An Unexpected Drop-in: The Arrival

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Anybody younger than 18 and reading this, I am sorry to say that you should read no further, as there is male/male relationships between a human and an anthro dragon, plus adult material. If you are going to insist on going anyway, you have been warned.


"Snow...why did it have to be snowy today..." James grumbled to himself as he walked from his warm doorway into the freezing outdoors. Snow falling fast enough that it collected on his shoulders, he tried and failed to remain under the cover of his house. When that failed, he just resorted to swearing. The cold was not something he was fond of, and when the snow came down, it meant that he would have to go outside and start chopping more wood to keep the fires inside burning warm enough to keep the place suitable for human habitation.

And the wood wasn't next to the house to chop, either. He had to make the twenty minute walk down to the woods to find a tree of the right size and start working on cutting firewood from it. Then he would have to make the trips back to the house, then to the woods again, then to the house. That was if he was lucky enough that the snow didn't completely block his way on one of those trips, too. He really, really hated the cold.

Grumbling the whole way down to the forest, he carried an axe over his shoulder. It could not have qualified as a weapon, save perhaps as a blunt object, but it got the job done, if slowly. He would have gotten it sharpened or something long ago, but his parents were traditionalists, which they took to mean that nothing should ever change and should be done the same way, with the same things, each and every time. Well, if they wanted that, he thought to himself, then they should remember that the people way back then had taken the time to sharpen their axes before going out to chop down trees!

It took him even longer to reach the forest than he had thought, the snow having deepened until it was nearly up to his waist. Breaking the trail from the cabin out to the trees was quite difficult, and it was incredibly time consuming, but if he didn't want to do the same sort of thing on the way back, he had to make something of a path in the snow. Thankfully, with a height of six feet and a muscular body built from years of working out, he wasn't reduced to going back and asking for help.

Finally reaching the woods, he sighed and just got to work. The cold of the snow and the wind was soon forgotten in the heat of swinging the axe against the tree, the dead bark flying out in chips and splinters to land in the snow covered ground surrounding him. All was forgotten, save for himself, the tree, and the axe in its repetitive, whistling chop, pull, swing movements.

All this would explain why he didn't look up until the dragon hit the tree next to him before falling to the ground.

Draconicon groaned as he hit the tree, and time seemed to slow as he flipped over on the way to the ground, seeing the strange, pink and brown creature below him. He couldn't believe that he was reduced to coming here, but it was the only way that he could get out of the problematic situation in his own world. Coming here was a last ditch choice...but what else can one do when faced with death or exile? Most would have chosen exile, he was sure, and a few would have chosen death. However, he was sure that there were very, very few, if any, that would have chosen the complete and total banishment that he had picked.

Immediately stigmatized at birth due to the color of his scales, he was quick to try and prove himself worthy of his species. A completely futile effort, as it turned out, since the stigma associated with being covered in black scales was not something that could be overcome with mere hard work and dedicated studies. He would have had to be perfect in each and every way, something that no mortal was able to do.

And all that trying, all that effort to be accepted, amounted to precisely three words on a scroll. Death. Or. Exile. A scroll of parchment given to him by the high council of dragons, telling him that he could choose either to leave their land for that of the demons, or he could submit to the silver blade that they kept around for precisely that one purpose.

Instead, he had run, making it up the holy mountain before he was stopped by the other dragons. Then he had used the only artifact that he had left. A small ring with a one use only teleportation spell that he had snatched from the vaults in the palace, he had held it in his paw for the entire time he had been running. Just as the dragon police were about to take him back, he slipped it on...and found himself falling from the sky.

He had forgotten to take into account the height differences between dimensions, and Draconicon didn't have enough time to get his bearings before he had fallen over a thousand feet, slammed into a tree, and flipped over so he hit the ground, face first. That was the last thing he was aware of for a while.

James leapt back from the tree, staring at the black thing that just hit the ground. That was just too strange, something falling from the sky. The sky...Looking up, he couldn't see where this thing might have come from, and since it was holding still, he thought he might as well get closer and examine it. It was interesting enough to catch his attention, and he thought that it looked familiar. He couldn't be certain, though, since that black stuff was keeping him from seeing just what this was.

Moving closer and flipping the vaguely human shaped thing over, he leapt back again, gasping in surprise. This was not just a animal...this was a freaking dragon!

He recognized the horns on the head, the shape of the scales. The little flares of fire that came out now and again when the dragon breathed were sure signs of just what he was, and if that wasn't enough, he recognized the wingshape now from all the pictures that he had from books at home. Still, there had been one thing that he was always curious about...

Turning the dark reptile over, he looked down the slightly paler chest and belly until he found a slit between the dragon's legs. Not sure if it was empty or full, he looked down at that hole in the dragon, watching his ungloved hand move closer and closer until it touched the edge of the slit, and then slid in. It didn't take long to determine the sex of the drop-in, since the shaft inside the slit was already half hard.

Yanking his hand back, he shook himself hard, trying to get rid of those thoughts. More than likely, this dragon was more animal than anything else, and even if he wasn't, he would probably kill the human for taking such liberties.

All the more reason to have fun now, while he was asleep and unable to protest, another part of his mind muttered to him. How often would he have a chance to play with a dragon, let alone in this way...

He wanted to stop thinking about it, but with that big scaly male right there in front of him, with absolutely nothing covering him, it was impossible. His tail covered that hole he could have taken, and when he had pulled away, the dragon had rolled back over to cover his slit again. But still, that left another part that was completely exposed to him, and aroused him nearly as much.

The dragon's feet were unshod, as the rest of him was unclothed, and they were quite large. Over a foot from heel to toe claws, they were just as black as the rest of him, and despite the lack of much sunlight, had a bit of a glint to them too. As he knelt down next to them, he leaned down and pushed his nose against the left foot, taking a smell of them.

Having a foot fetish was something he was hard pressed to deal with in his family. As the cabin was quite warm and the wood covered with fairly good carpet, most of the family went around barefoot, which made his pants quite tight most of the time. It also meant that he was quite frequently alone, keeping to himself so that he wouldn't make anyone else feel bad. It was annoying, but now, when he least expected it, he could indulge himself in his own little kink.

Smiling as he inhaled the sweaty, slightly dirty scent of the scaly feet, he could feel his pants growing tighter and tighter. "Only one way to relieve that," he muttered to himself as he took one hand away and unfastened his pants, his stiff member already hard and ready for anything. Gently rubbing hand up and down his seven inch cock in tune with his moans, he continues sniffing the black scaled footpaw until he was driven to try something new.

Letting go of his leaking prick and lifting the scaly footpaw to his face, he took one more smell before letting his tongue out and dragging it over the toes. He was careful to avoid the claws for as long as possible, but the sweaty musk of the foot in his hands drove him to start sucking on it, the claw reaching near to the back of his throat before he stopped. It was so good, even with the bit of dirt and snow on it.

Beneath him, the dragon was starting to stir, but not wake. Twisting a bit in his sleep, he adjusted himself enough so that the oncoming erection wouldn't get crushed between his weight and the snow below. He had a strong enough foot fetish that it could even get him stimulated and erect while asleep.

James was so into the fun he was having that he didn't even notice the dragon waking up. By now, his arousal was so high that he couldn't have stopped doing this if he wanted to, which he certainly didn't. Still licking and sucking on toes of one foot, he knelt over the other, and began thrusting his pre-soaked cock against it. Moaning loudly enough to scatter a few squirrels in the tree, he thrust...and thrust...and thrust once more before groaning and falling forward, cumming hard all over the dragon's foot.

The sudden warmth against his foot and the loud groan to his ears woke the dragon to full wakefullness, and as he shook his head to wake up, James finally came to his senses and pulled back. Hoping the dragon was still too disoriented to know anything, or notice anything, he ran to the trees to get his axe and hide.

Before he could make it, though, the dragon's tail knocked him down, and pulled him back by the pants that were still around his ankles. Sitting on his bare butt in the snow, James looked up at the dragon, though his eyes weren't drawn to the black face and white eyes so much as they were drawn to the bright red member sticking out from the slit he had felt earlier. It was huge, and he couldn't believe that it was staring right at him. So entranced was he with it that he nearly didn't hear the dragon's question.

"Where am I? And what are you?"

First Taking

Draconicon smiled at how easily the raccoon came to him. There was much that the two of them would be able to do together, particularly when he managed to get his new pet properly trained. Although he had thought that it was going to take a while,...

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Jamie's Adventures

Jamie's Adventure Wiping a hand over his forehead, Jamie couldn't help but think that this solo hike and camping trip might have been a bad idea. Not only had he gone into these woods without any plans or supplies, but now he was sure that he was...

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