A Skunk's Portrait

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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#1 of The Portraits

The first chapter to a small series, please note the tags before reading as this contains heavier content.

Some friends visit an artist's booth to get some nice paintings, though what they come away with may change more than just their decor...

I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you all think! ^.^

Christen prodded his friend Stewart in the back as they walked down the street, the pair of friends had heard about an arts festival that was going to be held in town and the news had peaked their interest. Their girlfriends absolutely adored art, and the men knew that if they got their girls some art that they would be getting some pussy. Stewart laughed as they walked towards a portrait studio, "Come on Christen, this is a stupid idea. Do you really think the girls will want some crappy painting from a crappy artist?"

Rolling his eyes, Christen continued to push his friend. "Does your girlfriend know how much crap is in your throat?" He had to dodge a punch from the other man as they reached the portrait studio. On the street of aspiring artists, the studio was by far the oddest. Unlike the other artist's booths, this one had a dark violet tent set up over it. It's odd set-up was what caught Christen's attention, and he knew that they had to go look it over.

Stewart grew apprehensive as they drew near the tent, "Dude, this place looks really shady. Are you sure we should be going in here? You know that if we just got the girls some nice little doodads, they'd be happy." But his pleas fell on deaf ears, Christen had become interested by some of the examples that the artist had put out to show off their skills.

"Stew, you have to check these out. These look damn near lifelike..." Stewart grumbled in irritation but walked over to stand by his friend to look at the art, he was blown away by the art. It really did look spectacular. The paintings each showed off different pictures of men, the painting seemed to make them look buff and chiseled in looks. "Dude, we have to get these done!" Christen said, his body now shivering in anticipation.

Knowing that once his friend was locked on an idea, he wouldn't give it up, Stewart sighed and scratched his head. "Fine..." They both turned towards the entrance of the tent but they were stopped by a familiar face stepping out, Stewart blinked as he recognized who came out. It was one of the pair's best friends, and he seemed to be ecstatic. "Drew?"

Drew grinned at his friends, "Hey Stew, Chris. Looks like you're on your way in for a picture too." Both nodded their heads, "This guy is amazing, he caught everything good about me. Look!" He turned the canvas clutched in his hands towards them to show it off, the picture truly was amazing. Each strand of his hair was immortalized in the beauty of the picture, Drew's brown locks hung down in front of his blue eyes in the picture.

Laugh lines were visible in the picture, as well as the glint of light in Drew's eyes. Stewart had to drag his eyes from the picture to Drew's own face to make sure that the picture wasn't real, "Wow... this is amazing Drew." He muttered as he delicately touched the canvas and blinked in surprise as his finger was pushed back as if he had poked rubber. "Whoa... weird..." He muttered to himself.

Christen had no doubt in his eyes now, "Stew, I'm going! We'll see you around Drew!" Drew barely had any time to wave as Stewart was dragged into the tent by Christen.


Christen and Stewart looked around the tent, in the small area there were only 2 visible things in the room that were of interest. In the middle of the small area was a stool, and in front of the stool was a small square hole. They were confused until a voice spoke from the hole, "Only one allowed at a time, one of you must step out."

They both jumped but after the initial surprise, Stewart shrugged and stepped out to let who they assumed was the artist to do his work. As he stood outside of the tent he hummed absentmindedly looking off in the distance. Standing still, Stewart thought that it was a great day until a breeze brought an absolutely horrid smell to his nose. The man's face went a mossy green, "Oh god, what's that stench?!" He hissed looking around for the source of the smell, but he saw nothing. Nor did anybody nearby seem to notice it, "What was that?" he asked himself before being interrupted by Christen stepping out with a wide grin on his face.

"You're up man."


Taking a seat, Stewart glanced around the tent with a blank look on his face until the voice from earlier spoke to him. "Please look this way." The man turned his gaze towards the hole and held still, "Perfect." He heard the voice speak once more, and then he heard the slight tinkling of paintbrush tapping against glass as the artist dipped his paintbrush into paint and started.

It only took ten minutes which surprised Stewart, but he wasn't bothered as when he saw the turnout of the painting. He was shut up by how spectacular it looked, it looked just like him. In everything from his defined jawline to his neatly cut bangs, "Wow... how much do I owe you?" Stewart asked, but as he waited he realized that the artist was gone. "Well then... I guess it's free." He muttered before turning and walking out of the tent.

From the other side of the tent, an odd figure sat grinning. A toonish elephant, who was in every way big, sat in a plush chair next to an artist's easel. His body gave off stink lines as he rubbed his crotch, "A new group of converts... perfect." He grinned as he orgasmed into a small jar, "And new paint for the next batch..."


Stewart and Christen walked into Stewart's apartment and looked around the small room, "Looks like your girlfriend isn't here yet. Why don't we hang out for a bit?" Christen asked as he walked into the kitchen and opened up the fridge, "No beers man?"

Flopping onto a big red couch, Stewart sighed. "Dude, both you and I know that we both don't drink beer."

Chuckling Christen pulled out a pair of sodas, "Yeah, I know. But I still have to make fun of you for it..." He then flopped down onto the couch next to his friend and handed him the other soda before popping it open and taking a big drink.

Taking out the paintings, Stewart looked them over and smiled. "These came out looking great..." Christen nodded before taking another drink of the soda, the pair smiled at their portraits as they sat in silence. While they were quiet, Stewart coughed as a rank odor passed into his nose. "Oh god, Chris did you take a shower?"

Christen rose an armpit and smelled himself before coughing, "I thought I did, but it looks like I didn't take a good enough one. Stew, is it alright if I borrow your shower?"

Stewart didn't answer; he just waved his friend away towards the bathroom while pinching his nose. Christen ran towards the bathroom to take a shower, leaving his soda behind.


Christen ran the shower humming as he started to lather soap in his hands, the water was hot to the touch but felt spectacular against his skin. He slowly spread the soap over his body, rubbing his hands over his chest, his stomach, and then his cock. As they pushed over his sensitive tool, Christen shivered in pleasure before pulling them off to lather some soap into his hair.

Outside next to Stewart, Christen's painting had begun to change. The smooth lines that made up the painting depicting Christen's face slowly slid out allowing the man's face to appear far more fat as well as allow thick black lines to surround his face. Inside of the bathroom, Christen's body was more than happy to accommodate the changes, his stomach started to expand as well as his face. Folds of flab started to pound on as if he'd eaten multiple pizzas all at once.

Christen didn't seem to notice the change as he continued to bathe, though the bathtub started to creak as his weight increased. Once more the picture changed to show black and white fur appear on Christen's body as well as his face push out into a muzzle, stink lines piled out behind him in the portrait as well.

Not realizing what was happening to him, Christen let out a slight moan as his body changed. His face pushed out into a muzzle with a black nose at the end, and from above his ass a tail plumed out with white stripes on the top. His girth was covered in skunk's fur in brief seconds as his hands grew paw pads on them though he stayed human-like in shape.

Christen moaned as his mind was changed, his perspective of girls was skewed as he grew to like men. Everything about men, their stench, their dicks, their asses. His cock grew hard just thinking about them, but as the skunkman stood in the shower. He realized that something was wrong, he was clean. Skunk-toons weren't to be clean; they had to be dirty and filthy. "I know how to fix this cleanness up right away." He said in a chipper tone, lifting up his tail to release a spray of toonish gas.

The gas changed the room; everything about it became toonish yet filthy at the same time. The window became greased over while the showerhead leaned as if it were a plant wilting, the toilet's water became a grimy color. Slowly the showerhead stopped spewing water and started to spew filth and trash. Chris grinned as his fur absorbed the filth allowing it to spread everywhere; the toon was soon happy as his fur became filth covered.

Becoming aroused he soon he started to finger himself in the ass as he thought about filth and men. "Fuck yes..." He groaned as the last part of himself changed, his voice. Now he had a deep yet cheerful voice, Chris moaned as his hand ran over his skunk phallus until he let out a flow of yellowed skunk spunk. The skunk panted as his cock went flaccid and he looked at his toonish body, his tail flicked as he grinned. "Perfect, now everything is right with this toon!" Chris giggled as he poked his stomach which wobbled as if it were a waterbed.

Stink lines were now visible around him as he hopped out of the tub, he left grime stains wherever he stepped on the cracked tile floor. As Chris approached the door his stomach growled, letting out an almost moaning noise. Chris's face became sad, "Oh... sounds like my tum is hungry. Well I can fix that!" He opened the door and absentmindedly passed by Stewart who was took busy taking a big drink of soda to notice the toon who walked right out the door, Chris grinned as he saw the dumpster. "I'd call that a smorgasbord of food!"

Back inside the house next to Stewart, unbeknownst to him his friend's picture had been replaced with that of a yellowed picture with a fat stinky skunk-man who was happily digging into a dumpster of rotten food.a

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