few minutes to reach the creek and parallel it towards the old stone bridge. Rarity glanced at the creek itself. At this time of year it was full and swift, making it difficult to cross anyplace but the bridge. Rounding a curve in the stream the white-furred unicorn could see the bridge ahead in the moonlight. Its grey stones dimly illuminated by the moonlight as it arched across the creek. She shivered as the wind picked up yet again, giving the night air a frigid bite.

The first thing they saw were large patches of frozen blood. To one side of the bridge lay the body of a timber wolf, its lower jaw smashed and its eyes dead and empty. Near the top of the arched roadbed lay a second, even larger beast, nearly twice the size of a stallion. It too was dead. Bits of flesh hung from its teeth. Applejack looked around trying to see though the swirling snow even as she called out for the others. It was Cranky who noticed the figure lying in the moon shadow of the bridge's parapet, partially sheltered from the wind. Rarity lit up her horn once more. Blood-red fur shone in the light. The pony lying before them was badly hurt, but Cranky had been only partly right. While the stallion's cutie mark was obscured by blood, he wasn't completely covered in it. It was an understandable mistake as his fur was already a deep red color. Applejack took one look and cried out in horror. It was Big Mac.

Kneeling next to her brother the palomino was near tears. Dozens of small cuts crisscrossed his body along with a number of wickedly deep gashes and several fresh claw and teeth marks on his flank. His eyes were closed and he was covered in blood, sweat and foam. Both his back hooves were spider-webbed with cracks. Cranky silently wondered how he'd been able to walk, let alone gallop when he left Luna at his cottage.

Nurse Redheart quickly checked the stallion over. His body was hot to the touch, despite the cold wind. His breath came in slow, irregular bursts of fog. She quickly found several serious gashes that were still bleeding. These she immediately patched as best she could with both Rarity and Fluttershy's help. Applejack meanwhile had taken her brother's massive head in her hooves and was tenderly cajoling him to open his eyes.

Redheart looked over at the cowpony. "We can't do much for him out here. We needed to get him out of this cold and over to the clinic as soon as possible."

"Well how in tarnation can we do that?" asked Applejack. Mac's way too heavy for any of us to carry."

"We need a cart of some kind," announced Cranky.

"There'd be one at the farm, out in front of the woodshed," she replied. She started to rise but Cranky waved his hoof.

"You stay here, keep talking with your brother. I'll go get the cart." Without another word the old donkey spun around and galloped off into the night heading for Sweet Apple Acres.

Nurse Redheart removed her cloak and draped it across the injured stallion. She had everyone huddle as close as possible to Big Mac in an effort to keep him warm. Fortunately, Rarity's horn gave off heat as well as light, mitigating some of the effects of the cold wind.

Fluttershy looked up at the full moon, noticing for the first time that it hadn't moved in hours. She silently prayed for Big Mac and Luna in the same breath.


Princess Celestia came back into the cottage after dispatching two of her Royal Guards to find where exactly Luna had been ambushed. Matilda was busy in the kitchen fixing a terrine of hot dandelion and mushroom soup for the rest of them. When told by the guard captain that it wasn't necessary, she scoffed saying that anypony who didn't like hot soup on a cold night like this wasn't sane.

Luna sat on the couch patiently being examined by Doctor Stable. The unicorn was determined that the Princess be given a clean bill of health before he returned to the clinic. He lowered his otoscope from the royal filly's ear and smiled.

"Well, I can't see any evidence of trauma in either ear canal, so I'd have to say that other than its paralysis effect, the spell was more or less benign."

The Princess of the Night gave him a slightly impatient look. "That's what Princess Twilight told you fifteen minutes ago." She stood and went over to the window, glancing into the night. "What time is it sister?"

"Four-thirty. I was wondering when you'd notice," she chided with a warm smile.

Luna raised her eyebrows. "Can you blame me for being...distracted?" She focused quietly and closed her eyes, allowing her horn to channel the energy needed. Moments later the moon shifted in the night sky, taking up position about thirty degrees above the horizon. She turned back towards her sister. "Do you think they've found him?"

"I wouldn't worry princess," Twilight assured her. "If he's anywhere close, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy will find him."

"I hope so." She looked down at the blood-stains on her own coat. "It would be... lose yet another pony to that evil witch, Chrysalis...Especially one as brave as he." She looked down at her hooves sadly.

Doctor Stable finished repacking his saddle bags then bowed to the princesses. "I hope you will forgive me but if I'm no longer needed here, I have other patients waiting for me at the clinic."

"No forgiveness is necessary, doctor," Celestia responded. "Thank you for your assistance and courtesy."

The doctor bowed once more, then he and his intern left.

"I must remember his generosity next time I make a donation to the Ponyville Clinic," the Sun Princess said.

Matilda came into the room carrying half a dozen large mugs filled with soup. "Would it be alright if I gave the Guards this now, while it's still hot? I wouldn't like to bother them while they're busy guarding the cottage."

"Yes. By all means," said Celestia. "I don't think it will pose much of a distraction. Just tell the Captain that I said it was alright."

Matilda nodded and took the tray outside. Celestia looked over at Twilight, a twinkle of amusement in her eyes. "Frost-bit sentries are so hard to thaw out...don't you think?"

The lavender alicorn's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I thought you weren't ever going to mention that again," she muttered is a whisper.

Luna looked between one pony and the other, somewhat puzzled. "Am I missing something?"

"During her first year as my student, Twilight Sparkle cast a spell that encased half-a-dozen of my personal guards in a block of ice from their hooves to their necks," Celestia giggled softly, causing the blush on Twilight to deepen. "It took hours to thaw them out."

"It was an accident," the unicorn insisted. "I didn't mean to turn them into guard-sickles."

"Royal Guard-sickles?" chuckled Luna. The two princesses smiled at this.

Matilda came back inside carrying the empty tray and looked over at the Princess of the Night. "If you'll forgive me for being forward you're looking a touch frazzled, your highness. If you'd like, I could offer you the use of the shower so you can clean up a bit."

"I wouldn't want to impose..." the princess hesitantly replied.

"Actually, I think that would be an excellent idea, Lulu." Celestia interjected. "A good hot shower would keep those stains on you from setting, and make you feel better."

"Do you think so, Tia?" the younger alicorn asked.

"We still have to be here for a while. Go ahead and put the time to use."

"Well...I guess I do need to clean up some," she said quietly before looking back at Matilda. "Are you sure I wouldn't be taking advantage of your hospitality?"

"Now what kind of host would I be if I didn't offer my guests a chance to freshen up? Just follow me." The donkey guided her towards the modest bathroom.

Celestia watched them disappear into the back of the cottage and gave a small, worried sigh. Twilight to look at her. "Is Luna going to be alright?"

"I hope so," replied the Sun Princess. "Ever since Nightmare Moon was exorcised it's been hard for her to make friends or have confidence in herself. The time you spent with her last Nightmare Night helped, but I'm afraid Chrysalis' scheming may have set her back some."

Celestia turned towards Twilight. "Please forgive me for bringing up one of your old faux pas, but I wanted to lighten my sister's mood a little."

"That's all right, princess, though it may help more if Applejack and the others find her mysterious rescuer. She seems a bit...concerned over him."

"Yes, she does, and it might," Celestia agreed.

There was a knock on the cottage door and the guard captain opened it. "Your majesty?"


"One of the scouts has returned. He reports they've found where Princess Luna was attacked."

"Very well." The princess looked over at Twilight. "If it's alright, I'd like you to stay here and keep my sister company. I should not be gone too long."

"Yes, Princess," the lavender alicorn replied.

Celestia took half-a-dozen paces out the door then launched herself into the sky, the moon's glow causing her wings to gleam like silver. Three pegasi guards accompanied her and the remaining four, a unicorn and three earth ponies repositioned themselves around the cottage.

Flying, it only took the princess ten minutes to reach the scene of battle. The clearing was exactly as Luna had described it save for the numerous bodies that lay strewn around and the massive oak tree that lay across it. Of Chrysalis there was no sign.

Celestia touched down. The wind had picked up some and snow was beginning to cover the clearing. She paced over to the scout and he saluted her.

"Your highness...we found the bodies of Princess Luna's Night Guard. After being killed, they were dragged over to the edge of the forest. There were three Changeling bodies lying nearby, all showing evidence of having been killed with magic."

"Possibly the unicorn guard with Luna?"

The pegasi nodded. "We counted a total of twenty-seven changelings. Except for the three killed by magic they all appear to have been kicked to death by somepony who shattered their chitin with a single blow."

"Could the other guards have done it?"

The pegasi shook his head. "The hoof prints on the bodies were too big for any of them. What's even more amazing is that tree," he said, pointing a wing at it. "It's close to a hundred and ninety feet high and nine feet round the trunk, yet it was brought down by the same pair of hooves that killed the changelings."

The guard captain looked down at it and whistled softly. "I don't think I'd want to go up against anypony who could buck this down."

"Did you see any sign of Queen Chrysalis?" Celestia asked

"Nothing...but there is a scorch mark on the ground under some of the heavier tree branches."

The princess looked at the ground where the pegasi pointed. She closed her eyes and a soft glow enveloped her horn. After a moment or two she opened her eyes again. "She was here, but she's gone now."

"You majesty," called one of the other guards. "I think I've found something over here."

Celestia and the others cantered over. There in front of them was a broken wooden plow collar. It was both sweat-stained and covered in blood.


Cranky Doodle returned as quickly as possible, pulling the large apple cart behind him. With the help of the others he lowered the back gate and they moved Big Mac into the wagon. Rarity used her levitation to do most of the lifting while the others guided and pushed the stallion's limp form into place. Applejack hitched herself next to the donkey and moments later they were headed for Ponyville. Redheart, Rarity and Fluttershy all worked as best they could to keep Macintosh warm, but there was little they could do make the ride comfortable on the rough country road.

They arrived at the clinic almost at the same moment as Doctor Stable. The gold-furred unicorn immediately took charge and within only a few moments Big Macintosh was being treated by the clinic's emergency medical team. Cranky and the three fillies were ushered into a nearby waiting room. Applejack joined them a moment or two later, escorted by one of the clinic's nurses. Breaking away from the others she trotted back and forth in the waiting room, clearly agitated by the evening's events.

Cranky gestured to Rarity and Fluttershy and they quickly joined him in a corner of the room. "I really need to get back home. I'll fill Miss Sparkle in on what's happened here. I think it would be best if you two stayed with your friend and helped keep her as calm as possible under the circumstances." They nodded in agreement and the donkey left, promising to look in on Applejack and Big Mac later.

Rarity and Fluttershy anxiously watched Applejack as she paced across the floor. The farm-filly's eyes were glistening, but the expression on her face was grim. It was clear to her friends that Applejack was doing her level best not to cry in front of them.

The two girls went over to her and gently hugged the earth pony. "I'm so sorry this happened, darling. But try not to worry too much. Macintosh is the strongest pony I know. He'll pull through."

Applejack turned on them for an instant, angry at the unsolicited intrusion. She quickly regained control of herself and tried to smile, with little success. "Thanks for the encouragement, sugar cube. But Ah really can't help but worry. Mac's had his share of injuries, all part and parcel of being a farmer. But this... It's the worst hurt Ah've ever seen on any pony. All that blood; and his hooves... Even his hooves were... were... SHATTERED!"

A few tears escaped to dampen her cheeks. She tried to wipe them away with a fore-hoof. Rarity levitated a box of tissues from the nurse's station and held it up for Applejack to use. The cow-pony allowed Fluttershy to guide her over to a corner of the waiting room where she stubbornly struggled to contain her anguish. A short time later Pinky Pie, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle arrived at the clinic. Each hugged the golden furred pony in turn.

"How'd y'all know to come here?" Applejack asked, sniffling from behind a tissue.

"Cranky told us what happened," Dash replied. "As soon as we'd heard we came right over."

"Who's watching Luna?" asked Rarity.

"She's awake now," explained Twilight. "I was able to remove the glyph thanks to some poison joke supplied by Zecora. Cranky and Matilda are looking after her until her sister returns." She looked at Rarity. "How is Big Mac doing?"

"We don't know yet, darling," the fashionista said. "The doctor's been with him for almost an hour now. It may be some time yet."

"Why don't I go get us all some tea and oat cakes," Pinky offered. "I bet you're hungry after all that running around this evening."

"Y'all really think tea and cakes can make this any better?" Applejack grumbled irritably.

"Maybe not," the cotton-candy pony replied, "but it can't hurt." She quietly left. Twilight couldn't help but notice that for once Pinky wasn't bouncing around the way she normally did. She returned several minutes later with a saddle tray containing refreshments. No one talked much as they sat sipping tea and waiting for the doctor.

Applejack alternated between pacing and staring out the window watching the moon slowly set even as the night sky edged its way towards dawn. The lines under her eyes and along her muzzle had deepened considerably over the last few hours and she was becoming more impatient. By the time Celestia's sun had crept above the horizon she was ready to march into the treatment room and demand to see her brother and know what was happening.

Even as Rarity and Twilight tried to dissuade her the doors to the waiting room abruptly opened and Dr. Stable and one of his nurses entered. They were both dressed in a pale green operating gowns. Tiredly he pulled down his mask and looked at the group of ponies.

"Miss Apple?" he asked.

Applejack stepped forward without hesitation and launched into a barrage of questions. The doctor responded by holding up a hoof and waiting for her to give him a chance to speak.

"Your brother is doing as well as can be expected at the moment. We've sutured the worst of his wounds closed, cleaned and taped the others, bound his hooves and put a pair of casts on his back legs."

"His legs?" the cow-pony asked.

Stable nodded. "The bones had a number of hairline fractures running through them, as if he'd tried bucking a boulder. In addition he's lost a great deal of blood, which we've tried to compensate for through transfusions. Fortunately, his blood type is fairly common, so a replacement supply was relatively easy to find."

"Is he gonna be alright?" Applejack asked.

"Quite frankly, I don't know."

"How can y'all not know," she responded angrily. "You're a doctor, ain't cha?"

"AJ, please calm down," Twilight said softly. "Give him a chance to explain."

"Thank you your highness," the doctor briefly said, nodding towards the lavender alicorn before turning back to Applejack. "At the moment, your brother is in a coma, induced by loss of blood and hyper-exhaustion. He's also running a serious fever which I believe is the result of an infection from his wounds. In his favor, Mr. Mackintosh is both young and has a robust constitution. Therefore he has a much better chance than your average pony of pulling through. I just can't be absolutely certain which way he will go unless he responds to our treatment."

"What are his chances?" asked Rarity.

"Right now, about fifty-fifty." He looked intently at Applejack and her friends. "Can anypony here tell me exactly how he sustained his injuries?"

"He was attacked by a pair of large timber wolves," the cow-pony responded."

"Well, that's consistent with the claw and bite marks we found, but there are a number of other slicing and stabbing wounds that don't match. Do any of you know how he sustained those injuries?"

"I think we could answer that for you," replied a voice. Every pony turned. There standing in the door were the princesses Celestia and Luna.

Everypony in the room bowed upon seeing the royal sisters, save Twilight, who instead paced up to Celestia.

"What did you find out?"

"It appears Applejack's brother was the stallion who saved my sister, and by extension me from Chrysalis' latest plot."

Twilight's expression was one of disbelief. "Big Mac?"

The sun princess nodded then looked at Dr. Stable. "He was injured as a result of fighting off the Changeling Queen's minions."

"Was he exposed to that icor that passes for their blood?"

"Considering the number of them he 'dispatched' from this world, it's more than a little likely he was."

"That would explain the fever," the doctor replied rubbing a hoof under his chin. "Changeling blood contains an enzyme that can cause bacterial infection."

"Does that information help?" asked Luna.

Dr. Stable nodded. "Definitely. Now that we know what the infection's source is we can do a deep cleaning of the wounds with an enzymatic neutralizing agent. It will take time though, so we'll use ice packs to bring his temperature down."

"We... or rather Luna can help with that," the Sun Princess offered.

"Anything you can do would be appreciated." Dr. Stable led the Moon Princess into the treatment rooms, handing her a mask and gown to wear. As the door closed behind them Applejack looked up at Celestia."

"Your highness?" she asked. "Ya seem to know more 'bout what's going on here than anypony else. So if ya wouldn't mind... could y'all be kind enough to explain how in the hay ma brother got his-self hurt near ta death tonight?" The tone of the farm pony's voice was firm and more than a little angry.

Twilight, Rainbow and Pinky opened their mouths in shock at their friend's uncharacteristic rudeness. Fluttershy cringed behind Rarity. It was clear to the fashionista that Applejack was reacting more out of fear and stress than anything else. She took a breath intending to try and calm her friend but before she could react Princess Celestia reached out one of her wings and gently enfolded the cow-pony with it.

"Please do not be afraid my little pony," Celestia softly said. "Luna and I... all Equestria owe him a debt that can never be fully repaid. I promise I will do everything in my power to restore him to you and your family, whole and unbroken."

The white alicorn's sudden embrace seemed to take all the steam out of Applejack. Tears she'd been struggling with since finding her brother now flowed freely and she sobbed. The others, unused to seeing such weakness in their friend looked down at the floor in sympathy. Celestia pulled Applejack to her and used her other wing to give her the privacy she needed.


Dr. Stable glanced at Princess Luna as she stood watching over Big Macintosh, an expression of concern on her face. The large farm pony's vital signs has improved slightly and it was easier for him to breathe. The princess had used her magic to cool his body, eliminating the need for ice packs. The fever was still there, but it was greatly reduced from earlier that evening.

Picking up another chart, he skimmed through it quickly. Big Mac was truly an amazing individual. Being a unicorn, Stable was acutely aware of how each species of pony drew upon magic; unicorns to manipulate magical fields, pegasi to fly, and earth-ponies to connect with the natural world. It was almost as if they had a direct tap-line to Gaia herself. The doctor was convinced that Mac's exceptional strength and constitution, the very reason he was still alive, was because his connection was so close to the earth.

"He's dreaming again."

Stable looked up at the Moon Princess. "Did you say something your highness?"

"I said he's dreaming again."

The unicorn quickly examined the EKG printout and checked his patient's eyes. He shook his head. "I'm sorry to have to disagree with you princess, but there's no rapid eye movement and his brainwave pattern doesn't show anything either. Besides he's comatose... he can't dream."

Luna shook her head gently causing the stars in her flowing silver-blue mane to shimmer. "Never-the-less... he is dreaming," she insisted. "I can feel it."

"What is he dreaming about?"

"I don't know," she replied. "I'd have to actually go into his dreams to find out."

Stable thought for a moment. If she was right and could sense even the smallest of brainwave function... "That might be of some help," he said. "Interacting with his dreams wouldn't be physically invasive and it might just help bring him out of the coma."

"I can't do that," the alicorn responded sadly.

"Why not? A young pegasi I know said you can visit the dreams of children and ease their nightmares."

"Adult ponies are... complex," Luna explained. "Moving through the dreams of someone like Macintosh would be like trying to gallop through a field of rocks. There'd be too many things to trip over, too many ways to break a hoof or kick something important loose that needs to stay buried. Children are much more open, much simpler and very innocent." She paused, looking down at the red-furred stallion. "I wish I could do something to help... but the risk..."

The doctor pursed his lips in thought. The power she possessed should have made such an effort more than a little feasible. She was an alicorn after all, abet one who seemed to lack confidence in herself.

"The risk needs to be balanced by the benefit. You said you could feel him dreaming. What happens to him if we can't bring him around before he sinks deeper into his coma? He's already so far into it none of my instruments can register normal brain function. If his condition worsens, his body may actually began to shut down. Can you really stand-by and allow that to happen?"

"What she can and can't do is not something for you to judge, doctor."

Stable turned to see Princess Celestia standing at the treatment room door. "Your majesty?"

"You are asking something of my sister that involves more than simple dream walking," the white-furred alicorn said. "It would require her to go deeply into Mr. Apple's mind, to merge with the dream instead of observing and gently guiding it. Doing so could prove to be a hazard for her as well as Big Macintosh."

"I'm sorry princess... I didn't mean to say she should unduly risk herself."

Celestia shook her head. "You knew exactly what you were saying, though I don't really blame you. You're worried about your patient. Such concern is commendable, but it is not an excuse for 'guilt-tripping' another pony into doing something they are not comfortable with."


Celestia turned to look at Luna. The expression on her face was difficult to read.

"Much of what Dr. Stable has said is correct. I really can't leave this stallion to suffer or die on my account. I owe him my life."

"Do you understand what you are saying? What it may mean?" the Sun Princess asked.

Luna nodded. "What kind of princess would I be if I wasn't willing to try to save one of our subjects?" She looked at her sister. "You are concerned about my doing this."

"Some," Celestia replied. "It has been more than a millennia since you first mastered the skill and you have but practiced it with children since your return. Are you certain you can do this?

"I... believe I can, though I admit I'm nervous about the idea of dream walking through a grown colt's mind, but what choice do I have?"

"Only you can answer that," Celestia said softly.

The Moon Princess looked at Big Macintosh for several long, silent minutes. As she watched a nurse came into the treatment room and replaced an I.V. bag that was empty. When she had left Luna turned towards Dr. Stable, a decision firmly fixed in her mind. "I will need complete privacy. No one except my sister may be present."

The unicorn nodded and began issuing instructions to the staff. Twenty minutes later the two alicorns and Big Mac were alone in a darkened hospital room. All the monitors had been turned off so they could not distract the princess with their routine beeps and tones.

Celestia looked at the earth-pony. Aside from his obvious physical size and strength, she could see a simplicity that was rare among most ponies. It made her feel as if saving him was, at this moment, more important than anything else in Equestria. She couldn't explain it, but there it was. Luna walked over and stood beside her.

"I'm ready Tia."

The Sun Princess nodded, then gently touched horns with her sister. There was a soft glow exchanged between the two of them. "Remember, I'm here and can add my strength to yours anytime you call."

"I'll remember, though if all goes well I won't have need of your intervention."

"Celestia sighed. "Please, just be careful."

"I will," she replied looking at Big Mac, "for both our sakes." Luna took in several long, cleansing breaths. She paused, then closed her eyes channeling the necessary energy into her horn. It began to glow with a silver-white light, not unlike that of the moon. Her wings flared for a moment, fanning the air briefly before folding once more against her side. After several minutes she opened her eyes which were also now glowing brightly. Leaning her head forward she touched her horn to the center of the farm-pony's forehead.


Luna found herself standing atop a small hillock at the edge of a very large apple orchard. It was night, and the pale glow of the moon shown down on the world, casting shadows wherever its silver light touched. Beyond lay the Ever-free forest, as wild and beautiful as it was dangerous. The moon's radiance gave it a magical feeling to match its nature; an enchantment strong enough that a pony who didn't know any better might be lured within to seek their heart's desire.

The princess looked around, trying to gain some insight to the dream. She noticed a sizable patch of grass that had been flattened down, as if some creature had been lying there looking out on the world as she was now doing. She placed a hoof against it. As she touched the impression a white-hot surge of energy coursed through her body, rolling her onto her flank. Sudden stabbing pains seemed to erupt across her body. Her back legs and hooves felt as if they were burning from the inside out. Spreading her wings, the alicorn leapt into the sky, her hooves lifting from the ground. Just as suddenly as it had begun the pain stopped.

Pausing, the Moon Princess hovered above the clearing, catching her breath. She knew instinctively what had just happened. Touching the impression in the grass had made a direct connection between her and Big Mac. The earth pony was in agony, despite the fact he was unconscious and shouldn't be able to feel anything.

Luna looked around, circling the orchard in an expanding spiral. With this kind of pain his sub-conscious would be retreating deeper and deeper into his mind trying to escape it. No wonder the doctor couldn't wake him from the coma. She needed to find his avatar. Perhaps if she could find it, find him, she might ease the pain enough to coax him back to reality.

Luna heard a faint sound. She turned towards the Ever-free forest, looking for the source of the noise. In the distance she thought she saw a faint, sickly green glow rising upward. It was half concealed by the surrounding trees. Flapping her wings, the princess steered herself towards it.

As she flew lower she could see the wreckage of her chariot and her now dead servants, laying where they had been dragged. Nearly two dozen changeling were also lying scattered across the ground, many hidden from ground level view by the thick tree line. Green icor spread outward from their bodies. Flying above a small clearing Luna saw herself on the ground, her mane splayed out like a halo around her head. Near the center of all was Chrysalis herself, shouting out into the trees.


A clear, firm voice answered from somewhere within the trees. "Nnnope."

Chrysalis hissed in anger. "Who are you? WHAT ARE YOU? A WARRIOR? KNIGHT? MAGE?" The anger in her voice was almost palpable. "WHOEVER YOU ARE... FACE ME! FACE ME IF YOU DARE!"


The Changeling Queen screamed her frustration, firing off several bolts of magic blindly into the woods. She looked around angrily, her eyes alighting on the prone form of Princess Luna. A wicked smile crossed her muzzle and her voice became icy. "Have it your way, warrior. If you choose to remain hidden from me I will simply kill the princess and be done with it. However, if you wish to save her life then you will show yourself, before I count to five."

There was a long moment of silence where not even the sound of native insects could be heard. "Have it your way, then," Chrysalis warned. She turned and levitated a sword from the sheath of one of the Moon Princess' guards. She placed the edge of the blade against Luna's throat.



"Three.." There was an abrupt rustling from some nearby bushes. Chrysalis turned to face in that direction, careful to keep the sword firmly against the alicorn's throat. Moments later a dark red stallion stepped into the clearing. Her eyes flew open in surprise when she saw that he was wearing a wooden collar.

"A farmer?! A simple-minded plow-pony? You're the one who's been eliminating my servants?"

"Eeyup," Big Mac answered a determined expression on his face. "Now let the Princess go!"

"It's not possible," the queen said, her mouth twisting into a disbelieving smile. "You... YOU defeated my minions." She began chuckling, soft and deep. Within moments the sound had turned into a full throated laugh. "An earth-pony... A FARMER challenges my power and almost succeeds in undoing all my carefully laid plans. I knew the spirits of darkness had a sense of humor... but THIS?" Her laughter grew until it filled the night.

"Ah said let her go... NOW!" Big Mac's hooves braced against the earth, ready to make his charge. The sword that was being held against Luna's throat suddenly spun across the clearing straight at the earth-pony. He ducked under it, flattening his ears as it scythed through his mane and was imbedded in a nearby tree.

"FOOL!" Chrysalis screamed. A bolt of green lightning leapt from her twisted horn and slammed into Macintosh, knocking him to the ground. He rolled with the blow and pushed himself painfully back onto his hooves.

"You have no magic that can challenge me!"

A second bolt danced across the clearing. Somehow the red-furred stallion managed to avoid it as it scorched the ground where he'd been standing only a moment before. Desperately he glanced around the clearing until he spotted what he was looking for. He began to slide to his left, keeping his attention riveted on Chrysalis.

The queen scowled at Big Mac, her horn flaring again. This time the green energy struck home, staggering the earth-pony, but to her surprise he didn't fall. Instead he began to back away slightly. Sensing weakness, she advanced towards him, studying him with more than a little interest. She saw several crimson drops stain the grass next to him. He was no warrior... why was he willing to be hurt, to risk his life confronting her? She locked eyes with the farm pony for an instant and reached out with her senses. That was when she felt it, strong and deep and quiet. She began laughing once more.

"You LOVE her!" she said with a sneer. Hungrily she absorbed the unexpected emotion, renewing herself even as she drained the farmer. "That's why you're defending her. You are in love. You've loved her since the first time you saw her." Chrysalis laughed once more. "A plow pony in love with a princess and her night," she mocked. "How droll. How absolutely pathetic."

Watching the dream/memory unfold before her Luna continued to circle above the scene, her magic allowing her to observe beyond Big Mac's single perspective. Her mouth opened in astonishment at the revelation. "He's in LOVE with me? No, it can't be. She has to be lying. She's trying to distract and overpower him."

Another bolt of green energy shot outward, striking the stallion in the flank and spinning him around. His front legs nearly buckled, but again he remained on his hooves as he backed straight into a tree.

Chrysalis smiled wickedly as she advanced on the earth pony. "You've nowhere else to go," she chuckled. "But I don't think I'll kill you. Not right away. First, I'll feed off you; off your pitiful feelings for a princess who wouldn't give you the time of day, and when I've eaten my fill I'll lay your withered husk at Luna's feet."

"Why don't y'all stop talking an' eat THIS!" Macintosh shouted. His front hooves dug into the earth even as he lifted both back legs and slammed them as hard as he could into the base of the tree behind him. The trunk literally exploded sending wood chunks flying around like shrapnel. The tree toppled forward nearly catching the farmer as he dove and rolled to one side. Chrysalis wasn't as lucky. She instinctively leapt skyward only to be caught by the wide canopy of the old oak and slammed back to earth.

The clearing suddenly grew silent. Several long moments passed before the sounds of heavy hoof steps could be heard. Princess Luna gently touched down and hid in a thicket, watching as Big Macintosh slowly limped across the clearing. The wooden collar he wore was nearly broken in two, struck by one of the heavy, lower branches of the tree as the pony had dove free. Shaking his head, the red-furred stallion allowed it to drop to the ground before tiredly walking over to the wreckage of the sky chariot.

Lifting a cloak from the caisson box in front, he went where the dream Luna lay on the ground. He gently wrapped it around her, then carefully lifted her onto his back by holding the corners of the cloak in his teeth. His first steps were unsteady, but as he continued walking he seemed to draw strength from somewhere within himself and his gait became surer, though not much faster.

The Luna who was watching him decided that now was the right time to try and weave herself into the dream memory. She cloaked herself in shadow and softly paced up to the stallion. "Big Macintosh," she whispered, walking beside him. She put a slight echo in her voice so it would sound like it was coming from within himself. The illusion was easy enough to create in a dream.

"Eeyup," he muttered without looking anywhere except the ground in front of him.

"The fight's over. You won. You can rest now..."


"Why not?"


"You can't? But why?

"It ain't safe. Woods is full o' varmints. They'll smell the blood an' come a runnin'. 'Sides, if Ah stop movin' Ah might not be able ta get started again."

"But you're hurt."


"You need to rest."


They walked silently through the dream for a few moments. Standing this close to Mac Luna could feel a small portion of the pain he was feeling. Reaching out with her magic, she tried to dampen it down a little.

"Is that better?"

"Eeyup... some."

"If you rested, it would help more with the pain."


Luna was becoming both frustrated and concerned. She could feel the waves of pain sapping at her spirit and energy just as they were at his. "Don't you care about yourself?"

"Don't matter."

"What doesn't matter?"

"'bout me."

"Why not?"

"The princess is more important."

"She is?"



Macintosh didn't answer her this time. Instead he focused on the path before them.

"Why is she more important than you?"

Again there was silence.

"Is it because she's a princess?"


"Some? What's the rest?" Luna asked.

"She's Twilight's friend and Twilight's Applejack's friend."

"And that's the rest of it?"

"Has ta be."

"Why?" the Moon Princess insisted.

"Cain't say."

"Can't or won't?"

Macintosh didn't answer for several very long moments before he sighed. "Don't wanna sound like no fool."

"Would other ponies think you were a fool?"


Luna shook her head. Foals were so much easier to deal with. Their dreams were filled with images that told you exactly what they thought and felt. Macintosh was hiding something not only from her, but from himself. She decided that stronger methods were needed. With a brief nod of her head she banished the dream version of herself he was carrying.

Big Mac stopped and looked back, his eyes opening wide at the sight of the empty cloak. He turned around, scanning along his trail trying to see where she might have fallen off his back. "Princess... Princess Luna? Where are you? There was more than a little fear in his voice.

"It's alright Mr. Apple. I'm here. I'm safe," the Princess whispered softly changing the timber of her voice. She banished the shadows that kept her hidden.

Mac's last turn brought him face to face with Luna and he froze. His eyes locked with hers and waves of conflicting emotions danced between the princess and the plow pony. The Princess knew that confronted this way he could not hide from either himself or her. Once their gaze had locked his mind became an open book. She felt each tangled sensation as they twirled across his thoughts; anguish, warmth, desire, hope, despair, fear... but above everything was a passion beyond simple caring.

Luna shook her head in disbelief. It couldn't be... No pony loved the night this deeply. All the things she had felt, the desperate loneliness that had make her susceptible to Nightmare Moon, the conviction that she was only worthy of being tolerated by ponies who worshiped her sister; It was all false. She was loved, for herself and for her night. Chrysalis had not been lying. Confronted in this way within a dream no pony could hide from the truth, or lie, not to themselves. She saw it all in his eyes. Big Macintosh was deeply, passionately in love with her. He would do anything for her, even give his life to keep her safe. He was also afraid. Afraid that if anyone knew, even Luna, he would be rejected.

The red-furred farmer suddenly dropped to the ground, hiding his face behind his forelegs. "No... Don't look, please," he whinnied softly, tears forming in his eyes.

Luna knelt next to him. "Why not?" she asked, the strength of his feelings making her voice quiver gently.

"It ain't right," he muttered. "What Ah'm thinking ain't proper. What Ah'm feeling cain't be shared. It's just a fool's dream. Ah'm an apple farmer. You're a princess, an immortal alicorn..."


"Ah ain't worthy."

The world around them seemed to shimmer and dim. Several dozen stars suddenly vanished from the night sky and the moon shadows darkened. Luna looked about them alarmed as for an instant the ground beneath her felt insubstantial. She heard Celestia's voice sound within her head.

"Sister... Sister... You must come back, you must leave his mind. He is dying!"

Dying? The thought brought a sense of panic to the Princess of the Night. Dying? No, he couldn't. Not now! Desperation swept through her. She couldn't lose him! He loved her! She looked at Big Mac. He had rolled over on his side. His eyes were closed and his breathing had become shallow. He was no longer hiding his face and she could see the long streaks of tears staining his face.

She brought her face down as close to his as she could. "Listen to me," she whispered fiercely. "Listen to me and know the truth. You ARE worthy! You are more worthy than a legion of titled lords and knights. You are of the earth... you are of Life! That spirit is as much a part of you as it is me. We share that... equally, as equals of this world, as equals of Equestria. If you leave... if you pass on I will be diminished by the loss of your passion, by the loss of... of... of your love as much as I would be diminished by the loss of the moon itself."

Tears began forming even as the truth of her words cut through her very soul. One cannot lie in dreams. Even as she spoke Celestia's words echoed in her very being.

"Sister... Luna... Come back! Come back to us! Don't leave with him!" Celli sounded desperate.

Princess Luna reached down, cradling Macintosh's head between her front hooves. "Please... come back with me," she whispered. "Come back... Please, come back with me. Back to where we are loved and can share love. Back to your sisters, your family and friends. Back... back to... back to ME!"

She looked helplessly on the red stallion, his wounds bleeding him dry even in the dream as they had in reality.

"Please come back..." She paused, thinking desperately. Maybe... just maybe she could shock him back to reality. She felt for the right words and found herself saying them without thinking, without even choosing. She let her heart speak for her and the words surprised her with their intensity, their honesty. "Please come back to me... or... or... or let me go with you," she sobbed. "You must decide if we live or die. You decide... for both of us." She leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead then lay her own head against his. The shadows of the forest reached out and enveloped them, plunging Big Mac's dream into total darkness.


Celestia watched helplessly as her sister slowly folded in on herself and sagged to the floor. She projected her magic, surrounding the Princess of the Night with it as if cradling a new-born foal. "LUNA! LUNA WAKE UP! DON'T LET THE DREAM TAKE YOU!"

Her cries brought Doctor Stable galloping into the room. Seeing Luna he called for a crash cart and raced to both princess's sides. Even as the emergency room team arrived the dark-furred alicorn's eyes fluttered open and she looked up in confusion.

"Lulu... What happened?" Celestia asked, her voice choked with fear. "For a moment, it felt as if you were slipping away from me, just like mother and father."

"Tia? Where?"

"We're in the Ponyville clinic. You were trying to help Macintosh Apple by going into his dream. Don't you remember?"

"Ponyville? But how... Why?" Luna's eyes suddenly became as round as saucers and she leapt to her hooves breaking Celestia's magical grip. "BIG MAC!" She raced over to his side. The red-furred pony lay quietly beneath the sheets even as the Princess reached a hoof up and gently brushed his mane from his eyes. "Macintosh," she whispered, her words more a plea than a name. "Can you hear me? Are you still with me?"

There was a very, very long stillness. The other ponies in the room went silent, watching the Princess as she hovered over the farmer. Then came a raspy breath that beat at the air like a butterfly's wings.


Tears of relief trickled from the Alicorn's eyes even as she planted the gentlest of kisses on Big Mac's forehead. The farmer's eyes trembled open and he gazed up at her. "Princess Luna?" he whispered, not sure if she were real or part of a dream.

"SSHH." She replied quietly. "Not princess... Not for you. It's Luna; just Luna... Now and forever."

Celestia's eyes went wide with amazement even as Dr. Stable's mouth dropped open. He quickly looked at the rest of his staff and found them all dumbstruck by their princess's words.

Big Mac smiled at her and mouthed her name in response. His eyes closed and his breathing deepened as he relaxed into normal sleep. Dr. Stable quietly checked the farmer over and nodded in satisfaction. He looked at Princess Luna.

"I think we're past the point of crisis. His breathing is much better and his heartbeat's stronger. Whatever you did seems to have worked,' he said with a smile. "I'd say you just saved this pony's life."

"No doctor," Luna insisted. "He just saved mine..."

Celestia looked at both Macintosh and her sibling, her ancient and wise heart taking in the scene before her. "I think we need to have a little talk, sister," she muttered softly.

Without taking her eyes off Big Mac, Luna smiled. "Yes, sister... we most certainly do."



Chapter 5 - The Prisoner Polka

So, here's chapter five. Enjoy. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ RESCUED RANGERS - Chapter V: The Prisoner Polka Gadget was the first to...

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Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 17

The following is a work of fiction copyright Radical Gopher. This story contains adult themes and situations and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ THYME AFTER TIME - part...

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Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 16

The following is a work of fiction copyright Radical Gopher. This story contains adult themes and situations and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ THYME AFTER TIME - part...

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