Salvaged Ch. 6: Shifted Priorities

Story by Rogue Wolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Salvaged

It's been a long time, I know. Many things have come and gone, and writing has not been as easy as I would have liked. But, it's finally done, and the tale of Kyle Aragones and Vyarhi "Ashiya" Syhassi can finally come to a proper close!


"Evening, Ashiya!" Elmez'ki gave her his most charming cetatean grin. "Nice to see you aboard the station again. You and Kyle have been a rare sight these days!'

She gave him a broad smile and a lift of her hood in response as she took a seat at the food outlet. "I know," she agreed. "We've been busy lately. In between salvage runs and contract negotiations, it's a wonder if we spend two days in a row in the same cubic light-week. We've even been bantering about giving up the salvage business entirely and starting up a facilitation agency." She chuckled. "We both love doing salvaging, of course, but it seems that half our runs bring us up against at least a token 'mech presence. We've never so much as said it to each other, but I know I'm feeling a bit worn-down from the constant danger, and I think he is as well."

Elmez'ki nodded, raising a hand for one of the staff behind the counter to take an order. As he owned this particular establishment, everything was on the house, and it was only a few moments before a cool drink and a plate of roasted beef- not Mif'laschkin, as she was watching her weight; she'd gained six kilograms over the last couple of months- was set in front of her. "Speaking of Kyle, I'm surprised to not see him with you," the Kiknachiki said. "What is he up to?"

"We're in direct negotiations with a Mylcheri startup business," Ashiya replied.

"Ahh. Say no more. I've never seen a species with as strong a prey drive as them. Even forward-facing eyes makes them nervous; throw in anything as threatening as fangs or claws and they'll run from you at thirty meters. So Kyle is handling the job?"

"You hit it on the first strike. Apparently Humans don't trigger their prey instincts nearly as strongly as most other non-herbivore species do, so he's there himself to work out a deal. I'll be heading back in a couple of days to pick him up."

"Good deal." Elmez'ki smiled. "You and he make a good team, you know. I haven't seen him look so lively and carefree since we lost Fysher. I'm glad to see it." He leaned against the table, both pairs of hands folded together; the cloned replacement looked as though he'd been born with it. "And Laou and Niyre would take turns ripping my limbs off if they knew I told you this, but we're all getting worried about the two of you being out in unpatrolled space so much. I've been hearing more and more stories of 'mech attacks on ships in what we thought were safe areas. I know you two can handle yourselves, but it's getting dangerous out there. Some of us are wishing you and Kyle would try your luck on another line of work for a while."

Ashiya let out a soft sigh, flexing her hood in agreement. "I won't argue with you," she replied. "We don't even really need the money anymore. We've been doing well on investments with the compensation funds the Alliance gave us. Don't tell Kyle I said this, but I personally would love to put the salvage business aside until things are safer, and do more transport work with Niyre. We both love working aboard the Shadowdancer- by the Abyss, I adore that ship and everything about it- but it's just too dangerous with the 'mechs on the hunt."

"I agree." He gave her a sympathetic smile. "I understand the situation. I can always throw a few short-term shipping contracts your way if you're looking for things to keep you busy without so much of the risk. Tides know I've got enough of them."

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you." She finished the small meal and drank the last of the fizzy drink- much too sweet for her to have regularly, but wonderful as an occasional indulgence. "I think I'm going to wander on over to one of the local bars and drown what few sorrows I have in intoxicants."

He laughed at that and gave her a wave. "Enjoy. But don't do anything I wouldn't do."

She smirked. "And that consists of what?"

"As soon as I find something worth putting on that list, I'll let you know."

She chortled merrily as she headed out of the food area and towards the recreational section. Various methods of relaxation and enjoyment were not only popular but practically vital to outlying stations like this, where one didn't often see lots of new faces, and only saw new trends, touring groups or the like long after the more central systems had already gone through them. She slithered her way past a handful of arcades, arenas for small-group competitive sports like six-square, photon-tag and virtual hunting, and the occasional dance club, until she came to one of her favorite on-board hangouts aside from the food court.

"REFUGE" read the brightly-lit sign in both GalCom languages. It was quite a bit more low-key than most of the other bars on the station, but also relaxed and welcoming. One of its key features- besides the long double-bar and hanging racks featuring kegs and canisters from all over RA space- was a small sign, said to have been once used in a Human broadcast show long before their encounter with the biomechs, kept in remarkably good condition. Translations posted underneath read "This is a SQUARE HOUSE- please report any un-fairness to the Proprietor". Tiny personal touches like that gave a place a lot of personality, and Ashiya enjoyed that far more than flashing lights and holographic displays.

She found something surprising as she went inside- another Kryyjh. Since being given full citizenship, most of her fellow refugees had decided to head further into Rimworld Alliance territory to make stakes for themselves. Several still visited, but only a few besides her had chosen to remain, and she seldom got to see most of them due to busy schedules. This one, a male whose name she couldn't recall, was coiled upon one of the stools at the bar, chatting with the bartender; she chose to join him, moving to the next stool.

"...actually undergoing firearms certification," she heard him say as she made it to the bar. "Pretty shocking if you ask me, considering I've only been...." He apparently noticed the bartender look up at her approach, followed his gaze and caught sight of her; his hood immediately spread in a sign of surprise. "Well!" he exclaimed. "If it isn't Ashiya! A pleasant surprise indeed."

She chuckled, nodding her head slightly in deferrence; she'd never get used to this state of celebrity she still had. "Good evening. I came to have a drink and relax; I wasn't expecting to find a fellow Kryyjh here. Have we met?"

"Not face-to-face, no." He smiled. "Dynkhar H'ssrahn. Call me Dyn."

"Well-met, Dyn." She returned the smile. "Bartender, this male's tab is on me for the night."

"Thank you." He raised his glass to her. "You'll find I've stayed on the inexpensive stuff. I've been thinking over things rather than trying to get flat-out intoxicated."

"Hmmm. Not a bad way to go about it." She ordered one of the stronger beverages, a special kind of Duraour brandy that she loved in moderation. It slid down her throat like liquid plasma, and she couldn't help but cough a little. "So," she said, putting the glass down. "What is it you've been thinking over, Dyn? If I may ask."

"Well. Two days ago I got a request from the RA security office. They think I could be helpful in one of their projects against the 'mechs. I really can't say exactly what- the operation is classified- but they want to actively enlist me into the officer ranks." He shook his head slowly. "I know I don't have to tell you how second-nature it feels to be in the military, but this... it feels completely different. Being given the choice, you know? Being told what the situation is, how you can contribute, why they need you. We never got that sort of consideration back home."

"Don't I know it." Ashiya leaned back, taking in the full view of this male for the first time. He seemed rather young yet, physically fit and quick of thought. "What was your rank back home?" she asked.


She quirked an eyebrow in surprise. "Dark Ops? Surprising."

"That someone so young was in Dark Operations section, or that I wasn't skinned ten seconds after thinking about leaving?"

"Both." She chuckled. "They keep their fangs in deep on their operatives, don't they?"

"Like you wouldn't believe. I simply got lucky." Dyn took a long drink from his mug. "A part of me feels like I'm committing betrayal right now, but the rest of me knows better. The Rimworld Alliance doesn't give a damn if I can father younglings or not. What I've learned in Dark Ops can help save lives here, and they want me to use it to do just that."

"So you're considering taking up the offer?"

He chuckled, finishing off his drink. "I already have," he answered. "It took me all of ten minutes to decide. It'll be dangerous, they've offered no illusions about it- but there's a chance we could pin down those damned biomechs where they live, finally. I suppose I'm just... saying goodbye to this new life of mine, just in case."

Her breath caught in her throat for a moment. She wanted to tell him that he had nothing to worry about, that his mission would be an utter success- but could she guarantee it to him? Not at all. The RA cared about its soldiers- a far sight more than her own former government did- but it could not make them invulnerable. So instead she raised her glass to him. "Then you've chosen your hunt," she told him. "Strike hard and true."

He smiled at that. "I will, thank you."

They talked for a while, comparing notes on how well adjusting to the Alliance was going- generally fairly easy on his part- and thoughts about the various species that were a part of it. Interestingly enough, he detested the Tirarnik military culture, but adored the Duraour concepts of learning through adversity and testing one's strengths. The drinks flowed freely, Ashiya's normal limitations forgotten in the joy of relating to another of her kind once again, and it didn't seem long at all before her vision was rather blurry and she found herself swaying a bit. Dyn seemed likewise intoxicated. "Hells," he murmured, chuckling softly. "I didn't mean to get quite this drunk."

"Mmh. Well, if you want, we can go for a little 'walk'-" they both chuckled at the use of that word- "and see if that helps."

"Alright." Ashiya settled up the tab, and the pair of reptiles headed out to slither along the various walkways in the recreational section. Their talk flowed freely, and eventually turned towards the attractiveness of the other species; Dyn admitted that he was attracted to the Tyrazed, finding their combination of strength and prey-descendancy alluring. "There's something about wrapping my coils around one of their females," he said quietly. "Knowing that in the wild, it would be a struggle of survival- but here, it's nothing but passion."

"So you've slept with them, hm?" Ashiya grinned, flexing her hood. "I can't say that I have."

"You should give it a try sometime, I think." He chuckled, looking her over in a very obvious way that she didn't mind in the least. "Though knowing about you has gotten me curious about Humans," he added. "What is it like with them when the clothes come off?"

"Humans are walking paradoxes," she told him. "Soft, yet firm. Vulnerable yet strong. Kyle was the first mammal I've ever had sex with, and while there's been a few mammals of other species in my coils since then, there's just that certain amazement I get from the warmth of his body against mine. And they love challenges and trying new things." Her grin grew wider. "I strongly suggest visiting one of the clubs before you leave. I don't think you'll have a hard time finding a Human willing to discover the wonders of scales and a long forked tongue."

"I think I may just do that. Some of them keep their hair long, and I don't know why, but the thought of just burying my snout in it as I wrap myself around the Human wearing it... does things to me."

"As that species loves to say, variety is the spice of life." She slid in closer to him, letting her tailtip flick against his own in a rather suggestive move. "But I'll tell you what," she continued, murmuring quietly into his aural canal. "I've found I'd rather missed coiling myself around someone who can do the same with me."

She watched as his hood spread just a little in excitement. For someone so young, he certainly had a lot of self-control, especially while drunk. Dark Ops wouldn't have it any other way, she thought. "I've missed that as well," he replied, just as quietly. "But it seems to be hard to find any other Kryyjh lately, and the Isshak are a bit... conservative when it comes to that sort of thing." He brushed his tail across hers, and she shivered a bit. Hells, he's good. "Maybe you might be interested in... exchanging new ideas we've each learned from others?"

At that point, between her inebriation and her arousal, she could have stripped him down to his scales and had her way with him there in the corridor, but not all of her inhibitions were completely lost. Enough were, though. "Let's go to your quarters and see what we can learn from each other," she half-whispered.

It wasn't nearly soon enough for her tastes that they were inside his small, modest quarters, pulling off their clothing while the door was still closing. They almost stumbled over each other in their haste to get to his bed, upon which they flopped in a tight embrace, tongues and hands wandering across each others' bodies. It had been such a long time since she'd laid with another Kryyjh, and seemingly almost forever since she'd been with one that interested her.

Foreplay was quick, though enjoyable, and it wasn't long before his hemipenes had everted fully. He was one of the larger Kryyjh males she'd seen, and thick as well- not as much so as Kyle, but enough to satisfy her. She gently took one in each hand and started to stroke them in opposing rhythm, drawing a deep hiss from Dyn's throat. His fingers found her slit, parted it and ventured inside, finding her already wet and welcoming. They pleasured each other with their hands for a few moments before ever-growing sexual need drove them on. Ashiya took the initiative, slipping her tail over his and curling it around, constricting gently as she wrapped herself around him; she felt his hemipenes slide against the edges of her slit, making her shiver.

She realized, just a little belatedly, that she was overdue to be in her breeding season and that her body was very likely receptive- which was probably one of the reasons why she'd been so willing to bed this male. The thought of contraception entered her mind for just a moment, before she remembered once again just why she was aboard this station. If ending up gravid were a likelihood, I wouldn't be here, would I? she thought, before she allowed her higher brain functions to take a nap and instinct to have free reign; her back arched, the movement parting the lips of her entrance, and Dyn slid between them.

Her deepest female instincts relished the feeling of a male of her species against her, around her, inside her. She squeezed him, maybe a bit harder than she meant to, but he didn't seem to mind; the unspoken invitation was taken, and he began to writhe against her, his torso sliding up and down against hers, the motions driving his hemipenis in and out of her, making her fluids drip down the length of both of their tails. A glance down revealed that his other still-erect hemipenis was spurting semen onto her side with every thrust, and the very sight of it drove her deeper into her sexual frenzy, making her buck and press her body against this male, desperate for him to fill her with his flesh, with his seed.

It didn't take him long to do so. She couldn't blame him; he was young, she was using every trick she'd learned, and it was doubtless that his body knew hers was receptive. Twin streams of thick white semen spewed from his hemipenes, one gulped down greedily by her vaginal tract, the other splattering across her scales. She scooped up a small bit of it on her fingertips and licked it off, quite enjoying the taste. She grinned at him as he panted softly. "Sorry," he half-gasped. "I'd hoped I would last longer."

"You're drunk and I'm feeling especially needy. Don't worry." She flicked her tongue across his snout. "Though if you think you can handle it, a second round sounds like fun." Her grin grew wider.

He matched it with a grin of his own. "I think I can oblige," he answered.

With the sexual frenzy of their first coupling sated, their second one took on a much more calm, deliberate pace. This time Ashiya took the lead, pressing Dyn's body into his own bed and constricting against him, gyrating her waist slowly as she slid up and down along his maleflesh. One of her hands was gently stroking his other hemipenis in rhythm with her motions, and she found herself wishing that Kryyjh physiology would let her take both at once. Hells, I must be in season, she thought with a mental chuckle. I could have this male stuffed inside me from tailtip to shoulders and I'd probably still want more. Though... hmm. Speaking of tailtips....

She paused for just a moment, bringing her snout to his aural canal. "I have an idea, if you're inclined," she murmured.

He was panting softly for breath. "If you asked me to crawl down your throat right now I'd do it."

That brought a soft chuckle from her. "No... sort of the opposite, really. Have you ever let yourself be entered?" She brushed her tailtip against the small slit of his vent, and felt him shiver against her. "I... no, actually, I've never even tried that," he answered, his breathing a bit quicker.

She smiled, and rubbed her tail up and down slowly against his vent. "Would you like to, now?"

"I think I would, yes." He flicked his tongue across her neck. "It doesn't hurt, does it?"

"Not if one is careful, and I will be- and I'll show you how to be, as well. Give me your tail."

He did so, and she intertwined her own with it, rubbing their tips over their lower bodies to collect their combined sexual juices. When she had gotten them good and wet, she released her grip on his tail and snaked her own tail's tip back to his ventral slit, which she gently rubbed to help lubricate it. "Are you ready?" she asked.

"As I'll ever be." He flicked his own tailtip against her vent. "And you?"

"I am. Now... slowly, do what I do." She slid her tail into him, feeling the initial resistance before he deliberately relaxed his muscles. She felt him do the same, the somewhat rough scales of his tailtip sliding across the flesh of her ventral passage, made easier by her own natural lubrication. Dyn groaned softly. "That...." he murmured. "It feels... odd, almost painful, but...."

"Try to relax more. Your body will get used to it, especially once I get where I'm going."

"Get where you're going? What is it that you're... uhhhhnnnnnhhhh...." His body stiffened and his pupils went wide when her tailtip rubbed up against his testicles in their home in his tailbase. "I'll wager you've never felt something like that before, hm?" she whispered playfully.

"That... nnnnhhh...." His own tailtip started to copy her motions, probably without him consciously realizing it, and she let out a soft moan. "I haven't... no... I've never felt this...." Now he was bucking against her, slowly, sliding in and out of her. Her hand once more took hold of his other hemipenis, slipping one fingertip along its semen-soaked groove, before deciding to bend over and take it into her mouth. Dyn hissed loudly in pleasure and almost slumped over her, his arms around her tightly, his movements becoming more forceful. His head moved to her chest, his mouth engulfed one of her breasts, and she groaned softly.

Some distant part of her sex-soaked mind wondered what kind of a sight they were right now- two reptiles twisted around each other in copulation, every single body part either inside or covering a part of the other's body in the abject desire to give and receive pleasure. The rest of her brain was too busy concentrating on the wonderful sensations to care much about that. She had lost all track of time and place, only knowing that there was a bed underneath her and a male against her.

It seemed like forever before she felt Dyn's rhythmic contractions against her body again and realized he was heading for a second climax. She squeezed him gently with her mouth and vaginal muscles and pressed her tailtip firmly against his testicles, wanting another dose of his seed- which he gave to her, spewing large amounts of semen into her, and she greedily drank it in. Finally sated, the two Kryyjh allowed their bodies to relax, slowly unwinding and withdrawing from each other as Dyn's hemipenes reverted. The male laid on his bed for a moment, panting for breath, his wide-pupiled eyes gazing up at the ceiling. "Well...." he gasped. "That... eclipses any pairing I've had before... by a wide margin...."

"Isn't it amazing what trying one new thing can do for the overall experience?" she chuckled, reaching over to stroke his chin. "And now, should you ever find yourself bedding a female with a tail- or perhaps one who has her own 'toys'- you can show her how much fun that is."

He gave her a grin, his expression still somewhat dazed. "Perhaps if I'm lucky enough to find a Human female before I leave, I'll see what she can come up with," he replied.

She tapped his snout playfully. "That's the spirit."

With that, they left his somewhat messy bed to wash up together. As she dressed and he changed his bedsheets, she gazed fondly at this male of her species- someone she would likely never have met during the course of her career back home, given a common hardship because of biology, and now linked by shared pleasure. When he showed her to his door, she clasped her hands in his. "When you come back-" she placed a subtle but definite emphasis on the 'when'- "look me and Kyle up if you need help with anything. Between the two of us we have practically a third of the entire sector in our little social network... we can do a lot for you."

He flicked his tongue across her snout, and smiled when she returned the gesture. "If I come back, I will take you up on it. And if not... then all that has happened since we left homespace for this place is a far better final chapter in my tale than I would have imagined possible." He patted her hands. "Take care, Ashiya."

"And you, Dyn." With that, she left his quarters, slowly making her way back towards the docking area, to curl up in her bed and bask in the afterglow.


"Remember that the English language discourages ending a sentence with a proposition, but casual speech may disregard this guideline."

Ashiya curled her tail up in her lap and leaned back in the captain's seat, relaxing as the Shadowdancer zipped through space at about twice the speed of light. All readings were nominal, no trouble reports relating to her trajectory had come up, and she was spending her time learning.

"Here is a practice sentence using a verb, preposition and noun. Please repeat: 'I would like one of the menus'."

"Ihh would like onehh of the menussss." English was not an easy language for her to speak properly; the Kryyjh primary language was full of sibilant hissing sounds and exhales, and English- Humanity's most widespread native language- used far shorter, almost abrupt vocal patterns. "Your score for this sentence is seventy-five percent," the computer told her. "You have made some improvement. Remember to keep vowels and exhalation-based consonants such as 's' and 'h' short. Are you ready for the next section?"

"Yess." She went over what she'd already learned in her mind. Keep those sounds shorter than you're used to. Listen to the patterns the computer uses. You can do this, Ashiya. Kyle learned how to speak GalCom2 well enough to hold conversations, despite the limitations of Human vocal structures- you can manage the same.

"Good. Exercise: using what you have already learned from previous lessons, construct a sentence in English typical of what a tourist on Earth would say to a native."

She considered for a moment before remembering the tour pamphlet she'd received during the time she'd spent on Earth two months ago. With a deep intake of breath, she spoke. "Excusse me. Can you direct me tooh where is the Sssmithssonian Musseum?"

"Your score for this sentence is eighty-two percent. Positive aspects: Cordial greeting, proper construction of an inquisitive sentence. Negative aspects: Excessive sibilant sound length, use of superfluous phrase 'where is'. Suggestions: Practice shortening sibilant sounds; practice usage of other phrases such as 'where I may find' or 'how may I get to'."

She switched to GalCom2. "Right, right, I get it, I still sound like a snake." She chuckled. "Computer, save progress and end program." As the computer processed her command, she smiled to herself. While learning to speak GalCom1 would make it easier for her to converse with those who only understood that language- and it was quite a bit simpler than English, which Earth's own scholars admitted was full of complex rules that were regularly broken by natives and newcomers alike- she enjoyed the extra challenge of speaking a language that had been developed long before its founders knew her kind existed. And, of course, there was the prospect of impressing Kyle with a mastery of his own native tongue, and maybe even using it in conversations with him once she'd progressed far enough. "Computer, bring up musical interface," she said.

A playlist of all the music in the Shadowdancer's data matrix scrolled by. A few taps of the display narrowed down her choices, and she picked a selection of "spin" music from Earth's early colonization period- the beginning of their twenty-second century, if she remembered correctly. The first random track that played was a soothing number, with quiet ambient sounds, choir vocals and a handful of instruments, including bagpipes- something the Kryyjh had never thought to come up with, but the sound of which she was truly learning to enjoy. A lookup of the song on SubspaceNet showed that this particular style had come into being as an attempt to express the wonder of Humankind's first real efforts to explore the endless depths of space. I sort of wish I could have known what it was like back in those days, she pondered. When everything was so vast and new, so seemingly peaceful. Staring up at the stars and wondering "Who is out there?".

She lost herself in the music for a while before the autopilot let her know that she was coming up on her final waypoint- Demhynia VI, where Kyle was waiting for pickup. It was their way not to discuss the success or failure of negotiations until they could do so face-to-face, and she was eager to find out how well things had gone. She opened communications with the station Kyle was waiting aboard. "Shadowdancer to A'ma'shiya Sector Outpost 45. Requesting approach and landing permission as per pre-filed itinerary. Uploading registration number now."

Almost immediately a hesitant voice replied. "Ah- ah- yes, Shadowdancer_, your approach is approved. Ensure that... that all weapons are disabled and allow for automated guidance. Please."_

"Understood, station. Complying." The station cut off communications almost instantly, and she shook her head slightly. How a species so timid and predator-fearful manages to be a part of the Rimworld Alliance, I just don't understand, she thought. There's, what, almost two-thirds of the member species that they can't even interact with because of their instincts? It can't be easy on them.

Despite whatever fears the station personnel may have had, their automated guidance system worked just like any other, and it wasn't long before the Shadowdancer was docked. Ashiya waited at the main door as it cycled, and Kyle- dressed in his best business attire- strolled through. She immediately embraced him, and he wrapped his arms tightly around her in return. "Hello again, lover," he said, giving her a broad smile.

She matched her smile, concentrating for a moment to recite what she'd memorized. "Good to sssee you again, Kyle. Thingsss went wellh?"

It had the effect she'd wanted. His eyes went wide, and a grin split his lips. "Well," he replied. "Someone's been taking up language lessons, hm?"

She chuckled, switching back to GalCom2 for her own comfort. "You can tell I still need more."

"Pssh." He stroked her chin gently. "I've heard Humans who had more trouble. And to answer your very well-spoken question- yes, things did go somewhat well. Negotiating with Mylcheri is a tricky business- push too hard and they'll walk, or even run, away. But go too easy and they'll rob you blind." He leaned against her gently, and she put her arms around him. "I did manage to score us a couple of nice contracts, though, and get a couple of names to use as contacts. This isn't the most open society in the Alliance and any kind of crack we can wedge into will help us out."

She ruffled his hair. "I knew this job was in good hands."

"Flatterer." He walked with her back to the helm, letting her take the captain's seat again. "And how did things go with you while I was here?"

"Keeping an eye on our investments, primarily. Basalt futures are down again. Thankfully our broker is on top of hir game."

"I told you shi knows what shi's doing." He patted her shoulder.

"I know, I know, I just worry." She smiled. "Also, I ran into another Kryyjh on the station a few nights ago. Young male by the name of Dynkhar H'ssrahn; former Dark Ops specialist."

"I remember what you told me about Dark Ops. Surprising anyone got out of there."

"That's what I told him." She chuckled. "He's since left as a tactical advisor on an RA military operation against the 'mechs. He couldn't tell me much about it, but he was hoping that it would make a difference."

He nodded in understanding. "Well, I certainly hope the hunt goes well for him. And I know we haven't seen many Kryyjh aboard the station in quite a while." He gave her a wink. "So...?"

She couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, we did. Though both of us were rather intoxicated at the time."

"Sometimes that just makes it more fun, though!" he laughed.

"True, true. And how about you? Did you happen to-" she recited an English phrase she found humorous- "get lucky?"

A chuckle and a shake of his head. "Honestly, the Mylcheri are so sexually repressed that they make the Tirarnik look liberal in comparison. The one time I made a subtle comment towards one of the females, she stared at me as though I were going to rape and then eat her. I don't think they even contemplate sex unless the female's in heat."

"Sounds boring." She shrugged, spreading her hood. "I won't criticize, though. I just can't imagine living my life the way they do. Far too much freedom for me the way things are now."

They were quickly given permission to depart, and after only a few minutes they were following a flight path heading outsystem, waiting until they cleared the major travel lanes before going at full speed. "I'm glad to have you back," Ashiya told Kyle. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He leaned back in the co-pilot's seat and laid his hand over hers. "While we're on this flight back, why don't you teach me a little of the Kryyjh language? I've been wanting to learn."

"I can do that. However...." She slid her fingers between his, relishing the soft warmth of his skin against her scales. "Once we're on full autopilot and outsystem, any lesson I give you will have to involve us in bed and unclothed."

He laughed softly, bringing her hand to his mouth and kissing her claws one by one. "You're insatiable, do you know that?" he teased.

She gave him a grin. "I like to think that I learned from the best," she retorted, tapping his nose.

--/ /--

"Are you feeling alright, Ashiya?"

Kyle leaned over his Kryyjh companion as she curled herself onto the bench. Next to her, Khamen and Laou stood with concerned expressions. "You've been seeming a little off-your-peak lately," Laou murmured. "Maybe you're coming down with something? Some minor Kryyjh-specific virus?"

"It's possible...." Ashiya rubbed the back of her neck. "I have talked to a few more Kryyjh in the last couple of months. I know the medical screening would have found anything major, but still... once in a while a minor bug gets through." She groaned softly, rubbing her stomach with her other hand. "Or maybe that roast chal'chkar steak I had is backing up on me," she amended.

With Kyle's help, she was able to go upright again, though she leaned on him as they moved along. Their lunch chat was finished anyway, and there wasn't much more to talk about with the other pair until he and Ashiya heard back from some of their contacts, so they cut the get-together short, and Kyle escorted Ashiya back to the ship so that she could lay down until she started to feel better. She slid the bedtable display over her chest as he took a seat next to her, datapad in hand, taking the opportunity to do a little revising on their ever-more-busy schedule.

A soft sound from Ashiya made him look up, thinking that maybe she'd started feeling worse, but instead she had taken on a dejected expression while gazing at her display. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Dynkhar. The Kryyjh I told you about a couple months back. He's dead."

Kyle frowned, leaving his seat to look at the news item on the display. The operation that the young male had taken part in was a deep-space reconaissance run, using a stealthed ship to infiltrate a 'mech-held sector of space and monitor it for more subspace-tear activity to chart further into 'mech territory. Details were scarce, but apparently the crew of the stealth ship had found a stable tear and took the opportunity to explore further into 'mech territory. The brave crew was able to map several hundred parsecs of biomech-held space and pinpoint a number of installations, and covertly send the information back to the Alliance- until an unexpected neutrino storm disrupted their stealth systems and exposed them to the 'mechs, who were quick to pounce. Rather than allow themselves and the ship's technology to fall into the 'mechs' hands, the crew launched an emergency datasphere with all their collected intelligence towards RA space, then self-destructed.

"Hell," he murmured. "Damned brave thing for all of them to do, go that far into 'mech territory to give us a better picture of where the hell they're hiding. We lost some good people here."

Ashiya nodded slowly. "The article says there will be an honor ceremony on the station in about a week to honor them. I'd like to attend."

"Of course. I'll come with you." He stroked the back of her neck gently. "I'm sorry I never got to meet the guy," he told her. "Sounds like he was a credit to your species."

She laid her chin on his shoulder, and he lovingly caressed her neck and shoulders. "I'm still feeling a little rough around the edges," she told him after a while. "I think I'm going to take a nap."

He nodded, reaching down to rub her abdomen lightly. "Alright, sweet scales. I'll keep working on this schedule. Just say the word if you want anything."

"I will. Thanks." With that, she slid the display back into the nightstand and settled in for some rest, and he left the room to give her some quiet.


"Ashiya? Are you feeling sick again?"

Kyle couldn't help but feel a little helpless on the outside of the washroom door. Ashiya had been hit by periodic bouts of malaise and listlessness for the last couple of weeks, but this was the first time she'd seemed physically ill. "I'm... I'm going to need a moment," she called out, just before the unmistakable sound of vomiting.

It was a few minutes before the door opened and a bedraggled-looking Ashiya emerged, wiping her mouth with a wet cloth. "I feel like dung right now," she moaned softly. "I can't even figure out why. I haven't eaten yet today but I'm spewing every meal I've eaten in the last four months into the commode."

He slid his arm underneath her to support her. "Come on, let's get you to the medical bay and give you a full-on scan."

Unlike the last couple of times he'd suggested it, this time she didn't argue, simply leaning against him as he brought her to the medical beds and helped her lie down upon one of them. "I doubt it's anything serious," she murmured. "A stomach virus, maybe?"

"We'll see. Lie still for me." He walked over to the operation panel and started up a deep scan. "When was the last time you felt like this?" he asked.

"As in, the same way I feel right now? Quite honestly I can't remember ever feeling this bad." She sighed, rubbing her abdomen again. "Cramps and general nausea aren't uncommon when I'm coming down from being in-season, and it's certainly not the first time I've brought up a previous meal, but this feels like the ten worst days of my life all coming to get me at once."

He chuckled good-naturedly at that. "Even with modern medicine at our disposal, the occasional stomach bug or rash still happens," he said. "It could be that you've just picked up a new virus that's slipped through RA Medical's nets. Not likely to be anything threatening."

"Aside from threatening my next meal, you mean." He had to give her credit- her humor was better than his tended to be when he was sick. He gave her a comforting smile as the scanners did their work, slowly telling a tale through numbers, graphs and a blocky but rapidly-improving real-time picture of Kryyjh anatomy. Hmm. Vitals seem to stack up about right against the norms, just a bit of deviation, not unexpected given how lousy she feels. No detectable infections or viral presence so far. Blood pressure is a little low, though... odd, her diet hasn't changed too much, except for the taste for salt and barbecue flavoring she's picked up....

When the next scan pass took place, more information popped up onto the display- a lot more information. More than he'd expected. In fact, he felt the need to rub his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. She must have noticed. "What?" she asked. "You look like I've grown a second tail."

"Errmm... not quite. Something different." He slowly swiveled the display around so that she could see it. Her pupils went wide as she understood what the readings were telling her. "I... I'm...." she sputtered.

He couldn't keep a growing smile off of his lips. "I believe the technical term is 'gravid', sweet scales," he told her. "You're a mother."

"How...?" She stared at the display, at the three tiny forms inside her, each one tagged by the scanner with its own readout. "This... I'm supposed to be infertile! That's the whole reason I'm here! Why we're all here!"

"It seems your body had other ideas." He cleared the display and raised a hand to help her up off of the bed. "Let's get you to station medical now."

Dazedly, Ashiya nodded, letting him gently walk her onto the station.


"Well, this is quite the surprise!" The Gez'byrin physician was practically bursting with excitement as shi stood beside Ashiya. Kyle was at the head of the examination table, with one hand on the Kryyjh's shoulder to comfort her. "I wasn't expecting to see any Kryyjh in here for obstetric exams."

"You're not the only one," Ashiya murmured. "It's not like I didn't try hard enough back in homespace."

"It may be that you were trying too hard. Let me see." The sauropoid ran a small hand-scanner over the entirety of Ashiya's midsection, taking detailed readings of her biological processes. Once that was finished, some very thorough-looking results flashed on the display. "And here we have it," shi said, pointing at one particular reading. "The pH level of your vaginal tract has dropped significantly since your last examination. In fact, it's very near what I'd expect would be normal for your species."

"But... I haven't done any sort of treatments for it since I got here," Ashiya replied, a soft plaintive tone in her voice, almost as though she were pleading a case against her own pregnancy. "And it's been that high since I matured."

"I believe I can safely chalk this one up to environmental change." The physician set the scanner down and turned towards Ashiya. "Tell me, dear Kryyjh... how have your stress levels been since you gained Alliance citizenship?"

"Stress? Compared to my old life? I've almost forgotten what the word 'stress' is." She managed a chuckle. "I didn't think I could be so relaxed as I have been living here."

"And there you have it." The physician flicked one slender finger against the display. "The great mystery of Kryyjh infertility rates- simple physical and emotional stress. Too many people discount what an absolute mess it can make of biological processes. Put too much emphasis on success and failure will creep in."

"You have to be kidding me." Ashiya let her head rest on the table.

"Not at all, my dear serpent. Your body just had to remember what it wanted without being told by your brain how much it had to do it." Shi smiled. "Now. While I truly believe that love makes many things possible, I don't think that the good Human here fertilized the eggs you're forming right now. When was your last breeding period, and who was or were the last Kryyjh you have been intimate with?"

"Rather direct, hm?" Kyle chuckled, earning a grin from the physician. "I believe in getting to the point," shi told him.

Ashiya let out a chuckle as well. "The only Kryyjh I've been intimate with since we all came here was Dynkhar H'ssrahn, shortly before he left."

The smile faded from the Gez'byrin's face, and shi nodded slowly. "I was sorry to hear about his death," shi murmured, tapping again on the display. "But... it seems that he's left a legacy with you, if you wish to keep it." Shi folded the display out of the way and looked Ashiya in the eyes. "You have several choices. Firstly, you have the option of terminating the pregnancy. I cannot speak strongly enough against the idea, but Rimworld Alliance laws give you final legal purview over your body."

"I...." Ashiya gazed down at her stomach. "No. I couldn't. I... couldn't."

The physician nodded, a ghost of a smile returning. "Very well then. The Alliance has a strong support network for younglings who, for whatever reason, are left without parents. If you wish, you can give yours over to us once you have laid your clutch, and we will see to it that a home be found for them. Or, you can assert your legal status as their mother and raise them as you see fit. As their sole surviving biological parent, that is your exclusive right." Shi looked up at Kyle. "And if you wish to share that right with someone of another species with whom you have founded a household, you are also given that choice," shi continued, her smile growing just a bit more. "Now, I need to consult the medical database to establish a baseline for your younglings; I have the feeling we may be seeing more in the future. I'll leave you two to talk."

Shi did so, an inner office door closing quietly behind hir, and the silence was deafening. Kyle gazed down at his companion, who looked absolutely lost as she looked back up at him. "Kyle...." she half-whispered. "What do I do?"

"I can't tell you that, Ashiya." He reached down with both hands to hold her shoulders, and she covered his hands with her own. "Nobody can. That's the joy and the price of freedom. You have to decide what you're going to do at this point of your life." He leaned down to kiss her snout. "But you won't be alone when you do it, I promise you that. If you want to keep these eggs, to raise your young... then I'll be with you as you do."

"But, I...." She sighed. "Kyle, I don't want to pin you down as a father to younglings that aren't even your own. Your life is about freedom to do as you choose, I understand that. I don't want to take that away from you."

"You aren't. This is my choice, Ashiya." He took her hands in his, interlacing their fingers together. "Remember when we talked about putting the salvaging business aside? I've thought about it since then, and you were right. It's just too dangerous anymore to be worth it. I'm not against setting down somewhere, at least for a while, to make a different kind of living... so long as it's on my terms." He moved to the side of the table, and gently caressed her abdomen with his palm. "I wouldn't, for a second, dream of leaving you out of my life under any circumstances. Especially now."

For a moment, things were still and quiet, and he had this bizarre feeling of a circle in his life being closed- from her standing over his bed after the 'mech attack- with so many lives lost- to him standing over her bed, with new life growing within her. His calm voice and loving gaze seemed to help her relax immensely. "Thank you," she whispered. "I think... I think I can do this, with you."

"I know you can." He slipped one hand into hers, still stroking her abdomen with the other. He couldn't feel the swells of the eggs just yet, but he could imagine the tiny heartbeats beneath the scales. "What is it you want to do, Ashiya?" he asked.

She was silent for a long moment. "I... want to keep them, Kyle. I want to raise these younglings. They are mine... they are the gift I thought I would never have." She leaned up a little, squeezing his hand. "Kyle... will you be a father to these younglings? I can't think of a better male for the task than you."

"Even though I'm not a Kryyjh?"

"I don't care about that. I want these younglings to know how loving and strong a male of any species can be." She laid back down again, but her grip on his hand was still firm. "I think I could easily settle down into family life for a while... if you'll be part of it."

"A father. Me." He chuckled. "I'll do it for you, Ashiya, and for these little ones inside you. I just don't know how good a father I'll be."

"A damned good one, I happen to think." The physician followed hir words back out into the examination room. "I apologize for listening in, but to be a part of the first Kryyjh hatchings in Rimworld Alliance space in more than fifty years... what can I say, it's a privlege to say the least." Shi handed Ashiya a few printouts. "Here. I've taken the liberty of prescribing a few mild medications for you. Pelperax, an antinausea gel; Carnicare, a vitamin solution for meat-eaters; and a generic calcium supplement so the shells form well. Please give us a call here once you've laid your clutch; we want to do a series of regular scans on the younglings as they grow." A wide grin grew over the sauropoid's snout. "Collette is going to explode with delight when she hears about this. She loves to sing to newborns and unhatched eggs when she gets to do the examinations. She's got a wonderful voice to do it with, too. And you should see her pictures of all the younglings she's examined over the years- five scrapbooks full of them, and she can tell you all about every single one of them." Shi chortled. "Ahh, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Please keep in contact with us if you would, Ashiya. We're right here if you or the little ones need us."

"I will. Thank you very much." Ashiya seemed taken aback by the Gez'byrin's overflow of goodwill, and leaned against Kyle as he escorted her out. "A mother," she said quietly. "I'm going to be a mother."

He very gently wrapped his arms around her. Of course, the eggs hadn't done anything special since the morning, and the extra caution was unwarranted- but instinct told him to be careful with the babies, no matter what kind of babies they were. "I think you're going to be a wonderful mother," he told her.

She rested her chin on his shoulder. "I was afraid of this at first," she told him. "Now... I'm anxious, yes, but not afraid. I don't think I could give my younglings a better life than the one they'll have here. Not to mention that right now there's one thing I'm dying to do."

"What's that?"

She gave him a broad grin. "Tell the others."



Laou's mouth was wide-open in shock. Next to her, Khamen chuckled. "We reptiles prefer the term 'gravid', dear one," he reminded her. "Eggs, remember?"

She swatted his shoulder playfully. "Bah! Semantics! Ashiya's going to be a mother!" She eased around the table and gently put one massive forearm over the Kryyjh's shoulders, then did the same with her other arm to Kyle. "And you, precious!" she said to him. "Putting in a request to be the legal father! You don't know how proud I am of you."

"I'm not surprised." Elmez'ki leaned back in his chair. "For as long as I've known you, you've been the first to step up when someone really needed you. I wouldn't have expected anything less from you for Ashiya." He grinned. "But enough with flattering the primate... we have the future of these young ones to secure."

"Absolutely!" Niyre's large brown eyes seemed to shine as she rubbed her palms together. "With a little planning, we'll have a trust fund big enough so these little serpents will never have to want for a single thing in their lives."

"But I...." Ashiya looked utterly flabbergasted. "I didn't tell you this to get you to throw money at me! We don't have much to worry about on that front, believe me!"

"Maybe, maybe. But we're going to see to it that your young ones have no chance to ever want for anything." Elmez'ki patted all four of his hands on the table. "I have twelve nieces and nephews and I have honed the art of spoiling the young to an edge. Thankfully, I know that between the two of you, you can provide the sort of rearing that will prevent these young ones from becoming insufferable brats." He grinned. "And we'll always be right here to provide a hand."

Kyle couldn't help but grin. "I knew there was a reason I liked you guys," he chuckled. "There's one decision we've made already- we're staying in-system. Sure, it's pretty far from all the really interesting things, and not quite as safe, but Ashiya and I want to make sure that the young ones are exposed to all sorts of people and influences."

"A very good way to go about it." Niyre smiled. "You realize, of course, that as the first Kryyjh hatchlings in Alliance space in a very long time, public attention is going to be on them- and you- for a while."

"We got used enough to that after Ashiya brought the other Kryyjh here, let alone the coverage after the 'mech attacks. We'll do fine. Besides, we're expecting that there'll be more Kryyjh births not too long from now- I doubt Ashiya has been the only one benefitting from getting away from all that pressure."

Ashiya chuckled, nodding slightly. "There's been a few marriages between Kryyjh since we got here, people who would've likely never met and definitely would've never been given permission to lifemate back home. I don't think I'll be the only Kryyjh female to get this news by surprise." She patted her abdomen lightly. "These three will have other Kryyjh to grow up with, I'm sure of it."

"No doubt." Khamen smiled broadly. "Niyre, that condominium you loaned them before- it's still vacant, isn't it?"

"Surprisingly enough, yes. People seem to be more interested in the cities; I suppose the countryside feels more vulnerable to some." The Peshi'ya turned to Ashiya and Kyle. "And so what I can do is sell it to you two at-cost. I've been looking to unload it anyway, and it's definitely capable of taking good care of a full family. How does two hundred and seventy thousand credits sound?"

"Like a complete bargain." Kyle chuckled. "Are you sure you're not underselling yourself? That's prime real estate there."

"I'm sure I'm not. That's the fair base value, you can look it up yourself." She reached over the table and tweaked his nose again. "I've been thinking about having a family of my own someday soon, and I'd love to have you two and the younglings as neighbors. Maybe your little ones will get to play with mine in the future."

"Well. I think we can agree to that." Ashiya flexed her hood and grinned widely as Kyle nodded and patted her shoulder. "Thank you, Niyre. I think it would be an honor to be a neighbor of yours."

The herbivore smiled in return. "I appreciate that. Stop by my office sometime tomorrow and we'll draw up the necessary forms."

Laou leaned against Kyle gently. "Does this mean you'll be out of the salvaging business for the time being, precious?" she asked.

"More than likely." He patted her arm. "I'm rather glad of it, to be honest. It stopped being 'interesting' and started being 'dangerous' a while ago, and while the market is up, the income just isn't justifying the risk. And I can't bring myself to work for one of the big salvage corporations, since they suck up a lot of the profit for themselves, even if they do provide protection."

"I think we're all glad to hear that you're going to play it safely for the time being." Khamen leaned back in his chair. "What do you have planned in the meantime?"

"To supplement our investments, we've signed on to do more client transport work for Niyre, and we have a contract for shipment and distribution for one of the planetside meat vendors. Between that and the contracts we've negotiated over the past couple of months... well, we won't get rich, but we'll be able to get by comfortably." Kyle chuckled. "Plus we'll have more free time to relax and take care of the little ones once they've hatched. We're looking into schooling options now, if you've got any recommendations, Niyre."

"Of course I do!" The herbivore winked. "There's one not too far from my lots. Fully certified with the RA, completely modern, and a good student/teacher ratio. It's one of the advertising points I use when I'm talking to prospects with families. It's a bit pricier than some, but you get a lot for it, transport comes inclusive, and it's a lot warmer and more personal than the public systems."

"I like the sound of that. We'll look into it, thank you." Ashiya leaned back in her chair and rubbed her abdomen slowly. "I feel a bit odd right now. Nothing bad, but... it's an unfamiliar feeling."

Laou chuckled, reaching down to very gently pat the gravid female's stomach. "Maybe it's 'contentment', dear?" she teased.

Ashiya paused for a moment, then nodded. "You're right. Contentment. Something I wanted for so long that I forgot I wanted it is finally mine."


Is this what an expectant father feels like? Kyle wondered as he paced back and forth in front of the spare bedroom. Pretty sure I'm looking the part right now- all I'd need is a cigar in my mouth and I'd fit any depiction made in the last eight hundred years.

Finally, the door opened, and Ashiya stuck her head out. "Thanks for waiting," she said quietly. "I know you'd have rather been there for me, but trust me- egglaying is messy, disgusting, and not at all conducive with goodwill towards males during the process." She chuckled. "But I have the eggs cleaned up, so come in and see them."

He walked into the bedroom with her, and she brought him to the incubator they'd bought, inside of which were nestled three blue-white eggs each about the size of Ashiya's head. He shook his head and chuckled. "I don't know how females of any kind manage childbirth," he said.

"I've wondered the same about mammals and livebirthing. It can't be easy on them at all. At least the eggs come out more smoothly." She smiled. "It's hard to explain how I feel right now, Kyle. I'm exhausted, I'm sore, but I feel like I've just made the biggest accomplishment anyone can."

"You have. Anyone can be jaded about technology, or politics, or culture... but bringing new life into this universe is something any intelligent species can appreciate."

She rested her head against his shoulder, letting out a soft hissing sigh. "And how does this make you feel, my wonderful Human?" she asked him, slipping her arms around his waist. "Seeing these unhatched younglings here, the ones you have so nobly taken responsibility for... what is going on in your mind right now?"

"I've been trying to wrap my brain around it since you went in there." He gave her a quiet chuckle. "It's... not easy to describe. I feel worried. Worried and defensive and inadequate and proud. I feel like you went in there to do the hard part and all I could do was wait. I feel like I want to stand here with your shotgun and guard these eggs until they hatch." He ran his fingers through his hair. "It's confusing, really."

"Not to me. You're feeling like a father, I think." She flicked her tongue over his cheek. "And I love you for it. You have no genetic link to these younglings yet you have all the paternal instincts towards them. My offspring will have a loving, protective father in their lives."

He placed a soft kiss against her chin. "I could say the same for their mother."


"See? I told you Mom and Dad were on the station when the 'mechs attacked back then." Doril smacked Illisi's shoulder, earning a playful hiss and retaliatory swat from the female. "Well, I guess that's what I get for listening to that idiot Mauchil," she replied, giving her brother a reproachful look. "He says there weren't any Kryyjh on the station at all when that happened."

"Mauchil's an imbecile." Faumis shook his head slowly, taking a sip of his tea before continuing. "He thinks the remembrance display was a political thing to make the Kryyjh popular. He's just jealous that all three of us are quadralingual and he's still having trouble with GalCom1."

"I offered to tutor him!" Illisi sighed, giving a bit of a shrug. "You know, Dad, you were right. There are just some people you can't help."

Kyle laughed softly as he reached over to rub Illisi's neck. "A sad truth, Isi. But I'm proud of you for offering. There'll be others who want the help."

"Yep! Though Instructor Fanes isn't completely happy about us teaching some of the other students English and Kryyjihi. He's glad that we're spreading other cultures around, sure, but since he can't understand them, it means we can talk behind his back."

Ashiya laughed. "I hope you three are being nice and not teaching any of the... choice phrases you might have heard me or your father say."

"Aw, we know better. It's not like no one can look them up on the Net anyway."

"Yeah, plus for some of them you really have to know the background," Doril put in.

"Though I admit," Faumis added, "I might have muttered one or two in Mauchil's direction after some of his 'snake' jokes." The young Kryyjh shrugged, giving a rather uncharacteristic smile. "As if he's ever seen any species of snake from any world up close. He'd probably be afraid of them."

"He's terrified of Vii'nev!" Illisi exclaimed. "He won't go anywhere near them. He says that their psionics give him headaches, but that never happens. He's just afraid of insects."

"Well, let's be fair," Kyle said. "When I was your age I was terrified of snakes. I grew out of it. Phobias are a hard thing to shake loose, especially when you're young."

Faumis leaned back and nodded slowly. "You're right, Dad, I know. It's just irritating sometimes. None of the other younglings are as bad as him, even if we do get a few jokes made at our expense. Hnh, some of them are even funny."

"You're going to find that sort everywhere you go, Mis." Ashyia patted her son's hand. "I'm just glad you're all getting along with the rest of the younglings."

"We are, definitely." Doril smiled. "Some people just call it PR for the RA's species-interaction initiatives, but you know what? Those things really are right. I love knowing so many different kinds of people. I don't know how you could stand growing up only knowing other Kryyjh, Mom. It must have been boring as anything."

Ashiya laughed. "Of course I really didn't know any better back then, Ril. The Empire was very well-shuttered back then- most people didn't know what the higher-ups didn't want them to know. Very much different from today. A lot of change happened in the fourteen years since I got here."

"Yeah, I suppose that's true. I mean-" his switch to English was nearly effortless- "all good things take time."

"And the best strikes come after the longest hunts," Kyle replied in Kryyjihi, getting pleased smiles from all three younglings. He knew they loved it when he spoke their species-language, since very few mammals could without difficulty; it was a matter of pride for them that their Human father had done so much to learn Kryyjh ways. Ashiya was smiling as well, and she reached over to run her hand through his hair affectionately. "Kyle, the younglings have asked me to discuss flight lessons with you," she told him. "As in, us teaching them to fly the Shadowdancer." She grinned as the three juveniles suddenly became anxious. "I think they're old enough to be taken on a supervised flight. What do you say?"

"Hmm." He made a playful show of considering it, while the children practically squirmed. Finally, he figured they'd suffered enough, and he nodded. "Alright," he said, laughing as they cheered. "We'll schedule it for next month. There's usually a downturn in intrasystem traffic by then, and Arc-Major Raorahn should have no trouble assigning you three limited learner's permits."

This earned him cheers and affectionate hugs from the three young reptiles, which he returned lovingly. Ashiya leaned over to kiss his cheek. "I expected that decision," she said playfully, closing one pupil in her version of a wink. "You know, I think Laou should be here shortly. She said she'd be here by 5, didn't she?"

"I'm pretty sure she did, and it's about 5 now." He squinted. "Ah, here comes her hovercar. Laou's a punctual one."

He was quite surprised when the car landed on their personal landing pad, and no less than six people piled out- Laou, Elmez'ki, Niyre, her husband Raorn, and their twin boys Fynhi and Eaolin. The two Peshi'ya youths rushed forward to greet the three young Kryyjh, and they started speaking excitedly to each other as the adults greeted each other nearby. Elmez'ki had a wide grin on his face. "I've brought a few things I picked up for the serpentlings," he told Kyle and Ashiya. "Did a little shopping for the young grass-eaters too, that's why they're so bouncy."

Niyre reached over and poked the cetacean. "You keep outdoing yourself too," she scolded him good-naturedly. "Raorn and I have trouble figuring out what to get them for their birthday that won't look half-thought-out in comparison! I think for their next birthday we're just going to turn them over to you and give you our bankcards."

He laughed heartily at that. "Do it! I'd be glad to take the boys for the day. Your little ones as well," he continued, turning to Ashiya and Kyle. "I could take all five younglings out for a day on old 'Uncle Elmez', bring them over to one of the entertainment complexes up on the station, let them exhaust themselves with games of plasma-tag and lowgrav jumping. You folks can have some time to yourselves whilte we're out."

Kyle grinned. True to his word, Elmez'ki had spoiled his kids since the day they'd hatched, and over the years his love of doing so had only grown. "It's a lot more fun to spoil someone else's offspring!" the Kiknachiki had said once. "Then you can just send them home at the end of the day!" "I think we might be amenable to that," Kyle said, looking askance to Ashiya, who immediately nodded and raised her hood. "Good! It's settled then," Elmez'ki declared, clapping all four hands together. "Next weekend is good for me. Hey, kids!" He raised his voice so that the young ones could hear. "Your parents are letting you spend the day with me next week! We're going to the station to have some fun!"

All five juveniles cheered at that- even Faumis, who usually did his best to appear mature beyond his age. I was like that when I was a kid, Kyle thought, unconsciously slipping his arm around Ashiya's waist as he looked at the young ones. I suppose a bit of me rubbed off on him. The other two as well, come to think of it. Biology alone doesn't make a father, after all. He felt Ashiya's arm slide around him, and her head brushed against his in an affectionate nuzzle. So does love.

Laou reached over and rubbed the tops of their heads. "I still say you two are as cute a couple as any," she told them. "Mmm... ah, I almost forgot. I heard some news this morning! Who's been keeping up with the attacks on the biomechs?"

"Who hasn't?" Raorn replied. "We've gotten, what, sixteen systems back from them now? And four sector grids over near galactic center?"

"Seven, now." Laou grinned. "And our very own Arc-Commodore Spentz leading the fleet on their side of the galaxy. Biomech kills numbered in the billions. We always used to wonder how they had so many ships and units to throw at us- we wouldn't be here talking about it today if the 'mechs had sent everything our way at once."

Kyle shook his head. "That's something I'd rather not imagine. Back then we never knew there was a guiding intelligence behind it all. Any news if they found the Primemind yet?"

"No, but it's running out of places to hide. And I'm willing to bet Spentz is going to be the one to get the kill. Ever since they put him in Fleet Command he hasn't let up on the 'mechs one bit."

"More power to him. I still think he's a hard-case, but he's a damned good soldier." Kyle chuckled.

Laou opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by a loud rumbling from her stomach that sent all five younglings into gigglefits. The Duraour lowered her ears in embarassment. "Erm... I skipped breakfast," she murmured. "Can a female get a bite to eat while she's in the area?"

Kyle let out a guffaw. "Let's go inside," he said, gesturing towards the door. "We've got some lunch made up. Plenty for everyone."

Laou grinned. "Sounds good to me!" she declared.

The younglings piled through the side door in a mad rush for food, followed by the Peshi'ya couple and Elmez'ki. Laou gave Kyle and Ashiya a playful wink as she squeezed her bulky form in after them. The two watched for a moment, before turning to give each other a gentle smile as they went together into their home.

Salvaged Ch. 5: Shared Understandings

_Author's note: I've done a bit of minor editing and inserted a scene I'd mistakenly left out of the first version. Also, I've decided that Ashiya and Kyle deserve a bit more closure than I've given them, so one more chapter is planned. It may be a...

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Salvaged Ch. 4: Incoming Hostiles

_A thousand groveling pardons for the lateness of this installment. Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans, after all. ^-.o^ It wasn't easy to write this, but I'm finally happy with how it came out. No yiff, but a lot of character...

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Salvaged Ch. 3: Roundabout Journey

_Author's note: Apologies for the late update. Being without Internet access for a month makes for some irritation. It also, however, gives one some time to write! ^-.o^_ "This 'chess' is an interesting game. How old is it?" Ashiya leaned...

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