Corwin Hall, Chapter 10

Story by Geraden on SoFurry

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#15 of Corwin Hall

Adult content in this chapter.

Corwin Hall, Chapter 10

"Diapers?" The other five Rabbits, the sole inhabitants of Warkyn Warren except for Geraden himself, stared at him dumbstruck.

"I saw it myself." Geraden leaned on a pillar in the great, empty main hall, still recovering his strength. "He... uses them. Sexually."

"That's incredible," said a small Rabbit, sitting in front of a pile of radio equipment set up in front of the large fireplace. "Lord, if the UPN central government found out..."

"If anyone ever believed it, that is," Skander said.

"Well, he's got a window that looks directly in on his bedroom," Geraden said, rubbing his forehead. "It's too high to see in from the ground, but if I climbed a tree in the swamp, I could probably get pictures with a telephoto lens."

"We might not even have to kill him," said one of the other members of the Warkyn-stationed Resistance cell. "He might take care of it for us if we showed him photographs."

"Let's discuss it tomorrow, all right?" Geraden said. "I need a shower and bed."

"Hey, wait! You have to come see the Touchstone first!" Skander hopped a little with excitement, and headed for a small corridor branching off the main hall.

"Don't call it that," said the radio operator. "You're embarrassing yourself." He followed Skander, though.

"And what else could it be, Hanze?"

Geraden sighed, lifted himself off the pillar, and followed the two bickering Rabbits.

A fair distance down the corridor, Skander turned down a recessed stairwell. That passage had been blocked for generations - at least since his parents were born, Geraden thought. The three Rabbits navigated the steep staircase carefully, coming out in a roughly-hewn passage about thirty feet below the surface level. Geraden saw the remains of the others' work, shovels and piles of earth and rock left along the sides of the passage. He followed them deeper in, slowing down so his eyes could adjust to the dark. He took out his flashlight and turned it on.

Ahead of him, Skander and Hanze suddenly disappeared. He hurried up, trotting along the passage, and unexpectedly emerged into a wide, slightly taller cavern. It was natural, not carved into the rock. He saw the other two Rabbits off to one side of the cavern, huddled around something. He approached, and they stepped back.

Protruding about two feet from the ground was what appeared to be some kind of crystal. It was multicolored, with variegated patches of different hues. It had a prismatic shape, like a triangle with curved sides extruded into three dimensions. Geraden noticed that it seemed to be giving off its own pulsating light, and turned off his flashlight. The Touchstone - for there was no question in Geraden's mind what it was - easily lit the cavern itself.

The Touchstone was familiar to all Rabbits who kept the lore. It appeared in many stories, with different properties in each. In some tales, it could test the hearts of accused criminals to determine guilt or innocence. In others, it somehow presided over entire warrens, acting in the place of Chief Rabbit for those who had no leaders. In one or two, it was the key to limitless power, transporting entire warrens to paradisiacal worlds to live for eternity.

"So say it is the Touchstone," Hanze said. "So what? What do we do with it?"

"It's a Touchstone," Skander said. "You... touch it?"

"Not everyone who touched it in the stories came out very well afterwards," Hanze whispered.

"They did if they were good guys."

"We better be damn sure we're the good guys, then."

Geraden stared at the Touchstone, ears twitching. He thought he could hear something - like a Rabbit doe singing very far away. No, not singing - talking, but in the most beautiful voice he'd ever heard. He stretched out a paw and walked towards the crystal.

"Do you hear that?" he asked, not even realizing he was speaking.

"Hear what? Hey, Ger, what are you doing?" Skander backed away as Geraden approached the Touchstone. Hanze just stared, slack-jawed.

"I can hear her..." Geraden continued forward, his fingers just inches from the multicolored surface. The voice seemed to be calling him, telling him to take hold of the crystal, though he could not understand the words.

"I'm not sure this is a good idea..." Hanze said. "Can't we just -"

Geraden made contact. As soon as he touched the crystal, its surface went coal-black. The light faded entirely from the cavern, leaving it pitch dark.

"This can't be good," Hanze's voice came from the shade.

Geraden felt the cold stone under his finger begin to tremble. Slowly, the vibration increased, and it became impossible to hold his paw still on the surface; it skittered to one side. Wherever his finger touched, it left a blinding gold streak on the stone, making him shield his eyes with his other paw. With some effort, he pulled himself off the stone, using both paws to protect his vision. The voice was growing louder now, but it was still unintelligible, as if it was speaking in a familiar but forgotten language. Suddenly exhausted, Geraden fell to his knees.

Slowly, a bright orange cloud, like condensed light, began to flow out of the golden streak. It was semi-transparent, and shot through with ripples of opaque black. It pooled around the kneeling form of Geraden, and eventually wrapped itself entirely around him. Skander and Hanze could just barely see his figure through the bright haze.

It began to take shape, drawing itself around Geraden. He stood, taking in a long gasp of air, as if it were thick. The mist gradually assumed the unmistakable form of a Tiger around Geraden. Two large, transparent-orange paws materialized around Geraden's own, and a noble, feline face with burning light for eyes appeared in front of his head. Behind him, a translucent striped tail lashed at the cave wall.

"Gel-Herathin..." Geraden heard the sweet voice say, though the other two, cowering in the far corner of the cavern, heard nothing. "Your people need you. Come back to them."

And then, all at once, Geraden remembered everything.


Far away, close to the northwest border of Predator territory, a lithe Rabbit, perhaps seventeen or eighteen, lay in a comfortable bed. He was dressed in the humiliating attire of a personal pet, and next to him his Fox-master snored. The Rabbit was weeping silently. Memories of his father drifted through his sleepy consciousness. He thought about his former master's face - a Weasel, lean and long-fanged - and how it hadn't changed as he shot the Rabbit's father for food. He wrapped his arm around the sleeping Fox, trembling, and buried his muzzle in the fur of his slowly rising chest. This master was much nicer. He reminded the Rabbit of his father. He hoped the Nigosoka rebels would be merciful when their advance finally swept through the Fox's farm, but he doubted it.


Arvetis descended the narrow stairs from the yellow-bannered hall. The guards were gone, but light still streamed out from underneath the wooden door. Good, Phylax was still awake. Arvetis did not want to hunt him down in his quarters for this.

He pushed the door open and stepped into the war room. General Phylax looked up from a large map spread across the table, and croaked "Chaire Agathos" in a husky voice. He had been awake for a long time.

Arvetis held up a paw in greeting. "General Phylax."

"What are you doing here so late?" Phylax rubbed an eye sleepily.

"I've reconsidered something. I think I underestimated the importance of the northern advance."

"You want me to move them back?" Phylax's face was grim. He'd given the redeployment order five hours ago.

"No, no. But I want to take full, autonomous control of the ones who remain. I'm going to manage them personally. We should be able to make gains, even with reduced numbers, if I'm personally in command."

Phylax was silent for a moment, but Arvetis could tell he was suppressing a groan. "Is that all, sir?" he asked.

"Well, I was also thinking that this northern advance will be taking a lot of my time and attention. How would you feel about managing the western offensive solo?"

"What, you mean... you wouldn't try to manage me in the west?"

"As I said, I'm beginning to think the north is more important. Unless you're scared to lead by yourself, that is."

"No, sir!" Phylax was having difficulty keeping the elation out of his voice. He could crush the Western Resistance in a matter of weeks without Arvetis's interference, he knew it. "I am sure I'm quite capable."

"Good." Arvetis turned to leave.

"Oh, sir, wait." Phylax looked awkwardly down at the map. "There's something you should know if you're going to be taking over the northern advance."

"What's that?"

Phylax bit his lip for a moment. "Well... there have been reports. At first, I ignored them, because they were ridiculous. But we've been getting more and more of them, and we've found men with actual injuries that indicate -"

"Please," Arvetis interrupted. "What is it?"

"Well, there have been reports of Tigers in New England. Sentient Tigers."

Arvetis raised an eyebrow. "Tigers?"

"Yes, sir."

Sentient Tigers were, as far as anyone knew, non-existent. They were one of the few large feline species which, according to modern science, never achieved Sentience. They appeared in myth, of course, as noble bastions of Predatory honor, and supposedly the original source of intelligence in all Predators. Arvetis shrugged.

"Well, if Tigers have decided to appear from the pages of storybooks, that's fine with me. The more Predators, the better."

"That's just it, sir," Phylax said nervously. "Supposedly, they're fighting for the Prey."

Arvetis said nothing. He simply nodded, turned, and left the room. He couldn't worry about this right now. He had problems to solve.

The Touchstone came back to life, color spreading back across its surface, and the cavern filled once more with its strange, throbbing light. Geraden stood in front of it, unmoving. At the far end of the cavern, Hanze sat flat on his rear. Next to him, Skander was on his knees.

"Oh... my... God," Skander breathed.

"It can't be." Hanze stood up, staring at Geraden.

The previously mud-stained Rabbit stood before them, his fur changed to pearly white. His eyes were golden orbs with no visible iris or pupil, and a faint silver glow came from under his long, floppy ears. There was no sign of the Tiger-phantom.

"It is." Skander stayed on his knees. "Gel-Herathin."

"No, it can't be," Hanze repeated.

"If the Touchstone is real, why not him?"

Geraden turned to the two Rabbits, his vision clouded with a pale yellow sheen. He was having trouble remembering who they were. His thoughts were jumbled with memories - thousands of years of memories. Innumerable lives flickered through his recollection. Unimaginable violence repeated itself in a cyclical pattern that Geraden struggled to understand.

"I have to go," he said, and turned towards the rough-hewn passage. Skander stood.

"Geraden, I think you should stay here," he said, moving to the opening. Hanze followed.

"I can't. I have to go." He started walking towards them. They turned and fled down the passage.

Hanze and Skander practically fell through the door into the main hall.

"It is the touchstone!" Hanze panted, breathless. "And Geraden! He's -"

Just then, a tinny voice squawked out of the radio equipment by the fireplace. A red light was flashing on one of the consoles.

"Shit! I was supposed to be on duty!" Hanze ran to the radio and put on the earphones, tapping buttons.

"Geraden is what?" asked one of the other three Rabbits who were gathered in the hall.

"He touched it," Skander said. "He touched it, and he..."

Geraden stepped through the door behind Skander. His fur had returned to its usual tawny brown, though it was still spotless. His eyes seemed normal, and no numinous glow came from under his ears.

"He... I..." Skander stuttered. He looked carefully into Geraden's face. The only remaining sign of his transfiguration was a scattering of gold flecks in his irises.

"I'm going to kill Agathos," Geraden said, and gathered his equipment from where he'd dropped it by the pillar.

"What?" The other Rabbits looked at each other, worried.

Skander walked towards Geraden. "When was the last time you slept, Ger?"

"It doesn't matter. I have to kill him now."

"You can't! The Resistance hasn't given us the go-ahead! It'll destroy months of planning."

"Actually," Hanze interrupted, holding one side of the earphones to his head, "Western Resistance says Agathos's brother was killed an hour ago, in the Westriver counterstrike. We just got the green light."


Arvetis strode down the length of cells, each one packed with hard wooden slats, on which slept Prey of all species. Most were Rabbits. If the loud click of his boots woke any of them, they did not dare to stir. He arrived at the cell he was looking for, at the far end of the corridor and on the right. He unlocked the door and stepped in.

Only one Rabbit occupied this cell, curled up on a cushion in the corner. It was lush compared to the lodgings afforded the other prisoners. He was milky white, with large spots of light brown. He lifted his head groggily, smacking his lips, then stood when he saw who was in his cell. He was wearing nothing but a pair of pink silk panties.

"Playtime, master?" the Rabbit asked in a quiet voice. Arvetis approached him and wrapped his arms around him, resting his head on the Rabbit's shoulder.

"Yes, playtime." Arvetis took the Rabbit's paw in his own and slipped it down the front of his pants, pressing it against his warm, saggy diaper. He nuzzled the fur under the Rabbit's ear and held the embrace for a few moments, then broke it, still holding the paw as he moved to the cell door. "Come on." He caught a few stifled chuckles from the other cells as he led the pantied Rabbit out of the slave quarters, but ignored them.

As dire as the situation seemed, Arvetis loved it when he could combine work and pleasure. Tonight he would take care of the only worry Chrysos's attempt at blackmail had actually produced. He did not care that Chrysos knew about his occasional night with the healthier slaves, but this particular Rabbit knew about his diapers. He hadn't been able to help himself; he needed one playmate he could indulge with. He'd chosen this eunuch from the kitchen workers, feeling more at ease with his effeminate nature. The Rabbit had been only too happy to give up his job cooking his own kind, even if it meant pleasing the Chancellor. Now that Chrysos knew about the Rabbits, though, Arvetis felt there was too much potential for exposure.

Back in his quarters, he led the Rabbit up onto his bed. He stripped his uniform as the Rabbit lay down on his stomach, spreading his legs. Arvetis climbed up onto the bed behind him, untaping his diaper and letting it flop wetly on the bed.

"Will I be diapered tonight, master?"

"No, just be quiet." Arvetis did not want to hear his playmate's voice tonight. He grasped the teardrop-shaped tail with one paw and rubbed the silky hindquarters. Letting go of the tail, he wrapped his arm around the Rabbit's chest and pulled open the tailhole of the pink panties. Arvetis slid his pre-slick erection in. He knew this particular slave did not need any preparation.

The castrated Lapine made light squeaking sounds as the Chancellor's knot formed inside him, but he stayed mostly quiet. Arvetis fucked him long and deep, knowing this would be their last night together. When he came, his thighs twitched, clenching the Rabbit's buttocks tightly, and his tail bobbed up and down with pleasure. Even the Rabbit produced a small squirt of clear liquid in the front of his panties, a rare occurrence for the eunuch.

Arvetis flopped on his side, panting and dragging his playmate down with him. He recovered his breath as he waited for his erection to subside so he could withdraw. Nuzzling the back of the Rabbit's neck, he moved a paw to the silk-covered crotch, discovering the wet spot. "Enjoyed yourself, did you?"

"Yes, master."


After a few minutes, Arvetis pulled out, and slid off the bed. He led the slave to a discreetly-covered manacle on the wall and clipped him in. "I'm going to shower," he said. "You can use it when I'm done." He picked up his uniform pants, carried them to the bathroom, and locked the door. He removed a small pistol from the uniform's waistline, loaded it, placed it on the sink, and stepped into the shower. He was going to miss that bunny.


Geraden perched once again on the window sill, peering in to see if the room was occupied. The lamps were lit, but he didn't see anyone. A faint sound filtered through the window - a shower? It didn't matter. Geraden only needed a minute. He tested the window, found it still unlatched, and slid it open. He grasped the top of the window pane and leapt in, feet-first.

The slave stood up, making a surprised squeak, and Geraden nearly fell over. He hadn't seen the milky Rabbit in the corner, which was on the same wall as the window. He put a pawfinger to his lips in a hushing motion and moved towards the bed.

"Master!" the Rabbit screamed. "Master!"

Geraden put his paws up to silence the slave, hackles rising, but it was too late. Arvetis slammed open the bathroom door, naked and dripping, and pointing the pistol into the room. His eyes flicked from Geraden to the open window. He advanced towards Geraden, pistol aimed directly at his chest.

"Well, well," he said, flicking off the gun's safety catch. "Looks like I've got myself a new hunny bunny."

Corwin Hall, Chapter 11

Corwin Hall, Chapter 11 Arvetis prodded Geraden's back with the pistol, and the Rabbit stepped into the dark cell. This was not the slave quarters; it was much deeper in the fortress's vaults. No other cells were visible from the interior. The...

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Corwin Hall, Chapter 9

Corwin Hall, Chapter 9 Geraden emerged from the swampy undergrowth, covered more in mud than furpaint now. He stumbled on a hollow log, going head over heels, and felt a wispy tingling sensation across his face as he landed on the soft...

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Corwin Hall, Chapter 8

OK, warning is necessary here. This part might be unpleasant for some people. If the description of Sandleford Warren was too disturbing for you, I'm not sure what to say. There's no specific part for you to skip. These next few chapters are not about...

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