Highschool Secrets pt 2

Story by Frank Foxx on SoFurry

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#2 of Highschool Secrets

The next morning it was Saturday and I woke up next to Brian. He looked so cute with eyes closed and that smile on his face. I slowly got up out of bed so I wouldn't wake him up. I yawned and rubbed the eye crust from my eye. I walked over to the window and looked out side to see his parents car in the drive way.

"Oh shit." I said quietly

I walked over to the bed(still but naked) and woke up Brian. It took a few shooks to wake him. Then he awoke rubbing his eyes. When he was done rubbing his eyes he bent over to lick my balls for no apparent reason.

"Hey honey morning. What's wrong?"

"Your parents are home already."

"What! They are?"

"Yea I thought you said they won't be home until noon today?"

"I..I thought they were but maybe they left early."

"How am I suppose to get home with out your parents suspecting something."

"I..I don't Know.....wait I think I know."


"I got a rope ladder in my closet you can use to get to the ground and to your car to get home."

"Ah great idea I'll get dressed."

"Yea you do that."

Knock Knock was the sound at the door. "Hey pig brain is there someone in there with you?" It was his little sister.

"Ah no there isn't I was just talking to myself."

Then I heard foot steps then a door shut I was relieved that was really close. Brian had a phew face as well. I continued to put my clothes back on and Brian keep looking in his closet for the ladder.

"Found it!"

"Good now let me just...ooff...ouch...there got my pants."

"Are you ok Nick?"

"Yea just a little butt sore that's all."

Brian threw the ladder out the window, the ladder was the perfect length from his window to the driveway on the left side of the house.

"Hurry home ok. Call me once you get there."

"Don't worry I'll call you once I get out of the shower cause I think I need one."

"Only a little of course to me, even if you're covered in trash I still wouldn't mind."

I went out the window onto the ladder, I said bye to Brian by kissing him on the nose, which he liked, I then slid down the ladder got to my car. I waved back to Brain which was leaning out the window still nude but he didn't lean out enough for anyone to see his shealth.

I got in my car turned the key turned the radio on classic rock. Drove out from the back of the house trying not to make much noise.


Later at home I drove into my spot in front of the house and quietly walked in so my parents wouldn't wake up cause they are very cranky when they are woken. I tip toed up the stairs to the 2nd floor then the next set of stairs to my room. I opened my dresser and got out one of my many different colored clothes, I got out my orange shirt about the same color as my fur as long with my average jeans shoes and underwear.

I went back down my stairs to get in the shower but first I got a lime green towel from the hallway dresser. Lifted it over my shoulder walked in the bathroom dropped my clothes and the towel on the rack we had from them. I took off my lothes that still smelled like the sex me and Brain had last night. I looked in one of the two mirrors we had(this one I looked in was the full body one) I checked myself all over just feeling myself prtending it was Brian doing that. I feel so happy around him. I turned the water on put it to the right tmperature and stepped in. I grabbed my full body shampoo and conditioner and started to rub it all over my body starting at my head fur.

When I reached my shealth I started to murr a little. Then I looked down I was hard, so I started to rub my cock very softly as I began to moan until I heard a door slam shut and then a knock on the bathroom door came.

"Hey Buddy are you almost done in there?"

"Yea just a sec I still need to brush my teeth."

I turned off the shower with a frown on my face cause I was gonna masturbate with the thought of my new boyfriend. I stepped out of the shower brush my teeth wrapped the towel around myself and stepped out of the bathroom. My dad just bushed by me and quickly slamed the door and shortly after I heard some farts so I just turned around with a "ewww" face on and went up to my room.

I dropped my towel either though I had no door but stairs it wouldn't matter cause my father doesn't look up to my room ever unless he needs something which is rare. I grabbed my brush and fixed my head and body fur to my everyday look. Put my clothes on grabbed my cell to call Brian.

"Hello Brian I finally got out of the shower but the whole time I was thinking about you and last night."

"Oh you were? I was thinking you would forget to call."

"C'mon now why would I forget to call my new boyfriend."

"Really Im your boyfriend?"

"Yea of course you are."

"Nick don't forget to call Ryan about us ok."

"I won't I promise but even when i do act as you normal did around him he's straight but just don't kiss me in front of him cause I've known him longer and he'll be unconvertable around it."

"You got it."

"Ok I'll talk to you on Monday ok."

"Ok bye love.


For the rest of that weekend I just watched tv and play my madden 08 on my Xbox360. I didn't really want to tell Ryan over the phone so I decided to tell Brian Im gonna tell Ryan during gym while Brian will be at the his doctor's appointment.


The next monday at school while the three of us were in the first 4 classes of ours Brian keep giving me a hint to tell Ryan. But at lunch I told him that I'll tell him after lunch when he's at his appiontment. He was still disapionted in me for not calling him last weekend.

Later after lunch during gym and Brian was at his appiontment. The teacher told us that we were running the mile today so that means I can talk to him while jogging along him. He looked so sexy in his blue t-shirt and black sports pants, I was wearing a red t-shirt and sports pants. We started to jog and after about half way through the first lap out of four I started to tell him a little bit at a time.

"Uh Ryan do you hate gays?"

"Hate gays? Don't you remember? I'm in the Gay Straight Alliance in this school."

"Oh yea that's right you are."

"Listen I have something I have to tell you....I'm gay."

"Really man I thought you were straight I mean you had sex with a girl last year."

"Yea back then the girl was cute but I didn'y find the boobs of the vagina very sexy much at all."

"Well since you're gay I'll execpt for who you are."

"Thanks Ryan."

"No problem. Hey do you want to come over to my house after school my parents are away for 2 days?"

"Yea. How's right after school?"

"That's fine on one condition."

"What's that?"

"You let me ride in your car."

"Ok, sure."

After school I ran out to my car and got in. I waited for two minutes until Ryan came out. It was only about 77 degrees out side an average day in May around here. It took us a little longer to get home cause I got stuck behind some jack-ass mother fucker of a old man who drove at 12mph on a 30mph rode. But finally we got to his house, and it tokk us twice as long cause of that grandpa.

I stepped into his house, it was only a biy bigger than an average middle class house. The living room was the biggest room in the house and all we did was watch tv. I cuddled up to Ryan he just looked down.

"I'm sorry Ryan."

"No go right ahead I don't mind at all I like having your soft head lean on my shoulder."

As I did he put his arm around me and now I was leaning against his big strong chest. He wore a yellow t-shirt, white and black shoes, and dark blue jeans. He didn't have wings but I found that just even more sexy. Then before I knew it I was kissing Ryan I struggled only a little, just enough to break it.

"Ryan I didn't know you were gay too."

"Yea and I had a crush on you for two years now I just wanna be with you."

"I had a crush on you too but.....whoa what are you doing?"

"Undoing your pants I thought you wouldn't mind if we did each other?"

"Accually do I'm not ready for anal sex with a bigger then me male."

"Oh ok" he had a sad face so I just thought hey what would something oral hurt.

"Hey Ryan can we suck each other off at the same time?"

"You mean a 69?"

"Yea. Do you mind?"

"Not at all I've been waiting for this moment for years."

Ryan had a raelly happy face like that he just won the lottery. I was still thinking that I was about to cheat on my new boyfriend. But as soon as he took off those pants of his I lost care cause he was so sexy I couldn't bare it. Beside how much could it hurt just to have oral sex?

I just staired in aw at his nude sexy body. His chest, arms, legs, everything was just so musclely it was like stairing at a god. He slowly walked over to me and took my shirt off, I was still in the aw of his body but when he undid my zipper I snapped back to realality. I motioned him off me before he could pull down my briefs then I got down to his knee level and kissed him in a passionate lip lock.

After the kiss I push him onto the couch, quickly pulled down my underpants and kissed him again. We spent three minutes of nude kissing on the couch in his living, luckily the blinds were down or I wouldn't of been able to do it with him.

Ryan turned my body around so his cock would be in my face and mine in his. He started to suck me off first, his muzzle felt soooo good. The way his tounge just slide up and down my shaft as he bobbed his head. I looked at his cock it was so big I didn't I could fit the whole thing in my mouth, the oder coming from the cock wasn't a bad one it made me feel really aroused. I started then to suck him off, and I was right I couldn't fit the whole thing in my muzzle I could only fit a little bit more then half.

We both sucked each other for which felt like an hour until when I started to as well play with his big dragon balls which I let go between my paw fingers. I felt him moan on my cock really loud, then his ball rose up and sortly after shot a huge loudof his hot dragon seed into my muzzle. As I was swallowing I shot into his muzzle as well but he swallowed my cum with ease. I chocked a lot on his, there was just plan to much for me to swallow. I tried to swallow it all.

"Cough cough cough"

"Hey hey my little foxy don't chock you self here, let me get the rest of that cum of of you."

"Thanks *cough* man."

"No problem." As he saif as he was licking is own cum off my head fur, check, and my chest.

"Hey Ryan tomorrow at school would you act as you normally would around Brian I don't think he'll be convertable if you start to kiss me in front of him. I know he dosen't hate gays but he'll still feel weird, alittle." More like a lot I said in my head.

We both yawned and fell over at the same time. Ryan was all snugged up behind me with a big smile on his muzzle. I on the other was smile as well but inside I was thinking of my OTHER boyfriend aww man what am gonna do?

P.S. please don't forget to be honest of what you thought of this chapter and please give an honest vote as well. Thank You.

Highschool Secrets pt 3

Riiinnngg the bell of the school rang us out of first period. All three of us went to Ryan's locker before we began our way to the next class. Ryan reached into his locker the get the right book for the upcoming class. Brian on the other hand was...

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Highschool Secrets pt 1

The morning clock rang and I slowly lifted my head off of my pillow to pound on the clock to make it stop. I was cursing at and it took about a minute for it to stop. I sat up to stretch and I stood up to go to the bathrrom to take a shower. All I did...

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