Taint'd Love (OLD)

Story by Ceeb on SoFurry

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This piece is from about 10 months ago. It was done as a gift for my friend and - formerly - RP buddy, FA: azurefang and it features Anakris Ranulf, his therion demon.

Even as old as this is, I like it. It's an adaptation of an RP arc we did for several months.

Desmond and writing (C) me

Anakris Ranulf (C) FA: azurefang

Anakris was a creature built for sex, a demon that desired, no, needed to have sex on a regular basis, otherwise known as an incubus, and indeed, sex was something his life saw no shortage of, but all of the usual venues had grown stale for him. Fucking his fellow demons was tiresome, and getting precisely what he desired was often a difficult game of give-and-take. Was it too much for a therion incubus to have a subservient, submissive bitch on duty? Not at all, especially not in the underworld. Fresh mortals came and went by the day, traded both for and as currency. Some demons wanted punching bags and sacrifices, others wanted beloved pets, and everyone else wanted everything in between. Some mortals came of their own accord, hoping to be snatched up by an oversexed, wicked creature that would push their frail bodies to the limits of pain and pleasure, and others were hapless slaves, raised in pens until they were sold for one reason or another.

Anakris had no desire for a run of the mill, smelly, previously-abused mortal. It was with this entitled mindset that the vaguely canine creature browsed the most upscale of all the slave pens, intent on using his family's old money to buy himself a worthwhile sex toy. The demon passed by rows and rows of pampered mortals, exotic creatures of all shape and size, but Anakris was a man of simple pleasure; his eyes were drawn to the young fox with the raccoon markings and the blonde hair. Foxes were the anal enthusiast's choice, a fact that wasn't lost on the therion, and it would be a blatant lie to say that didn't have any influence on his quick decision. He didn't even ask for the tod's name or check his price before calling over a cell guard, a creature that looked out-of-place in the posh surroundings, being a seven foot tall boar, dressed in only a backless loincloth with an unmistakable outline in it, and tied around his hip was a jingling sack of gold and baubles for trade. Anakris quickly paid the smelly creature with a fistful of rattling, priceless coins, no doubt far exceeding the tod's value, but of course, the guard didn't say a word. Calmly, the boar unlocked the cage, snapping a heavy leather leash to the vulpine's collar, and he put the lead in Anakris' waiting paw. As the boar walked off, Anakris was... Treated to a view of his jiggling, broad ass, an appealing sight to a chubby chaser, but not the therion's cup of tea.

The walk home was devoid of words from either creature, though it led Anakris to wonder if his new slave might be mute. It was only when they neared the therion's imposing ancestral manor that the vulpine spoke, asking with reserve if he could know the demon's name. Narrowing his white, pupiless eyes warily, Anakris stopped and looked intently at the fox. "Anakris. Anakris Ranulf. You, however, will refer to me as master. Do you understand, slave?" With an understanding, sagely nod, the sissy fox replied: "Yes, master." Anakris patted the young tod's head with a soft-spoken compliment, and took him inside before the evening rain came; it seemed to rain every night, all night, without end, but such was living in a depressing place like the underworld. Small wonder demons were always so mean-spirited.

Breathtaking and expansive, Ranulf Manor required near constant upkeep, and as Anakris ran down the list of the slave's daily chores, the virgin tod began to believe this would be his entire existence; cooking, cleaning, and tending to his master's needs when they arose. In a perverted way, that was precisely the case. In the last leg of the tour, Anakris took the fox inside of the master bedroom, a tastefully-decorated chamber with, of course, a large, plush bed. "You'll sleep in here, with me, when I say so." Folding his arms, the black-furred demon gazed upon the twink of a fox, letting his tail swish behind him. "Well, what do you think? Not so bad, is it, slave? Behave, and I will never mistreat you. Simple, yes?" The foxcoon nodded once more, looking down at the therion's feet, adorned with unexpected hooves. "Where should I start, master?" Anakris grinned subtly; an eager slave was a good slave.

"Well, let me see... It's much too late for washing and dusting. Ah, I know. You can cook, yes? They teach you slaves to do that, don't they?" A small smile spread across the fox's face, and soon, the young vulpine cooked his demon master a heavy, filling stew, one that left Anakris showering the vulpine in outspoken praise. In truth, the therion was more glad to have a meal he didn't have to prepare himself, but the foxcoon wasn't a half bad cook, either. Already pleased with his purchase, the demon settled into his bed with a full stomach, tossing away the pesky loincloth he'd put on to leave the house; on most days, Anakris chose to simply walk around the house naked, a rule he would have imposed on the foxcoon... Had he come with his own clothing, but the tod didn't seem to harbor any shame in his nudity, and Anakris certainly had no qualms about a shapely sissy tending to his needs in only his fur.

The therion beckoned his slave into bed, which was simple enough, but coaxing the vulpine close enough to cuddle was more of a chore. "Closer, slave... Come now, closer... Closer, boy! Close enough that I can hold you, I'm not going to bite," Anakris said, stifling the urge to add "unless you ask nicely." Only when the fox was in his arms did Anakris truly relax, even if the slave was unresponsive to the affection. It was a policy of that particular slave pen that none of the products ever knew physical love, not even the simple pleasure of an embrace. It was left to the eventual owners' discretion as to how the slaves would develop in that regard, and Anakris wanted something he could enjoy as a companion. Despite his capacity to be no-nonsense when life called for it, Anakris preferred to be a lover, to use honey instead of vinegar. With gentle kisses and licks on the vulpine's neck and chin, the therion slowly thawed the frigid fox, coaxing the beginnings of affectionate feelings from the twink; as he teased across that tender flesh, the vulpine moaned sweetly, instinctively baring his neck for the incubus, and it spurred the demon to nibble even harder.

"Cute young thing, aren't you, boy?" Anakris purred in between soft nibbles and gnaws on the tod's neck, but it was a question he answered with a shy squeak, not that the demon expected any pomposity from the sissy mortal. With a skilled touch that knew many men over an unfathomable eternity, the demon caressed his new slave's body, running his padded fingetips over the young creature's slender, effeminate curves. The lust-fueled affection was met with yet more shy, confused squeaks and moans, but he was learning, however slowly.

The incubus' slow molestation began to arouse the young fox, and while an erection was not a strange occurance to the vulpine, he didn't have the slightest clue what to do with it. Any attempt at masturbation, be it an idle curiousity or a conscious desire, was prevented, but the slave trainers put considerable effort into keeping them neutral on the subject; no shame, but no education, either. It was thanks to this sexual ignorance and inexperience that led him to question the demon's next action, however much he enjoyed it. The therion took hold of his young slave's swollen, throbbing shaft and squeezed it in a firm grip, groping the flesh with lewd intent, stifling the urge to grin at the twink's noisy moan, a sweet sound that was drawn out and deepened when he began slowly pumping the vulpine's stiff erection, finding himself surprised at the sheer volume of pre the small foxcoon had to offer... Not that it was any amount to compete with a demon such as himself.

"Master..." The fox huffed, biting his lower lip in an endearingly innocent way afterwards, but in spite of this, Anakris still put a finger to the vulpine's pursed lips. "Shh. No words, my slave... You'll come to savor my touch in time, boy..." He spoke smoothly and sweetly, a gentle tone laced with sultry sexuality, but it served its' purpose, and the twink nodded slowly in acknowledgement and obedience. "Good boy," Anakris then said with a purr beneath his voice, planting a soft kiss between the fox's eyes, which flinched closed. Rewarding the virgin's understanding, he began pumping the tod's stiff, pink manhood, ever so gently jerking the young slave off. Though he was silent, his body language spoke volumes to Anakris; the way he squirmed and huffed with his ears pinning back against his skull, telegraphing submission and pleasure. Of course, the thick stream of musky, sticky precum that matted down the fur in the demon's palm was another blunt clue.

Letting his paw glide up and down the modest length of the young slave's shaft, Anakris made note of the bulging knot forming at the base of it, a canine feature they shared, something the fox would become intimately accustomed to in the days to come. Knowing full well the pleasure it would bring his slave, the incubus clutched that aching knot and squeezed upon it, finding the twink's resulting groan to be music to his ears. "Yes, I know you like that, slave," he said with a lewd chuckle, planting a chain of sweet kisses on the vulpine's tender neck. After another tight squeeze upon the tod's bulging knot, he could feel that slender, young body tensing and twitching in the onset of a climax, an alien sensation to the fox, but one he embraced fully. The demon kept a tight, pumping grip on the young slave's member as he came and made a wonderfully sticky mess of his own stomach and the therion's groping paw. In instinct, craving warmth and affection, the foxcoon pressed tightly against the demon, nestling into his soft fur and hard, toned body, shuddering in absolute pleasure. Good boy.

Anakris looked upon the fox's face as his afterglow set in; that sweet, pretty face, tired and confused, the kind of face that had many questions to ask, but the therion was in no mood to answer any this evening. With a soft kiss on the vulpine's lips, he purred to him: "Sleep now, slave. I can tell you're tired, we'll speak tomorrow... That was just a little taste of what's to come..." He brushed one of his sullied, sticky fingers across the twink's lips, smearing his own discarded semen across them, which the fox reflexively licked off, absently enjoying the salty burn of his own jism. "Master..." Anakris stopped the fox again, lightly clamping that feminine, long muzzle closed with his sticky paw. "No. Sleep. Obey if you want more of what I've given you tonight, boy."

Come morning, Anakris rose from bed alone, yawning as he looked out the window, taking in the dreary, wet landscape, soon to be sun-baked and dry when the damned orange orb finally rose over the horizon. As he sat down upon the edge of the bed, the handsome demon took hold of his morning wood, but he caught himself after only a few pumps of his stiff, black flesh, letting a grin spread across his lips. Turning slowly, he looked over the sleeping twink, laying upon his belly, with that deliciously taut ass exposed. "Ngh..." It took every bit of restraint he had not to simply pounce the slave and turn him into a personal cockpuppet, but he managed to repress his instincts. In time, he could get the fox accustomed to... "Surprise" sex, as it were, but he didn't want to traumatize the poor thing. Despite that, he full well intended to get some relief that morning...

Anakris set a paw on the fox's shoulder, gently shaking him awake, whispering into his ear. "Slave... Slave, wake up, boy. Wake up for your master." The fox yawned in an adorable way, smacking his lips afterwards, something that made Anakris genuinely smile, and he was fast finding himself smitten with the tod. "Good morning, master... Ah, was I supposed to be up to cook for you?" His tone sounded apologetic, and though the demon did, in fact, intend to make that a part of the fox's schedule, he was forgiving. "Shh, relax. You're in no trouble... Quite the opposite. I'm going to show you how to do something we'll both enjoy." Stopping himself from a lewd grin, the demon put a paw on the tod's lower back, helping him to sit up.

The fox didn't ask the demon a thing, but his eyes conveyed a very clear interest. Anakris knew what the tod expected; more sex, and of course that was the case, but he had to wonder if the twink would go for what exactly he had planned. While jokes about cocksucking foxes were funny, he'd met a few exceptions in his lifetime. After giving the tod a soft pat on the back of the head, Anakris laid back in bed, leaving only his shaft upright. Though the twink's eyes drifted to the hard flesh with what the therion believed to be interest, his paws stayed at his sides, and his lips remained closed, devoid of questions. Obedient to a fault, it seemed. Sitting up once more for the sake of coaching his slave, Anakris pulled him closer by the collar, then spoke slowly and calmly to the twink. "I know you slaves tend to be ignorant to such things, so I'm going to teach you how to suck me off, boy. More often than not, this is how you'll serve me. I believe you'll enjoy it."

Ignoring the vulpine's utterly puzzled expression, Anakris took hold of his own shaft, vaguely canine, but sporting a tip that was almost human, only with more of a pointed, spade-like termination, and the entire thing was in a very attractive, jet black color. It dripped with a viscous, slimy pre, dwarfing what the fox put out the night before, and the liquid soon ran down his paw, soaking into the fur. "Lean closer, now, slave... Lick here..." He purred, punctuating this command by rubbing over the tip with his thumb. Taking to his lessons quickly, the fox slowly dragged his long, smooth tongue across the tender flesh of the demon's cock, sending a shiver up the therion's spine. "Mmm, yes! Just like that, boy... Again, keep doing that. Yes... Rrr, now you're learning..." The demon's blank eyes narrowed and his lips twisted into a naughty grin, loving the sight and sensation of his naive slave treating him like a lollipop. As time went on, the fox's licks grew deeper and slower; already, that cute twink was developing a taste and a technique, but as much as Anakris enjoyed a good tongue-lashing, that was just the first of many things he intended to show the mortal.

Unhanding his shaft, Anakris pressed down on the back of the fox's head, grunting a simple command: "Open your mouth." When the vulpine parted his lips, the demon continued to press down, sinking his shaft in the slave's maw, but only a few inches for the time being. Endowed with a mighty fourteen inches, the demon knew he had to pace himself unless he wanted to choke the fox, though he would've gleefully throatfucked a mortal if he hadn't just spent a quarter of his family fortune on it. Demons would be demons. "There you go... Now, close your lips around it... Good boy, now suck... Suck, boy, you know how." Blushing, looking up at his master from the tops of his eyes, the fox began to slowly, awkwardly suck upon the therion's flesh, and as he worked, the demon pushed him down more and more, sinking inch after inch, stopping only when the twink hacked with the telltale noise of gagging; deepthroating would come later, all he wanted for now was an obedient, warm mouth to cum in.

The demon laid back with a content, rumbling growl, letting the fox suck at his own pace. He had all the time in the world to work on his technique, and Anakris had no qualms about being practice. In a sense, it was better this way; he would teach the slave just what to do and what not to do, and his sexual performance would, in time, fit the therion's kinks like a glove. "You're doing wonderfully, slave... Most of this you'll learn yourself. Bob your head, suck harder, use your tongue... Come up with your own patterns and techniques, slave, there's no wrong way..." His gentle encouragement worked better than he could have ever hoped, since not a moment after he spoke, the fox loosened up considerably, beginning to gulp and bob with a natural skill. Though still sloppy, he showed great promise, and with a pleasant groan, Anakris patted himself on the back for buying the twink.

"Mmm... And you can use your paws, too... Be creative, my darling slave..." After that piece of soft-spoken advice, Anakris realized the foxcoon had a calling for such things; the demon first felt the twink's soft paws stroking over his muscular stomach, tracing over the ridges of stiff, chiseled flesh there, but they soon slid lower, then took hold of the therion's thick sack, filling the mortal's effeminate mitts nicely. A creature bred entirely for sex and pleasure, Anakris was well-endowed in all regards; physically muscular and handsome, a penis over a foot long, and balls that were each comparable to ripe, round oranges in size, not to mention a tail hole with peculiar properties, an orifice that existed purely for sex, something his new slave would learn in time.

The demon purred in sexual contentment as the fox acquainted himself with his swollen, throbbing sack, just lazily resting his head on his folded arms, slowly feeding the twink a steady stream of musky precum, a bitter, salty reward for his natural talents. With a much higher tolerance for pain, and thus a much greater threshold between that and pleasure, Anakris urged the fox to squeeze harder and harder upon his heavy scrotum, coaxing the young thing to grope with such pressure that a mortal would have confessed to crimes they hadn't committed, but to Anakris, it was pure pleasure. "Good boy...! Rrr..." These sultry compliments made the slave blush, and lower, his own shaft was as hard as a rock, making it abundantly clear that he enjoyed having hard, dripping things in his cute muzzle.

This slow blowjob continued for well over an hour, during which the twink practically mastered his technique; with finesse that took most cocksuckers years, the young fox was bobbing and sucking with lewd talent, but despite all of this skill, Anakris only now found himself near a climax. It came on slowly, and the therion began to pant softly and subtly, to the point that the young mortal didn't notice. In truth, he was blissfully unaware of most things; the only stimuli he cared to acknowledge was the tactile sensation of his demon master's swollen, dripping cock buried in his muzzle, and the feel of those heavy balls filling his tender paws. Perhaps the only abstact that he focused on was the demon's musk, thick and heady, almost a physical presence of its' own. Mortals weren't well-equipped to deal with the potent, concentrated sexual stink that most demons possessed, often overwhelming them into whimpering, helpless sluts if they let it draw them in. The fox was one such casualty, but nobody was complaining.

With an orgasm that came on like a slow burn, Anakris gently clutched the back of the foxcoon's head, then let loose with a powerful climax, shooting rope after rope of his thick, messy splooge into the twink's maw, so much of the gooey goodness that he had no choice but to swallow, lest he drown in it. He gulped down countless mouthfulls of the therion's seed, to the point that he'd ingested well over a pint and a half of that salty jism. When Anakris at last let go of the slave's head and allowed him to pull back, the fox licked his lips, then looked up at the therion with eyes that didn't show shame, but simply lust, and perhaps a bit of affection. Smiling down at the vulpine, putting on a surprisingly charming face given his pronounced fangs and blank, glowing eyes, Anakris asked sweetly if the slave enjoyed himself. He responded with a slow, affirmative nod.

Anakris watched intently as the vulpine cooked breakfast for him. Though he was interested in the tod's skills as a chef, his eyes were truthfully, and predictably, focused on the twink's tight, bare ass. As a cute habit, the fox slowly swished his tail back and forth in a hypnotic way when he was lost in thought or concentration, and cooking was one such occasion for him. The sight of that long, well-groomed, banded tail waving across such tight, molestable ass cheeks made for a very arousing, if unintentional tease. And indeed, not half an hour after becoming familiar with his slave's mouth, he was primed and ready to go again; the curse of the incubus, alas, but he'd intentionally ignored the vulpine's comparatively small, though still raging erection, fully intent on keeping the fox hot and bothered for the next time.

The fox turned and stepped up to the table, interrupting the therion as he cooked up all kinds of ways to defile the slave's rear and lay absolute claim to his anal virginity. "Here you go, master... I think you'll enjoy this, it's, uh, fried meat from those big... Wild... Beasts, whatever you call them." Anakris' dirty thoughts were momentarily paused, and he looked over the crinkled, browned meat before him, which seemed to be a kind of bacon; an alien thing to most demons, being a food of the mortals. How he even learned to cook such a thing was an interesting question of its' own, but the therion was more than pleased with the taste and the texture of it, going so far as to allow the vulpine to kneel at his side and be fed from his palm, though he greedily kept much of the intentionally-overcooked meat for himself.

"That was very good, slave. ...Unusual, but good, thank you." Standing from his seat, the nude demon looked down at his kneeling slave, then gestured for him to stand, a command he followed without question. "Come." With a sulty swish in his step, Anakris took the vulpine back to the bedroom, snapping his fingers to catch the fox's attention, which he already held tightly, and then he pointed to the bed with a quick order. "Belly down." While the tod got into position, the demon watched, then knelt just beside him, stroking slowly across his deliciously taut, two-toned rear, a beautiful burned orange color on the outside, melting into a cotton white that continued down between those smooth cheeks. Despite their sexual innocence, slaves were taught, first and foremost, that personal hygiene was paramount, just as important as unquestioning obedience, and Anakris wasn't surprised to find that it was true on his fox.

As he caressed the fox's smooth ass, Anakris heard the creature shiver and purr, a subtle noise of physical pleasure, and he hoped what he was about to do to the fox would be appreciated. The therion took a moment to suck on two of his fingers, wetting both the index and middle digits on his right, dominant paw, soon leaving them dripping with saliva. The demon produced so much preseminal fluid, and most demons had such a tolerance for pain like himself, that artificial lubricant was a moot point; with a mortal, however, he had to take the young creature's more sensitive body into consideration. To an extent, he enjoyed having to moderate himself so as to not hurt the fox... It was a change of pace.

Anakris slid his fingers between the vulpine's cheeks, pressing his padded fingertips to that snug, yet-untouched pucker, but he did nothing else for the time being; no rubbing, and certainly no penetration. "I'm certain a number of things must be going through your head right now, boy. Just relax. Breathe deeply for master, and you'll enjoy this far more than anything else I've shown you so far, slave..." In wordless compliance, the twink began slowly breathing, filling his lungs to their capacity before exhaling just as smoothly and slowly. After his slave did this a few times, the therion began to slowly push his slick fingers inside, gently and carefully penetrating the fox, but no amount of care could stop all the pain. First, the tod's breathing broke into sharp, pained gasps, and then he whined, closing his eyes tightly, clenching his tail hole involuntarily, only worsening what he was feeling, but Anakris simply wasn't going to give up; the fox would learn to enjoy anal sex, and there was no way around it.

The demon slowly sank his unwanted fingers in to the hilt, and though the vulpine's pained sounds hurt him, he knew that, with a little time, the fox would enjoy it. Despite taking much longer than he would have hoped or expected, the twink's vocalizations began to ease from pained to neutral, and a short time after that, he cooed with the first signs of pleasure. Though reserved and cautious for the time being, those noises became laced with more and more eroticism, but he never quite reached the plateau Anakris was looking for. No matter; he had a lifetime to condition the twink.

"That's better, slave... Those are the noises master wants to hear," Anakris said with a tone that was almost clinical, while he pumped, stretched, and otherwise loosened up the slave's virgin entrance with his strong fingers. The fox had nothing to say, and all he could do was shudder and groan, his entire body convulsing and twitching with those new sensations. Soon, Anakris' began rubbing his fingertips against the vulpine's prostate, teasing and molesting that hidden gland with a very intimate and knowing touch, and it overwhelmed the twink, leaving him practically breathless, full of sharp, quick gasps and unfamiliar moans, but it was fast becoming a pleasure the fox wouldn't be able to do without.

When the vulpine at last came around, and his vocalizations were dominated by quaking moans and blissful whimpers, Anakris grinned with mischief and perverted enjoyment. All traces of pain had left the act, and it was with this development in mind that he dared to show the slave his full talent. Clutching the twink's hip with his free paw, the demon ruthlessly pumped and twisted his furred fingers, pleasing not just the tod's prostate, but every inch of his snug, cherry ass, doting on flesh that had never been touched before. Predictably, it had the mortal writhing and panting, sporting an erection that was hard as stone, which he humped into the sheets with reflexive bucks of his slender hips.

"There... Didn't I tell you that you'd enjoy this, slave?" Anakris snickered, slipping his fingers free, only to command that the fox roll over, something he did quickly and without question. "Yes... Mmm..." The sweet slave purred, moaning in sexual ecstacy as the therion pushed his fingers in yet again, resuming his skillful, shameless pumping and teasing. With the vulpine's genitalia in clear view now, the demon clutched his slave's white, furry sack in his free paw, squeezing and kneading upon that tender scrotum, moderating his strength to bring the vulpine to the edge of pain, but he never quite crossed the line. One thing he made a habit of, however, as he pulled and groped on the tod's balls, was teasing over his soft, thinly-furred taint, rubbing it with a thumb.

With reflexes spurred by pleasure, the vulpine clenched tightly upon the therion's fingers, tightening his jaw in a similar way, while his feminine paws took hold of the bedsheets beneath in tight handfuls. Such stimulation was new and unusual to him, but already, the fox felt like it was something he needed, a sensation he'd been missing his entire life. There were a thousand things he wanted to tell the demon, all nothings about pleasure and how wonderful he felt, but he couldn't articulate his mouth to say them. Instead, all he could do was moan and shudder, squirming and whimpering in deep arousal, experiencing pleasures that left him paralyzed as nothing but a twitching, shuddering wreck, something Anakris didn't have a problem with. He found the vulpine's intense gratification endearing, not to mention promising.

Later, he'd fuck the tod, but for now, he just wanted to get the twink off, to imprint on him what a wonderful pleasure anal stimulation could be, and in time, it would become the keystone of their sexual activities. Curling his fingers with finesse, the therion pressed his smooth fingertips into the fox's prostate, and when the slave moaned in lust and desire, he rubbed upon that sweet spot with great intensity, massaging the gland again and again, taking hold of the young mortal's aching erection, pumping it with even greater force. The demon bit his lip intently as he worked not to tease, but to relieve his slave, watching and listening carefully for every little change in his behavior; the quickening of his breathing, the twitching, and of course, the appreciative moaning. It was with an intimate knowledge of all these signs that the demon saw his mortal slave's oncoming climax, and he took hold of the fox's knot, groping down upon it with a rough, domineering squeeze, blessing his inexperienced property with an almost painfully intense climax that saw him fill the therion's strong paw with seed, one that left him panting and exhausted, a blissful, squirming mess of a fox.

The demon continued his skilled rubbing well into the twink's afterglow, slipping his fingers free only after his breathing had slowed. With a lust-driven growl, the therion kissed softly on the tip of the vulpine's shaft, then cuddled up close to the fox, squeezing his slender, shivering body up to his own, presenting his sullied paw to the slave's muzzle, which, after a gentle nudge, he licked clean. "That's the first of many pleasures you'll come to enjoy with your rear, slave... Likewise, you're going to learn how to administer such things, my fox."

Over the coming days, Anakris had willingly lifted his own tail for the vulpine, allowing him to explore his master's tight, demonic ass as much as he desired; which, luckily for Anakris, was quite often. The foxcoon had grown so familiar that he took an interesting liberty on one particular morning, however. Rather than wake the demon with a gentle shake, or simply begin preparing breakfast for the two of them, the twink knelt between his handsome master's legs, and he took the demon's swollen morning erection into his warm, sucking maw, gulping with affection and skill upon the stiff, black flesh. Though the demon didn't wake, he moaned and shifted, gripping the sheets tightly. Testing how heavy a sleeper the demon was, the slave slid his fingers beneath the therion's plump, musky balls, first rubbing over the demon's taint, before allowing his fingertips to brush across that snug, pink pucker. The demon shivered, but outright moaned when the fox pushed two of his slender fingers past that tight orifice, waking him, though he was anything but upset with his slave. "Mmm... Well, good morning to you too, my slave..."

With a shy blush and a naughty grin, the twink curled his padded, slim fingers, rubbing over the demon's tight walls and his tender prostate with yet more natural skill. As a creature made for fucking, Anakris' shapely ass had a bizarre property, one that tended to startle new partners, but all who gave him a chance went away satisfied. In much the same way that a penis dripped with a natural lubricant, Anakris' tight anal passage was always slick with a musky ooze, an evolutionary feature intended to facilitate near-constant amounts of anal sex. The fox took full advantage of this slippery slime, pumping the demon hard and fast, having learned by experience just how much higher the incubus' pain tolerance was than his own.

Growling and snarling with lust that was outspoken, Anakris humped his hips into the twink's aggressive pumping and rubbing, while his black length pulsed and squirted countless wads of precum which dribbled over the foxcoon's tongue. Though he was a creature who could last and last when it came to sex, the fox was hitting just the right spots with his padded fingertips, and he was sucking with everything he had on that long, steely cock, gulping down the entirety of it, sans knot, which his lips pressed up to.

"Grrf, slave..." Anakris hissed, arching his back, forcing his knot against the vulpine's lips. The fox took hold of it with his free paw, squeezing down on that fleshy bulb, knowing full well what he was doing. The therion winced, clenching his teeth, glancing up at the ceiling with desperate, yet somehow lazy eyes, as though he weren't entirely awake. Again, he hissed to the fox, but this time, it was accompanied by a thick load, one that shot right down the vulpine's throat. The slave blushed a bright red, but as he felt that familiar, sticky warmth, he purred in absolute contentment, letting his fingers go idle; simply having them inside of his clenching rear was enough for Anakris as he came. "Good boy... Mmm, this is how to wake up..." The therion growled, letting his eyes drift shut while a fangy grin covered his muzzle.

When night later fell, Anakris had yet another intimate pleasure for his slave, one that he intended to give while he got it himself. By then, the fox would willingly do anything for the therion, in particular if he knew it was sexual. To that end, the vulpine had no qualms about lying back for the demon, and he was silent as the handsome, hoofed creature straddled his head, facing his legs. Anakris said nothing to the fox beyond "Follow my example," and with that, he leaned over the tod's prone body, nosing beneath his peeking erection and fuzzy sack, taking a long, sudden slurp across the vulpine's snug tail hole. The fox gasped sharply, and he clenched that tender orifice, but Anakris only pressed his attack, licking hard and sloppy, slathering the vulpine's entrance and taint with his warm drool.

As he adjusted to the sensation, the slave began to tentatively lap across the therion's own tail hole, offering that pink orifice the same eager slurps he'd given the demon's cock before. With his keen nose so buried in the demon's ass, he was given an up close and personal whiff of that thick musk, and just as before, it left the vulpine aroused, shuddering, so sexually pliable that he would've done anything at his master's command. For the time being, he just mirrored the demon's own antics; he assaulted that warm, snug pucker with messy, slobbery slurps, starting somewhere in the middle of the demon's taint, bringing it home with a long, wet lick across that snug butthole and the base of his tail.

Anakris again wore that happy, dull grin, his expression reserved solely for naughty bliss. To have such a long, warm, loving tongue drag across the most sensitive part of his body was heaven in hell for the demon, and he rewarded his inexperienced slave, showing his gratitude, with the ulterior motive of giving him an example. Curling his split, yet also very canine tongue, the demon worked his slippery, slobbery muscle into the tod's hot ass, lapping across his tender flesh, broadening his grin at the way the twink practically howled in arousal. Then, he followed the example, pressing his strong tongue to the demon's pucker, slowly forcing it into that slippery, snug asshole, putting Anakris in an almost catatonic state of pleasure; the demon froze, just groaning and squirming mindlessly, letting his tail swish.

For the longest, happiest minute of Anakris' life, the fox just slobbered his long, wet tongue around with little discretion, finding himself emboldened by the demon's submission, but the therion couldn't have possibly cared any less what the tod's motives were. At long last, he resumed his own in-depth rimjob, and with much more finesse than the twink showed, but he couldn't find any fault in his slave's wild, sloppy slurping. In a way, he thought it was better than the methodical, skilled rimming most of his demon partners gave him; his slave, with his inexperienced and eager mouth, was chaotic and impossible to predict, a true pleasure for his jaded ass.

Both the fox and the therion sported iron-hard erections, dribbling copiously with slimy precum, but neither creature cared to tend to their cock; both master and slave were lost in the moment, blissfully eating one another out, doing a fine job of losing track of time. As the vulpine worked, he found himself growing better at the act, in particular by gaining the knowledge of just where the therion's vulnerable prostate was. When he began assaulting that tender gland, Anakris returned the favor in spades, and it almost turned into a competition as they matched each other slurp for slurp, but every time, one of the ravenously sexual canines would up the ante a little bit more. It left the slave a shivering, whimpering wreck, but he refused to admit defeat; Anakris was less vocal about the blissful pleasure his slave put him in, but the impassive act had the advantage of making the fox try harder and harder. Mortals were easy to manipulate, especially to a tease who'd practiced his act for centuries.

Though he had no appointments or obligations, Anakris stole a glance at his clock, and he slowly made the realization that he and his slave had been at one another for two and a half hours; by no means a record for the demon, but for a first-time mortal, it was remarkable. The therion dipped his tongue deep into the twink's ass for a teasing moment, brushing it along the anal wall closest to the fox's prostate, and before his slave even finished shivering from it, he slid the slippery muscle free; the fox was not so quick to follow suit. "Mmm... I think that's enough ass-eating for one night, slave... Ooh, who am I kidding... You could spend your entire life doing that, and I still wouldn't be satisfied... But stop, slave," Anakris at last said with a firm tone, looking back at the blushing, bashful fox. He smiled thoughtfully, then used his tail to pet the long-haired tod's head as he freed his own tongue. "This is a very good time to show you one of my favorite pleasures, one that brings us closer than nothing else."

In short order, Anakris had turned, and he knelt between the vulpine's legs, parted around his waist. "The fingering and rimming should have prepared you for this, but it may still hurt at first. Hold on tightly to me. You may squeeze and claw and jerk on my fur all you want, if it makes it any easier," Anakris said with a soft expression, gently stroking the vulpine's long, feminine snout, "but try to enjoy it. You will, in time. I promise, slave." The fox nodded slowly, and though he was still new to sex, he had a vague idea of what this next act would be...

Clutching his own turgid penis, the demon pressed the tapering tip of his black member against the slave's loosened pucker, thoroughly lubricated with saliva, and if that weren't enough, the demon's cock dripped with precum incessantly, as it always did. Anakris spared one last look into his slave's eyes; those pretty, green eyes of his were nervous, but trusting, and they betrayed a deep affection for the demon. The therion looked back down at the task at hand, and with a low growl, he started to penetrate the slave, pushing into his quivering tail hole, spreading it wider than any act had so far. The mortal was admirably brave, taking it with only a quiet hiss, and then a very quiet, almost muted whine. After he had three inches in the tod, Anakris leaned over him, pressing close, and the vulpine squeezed tightly to his slender, but toned body, pressing his feminine face into the demon's chest, huffing against the fur, hiding his eyes, clutching handfuls of fur, though he didn't yank on it.

The demon had half of his wicked endowment buried in the fox when he chose to comfort him. "Good boy, slave... You're taking this much better than I expected..." He gave the vulpine a kiss upon the top of his head, nosing into that fine, blonde hair, still sinking his throbbing manhood into the squirming virgin beneath. It was an eternity of agony, but he finally hilted, at least for the most part. Though his shaft was buried in the fox, his plump knot was kissed up to the vulpine's tail hole, resting there, nothing but a threat for the time being. In truth, Anakris wasn't sure if the tod could handle his knot just yet... That appraisal would come soon enough.

Anakris wrapped an arm around the slave's upper back, stroking through his hair with a paw, while he began slowly rocking his hips, pulling his swollen, dripping pride back, just to push it back in. It was agonizing... For Anakris, having to breed the fox at such a slow, gentle pace. How un-demonic, he thought, but as he looked down at the trembling fox, and felt that warm, quivering ass around his aching pride, he felt a clear intimacy; an attachment, something he'd become aware of days before, but he enjoyed having the fox close to his heart. After all, if he was to share his home, bed, and body with the creature, why not be close?

Like a timid child seeking warmth, the slave kept his face pressed tightly to the demon's toned, furry chest, but in a show of affection, his slender arms wrapped around Anakris' back in a tight squeeze. The therion growled with love and reassurance, and chose that moment to quicken his pace. No matter how much it hurt, the fox was still hard, and Anakris could tell from the way his breathing slowed and his body relaxed that the vulpine was fast coming to enjoy the sex. "Rrr, now, see...? I promied you would enjoy this..." Again, the demon picked up his pace, and every smooth buck pushed his bulging knot against that no-longer virgin tail hole.

Soon, the fox pulled his muzzle away from the demon's chest, and he offered his master a kiss on the lips, one that Anakris returned with a pleasant smile. "You're a wonderful partner, slave... In time, as our relationship grows... You'll be allowed to have me in this manner..." His voice was even and gentle; there was no reluctance in the way he promised his own rear. Of course the demon desperately wanted a slave that would ruthlessly tear his ass up on command, but only after he asserted the finer points of his own dominance; it wouldn't do to have a fox who thought he was the alpha male!

Anakris huffed on the fox's blushing, panting muzzle, letting his glowing eyes grow half-lidded in a flurry of lazy, blissful pleasure. Finally, he was fucking the fox at a pace that was mutually enjoyable; every thrust of the therion's hips bumped that swollen knot against the slave's entrance with menacing force, starting to threaten complete penetration, but the tod was compliant and quiet about it; either he wanted it, or he was better at hiding his apprehension than the demon thought. Either way, he was a good boy for it.

The therion left that wonderful, protracted rimming on the edge of an orgasm, at least in a way relative to an incubus. A lazy half-hour of fucking his vulpine slave's virgin ass was all it took for him to want to finish up, and he could tell from the scent of the twink's own musk how he, too, teetered on the edge of a climax. Growling lowly, clutching the tod tightly to his hard body, the demon began forcing his swollen knot into the fox. The slave whimpered and winced, clenching his jaw tightly, fighting back tears, and in much the same way, Anakris struggled not to grin; as civilized as he was, mortal pain appealed to the therion in the most base ways, not that he wanted the slave to see it...

"You're such a good slave... Mmm...!" Anakris clenched his own jaw, closing his eyes tightly, all the while bucking his fat knot against that yet-unyielding asshole with all his strength. Finally, wrenching a sharp cry from his slave, the therion sunk his knot in with a lewd, wet, and incredibly noisy pop! At once, the demon came, filling the fox with one of his immensely productive loads, spilling the better part of two pints of semen into his slave. Whatever horrific pain the fox was in, it immediately melted away in a blissful, blurry rush of pleasure as the therion's seed filled him, sticking to his inner walls, soaking into the sensitive tissues. Anakris lived and breathed sex, thriving on the pleasure, the sweat, and the smell of sex, and in some way, he was temporarily imparting this genetic lust upon his slave. As that voluminous seed soaked into his body, it left the fox in an almost drunken haze of pervasive, indescribable pleasure, and not long after, the vulpine came entirely hands-free, splattering the therion's toned stomach with a thick, heavy load, groaning with a reserved, dull moan to match.

Anakris smiled fondly and drew his tongue across the dreamy fox's cheek, then kissed him upon the nose. Already, the slave was asleep, but still, Anakris purred affectionately into his ear: "You did wonderfully, slave."

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