The Park of Mirari: Chapter 6

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Welcome to the sixth chapter of the Park of Mirari, where the Looper is ridden, the party is surprised, and more transformation occurs. For those of you that are enjoying this, and those of you that aren't, I should tell you that the story will be completely in 4 more chapters, 5 at the most. So, for those of you that enjoy it, sorry that it's ending soon, for those that aren't, you'll get your usual shorter things again soon.

Hope you enjoy, comment if you can; really would like some feedback here.

Chapter 6: Riding the Looper

As Cari stared down at Jeremiah's new body, David turned his head to the Golden Tower in the distance, past the tracks of the Looper on the other side of the square. He wasn't sure if he was seeing things, but he at least thought that there was someone on top of the Tower's roof.

It disappeared quickly, of course, but if he wasn't seeing things, that must have been Rannoi. Back at home, back at the top of the Park of Mirari, looking over all the happenings. Probably planning how he would be screwing with them next; that would fit with what they knew with the guy.

As angry as he was at the feeling of helplessness, he was almost equally hopeless. They'd just lost Jeremiah, had just seen him turned into a pocket-watch; all of them had lost at least part of their human forms, and had become something else completely, something that was...well, not entirely inhuman, but definitely something other than human. And they'd lost their human forms in the space of seconds, each transformation taking a little more away from them and leaving something else, something very, very wrong behind in its place.

And David knew that it was only going to get worse. Even with only two transformations, he could feel the hunger for more building inside. He knew that the Transformed still in the moat were just waiting for a chance to get them, for Bailey to turn away and stop scaring them off. The moment that they weren't paying attention, the Transformed would pounce, would try and spread their corruption again.

He still remembered how it felt to have the panther in his mouth, how it felt to have his lips forced open by that thick cock, how the barbs scraped gently against the top of his tongue and how the pre leaking from it burned on his lips and down his throat. Most of all, he remembered how it made him crave more, how he'd stopped resisting seconds after he started tasting the pre. And as dangerous as they were, he knew that any taste would push him to surrender again.

"Why are we even trying?" David muttered, looking down at the ground. His toes wiggled slightly, and each tug of the webbing reminded him of his own transformation, his 'punishment' for going on the ride.

The goblet from the ride was still in his arms, and he looked at it absently. "One clover man down. Is that how it's going to be all the way through it?" he asked. "Is there any real chance?"

"Of course there is." The end of a wing pressed against his arm, and he turned his head, looking into Ashley's eyes. She smiled, her feathers curling lightly around his wrist. "We can still get out of here; we can make it."

"What about the Transformed? What about Jeremiah?" He pointed towards the watch, how Cari was only just holding herself back from tears. He shook his head. "Hell, what about all of us? How do I know that any of us can really stand up to the Transformed anymore?"

"What do you mean?" she asked, her smile faltering slightly.

"I saw how you and Bailey were looking at each other; I saw how you were wanting to keep Adam outside while the rest of us went chasing that clover mark." David looked pointedly down at her chest. "Tight shirts tell a lot about girls, just like tight pants tells about guys.

"But I didn't have to see that. I saw the look in your eyes," he said. "I saw how you were wanting him, and how he wanted you back. You were all too eager to just stop thinking about everything going on around you, just for the sake of sex. And that's just between the two of you. Who knows how you'd react if some of the Transformed actually tried to get you to do things with them? I bet you'd get on your knees and -"

Her kick wasn't as strong as it might have been while she was still human, but a kick to the shin was a kick to the shin, whether it came from a human or a human-bird hybrid. Doubling over and grabbing his leg, David hopped around on one foot as Ashley glared at him, shaking her head. "That's too far, David! WAY too far."

"It's just the -"

"We're not just bending over and begging for a fucking right now, are we?" she asked. She pointed towards the moat. "Do you see me going into the moat, taking off my skirt and asking them to just shove it in me? Do you see Bailey doing anything other than throwing them back?"

Grunting, he shook his head. Rubbing his leg, he opened his mouth.

"No, you don't," Ashley interrupted. She pressed her wings against his arms, holding him with pressure since she couldn't grip him anymore. "Look at me, David. Look at me." She pulled him in close, until they were almost nose to nose. "We've been friends for years; you have trusted me with all your secrets, all your life. You remember how I was the first person that knew you were gay?"

He blushed, nodding.

"Do you remember how I was the first person that you were comfortable with talking about your problems at home? About all the things that your family was telling you, accusing you of?"

"Well...yeah..." he muttered, looking down at the ground. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Adam getting hit on the head with another sign, grabbing it and waving it around, but he kept his attention on Ashley. "It's just -"

"I might look like a bird right now, but I'm still that Ashley; I might want to have more fun now, I might be more open-minded, but I'm still that Ashley." She shook her head at him, holding him close. Her eyes were wet, just on the verge of tears. "Do these feathers make that much of a difference? Do they really take away all those years of trust?"

Two signs were waving around in the background now, back and forth, but this was more important. David shook his head. " it doesn't...It's just-"

"David." She took a deep breath, looking him in the eyes again. "I know that it's hard...but don't give up. We can get out of here. We just need to be careful." She nodded her head at Adam without taking her eyes from his. "Adam can find them. Even if he can't talk, he can still tell us where they are. We just need to find those last five pieces, and we can get out of here. Maybe we can even find scientists that can fix us up, and if we can't..." She blushed a bit. "Well, if we can't, is it really that bad? We were all freaks already; why not be real freaks for a change instead of just hiding it on the inside?"

"I...I guess you have a point." David lowered his eyes, but she brought his gaze right back up, tilting her head in a way that asked for a better answer. "Alright...alright, you have a point. I'll...I'll try."

"That's better." She patted his shoulder lightly before letting go.

Then she turned to Adam, the little smile on her face shifting to anger in the space of a millisecond. "Now what the hell"

"Ohhhhhh shit," David muttered, staring at the pile of signs that had fallen at the side of the cartoon coyote, as well as the huge one that he held up with both hands.


Fighting the oddness of seeing Wile E. Coyote signs with swearing on them, David turned his head towards the entrance of the square, where they'd come in. He couldn't see any Transformed yet, but in this darkness, that meant nothing. However, the sound of many footsteps, stomps, and the roars of animals were enough to confirm that they were coming, and they were coming fast.

Those in the moat reacted to the sound of their brethren, stirring up the water faster and pulling themselves up a bit. Not enough to directly threaten Bailey - they weren't that stupid - but they were ready for the moment that opportunity presented itself.

The ground route was blocked off, and hiding in the ride would be stupid even if it were possible. Not only would the creatures be able to surround it, blocking off any attempt to escape, they would just get another violation penalty, and lose even more of their humanity, what little of it was left. The other rides would only be worse, because they were all out in the open, with no place to hide.

That left only one way out, no matter how much David wished otherwise.

Groaning, he broke out in a run towards the roller coaster. "Come on! This is the only way out!" he shouted, his arms pumping and his legs almost kicking him forward off of the ground.

The pavement was warm beneath his feet, just enough for him to feel it and get a little comfort out of it rather than enough for him to be burned by it. It was a good feeling, but a distracting one, almost causing him to stumble as he ran past the furrow that the catapulted boulder had left earlier. He blushed at how easily he'd almost been knocked off his feet, resolving to pay more attention from now on.

Looking back, he saw that the rest of the group had broken out in a run behind him. Despite having started last, Adam was rapidly overtaking all of them, rushing past David only a few seconds into the run. Bailey took up the rear, his great bulk holding him back, but still managing to keep up, while the rest of them fell between David and the big man.

The roars in the distance were suddenly joined by more that were much closer, the Transformed in the moat leaping after them the minute that their backs were turned. They yowled and roared, and the sounds of their footsteps and claws on the pavement provided a rumbling staccato marching beat for their advance. Bailey grunted, and a second later three quick yips filled the air, pained and quickly cut off.

David didn't dare look back longer as they reached the stairs for the Looper, rushing up the steps as fast as he could. He felt his toe ram into one of the stone steps, but only barely felt it, more intent on moving onwards and upwards as fast as possible. Adrenaline muted the pain for now, and that's all he needed.

He shoved himself over the dividing metal fence between the lines and the dock for the roller coaster, his tail scraping on top of the metal posts enough for him to wince. Landing hard on the metal platform on the other side, he ran over to where Adam stood next to the controls. "Think you can get this running in the next few seconds?" David asked.

The coyote held up a hand, a sign falling into it. "If you don't bug me."

"Alright." He turned to the rest, watching Cari get thrown over the wall by Bailey, and how Ashley climbed over on her own, her feet curling around the fence and giving her a better grip to lift herself up. "Bailey, can you hold them off for a bit?"

"These little guys? Easy, long as they don't get any-" The big man grunted as an orca grabbed him by one of his back spikes. "Hey, no grabbing the spikes, man! That ain't cool!"

As Bailey reared back and punched the orca in the gut, followed by the chin, David pointed the others to the coaster. "Get in, get in!" he shouted.

"But what about-"

"Rule one's better than a gang-bang right now!" he said. "Get in. Girls in back, me and Adam in the front, Bailey in the middle. Go!"

The girls got in as quick as they could, and David turned away as they started strapping themselves in. "Got it ready?"

"Yeah, get Stud Boy in here," the sign said.

"Stud Boy?" David asked, blinking.

The next sign came up slightly red, matching the blush on the coyote's cheeks. "Stud know, for all the spikes...and the...BIG 'spike'..."

Rolling his eyes at the way that the changes were even working on Adam's signs, David whistled towards his friend. "Come on, Bailey, time to go! The ride's leaving!" he shouted, running towards the pod that he'd picked for himself. He leaped into it, sliding across the seat to make room for Adam.

As Adam jumped in and he pulled the seatbelt down, Bailey provided his own entrance. Crashing through the fence with a heave of his shoulders, he charged across the roller coaster dock. The Transformed chased after him, but after he kicked one back, they kept their distance.

They wouldn't stay back for long, though. Off in the distance, David could see the swarm coming. "Get in, get in, get in!" he shouted.

"I'm in, I'm in!" Bailey called back.

Just as the big guy shoved the restraint bar down, the Looper beeped. In less than a second, the piece of metal suddenly zoomed forward, kicking itself out of its dock with a burst of speed that felt like it was going to snap David's head off. It knocked his head back hard enough to make him look straight up, and his back was solidly pressed against the seat behind him, holding him down and in his seat far more effectively than any seatbelt might have done.

As they lifted higher and higher along the framework of the coaster, David let out a sigh of relief. The Transformed had no way to get this high, he was sure; even if they had winged creatures among their ranks, he doubted that they could really fly, not high enough to be able to get their little group. They'd have to follow on the ground, and considering how fast Looper was already moving them, he doubted that they'd be able to catch up before they had a chance to hide.

He turned his head as much as the g-forces would allow, looking at his fellow passenger. "Thanks, Adam. Good thing you were able to get it going so fast." Hurriedly, he held up his hand. "Don't say anything; the sign will break off and hit Bailey, and even he would have something to say about that," he pointed out.

Looking back at the massive monster of a man behind them, Adam nodded his head understandingly. His movements seemed a little easier, less trained that David's, despite that thin neck of his that shouldn't have held any muscle at all. Maybe there were a few advantages to the transformation process after all.

That thought made him want to slap himself, but he had to settle for groaning. It was stupid to think of any part of this as good; fun as it was, it was only going to make it harder to escape, harder to get things back to normal. Even if...even if normal was boring, he shouldn't be thinking of how to get away from it. He should be thinking of how to maintain it, even if his body craved being changed more and more.

Staring up at the darkness, he tried to let himself enjoy the ride, let his thoughts drift away on the ups and downs of the roller coaster.

It was a good coaster, that much was for sure. The cars moved along fast and smooth, the frame not shaking the way that a wooden one or an older metal one would have. There wasn't even the rattling of some of the more modern ones that had the really violent tracks, even though the cars were being tugged this way and that by the weird design of the frame. That wasn't to say that he didn't feel the way that the sudden turns tugged him one direction, then the other, but he didn't feel the same grinding underneath him that he felt on other roller coasters in other places.

Well, one thing was for sure; no matter how ridiculous and powerful and perhaps evil Rannoi and Mirari were, at least they knew how to make a fun roller coaster.

David almost reached the point of trying to throw his arms up in the air when he felt something very different, and very wrong. Beneath him, he felt something blunt pushing its way out of his seat. The look on Adam's face told him that he felt something weird too.

The g-forces of the ride were too much for him to be able to look down and see what it was, and worse, they were too strong for him to be able to pull away from the seat enough to look. He shuddered as the pressure got worse and worse, pressing against the back of his pants, just at the right point for it to push his pants between his butt cheeks. The pressure behind it got stronger and stronger, pressing his pants so hard against his rear that he felt like his jeans were getting to be skin tight. He could even feel some sort of moisture coming off of the stiff thing, making the backs of his jeans wet with it, and he blushed at the way that it almost felt like being ground against by a horny guy, fighting the feeling of pleasure that his current level of transformation was filling him with.

Suddenly, his jeans ripped. His eyes went wide as the blunt thing shoved its way through his clothes, momentarily feeling it pressing against his hole before it extended enough to shove right in. Not even the slightest slow slid, just one brutal thrust, ramming what felt like a foot of solid, rigid material right up his hole.

The yelps from all over the coaster told him that everyone else had suffered the same fate. He didn't know about Adam, nor about Ashley and Cari, but he was sure that this was particularly painful and degrading for Bailey. That man was a top if ever there was one, and David doubted that he had any experience with getting something up the ass. At least he'd had a little bit of play back there, giving him a little experience so it didn't feel like his ass was being ripped open. Instead, it just felt like he was being shoved open, discomfort, but not much pain.

He couldn't see the shape, nor could he get much in the way of details from how it felt in his ass. The most he could figure out was that the tip of it was flat, like the top of a cylinder, and that it was maybe a little wider than the rest of the shaft. Thankfully, it was completely coated in some sort of liquid, making it slick - not to mention warm - inside of him.

" this?" David grunted as he squirmed, shifting his weight side to side in a futile effort to get off of the thing. He felt the smooth sides of the cylinder rubbing between his ass cheeks, leaving little streams of goo along it, slick and just as warm as the stuff inside of him. He fought the desire to moan at the feeling, shaking his head as he tried to dismiss it.

It didn't help that Adam was as hard as a rock next to him. With his head forced to the side, looking at the transforming coyote, he could see just how hard his friend was. The remnants of Adam's jeans were sagging around the legs, falling flat around them as those got thinner, but at the groin...

At the groin, the coyote was getting ridiculously big. David's eyes went wide at the growing bulge that was developing, watching as it pushed the zipper and the waistband further and further out from his body. Not just long, but thick - he doubted that he could have covered it with less than three fingers on his hand, if not more - it pushed the jeans further and further out, and considering the rest of the transformations that his friend was going through, David was getting quite an eyeful of what Adam was going to look like.

Little signs the size of a hand appeared and flew back as Adam opened his mouth in silent moans, a long stream of black letters on white blocks spelling 'oooooh' and 'aaaaaah' as they ride went on. His body shifted rapidly, his remaining muscle and stockiness disappearing. His body lost more and more mass, his chest and his hips shrinking inwards rapidly, yet he didn't start to sag forward, nor show any signs of weakness. If anything, he looked stronger, not to mention, well, harder.

David watched as his shirt finally blew off, leaving Adam topless. The way that his body had become almost an exact replica of Wile E. Coyote from the cartoons made his eyes bug out in shock. There was no way that anything living could be that skinny, not and still be able to hold up its own body weight.

Yet, Adam didn't seem to have any problems. No problems, no difficulties. Just pleasure.

The two shades of brown fur moved down his chest from his head to his waist, covering the skinnier frame with the fur to make him look properly coyote, and as it reached his waist, it extended the lean frame down to the hips, making him look like a rail from head to toes, limbs thinned down and little more than pipe-like pieces of his body.

And with the thinness came the realization that Adam was going to be completely naked the moment that he stood up. David blushed at that thought, but he couldn't deny that he was looking forward to seeing his friend walking around with his cock hanging out. Even now, he was stealing glances down at Adam's package, watching it grow bigger and bigger through the increasingly less effective barrier of his jeans, watching the tip of the bulge getting wet with pre. It was even thicker now, about four fingers wide, and still growing longer. He was sure that, even if he pressed his hand against it, from wrist to fingers, he wouldn't be able to cover the whole thing; it was that long.

His growing need to touch it, to feel it, suddenly got shoved to the side as he felt the thing in his ass starting to squirt into his hole. It was something different, something stronger than the simple warm lube that had allowed it into his hole. Instead of that, it was cool. Not cold, but cool, like the feeling of a swimming pool in the height of summer, something that was warmed up by the hot weather but was still cool enough to be refreshing and soothing.

It wasn't water, though; he could tell that right away from the tingles that it was sending through his body. David couldn't stop the next moan that slid from his lips, and more came before he could stop them, escaping his lips as the sudden surge of pleasure that rushed through his body.

He blushed as he felt himself getting hard again. "Not again, not again," he whispered under his breath, even as he felt a smile crossing his lips. His body was enjoying the treatment, even though his brain was telling him not to; no matter what it said, his body was going to enjoy itself, it seemed.

The tingling spread from his ass down to his legs, running down his thighs and into his calves, spreading throughout the entirety of what remained of his human legs. An itch followed, mild but widespread, a mix of a pleasant tickle and an annoying sensation. If his hands hadn't been held above the restraint bar, he would have been reaching down to deal with it, but as it was, he could only wait it out.

Annoyingly, he couldn't see what was happening. Not only because of his head being held to the side, but also because his jeans kept him from seeing what was happening to his legs.

However, he could feel what was happening, and that was strange (fun) enough for him. The more that tingling itch spread through his legs, the warmer that they felt, as though he was getting another layer on top of what was already there, another layer of something to keep it warmth. They went from slightly warm to hot in seconds, and he squirmed, trying to find some relief by rubbing his legs against each other, as if that would help dissipate the heat.

Another squirt through the thing in his ass, and he felt another surge of growth, another tingling change in his legs. They throbbed, burning like he had just gone through a massive workout in the swimming pool, and David groaned as he felt them pulsing, feeling his blood rushing through them, feeling his pulse racing.

At first he thought it was just the sensation of being tired, but with each pulse, he felt something different. His legs seemed...thicker, somehow, with each pulse of heat through his calves and his thighs. Not bigger, but thicker, denser, as though the muscles were getting stronger without getting bigger.

Pulse, throb, clench; pulse, throb, clench; the feelings repeated themselves again and again, and David felt drops of sweat running down his legs as they continued to change. He shuddered and shook, both trying to pull himself off of the thing sending these chemicals through him, and trying to push himself back against it, his body trying to escape and trying to get more.

Each shot of chemicals up his hole only made it more confusing; his body burned with the transformation, almost hurting, but at the same time, the feeling of having something so warm and slick up his hole made him want more. The chemicals themselves made him want more, his body burning almost as hot as his legs felt, but with need instead of with change. His jeans bulged as his cock throbbed, begging to be touched, begging for some release...begging to be changed.

He looked down at Adam, at the way that his big cock was sliding out of the top of the waistband of his too-big jeans. The tip was tapered, slick, wet, looking more like a dog's cock instead of a human's. Yet, despite that, David wanted to reach over and grab it. He wanted to stroke it, lick it, tease it until Adam was ready; he wanted to pull off of the roller coaster and ram that cock up his ass, feel it spreading him open and filling him with coyote pre. The changes would continue, and he'd love every second of it as Adam -

The Looper suddenly hit a loop, throwing them back harder against their seats, and David groaned as the sudden shift in direction did two things at once.

First, it thrust him hard enough back onto the cylinder in his ass to make it grind perfectly against his prostate. The pressure, the feeling of the change, and his own hyper arousal contributed to a powerful orgasm. His mouth opened in a loud moan of pleasure as he came in his pants, squirting a load of cum all over his underwear. The slimy feeling of his cum smeared all over his cock made him shudder in even more pleasure, and he whimpered with the need to reach down and touch himself more, wanting to make the orgasm last longer, make it even better.

The second thing took a little longer, but had settled in by the time that his orgasm was over. The jolt from the orgasm and the sudden loop shocked him out of his thoughts of sex, and he blushed at how much he had been tempted, how much he wanted to act like he had accused Bailey and Ashley of wanting to act. It was wrong, so very wrong; he had to get a handle on this before it was too late.

Biting his tongue and his lips, switching between them, David managed to bring himself back to something resembling a normal, less aroused state of mind as the roller coaster started to slow down. Shivering at the thought of how close he'd come to being just a sex-obsessed nut, he slapped himself on the cheeks a few times as the restraint bar came up, and unbuckled himself in a hurry before climbing over Adam to get out of the coaster. He didn't even care that the coyote would get a good look at his bare ass due to the hole in his jeans; he just wanted to get off of that thing before it tempted him further.

"I'll be right back, guys," he said in a hurry, ducking behind one of the big metal pylons that decorated this particular docking station for the Looper. He made sure that they wouldn't be able to see him, then dropped his pants to look at what had happened to him.

It was both amazing and frightening at the same time. The only parts of him below the waist that still looked human were his cock and balls, and both of them were just a little bigger than he remembered them being. Neither of them were fuzzy yet, but his balls looked almost an inch bigger across, and his cock hung at least that much longer, dangling over his balls and wet and shiny from his climax on the roller coaster.

The rest of his lower body had been changed. His legs were completely covered with fur, all the way from where they joined his pelvis down to his furry feet. Not only that, but they had gotten slightly leaner, though no less muscled. For that matter, they might have gotten more muscled, somehow. David reached down, running his hand over his leg, and was amazed at the solid feeling of muscle beneath it. There was absolutely no give to the tissue, and he wasn't even flexing at the moment. What might it be like, he wondered, if he really tested the muscle?

Debating whether he should, he decided against it. He'd seen bodybuilders rip through clothes by flexing, and while he knew that Adam would be walking around with everything hanging out, he didn't think that all of them needed to do that. At least, not for now; it seemed a little excessive, and it would make it harder-...more difficult to concentrate on the task at hand.

Still...this much change was amazing, even if it was disconcerting. He wondered just how well he'd be able to swim with muscles like this. He knew that he'd be able run longer now if he needed to, but swimming had always been his forte. What would it be like to do that now, with better muscles, natural feet for better thrust, and a rudder that would help him swim more agilely than -


He smacked himself on the back of the head, groaning. "Gah...gotta stop thinking about it. I need to stay human, as human as possible," David muttered to himself. "We all do."

Collecting his thoughts, he walked back around the pylon to see how the others were doing.

He froze in mid-step, his jaw dropping at the sights of the various transformations everyone had gone through. Apparently he'd gotten off lightly, in terms of what the transformation had done to him compared to the others in the group.

Adam, obviously, had become the exact copy of the Wile E. Coyote, complete with nudity, and with the extra of having a visible cock. Either he hadn't cum on the roller coaster ride, or he hadn't gone down yet, because a large black cock stuck out of a swelled sheath, dripping with pre-cum and leaking down onto the dock below. Two low hanging, furry balls dangled below the cock, both of them big enough to make David wonder if he could even walk with something like that.

He stared long enough that Adam actually held up a sign. "Please...please don't stare," the sign said.

"Sorry," David said, looking away with a blush, trying to ignore the urges he was feeling.

"Not bad to look." The coyote threw that sign away as another appeared. "Just makes me want to do things." Thrown, and a new sign. "REALLY confusing."

"You think you're confused? I think I might be the most confused."

"What do you mean, Car- oh my GOD!" David shouted, his eyes going wide as he turned to Cari. "Uh...was that...that thing...always there?" he said, pointing down.

Cari shook her head with a bright red blush on her face, the red extending down her new, thin muzzle as she clumsily tried to cover her new sheath and balls. " popped up - came in - during the roller coaster ride," she...he said. "It's really confusing...making me think so much about this how you feel all the time?"

"...Proooobably?" David said slowly, pulling his eyes away from Cari's crotch to look at his face.

"Oh dear...this is going to be a long...hard...gah! I can't think with this thing up!" Cari cried, shaking his head.

It was strange looking at Cari as a male now; he'd been a female in David's eyes for so long that it just seemed fundamentally wrong to see him this way. He wanted to say 'her', wanted to think 'her' but it just didn't fit anymore, yet he couldn't say 'him' very easily either.

The changes Cari had gone through weren't limited to gaining a cock and balls - and a very handsome set, too, he thought before he blocked that thought off - though they were the most obvious change. A muzzle of gray and black had sprouted from his face, pushed out to the point of being full sized. A kind of cute black fur mask had grown over Cari's eyes as well, giving him the famous bandit look of a raccoon. The other changes hadn't spread so far yet, but he did have fur running along the sides of his head, and his ears had slid up to the top of his head, drooping at the moment from Cari's mood.

But just as he was getting used to looking at Cari, he turned his head to see another shock, seeing what had happened to Bailey.

The big guy no longer had that stretched look to his skin, no longer had his back bulging outwards and making him hunch forward as though some mysterious weight was holding him down.

That was because the skin was gone. Bailey's former perfect tan was gone, replaced by yellow skin and a big green shell that hung on his back. It stretched around him, forming something similar to a suit of armor effect around his stomach and chest, where it turned white, kind of like a turtle's shell, David thought. The spikes were attached directly to the back of the shell, and instead of looking ridiculous, it kind of made him look intimidating.

The bit of hair that Bailey had left had puffed up into a mohawk of sorts on top of his head, turning red at the same time. The same color had spread to his eyebrows, puffing them up and making them thicker, larger over his face. The effect was familiar, and David shuddered at the implications of just how much power Rannoi must have to pull off a transformation like this.

"There any mirrors around here?" Bailey asked. "I want to see if I look like I think I do."

"How do you think you look?" David asked warily.

"Like Bowser."

"Well, you're getting don't have his feet yet, I don't think, and your face still looks like yours, for the most...the most part," David said, looking up at the red hair. It was so very weird to see it like that, and he had to rip his eyes away from it to stop thinking about it.

Of course, looking away from Bailey brought him face to beak with Ashley, and of all the people in the group, she looked the most startlingly different.

Her face was covered with feathers, and her upper body seemed to have been completely converted to the bird-human shape she was becoming. Either her top had been lost in the ride, or she'd tossed it, because she had no clothes on from the waist up, and her feathery breasts were prominently on display. She didn't have the slightest blush about it either, almost flaunting her new body as she walked around. Her hips were a bit wider, as if she had grown more to entice men - or at least the straighter of men - towards her, and despite having a beak instead of lips now, she still had the ability to smile and smirk.

She walked over to him, patting him on the arm and chuckling. "Heh, don't look so surprised, David; that was a ride, you know. Do you really think that's not going to change us a bit?" she asked.

"Yeah, but..." He looked at her, gulping slightly. Stay down, dick, stay down, he told himself. Must be the need to transform, he thought, as this kind of thing had never attracted him before. "But this is a lot of transformation for one thing. I mean, what else human do you have left?" he asked.

"Heh, I could show you, but I don't think you want me to take the rest of my clothes off, do you?" she asked, lifting a feathered eyebrow teasingly.

"No, no, I'm good with not knowing," David insisted, holding up his hands as he backed off, even as his body insisted that he really was curious.

He looked over the group. They'd been changed so much, to the point where only Bailey was still somewhat recognizable as his former self, and that was more through his sheer bulk being a little close to Bowser than any other real reason. How much more would they transform before they were done? Would any of them still be able to turn back, or want to leave, by the time that they found the other clover marks?

"Adam?" David said, turning back to the coyote. He blushed, looking up to the sky as he saw that Adam was rubbing himself. "Adam, um...the scanner? Where do we go next?" he asked.

"Sorry," a quick sign said, slightly red as though blushing. Turning back to the car for a moment, Adam rummaged around through his jeans, picking through his pockets with his furry butt in the air. David didn't really feel any temptation with that, but he did see Bailey eyeing Adam's rear somewhat.

Thankfully nothing happened as Adam pulled out the scanner, and the familiar beep beep beep sound filled the area. David walked over to one end of the dock, keeping an eye on the paths leading towards them, watching for any of the Transformed. He doubted they'd be anywhere near, but it was better to keep an eye out for them.

As he watched, he heard the thunderous sounds of Bailey's steps, crashing down on the metal platform, followed by a back slap that nearly knocked him over the railing from the force of it.

Recovering from that, he looked up at his friend. "Still having those temptations?" he asked Bailey.

"What, the ones about sticking something in your mouth, or your other end?" Bailey asked. At David's nod, he chuckled. "Yeah...stronger now, too."

"Does it get..." He didn't know how to ask this. Sighing, he looked down at the ground, feeling the little twinges of arousal in his body trying to get stronger. They weren't succeeding right now, because he'd had such a recent orgasm, but it would get more difficult as time went by he was sure. "Does it get any easier? To ignore them?"

"I don't think so." Bailey shook his head. "I don't see what's wrong with them...but you do, so I'll wait." He smiled, a large yellow hand patting David on the back, and making him smile in return. "Eventually we'll get the chance."

He had no idea why that idea appealed so much, but he nodded in return. "Thanks, Bailey; I really...really appreciate that offer, and your restraint," David said. At least their friendship was still holding for that, he thought to himself, turning his head to look back to Adam. "Got it yet?"

A sign went up again. "Yeah...straight ahead, through the center square, and onto Main Street," it said. "In one of the shops, judging by the distance."

"Well, as long as it's not the sex shop, we're good," David said. He nodded towards the square. "Come on, everyone; let's see if we can find another piece of the puzzle before Rannoi decides we've broken his rules again."

The Park of Mirari: Chapter 7

**Chapter 7: The Shifting Shops** It wasn't a long walk down Main Street to reach the shops, and for a change, there was no danger of being molested by the Transformed. None of them remained near the entrance of the park, according to Adam's scanner,...

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The Park of Mirari: Chapter 5

**Chapter 5: Humanity Lost** The figures above them were just as awe-inspiring now as they had been on the street, though much more frightening. Dripping with musky fluids that fell like rain into the water around their boat - as well as into it, in...

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The Park of Mirari: Chapter 4

**Chapter 4: Bailey and the Clover** With the swarm gone in another direction, they were relatively safe on the streets. Nothing jumped out at them, at least; it seemed that the transformed tended to stick together rather than leave different people...

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