The Bold and the Furry – Who Shot RJ?

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#50 of Hockey Hunk Season 4

Hello, dearies!

It is Friday, and it is time to welcome you all to the world of furry soap opera...which this story has been, literally, for the few past chapters. I've been having a blast with this anniversary special, and I am glad that so many of you have enjoyed it as well. And for those who didn''s ending soon, next week we'll be back to the gentle, domestic drama of the bookshop and its inhabitants, so don't' give up hope - we'll be back soon!

But for those of you who are enjoying this foray, I can promise a few extra fun twists during these final two chapters, and I do hope that I can still manage to pull a few surprises over you! As always, your feedback is appreciated, and I hope that you will enjoy the read, and leave me a comment when you're done reading. All the feedback is always helpful, and it will also help others to find these stories to enjoy as well.

Have a nice read now!

*cue title sequence*


What a nightmare, Rory thought, floating on a gentle cloud of oblivion. He felt warm and his limbs were heavy, but his head contained a lightness that felt surprisingly pleasing. He didn't need to worry, or wonder, or work...just lay back and relax...wipe away all those thoughts...all those stresses...all those all had to be a dream, right? He must have just imagined that he was in his pre-wedding party, arranged by Marge, with furs coming left and right to harass him. Ugh. Shouldn't have had that white wine spritzer with his dinner. Maybe that contributed the especially nightmarish images of Colin Mist-tiger and Nicholas Faye as a woman...ha! That made the call. Dreams. Fuck them. He was fine now. No strange nightmares, no worries...just a gentle squeeze on his arm, and an odd, soft, hissing noise.

"...113 over 55...a bit low, but quite normal..."

_ _

A scratching noise, and tugging on his arm. Get off, Rory thought, reaching with his paw to slap whoever was touching him away.

"And he seems to be waking up!"

_ _

That voice...

Rory opened his eyes and saw eyes looking back to him, hovering nearby, belonging to someone in...a sequined dress, with a feather boa and...and a stethoscope plucked into his ears...



"WHAT!" Rory began to rear up.

"Wow, wow, wow," a paw appeared on his shoulder and pressed down, "calm yourself down, Rory!"

Rory blinked and realized that the image of Nicholas Faye hadn't disappeared anywhere...complete with lipstick, still, and with a paw lifting, hovering in the air and suddenly letting out a beam of light. It made him squint.

"Pupils are equal and reactive..." the lion declared before the light disappeared.

"What the hell?" Rory croaked.



Rory realized that the room was lined with furs, everyone looking at him worriedly, including Victor who was standing nearby, along with Marge, Alex, Cobb, Mason, Haakon, Justin, Nestra and Uncle Jack and Uncle Brock, everyone looking a bit bored as well as curious. Furs in blue uniforms were also present, he noticed, holding red bags. And for some reason he couldn't fathom he was lying on a leather couch with a sequined Nicholas Faye hovering over him, holding a blood pressure cuff in his paw.

"I'm here!" the Doberman stepped close and kneeled by the bed, taking Rory's paw and giving it a squeeze.

"What happened?" Rory asked, frowning as he felt Victor's paw come up and rub his forehead while the other still held his paw.

"Well, you had a bit of a tumble, Rory," Faye cut in as she popped the stethoscope away from her flickers, still smiling broadly, "Victor carried you here. I think you fainted, Rory."

"Fainted?" Rory grumbled.

"It was terrible!" Victor gasped.

"Nothing to worry about, Rory," Faye replied, "All your vitals are very stable, and unless you insist, I don't think these lovely paramedics have to take you to the hospital for further tests. You should just take it easy tonight, and everything will be just fine."

Rory stared at the smiling lady-lion and frowned again.

"No disrespect but who are you to make that judgment...uh..." the lion growled.

"Oh, silly me!" the sequined lion giggled and patted Rory's arm, "you fainted just when we were doing introductions, remember?"

"Uh..." Rory muttered.

"You see," Faye waved the folded-up stethoscope in his paw, "while I was undergoing gender reassignment in Mexico, I also studied medicine at the University of Tabasco. I truly am a Doctor Faye now, eheheheh!"

For a moment Rory's head felt so odd that he wondered whether he was going to faint again, but a further squeeze and eager rubbing paws from Victor seemed to bring him back from the brink.

"Oh, Rory..." the Doberman shook his big head..."should you go to the hospital?"

"No," Rory breathed, "no hospital."

"I agree," Faye murmured softly, now looking at the Doberman," he seems to be just fine to me. Give him a few minutes to rest and he'll be back on his paws!"

"Excellent!" Marge clapped her paws together as she made the declaration. "We've been all standing around here for twenty minutes doing nothing!"

"Hear, hear!" Cobb cheered as he pushed himself next to the small cougar and grabbed her paw. "Shall we dance now, beautiful?"

The cougar purred and made swooning motions as she accepted the Doberman's paw with a flutter of her eyes.

"Oh I thought you'd never ask..."

Everyone in the room began to file out through the doors, seemingly uncaring for the patient now who was attended only by the Doberman kneeling by the couch, the crouching lion, and the two paramedics, who were now packing up their unused gear.

"And now, you!" Faye tapped Rory's nosepad with a not so delicate fingertip, "you take it easy for the next half an hour and stay off the bar, okay? Can't have the groom at anything but his best on his own wedding tomorrow!"

"Oh I'll make sure of that," Victor said, sounding confident," oh, poor Rory..."

"I'm fine," Rory huffed, still feeling self-conscious even if he no longer seemed to be the center of everyone's attention. "Just...felt a bit lightheaded..."

"I knew this party was a bad idea..." Victor grumbled.

"The party is a great idea," Rory replied, giving the Doberman a stern look. "It's just me who's acting up."

"It happens to the best of us!" Faye purred as she jumped onto her paws and walked over to one of the burly paramedics, holding out the blood pressure cuff and the stethoscope to the German Shepherd. "Here you go, darling! You were most helpful boys!"

The two uniformed furs gave incredulous looks at the feather boa-wearing tall wo-man who sashayed past them and then stopped at the door to look at the party boys of the night.

"I must go and see what Alex is up to - I promised to do the rumba with him," the lioness purred before a paw raised in a wave, "toodleloo now, everyone - see you on the dance floor soon, Rory!"

Faye disappeared with a final fluffing of the feather boa, leaving Victor and Rory into relative privacy now.

"I'm sorry, Rory," Victor shook his head. "I hate seeing you like this..."

"Oh, sweetie," Rory patted the Doberman's chin, "I love you."

"Oh I love you too," Victor murmured as he leaned closer to kiss the lion softly on the lips.

"Oh, Victor..."

A few moments of nuzzling followed, after which they simply gazed into each other's eyes. Victor held the lion's paw gently, rubbing it with his thumb while they enjoyed the small moment of peace together.

"Are you sure you feel like you'll manage?" Victor asked. "We can go home if you like."

"No," Rory breathed, squeezing the Dobie's paw, "We must's all about us..."

"But if you're sick..."

"I just fainted," Rory rumbled, "must've been blood sugar or something."

"Oh, Rory..."

"I'm fine," the lion huffed, "I'll just sit here for a while, I can go back to the party, if you like, I'm just fine."

The Doberman's ears jumped.

"I don't want to leave you alone..."

"Please," Rory said, "it'll make me feel better if you go and have fun with the others. I'll join you in fifteen minutes, okay?"

"Well alright," the Doberman grumbled as he stiffly got up to his footpaws again, "but you owe me the next dance."

"I look forward to it," the lion flicked his ear softly.

The Doberman gave the lion a final smile before he too left the library-like room in the wake of the two paramedics muttering to themselves. Rory let out a deep breath and rubbed his face with his paw.


"Quite the reaction back there, Rory."

The lion's ears jumped as he heard the voice speak, his head turning to see the open side door into the room, upon which, the tiger stood, bespectacled, handsome, his brow quirked.



"...when we are far apart...or when you're near me with all of your I love you..."

_ _

"Quite the girl you've got, eh?"

"Ohhh she's something alright," Alex rumbled happily as he was being led along the dance floor by Victor, the Doberman dancing with extra confidence now as they swayed along.

"Indeed..." Victor mumbled as he gave another glance at the sequined lioness singing behind the microphone again.

"Hey, boy!"

Victor's ears perked at the rough bark-like voice coming from his left, and he established eye contact as he swayed along, now to find out that the voice belonged to his uncle Jack, dancing nearby with uncle Brock. The two Dobermans cut a dashing figure in their neat suits and seemed to be having a blast, as least if you judged from their cheerful grins.

"Hehhey, uncles!" Victor greeted the pair as he didn't miss a step.

"Es tu tu cara, es tu pelo...son tus estremezvo...aaaaahhaaahaaa..."

_ _

"Where'd you leave your lion, boy?" Jack Griggs barked at his dancing nephew.

"He's just resting for a bit longer," Victor replied with a smile, "just needs a breather."

"He'll be just fine," Alex giggled, "my wife just checked him out. She's a doctor, you see."

The Doberman squinted in the direction of the feather-boa-wearing lion crooning into the microphone while her paws gestured wildly, and let out a decisive snort.

"Could've sworn..." Jack shook his head.

"Don't swear!" Brock's paw slipped from the Doberman's hip and patted his rump. The Doberman let out a rumble and snapped his teeth, obviously playfully.

_"... when we are far apart...or when you're near me with all of your heart as I love you..." _

_ _


Rory was practically rearing up on the leather couch just as the tiger approach, walking nonchalantly through the well-appointed library of the Admiralty Club, long, striped tail flicking behind him as he took in the furnishings with a keen eye. He seemed almost...almost disinterred in the lion sitting haphazardly on the couch, eyes barely passing over him as he came closer...and Rory's pulse quickened.

"What are you doing here?" Rory breathed.

"The same as you do," the tiger replied, "having a party."

"It's not my party," Rory said.

"Neither it's mine, but I got invited," the tiger replied, his tail swinging more now as he stood by a large antique globe. One paw landed on top of the ornate object, giving a more relaxed air to the man peering at the lion through his glasses.

"Marge..." Rory huffed.

The tiger's clawtips rattled against the globe as he spun it gently, letting his fingers glide from Canada to Siberia in a smooth, soft motion.

"She insisted I come," Colin mused. "Said it'd be good to meet all the furs who are publishing my books."

"But you well knew who'd be here," Rory snapped.

"Of course," the tiger replied in an awfully calm voice. "Or would you have preferred that I told Mrs. Holden that I couldn't come to the party because I had screwed the party boy?"

Rory harrumphed.

"Oh don't be a sourpuss, Rory," the tiger pouted and blew a kiss in the lion's direction, "No need for any of that. Have to say, this was an interesting reaction to my arrival..."

Rory flicked his ears sharply at the tiger.

"It's been a bit of a day," he said. "Meeting Nicholas as Nicola was quite the shock."

"Oh you know her?" the tiger asked flippantly. "Biblically, perhaps, even?"

"I don't think the Bible covers him anymore," Rory replied. "Well...her..."

"Tut tut," the tiger clicked his tongue, "where's the political correctness? We're all a big happy queer family here."

"Why the fuck are you here?" Rory grunted, staring at the tiger from his seated vantage point. "Shouldn't you be out there having a party and mingling with the bosses of BookYES?"

"Aren't I doing that just now?" the tiger shrugged.

"I'm just the marketing director. I sell the company, not the products," Rory rumbled.

"Well consider me a happy buyer, then," the tiger let out a small purr.

"Is that shrill Ms Lopez still your agent?" Rory asked. "I'm surprised she isn't here."

"I fired the bitch. I was starting to get too rich and famous for someone of her caliber to manage," the tiger replied. "So she had to go. To Kabul, hopefully, or somewhere else nice."

"Meow!" Rory snarled.



"Is Rory not here yet?"

Victor sipped from his Martini and glanced at the small woman who had appeared on his side, complete with all her glittering diamonds and a busy tail, eyes sweeping the room.

"Not yet, Marge," the Dobie grumbled, elbow resting against the corner of the small bar he had appropriated for himself, "I think he's still in the library."

"Was he alright when you left him there?" the cougar asked, eyes widening as he regarded the Doberman.

"As fine as you'd expect," Victor huffed. "He didn't seem too pleased, but he was alright."

"Oh..." the cougarette wrung her paws together.

"...I've been to Nice and the Isles of Greece and I've sipped champagne on a yacht..."

_ _

"That show-off," Marge snorted in the direction of the stage where the lioness in sequins still commanded the microphone.


Victor flinched a little as his huge Doberman brother appeared at a breakneck speed, only to barely stop when he reached the bar. Victor could swear that he heard bottles clinking nonetheless.

"Ohhh Marge!" Cobb crooned as he pulled the little woman into the crook of his arm, "I was looking for you all over the place!"

"Just having a little chat with Victor," the cougar replied as she placed a little paw over Cobb's chest and rubbed it.

"Oh, well," the Doberman flashed a smile down to Marge, "I'm really glad I found you, everyone is chasing my tail on the dance floor, I had to come here before they got too touchy feely, heheh!"

"I'm surprised you're not chasing your own tail," Victor noted derisively.

Cobb gave his brother an ugly look and snapped his teeth together.

"Now, now, manners, brother!" the Doberman said.

"Ha!" Victor yelped.

"Oh, please, don't start," Marge glared at both of them in turn. "This party has already seen enough drama as there is."

"We were just talking," Victor replied. "About good manners."

"Which you don't have," Cobb replied indignantly.

Victor put his Martini down to the bar and stood up to his full height, ears flattening.

"Well now - !"

"Oh puffing out like a - "


Marge toppled down to her ass on the floor as the two Dobermans lurched at one another, paws extended, arms swinging and heads ducking to avoid the blows that seemed to be inevitably to be exchanged.




"Do you ever think about us, Rory?" Colin crooned as he stepped closer to the still sitting lion, his paws now loose and relaxed against the tiger's sides.

Rory snorted dismissively.

"Why would I?" he said. "I've got Victor in my life now. He's been there for me, and I'm there for him, and nothing else matters anymore."

"Victor, Victor, Victor," the tiger rumbled, coming even closer now, leaning closer to the seated lion.

Rory's furs bristled. The tiger was too close for comfort, in his personal space now, almost too close...just...why was he leaning and putting a paw on the backrest of the couch...he was starting to feel trapped. His chest tightened.

"What do you want?" the lion breathed hotly.

"One more kiss," the tiger replied, his head tilting even closer, "is that too much to ask?"

His breath caressed the lion's lips, causing them to purse out of surprise at how warm the sensation was. How it made his skin crawl.

"I don't owe anything to you, Colin," Rory mumbled, his eyes darting between the tiger and the door.

"Maybe not..." the tiger's voice was tinged with a purr, "but you can't stop me either..."


"'s just for me..." the tiger purred just as his lips pressed against Rory's.





"YOU FOOLS!" Marge snarled again, showering murderous looks in the directions of both the Holden brothers, Cobb being held back by his two uncles, Victor by the sturdy pair of Mason and Haakon, their paws firmly on the grunting and puffing Doberman's shoulders.

"BUT - "

"NOOO YOU DON'T!" Marge waved a delicate finger in front of Victor's muzzle. "You stop this fucking nonsense right now!"

The cougar swiveled and faced her husband, looking up to him furiously.


The Doberman's ears drooped, and so did his lips, his teeth disappearing now as he simply looked down at the cougar giving him a talking.

"Need to go," Victor muttered.

"You're not going anywhere," Haakon said firmly to the Doberman's ear, "you have to calm down."

"Fuck it," Victor squirmed against the two young men, trying to break free, "need to go and see Rory. Can't handle this shit alone."

"Victor, you shouldn't get so excited!" Mason huffed. "You have to calm down!"

"Let me go!" the Doberman complained. "I want to go to Rory!"


The Doberman broke free from his two hunky captors and stormed across the ballroom, into the lobby and then up the stairs, only hearing the rush of blood in his ears as he sought out the library where his Rory still awaited, Rory, the one who mattered...where was the door...there...

Victor turned the handle and pushed the dark wooden door open, to get a perfect view of the lion sitting on the couch, legs sprawled, with the tiger sitting on his lap, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace.

The Doberman froze for only a second before he pulled the door shut, as silently as he had opened it, his heart hammering madly as his brain replayed the sight again and again.


" Var är honom?"

_ _

"Jag ser inte..."

_ _

The lynx and the wolf gazed onto each side of the corridor, curiously searching for the missing Doberman, as per Marge's orders, as they looked back and forth. They'd already searched the lobby and the smaller conference room adjoining to it...and now Mason was coming down the stairs, telling that he hadn't seen a thing.

"So strange," Haakon mused, "where did he go so quickly?"

"It's a big building," Mason replied as he landed onto the floor, smooth as ever, "could've gone to the restaurant side or to the hotel floor..."

"Skit," the lynx hissed. "Should we go and see if he went to Rory?"

"We weren't supposed to distract him," Mason frowned as he remembered Marge's advice.

"He probably did go there, though," the lynx opined, "we should go and check anyway."

The lynx grinned and winked.

"Let's go then," he said.

The dynamic pair hurried up the carpeted stairs, smiling to each other as they did. They were soon in the broad corridor, lined with doors into prestigious rooms.

"Isn't that him?" Mason gasped, pointing at a slumped figure lying against the wall next to a potted plant.


_ _
























































Thank you for reading my story! I hope you had a nice time, and that you'll feel like commenting! All feedback is appreciated, and it will not only tell me how I did, it will also help others to find these stories to enjoy as well.

Tune in on Monday for the final chapter of the anniversary special...titled...Love Me Ever After...

_ _


The Bold and the Furry – Family Values

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The Bold and the Furry – Sex In the City

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