Howard's Way (2)

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#2 of Howard's Way

Here is Chapter 2 of my new story, it seems that you guys like it so far, so I will try and continue it just for you.

Howard's Way (2)

By Wolfie Steel

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We finally make it back to the yard and instantly Mason's eyes are glued to the huge yacht that is resting in dry dock, he lets out a small gasp.

"That is beautiful, I'll bet my butt cheeks that the guy who owns that is a wealthy guy indeed"

I give out a gentle sigh that catches the Husky's attention; he turns to face me wearing a look of concern.

"That one is in a state of limbo at the moment, the guy commissioned the boat and paid us a quarter of the asking price as a retainer, however, it has now been nearly two years since the build was completed and despite numerous attempts to get the guy to come and complete the payment and collect his boat it still rests and rots here in my dry dock"

The Husky shakes his head a little.

"Such a waste, maybe I could get in touch with the guy and buy the boat from him because I have a friend in the States whose birthday is just next month"

We get out of the car and head into the office and find a now smartly dressed Fox, I make the introductions.

"Mason DeLuth this is my business partner and ex-father-in-law Jack Rolfe, Jack this is Mr. Mason DeLuth"

The two shake paws gently as I put Jack's car keys back on the desk in front of him.

"Well Mr. DeLuth, it is a pleasure to meet the guy that might just save the Mermaid Yard from going into liquidation"

While Jack is talking I stand at a filing cabinet looking through the various files.

"Ah here it is, the file for Jackson Miles, he is the guy who we built the dry dock boat for, so Mr. DeLuth, if you would like to contact him then please feel free"

The Husky takes the file from my paws and then heads out into the yard while I remain in the office with a very confused looking Jack.

"Okay Tom, you wanna clue me in on what is going on?"

I stand behind my desk and look out of the window at the vision of beauty known as Mason DeLuth.

"Well Jack, it seems that we might get two sales instead of just the one, apparently Mason has a friend in the States and it is their birthday coming up, so Mason has asked if he can buy the ready built boat as well as the one that he wants to commission"

Jack whistles through his teeth a little.

"That is going to make a huge difference to our finances if Jackson agrees to sell his commission"

Jack isn't wrong; if things go according to plan before the end of the day the finances of the Mermaid Yard will be buoyant to the tune of one million pounds.

A smiling Husky enters the office.

"Well guys, looks like the Mermaid Yard has gained a stay of execution, Mr. Miles has agreed to allow me to pay him back what he paid upfront and then to complete on the deal, oh and I have had a change of heart with regards my own commission, I'm going to be paying for it in full, now I know that you Tom are the designer when it comes to building boats, so why don't you and I head back to your place and work out the details"

I let out a gentle sigh.

"Sorry Mr. DeLuth with my ex wife practically bleeding me dry my only home is a static trailer home, you can't even swing a dead cat inside let alone design a multi million pound boat"

The Husky's eyes close a little.

"Man, forgive me for saying this, but your ex is a true bitch. Okay then we'll find a hotel and work on the design there, that way we can work until all hours and then just fall into bed"

Jack giggles a little.

"Mr. DeLuth, you might want to rephrase what you just said a little"

It is now the Husky's turn to take the wind out of Jack's sails.

"Oh don't worry Mr. Rolfe, I meant it the way that I said it, I know that Tom here is gay, in fact I'm intending to spend much more time with this hunky Doberman, so you better get used to seeing me around"

For the first time since I joined the Mermaid Yard as the designer way back in 1985 I see Jack Rolfe being lost for words. After a few moments silence Jack finally finds his voice again.

"Well Mr. DeLuth, I have known Tom a lot of years, even before he joined the yard, and I can tell you this my friend, you couldn't wish for a better mate than him"

I blush beneath my fur.

"Jack please, I'm right here and I don't want you putting the kibosh on anything that might develop between Mason and myself"

I turn to head out of the office just as Jack asks for Mason to stay behind for a moment. I wait by my car for the sweet Husky to join me.

Meanwhile back in the office.

"Mason, just a quiet word between us, Tom is like a son to me, I mean okay yes he was my son-in-law but hopefully you get my meaning, anyway, I'm sorry to say that my daughter Avril really did a number on him, so what I am trying to say is..."

Mason holds his paw up to silence the Fox.

"...What you are trying to say Mr. Rolfe is that I better not hurt Tom or you will make my life a living hell, right?"

Jack nods his head a little.

"Glad to see that we are both singing from the same hymn sheet"

With that said Mason joins me outside at my car.

"You know hon, for an old Fox he still has a lot of bite"

I raise my eyes to the sky.

"I guess you just got the 'Hurt Tom and feel my wrath' speech right? Sorry about that hon, anyway I hope that you do not want to go to a hotel that is too posh, because they will probably turn us away if we arrive in this heap of bolts"

Mason chuckles as he opens the passenger door and then settles his fine ass in the passenger seat; I settle myself into the driver's seat and put the key in the ignition. The engine eventually fires up and I begin the journey to one of Tarrant's many hotels.

We eventually arrive at a hotel called The Weary Traveller; it's not exactly The Ritz but it has a function room where we can set about designing the new boat, and it has what it claims to be comfortable rooms for when sleep overtakes us, it's a three star place but then again for the foreseeable future my days of staying in five star accommodation are on hold.

We get out of the car and I head to the trunk to get my designing stuff which consists of a large drawing pad, a pencil case which holds various pencils both coloured and ordinary, and finally various set squares and rulers, we then head into the lobby of the hotel.

Once we are at the desk Mason takes out his gold card and clears his throat to attract the attention of the receptionist, a smartly dressed Akita.

"Good evening sirs and welcome to The Weary Traveller, how may I help you?"

Mason goes into overdrive.

"I would like one of your best double rooms, the use of your function room, and room service please"

The Akita checks his computer screen.

"Ah you're in luck sir, room 121, it boasts Mini bar, balcony which overlooks the bay, colour TV, full Wi-Fi access, and is just a two minute walk from the function room which you can access 24 hours a day, unfortunately the meals for the day are now over, but if you and your companion would like something to eat then let me know and I will be happy to get something sorted out for you, as for breakfast that will be served from 6.30 in the morning and will be available until 10.00am should you prefer that option instead of room service"

Mason hands over his gold card.

"We'll take it, in fact book it out to me for a week as my companion and I are working on the design of a new boat, oh and please keep the fact that I am here a secret, I don't want the press to bother us"

The Akita nods his head and completes the booking.

"Well sirs, since you are staying for the week, you have access to the swimming pool and sauna, as well as the gymnasium. Lunch is served from 12.00 noon until 2.30pm each day, and the evening meal is served between the hours of 5.00pm and 7.00pm, of course the bar is open most of the day should you require a drink, here are the keys to your room and the key to the function room, please enjoy you're stay here with us at The Weary Traveller"

Mason collects the keys and his card and then we head off towards the room. Once we arrive at the door to the room Mason unlocks it with his key and then pushes the door open to reveal a surprisingly spacious and nicely decorated room, in the rooms dim light I can now finally take in the sight of this beautiful Husky, he is not tall by any means, I would say he is probably just dead on six feet tall as opposed to my six and a half feet, his fur is the usual Husky mix of white and grey.

His tail is also straight out of the Husky manual, and curled up over his back, I feel my own tail begin to wag as thoughts and images begin to flow through my mind. I guess the silence has been noticeable to him as he turns to face me.

"Well Tom, don't just stand there, close the door because there is a bit of a draught, and besides, we don't want all the other guests to see two guys getting close, it might just put them off their vacation"

I blush profusely again as I slowly close the door, I know that there is an old saying "Never mix business with pleasure" but at this moment in time I choose to ignore the saying, besides Mason has only talked about getting close and has not mentioned going balls deep, so I guess so far we can still claim that it is business.

I walk towards where Mason is standing and I look around the room. There is one queen sized double bed, a flat screen colour TV hung on the wall opposite the foot of the bed, to the left of the TV there is a desk with a mirror and a hub with all of the connections for laptops and phones and stuff, to the right of the TV is a tall fridge that acts as the mini bar. I turn my back towards the Husky and face the door, to the right of which is another door that leads into the bathroom, to the left of the entrance door is a fitted closet area which probably holds the concealed safe and ubiquitous trouser press.

Suddenly there is a gentle paw resting on my shoulder and instantly my nerves begin to show as I give off a slight whimper, the paw though just gently squeezes and caresses my shoulder, that is then followed by the feeling of a Husky body being pressed against my back, Mason's muzzle rests awkwardly on my other shoulder and so I stoop a little to make it easier for him to rest against me, Mason then whispers into my ear.

"Look Tom, I know that you are more than a little nervous, and I'm not just talking about the fact that you will be designing a multi million pound boat, and I know that we have only just met and all but I want you to know that I am an extremely loyal lover and that I will never ever hurt you, god knows that you have been through enough of that shit in your life, I am prepared to take things at your pace, I have been so lonely for so many years that I want to make things between us work. Now, it's late and I am still a little bit jet lagged, so why don't we get some sleep and then in the morning we can have breakfast and then make a start on the boat design"

In all honesty I had never even thought about having a relationship with Mason, I guess you could say that I was thinking that it was probably just a casual thing, you know the kind, when he comes over to see how the build is going, we fuck, I show him the progress of the build and then he is back on the plane back to the States.

We both remove the top layers of our clothing and are now clad in just our boxers, we both climb into bed and then snuggle up together. I pull the bed covers over us and within seconds we are both taken by sleep.

The morning sun shines through the hotel room window and I slowly wake up to the sight of a Husky muzzle just centimetres from my own, I tentatively lick over Mason's muzzle which has the affect of waking him up.

"Morning Mr. Horn Dog Howard, does your tongue like what it tastes?"

A weak but happy smile garnishes my own muzzle as I make my reply.

"I have to tell you Mason, this is the happiest that I have been in quite a while..."

Mason catches on to the fact that I want to say more.

"There is a but in there somewhere, I can just feel it"

I sigh a little and gently nod my head.

"I'm just afraid Mason that if you and I go into a relationship, that I will only get to be with you when you come back over here to check up on the progress of your boat, and I don't think I'm going to do too well with that"

Mason's paw gently rubs the bulge in my boxers.

"Sweetheart, I want us to become mated, I know at the moment I am based in the States, but that will soon be changed, you see DeLuth Racing uses engines from UK suppliers for all of its race cars and I was just looking for the right excuse to move the team to a new base here in the UK, babe you are that excuse, DeLuth Racing will be relocating to the town of Tarrant, that way we will be with each other everyday"

I murr softly as Mason's paw gives a gentle squeeze of my package, and I can only hope that he is a Husky of his word, because right now all I want to do is fuck this beautiful guys brains out.

Howard's Way (3)

# **_Howard's Way (3)_** ## _By Wolfie Steel_ _ _ Mason and I get back into our clothes and head down to the hotel restaurant for our breakfast, a young female Dalmatian takes us to our allotted table and then waits while we decide what to have for...

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Howard's Way (1)

# **_Howard's Way (1)_** ## _By Wolfie Steel_ _ _ In a rundown shack that is situated in a boat building yard, a tall Doberman stands looking out of a window while rubbing his temples with his paw. "You know Jack there was once a time when the team...

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Never Judge A Jock By His Cover (2)

**_Never Judge A Jock By His Cover (2)_** **_By: Wolfie Steel._** I drive Max back to his home, as I pull up in front of the house I notice one of our trucks parked just across the street which undoubtedly has a shift of two guys watching the...

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