Chapter 17: J.B.

Story by rocko wallaby on SoFurry

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#17 of Pokemon Rangers 2: Eddies: A pokemon story.

Many things about the entire situation remain confusing, even to this day.

As an example, after the initial fallout following their arrival had subsided, where did the creatures go? Given only speculation remains as to their eventual fate, was the government involved, or had they simply vanished as mysteriously as they arrived?

Or are they living amongst us still, hidden from the prying eyes of the general populace by those sworn to protect them?

Perhaps we'll never know, just as it's as unlikely we'll ever be told the real truth as to their mysterious presence in our world. The government has covered it up, the people involved remain mute, and the creatures themselves; these pokemon; are the biggest enigma of the lot.

At least their presence here has answered one important question that's plagued humanity since the dawn of its creation.

We are not alone.

Perhaps we never have been.


Chapter 17: J.B.

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Eddies 17

"So, no record, huh?"

Sergeant Campanile shook his head, leaning against his boss's desk as he went through his notes, reporting what he'd learnt.

"No, Sir. No record with Customs of anyone of that name coming into the country within the past six months. I tried variants of the spelling, but still drew a blank. Same with his partner. I also ran details with the CIA database via Interpol, and again found nothing. Far as anyone is concerned, the guy is a non-entity."

J.B nodded, pondering the news with pursed lip, one hand tapping on the desk in thought. After a few seconds, he looked up at the Sergeant and said "What about the kid and his family?"

Campanile glanced back through his notes, flicking through the reams of pages before drawing one out and handing it to the chief.

J.B quickly scanned the summary, before sitting back with a sigh, chair creaking as he pushed the springs to recline to the limit.

"Nothing either?"

Campanile nodded. "Apart from a few minor incidents a couple of years ago, he's clean. He got caught setting off fireworks in the school playground when age ten, and had a run in with a shop keeper who accused him of shoplifting about 4 years ago."

Looking up, J.B asked "...and?"

Campanile shrugged. "Turned out he was innocent. One of his friends was dragged in here by his folks, after confessing having done it. Shop keeper was a real dick about it though, and the kid took it a bit personally. Flower bombed his shop late one night. Didn't make a fuss when he was caught out. Just stated the guy had it coming."

J.B chuckled a moment. "Sounds like he did. I kinda like this kid. Hmm, what about the parents?"

Campanile whistled under his breath as he retrieved the information. "Decent folk. Members of the local PTA. Don't have any particularly extreme views, political or otherwise. They seem typical, average sort of people."

J.B nodded. "What I gathered. So, what have they become mixed up in? Clearly, they're not under any compulsion from these strangers; that was pretty obvious. What brought the two groups together?"

Campanile shrugged. "Can't tell you, boss. It's not adding up."

Hands behind his head, J.B gazed at the ceiling. "What about that ball thing they had?"

Campanile hesitated.

At the pause, J.B swung his gaze to him, and scowled. "What?"

The Sergeant dropped to the visitor's chair, rubbing his forehead absently.

"Well... Well, this is going to sound pretty stupid, but..."

"But what, damn it?"

Shrugging, Campanile said "Well, all we could find on something like that was a reference to a kids' TV show. It's something about catching and training these monster things to fight each other. Pretty popular in the under tens age group."

Scowling, J.B said "A kid's game? You're serious?"

The sergeant sweated. "Yes sir! It sounds bizarre, but that's what they seem to be. All the way to the belt clips to hold them. We even found a cross-reference to the word he used; "Pidgeot". Some sort of big flying bird thing in the game. At least, assuming we heard it right."

J.B pursed his lip again, as the relieved officer relaxed.

Shaking his head, J.B said "That makes no sense. Regardless of that information, that guy was a professional. You can't tell me someone like that is running around the country, playing pretend kids games. It doesn't add up!"

Campanile nodded. "No, sir. But that's all we found."

"What about the stakeout? Who showed up for the party?"

"No one, sir."

"Hmm, I'm not surprised. So, if no visitors turned up, where were all the people who had places set for dinner hiding?"

Campanile shrugged, and wilted under the Captain's glare.

"You want me to find out, sir?"

"Yes, why don't you do that?"

As the officer rushed from the office, J.B put his hands on his desk, and pondered this new information.

No, things were not what they appeared there, and he had every intention of getting to the bottom of it.


A new sense of urgency affected the group, and both Scott and Storm wasted no time in downloading as much information on possible Sinnotech activities as they could. Neither Ranger had any doubts that the local police would be back to follow up on them, given the number of blanks they would draw on investigation. Chris asked the pair if they really thought they'd be back, and after exchanging a look, the pair chuckled. Storm said "Well, we would be, so we have to assume they're nearly as smart as we are."

Chris nodded, saddened by the thought that the group would be split. He'd gotten used to having the pair around, so the idea they'd leave for home was depressing.

Within a further 24 hours, the Rangers felt they had as much useful information as they could possibly get on short notice, without getting bogged down in semantics. Relaying as much basic information to the Rangers at the portal as possible, Scott gathered together the reams of documents they'd collected, again thanking their lucky stars that Paul had been so obliging.

The plan was to make an early start the following morning, in returning to the cave in the mountains. The weather had stayed dry; a Godsend in Storms mind, as avoiding more mud was his priority. Chris looked at their preparations, feeling downcast, until Skyy slipped an arm through his, and said "Shall we go with them?"

Looking at his friend in surprise, Chris grinned suddenly, and said "Do you want to?" before a sudden thought caused him to pause.

"What about my folks?" he said, and Skyy shrugged.

"They know what's happening now. It's not as if you're vanishing forever. I think you could be a great assistance to the Rangers when they're home, as they will no longer have access to all this electronic information they have here. Every little thing you might remember could make the difference between success and failure. So, can we afford not to return?"

Chris pondered this, surprised at the insight the lucario had, and finally, albeit reluctantly, agreed.

"You're right, as usual. Damn, mum's going to crack a bag, but I don't see we have much choice, really?"

Skyy nodded. "Not really."

Chris thought of something. "What about Azil?"

Skyy replied "What about him?"

Looking uncertain, Chris said "Well, we can't leave him here!"

Cocking his head to the side, an ear dropped as Skyy said "Why not? He gets along with Jim like he's a second brother. Those two were made for each other. I think you should ask him, and let him decide."

Nodding doubtfully, Chris went in search of the pair, finding them in the rumpus room playing computer games. They had their backs to the door, and Chris stood with Skyy in the entrance watching them enjoy the game.

There was a great deal of camaraderie going on, not to mention general ribbing from the charmander, as he thoroughly kicked Jim's butt in the racing simulator they were playing. When Jim howled in protest at being run off the road by the pokemon, Azil reached across and gave him a playful thump in the shoulder, sending him off the racetrack again. When he recovered his balance, Jim hurled himself onto the charmander, and the pair began play wrestling across the carpet, game well and truly forgotten.

Grinning broadly at their antics, Chris coughed, startling the pair. Azil, straddling his brother, looked up with a guilty grin, before leaping off to stand nearby, acting nonchalant with arms crossed. Jim dusted himself off with a groan, pointing at Azil and said "You cheated!"

Azil shook his head furiously, and broke into pokespeech. "Char, char chamander char!"

Chris went and gave his arm a punch. "Bullshit! Don't give me that old excuse! I saw you do it!"

Azil denied everything!! "Char, cha cha Charmander!"

"Likely excuse, butt face!!" said Jim, scowling at the pokemon, before registering his brother's presence in the doorway.

Confused, Chris entered with Skyy. "Umm, can you understand him?" he said, and widened his eyes when his brother nodded.

"Sure!" said Jimmy, throwing an arm around the smirking lizard. "Why, can't you?"

Rolling his eyes, Chris asked Azil if he could have a few words. When Jim made to follow, Chris put a hand on his head, stopping him from following.

"Alone, thanks" he grinned, chuckling as his Jim's scowl deepened. Excluded, he turned his back on his brother and returned to the game to sulk some more.

Taking the confused charmander to his room, he had the pokemon jump up to sit on the bed, before dropping on his small couch. Skyy perched on the arm besides him, watching on silently.

"You two can really understand each other well, huh?" he said, and received a confirming nod. Chris stared at the orange pokemon intently, before filling him in with the plans on their return to the pokemon world. Azil listened cautiously, but looked sad when he was told they were leaving.

Chris asked him "So, do you like Jimmy?"

At the enthusiastic nodding, Chris sighed. "I promised you I'd find you a new trainer who'd help you evolve and battle. I'm still happy to do this. But, I know Jim likes you a lot, and you two have become good friends. What do you think about staying with him, instead? I know...."

But what he knew went unsaid, as the charmander jumped from the bed and wrapped arms around him, hugging him hard.

Grinning as the little orange lizard dropped back to the floor, an excited grin on his face, Chris said "I take that as a "yes" then?"

Nodding, Azil went off into pokespeak again. Skyy, who had been watching the exchange in amusement, translated.

"He said he really wants to stay. The only reason he wanted a trainer to help him battle is that's what they all wanted, and he wanted to make them happy. Jim's happy around him anyway, so he wants to be with him."

Chris grinned again, dropping to one knee before Azil. "There's a catch tho, mate."

Cocking his head, Azil shrugged questioningly.

Serious for a minute, Chris continued "If you stay, you have to keep out of public view, at least until Jimmy is older. People here don't understand you pokemon, and you'll probably frighten them. This could cause you both a lot of problems, alright?"

Azil thought about it for a minute, and then nodded seriously.

Chris sighed. "Jim's a good kid, but he's still young. You know how bad human's can get. You have to be strong with him, and make sure he doesn't tell everyone about you. When he's old enough, he'll understand. But for now, I need to rely on you to be here for him, OK?"

Azil nodded again, and gave him another hug. Chris unclipped his ball from his belt, handing it to the excited charmander, and left him to race from the room to tell Jim the amazing news.

Grinning at his retreating flaming tail, Chris felt a warm arm slip around his ribs, as Skyy leaned against him.

"Sounds like you've made the decision to return with Scott then?" Skyy said, and Chris nodded at his friend.

"We" is the operative word, Skyy. We're returning with them."

Hugging his human friend hard, Skyy paused, and said "Well, I don't envy you having to tell your folks you're leaving again."

Scott nodded, and dropped his gaze, rubbing his forehead with a free arm, while his other encircled the lucario to pull him close.

"Nor am I"


When he told them his plans later that afternoon, his parents handled it about as well as expected.

His mother was devastated he was going, so soon after he returned.

His father simply nodded, and wished them well.

Watching his wife wrap arms around her son, begging him to stay, Paul put a hand on her shoulder and said simply "He needs to do this, Gwen. He needs our support, and not our tears."

Releasing Chris, she surprised everyone by grabbing Skyy into a hug, and telling him to look after Chris. Confused, the lucario returned the embrace, a contented grin crossing his muzzle, before she jumped away and bolted from the room.

With a chuckle, Paul looked at Skyy and said "Well, you better do what she says, or you'll never hear the end of it."

Turning to the two Rangers, as well as Jasper, Paul said to them "I'll keep an ear out here, on any news. Especially if shit begin to stir. You'll leave me with a way to contact your guys at the portal?"

Scott nodded, and the group went away to make further plans, leaving Chris and Skyy alone in the kitchen. Dropping to a seat, Chris said "Mum will be fine. She always gets like this, but she understands. She is tougher than she looks."

Skyy agreed. "She's the strongest person I know", causing Chris to grin in agreement at the lucario's opinion.

With the day passing fast, everyone began gathering their gear together in preparation for the next day. Gwen vowed to cook a dinner to die for, in celebration of their trip, and the kitchen became a hive of organised chaos as enticing aromas started permeating through the house as she worked.

By 7pm, the meal was ready, and the group sat around the huge dining table, enjoying the company not to mention the fantastic meal. Gwen had outdone herself; roast lamb and vegetables, pavlova for desert, and a simply amazing tangy orange sorbet to soften the palate and top it off.

By the time they'd stuffed themselves to capacity, everyone was feeling relaxed and jovial. Paul suggested they move to the veranda to continue the evening, and they were getting up from their seats, groaning at their excesses, when the mood was shattered by a most unexpected sound.

The doorbell rang.

Not even Raikou's excellent hearing had detected someone approaching, so they were taken completely by surprise. When Scott glanced grimly at the pokemon, they quickly left the room, cramming into Chris's bedroom to hide, although Storm indicated he'd be close by if his partner needed any assistance. Once they'd gone, Paul headed to the front door, returning after a moment with J.B and Campanile, who nodded at the group.

"Bit late for a casual visit, isn't it, Officer?" said Paul, and J.B glanced at him shrewdly.

Ignoring him for a moment, J.B studied the dining table, noting the number of places that had been set, and said to Gwen "Looks like we missed another party. Strange that we didn't pass anyone as they left, just as we didn't see anyone arrive earlier this week. Perhaps some further introductions are in order?"

Paul stepped between the officer and his wife, and said with a scowl "Given this is a private residence, I think we'll do as we damn well please here, J.B. Unless you have a warrant for our arrest, I'd like you to leave. Now!"

J.B smiled grimly, and reached into a pocket for some paperwork. "Oh, no harm done, Paul. We don't want to cause you any particular problems this evening. Indeed, we only came here for one thing".

Pointing the documents at Scott, who accepted them silently, J.B said "We're here for him."

Scanning the papers quickly, Scott determined they were indeed a warrant issued for his detainment.

"Exactly what do you believe I have done that warrants this, J.B. No pun intended, of course."

J.B eyed him shrewdly. "Oh, I think we'd like a discussion of exactly who you are, Ranger Scott. Not to mention what you're doing here. It seems as though you don't exist."

Scott chuckled, while quickly calculating their chances of avoiding being detained. "I'm here, aren't I? Believe it or not, I am exactly who I stated I am. Unfortunately, I'm a little busy at the moment to answer questions without just cause, as I'm sure you can understand."

J.B's eyes narrowed further. "You are being detained on suspicion of terrorism. You have no credentials, and no identification. There is no record of you entering the country, and when we contacted the US embassy, they have no knowledge of you whatsoever. So, I think we have every right to ask you a few questions, mister."

Nodding to his colleague, J.B stepped back, as Campanile removed a set of hand cuffs from his waist clip, and stepped up behind the Ranger, ready to restrain him. However, he paused, eyes widening as he stepped back in disbelief, as a massive figure loomed in the doorway behind his superior, who looked on quite unaware of the newcomer.

As J.B registered something was going seriously wrong, a faint noise from behind had him partially turn, until a large clawed hand grabbed his shoulder, preventing further movement. Even as he reached down, another slipped to his waist, relieving him of his revolver.

"I think that would be an especially bad idea" said a gruff, deep voice from behind him, as he gazed up at the toothy muzzle scowling down at him from above.

Campanile froze in shock, unable to comprehend what he was seeing, as his boss was quickly disarmed by the blue and cream monstrosity. When the situation finally registered on his brain, he reached down for his gun, only to have his hand grabbed by the quickly moving Scott. When the officer spun to confront him, a fist loomed in his vision, quickly followed by the floor as he tumbled to the ground in a heap.

Straddling the officer, Scott took his weapon and handcuffs, flipping the dazed officer onto his back and securing his wrists with his own cuffs. Situation as under control as it could be, he lifted the officer to a seated position, resting his back against a kitchen bench and turned to the two home owners. Gwen had a hand to her mouth, stunned by the sudden violence, but Paul had moved to the kitchen window, drawing the blind back slightly and staring in anger at faintly moving shapes in the garden outside.

"Shit! We have more problems!" he said to the Ranger, who joined him to peer outside darkly.

"Damn it. This is all we need" he muttered, then spun on J.B, who had ceased his struggles with the immensely strong pokemon, and said "You have no idea, boy!"

Striding to confront the officer, Scott grabbed his shirt, drawing him close, and hissed "No, YOU have no idea what you're getting involved in. This has nothing to do with you."

Stepping back after releasing the officer, he glared at his partner, who shook the human slightly and said "Can I eat him now?"

Rolling his eyes as J.B resumed his struggles in panic, he said to his friend "Not fucking funny!" causing the typhlosion's ears to drop. Shaking J.B again, Storm said in his ear "Get a grip, human. I was joking!" J.B paused uncertainly, and eyed the big face next to him. Things clicked into place, and he said with a quaver "I'm guessing you're his real partner then?" resulting in a chuckle from the pokemon.

"Nice deduction. Ten points to Griffindor!" he rumbled, pulling the human forward and dropping him into a kitchen chair, where he slumped, watching the creature nervously.

Scott rolled his eyes, regretting ever allowing the pokemon to watch those blasted movies. Storm chuckled again, knowing exactly what his partner was thinking, hovering over J.B as he asked "What do we do now?"

Scott turned back to him, lips grim as he motioned to the pair of policemen, and said "Watch them. I need to speak to the others."

Nodding, Storm dropped to a seat between the two, and began cleaning his nails. Campanile wincing as the wicked claws flashed before him. J.B, now fully alert, stared at the beast intently. Obviously no mascot costume; this thing was real, and dangerous. However, it hadn't harmed them, although his officer would likely have a sore head for a few days. They'd been taken down quickly and professionally, and situation aside, J.B could still appreciate the quality of their teamwork when he saw it.

Scott slipped into Chris's bedroom, the space packed with pokemon and humans. Motioning to Raikou, the legendary pushed forward, leaning close as Scott said "There are a whole lot of humans outside who want to hinder us. They have guns though, and should be considered highly dangerous. I'm open to suggestions on how we deal with them, but I don't want anyone hurt. Can you handle it?"

Raikou chuckled menacingly, and nodded, pushing back through the friends to slip out the French doors to the veranda. As he left, Chris stared at Scott, who motioned for him and Skyy to return with him. Jasper, however, decided to stay with Jim, Azil and Sparky, keeping the scared kid company as the others dealt with the problem.

When Chris, Skyy and Scott returned to the kitchen, the now alert Campanile's eyes widened even further. J.B barely reacted to the lucario's presence, eyeing the newcomer intently which made the lucario nervous. Scott sighed, helping the junior officer to his feet, and said "Alright, now everyone's calmed down, I'm happy to release you, if you're prepared to behave."

Campanile exchanged a look with his superior, who nodded slightly. After agreeing to Scott's terms, he rubbed his wrists after being released from the restraints, and took a seat besides his colleague, when he was motioned to sit. Storm took up position behind the pair in case they changed their mind, while Scott perched on a seat across the table from them.

Considering a moment, he drew J.B's revolver from a pocket, causing the two to watch him nervously. However, he drew back the receiver, releasing the magazine and checking the chamber for ammunition, before sliding the unloaded weapon across the table at the officer. J.B reached out and retrieved the pistol, pausing a moment before slipping it into his holster. When Storm reached over Campanile's shoulder, handing him back his own now empty firearm, the officer flinched, taking the weapon from the clawed hands with shaking fingers.

J.B watched the Ranger opposite intently, and said "You know we have this place surrounded. Taking us as hostages will achieve nothing".

Scott grinned dryly at him, and said "I think you'll be surprised who's surrounding who."

Gaze narrowed, J.B went to reply, when the house was rocked by a massive clap of thunder, as the room lights flickered briefly before steadying. Both policemen jumped, and only a restraining paw prevented J.B leaping to his feet.

When the sound of a sudden volley of gunfire was accompanied by a pyrotechnic light display, lightening flashing through the drawn curtains, Scott let a small grin cross his lips. It seemed Raikou was handling the problem his own way, although the Ranger hoped to hell no one was getting hurt.

When the lights and noises outside stopped, Scott gestured to Chris and Skyy to head outside carefully to see if things were OK. A few minutes passed before they returned, accompanied by four other humans in uniforms, who entered the kitchen with hands on heads. J.B made to protest, when his voice died off as the massive form of Raikou, electrical discharge still flowing around his form, pushed in behind them and told them to sit on the floor.

They sat as directed, eyes wide as they stared at him in fear.

No one was going to argue with him further.

Rubbing an ear, Scott motioned to the speechless J.B to accompany him, as he headed out to the veranda, leaving the rest of the humans under the watchful eyes of his partner and the legendary. The man followed silently, and took a seat as indicated on the rear deck, where he could observe the still-smouldering craters scattered across the back yard as a result of Raikou's efforts.

When the Ranger leaned towards him intently, J.B again gave him his full attention. With a lip quirking in dry amusement, Scott said "Now, how about that explanation...."

J.B nodded. There wasn't much else he could have done.


Chapter 18: Don't mess with the Raikou!

**Eddies** **Chapter 18: Don't mess with the Raikou!** **DISCLAIMER:** All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author...

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Chapter 16: More trouble...

**Eddies** **Chapter 16: More trouble...** **DISCLAIMER:** All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way...

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Chapter 15: Surprise, surprise!

**Eddies** **Chapter 15: Surprise, surprise!** **DISCLAIMER:** All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no...

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